tv America Reports FOX News September 29, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm PDT
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and john. this week i've been covering the rain in new jersey, pennsylvania, every day, and the morning commutes have been impacted almost every day this week for northeasters. todays the worst day of all, i drove in from the philly area to new jersey, visibility very low in the morning. and the skyline, watching the visibility at times improve but it's back lower. it's a bit quieter now, computers were telling them, pleading with their bosses, don't be mad, i'm going to be late today understandably with everything on the roads and now some people are worried about getting home later. >> sandra: i was just going to mention tide. you are saying it's getting a little quieter as far as people but perhaps not as crazy behind you, low tide is 3:00 eastern
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time. that matters. >> oh, yeah, and we are expecting high tide again later tonight, around 9:00. so that's the next time we'll see the water inch up. the morning's high tide around 9:00 a.m. in the heat of this, so that made matters worse for people across the northeast dealing with the rain trying to get to work or drop their kids at school. >> sandra: thank you, katie. >> john: joining us again by phone, onika williams, she works at a daycare in coney island, she was on a bus earlier today and took amazing video, when we spoke with you last hour you were trying to make your way home as we watch your video here. are you there yet? >> no, i'm down the street from my house. i'm almost home. >> john: what's it been like trying to get home?
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>> it's been better. it's still raining but the road is clear, it's not as bad as this morning. which tells me the trucks -- the drains are being cleared so it's making going home a little easier. >> sandra: onika, you don't sound as energetic as you did before. you've had a long commute. >> i'm drained. [laughter] yes. thank you, sandra. >> sandra: well, you are luckier than some of the folks we have on the screen right now. cars stuck, rescue efforts underway. >> yes, there was a lot of them. >> sandra: you saw a lot of them. >> yes coney island, stuck in the water, yes. >> sandra: john, we are getting some reports now of subway grates and manholes catching
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fire. >> john: that usually with the salt water, typically a salt water from, that's an interesting development. onika maybe you can describe the trip on the bus down to the daycare and i guess, tell us what you saw on the way to work and on the way back. >> yes, on the way to work, it was fine, my location where i'm living, but once i reached closer to coney island, that's where the huge floods, the huge flood of water, i'm like oh, my god, this is something i've never seen before -- first it came rushing into the bus, so that is when i pull out my phone, like i have to record this because i always watch, you know, movies and see it on the news and let me capture this. so, it was horrible. the bus had to divert to, you
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know, different places to get to different areas instead of going the normal routes, so i had to like kind of find my way to my job because i couldn't see outside either. and then the bus is driving in all of this water. it was a mess. but coming home it was not that bad, thank god, i don't know what happened, they clear the road, something, miracle happen, you know, the last couple hours, and you know, coming home was pretty smooth. it's still raining, though. >> john: yeah. >> sandra: somehow you are keeping your spirits up and we appreciate that. this is not easy. senator chuck schumer and kirsten gillibrand of the state urging fema to approve a any forthcoming assistance as affected communities begin the recovery from the floods. so many are still in it.
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john, also reports coming in of principals across new york city rushing students to upper floors at their schools. classrooms, gym, kitchens, common areas as the lower levels are flooding. a lot of various reports, onika, coming in here. have you been able to catch up with any more friends and family going through this? >> no, i have not. no, i have not. when i go home i will make calls to make sure everybody is okay. one of the sisters from my church did call me back and her daughter's school, the basement or something like that, was on fire, and they had to evacuate, and go to a different location, so it's been a hot mess here in brooklyn today. unexpectedly, you know. >> john: a hot mess, good way to put it. onika, thank you for joining us. hope you dry out this afternoon.
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just saw some pictures a moment ago of some of the city, woulders doing what you suggested was helping to drain the water down, and undertaking the lovely job of sticking your hand in the water and grabbing whatever was blocking the drains. but you have to do that to get the water out. thanks again, appreciate it. safe travels. >> so happy to be here with you guys. >> sandra: stay strong out there. governor hochul put out another message, turn around, don't drown. we are expecting to see more rain throughout today and tonight. roads are closed and public transit is delayed or suspended in many areas due to flooding. please avoid travelling as much as possible. >> john: we see people who are driving into the water and i don't know, they might be listening to us on sirius xm, a word of caution, some cars have the air intake for the engine
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right behind the grill and if a little bit of water splashes up and gets into the air intake, you can hydro lock the engine in a second, the car will immediately stop and probably have to get a brand-new engine for the car which will cost you thousands of dollars. so if you see some deeper water and don't know exactly where the air intake is, stop, turn around, get off the road, don't block traffic. but just be aware that you could do thousands and thousands of damage. >> sandra: good reminder. did you see the staircase in brooklyn, coming down to the train, only realizing they could not step down because there was a foot of water underneath them. >> we are sick and tired of the gun violence in this city. >> the trauma in this community is like a trickle effect. >> parents, brothers, sisters, really come forward and share with us these things that are happening specifically related
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to guns. >> d.c. is under siege and we need help. >> sandra: people are begging for help in the nation's capital as the crime rate reaches unprecedented levels and the acting police chief facing questions how she plans to keep the city safe. a grim reality met this week, the headline, fatal shooting of teen goes down as d.c.'s 200th homicide this year. a tally not hit since the 1980s and 1990s drug wars and stunning statistic among the crime wave, federal prosecutors and the district's u.s. attorney's office chose not to prosecute 67% of those arrested by police officers last year. lucas tomlinson is live in washington with the latest on this growing crime crisis, a brutal reality, lucas. what are people saying on the street? >> well, sandra, residents here are so afraid, in fact a few minutes ago we spoke to one long time d.c. resident so afraid of
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the gangs she did not want to show her face but wanted america to hear her message. >> it's breaking my heart. lifetime resident, never seen nothing like what's going on now. it hurts. it hurts. and you know, we just are praying and praying hoping god can intervene. >> another woman we spoke to sandra says too many kids on drug and robbing to pay por it. and a grim milestone in the nation's capital, the 200th homicide. 16-year-old maurice jackson, jr., a student at dunbar high school was gunned down leaving school a block from where i'm standing. no arrests have been made. d.c. has not seen this many murders this earlier in the ear in 25 years. others are fired up. >> citizens living in fear on a
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daily basis made us the laughing stock of the nation and city at war. we have had three years of unaddressed murder increases in the city, and the staffing increase, the staffing shortages also do not happen overnight. crime is at a 20-year high, she chooses a park ranger when we need a marine general at war. >> a reference d.c.'s mayor choosing pamela smith to be the new acting police chief, worked for the u.s. park police more than two decades, including serving as chief. d.c. has seen a rise in violent crime. homicide is up 37%, robbery up 66%. violent crime in general is up over 38% and motor vehicle theft is more than doubled. and mayor bowser under fire for not doing enough to stop the rise in violent crime. she says she needs more cops patrolling the streets. >> we need more officers. we don't have the officers we
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need and sadly, lost 3 to 400 officer in the last four years. we have not had officers in our schools and we have policies that make it difficult to recruit new officers. >> the d.c. police force at a half century low. just for some context, san b -- sandra, during the crack epidemic, more than 400 murders, and in 1981, topped over 500. sandra. >> sandra: lucas, thank you so much. >> john: a lot of attention paid to the border today because tech billionaire elon musk dropping into eagle pass, texas to see the border crisis there firsthand. an area fox news has been camped out and bringing you the dramatic pictures from the area. elon musk pointing out we cannot absorb this many people illegally at this rate.
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>> border is there for a reason, the flow of people of such magnitude leading to a collapse of social services, even new york is buckling under the pressure. >> sandra: and in chicago, the migrant crisis is growing and business owners are sounding the alarm. fights and loitering more frequent outside shops and bars. owners say the city is not doing enough to keep control. brandon volpita owns a bar near a shelter and joins us now. thank you for joining us. we have spoken to chicago business owners throughout this crisis, it's tough to manage, how are you dealing? >> we are pushing through. we have been there for a long time, and it's kind of just another problem that we have to deal with. it's -- we are hoping that federal and state help come down to help the city because as of right now it seems like the city
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is on its own, but until then we just got to keep our heads down, keep pushing through. >> sandra: we hear the struggle in your voice. when you say it's been this way for quite some time, what do you mean? >> it started, what, 3 to 6 months ago and there's no real plan. i think mayor johnson is overwhelmed, frankly, he has no help from the federal government. there's no help really coming from the state. the state is operating 0 shelters and it's all on the city's backs. so we are in a place where there's no one really giving help needed to deal with the problem. >> sandra: and that's what i hear from you, and that is how you were quoted in the chicago tribune, only recently covering the story. born and raised in chicago i follow the press there very closely. you are quoted in the trib
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saying it's the fact there are 0 attempts to control the situation and we don't feel safe here. and if your customers don't feel safe here, it has a big impact on you and the overall economy. this is the governor on the crisis, and your response out of it. >> they are sending them to areas where they think that people will take care of them and where people will put the resources forward because this is a humanitarian crisis. but the reality is that states that are controlled by republicans ought to be offering the same services. >> sandra: and that can be a little confusing, because the states are dealing with the border crisis to see if anybody can remember and now that some of the blue cities and states are sort of getting a feeling of what this is like on a much smaller scale than the border states are experiencing, there seems to be confusion as to why they are not handling this, in the case of chicago and new york, sanctuary city status.
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>> yeah, we are a compassionate city and i'm from a family of democrats and we are a liberal family and we want to help people and i don't really see it as a problem they are here. i think the way we have structured housing them and trying to take care of them until work visas come through, until they are able to get their own housing and things like that. the fact of the matter is that a majority of the people here are good people. but i don't think it's very beneficial to have 1500 plus people living in one building, they didn't live like that when they were in their home country and it's very condensed, it's specific areas dealing with these issues. i think the fact of the matter is they are in chicago or new york or whatever city they are in and it's probably going to stay like that, so we just need to allocate our resources better, come up with a plan and really figure out how to be
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compassionate but also have logic included in that. >> sandra: i really appreciate your perspective on that. quickly, this is a chicago town hall on crime. your final thought on this. >> i'm here and i can't ask questions? >> that's not part of the format today. we ask people in advance for questions. >> is this violence prevention or crime prevention? >> hello, so real quick, it's both. >> how do you stop crime? i have a question of the citizen -- prepared questions -- [indiscernible] you are losing the room. >> you think you are losing the room. and people were trying to ask questions and they said no, we are only taking prepared questions. a man 33 years old, walking in broad daylight through on damon in bucktown and he was violently attacked by two criminals. and they called this together,
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said we have to do something about crime. do you believe residents who are able to stay there are getting anywhere with the discussion, how to address crime in chicago? >> i don't. i think that the extreme political divide in the country, whether it's republicans or democrats, it causes us -- it's something that happens where you can't talk about certain things without it being labelled wrong or extreme. crime, immigration, things like that, having safe cities, there's no -- there shouldn't be politics involved, and regardless of who the president is, the mayor or the governor is, everybody needs to work together and it's not helpful to immediately assume that somebody is different than you because
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they are afraid of crime. the discussion -- let's talk about safety and remove all the other underlying factors. let's just safety. >> sandra: interesting perspective, and folks like you want a business friendly environment, and business has blinders to -- can have blinders to politics if it's a friendly environment to operate and conduct business. thanks so much, brandon, for coming on with us. appreciate it. >> absolutely. thank you, sandra. >> john: a new suggestion from the health commissioner in new york city. in addition to wallet, glasses and keys, every person in new york should carry narcan. what's that all about? we have robert el monte coming up to tell us. stay with us. rs need cash but worried you can't get a home loan because of your credit? here's great news. at newday we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. in fact, if you've had credit challenges and missed a payment along the way,
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cartels are not only making more, they are making them more deadly and putting them on the streets of america in every single community. >> john: the dea administrator with that sobering warning. she says fentanyl is the deadliest drug crisis we as a nation have ever faced. now in new york city the health commissioner is urging everyone, yes, that's everyone to carry narcan, the medicine that reverses opioid overdoses. and you worked narcotics 13 years and trains law enforcement officers throughout the united states about the mexican cartels. which appear, robert, to have pretty much gotten into every place in the united states because now you have the health commissioner of new york city saying "everyone should carry
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narcan and trained to use it and recognize the signs of overdose." robert how did we get to this point? >> you know, that's a good question. this is unbelievable and it's, you know, when are we going to put the blame and responsibility on the drug dealers and the drug user. this is outrageous, and i'm just waiting for people, the majority that don't agree with it so come out and put their foot down because it's just plain ridiculous. why are we putting responsibility on people that do not use drugs. they make an honest living, they work hard, and now the government is expecting all of us to take care of these people on the streets that -- this is very important. they choose to use these drugs. nobody is forcing them to use these drugs so i have a lot of problem with that. i have a problem with people approaching the people that are unconscious trying to revive
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them and maybe the person responds in aggressive and violent manner and hurts them and then covid increasing now, and we are asking people to get close to strangers. i have a lot of problems with this, and this is the bottom line, just ridiculous. i can't believe it. and then the other thing we need to do, is we need to stop the flow of fentanyl that's coming into our border. i mean, there is so much fentanyl that keeps coming across the border and i've been advocating for years now to send more border patrol agents, dea agents, hsi to the border, and we need to shut that border down and hit these cartels with everything we got. but over here in the united states, that is not the answer. that's just plain ridiculous, and all you are doing is encouraging people to encourage, excuse me, to continue using drugs because they know somebody is going to help them. i just don't believe it. i don't understand it. >> john: as you can imagine, this has been the subject of several editorials. this one from bob mcmanus said
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it's a gushing hemorrhage, asking the people to do what the government can't or won't. and ordinary people should be able to go to the government to protect public spaces. if officials help in the decay as many are doing, they will only encourage more rot. you know, this is targeting the last step in the chain. what about getting to the head end of the chain. precursor chemicals from china, the mexican cartels pushing this stuff across the united states in record numbers. >> the pred cursor chemicals, they come from china and india and go to mexico where the cartels manufacture fentanyl and send it across the country. of course china is not our
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friend, and i have a feeling china is laughing about all the impact they are having in the united states, and really when you think about it, or consider it, this is truly an attack by china on our country, killing thousands and thousands of americans. so, we need to do more to stop the flow of the precursor chemicals going to mexico from china and india. and just so much more we can do and we are putting the blame on the wrong people and we need to do something, we need to put our food down and hold people accountable and i don't understand why we are not doing that. all this does is send a message to the drug user, do what you are going to do and take care of you, no big deal. this is ridiculous. >> john: and another terrifying aspect of this, accidental fentanyl poisoning, if you are a parent with teenager, have narcan on hand in case that or we saw the 1-year-old who was killed in a bronx daycare because they were using fentanyl there, they were packaging it up and some powder in the air. the baby got poisoned from that,
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and just take a look, more than 3,000 people in new york were killed by overdose last year, across the country, 107,081 people died from overdoses, 68% of those were synthetic opioids like fentanyl. robert, it's a huge problem, glad we have you on hand to help us understand it all. thank you, sir. >> no problem, thank you for having me. >> sandra: the federal government will shut down in less than 48 hours. what does it mean for you at home? hillary vaughn is here on that. >> john: long time senator dianne feinstein passed way way overnight at the age of 90. shannon bream on that coming up next. where i've outgrown my hou se. growing up, every me i'd get out of the shower, i would itch. my first experience with goat milk soap, it kinda was like a light bulb moment.
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♪ limu emu & doug ♪ [bell ringing] and doug says, “you can customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual.” he hits his mark —center stage— and is crushed by a baby grand piano. are you replacing me? with this guy? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache! oh, look! a bibu. [limu emu squawks.] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ icy hot. ice works fast. ♪ heat makes it last. feel the power of contrast therapy. ♪ so you can rise from pain. icy hot. >> john: stop-gap spending measure to avoid a government shutdown midnight on saturday, went down in defeat today, 21
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republicans joining all democrats to defeat it. the possible government shutdown, could it money trouble for america's top credit rating. according to moody's, a short-lived shutdown could affect the economy. hillary vaughn is live on capitol hill. are they worried about the effects there? >> they are, john. republicans especially frustrated out of this vote that it failed on the floor. i caught up with chip roy, called it pig-headed that republicans sided with some democrats to oppose this last-ditch effort to try to avoid a shutdown. a shutdown is looking more likely and the longer a potential shutdown would drag on, for devastating and damaging to the economy and federal employees who rely on the government for their paychecks. immediately any federal worker
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that is not deemed essential will stay home, they will not get paid until the shutdown ends, so people missing a paycheck until congress figures it out. 1.5 million workers will be impacted. 800,000 of those will have to show up to work anyway. move staff on capitol hill will not get paid either but members of congress will. some lawmakers i talked to today want to change that, they also want to cancel summer recess that happens every year in august, that they blame puts them in this mess. >> no pay for members of congress or senators. it's absurd that the troops may not get paid and we get paid? absolutely there should be no pay. >> i have submitted paperwork that if the government does shut down, i won't be taking a paycheck. >> i think we should stay in washington instead of going home in august and september. we should stay here until we finish funding the government before we leave.
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>> the longer a potential shutdown lingers, people may feel it around the country. medicare and social security may see a delay, and passport and visa processing might be delayed if they run out of money and staffing. all depends on the timing. airports should be operating like normal but tsa agents and air traffic controllers have to show up for work, even though they will not be getting paid. everyone outside the government, tourists, travelers, national parks, closed, less serious but sad. a shutdown could mean d.c. celebrations to say good-bye to the giant pandas at the zoo could be in limbo and the national park service annual fat bear week, john, could also be impacted by this. >> john: can't miss fat bear week. we have been here before,
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hillary, the sun still manages to come up. hopefully we will muddle through somehow. >> sandra: thank you so much. tributes have been pouring in for trailblazer senator dianne feinstein who passed away overnight after 30 years on capitol hill. and now eyes on gavin newsom and who he will choose to pick her seat. >> i love to come in a storm. >> sandra: what a news day and lost such a trailblazer. she will be difficult to obviously replace. >> and the longest female serving senator in the u.s. senate, broke so many glass ceilings and i am reminded hearing from people on both sides of the aisle, even if we didn't agree on things she was fair and fought passionately what she cared about. but the conversation started
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months ago, she was ill, and wondering what newsom would do. he doesn't want to get in the middle of the primary process, that is backlash from some members of congress who say barbara lee, he said he will choose a woman of color and she said i shouldn't be disqualified because i'm running for the seat, put somebody in there to continue to run for the seat. >> sandra: we are all saying good-byes and remembering her so fondly, and looking through some black and white photos, a discussion on politico writing in a headline, pressure is on newsom to quickly appoint feinstein's temporary replacement. her death will up end the intensifying race to replace her and force newsom to a painful political decision. >> and there are already three house members who said they want to run or made intentions clear they do, and represent all different factions, nancy pelosi former speaker and others are weighing in to back different candidates. it's already a heated primary fight there.
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if he chooses somebody, who would he put in the seat qualified to be a u.s. senator but has no ambitions beyond a year from now or would they get into the seat and say oh, no, i think i can do a good job in this gig, i want to run for it too. it's messy for him and pressure on him. >> sandra: meanwhile, impeachment hearing, nancy mace said this about that. listen. an my democrat colleagues say none of this is relevant because joe biden wasn't vice president while his family did these shady deals. turns out that's complete and total [bleep]. >> sandra: yesterday was something, shannon. >> more bleeping on capitol. and republicans are taking heat for underdelivering, some argue on the hearing, they said it's not about the articles of impeachment, but setting the framework there is a cause and a purpose for the inquiry itself. and that's what yesterday was about. democrats will continue to say
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no smoking gun, you've been at it for months. but if you hadn't had the two irs whistleblowers, if house republicans had not taken over the committees we would not know a lot of this and the white house i think it's fair to say have moved the goal post, didn't know anything about the businesses, never talked to them, but now there is dinners and more conversations than we know. >> sandra: you have a huge show coming up this weekend. >> i think we are going to hit a government shutdown sunday morning, two members of congress, byron donalds and french hill. and senator joe manchin to talk about feinstein's legacy, and menendez and that seat, and nikki haley, a lot of talk about gaining ground after the debates and donors interested in here. >> some people have disdain and what transpired.
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to be 3-1, says a lot about the program. >> john: love him or not, colorado football coach deion sanders, and the local community is raking in the cash. >> sandra: ticket prices are surging for this week's jets' game in new york. i have no idea why. taylor swift effect is full on. former nfl sideline reporter michelle tafoya to look at that with us. then we partner with family owned mills from maine to mississippi to manufacture our cotton into quality american made fabrics that become our heirloom inspired bedding, towels, blankets and apparel. experience our 100% american made luxury linens for yourself. go to red line cotton dot com and receive 15% off your order with code fox news.
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>> john: junior -- university of colorado deion sanders, a lot of attention for it. >> they cannot help but expose themselves. i can't fathom why y'all keep doing this every week. >> john: new report puts coach prime's impact on the school at a whopping $280 million after just four games. not to mention boost to the local community. former nfl sideline reporter and host of the michelle tafoya podcast, she joins us now. full disclosure, my older son went to c.u. on the five-year
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all you can ski program, so we are long suffering buffalo supporters. they went 1-11 last year, they needed a saviour, is primetime that saviour? >> it seems to be. now, i think it's a little too soon to really judge his coaching tenure, they are 3-1, but exciting, and monetarily worth the investment of prime. you said it earlier, you either love this guy or don't like him very much at all. but what i love about him, he brings excitement to the game, he is a leader, he's always been that way. you like him if he's on your side, you don't like him when he's not on your side. my dad, an avid 49ers fan hated him with the atlanta falcons but once he came to san francisco, me dad found a fondness with deion. he attracts celebrities, and he thinks half the nba will be at the game against ufc.
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>> john: we have alumni who never went to a buffalo game at folsom field when they were going to the college and now they are coming back and they are going to the games. you've got all of this money that's being injected into the local community, but he's got a couple of tough matches, he's got one last week where they played oregon, oregon is 4-0, they lost, so makes them 3-0 and then tomorrow, the trojans, also 4-0. >> oregon made them look terribly vulnerable, and may do better against usc, but they are a top ten team, it's going to be a tough game. >> john: mentioned taylor swift, it is highly expected this sunday she'll be at met life stadium when the jets take on the chiefs.
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anticipation is building, resale ticket prices are going through the roof. and seen travis kelce jersey sales through the charts, a lot of attention on the chiefs. is she travis kelce's saviour. he was not very well-known before this season. >> oh, no, not at all. that's the joke, right. she's put him on the map. no, travis, full disclosure to you, travis and his brother jason were two of my favorite players to cover. never a dull interview with either one of them, good family. but i'm going to be honest and use one of taylor swift's favorite words, i find this whole thing a little bit exhausting. that's what she loves to say, i'm exhausted. i do, just because it's so much about her, and now look, the jets telecast this weekend, they really need her there. the jets have not been attracting much attention on their own. you get the chiefs and taylor swift, and more of an attractive broadcast. but yeah, she -- this is
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interesting. i know a lot of people are on both sides of this thing, i'm of the mind that i'm a little bit tired of this already, and it's only been a couple weeks, right. so, i don't know. count me in the non-swiftie group. >> john: the interesting thing on tiktok, alluded to this, wives are having a field day telling their husbands or boyfriends or whatever that travis kelce was a nobody until taylor swift showed up. >> put travis kelce on the map, he was irrelevant before. >> no he wasn't, he's a superstar football player. >> i don't think he's that good. >> travis kelce? he's arguably the best -- >> she put him on the map. >> he's been on the map. >> i didn't know his name until taylor swift was with him. >> oh, no, don't say that. >> john: they keep getting roped in. we have not seen this much attention on football since jessica simpson was dating tony
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romo. >> tony romo, i remember that very well. those are funny videos. at least there's entertainment with this. it's fun. the rest of it i think it's going to get overkill and that's what i'm concerned about. but you know what, i hope they go have their best life together, those two crazy kids. >> john: hey, one thing we can be certain of, michelle, it's going to make a darn good song. thanks. have a great weekend. >> great to see you, too. >> sandra: like a big urlacker relationship, and sign of the times, what you need to know next. the monthly payments can be expensive. with an affordable home loan from newday, you can pay cash and own the car or truck of your dreams. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! uuuhhhh... here, i'll take that! woohoo! ensure max protein,
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how did it go? >> hi, sandra. i have to tell you, this has been shut down after 25 years of service. this is how people used to watch their movies, dvds, right? remember that? it's all over now. 16 million americans once subscribed, netflix had 100,000 titles, believe it or not. but now the streaming business taking off. we're seeing some 238 million subscribers to the streaming business, $31 billion in revenues. i have to tell you, people are saying they're not happy about this. we want to know if people still use dvds. here's what people on the street told us. >> not at all. >> i got rid of them all years ago. i do not, no. i don't anymore. used to when i was a kid. >> we do not. >> not anymore. >> i don't use them any longer at all. >> so what we know that is good news here, netflix is sending current subscribers ten free
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dvds. there's your good news, sandra, for a friday. >> sandra: thanks, gerri willis. john? >> john: one fan has a little trouble getting into the ballpark. that is coming up next. did you know it took our founders 116 days to debate and draft the u.s. constitution? turns out they didn't trust the printing of paper money, but they did trust gold and silver. article 1, section 10. gold and silver. good for the founders, good for me, good for you. rosland capital - is a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital to receive your free rosland guide to gold, gold & precious metals ira, and silver brochure. with rosland, there are no gimmicks, no hassles... and they have fast, reliable shipping. ask yourself. are you safe?
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are likely to recommend us. because advice worth listening to is advice worth talking about. ameriprise financial. >> john: all right. wally the gator making friends outside the ballpark but not inside. the emotional support alligator and his owner getting turned away from watching the phillies thursday. the team says no gators, only service dogs are allowed. that's a shame. it's a lovely looking gator. >> sandra: i wouldn't want to sit next to it. wish everybody a safe commute home in new york today. it's a mess out there. it will soon end, the rain, i hope. john, great to be with you. i'm sandra smith. >> john: i'm john roberts. see you monday. "the story" with martha starts right now. >> mara:ha
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