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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  October 1, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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supplier employees their job, the ceo said there was time to make a contract detail, not just the people that are striking but also all of those suppliers and other jobs, they get affected. >> yep. >> dealers. >> right. >> everyone, that whole food chain. >> i know, i know. biden's problem, catch us on x and facebook "the big weekend show." that does it for us. we'll see you next weekend. who is coming up, one of my favorite people on the planet. "life, liberty and levin." starts right now. ♪ ♪
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mark: hello america i'm mark levin. this is "life, liberty and levin." sunday welcome back i hope you watched us saturday. i want to thank you folks, last night, we're number one on "new york times" list. we're number one in the country, hard cover announce fiction book. and also hord hard cover and ebook combined nonfiction, not just "new york times" list. and thanks to you we sold enough books to be number one over number two by a wide margin. and i notice at msnbc and cnn and new york times and "washington post," they are pushing the hell out of a book that is full of gossip against donald trump, and rudy guliani and mark
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meadows on the rest. these books just blip. i don't write books about gossip, i write books that i hope have a lasting impression on you, thank you, you can still get it any major retail bookstore. or warehouse store and, of course, i hope you will join the rest of us, i think it is my most important book, i have been blessed by radio affiliates and here on fox. and i have spent a lots of time explaining the aspects of the book, but the only way to really understand what is in the book to read it. i promise you, when you are done, i think you will think it is time well spent. it is most important book i have written in the gravest time, i believe. we have lived through in modern american history.
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>> i want to get to impeachment? why is impeachment important? it can be abused too? why did the framers of the constitution put impeachment in the constitution? it was among the subjects that was debatessed the longest -- dis debated the longest. there was great debate over whether there should be impeachment, they agreed, even though they knew they were setting up a system with different election cycles for presidents and vice presidents and other public officials. but what if there is a problem between the election cycles? or before there is an election? right before? and so they didn't want to give congress the power to remove a president of the united states, it had to be serious. they didn't have what we would call today a federal criminal code with the
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offenses in it they thought regardless of certain types of individual times, they did have crimes, they would punish at the time. it has to be bigger. because the president of the united states is elected effectively by all of the people. so there has to be reason. to remove someone like this. they look very much at english history impeachment of hastings in britain and debated british language they used for impeachment, they agreed with some, disagreed with some. they came up with the phrase that we have in the constitution, treason, bribery, high crimes and misdemeanors. you think of misdemeanors, maybe you are thinking of trading or trespassing or jay walking, that is not what they meant. or high crimes maybe a criminal felony. that is not what they mean
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the, tree treason, they meant what you think treason. is and bribery, yes, they were concerned about foreign bribes. they were having issues with foreign governments trying to bribe public officials prior to the adoption of the constitution. treason, bribery are understandable, high crimes and misdemeanors, this is where the debate comes down, i spent -- you will not believe it, since i was in my teens, a lifetime researching this issue of impeachment. the impeachment inquiry and articles drawn up against richard nixon peaked my interest. at the time i read whatever scholarship i could gets my hands on, i still do that today. and there is not a ton but there is a good amount. you have a lot of professors who like typical law
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professors who are promoting their opinion as text. but that is not accurate, you need the abilbility to separate, that you could look federalist 65, ha hamilton discusses it. there is not a huge amount of specificity, they didn't want it to be overly specific, they could not contemplate every possible situation go which there should be prime minister inquiry and official removal -- potential removal of a president, but they wanted it specific enough where simply a disagreement between the parties or branches of government did not serve as a purpose to have an impeachment trial and removal of a president, otherwise you would not have three branches of government that is congress, they were aware of that. these debates witnes can't
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on, at -- went on. they adopted this phrase high crimes, misdemeanors, and, of course, bribery and treason. most of that came out of english law, but not all of it english law had a provision for mal administration, george mason liked that, he said there should be a provision for mallal mi administration. if you have political differences. and dress them up, as mal administration there would be no end. there was a great debate, and madison won out. the father of our constitution, as he is called. we is it in madison's notes, i have a compilation by congressional research, i get into this stol
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scholarly stuff, it very important for understanding your country that we understand the real history, the real purpose of these phrases in the constitution. and crs they write. while evidence of what conduct the framers and ratifiers of the constitution considered to sparse, evidence indicates that they considered impeachment to be an essential tool to hold government officers accountable for political crimes or offenses against the state, james madison considered it inde indispensable. of the chief executive. as a president, might quote, he wrote, pervert his administration into a scheme of peculation or oppression
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or betray his trust to foreign powers. alehamilton, rising from the misconduct of public men from the abuse or violation of some public trust. such offenses said hamilton were pro political they relate chiefly to injuries done immediately to the society itself. they could take forms and simply could not b not be, neatly delineated. what supreme court justice porter stewart said about pornograph, i can't really define it, but i know it when i see it he wrote. justice story, writes on the
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constitution echos the understanding that impeachment applied to political offenses and impeachment applied to those offenses committed by public men in violation of their public trust and duties, duties that are often political. and like hamilton story considered the range of impeachment offenses so various in their character, and so indefinable in their actual involution, almost impossible to provide systematically for them by positive law, that is sort of statutory affirmative law. what do we make of this? there is as planni balancing act, you don't impeach presidents on small and light accusations, and you don't have to wait for a president to commit mass murder. let's look at this in contact of joe biden. -- context of joe biden, start with the constitution. that is has he violated the
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constitution itself that would fit within the impeachment clause of the constitution. as acts against the public. of course, he has. he has an obligation to up hold the law under the constitution, whether he agrees with laws or not, a president is required to enforce specially a clear law, whether he or she likes it or not. they have taken an oath to up hold the law, if they mail do, that they v they violated the oath and the constitution and impeachment clause kicks in. we have all these laws to deal with immigration, to prosecoprotect the country, joe biden has blown out every single one of those immigration laws. you see the consequences, the inhumane consequences on
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the border, put that aside, as difficult as it is. has joe biden up held federal immigration law? no. has joe biden violated official immigration law? yes. did he do it by accident, on occasion? no. he has destroyed federal immigration system. that would be a basis for an impeachment article to be considered for impeachment and to be considered should he be i' impeached for trial to remove him from office, this is a constitutional crime against the body politic. that is why the constitution has an impeachment clause. what about his effort and more than effort, the fact, of his circumventing a supreme court decision that says under separation of powers, mr. biden as president you don't have the
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authority to forgive student loans to tune of millions, that undermines congress' power under the constitution, they make the determining they on spending, borrowing and taxing. they determine on whether to forgive loans and so forth. joe biden has circumvengt circumvented that rules by the supreme court, intention really under a cock mamey argument they made? is this impeachment o i' impeachable offense, it should be considered impeachable it is a constitutional crime against the body politic, against the structure of the constitution. there are other areas of which biden has done this as well. it is not a one-off that is
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bad enough there is a pa pattern of defying, violating the constitution of seizing power from there are branch, he house does not have and refusing to faithfuly up hold federal law and the constitution, this falls within the 4 corners of the prim impeachment laws as understand. ing all these other matters with finances that house oversight committee is having. and whether or not there were payoffs, amount coming into his family. of course, those are impeachable. does not matter it joe biden got one dollar or not. what matters is he committed political, constitutional crimes against the body politic, his family had introductions to enemy
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states and some allies to front corporations from which his family benefited to the tune from 30 million to 50 million dollars, they were all selling his name. all using his influence. he was involved in scores of phone calls, which he said did not involve him, he didn't really know what was going on, he just said hello, he was involved in meetings, he claims or his son or lawyers claim he had no knowledge, his staff and price is h vice president's staff it meetings in contact with hunter biden's partners and their staff, he took multiple trips with joe biden on air force 2, fo he got the benefit of being the son of this father, you may want to believe dem kratds ademocrat and media may want to believe this means nothing. you don't have to even prove a crime here.
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the way joe biden conducted himself and the way he is involved in cover-up right now with the help of department of justice this say criminal or little b crime against body politic, there is no question it is worthy of impeachment inquiry, in my view, in my view it is worthy of an impeachment trial at this point. we'll have more to say in days and weeks ahead, we have two great guests senator ron johnson. a tremendous patriot in senate. my buddy steven a smith. i thought we powel would spend time with him sunday, he is always very intriguing. (all) ♪ toooo youuuuu! ♪ (sean) i wish for the amazing new iphone 15 pro! (jason) sean! do you mean this one - the one with titanium? (sean) no way i can trade this busted up thing for one.
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mark: welcome back m, i have one of my favorite senators with my, ron johnson. i tell you why, this man almost singularly has been pursuing the criminality and other ethics and moral abuses of the biden family before it was fashionable or
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most others were. and he is senator grassley and their staffs pur put together several letters and reports and worked in silence in many respects to get to the bottom of what was taking place, and got now support from republican leadership in senate, when ron johnson ran for reelection in a brutal race, where he needed support from outsiders he got little from his leadership colleagues in the united states senate, he won. he won in wisconsin when others lost. he is an example of what can be done, senator johnson, you see the impeachment inquiry in house, house oversight committee has begun, they are looking to matters that stuarted to look into. and -- started to look into, and got as far as you could, they are taking the ball, stapgdistanding on your
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shoulders and going further than that. i want do read to you an article from ale alexander hamilton: he is saying and others have said. these are constitutional and political crimes. not in the criminal code. they didn't have a federal criminal code back then. but against society itself. against the office of the presidency. undermining the nation and respect for the nation. in that respect, i want to ask you this, since we have the hearings go on. in addition to the enormous financial trail here, that joe biden was used, his name
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was used and his office used. he was in know phone calls, we have this now quarter million dollar wires sent to his address for beneficiary. the front organizations. just on and on and on and on, but we have also senator what is crucially important. the constitution. he is violating our immigration laws. he violated a supreme court order, congress around to -- within around it and defied it. isn't the problem with joe biden bigger than financial issues with the constitution and the prime minist impeachment clause? >> absolutely, he is chef chief executive of a lawless administration, he lied about it, we showed millions of dollars transferred from
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chinese interest, and russia and to his family coffers, a month later, he said bidens have not gotten money from china, and the fact that he discussed hunter biden's overseas business with hunter biden that is a lie, we know, that we have james comer and chairman jordan doing a great job of adding to that record, we're building an enormous case, irrefutable case of lies and gives aand corruption, probably one of the more egregious aspects he lied to become president of the united states, had he not become president of the united states, we would not have an open border. there wouldn't be a war on fossil fuel, and we not have
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the embear age embarrassing withdraw in afghanistan. or country under his leadership is circling the drain, as you pointed out in you're book, american marxism, america must awaken to the moment, i'm afraid, you have the scan dam scandal of biden corruption, and then within the tomorrow agencies, law enforcement, fbi, and that is a scandal of their partisanship, and then the corrupt media that refusing to report on this. mark: autocratic parties need auto tratticratic media. there is not a indictmen
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indictmentof difference, we see house republicans stepping up, why is all of the action in the house, how come they are not getting more support from our colleagues, and why didn't you and senator grassley get more support. i will wait until next segment. the question is, why didn't you get more support from your fellow republicans. i know for example there was a vote on a subpoena, and romney was against it i want to pursu ♪ we're not writers, but we help you shape your financial story. ♪ we're not an airline, but our network connects global businesses across nearly 160 markets. ♪ we're not a startup, but our innovation labs use new technologies to help keep your information secure.
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♪ we're not architects, but we help build stronger communities. ♪ we're not just any bank. we are citi. ♪
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>> welcome to fox news live, another major strike is brewing in health care industry, more than 75 thousand kaiser permanente employees are preparing to walk off the job in a planned strike, wednesday through saturday, demanding better pay and staffing levels. kaiser will continue to provide care during the strike. >> president biden urging congress to keep aid glowing to ukraine after congress narrowly averted a government shut countdown -- shut down over the weekend. in a statement the president reactorsured allies of
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u.s.'s continued support for war in ukraine effort. >> i'm marianne raffety, now back to "life, liberty and levin." ♪ ♪ for the fraud, i'm jon scott. mark: welcome back america, we're here with senator ron johnson, when you were investigating the bidens, you and grassley. were you getting much support from your colleagues from fellow republicans and in senate, let's say majority of the republicans in the senate. >> i had some support, we had three impedements during the investigation, we have covid, we had fbi working turn minor investigation -- to undermine our investigation, and members of my committee mitt romney accused me in open hearing. there were far too many republican senators that
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thought the investigation was too political in nature and should be handled outside of u.s. senate. we did not have support of republican leadership or within the committee. that is very unfortunate, now i think that republican senators are seeing what the house is being, and addition to our record, more pieces of the puzzle, they are paying more attention. but, you know, we have a problem here, the uniparty. spending their way to majority, but thayer mo they are mortgaging our kid's futures. >> you look at impeachments of the past. the two impeachments against trump, i think were illegitimate. but the case of biden, it is overwhelming compared to any of these prior impeachments, whether it is hissel his, self dealing his ma family
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self dealing. what do they think hunter biden is selling but not his father and the father's office, the idea this money is coming in he has a close relationship with his son, but he pretends he does not know anything about his son's business activities when me is on air force 2, open borders in violation of federal immigration law, undermining statutes. if this is not an impeachment case, what the hell will there be a impeachment case. >> it is obvious to you, me and conservatives, probably be on veuobvious on media. they are part and parcel of the democratic party, be thankful at least 62% of americans believe that joe biden understood this and guilty some of corruption.
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mark: one other powers congress has, apart from impeachment is power of the budget. and when the republicans of senate throw in with chuck schumer, to just leave the border wide open, power of the budget is power to make policy. that is really one of the big powers that congress has. but also not to rein what is going on with this regime or corruption of department of justice and fbi about it is merrick garland -- whether it is merrick garland who is covering for biden family, won't investigate. merrick garland has no interest investigating any your findings and grassley's findings and other information they that came out, they are chasing down elon musk on a glass buildy he built, they are looking at crimes again elon musk. look at this biden crime family, the list is so long, you can't name them all and
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department of justice is running interference for them, isn't part of responsibility of senate, to true to address some of this? >> absolutely, unfortunately we have the uniparty, republicans like to spend like democrats we'll spent 1.9 trillion more that year than just 4 years ago, and republicans are going along with that, we should have been doing in house, republican house, we should have been passing appropriation bills one at a time, starting in may, defunding for example of dispersing of millions of immigrants. we could that made the point, not passing to senate but you need to do these things individually, well in front of any potential shut down. unfortunately the house did not do, that something else that was botched was whole debt ceiling debate, house conservatives we were working with them, they gave
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mccarthy leverage to work out a deal. americkevin mccarthy without telling anyone suspended it to tune of 4 trillion, a real breefn breach of faith that is one of the reasons the speaker is having a hard time with the conservatives. >> one of the reince reasons and you in senate mcconnell agreed to a bill that was nancy pelosi-lea biden bill. some responsibility has to go to a senate that throws in with biden, with schumer, while they are duking it out in the house figuring out a way to get out of this box, your criticism is fine, i get it but senate does nothing. absolutely nothing. despite the filibuster rule and the rift. -- rest, i would like to see, do something in the senate. that would be nice.
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rise up against mcconnell,ize up again against the leadership. >> i was part of the movement to try to replace mcconnell as leader, i nominated rick scott to be the leader, we lost that vote, we have conservatives in senate trying to push it we have a prob le problem with republican leadership in senate. mark: keep doing a great job, i am glad you were reelected. you muscled through. that is because i think that people of wisconsin see the quality of their senator, thank you, my friend and god bless. >> have a go
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mark: welcome back america, we have a good friend of mine, stephen a. smith. you know stephen a. smith i'm glad you are here, people say, why do you talk about him? why are you friends with him? i don't understand that question. do i have to be friends only
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with people who agree with me? hell, my wife doesn't agree with my all of the time it is ridiculous, tell people why we're friends. >> first, i had the pleasure of meeting you years ago in a radio convention, i have always found you will to someone who tells it like you see it you know where mark levin is coming from whether you like it or not, that something we have in common, we spe speak our mind and we believe our truth is and should be. we go with it from there. if we disagree we can disagree without being disagreeable, which is when this world should be about, does not matter to me whether our politics or don't agree, i respect the hell out of why, i know that is resip kateed, i know that is how friendships are made. mark: you have a wonderful book, straight shooter.
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on the new york timi the new yonew york, new york times bestseller list for two months, you want to spread beyond sports, you don't want to leave it behind. that is your bread and butter, i could ask you any question, you will say in 1974, i will say what the hell. and way. you want to get involved in culture. politics to a point in society because you have thoughts about that too. and if i'm correct, i believe you have told mure nme, you are not a republican or a democrat, you have an open mind about candidates. when you are watching without getting into names, you think about candidates what do you want? >> com com competent.
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knowledge, and more importantly, with the president, statesman ship, i want someone who understands they are overseeing and governing all of the people, not just their constituency. as a voter, you may have a monolithic view in terms of things, where your passion lies, but when you are an elected official, your job is to do what you perceive to be in the best interest of the count rose. country. from time to time that varies, there is not a direct monolithic view, statesmanship goes a long way toward that putting america first, there are a lot of decisions as an individual i make, but if i
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were president of united states, senator, if i were a congressional figure it would be -- i would take into account my constituency, and most important, what is in the best interest of the whole as opposed to small individual parts, that is what i believe governing is about. that is what i consider about when i vote for someone. >> are not a ideal log. a lot are athletes, depends on the sport, same thing, do you discuss politics or anything other than sports when you are not on air with those folks. >> sometimes they try to get a little bit out of hand, then i check them when they dry to debate with me i'm ready for, if i'm not knowledgeable about
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something i am honest and open about it the issue of fairness comes in to play, a lot of times you see people like yourself, sean hannity on the right and others on the left or a left centrist, i take into account not just your knowledge but where you are coming from and why you believe the way that you file there is feel, with level of adamant and emphasis you may place on it a lot of times, i consider what is coming from the other side. the fact that they are people who are unreasonable. who won't lean on facts and elect to lean on emotion and lean on preference or ideology as opposed to what in the best interest of the whole, these are all things that i analyze, take those into consideration depending on who i'm talking about.
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the more reasonable someone s the most i'm apt to listen this them because they are making sense, they are fair and mayo fair minded. when that is the case, those of are people you want on capitol hill, those people can talk with mark levin or go on cnn, and visa versa. if -- it is hard for anyone to look at and you question your intent, if that is the case, if they don't get to question your intent it is hard for them to argue with anything other than facts, that is what majority of american citizens need ♪ if it hurts when you poop sometimes like pinching off ♪ ♪ a porcupine and you're sweatin' your ♪ ♪ next trip to the loo ♪ ♪ colace is the brand you need ♪ ♪ to soften stools we're all agreed ♪ ♪ #2 should be easy to do ♪ trust colace to soften stools, with no stimulants, for comfortable relief.
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♪ ♪ mark: welcome back america, we're here with stephen a. smith. here is my question, i'm from philadelphia,ure ar you are from new york, you spend a lot of time in philadelphia, philadelphia eagles, i watch them. big philadelphia eagles fan. i don't think they are limping through the season, i think they are getting better every game. but what is this is clicking? they are getting good, they
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will get better is it the players? we had teams with great players and great owners this team has everything put together right now, no. >> they don't. you are talking about a team in super bowl last year. what happened is they were so successful last year, both offens offensive and defensive coordinate ors got head coaching jobs, you have a quarterback who is a candidate for league mvp in jaylen hurts but he does not have offensive courte coordinator of last year, you have receivers like smith and brown, their passing game has been pomp siz-- compromised. going to be for for. >> i'm saying what you are seeing, everyone covering sports will tell you, eagles
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have looked questionable. mark: i agree with that on defense, they seem to be weak down the center. am i right? >> a little bit, they have a lot of confidence in their ability to goat too, the contracta back. they -- at end of the day, their mentality we can get to the quarterback and neutralize the run, you can't run the ball against us. forcing you to pass and having confidence that 5 dudes can get to the quarterback, they will take their chances from time to time. sometimes they are susceptible to things. it is about figueroa eagles -- philadelphia eagles, dallas cowboys and san francisco 49ers, those are top three teams.
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>> what is best team. >> miami is prolific, dropping 70 points on the broncos. tyreek hill, theired wit wide receiver is fastest dude in nfl. his sidekick is jalen waddle, one of top 4 speedsters in the game running over 21 miles per hour. and tua, former national championship at alabama, now a starting quarterback, suffered a few concussions last year but he can throw the football, and mik mike mcdaniel, new head coach is considered brilliant with offensive play calling, they are lethal and formidable. there is still pa momen ma
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home -- mahomes and there are buffalo bills, josh allen and the bills are formidable. but miami is no joke, they could be in the scowl super bowl. mark: stephen a. smith. great book. straight shooter, first take. my favorite sports show, stephen a. smith thank you my friend. >> thank you. mark: god bles about a cashew farmer from mozambique named carlos. carlos lifted himself out of poverty with the help of techoserve. go to and see how you can support struggling farmers like carlos. it's a different way to make a difference.
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>> welcome back, i hear some of you know welcome welcome tiple especially the eagles, what is wrong with you. >> every now and then we have to take a break and have some fun,
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don't you. and probably the only one who does not. i think that's important and as for the eagles yes i support the philadelphia teams it does not mean you should not support your teams i'm all for it but as long as you're watching the program on sundays and saturdays that is terrific and i want to thank you for the. people keep asking me about the fantastic lpn, did you serve in the military, no i did not but i've always been a john wayne fan and he gave these out to senior employees and other employees that work for john wayne enterprises and i managed to inquire one i'm a john wayne fan and that's why tier. i want to thank you for watching sunday "life, liberty and levin" don't forget saturday next week grab your copy of democrat hates america i'm very grateful for your support. i will see you then ♪ ♪


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