tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News September 30, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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"ingraham angle" from ingrahamon tonight breakin from wasg news just moments ago we're learning it cochise county arizona deputyzona is lucky to l alive tonight after getting whily injured while chasing an illegal alien crossing into the country. the deputy flown by helicopterum to tucson trauma center, wherea. he's receiving treatment for very serious injuries. we're going to have more details ve more , moments.g on >> but first, last night, newt gingrichs, something on this show that had the internetrump w buzzing for the last 24 hours. jo i thinkil trump will be the nominee. and the question now for everybody is, do want to seee gr joe biden reelected or do you want to help donal hd trumpu >> there's no middle ground say here. i don't think. now gingrich is sayinging whatte what most are thinking now. look at the polling. the real clear politics averag l e has trump at 57.6%. no one's cominseg. e even desantis, who's in second, has barely cracked the double nogits. now trump and the voters don't see right now any of these candidates as real threats.
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but are any of them potential canning matengs? >> we're competing with the job. candidates are all running fornr a job now. w they're all job candidates. they wanant t to be in the s they want to do anything secretary of somethingomey eve. they even say vp. i don't know anybody see any v.p. in the groue group?p? say >> i don't think so at all.n he let's be gracious. well , look, he says that now and he's up at a speech, but it ma sixy not be what he's thinkig six months from now. and it's friday, so let's break down the pros and cons, hypothetical. take some of these hy potential vp picks. >> joining me now to do that, byron york, chiefr the political correspondent for the washington examiner and fox news contributor and horace foontribut and legal commentato. >> all right, byron, let's start with you. >> who's a really good pick right now? if he had to picw.k one vp forii trump, who would it beck? one, i, i picked one. i would probably pick sarah huckabee sanders. she's the governor of arkansas,
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a trump white house veteran. no, no other governmentalan experience tha that n that.en actually. really good choice for president trumump.p. >> okay. horace, that is interesting. gsarah sanders, obviously veryhe young, knows the president very well. >> know that he respects her greatly. >> what are your thoughts? well i actually think youngkin u would be a better running mate if you pick upinia and virginiae surveys show with him on the ticket, you're veryabou likely to carry virginia. and that would mean you wouldn't need to worryvotes. about a state like wisconsin in terms of electoral votes. e ouyou must figure out a way dy to grow the support on election day. >> and that's one way to do it. all righ pickst. well, you have a three picks upe there. we're going to get to each one. but byron,'s nine of horace's choices you saw upkk on the screen was nikki haley, o who was very well respected governor of south carolinah, of course, u.n. ambassador. and they had a very good wor
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relationship. but she comes from a different side of the, you know, the philosophy and the republican party todayno. doubt. but what about her? wellu , sh one, as you said, she of my picks, too, is, as you said, the pros are she's very, very experienced, both in domestic governing, in policy and in international affairs. a g deal.g. bi the kind of course, is she's running against trump and criticizinsn'tg, but she hasn'ta been that super critical sort can and politicians get over that sort of thing. and besides, i think trump kind crt. kes ias bee someone who's been very critical of him has to come around and maybe kiss the and hm be a work for him. so, yes, she is from a different wing of republicanai party, but they're out there, too, and they dovia re vote and giving them a reason to vote for donald trump againstinst they might not vote for otherwise is not a terrible idea. laura: ayinso you're saying ity some of the concerns of the establishment typee stils who ae
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still very worried about president trump's s electaelectability. ks i understand that. let's move on to some cabineter picks, horace. the border is so important. g. obviously need someone who really knows what they're doinrediblg and. can is credible on border enforcement. who might trump choose that? for that? well, i've suggested perhaps abbott might be a great pick for homeland security. i someone who'sthis actually demonstrated some leadership in this particular area and someone who people trust b wouldd so be serious about handling the duty and, someone who's had some leadership experience. he's been a governor, electeverd several times in the state of texas. >> well, byron, i meanone of tho governor, one of the most important economies in the world tohs secretary. >> yeah, it might. demoti a dimension. yeah. i mean, it seems to me like a demotion. he wastic. , he would be fantastic.
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i agree with boris, no doubt about it. do? woul d that be something he would do? because for a long time people thought he had presidential ambitions maybe. half exp no, not this but maybe down the road. absolutelyrun this. sort of half expected him to run this time, but he did not doothe that. you know, another possibility for dhs, trump's talks about.hih he talks a lot about how well the border was workinge . secre he was president. well, why not go back to the last dhs secretary kenccinelli , and have him come back?is i think a lo t what trumpad is going to want to do is actually restoren the policies that he had put in place prior to joe biden becomingnt and president. and the same people could do it footr other cabinet secretaries that are obviously very important. woulnt wouldd be treasury commee secretary of state, ciaare pl director. i mean, i know this is fridaayiy so we're playing these games, s but it is interesting and it may be something that, again, mollified the concerns of some
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independents who maybe just say, i'm not going to vote this time or otherss wh i'm say, i'mi sure. but if he did that withck put picks,6 whurn other in other words, like he put out woulst, which i thought wa brilliant in 2016, who would put it on the court? why not put a potential list of cabinet picks? okay. so first thing let me say is i think that's one of the benefits that someone likeoe nikki haley might bring, both as either secretary of stateich, nominee or as a running mate, because places like michigan places like arizona, places like georgia have a suburban women vote that you might wantd to reach out to. broadly speaking, there wouldams be some substantial value to just listinf sog some ofther some people that we could trust. there weree som hiccups, to put mildly, when the first roundhe u of cabinet officers were named duringmp adminis trump administ. i think in the end we ended up getting a lot of good people in. but it might be a great idea, like with the supremsuprem e court. let's find out in advancet thos who we're thinking about and
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let those people get vetted and via. >> and i think i think the the t hundred days there were a lot of wasted, wasted energy in the first hundred days of trump's term. and we can all sayt now. that nw still working on the, you know, the the ban, the muslim ban, all that. so that wasn't a muslim ban. .but media i by the way is reporting that rfk jr. is planning to announce he's going to run as an independent and he's going to memento make announcement ocr 9th in pennsylvania. byron, might this affect the race going forward? or goingis it good for someone e trump, bad for biden or could there be some other contingency develothp with that? >> well, i think the democratic party had been pretty effective in shutting down any challenges to president biden and making sure there weren't going to be any debates or one going to be any sortasn't goe an of even aco that there's a contest going on in the democraticin. s
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and indeed, robert f kennedy jr has never surged. he's nevernersu above 20%.ow a lot of times he's down aroundt 14% or so. he does represent people who migh demt democrats who don't wt to vote for joe biden. it would seem to me that if, he announced an independent run ,that could be very damaging because there are those democrats we they're there. they don't want joe biden. maybe they're not focusede choi exactly on who they want, but ance y credible choice h they would take. all right, horace, you i. i heard you cough there. now i'm worried about you. bu, something's goinga coug around, but i'm glad. i'm glad you're still there, horace. hi i had a coughing fit the other night, so i'm just empathizing with you on the air and on the question of rfk jr. then you got cornel west, m ab who is still out there. he's driving them absolutely nuts s just because he's just like, look, i represent the real liberal progressive wing of this part p kiny. ry you guys are kind of half bakedi on that in thallt category.on >>ght he still be a problem for
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this, for this biden bid? >> well, first, let me say that byron york is correct. uni the chickens have come home to roost. this unfair efforto preven to po itdynamic race among democrat. this is harming the support b of joe biden. it would be better to defeat your opponents. fairsquare and square. star now, when you talk about third party candidates, you start to see people that are just going to peel. this election is probably going to be tight. the polling numbers show this election really close. every 1% of voters on the left that go with someone other than joe biden his opportunities. look, the prediction polls betti where people are betting for the first time in this election cycle, we're seeing somethine dg that we didn't see last time.e and that is at no point did
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the prediction. betting polls show that trump was likely prevail to preg in 2020. they're already showintgy cand that trump is likely to the entrance of otheidr third party candidates, is likely to exacerbate that phenomenon. t >> byron, really quickly, do, you agree with some who said that trumpins, including yours t truly, by the way, some have to gythat for trump to reall win. he's got to get to like 55%. given how the democrats managed to, you know, creatively find b votes or, you know, they're really good at mail in ballots, but that this ha th to be bigger than a squeakerth to have the real confidence that trump can win this. listen, if he manages to get through the mindugh the field s trials next year and he wins, t the republican nomination, he's still going to have an incredibly difficult time winning a general election. there are large percentagee pers of americans who say they will not vote for donald trump. and there's a very interesting lesson frohe 202m the 2022 midt wasnh there are a looft of votes
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who said that the economy wasn't very good., it wasn'tic helping them. they would normally vote against p but democratic p, but they voted for democrats because the democrats had done such a good job convincing them of the threat of maga that would be multiplied in a 2024 biden trump rematch. all right, byron, it's great to see both of you. >> thanks so much. thannne fek you. >> if, in fact, dianne feinstein were to retiroe ,will you nominate an african-american woman r to restore the seat that kamala harris is? noes. >> in the united states senate? we have multiple names in mind. and the answer is ye answes. laura >> yeah.: so back in march of 2021, newsom admitted he admitted that he woulscriminad discrimine based on race, where he did choose feinstein successorfeinsi and now with the senator's passing at age 90, well, democrats plan b newsom keep-bas his raceed pledge.
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>> joining me now is larry elder, 2024,alifor republican presidential candidate, former california gubernatorial candidatnie. larry, democrats would answerhih charges of reverse racism, which are being lodged here by claiming there's no such thing, first of all, as reverse racism. laim. they would claim that bypr choosing a black womaninci, the principle of equity that they believe in so o greaty is being advanced, larry. so on a friday night, tell a us about this equity pledgnde ao promise they have a lawyer. >> thankr for having me. as i outline in my book,er it's coming out in november called calle as california. this is a raceender and gendegy in a race and gender party. remember after bernie sanders won the nevadas an and forrty' one brief shining moment, lo was the party's frontrunners in 2020. and then james clyburn, the longtimenge leader leader ih carolina, endorsed joe biden,
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extracting a promise that if, joe biden became president, his first nominee would be whawh ts runn ,a black female joe biden's running mate? black femalelack and, as you pointed out, gavin newsom said in the event that diane feinsteinnotn finish her term, he would appoint a black female. now, if he renege on hise renegs in deep, deep voodoo. by the way, he added a caveat and that is that he won't appoint somebody who is a black female who's currentlyfemale ru. that means excludes barbara lee and barbara lee put out a tweet and she was very about it and said he is condescendingly checking a box. but thenddin an interim to so she had no problem with thet box. she had ha d a problem.. she was not the person who is going to be the box that's being checked. and by the way, if this were a fan of the fantasy footbalfan the ideal scenario is that gavin newsom would appoint kamala harris if kamala harris would agree to be appointeinted then gavin newsom would hopefully be swapped out for him. vpp.nd if and if joe biden cannm up a mirror, it isn't going sc be gavin.
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that's his fantasy football pick. but the problem with that scenario might. kamala harris yeah, well, speaking of hair, she wants to be well, wait a second. but speaking of harris, i'm so i'm you brought her up because she's really upset over attacks that have been growing on the diversity equity stuff, t larry. >> and this is what shhesee sai. >> i look at these attempts to attack dei diversity, equity and inclusion. tthey're trying to do the same thing they did with wolk. they're trying to turn against the people who understand exactl ey why it is important to focus on and be alert and awake to what is happening . i don't know what any of that means, but she kind of does this she does like weirdally hand gestures and it doesn't actually amplify or explain what she's saying, larry, but perhapu s you interpret for me, well, the party is confused
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. recall the candidate named barack obama 2004 is coming out. speech was in boston. i was there. there's no there. america. there's no red america. there's no black america. there's no whitee amthere is. oe there's just one america, the united states of america. and then a few months aging the he was defending the use of identity politics and said he doesn't understan d. t why? it's under attack. this is the race and gender party, except itonpplies only applies, by the way, on their side. when i was running for governor of "new york times", big, long article about larry elder running for and governor never mentioned that i was black, never mentioned that i would be the first black governor and i'm fin thatut, one that. but on the same day, that newspaper mentioned menti that kathy hochul was the first female governor of new york. when r. at when you have a an rr end of your name, it doesn't matter that you're the first. ifste a d, you have a d, that's the only thing that really, truly matters. >> or you justtters. don't have the right views. >> just change your entire ytirepolitical persuasion and n they'll recognize you for who you really are. larry, thank you. great to see to seeif you a you. >> and if you aren't buying the left's equity argument to justify argumen their discrin
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in hiring and appointments, wait until an you this next story. >> the democrats messagejust lea to criminals. and >> just leave us alone. having more tree s and more access to green space is critical for our communitiecs . installation reduction act brought this program point $5 billion and that $1.5 billion is historic. it's not just historic, bei it's epic. >> this is i'm being punked on a fridang ay by my producers. this cannot be true. it is okay. >> the u.s. forest service has selected 385 grant proposals from entities that working to increase equitable access to arguing in part that communities with access, trees and greenspaces are associated with improved health outcomes and reduce crime. >> one organization, american forume us, was awarded $50 million for its tree equity catalyst fund, and they've made
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the same argument that strategically planted vegetationrivileged in underprid communities may actually reduce crime. defund the police, fund the forest. yeah. makes a lot of sense. >> all right. elon musk is getting a lot , his tripe wior to the border. >> but there's one thing he said that i reallthg to expyl with. >> i'm going to explain it. plus, new details on the border agents seriously injuredy red chasing that illegal alien, texas lieutenant governor dan patrick. he'l patril react to that and at more after this. i cannot imagine my life without conrad. >> children are a gift from the lord at every life. we believe every precious baby is a miracle that should be celebrated, protected and loved. every baby deserves quality diapering products made compromise. moms and dads designed our premium diapers to be high performing, ultra absorbent for
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when our next guest is someoneeu who knows a lot about this is the currentrrt te lieutenantt governor, dan patrick. dan, texas liveshis stor story v single day. and so many of our border patrol agents have beenn lost traumatized, injured, hurt and have lost their lives over r the years because of what they've goneth through at the border, not to mention the people of this country who've been injure aresult odura and brutalized as a result of some of these criminal aliens crossinct thig in. >> your reaction tonight pra to this story. well, our prayers for that officer, that deputy in cochisen in arizona, like or our troopers, like our sheriffs, like our law enforcement, the border patrol. they're in danger every day. lauevery day, laura, i gete sht a report of some car chase, some shots fired, some trooper being at risk. and here's the reason, laura.rdr when you're smuggling drugs or, onpeople across the border on behalf of the cartel and you're that coyot, that guy. moreou go back there, much
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more dangerous to face than our law enforcement. noo face than law, sometimes the here. sometimes they get killed here. .e cobut when they're coming acs our border, they will do anything not to go back. if we confiscate their drugs if we pulled over a group of, you know, a car that has ten, 12 people in it or a truck with 30 people. dangey fac face back there, make them take risk here. and that putat puts our officer every one of them, at great risk. >> every day they go on duty. dan, the big news today whensk a elon musk actually traveled to eagle pass, texas, to see the chaos unfolding and i watched some of it when he was live, stream it on x. but there's one thing i said i heard him say, i would like your reaction to watch. >> we should let anyone in the country who is hardworking and honest and will be a contributor to the united states. fallhould have expedited legal approval for anyone who falls
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in that category. >> anyone who's honest and harad should come into the country. that'son about 3 billion people. >> what about that? i mean, do we need to justmmigr, immigration make it much easier? that's what the democrats say, abou systems down. but i mean, that's a pretty broad category of people and probably about 3 billiono people. >> yeah, most of the world will like to come to america. you know, we're the only america that the only countr you that people are coming to. no one's leaving america, by the way man. io you see many americans breaking into north korea or china orounu you know, some nation around the world, or they all want to come here for lots of reasons. laura anok need d, look, we need a legal immigration system. and pari don't blame both part, by the way, the republicans and the democrats both a have been in power with a president and a congress of that party, whether it waemos a republican or a democrat president. they had their chance so it go along. cang. so i blame both parties forspen this for different reasons. and wed that could spend 20 mine on that issue alone. but we need legagaimmigratl andd
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only bring in the people that help america be better right now. right nolaura, we try to bring t best and brightest in this country on various visas forous various jobs, and we need to find people that make our country betterr because that's our opportunity. do you take in the poor and the needy and certaidn cases?n case absolutely. but we cannot treat the whole world's medical issuesl weyone can't educate every child in the world. we don't have a place for everyone in america. what and, laura, thisis is this is so clear. look what's happening to our social safety net in big blue cities. it's collapsing because of illegal immigration. we cannot takel im care of everyoneging i in the world. and it's nothing wrong with bringing in the best, the brightesn bestet, and thosed to come here who are in jeopardy in some other ever whereot they're coming today. everyone claiming asylum. tht dan, in fact, 90% of the time, the judges send them back when they make that claim. >> yeah, we havethat about 20 million plus 25 million illegal immigrants in th>> laue united t now.
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all have their put that 40 to 30. we don't eve, and we don't even know it. so that's my problem is, like oni said, 50% of our population by the time biden's out of office, will be here illegally. that's because my study in 2016with said 25 to 30. those match with shutting it bee forever by more than 12 million or so since he's been there. >> you're close to 40, 45 million, 1050. hop l that's that entire population. but that's why this idea like we're going to bring in everybody who has well, we mk we don't even know who's here.e we've gocat to make sure evenh 4 deal with the problem here for them. >> he's the richest man in the world. yo millionu br.inere you bring everyone here, ellen, you'll be out of money soon. yeahelon, soon well, they keep w for workers. their wages stay really lo real >> you flood the market, so. dan, thank you. all right. 27 years after rapper tupac shakur was gunned down in las vegas, an arrest has finally been made. avox's kevin corke is heres. with all the breaking details. kevin, what do we know? ouenins is the storyg, laura. >> this is a sort of story that you'd almost expect. you know, robert, you know, decked out in his signature trench coat to examine on thate
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show unsolved mysteries. only in this case, the details are alall tol too real. a gentleman by the name of duane keefe, d davis, has long been knownct to investigators as one of four suspects identified early into the investigatio gation in nation intowhile the murder of rap star tupac shakur. >> and while lawla enforcement officials acknowledge that davis isn't the accused gunmane d gunmen, they say he he described as the group's ringleader. arres the 60 year old self-described gangster's arresdecades t was ds in the making. >> there's been people who didta not believe that the murder of tupac shakur was importanc se to this police department. i'm here to tell you that was simply not the case. v >> the sheriff very emotional in making that announcement. he said the family lawyen waitrs been waiting 27 years now. tupa attc was shot four times in the attack. he died. he was just 25 years old. daviheld wit s being held without bond. fede just coming off of a 15 year rap for drug charges. federarges.l drug.
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he will likely die behind bars if convicted. a? laura, kevin, unbelievable. >> thank you so much. and the one thing that allain criminals know. well, i'll explain what it whatfter streaming now on fox nation, an all new episode of the groundbreaking series featuring an exclusive interview with a clerk who's been accused of jury tampering. our between me and the jury set it all. the fall of the house. murdock. the clerk in question. streaming now on fox nation. and stream the whole story. this one been written in hollywood because it's so unbelievable if you believe the killer is still out there. the fall of the house of murdock streaming now on fox nation, part of fox justice. sign up now and get your first three months for $1.99. >> what makes a of mania the number one priceless game, the huge jackpot is this
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term prison sentences, it doesn't mean they're actually going to serve them like the offender. gsley, wjason billingsley, who s sentenced to 30 years in prison . but he only served seven of them. he was just arrestedarrestedd and charged in the murder of arn 26-year-old taxi ceo. he's also accused of holding a womad atn and, her boyfriend,i at gunpoint, the woman, slittingcitit throat, and then setting them both on fire. >> and i can't stop thinking about that. retired police chiefs who wa lan who was run over by two teens who livestreamed the killing. they seem to be having lottold of fun doing it. the sick, one of the teens arrested told that he assumed he'd just get a slap on the wrist. >> noww, where would h where wot that idea? >> and then there's the criminal behavior that elites love and they love to downplay because deep down, they probably consider it justified. profe remember that case of that unhinged college professor shailenessodriguezhase rodrigued
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that new york post reporter with a machete well, she was just rewarded with a new teaching job. >> and of course, again, we know mass looting rarelyn wes to mass arrests. as we saw this week in philly. the, you know, the criminals just wear hoodies, face maskalsr and they're just too many of them for police to arrest. joining meo arrest is paul maur, attorney and former nypd inspecto forr paul. >> now we know why this is happening. no consequences, but what will it take for voters in these democrat run majority cities to start voting these liberaartl anti-police loons out of office? what's it going to take? you know i don't know how muchwu worse it can get, and i don't know how much louder wchwe canep speak to the narrative. but just as an example here in new york city, bill de 16% o blasio was reelected with less e than 16% of the electorate. the problem, the voting area here that you allude to is
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the fact that the base is who comes out the most fanatical of the progressives are the ones who make sure that first in line for election day, they vote maniacally . hink thi everybody else seems to be very passive about it. they seem to think that this k itselfstuff is all going to wt itself out. and i've been in this town long enough to know sohat. it doesn't work itself out. and you eventually what you need is somebody, rudythe le giuliani, who i know is terribly pejorative to the left these dayi was. but i was here, that guy,ommiss the policies he puiot in with commissioner bill bratton broken windows policing brok city and that becameo wo the model worldwide. and that's what we need. the but you know what? it's institutionalized now. it's notsome policie just that g some policies that they revert to they've put this through the legislature now it's going to be a lot harder to undo this time around. ge well, paul, also in massachusetts, the attorney generae isl is pushing a bill to prosecute adults 18, 19 and a 20 year olds as juveniles. the g
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>> so saying that the adult brain is not fully developedds until they age 25, which is why it's important, is because it has implications for a young person's impulse control and self-regulate. 's one well, paul o, that may be true. actually. reasisthat's one of the reasons i despise what they've done with all this drug legalizatioln . but crime is crime and victims are victims and now they wantalw to rewrite it. what is that going to do, especially with thite mass retal thefts and the knockouts that we'reouts tha of just innov people walking down the street, riding their bikes, getting run by by teens or 18,s 19 year olds? >> look, you kno w what it's. going to do and all your viewers know what it's going to do. we just have to watch those videos one. there's another one every day. i think what we need to do, la, is to enlarge the conversationmg . we're facing a crossroads here and it's coming up nex u t year. we can do one of two things. we can abdicaten our responsibility to theey des and we could say, you knowernd what? they deserve what they get. and that's but the problem is that 80% of this country lives in an urban area.
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if you had the suburban areas whose fortunes are tied to the yos, you're over 90%.a that makes this, to mel is a significant elect issue.anywhe you're not going to get it from the dems. sog anywhere. it. if te hit 2024when w election day, if the republicans prevail, i hope whoever it is has a plan to use whatever federal levers they can. can it beeit's done in the past. the 1994 crime bill that was passed bipartisan, bill clinton signed it. it's doable from the federal itve l l funding and alsoioned th something that governor desantis mentioned at ththe lase debate. full disclosure, i was in the crowd. he talked about bringing civil r cases against these prosecutors who won't do their jobs. >> been talking about that for the a long time. the left loves this. they put polict policee under mr ships. the right doesn't really like tht goes againstagains our constitutional conservatism. we don't like intercedint consta in local and state departments. you know, it goes againstr jo federalism. but you know what? there's a point where if people are not doing their andme
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people are suffering, you've got to move. >>ra: helpgll, it's helpin transnational gangs and all the other elements are going cross interstateinters. u so so there's a there's a lot m of possibilities there. paul, great to see you tonight. than k you so much. thank you. and coming up, tony blinken gives us the blues. and i give three wishes. oh, my another friday follies. yeah, it's nexes.t. do you have too much body fat? it to accumulate on your stomach, hips and thighs. are you struggling to lose weight. does it seem like no matter what you do, you just can't get rid of excess body fat? body fat builds over our midsection. body fat increases for lack of exercise and poor diet. the obesity research institute found the solution. it's called limousin limousin, clinically proven to help reduce your body fat and weight and raise awareness about this weight loss breakthrough. the company is letting people try labels lean risk
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health check every year. >> can you believe it's friday? >> what a week.y and that means it's time for friday folliesfo. d arro that was during the fox news contributor raymond arroyo. anty >> ray ray, the secretary of state, antony blinkennken, , got to hand it to him because t he's decided to of shake thingsl ap and implementing a new style of diplomacy. >> well, laura, our lead diplomat, is appropriately singining thesg the blues. >> i guess when all else fails, break out the bass. >> well, i think he was man.hi >> indeed. laura, this is apparently a new style of diplomacy. this was at the statey init department. it's called the global music diplomaciative arey initiative.
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and we are sending musiciansntly apparently out out. rchestra herbie hancock's going to saudi arabia. the pennsylvania is orchestra is going to china in november. who knew ? >> peace was this easy? well, it reminds me of thethe wh the obamas used to have. they had the whole castro hamilton at the white house before the plane. and every week was a different musical ac wl actor. ent >> it was kind of just ray their own personal entertainment. but thismondeace i is if peace s easy, we should just drop taylor swift over and get it. over with. you know, biden may have been way ahead of blinkenbiden o, ta on this one. maybe blinken can crib this from biden ahead of his mexico trip, which is coming up. >> i just have one thing to say . >> i got here. all right. go. if the media digest, have i got my own nightmare? , you go dancing with the devil on me. me on.but not so sad.
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>> they've been this for a while. what is that? what was that? i don'whatt know what that is. campaign events like. oh, okay. so just some. some hispanics? yes. yeah. all right. c so troubling. >> all right, raymond, the i'm going to write you three wishes. oh, thann. raymond: thank k you. >> my first wish is that the new golden bachelor with elder contestants would have a bit more decorum than the younger versiocontesr versi th sadly, it's just as randy with triple the cringe. >> i have a birthday tonight,. so i thought. why not come in my birthday sui? suit? oh, my goodness. do you need help? do i look like i need help? you don't look like you need help at all. >> you see these heels? i' comfo. >> i'm very comfortable with six inches. frgrew up on a chicken farm, and my eggs are still very.
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>> okay, i feel better. >> yes. very therapeutic. yes. aymond: lord. for this man. this man was married to the same woman for 43 years. she passed away. i don't think he's lookingr for. some randy cougar. okay. it gg. to teembarrassin it was. it gives the senior recreation center a whole new meaning you.i >> i got to tell you. i mean, i don't know, a cougar. they're basically his age, which is. >> that's nice. they're age appropriate. but throwingff though the wig off.n girl i thought that you had dissolved into an old golden, i girls there, right? >> that was. well, no, it wasn't badr a traveling company. >> the producers know they need my but myat their act, second wish law, now that nikki haley's presidential prospects seem to be i've been watching her closely, and i wish sheng, i embrace hee calling as an orchestra a conductor and quite
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on the timing. but yeah, well, i think vivek oe does that thing with the one finger. right. he always says one finger.f this, look, i prefer the conducting to the scolding of everybody. this is a better routine, so whybe she can tre next debaty tt the next debate. >> i liked her outfit. okay. what's your finaour fina l wish?en >> we already at three. it's gone by so fast. yes, i know. my final wish is that a familykg theme park stages a halloween show like knott's berry. not fe it would not feature dancersdanc grabbing reaerr and dancing provocatively. prov or treatinglook at at sam smith's house. >> i mean, it's look at thise mi law. >> this is a family show.m there is no agby thee minimum, l
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way, at knott's berry farm for this event. they should callt no knott's bey harm at this point. so this film is for general audience seeins. >> kids are seeing this. have first of all, i guess i shouldl have. i asked sam to put it fullscreen screen raymond, but i think we probably should have kept it small. no, we gei think but, you know. get the point now, but i don't know why: ho we go from dressing as monsters and wearing which hats to dressing as the devil and wearing gear. i mean, this is absurd for gear. a theme parkou here at knott's berry. >> well, raymond, it is the r act,feast, saint michael the archangel today. so, you know, he was always, you know, at the sword bank for taking care. >> exactlyeat to s. great to see you, raymond. all right. are you having trouble paying your rent or your mortgage. t abso well, there might be a solution. i just hope you aren't claustrophobic. i ju nexstt. >> fox nation brings you closer to the truth with fox justice. now is the time to be completely honest with exclusive crime stories
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in the united states ren, more n $2,000 a month. and in california,d that to ret a one bedroom, $2,200 a month. o but if you can't afford that,rd you don't want to go back to living in your parents d don't wantbasement. ment. my next guest came up with a solution. it's called pod livinge . gh it's pretty much big enough to fit a twin sized bed and, that well's that's about it. >> joining me now is christina lenox, co-founder of brownstone housing, the company that created the pods you just saw. christina, this is an entrepreneur solution to a problem. solutionbut are you in the pod right now? >> wait a second. are you there? >> mriyes, i am. oh, my goodness. well, it looks prettontinuy spau to me. i mean. i mean, how big is it? ohit, it is big. >> it's the size of the twinsi twin bed. raisand i can actually raise upu my hands and everything, like move around a little bit, and it's pretty roomy. >> well, can you stand in it? i'm. i don't know.
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>> you guys want to see where you stand, but i can try. iso here you go.s >> i guess that's the answer to that one. i can't. t >> i can't really sleep, dan. yeah, exactly. yo and what, christina, what's next to you in this s pod livinl is is there a person aboveow you or below you in their own pod? >> yeah. so below me. sobelow i'm on the top pod, but below me, there is somebody else. are and so this is how they are arranged. arrangeand each one of them coe this. well, and christina,0 or i understand. of the s 50 or so you have, i might be getting the number wrong, but most of them are already rented . >> correct? yes. 49 out of 50 are rented,. right now. wait a second. how much is this cos t? >> so in san francisco, it's $700 a month. that's month to month basis. and then in palo alttho have it at 900 and then bakersfield, it's 500. okay. you're brilliant ar to have done
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this, by the way. >> it's a it's a it's a brilliant move for, an impossibly high rent situation. >> and so it kind of remindsp in of that super car park in new york where the people are parking their cars on top of one another. >> but these are peopl bute. >> yes. so actually, the pods isn't all you get. so you do get access to the common spaces. so the pods are just a placean to sleep and it makes it tips pr more private, more comfortable for people to be with each other. but do have these common spacesc where you can have great conversations with each other to. and where are the bathroom thes we have five bathrooms in our san francisco house, so there are, as throughout all the three floors that we have. floo we have the pods, f the middle floor is the common spaces where you can hang out. and then the bottom floor is storagestorage.. and so for $900 in palo alto, everyone knows that's where stanford university is. a lot of the high tech people live.
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and christine is sitting in one of the pods now. you can see her ther u e as didn't make the bed there. i see christina,there. but so sr palo alto, do you have anyhave green space? >> because i understand green spaces is very sought after as well. >> exactly. we have a backyard in our palo alto house where people can park their bikes and hang out and have a nice picnic out. >> okay. well, christina, you're a younge woman and an entrepreneur and you're providing a service needa product that is needed. pod god bless you and god bless the pod people. i just want everyone to have a place to live and sleep. thank you very much, christina. rent is too darn high, ithfis that's what people have to do.y >> all right. don't forget, set your dvr so you always stay connectennected d us. i hope you've enjoyed this week's shows. we certainly have. follow me on social media, instagram, facebook, all the rest. it's america now and forever. >> jesse's nex
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