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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  October 1, 2023 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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he's the one who noticed his mom's face was swollen. they're the ones she confided in about her change in vision and headache that wouldn't go away. he's the one who really listened when she said that something just didn't feel right. too many women die from pregnancy-related complications each year in the u.s. it doesn't have to be that way. most deaths are preventable. know the warning signs. hear her concerns. learn more at ♪ ♪ >> when you make a deal, you
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give your word, you keep it. you give your word, you say i'm going to do what i said i'm going to do, and you do it. you keep it. you keep your word. and i expect the republicans in congress to honor their word and keep the deal they made months ago. mike: moments ago president biden responding to the action-packed weekend on capitol hill as the house if senate narrowly avoided a government shutdown by passing a 45-day funding bill with just hours to spare ahead of the deadline. the spending measure will keep the government open til november 17th. welcome to "fox news live," i'm mike emmanuel. we have speaker of the house kevin mccarthy live here on set with me for an exclusive in cable news on the latest spending and where things go if from here. mr. speaker, welcome. but, first, alexandria hoff is live with thest on the fire alarm pulled by a congressman on the hill during the proceedings. hello, alex. >> reporter: hello, mike. this added such a strange layer to an already disorienting day. both the capitol his and house
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administration committee have launched an medication into congressman jamaal bowman after he admitted to to pulling the fire alarm around noon yesterday. that was just as democrats were seeking to delay a vote on the republican stopgap spending bill. in a statement, congressman bowman denied that he was trying to stall writing: i came to a door that is usually open for votes, but today would not open. i'm embarrassed to admit that i activated the fire alarm mistakenly thinking it would open the door. republicans, not buying it. >> the explanation doesn't seem to add up on the surface. a i'm hopeful the full investigation will shine light as to exactly what happened. any member of congress would think it's appropriate to pull a fire alarm to try and delay congress from doing its business is shameful, it's unbecoming, and they should strongly consider resigning from congress if they did that. >> reporter: congresswoman malliotakis is introducing
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legislation to expel bowman from the house writing: this is the united states congress, not a new york city high school. congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez came to the defense of her fellow squad member by referring to the gop's response to rep george santos' indictment. >> they are protecting someone who has lied to the american people, lied to the united states house of representatives, lied to congressional investigators, but they're filing a motion to expel a member who in a moment of panic was trying to escape a vestibule? gave me -- give me a break. >> reporter: that's what republicans are saying as well. the fire alarm caused an evacuation that lasted for about an hour, mike. mike: alexandria hoff, many thanks. for more on this, i'm joined by speaker of the house and republican congressman from the great state of california, kevin mccarthy. mr. speaker, welcome. >> thanks for having me. mike: so the countdown to shutdown was well underway. you guys were with already getting blamed for the shutdown, and you pulled a rabbit out of the hat.
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do you get underestimated in your role in. >> i don't know. one thing i know is i'm always going to keep working. i'm never going to give up. i'm never going to give up on the american people. i don't know how we would look our troops in the eye when the senate has not done one appropriation bill, tell them they can't get paid because we haven't done our job, or those border agents. this border is wide open. is we're going to have those agents that are being moved from other parts of the country to try can and work down there worry about whether they're going to get paid? we need to finish our work, and i decided to -- i tried everything i could. we had the the most conservative stopgap bill that would put h.r. 2, our bill that would secure the border, in it, and i couldn't get all the republicans to vote for it. unfortunately, when that went down, we had to move to this. mike: your colleague, matt gaetz, is trying to take you out of your job. let's play him. >> at this time next week kevin
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mccarthy is still speaker of the house, it will be because the democrats bailed him out, and he can be their speaker, not mine. >> so when do you make this move? >> you'll be seeing it this week. that's why i came on the show this weekend. mike: g a aetz evident9ly blames you for being under investigation by the house ethics committee? >> that complaint happen in the last congress -- happened in the last congress. i can't get involved in that. matt's probably planned this from the day i became speaker. the difficulty is matt voted against our most conservative bill that would have secured the border. i want to secure the border, he wants to secure interviews, that's okay. the only way he can be successful is if democrats go along with it. i think this job, this country and this congress is too important. let's finish the work have to do the, let's focus on the task before us and keep going. mike: does the rules package need to be changed so a guy like
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matt gaetz can't do this potentially multiple times and disrupt the work of congress? >> it would have to be changed, otherwise he can do actions like this, yeah. mike e mike you're a never-quit guy. you've got plan a, plan b, plan c, plan d, but you're jousting with democrats and fighting with some of your own republicans. do you ever think, like, the heck with it? >> you know, this country is too big to think that small. the way i look at it, yeah, it's a tough job, but it's an honor to serve in this building. and the idea the biggest, the bigger the the challenge the more opportunities we have. i've got a small majority, yes, 3, 4 votes, but people are out each week. that's a challenge each week. if you focus on the right thing, you focus what's right for america, what's right for the individuals, and the decision i made yesterday was the right decision. if someone wants to take a motion against me because of that, i'll proudly stand with the american public, especially those in the armed services that that they're going to get paid. this is a real challenge. you look what happened, you just had a report earlier. here's a democrat who pulls a
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fire alarm trying to stop us from voting on a bill to keep government open. the democrats had already tried actions where they moved to adjourn, they kept speaking for a long time, but this individual, this congressman, has done these types of actions before. not going as far as pulling a fire alarm, but being outside the house and just screaming at members. i mean, his behavior is wrong. and the worst part about this, this guy was a school principal. mike: yeah. to -- >> a school principal pulling a fire alarm? mike: people say he should know better. will he be punished? >> yes. we'll have a full investigation, but think about how other people were punished who they believe have doning something wrong inside that capitol. this is an elect member of congress trying to stop an outcome on a federal bill that was going to keep the government open. mike: in a post-9/11 world, right? where people are worried about security issues. >> exactly. mike: my colleague, jacqui heinrich, is reporting some of your colleagues want to remove matt gaetz from congress if the
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ethics committee finds he does manager wrong. what about that? should he be kicked out of congress if he did something wrong? >> look, i believe -- i let the constituents select who they want to be there. but you're responsible for your behavior when you're in congress. i don't get involved in ethics complaints. i'm focused -- look, we've got 46 more days to get to keep this government moving, secure our border, eliminate wasteful spending, and we only do that if we lock arms together. i'm not going to give up. if somebody in the party wants to stop us from getting the most conservative bill, i'm going to go to the next and the next and the next. mike: you wanted border measures in the package. some in the senate and at the white house wanted ukraine with funding. how does that get resolved? are they linked together? >> look, first and foremost, every american should care about america first. there are more americans dying on our border today than any dying in ukraine. there's no american dying in
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ukraine. but every single day is the equivalent of an airliner crashing and dying in america because of the fentanyl. we're watching border agents be beat up, human trafficking happen, and this president that that's been in elective office for more than 50 years, he has gone to more dinners with hunter biden's business associates than he has visited the border. only one time. not even for an 87-second photo op. that's the an excuse, and that's going to stop. we have to secure our border. i'm more than willing to help aid ukraine. i have voted for that in the past, but we have to secure our border. mike: all right. message sent to you, or chuck schumer. we'll see how it plays out. mr. speaker, congratulations on the win this weekend, no government shutdown. grateful for your time today. >> thank you. mike: president biden speaking moments ago about congress' last minute scramble to fund the government. lucas tomlinson is live from the white house with the latest. hello, lucas. >> reporter: hello, mike. well, president biden speaking almost directly to your previous guest there, the house speaker, saying he wants to see ukraine
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funding added quickly to get those weapons and more aid sent to ukraine. here he is. >> although the speaker and an overwhelming majority of the congress have steadfastly supported ukraine to defend itself against the aggression and brutality of the russians' attack on women and children in addition to the military in ukraine, there's no ukraine funding in this agreement. >> reporter: now, the short-term spending bill. >> only keeps the the government running until the middle of next month did not contain any money for ukraine to -- nor to help you are secure the southern border after the largest number of migrants in history walked across the border last month. florida congressman byron donalds blames the president for what he called a lax immigration policy. >> border security has to be the number one thing we fight for going forward. we must secure our border. joe biden simply won't do it. he wants this catastrophe which is affecting all of our cities,
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and the only people standing in his way are house republicans. >> reporter: bill maher had some scathing words for the oldest president in u.s. history, telling him to step down at the end of his first term. >> someone has to convince president biden that if he runs again, he's going to turn the country back over to trump. and -- [laughter] and go down this history as ruth bader biden. [laughter] the person who doesn't know when to quit and so does great damage to their party and their country. >> reporter: back to ukraine, there's a growing number of lawmakers who want to see president biden and others better explain the need to arm and send aid to ukraine saying president biden has not done a good job and that they advise him to make a prime time address from the to value office. and it's very -- from the oval office. and it's notable president biden never uses the word win to describe support to ukraine, he only uses that word support, and
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he's been reluctant to use the word win. some lawmakers want him to change that. mike: lucas tomlinson live on the north lawn, thanks very much. ♪ mike: you are looking live at the southern border where a record-setting influx of migrants is putting a train on officials and resources as some lawmakers call on the biden administration for more action. casey stegalling's following details in eagle pass, texas. hello, casey. >> reporter: hello, mike. sorry i'm squinting a bit because i'm trying to look at the monitor. we've got the fox flight team drone up in the air, and you can see some migrants currently out in the waters of the rio rio grande river, but at times you get border patrol boats or dps boats that will roll up and try to stave them back, push them back onto the mexican side. a sigh of relief, no doubt, percent boots on the ground out here -- for the boots on the ground as federal agents on the front lines are deemed essential, and they would have still reported to work out here without a paycheck if that
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government shutdown happened. border patrol telling fox that more than 400 migrants crossed illegally here in eagle pass over the last 24 hours. that's down significantly from some days last week when those numbers were in the thousands. also this past week check out this wild video from texas dps showing high-period pursuits of suspected smugglers. this happening in webb county, this one at night. you can see sparks from the tires. the vehicle finally comes to a stop and those inside bashed out the back window and surrendered. over a 3-day operation with u.s. border patrol, dps arrested 11 suspected smuggling guides, mexican nationals, one just 16 years old. >> this is sad. i feel sorry for the men and women who have to live in these communities and have their communities overrun by illegals coming through their cities and towns and an administration that
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just doesn't care. >> reporter: meantime, activity has picked up in recent days back over in the rio grande valley where the sector chief there says around brownsville, hard lin general and the fort brown station some 3,000 migrants crossed over a period of 48 hours. at this point as we've been talking, a lot about funding border security, there is no legislation currently on the table to address this crisis. i can tell you that congressman tony gonzalez is pushing for what he's calling the safer act which would raise the credible fear for people who are seeking asylum. it would expedite the removal of migrants if they don't qualify for asylum, and it would also surge immigration judges out here in the field to help unravel some of the backlog. but, again, no real legislation on the table at this point despite a whole lot of talks about funding the border security. mike? mike: casey stegall live at the
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border. casey, or thanks very much. for more on the influx of migrants at our southern border and what lawmakers on capitol hill are doing to -- doing to address it, i'm join by member of the senate budge and homeland security committees, senator roger marshall. welcome. >> glad to be here. mike: so you have a resolution that would declare the border crisis an invasion is. what does that do? >> well, mike, i've been to the border four times myself, and just watching the tape here reminds me of the true crisis it was and that it is an invasion. i've participated in one of those chases, it's worse than what we're showing there. could you imagine living in el paso it cans, 2-3,000 crossings a day coming into your particular home and just overwhelming your community? so what we, what our resolution would do is based upon the constitution the is declare this an official invasion. that would empower the governor of texas to do what he needs to do. so, for instance, they've tried to to put up these buoy withs across the river, but the biden administering continues to defy
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them. so let's give those texans a fighting chance. mike: so while governor abbott's fighting an invasion in his state, he's also fighting with the add managers. -- administration. you would seek to take the administration off his back? >> exactly. this is the number one, most immediate national security threat that this nation is facing. every day we're losing 300 people to fentanyl poise sonning, more people -- poisoning, more people in the past year hand we did in the vietnam war. i said, look, not one more cent for ukraine until we fund fund and secure our border. mike: how does this border crisis end, in your view? does it need to be a central theme in the presidential campaign and potentially change with the new administration? how do you see it ending? >> we've interviewed, we had conversations with tens of thousands of kansans in the past two weeks, and they're concern -- their concern about security is overtaking inflation as number one concern. like it or not, it's going to be an issue for this presidential rex. but regardless, we need policy that, number one, requires a
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timetable and funding to finish the wall. we need to change quite a bit of the policies. we need to enact in law that we stop catch and release, that we enact in law the remain in mexico policy, we need border patrol officers. let's put in the legislation take away funding for biden's irs agents and instead get more border patrol agents. mike: it is october 1st, and a lot of people were thinking we were in a government shutdown right now. you were a no on the funding package. why? >> i said from the very beginning i would not support any type of continuing resolutions, any stopgap measures this year. number two, i said there had to be funding to secure the border and no more funding for ukraine. so they passed really just one of the three tests. so evened today, even today -- yesterday you have crisis, but today the senate's only going to be in session in the next two weeks, and this is setting up us up -- us up for another crisis. it empowers the swamp here in d.c., allows the lobbyists to
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slip in more and and more things. let's have an open process. tomorrow the senate should be considering the 12 appropriation funds one at a time. put them in broad daylight. let the people in committee defend what they passed out of committee. we call from the very beginning there'd be no more continuing resolutions, no more omnibuses. here we are, same chapter, next verse, same song. stuart: you served in the house before the senate with kevin mccarthy. what do you think of the job he's doing as speaker? >> oh, gosh, kevin has the toughest job in the world right now with a very short 4 votes' majority. i think he's doing an incredible job. he offered the most conservative stopgap measure i've ever seen. it was going to cut funding by 8%, it was going to secure the border. so disappoint that didn't make it out of the the house. sometimes we have people that they think the perfect is the enemy of the good. so i think he's doing a great job all things considered. there's no one in the world that could do a better job than kevin mccarthy right now. mike: your former colleagues in
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the house went forward with an impeachment inquiry hearing this week, got a lot of attention. your thoughts on the work that they are doing this these committees and are you, i don't know, encouraged by the results that they're finding? what do you think of what they're finding in. >> look, i think that jamie and jim are being very consider rate, they're being very strategic. i think where there's smoke, there's fire. i'm so proud of jamie. we came in together, he's following every one of these, i guess there was 20 accounts that were set up as some type of fake banking accounts, over saw to sr. 150 suspicious action reports. there's nobody in your listening audience, everybody many your listening audience probably has 2 or 3 told. -- total. so appreciate the very strategic way they're going at this, not being sensationalized. they've got a lot of work to get done in the next three or four months. mike: senator roger marshall from kansas, thank you for coming in. >> thanks, mike. go, chiefs. [laughter]
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mike: jimmy cart or's 99th birthday, they made a surprise appearance in the peanut festival earlier this week, and the white house marking the big birthday with a wooden cake display on the north lawn. the former president is celebrating in his hometown of plains, georgia, as tributes come in from around the globe. we wish him a happy birthday and a great weekend with his family and friends. and here in washington congress passed a short-term spending bill to narrowly avoid a government shutdown. we will have more on the political fallout next. ♪
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yeah! absolutely. with the advanced connectivity and intelligence of global secure networking from comcast business. it's not just possible. it's happening. ♪ mike: the government shutdown narrowly avoided, congress now has until mid november to pass a pending package. for -- spending package. i'm join ised by mower rah -- maura gillespie. welcome to both of you. so you heard speaker mccarthy with me earlier talking about this, and it's a tough job with such a slim majority. now he's got one of his own looking to take him out of the job. here's house speaker nancy pelosi, former house speaker nancy pelosi. >> yesterday we had a victory in the continuing resolution. it was a victory for democrats,
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a defeat for the magas. and i would say this one thing listening to your conversation, the conversation, your back and forth there, it's such a fraud when they start -- cite the basis of this is about spending. mike: so you worked for then-house speaker john boehner. how does this drama play out, maura? >> the far-right flank, we had some who really felt strongly about shutting down the government as a positive. we obviously saw that as a negative especially in 2013 and in the '90s we saw it as a negative because republicans were blamed for the shutdown, obviously, and that hurts us in elections. the best way, you know, when the american people are looking at republicans and and voting for republicans, it's because they have faith in them when it comes to the economy, security and safety. if you're going to shut down the government, that count really bode well for us. and to expand our majority should be the goal. matt gaetz wouldn't want that. and unfortunately, for speaker e mccarthy, he's going to
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continue to be a problem for him. mike: do some democrats step up for mccarthy9 with the sense that they know him and they don't know an unknown next speakersome. >> it's hard to say. i think they probably will. you know, we saw mccarthy in the green room earlier. he looked pretty relax given the tough couple days he's gone through. i think there's a fight for the soul of the republican party in the house right now. maura worked with moderate members. mccarthy is courting those members, but he has to ally himself with the democrats in order to avoid the shutdown, and the question is are people like matt gaetz, boebert, marjorie taylor greene, are they going to be the moral compass of the republican party in the house? matt gaetz just finished not being prosecuted for having sex with an underaged minor, and he still has ethics charges in the house against him. he wants to be known for anything else but that. but he has real serious moral problems, and the republican party should take a close look at him. mike: so they bought themselves 45 days.
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november 17th is the new magic day. where will we be then? >> it's going to continue to be a struggle because speaker mccarthy has a maul majority. and this is even -- small majority. this is even more reason why it's important what he did last night, being speaker of the whole house. you're not just a speaker of one flank the of the republican party or just the republican party. there are times throughout the speakership where you need to rise above the politics and deal with the interest of the country as a whole. mccarthy will have to do that because you have to get past this moment of wait until the very last minute, you know? the expression, kick the can down the road, we hear that all the time, but it is a problem. and people are getting frustrated. people at home are just sick of the partisan aspects of congress and politics and wonder why things just can't get done a little bit, you know, more seamlessly. mike: foreign policy's your baby. i mow you've -- i know you've to been to ukraine. do you expect democrats to hammer funding for ukraine over
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the next 45 days? >> i do. the -yard line -- ukrainians are doing very well. they're making progress, and they need -- it's a lot safer in kyiv, for instance, because of the air defense systems that the u.s. has put in place, so we need to continue that support. you saw president biden today make a real push for that. of he has allies among the moderates and republicans in the house and senate and among democrats, and maybe there could be a trade-off. because you hear republicans want money for the border, right? and democrats and moderate republicans want money for ukraine. maybe there could be a trade to get enough onboard in the house and senate and do both in the next 45 days. mike: david, maura, thank you both very much. >> thank you. mike: the united autoworkers union expanding their strike at ford and gm bringing the number of striking workers to more than 25,000. more on the economic impact after the break. ♪ ♪ weeks!
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♪ ♪ if. mike: the united autoworkers union thousand expanding its strike at ford and gm to include an additional plant at even of the auto manufacturers. for more on the economic impact of the strike of more than 25,000 workers, i'm joined by capitalist pig hedge fund manager and fox business contributor jonathan hoenig, in person here in d.c. >> thank you, mike. mike: great to have you. >> thank you. mike: your assessment of this uaw strike so far. >> it's adding up. the first week estimates are this cost $1.6 billion. the first ten days it's cost the economy $5 billion. this is real money. and if this goes on much longer, six weeks, we're talking about two-s of a percent concern tenths of a percent of the entire gdp. mike, everyday americans are going to see job losses, estimates that in michigan alone you could see 135,000 jobs lost in the first month. you're also going to see car prices spike. and exactly at the same time
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americans are dealing with cripple inflation. mike: more people are out of work, prices are going up, and it's more expensive to buy a car. that signals problems for the broader economy, right? >> yeah. this is an interesting dichotomy, mike. d.c. and washington, biden is taking somewhat of a victory lap because he says inflation's coming down. you've got 60% of americans living paycheck to paycheck and their real hourly earnings are declining, down about one-tenth of 1% last month. so people are working the same, working more but actually earning less hour after hour. make mike so many folks are running up the credit cards too. is that going to be a bubble at some point where people can't pay the debt? >> yeah. credit card losses actually are at the highest rate since the global financial crisis, and this is at the same time that credit card interest rates are at an all-time high, 25% interest rates. mike: brutal. >> consumer confidence is at a 4-month low, the sekulowest reading all year -- second
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lowest rating all year. americans are cutting back in almost every day. -- every way. mike mike and if they look at their 401(k) or retirement account, that's not pretty either. >> that had been one of the good news so far, basically up to this past month, that the market was doing well. this last month, september, was actually the worst month of the entire year. again, a real worrisome sign. but, mike, more than anything, it is the debt. it's inflation which continues to vex the economy. the debt's up about 100% in in the last 10 years, up 45% in just the last a 5 years. investors don't see this changing anytime soon as inflation continues to vex the economy up and down the economy writ large. mike: what about housing? i hear that supply is limited, and then you've got interest rates soaring is so people are saying if i have locked in less than 4%, why would i ever sellsome. >> yeah. they call it the golden hand can cuffs. a majority of people, mike, have rates much under what the current rate is, you're looking
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at mortgage rates now above 7%. home affordability, the least it's been basically on record. homes are as unaffordable as they've ever been. a lot of americans want to move, but they can't afford it. interest rates, mike, are going up. ed president biden, again, has talked about inflation coming down. interest rates and markets tend to be a great leading indicator, they're going up which indicates inflation's not dead yet. mike: all right. i like to be positive, jonathan. do you have anything positive we can tell the american people, like maybe some advice about what they should do with their money right now? >> never bet against america, mike. certainly never bet against america. likely, we are many for tough times at least for the short term. the 1970s saw basically a decade where markets were flat and prices went up. we're already three or four years into this inflation. if history is a guide, again, i don't want to be the bearer of bad tidings, don't shoot the messenger, but inflation is not going anywhere soon. that's why everyday americans are finding it harder and harder just to get by.
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mike: jonathan hoenig, great analysis. >> be well. mike: thank you. rising crime in cities across the country leading some retailers to close their doors. we'll have more on that after the break. ♪ ♪ sleep more deeply. and wake up rejuvenated. with purple's new mattresses fall asleep 20% faster
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"comfort, comfort my people." we're in a race against time to reach every holocaust survivor in israel and the former soviet union. many are poor and hungry and they have nowhere to turn. naroj has had such a hard life from the day that she was born into the holocaust. we were so hungry that we would go with my mother and find the leaves and grass nd we would pick them up and eat it. still today, she's suffering with no one there to help her. dare we turn our back on her now? for $25 you can rush a food box to a holocaust survivor or an elderly jew. the international fellowship of christians and jews brings them urgently needed food and comfort in their final years. let's do what we know god has called us to do.
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call the number on your screen now and help save jewish lives. no organization helps holocaust survivors and the elderly jewish people as much as they do. valeria is saying that, she didn't receive love her whole life. you seem so full of love, and not of hate. just $25 helps to rush a food box to a holocaust survivor. i hope you'll join me at the international fellowship of christians and jews. we can do something to relieve their suffering. please, do something now. mike: san francisco supervisor dean preston firing back at elon musk after the billionaire said preston should go to prison for proposing legislation that would ban security guards from drawing their weapons over property
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crimes. christina coleman is live99 with the details. hi, christina. >> reporter: hi, mike. progressive democrat dean preston, a member of the san francisco board of supervisors, is calling for legislation to prohibit security guards from drawing their weapons to, quote, protect property. he proposed the rule after security guards fatally shot an unarmed 24-year-old who was stealing from a san francisco walgreens in april. the incident was caught on surveillance video when it went viral. despite protests are from pro-trans activists and other community members over the shooting, the security guard was not prosecuted. the d.a. said they did not have enough evidence to overcome an argument of self-defense. now, in the wake of the shooting, preston proposed that legislation banning security guards from drawing their weapons to protect property. he argued that human life is more important than property. however, this sparked quick backlash from plenty of san francisco residents who are just fed up with the rampant
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break-ins, burglaries and smash and grab thefts in this democrat-run city. they called preston soft on crime. elon musk, the ceo of x --s which is headquartered in san francisco -- also weighed in by tweeting, quote: dean preston should go to prison. and in a statement, preston definitely responded. he wrote: these attacks are beyond the pale, a billionaire calling for a democratically-elected official to be sent to prison for no reason is textbook fascism. regardless, i will continue add a slow e candidating for my con stitch wents even if that makes billionaires uncomfortable and increasingly unhinged. now, musk also tweeted that he to would contribute $100,000 to the dump dean pac, a committee dedicated to ousting the progressive democrat during his re-election. he will be up for re-election in no of 2024. mike? -- november of 2024. mike: christina coleman, thanks a lot. a former new york city
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bodega worker who had murder charges dropped after video show showed he acts in self-defense is suing district attorney alvin bragg and the nypd for civil rights violations. c.b. cotton has the latest. >> reporter: fox news digital first broke news of the former worker whose story captured national headlines. he's how saying progressive policies here in new york city violated his civil rights. alba is accusing manhattan d.a. alvin bragg, nypd detectives, arresting officers and department of corrections officials of racial discrimination when he was charged with second-degree murder or and is locked up at liker's high land back in july of last year. the arrest came after alba fatally stabbed a man inside the bodega where he worked, surveillance video showing alba was not the initial aggressor. investigators say the fight began after the man's girlfriend tried to pay for a bag of chips,
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but her card declined. the d.a. later dropped the charges with his office saying a homicide case against alba couldn't be proven at a trial beyond a reasonable doubt. alba's lawsuit now calls his acin part wrongful concern arrest in part wrongful prosecution and his stay at riker's island unconstitutional. here's alba's attorney this morning. >> basically, it seems like the racial equity policy is that they want to have equality of outcome, and that's impossible to repeat. everybody should be treated equally. >> reporter: the manhattan d.a.'s office declined to comment on the lawsuit. however, the city will review the case when served and respond accordingly. alba's attorney said his client wants justice and is seeking compensatory and punitive damages. mike. >> mike: c.b. cotton, thanks very much. target is closing thine more stores in four -- nine more
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stores in four states citing brazen shoplifting and violence toward its store employees and customers. joining me thousand to discuss is ritchie greenberg, former candidate for mayor. welcome. >> thank you forking having me today, thank you. mike: do you blame target for closing in places like san francisco and elsewhere after, basically, prosecutors aren't prosecuting crime? >> no, absolutely not. in fact, you know, this was a result of the partest leftist ot people elected into office and their contributors, their supporters, their voters. s this is what they wanted. they wanted to have crime. they wanted to allow crime. they wanted to prevent anyone from going to jail. this is a result as well as district attorneys around the state, around the country, those who might have been support by george soros and open society to get them elected. and this is the result. i do not blame target or any
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other large box chain store, department store, pharmacy or even the mom and pop shops around the city, around anywhere. they all similarly have this kind of rampant crime that is affecting them. do they want to stay, do they want to go. most of them wind up going, at least here in san francisco. mike: what's the impact on a community when a big store like a target leaves the neighborhood? >> well, you know, it's, it can be tragic. it can be catastrophic because you have those who are most in need of having these kind of department stores which often have pharmacies within them. so if you have a mom that's taking care of a young child, school age or newborn toddler and they need baby supplies, they need school supplies or those who are in need of getting their important medicine, once a target or any place similar to target leaves the area, now
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maybe they don't have a car. and depending on public transportation, this a city especially like san francisco which is very spotty at best, how are they going to get their supplies, how are they going to get their medications? and they would have to travel that much further to be able to get what they need. mike: can you explain what california's prop 47 does and what its impact is on merchants? >> sure. well, prop 47 was passed back in 2014. it was a california ballot measure. and voters approved it about 60%. but a lot of that was as a result of those who were, the proponents, those who were backing a yes vote. they falsely or misleadingly enabled it safe neighborhoods and schools a act. and it wound up not being safe for schools, not being safe for our neighborhoods, but people voted for it because it was one of those feel-good names, ballot
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measure names. and what it does is it sets the threshold of $950. 950 meaning if it was, if what you stole, whether the criminals forged checks or were in possession of stolen property below 99 50, it's a misdemeanor. but -- 950. but it's being applied spotty all over the state here. most jurisdictions, a person caught with that merchandise would wind up going through the criminal justice system, possibly found guilty and going to serve jail time or make some other deal. but what it's being used in places like here in san francisco is they say we're not even going to bother arresting this individual. or if we do, a judge will just say we don't want to prosecute this individual, and they're out. so it's being used as an excuse especially in these farthest of far-left communities like san
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francisco. mike: san francisco, one of america's gorgeous cities but without law and order, it's really, really taken a beating. richie greenberg, thank you so much for your time. great to have you today. >> my pleasure. thank you so much. mike: five people killed including two children when a semi truck loadedded with a toxic substance overturned in a rural illinois community friday night. officials say the crash forced hundreds of nearby residents to evacuate their homes due to a large cloud of noxious gas over the area. evacuated residents returned to their homes saturday night, the cause of the crash remains under investigation. top u.s. general mark milley retired on friday after his 4-year tenure. he said that u.s. troops take an oath to the constitution and not a, quote, wannabe dictator. the remark was an apparent jab at former president trump who suggested earlier this week the general should be ebbs cuted for concern execute for contacting china in the final months of the trump administration. donald trump notably sparred
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with many of his generals throughout his four years in office from jim mattis to john kelly, mark milley. i did an embed with then-colonel mark milley years ago. he's always been a patriot and american champion, in my view. thank you, general milley. an investigation now underway near georgia after a 15-year-old boy was shot and killed not tar from a high school football game -- far from a high school football game. more on that next. ♪
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mike: a 15-year-old boy was shot and killed yesterday near an atlanta area high school football game. this comes as local schools recently announced additional safety measures following other violent incidents at high school football games in the area. jonathan serrie is live with more. hello, jonathan. >> reporter: hi there, mike. the gunman remains at large, and police are now asking the general public for information on his whereabouts. they say kendricks, who turns 18 this month, is armed and dangerous. he is accused of shooting a 15-year-old boy just outside a high school football game in griffin, that's a small town about 45 miles to the south of atlanta. the victim was rushed to a nearby hospital, but he died in the hospital. sadly, this homicide is just the
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latest in a series of violent incidents either inside or just outside of high school football games around the country. last month oklahoma authorities arrested a 15-year-old after he allegedly opened fire inside a stadium injuring a 15-year-old girl and killing a 16-year-old boy. investigators say an adult male at the game was also injured after an off-duty police officer opened fire during the incident. that same month an 18-year-old was shot three times during an attempted robbery in the parking lot of a high school football game in the atlanta suburb of jonesboro. he survived, but it's unclear whether he'll ever be able to walk again. area schools have added safety measures including metal detectors and a policy that you can only bring clear bags inside the stadium, but we should point out in that shooting that occurred yesterday in griffin, georgia, that stadium also had a
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clear bag policy but, obviously, it couldn't prevent any violence from occurring just outside the saw stadium. mike? mike: heartbreaking. jonathan serrie, thanks very much. that is all for this hour of "fox news live." a relay of the republican debate hosted by fox business is next. i'm mike emmanuel, thanks for watching. have an awesome day. ♪ we're not an airline, but our network connects global businesses across nearly 160 markets. ♪ we're not a startup, but our innovation labs use new technologies to help keep your information secure. ♪ we're not architects, but we help build stronger communities. ♪ we're not just any bank. we are citi. ♪
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