tv Fox News at Night FOX News October 3, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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los angeles and it is america's late news, fox news at night pe break and reports just now abou an active shooter on the campus of morgan state university and baltimore, maryland,. police are asking people to shelter in place and avoid the area at all costs. what you're seeing on the right-hand side of your screen is an aerial view from wtt g an what they're showing it as you can a baseball field we believe that is the college come at the university baseball field, but you can see the heavy police presence just outside of the college campus. at least one suspect we are being told reportedly followed firing from the fifth or sixth floor in a dorm in thurgood marshall hall. there is conflicting information . it is always that way. it's unclear now because there are also reports coming in that as shooter there are of the
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report seeing the shooter was i the dormitory firing shots out window. baltimore police are now confirming there are multiple victims. we are following this as you might imagine very closely. this is a closer ground-level shot. you can see ambulances on the scene. this is the window we are talking about. the window is broken. as you start earlier with the ambulances, there are a number of ambulances unseen, we are being told multiple victims. when you talk about the window from the dormitory, it's unclea if somebody was firing outside that window into the street below, into the concourse below or if somebody went up or fired from outside of the dormitory into the thing. we were told that students were actually coming outside of the dormitory, some of them were running out and others reportedly came out with their hands up and that's become protocol going all the way back to columbine where everybody
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when police please go into a dormitory, everybody is initially considered to be suspect, that's why the hands are up and you leave all of you belongings behind. where they shooter is right now we have not heard, there have been no reports of a shooter either being arrested or neutralized. the last we heard is that polic did go into the dorm room, in fact one of our producers saw police video of police up in a dorm room with a broken window looking around and there appeared to be no signs of a shooter and that is also concerning because as you know, in the early going, police have to go into these dormitories an they have to check every closet every note, every cranny room t room, floor to floor. we're being told this happened on the sixth or seventh floor a morgan state, this is a historically black college and it is we're being told within a few miles if there's any good
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news in a very bleak scenario within a few miles of a level one trauma center which is shoc trauma center and our good friend who will join us here in a moment says is one of the bes trauma centers in the country. we have found when you are clos to a level one trauma center, level three trauma center, the outcomes are often much better, so that is a very good thing. we should point out that when you look at these pictures, we have one of our affiliate reporters on scene finishing up a report for their local statio and we hope to get a report fro them as well. we've got three different cameras in three different angles on this, you can see the aerial shots. you can see the baseball field with up, we also have a street shot showing the outside of the university and what is happenin at the moment. we're listening to scanner traffic in right now there's no much in the information is coming out very slowly.
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you always look for key information like somebody notified or identified as as shooter. so far we've not heard any of that, we've only heard that the believe they shooter was at one point in time inside the dormitory, it's not clear if they shots came from the dormitory or went into the dormitory, but they believe tha they shooter was either based i there or fled into the dormitor and again, we are hearing six and seven floor, but now that the shooter has left, he, she, could be anywhere in that dormitory and that is a frightening thing. i just want to see if i can bring in very quickly in here t see when you talk about multipl victims in the early going, the numbers always change, but when you talk about the numerous victims here, i trauma center nearby is very good news. >> and the case of any kind of
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trauma, especially as shooting trauma where there's a great deal of injury to the blood vessels, which will cause somebody too bleed out internally, being close to a level one trauma center is able to stabilize them quickly. morgan state is five-point 5 miles away from the university of maryland for it i trained at johns hopkins hospital so that is good. the cute minutes or when the paramedics arrived to stabilize them, hopefully you see so many ambulances there hopefully they were able to stabilize them before transporting. >> we should tell you there is police station very nearby. we shouldst morgan state is a historically back black college. a resident population of about 9,000 which includes graduate students. the range from business management too engineering. was listening into a little bit of the coverage that was coming in, or you hearing anything tha
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we haven't reported yet? to get one of the officer says they're trying to have a place where family members can show u to establish where the love one our students were. it sounded like it was nearby safeway grocery store. >> that would make sense, but the question is, when do they start allowing more students to leave campus. everybody has been told to shelter in place, they shelter in place order will go on we assume for quite some time. even when they clear thurgood marshall holcomb at the dormitory we believe the incident either started or ende with, when they clear the dormitory, it is going to be quite some time before they can go through and check the whole closet room to room, floor to floor search to make sure everything has been done. again this kanner traffic is very low, which indicates that there is a possibility that in these times, the police are getting a better handle on what's happening there. they certainly have an idea.
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if we can go back to that broke window that would help us a lot. we have an idea of where this happened. now we know that 1700 is the address of one of the roman tories there is a robust greek system. it's hard to tell the window, the whole window doesn't appear to be shattered out and listen i'm not seeing it. the entire window doesn't appea to be broken out it looks like pieces or chunks of the window were broken out, so that's what we say it's unclear if they shots were coming out of the window are actually going into the window so we are still trying to clarify exactly where if there was a shooter inside and if police have any kind of suspects inside at all. we haven't heard of any type of
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gunshots, which means police or the shooter in the last 25 or 3 minutes. the big concern is while all th students might have been leavin that dormitory, you can see the sign there, all the students leaving the dormitory that in some capacity for potential, th suspected shooter would also leave with them. again, we have no description, we have no information about a potential shooter. the thing is in these situation we always kind of go back to th fundamentals. you go back to the fundamentals which is when police arrived on scene you look at their body posture and you see are they engaging, are they going to areas where they are hiding and we haven't seen any police near the buildings to get a very goo sense. to see what's happening on the campus, please once brickey it
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could be a good sign or a bad sign that we see so many ambulances there on screen. it's a good thing that police and law enforcement are offerin the triage, as the doctor told us that is so critical in the initial moments, but it could b an unfortunate sign that there are that many victims. the posturing is very important. you see the police forming a perimeter. establishing a perimeter and trying to detain the shooter is critical in the first few minutes brickey we showed up an call in by 25 minutes later, th police had no idea because it was a novel concept at the time. police had no idea where to go initially and what to do becaus there were so many reports that shots were coming inside the cafeteria and outside that ther might be shooters hiding. i want to bring in nicole parker , former fbi agent on this . as you look at this investigation, as you look at the scene here, what strikes yo from the initial images?
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>> here we are with another active shooter incident heard from my understanding, this incident again involved a homecoming coronation of mister and missus morgan state university. it was my understanding this ha a shooting event october go. so it seems to be a pattern at the school. this is extremely disheartening. this is very concerning and scary for students. those that are on the campus right now, if you're listening to the media, there has been as strict instruction too shelter in place and you need to keep that take that seriously. law enforcement telling everyon you need to shelter in place. you stay behind a cement barrier , stay away from windows, glass, anything that could shooter could shoot through obviously. i understand it was in a dormitory, he could be confined
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to ed area or the active shoote could be on the run. the key is to get out of the wa and take shelter as soon as possible appeared to me that is the number one priority law-enforcement is always seen rushing to the gunfire in tryin to determine where is the gunfire. it's a large campus. it's not a small little school, they are going to have to do a lot of work trying to locate that individual. anyone not involved need to get out of the way. if you see law-enforcement you put your arms up and show that you are not a weapon in your no the shooter. >> it's interesting because you bring up a good point. last year during homecoming week , this is homecoming week again at morgan state university . when you talk about a pattern, that's a very scary thing. cbs baltimore this is coming from some of the reporters talk about students in the dorm remaining inside this dormitory bird we are told that officers
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are canvassing the area. trying to figure out exactly what happened. we do know there have been multiple people shot. we don't know if they were shot fatally, we don't know the injuries, we don't know the level of the injuries. we're also being told inside th dorm building that some reporters, the news media is seeing officers go into each room. they're knocking on the door, there canvassing the room. we saw officers apparently on scene going in and we saw this as we watched some of them go u to the edges of the perimeter before we hit the air going in with rifles and handguns. again getting ready for all situations they may face. one student apparently told reporters she heard gunshots because it's homecoming week heard she wasn't sure exactly what it was, was it celebratory was a gunshots? now we know there were gunshots fired on campus and i guess
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they're trying to figure out if they were fired from the dormitory on the sixth or seventh floor, or toward the dormitory on the sixth or seventh floor. right now it seems a little murky. gig it will be murky and the ke for law enforcement is to run towards the gunfire. if they hear gunfire, if there is no gunfire, their primary jo right now is to locate where this individual is. they have to clear and sweep everything where they dormitory was where the alleged gunfire came from, they are going to go into that building and they are going to clear and sweep one by one until they are able to locate where the gunfire came from pride the keys for those o the campus too stay calm. law-enforcement do their jobs. their job is to run tactically toward the gunfire. if you come in contact with the shooter, you run if you can. if you cannot run, you hide obviously. behind a barrier, behind a barricade great if you can't do
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that, you fight with everything you have. they key is to get away from where you think this may be occurring, law enforcement has to clear and sweep every nook and cranny on the campus until they can locate where the shots were fired from. from those injured and wounded, first they have to stop the killing if this shooting is continuing they have to stop that parade the next thing they will do is stop the dying and provide medical care to those that are in need of assistance right now. this is tragic with four individuals were aware of that have been shot. we don't know if there are one shooter or multiple shooters, nobody knows at this point the key is that law-enforcement moves quickly to find the threa into eliminated as soon as possible. to get you bring up a good poin and i want to bring in the doctor on that because we've noticed over the years and sometimes there are students that are injured out in the ope and there injured, but they hav to be attended to as quickly as possible.
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crews putting these people into an ambulance into the hospital as quickly as they possibly can. >> as i said before every singl second counts because any minut that goes by there's additional blood loss, there's additional opportunity for injury to the brain and heart pride the peopl doing the real work or not the doctors in the hospital they ar the paramedics on the field stabilizing the victims in orde to get them to the hospital alive so they can be attended t by the pros. >> nicole, you go back and you look at the dormitory set up there and there have been reports that they had kids coming out initially with their hands up, we have seen that ove in over again and others that were running out, at this point were being told that there, we are anticipating news a news briefing to be held sometime in the next several minutes? i'm just guessing here. they said a news conference was coming.
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what does that tell you? does that tell you they might have some kind of a handle on the situation? >> that tells me there acting appropriately and swiftly peere you help law enforcement, when you arrive at the senior going to immediately those that are attending to the active shooter are going to be going into that school. they will set up a command post and there should be immediately of. so they can start communicating that to the general public peered if there is someone in custody, it is important that the public knows that as soon a possible because you've got students hunkering down right now and if they are in a situation that there may be one in custody or whatnot, they nee to communicate that. it doesn't mean necessarily tha they are in custody but the fac that they are setting up a pres conference, that's an important step to camino kate what is occurring.
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it's important as a law-enforcement law enforcement officer, our first job when i was an fbi agent and a police officer is to stop the killing in to eliminate the threat as quickly as possible. once the threat is illuminated, first responders, we were trained in immediate medical attention because they will go into providing medical care to the wounded to stabilize individual to provide transportation to a local hospital. they are trained admit is right stopping the bleeding could sav someone's life. that's extremely important. if you're around, apply pressur to the wound, a tourniquet for internal bleeding you could literally save somebody's life, somebody who is critically wounded, a law enforcement jobs
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is first to stop the killing. and the emts can't come into provide medical care until it has been deemed safe by law enforcement. >> i think that's a fair assessment it's also interestin as you look in baltimore 1118 a we look at lime images here, an they kinda pull out, it's interesting because as we watch him do this story, we have hear of no other walked on spread we know the campus itself is on lockdown, shelter in place orders have been given and i'm sure their comedic aiding with the students. we're trying to contact some of those students now, but the surrounding businesses, the surrounding air has, we've hear of no lockdowns there are no shelter in places they are. is that give you an indication? if they shot the shooter was somehow on the run, would they notify notified the various neighborhoods around, we know those students have been told t shelter in place, but would
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there be a wider notification because it's been for the lack of a better subject lack of a better explanation, kind of radio silence for the past 20-2 minutes. >> again, that's because those doing the job are busy working right now and that's why the media is set up in that command post is important. if the public was in harm, you would hope that would be communicated soon. again, if you're in the general public area again watching this news coverage, i would air on the side of caution always air on the side of caution, take shelter, make sure everything i safe and it's better to be safe then to be sorry. the fact that there doesn't see to be an urgent sense of movement, that may indicate tha the individual is in custody. law enforcement doesn't know is there one shooter, to shooters, it takes time for them to asses and evaluate the situation.
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they are moving as quickly as they can break the baltimore police are there, the atf on multiple law enforcement agencies will be unseen peered responded to the ark wouldn't school shooting and it's tragic but the key is to maintain calm and to lead police officers do their job right if you are not if you are there, take shelter. if you are in the vicinity, put your hands up so they know you're not the shooter and wait for information to come out as soon as possible. >> we're hearing new informatio because there have been eyewitnesses telling their stories now. what we're being told as the officers were actually outside of the dormitory, they were outside the dormitory and then they heard shots inside the dormitory so it tells me that police had made their way to their scene, they were outside setting up a perimeter, then they heard shots inside and
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that's when they went in and that's when students started running out, so it seems like the story is starting to change a little bit, we're getting a bit more information on how thi thing kind of transpired. >> that's what you would expect law enforcement running towards a gunfire and anybody a potential victim, you're supposed to be running away fro the gunfire. that is the way that it should occur. unfortunately, these shootings are happening way to frequently. we should not be continuously having these discussions. if you're ever involved in an active shooter event, run, hide fight. >> that's exactly right, great advice. nicole talks about about this, she goes over how distressing i was and you know, you go in tha kind of one of the worst school shootings in history, and it's traumatizing for these students to endure something like this i horrific to say the least.
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>> it goes without saying that the family is haunted and traumatized for the rest of you life right i still stay in touc with some of the family members from the parkland school shooting. officers are trained to neutralize a shooter as quickly as possible. the couple of months ago the resource officer from parkland was standing trial for not responding officially and according to training. there was a lot of reporting we did that officers did not neutralize the shooter there quickly enough right it looks like here fortunately, officers may have been within earshot of the gunfire and may have attempted to or have already neutralized a shooter. >> you go back to you talk abou columbine, you talk about these other schools in their became this unwritten policy really in north america where if there ar shots fired because scott peterson went on trial for that
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if there are shots fired inside you go towards the shots fired, even if you're unclear where they're coming from, you go toward them because studies hav shown time and time again that that is the way you save lives. you have to go and neutralize the shooter because even seconds , you're talking about bullets flying very quickly and you're talking about lives goin down very quickly. >> it depends where any of the victims may be hit. if they were hit in a major blood vessel, that's for they can get significant internal hemorrhaging and actually lose blood fast enough that their brain and heart failed to get any more oxygen and they can die . if they got hit anywhere else where there's an opportunity to close off the bleeding and stop it while still preserving they keep vital organs, that buys yo time. at this point we have no idea who got shot and where, but presumably, anyone who's been injured has been tended to intake into the trauma center close by.
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>> and want to bring and now we have on the phone with us a mom whose son is a student at morga state in baltimore and she also has a niece, she is apparently talk to her son and her son is sheltering in place and his dorm , she has a niece that has yet not gotten a hold of the knees, but ma'am, tell us your name and tell us what your son is telling you. >> i mrc had, i just got off th phone with my son he is sheltering in place and we actually just got word from my knees, she was at the event and she is fine so everyone is fine for it to you when you say event , can you back us up and tell us what event were talking about specifically? >> i believe it's homecoming weekend, so there may have been some type of event that was there from what i'm gathering. she was at the event but has been reported safe.
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you hear all the time about shooters and you always say i never expected it to be a part of our story, but you just get sick to your stomach it's crazy. >> i'm wondering, if you can tell us what is your son saying did he hear or see anything? we know he sheltering in place great is the university telling him anything? >> i didn't ask him what the university is saying. i wanted to know if he was okay. he said he did hear the shot. i think is my son, he is i had face time tim and i think he wa trying to keep me calm so he is trying to be cool and collected but he said that he heard they shot. he's not sure what is happening. there hasn't been to munication
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in terms of the students that are and his room, but there are things that, at this point ther might be rumors or you know, people are just circulating wha they think, but there hasn't been anything formal. >> and winter, and i don't need you to give me specifics about where your son is, but i'm wondering is he in the vicinity of thurgood marshall hall and would he be able too if the shots were fired there, would h be able to hear them from working we might be located? >> when we did speak with him, he did say that he did hear them . now he is not in that particula dorm, but he's in that vicinity. so i guess he heard the shots a him like most people was curiou about what it was and it was at that point that he called us to
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let us know what was happening. >> i didn't mean to interrupt you, please go ahead. >> at this point, like i said, had just gotten up the phone with them because i was concerned about my knees and at that point i asked him if he ha heard anything else and he had not. at this point, you know he is just kind of keeping his head blow, he is sheltering in and that's it. >> in your knees, do you know i your niece in that same area or in a different part of campus? >> she was in that area so that is where a lot of my concern was , and again, from what i'm gathering, i know there had bee one death, but we are hearing about maybe to, so i'm not sure. if she or he knows where they
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who they are, my heart goes out to them i'm a parent and i had an opportunity too talk with my son too make sure he was safe, and that weight is off of my shoulders. i can imagine the parents unable . >> in contact with their kids. it's a scary feeling. >> it is, these parents have to be heartsick and just for the record, we have been notified b baltimore police that there wer a number of people shots. they have not given us any information on fatalities on th severity of the injuries, none of that has been released, overhearing different numbers o victims, four, five, six, maybe more, but the numbers always change when you have police getting up into the areas where some of these students might have been. marsia, what is your plan, i know a lot of parents are gathering near, a meeting place
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an area that's near a safeway. >> baltimore police are asking family too stay off campus and meet at the safeway parking lot on hartford road. are you close enough to be able to meet your son or are you jus going to wait and see what happens and how this thing goes forward? >> unfortunately were out of town, so we feel that our hands are tied behind our backs, we'r trying to find out as much information as we can because w are not close. so at this point, he is our onl point of contact right now and than again, we're just trying t figure out what our next step is . he is safe, so that's a big par of, that makes it a lot easier for us. i think my concern now is morga is a big campus, but it's small and that you know a lot of
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people there. i think our focus is the aftermath. once the dust settles, how is h feeling. i think once it happens to you and you think it could happen again, now it's a matter of my comfort level of him being on campus or being in student housing. right now are nowhere close. we do have family fortunately s at this point, we just have to figure that out. but it's hard to just sit down and figure out the next step, but that's what were going to d now you know these are anxious moments for you and your family but if it helps you at all, the live pictures we are looking at we saw earlier live pictures that appeared to be right outside the doorman question where police were kind of walking around near the entranc of the dormitory, their posture
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seem to be not on full alert. they seem to be walking around at a lower level of readiness, so that would kind of indicate to us that there is a sense tha the worst of this might be over and they are in the process now of trying to find a shooter or maybe give us information that we haven't heard about the whereabouts of a potential shooter, but we've also heard about no police cars being sent in different directions as if the shooter might not have out of the dorm and went and fled i a different direction. we've heard none of that about search. i just want to give us your final thoughts, may be if your son or your niece is watching you can also send them a message . >> i just want to say that we are as strong people, we have gone through a lot in the past and will continue to go through a lot.
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i think that my heart just goes out to the whole community. this doesn't just affect the parents in this school, it affects all of us, we hear to often losing the people that we love in senseless ways, but i feel we can rise above their freight and be able to get through this together. >> we hope so. thank you for joining us, best of luck to you. we hope your son and your knees remain safe and thank you for coming on those just joining us kind of an update now, this is morgan state university in baltimore. what were told is about an hour and ten minutes ago, about an hour and ten minutes ago we got word that there was a shooting on campus. the details remain unclear, but we were told there was shooter in thurgood marshall heart, it' a dormitory and we were told that there were shots being fired from the sixth or the seventh floor of that dormitory.
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it's unclear because the window we see looks like there is hole in the class, but it doesn't look like the glass was blown out. we don't know if they shots wer being fired from the inside to the outside, from the outside t the inside, or from the inside to the inside. we are told there were a number of victims, exact numbers we have not got me had. we have no information on fatalities or of the severity o injuries although there have been a lot of reports two that effect, we do know there is a top-level trauma center called shock trauma as we were told earlier about 5 miles away and anytime there is a world-class trauma center, that is extraordinarily beneficial for any victim that might be taken there. the police went into the dormitory, at first they were outside and then they went into the dormitory when they heard shots fired in student started running out. moments later we were told from witnesses that other students
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were coming out with their hand up. its common protocol now everybody in the early going is considered a witness, the students come out with their hands up, they leave belongings behind, and the police go in an they do is we are saying the dorm to dorm, closet to closets level to level search. we want to bring in ted william who knows this more than any of us, how this stuff goes on. and she look at the pictures an if you can't see them, let me know, but as you look at the pictures when you see is postur of the police officers on scene it seems to be at a lower level of severity then it was just 25 or 30 minutes ago. >> i would wholeheartedly agree with you. i think that things may very well be under control there whe you look at that manner with which police officers are acting
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. i'm very familiar with this are i can tell you, trace. i attended law school in baltimore and am very familiar with the oregon state campus there. it is believed that the activit centers around the thurgood marshall dormitory there and as believed the seventh floor that there were windows shot out and they don't know whether there was one or more shooters, but with the way they are standing down, i would have to believe that they should be having a press conference pretty soon here letting us know what's going on there. >> we were told that news conference would be coming up momentarily. and a situation like this momentarily could mean in an hour. there is new information becaus we talked to mom, marsia his so
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actually goes to morgan state her niece also goes there. she has found that both of them are safe, but apparently the event they were at was called the mr. and missus morgan state festival. it's homecoming week, as we noted earlier, what they do is they know may mr. and a miss morgan state it's a festival, and what happens is that people from all over the state of maryland come to the festival. and so there were a lot of people on scene who did not go to morgan state. the other students are saying that nobody knows anything abou any shooter. they are all texting all of the around social media trying to figure out what happen, trying to figure out if they can find any kind of evidence that might be helpful to anybody. we're told so farther doing
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their homework, talking other people in they have no idea of any potential suspect, who that might be in nobody knows anything says one of our affiliates on the scene. nobody knows anything about the shooter meaning they don't know if there shooter is still insid the dormitory, they don't know if they shooter fled the dormitory, but right now, nobod on campus is being given any information about this suspect to according to what's transpired, shot numerous peopl at morgan state. >> the sooner they get but for the cameras, there is a great deal of confusion on that scene right now. as the students are texting, their getting information perhaps, some of it is good and some of it is perhaps miss information.
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it's my understanding they have found in one area close to that dormitory, there is a dining room there also that they found some bullet casings in that area . think law enforcement seems to have a good grasp on what has gone on at that location right now. when you look at the manner in which they are standing down, i tells me either the threat has been neutralized or the person is no longer on that campus. but when you look and you see all of the law enforcement cars that are still there, you would have to believe whatever activity was taking place, specifically with the shooter o shooters because we really don' know if there was one more than one shooter on the campus, you
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would have to believe the way the cars are positioned there, and the way that they are standing down, that things perhaps are pretty much under control. my understanding is there was some shooting from that seventh floor dormitory window or could very well have been in the dining room there. >> i want to break in on that because we're getting new information because a baltimore city councilman is telling one of the local affiliates there that they believe there were three suspects and five victims. so it adds to the confusion. we talk about do we know if the are shooting inside the dormitory, outside the dormitory , outside the dormitory at others that were inside the dormitory? it's unclear, but now the baltimore city council person i saying there are three suspects we believe we've heard none of that on any of the scanner traffic we are hearing, and fiv
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victims. again they are not releasing th severity of the injuries, this is from a baltimore council member, three suspects and five victims. we're being told, we just received a call from baltimore police come out five victims, none critical, which is great news if that holds. this is information coming into us that none of them are critical, that would be astounding because we have a mo saying that she was being told that there was one, possibly tw fatalities. we have seen the ambulances on the scene, which is another goo sign doctor. we haven't seen any of the ambulances leave the scene so far so i'm not sure if that's a good sign or a bad sign. >> it depends, we were getting snapshot in time so they could have picked up any potential victims and taken them to the
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hospitals before any cameras go there. i hope they did in fact, or it could mean they were stable enough and in an noncritical state that they could be stabilized on the scene and jus either not need medical care in the hospital or could have differed care once the situatio is safe enough for them to star driving through the campus. to give the city council member also saying it's believed that the shooters were firing into this crowd. we told you about that mr. and miss morgan state festival. apparently what he saying is that the shooting might have happened at the festival it's a homecoming festival where they pick a mr. and missus morgan state. they are saying the shots may have been fired into the crowd which makes a little more sense if you're firing into the crowd they may be some of the bullets go to the dormitory, maybe they break a couple of windows in th dormitory and there is now worried that someone is either shooting from the dormitory or bullets are flying into the
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dormitory. we have been hurt anybody being arrested, just the potential that the shooters may have been fighting into the crowd at the festival and so far, the councilmember is saying none of these the shooters have been apprehended, none have been id at this time and they are still telling everyone too steer clea of the area. that's a potential reason that maybe everybody was hearing these bullets and nobody could figure out who they shooter or shooters might have been. >> it was about an area of our ago now that police issued that shelter in place order and my understanding is that is still in effect. police in the area still want people to shelter in place and keep their eyes and ears open. everybody will be waiting for that to be lifted, that would b the relief for everybody in tha area. police are still concerned abou the safety of people in in around the campus and perhaps that whereabouts of any of the
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shooters. so that is still in effect. >> the reason we stay away from fatalities is because the numbers and information always changes. we've done enough of these to know the information constantly changes. you see the scene there, the first information we said was that this was focused on thurgood marshall hall which is a dormitory either just on campus or just off campus. that is why the early information coming in was that there was a shooting either off-campus or on-campus, and then the police told us that th shooting was actually focused o that dormitory and that police heard shots being fired and the went into the dormitory and stu may were rolling out of the dormitory. the information still doesn't jive because we're being told b a baltimore council member that there were three suspects and five victims and they were firing into a crowd at a homecoming festival called mr. and ms. morgan state which happened, the end of it was
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about 20 or so minutes before w hit air, that's when we got word . may be 30 minutes before we hit air when we got word of the shooting, this mass shooting on the campus of morgan state. again, if you look at this, it is very confusing. we're not trying to confuse anybody but we're trying to put the information and pieces together here to get a better idea. it would be fantastic information if there were no serious injuries in a situation like this. >> you are absolutely right, trace on all fronts here. it would be excellent if there were no serious injuries, but when we look at the presence of the law enforcement on the campus right now, you can see i in the various pictures, and yo look at the manner in which the appeared to be in a relaxed state of standing down, i would
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have to believe they know a great deal, they bear well have me have shared information with that city council person you mention, but on the other hand here, we started out thinking maybe it was just one person, w didn't know, it very well may b now that i could be as the city council say that there are thre people they are looking for. but it's all in the air right now and we just don't have a clear picture. this is one reason i am hoping that law enforcement will come before the cameras and lets us know what has gone on. it's also very interesting that none of the leased lease vehicles seem to be leaving the campbells campus, so whatever they are dealing with is right in that same area of the throw good marshall hall there. >> it's also worth noting
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because you mention not having clear picture of what happened this is a very clear picture of a very robust police response for this is all hands on deck. something severe, something bad happened earlier. matt finn, are you getting information? >> baltimore police are saying this is no longer an active shooter situation but everyone is still asked to shelter in place in there will be a media briefing soon. >> that is good news. no longer an active shooter situation, which doesn't lessen the severity of this shooting here, because again, we don't know with a shooting situation is over, which is why the posture of police is different. they seem to be roaming around their vehicles and roaming around the dormitory we thought was in question here that may o may not have been, this it may have been focused on the festival and it might have kind of bled over into the actual campus itself.
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we don't know, we expect police to give us information on this, they said the news conference would be a few minutes away several minutes ago so that remains unclear. what the baltimore city council member is telling us is that baltimore police department is saying that five victims, none of them are critical, which houman, hemmati i don't know ho you know that in the early going , but that's good news brickey they couldn't tell at the scene if they have people that are dynamically stable, there it able to talk, they're not unto conscious, that is a positive sign. there is a g cs, that is a number given to any patient the moment they arrive at the traum room and the gcs, the higher it is the better. the paramedics calculate that basically out on the field if there gcs is high enough no reason to rush them to the hospital. if its very low they could
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potentially die and they decide their treatments based on that. >> we just now have a student o the phone with us his name is don, we don't want to know, thank you for joining us, we appreciate you coming on, give us an idea of what you heard an what happened in your view. to get done? we just lost impaired were goin to try to reconnect with him in a moment, but again, the students coming out, the students talking to local reporters, some are saying they heard shots fired, some are saying they didn't hear shots fired but some of them in event in or near the dorm i without was in question are saying that they ran out of the building because they heard shots and thought that shots were inside the building and again, police haven't given us any specifics about where of the shooting happened very we've been gettin
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our information from reports from our local affiliates and baltimore city councilman who i telling us that right now. we know matt finn is reporting tonight that there is no longer an active shooter situation, which we have not heard anythin about these three suspected shooters being taken into custody or being found or being anywhere, we just know there's not an active shooter situation and there were three suspects and five victims. again the victims we are being told none of them are critical, but we've had different information from different people over the better part of the last hour, so we are kind o howl holding back our thoughts on that. we are hearing now anything els about finding the location of the suspects? >> nothing on the location, but police are still acting everyon to shelter in place for they don't want a lot of panic peopl running around and they are als asking family too stay away fro
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the campus and asking any concern family or even friends too meet at that safeway parkin lot on harper road. >> we're about to talk to another student, his name is tyrone and he is telling us tha this might have been over a poker game. we told you this was the mister and ms. morgan state festival. we have tyrone on the phone wit us now, when you say poker game what exactly happened? what transpired? >> first we were we all get together every tuesday night an we watched the tucker carlson show he's not there anymore, still being the most credible guy in the media in america, no he's not with fox news because the corporate media always controls what the teleprompters are able to say to keep maybe w
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can work. >> don back on the phone, that clearly wasn't a student at morgan state university. we're trying to work. >> don who apparently is a student at morgan state university but to reiterate dr. houman hemmati the sound of a city councilmember saying there are no critical injuries is for a lot of parents, who have got children at morgan state university is a good thin to hear. >> it's dispositive of the sign you can get freight you would think they would have access to information that the rest of th public may not have. matt finn, the latest? >> that shelter in place is still the latest order from police, they say there will be media briefing soon. i think it based on what were seeing from the video, the
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officers look bit relaxed. just from the angles we are seeing, perhaps that is good news and perhaps there is a shooter or shooters in custody. >> we should note when you look at the aerial views and the wid views of that dormitory, we had police officers walking around in front of the dormitory walking around inside and outside, they are continuing, the shelter in place goes on because the police for better o worse, the policy as they go in and they clear the dormitory parade they are doing a floor t floor search to make sure there is nobody in there because although we're being told that the potential is that these shots were all fired outside an at this festival, there is a good chance that some of these students were right in some shots we're also fired inside that dormitory or at the very least fired toward that dormitory making may be breakin those windows, and that is wher the confusion came in. it seems like when you look at
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these aerial pictures from the baseball field, the police presence has not lessened at all . it is still quite robust. there is still that shelter in place order in effect right now. police say they were going to hold a news conference and they may do that in the coming minutes or in the coming hour o so to give us an idea of what happened a lot of times when police put off these news conferences, it's not because they are trying to work on getting this scene said, they'r trying to work on getting all the information correct to make sure that whatever is coming in they can give out and have fairly close to being precisely what transpired tonight. again, this is morgan state university. it is homecoming week there. there was a celebration on or near campus tonight. and that celebration as city council person is telling us there were shots fired.
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they shots were fired either into the crowd, maybe it was celebratory, we don't know, but there were five people who were hit with gun fire and we are being told now by the city council person, not police, tha he says he got his information from police, that none of these victims is critical, which is a great thing to hear. there is no longer an active shooter on campus although the investigation goes on in the search goes on and morgan state university parents as you might imagine are going to have a lon night ahead of them making sure they can get a hold of all thei loved ones. this is fox news at night, matt finn, thank you for your breaking coverage, dr. houman hemmati, we are following this closely in continuing developments development throughout the nightthlows. we will see you right back here tomorrow. and you can help take control of your symptoms
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