tv FOX and Friends FOX News October 4, 2023 4:00am-5:00am PDT
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yet. i did hear the mpa had an emergency meeting yesterday. so i'm not sure what's going to come of that. >> lawrence: teagan, do you worry if we continue down this path that female ports won't exist? >> i do, yes. if we continue. we are advocating for men to dominate female sports. and that's not what we want. we want female sports to be empowering for young women. >> lawrence: yes of course those on the opposite side trying to frame this you are being hateful. you want a category for trans athletes. we just want to protect female sports. we will be following, thank you for getting up and telling us your sister's story. >> thank you for having me. >> lawrence: you got it. crazy stuff happening in america. the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. >> the office of speaker of the house declared vacant. >> the full house voted to remove speaker kevin mccarthy.
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>> america is going to be better off with new leadership and that's the bottom line. >> now absolute freeze. >> glass behind my head. >> five people shot including four students during homecoming week. morgan state university in maryland overnight. >> classes canceled today after students were forced to shelter in place there was be with with a one pointed at me. democratic congressman henry cuellar back at work after being carjacked three attackers less than a mile from the capitol. >> a society without law and order is not a society. >> the largest healthcare strike in u.s. history could be right around the corner. >> we need to support our union. >> if their demands aren't met, come wednesday 75,000 workers could hit the picket line,. >> as unique as the breakfast tacos here in san antonio. >> let's talk about national taco day. dozens of restaurants across the country will be offering free tacos and discounts.
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note. >> brian: we begin with a fox news alert. man, this is bad and here you go. this happened last night. baltimore police still searching for the shooter or shooters who opened up fire on the campus of morgan stated university last night. five people wounded, including four students, thankfully, everyone is expected to survive. >> steve: police say shots rang out as students were leaving homecoming week event. the bullets shattering windows at a nish dorm building. >> ainsley: baltimore police and the fbi issued a shelter in place order as the swat team went dorm to dorm. that order has since been lifted. >> lawrence: classes at morgan state are canceled today. keep it here for the latest on this developing story. guys this is the second year in a row something like this has happened at the homecoming at morgan state university. it's historically black college. and they are saying it could have been multiple actors and we are just hoping that the folks there -- these guys are captured. safety.
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>> steve: all these families across the country were gathered at the murphy fine arts auditorium for the crowning of if there and ms. morgan state. and as they are leaving, people thought was that fireworks? that's weird. and then they noticed hey, there is a couple of broken windows in the dorm right there. then they scattered. next thing you know, swat teams are going through the dorm looking for the shooter or shooters. they didn't come up with anybody and said okay. we don't know exactly what is on. they have got the atf and fbi. everybody is looking into who tried to shoot up that event. five people shot, four students. it could have been a disaster. >> lawrence: it could have. >> ainsley: in other news, kevin mccarthy yesterday was removed as the speaker of the house. shortest serving speaker since 1975. this is historic. he says he is not going to run for speakership again and he calls the 8 republicans, only 4% of the g.o.p. sided with the democrats, gaetz just needed a
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handful of republicans to get this done. is he calling those 8 republicans not real conservatives. kevin mccarthy. >> brian: so to oust him, you needed just a one vote margin. he agreed to that and that was the way it was traditionally done until nancy pelosi spread it out a little bit. and one day, kevin mccarthy in his hours long press conference where it was unbelievably informative and interesting and candid. he was asked, you know, why did you agree to this? and he said he talked about this interaction he had with nancy pelosi and why he felt better about agreeing to it. listen. >> it was in this room, after we had won the majority, i had become speaker. nancy pelosi came to me and she was speaker at the time on the way out. i told her i was having issues with getting enough votes. she said what's the problem? they want this one person can rule you out. she was the only speaker that changed that rule. i had the power to call the vote on her but i never. we i lost some votes because of it. and she said just give it to
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them. i'll always back you up. >> i made the same offer to boehner and same thing to paul. because i believe in the institution. i think today was a political decision by the democrats. and i think -- i think the things they have done in the past hurt the institution. >> steve: while he said that yesterday. >> brian: pretty interesting. >> steve: nancy pelosi had his back. nancy pelosi was out of the house yesterday because she was in california for the funeral of the senator who just died out there. and so, and she is regarded. >> brian: could have made a phone call. >> steve: speaker emeritus. under wrestled with whether or not whether to support and save the speakership of kevin mccarthy. ultimately they decided not to, and i read somewhere that afarenheitly in the morning, as you can see right there. every one of the democrats voted against mccarthy,.
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>> ainsley: that's what you get for trusting democrats. they tell you one thing and pull back and do something else. >> lawrence: instead of winning over your caucus. instead of getting the 12 appropriation bills instead of getting term limits which you promised. you trust the democrats to save your tail and trust the democrats to save with you the cr bill. it's no wonder why he is not speaker. >> steve: if you were watching the channel yesterday afternoon, it was absolutely surreal to see republican vs. republican. they were, you know, supporters of mccarthy would come up and say this is why he should be supporters of mccarries and everybody should join and then you had a few of the gang of 8 that spoke out against him making comments and august the time you had the democrats sitting quietly just watching. taking it all. in. >> ainsley: steve, let me ask you this, do you think that he still would have been ousted because newt gingrich last night said he hates mccarthy. mcmccar,
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gaetz hates mccarthy. do you think he still would have been ousted if he had passed the appropriations bill, if they hadn't taken the six weeks in the summer? because all the -- all the republicans, those 8 are saying well, it's because he broke his promises, we were supposed to do the appropriations, why did we have to take so long in the summer if we could have been working on the probations bill. if they had done all of those 12 appropriations bills would he still have been ousted? >> we had speaker mccarthy on this program two days ago. he said that this was o-i matt gaetz says not personal. kevin mccarthy said it was personal. and it's because there is this house ethics investigation into matt gaetz. it's been going on for a long time. and matt gaetz, according to mrt mccarthy never intervened. >> he could have derailed the investigation. he didn't. and so that is why mccarthy says it was personal with matt gaetz. matt gaetz hates mccarthy and ultimately, when you -- if you are going to -- if you are going to go after the incorporate
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king, you are going to kill the king, you have got to take a shot that works. matt gaetz knew when he started this motion to vacate yesterday. he knew he had the votes to do. this. >> lawrence: go ahead, brian. >> brian: there's a lot going on. number one, there's nothing that would please matt gaetz looking for an opening. did all the appropriations bills. as kevin mccarthy did explain to us why i asked directly would you why he didn't get this done the same conservatives that would eventually vote for him that are critical of him now are the ones that were holding up the aappropriations bill over the summer. he said they were doing work over the summer. if you fire a speaker every time took vacation over the summer we would have a speaker for only 269 days all the time. the real problem matt gaetz was looking for an opening to oust him and he did it. if you want have a big plan you want to become speaker and image. he has no interest. he wants to fill on other networks and put on headsets and do podcast. is he in a very fewer area. you have to understand, kevin mcceafers is not there for conservatives or not o. moderates. is he there for the majority.
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if he acts 1-800-freedom caucus agenda. he loses what gave him the majority. and that's with california and new york. and what kevin mccarthy did, you might be critical of him, within 45 days if he didn't get those 10 appropriation bills done he got four to six done already. if he didn't get that done, that would have been a huge issue end up in omnibus land no. question. in route to doing it. doing preconference calls with schumer already with the senate. >> and chip roy and byron donalds and scott perry, they gave openings. they put in place where they could pass these 12 appropriation bills. the first option was cut spending by 8% with the border security measure. and gaetz was opposed to that that would have been a short-term cr. option 2, 30% in cuts. and that would have meant 12 appropriation bills were passed. so even though. >> lawrence: they said no more crs, and that's part of the problem is there was an agreement reached, and, look -- i think matt gaetz has his owns a expirations there is rumor
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that he wants to be governor. let's take matt gates aside even though he is the one that initiated, this there were still other conservative freedom members that still had their objections as well. they weren't willing to call the vote. even folks that decided to back mccarthy said, look, we saw this coming. we probably would have went the other direction. but, the votes had already been secured from that point. there was agreement that the congress was going to return to regular order. balance budgeted. appropriation bills. and, look, these guys, every single year they go to all these meetings and promise the republican base. we're going to do this for you. we're going to do this and then they get to washington and they don't do it. i will understand the frustration because it looks like the republican party is in disarray. >> brian: they are. >> lawrence: the republican party is not democrats. they are united behind joe biden. they are united behind kamala harris and john fetterman. i don't think they are doing so well. i think there is a point now where we see government in disarray that we say, okay.
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everything is off the rails right here. but they haven't been fighting for the american people. and there is people back home that are supporting them. >> only 44%. lawrence. i d -- 4%.# 6% is on board. >> steve: op-ed. they got the leading op-ed is republicans cut off their heads regarding. and these are the republicans who voted. andy biggs is one of them. the "wall street journal" writes mr. biggs argued on the floor that the house hadn't passed a 12 annual spending bills on time but that's because of demands from members like him. he and mr. gaetz offered mainly a list of grievances and supposedly failed promises that had no chance of being realized as congress. the real motive looks to be spite, personal and political and the result is to sow chaos in their own ranks. and to that they certainly did. because now the house that has a slim republican majority looks like they can't govern. >> brian: they have a strong case when you go to swing districts and say you saw the
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chaos in the house. you have got to put a democrat in charge. give hakeem jeffries the gavel. tim burchett joined me earlier. he was upset that mccarthy they had a conversation mccarthy called them up and said surprised you voted for me 15 a straight times now you have to pray on whether to oust me or not. and they seemed to have a different interpretation of what happened in that conversation. so here's what he said to us 45 minutes ago. >> the folks are tired of the fact that we take in $5 trillion and we spend $7 trillion. that leadership continues to pass these continuation resolutions. they push us right up against a holiday. well, guess what? the 45 day one is pushed right up against it. we took off six weeks this summer from outline -- we usually just take off august. they decided to take over two more weeks. i feel like that's a failure of leadership. they are the ones that set the schedule. he is the speaker. ultimately the buck stops somewhere. and diverting the attention somewhere else, i think, is just wrong. >> brian: you realize this is
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the first time in history that this has been done. so, you have your -- you're upset about six weeks during the summer did you call him during the summer and say "can we get back to work?" >> i'm also upset we are $33 in debt. >> is that mccarthy's fault? >> it could be. needs to accept some responsibility. >> lawrence: this is why i agree with you, brian, there is an agreement to vote for steve scalise, you going to get the same thing with him. >> brian: of course. >> lawrence: if the allegation is true and i take them at their word that they want to cutted spending, they want the appropriations bill and term limits and all of that steve scalise is not going to give that to you. >> ainsley: not necessarily. they might vote very similarly and be similar with their politics. but i think, based on what i'm hearing in interviews, they are just mad at mccarthy because did he not complete the promises that he. >> steve: work with democrats. >> brian: in nine months. he would rather shut the government down so he should shut the government down.
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>> ainsley: steve scalise is calling g.o.p. members asking them to vote for him. >> brian: he called tim. and tim said i haven't decided yet. >> ainsley: jim jordan was on with sean last night and he said would you consider it? he said this is a decision for the conference. steve would be a greater speaker saying this is a conference decision. i don't want to answer. this what happened to mccarthy was not fair, he said. there is also troy nehls, he tweeted out that he wants president trump to be speaker. probably not going to happen. >> steve: probably not. >> ainsley: it could. >> brian: fight matt gaetz come to my office. bleeding heart liberal? these are people hard to please. gave them a hard time getting the vote. said he was on track. meeting in order to get a continuing -- cr. and matt gaetz among the people that blew it up on saturday, are forcing kevin mccarthy to go to democrats to pass something that funds the government because it would have been total chaos, in my view, if we did not fund the government. >> lawrence: brian, can you please explain to me why
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mccarthy would believe nancy pelosi? >> brian: i don't think he leaned on it. he was relaying a conversation on the question. >> lawrence: clearly disappointed that the speaker didn't back him during that vote. why is the speaker of the house that is the leader of the republican party for the house, depending on nancy pelosi? that's what the american people -- the republican party, the voters out there, the diners that we go to every single day that's what they are upset why are we dependent on democrats for agendas. >> ainsley: if she promised we will have your back. don't expect her to. he is a different party. why didn't she? even if she is at the funeral she can still. >> brian: make call. >> ainsley: she is very powerful. >> brian: evidently they didn't like his appearance on face the nation. >> lawrence: unlike him she was concerned about her caucus. her caucus votes for her in lock step. there is no votes brought to the foreon her watch that doesn't get unanimous consent from her party. republicans doing the same thing. >> ainsley: it is what it is.
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already done. hopefully they can get a new speaker asap. we need to continue negotiations against the democrats in the house. while we had v. a chance to do that and we need some bills to make it to the senate and they can't until there is a new speaker. >> brian: need it 45 days to fund the government with the appropriation bills. conference on those bills. after the conference on the bills, i'm sure matt gaetz is not going to like what the democratic senate came up with and then i guess is he going to put the headsets on and oust them again. >> steve: one of the things happening yesterday in the coverage down in the corner, as the speaker fight progressed. the dow jones took a big drop. carley is joining us right now. carley, what was that all about? >> carley: of course, all of this, guys, impacts the markets. that's why we are going to start with a fox business alert. dow jones industrial average dropping more than 400 points yesterday. making it the worst day for the index since march. the blue chips now in negative territory for 2023 as the bond market sells off and rising
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interest rates stir recession fierce as well. president biden announcing an additional $9 billion in student loan relief this morning. it will help more than 125,000 borrowers through three different existing debt relief programs. this comes after the pause on student loan payments was lifted on sunday. that follows the supreme court ruling in june against president biden's original student loan forgiveness plan. a lot going on in that headline. today though is national taco day. and let's talk about some savings. taco bell is celebrating by bringing back the $10 pass that will allow customers to eat one taco for free every day for a month. today is the last day customers can sign up for the taco lovers pass. other restaurant trains also offering deals including bubba. jack in the box. we are celebrating with tacos here on set. all right.
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carley. >> steve: why wouldn't national taco day be on taco tuesday? >> there was a law having to do with taco tuesday. there is a lot of issues with that name. >> brian: did you bring that lawsuit? >> carley: i would never. i love taco tuesday. >> ainsley: you love taco bell. come down here, we have tons of taco. you have one there. >> brian: who went to the drive-thru window this morning hopped in uber eats. >> lawrence: it's good. it's been a while instance i have had taco bell. >> brian: coming up november. won't be tacos but fun laughs history. patriotism and enthusiasm. and everyone will have a good time. along with fox nation will be going live on stage in red bank, new jersey on the 9th. in huntsville, alabama. in montgomery and pittsburgh. and holland michigan, skokie i will mid to and juliet illinois. teddy and booker t and be talking about history, the real history of people not taking down statues and why they shouldn't even consider it. go to brian fox nation is going to stream one or two of these.
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also fox nation deals if you show up in person. >> steve: you are going to talk about history. >> brian: might be food. >> ainsley: very proud of you. we love your book. >> janice: your book is coming out on my birthday. >> brian: i know. that's what my plan was. >> ainsley: oh, she is down there. you are downstairs. >> book is coming out on her birthday. >> brian: used to be a professional anchor. now she is screaming off from the side. >> carley: make it all about me. >> brian: there she is. tipping point. chicago set to hike the minimum wage for servers to $15 an hour plus. we will talk to an owner who says this will crush the windy city restaurant. >> steve: first, the horrifying video. portland business owner attacked in broad daylight business owners. his demand for the city to bring back law and order, coming up next. ♪ aah, it's a good day to cough. oh, no!
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shoulder blade after trying to stop these thieves from stealing his car, breaking into his car. and he just got out of the hospital. and he joins us now. good morning to you, david, how are you feeling? >> well, taps little rough right now. i'm aching all over, and my back where the ribs, where i took a lot of the beating, it's hard to -- it's hard to get up. it's hard to move around. >> ainsley: yes, sir. >> and i thought i would be able to snap out of it like everything else. >> ainsley: i hear that's very painful. broken ribs. >> yeah. >> ainsley: we are watching this video right now. sorry to interrupt you. we are watching this video. tell us what happened. >> i walked out to stop these people from damaging my car. and was three people all together. and what i should have did is,
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if this message should be for other people tao void going through what i got through. just please call the police. and don't try to do anything yourself. at 63 years old, i'm not what i used to be. and anyway, i just couldn't get up. every time i got up. i got put back down. this lady seemed like she had super human strength. you know. >> so you walked out. you took the bat out with you to tell them get away from my car. were they trying to steal your car? were they just -- was it just damaging your car? >> they were damaging it. and then i got a gun pulled on me; a 9-millimeter. and the guy wanted my keys. and that's when an officer just came bye bye accident.
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and oh my gosh. i was so happy to see him. and he stopped everything. >> ainsley: what do you think would have happened if that police officer had not come to your rescue? >> i think i wouldn't be having this interview this morning. tell us about crime in portland. this is a community, this is where your business is. this is not residential, right? >> right. this is where my business is. >> ainsley: how dangerous is it? >> well, portland is a beautiful city. 100 miles from the ocean. you know, 75 miles to the mountains. and two rivers going through portland. it's a beautiful city. but, every block down in my area and a lot of areas, you have these homeless camps. and you know, i always try to treat the homeless with a lot of respect and i give them water bottles. i give them oranges and grapes.
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you know, i give them soft fruit because they have no teeth. and, you know, i just try to be on everybody's good side. these are the same people i help on a daily basis that attacked me. 2k50u68 like you know who they were? have you seen them before? >> no. i don't think i have seen these people before, no. but i have seen people similar to this. >> we are really sorry this happened to you. we are clad that you are going to be okay. what are you going to do now? are you going to leave? >> >> no. i don't tap out. no one pushing our company away or the ren rinella family away. we are going to maintain. god bless you and have -- thank you for having me on, okay? >> ainsley: you are welcome. praying for a speedy recovery for you. thanks. >> awesome. >> ainsley: coming up. what a nice guy. the coming up the family of the 9-year-old girl that was abducted from a new york park is
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>> lawrence: here we go. fox news alert. kevin mccarthy out as speaker of the house. supporters are lashing out at matt gaetz accusing him of siding with the democrats. now leaving the house in limb l. >> think long and hard before you plunge us into chaos. >> chaos is speaker mccarthy. chaos is somebody who we cannot trust with their word. under speaker mccarthy's leadership. hour house republican majority has actually defied all odds and overperformed expectations again and again and again. >> if this house of
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representatives has exceeded all exceptions, then we definitely need higher expectations. >> steve: that got a laugh. our next guest voted in favor of kevin mccarthy. congressman kelly armstrong, great state of north dakota joins us live. congressman, good morning to you. >> thanks for having me. >> how surreal was it for you to sit in the house chamber during that red on red attack on speaker mccarthy where everything you guys have accomplished they blew up? >> yeah, it's a bad day for republicans, it's a bay day for our conference and bass day for our country because 8 members of our conference gave joe biden and chuck schumer unified control of the government at least until we can figure out a path for a new speaker. >> brian: why don't you let matt gaetz be your leader? >> not a chance. >> brian: why not? >> the cost of my vote for a new speaker is rule change to our conference. i'm not interested in the petty
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personal attacks but i would like to take -- i would like to have a position where one vote, particularly one of the most extreme votes becomes irrelevant, otherwise it's the same clown car with a different driver. >> all it takes one person to be unhappy and it happens again. motion to vacation need like 30 to 40 votes going forward. >> the new speaker better learn right away how to deal with the most eccentric area of our conference and that will be the first question i ask them. >> lawrence: a lot of spokes don't like matt gaetz but a lot of folks back at home that don't feel like the republicans are fighting for them. when i say that during gain season they see you all at town halls talking about balanced budgets and term limits, fight for them. border security and they don't feel like the speaker, okay, is fighting for those priorities. starting with those appropriations bills. so, what would you say to the folks back at home that say they just want regular order? >> well, i think we have dong
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afternoon done regular order. the most conservative fiscal package on the floor of the house in 20 years last week. had the most robust border secured, would have given us an opportunity to equally get into the negotiation with the snas, the reason we couldn't pass it over because of the same group of people who won't allow it to happen. >> why did you all go on vacation then, when we're at home, average day americans. when we don't get our job done there is no vacation. if you have all couldn't reach compromise for 12 appropriations committee bills, why did you all go home? >> well, we passed 10 of 12 tout. couldn't get them to the floor. the same people wouldn't vote rule. couldn't get the other out of committee they didn't have the republican votes to do it. i take a little bit of issue. i represent the entire state of north dakota. it's not a vacation when i go home. i have meetings. itch constituent services. we are working all across the state to do the things that we got sent here to do to be quiet honest, a lot of us work a lot
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harder at home than we do here. if you are stuck in the muck people won't boat vote for procedural votes whether you are here for a week or 10 days, if they are going to hijack every single piece of information to get it to the floor. i would much rather be talking to north dakotaens. >> same 8 blowing up appropriations bills in conversation and stopping them from getting approved and out of committee, is that correct. >> and taking down rules so we can't debate them on the floor. my biggest concern with what happened this week is the mexico speak is going to have no motivation for regular order, open amendments. why would you. we have opened this house up more in the last 8 months than we have in the last 20 years and look where it's gotten us? it's a terrible place to be. and taps bad look, bad molly and bass for constituents. >> coming, what's the real reason then why did they oust them? asked him made all promises going to pass the 12 appropriation bills, if you are agreeing with brian and they were doing everything they could to make sure they didn't pass,
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what's the real reason? >> i think it's personal. and i think it's never ending need for attention. but, that is really true. you can't demand regular order, which i appreciate, with a five vote majority and then demand results. we he have people who voted no on motion to vacate. you just used term limits. they couldn't get term limits out of the judiciary committee. that's regular order. one of the reasons is not because people don't support term limits. there is a bunch of us who don't think the house can should be six years and the senate 12. we are already disadvantage in a lot of positions. i don't know why we would put our body in a significant disadvantage. the answer to this we should continue down regular order. democracy is hard. we have a four vote majority. we should celebrate losing a vote once in a while. put it in the back of the cue and go back to work. >> steve: thank you very much for joining us on the post game show on the ousting of the speaker. thank you, sir. >> you bet. >> brian: what is he pointing out too in committee. not just putting in committee and getting this through. in committee is debate.
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not allowing them to get to an answer, so, therefore, the bill doesn't emerge even for the floor because republicans and i would imagine some democrats don't agree. what he just pointed out is a good point. i never thought about that. three terms for a house member, okay, that is six years. three terms is 36 years, you know, is 18 years for a senator. so, there is legitimate debate within that appropriation bill. steve. >> lawrence: republicans are not agreeing -- >> brian: take the fall because the committee can't stop debating? >> lawrence: new york city mayor heading to mexico as the border crisis spirals out of control. will these trips really do anything though? >> steve: national coffee with a cup kay. p.j.'s coffee on fox square with a unof in law enforcement as janice dean brings us some free cups of joe. ♪
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♪ >> carley: we are back with a fox news alert. a 6.7 magnitude earthquake shaking the southern philippines. so far there are no reports of any death or injuries. transportation in the region may be shut down as officials check for damage. keep it here. we will bring you more information as it becomes
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available. and the family of 9-year-old charlotte sena say they are thrilled to have her home safe, the little girl, who was snatched while riding her bike at a state park in upstate new york was rescued after a two day search. new report reveals this may not be the kidnapping suspect's first time trying to abduct a child. one of christian ross jr.'s neighbors told the "new york post" i told the police that a man had tried to grab my grandson back in july. that's when they showed me a picture. i recognized him immediately, 100 percent immediately. i said that's him. those are your headlines. lawrence, brian, downstairs to you, my friend. >> brian: let's expand and talk about what is happening on our border by finding out what is happening south of our border, lawrence secretary of state antony blinken heading to mexico city meet with president lab drawer. take your time. i know you have a garage band. eric adams on his own is going to mexico and central america and south america. will these trips really do
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anything, lawrence? >> lawrence: obviously the border is out of control. and they are scrambling to figure out everything that they can do to do it but they have got to go and figure out the root cause. i thought kamala harris was supposed to do that, brian. >> brian: president obrador says i know the problem with the u.s. and their border. it has to do with the sanctions on cuba, sorry, they are communists. the sanctions on venezuela, we have regime change there, also communist. he says because we have sanctions on them, they have nowhere to go except for all the way up here tothere. i thought we already had remain in mexico right there where we were stopping all of these folks from venezuela, cuba, and making them stay here to apply for asylum. >> brian: this is where i want 20,000 marines that were there during the trump days. they stopped them from coming up or at least detained them, instead they put them on trains and they send them south and next thing you know the roosevelt hotel. also, i have got to give credit to our mayor. >> lawrence: so you have got adams in a tough situation.
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is he getting hammered him and hochul. he was for sanctuary cities but it seems like he has changed his tune, brian, he is going to go and do a whole tour. >> brian: embarrassment to his party that the mayor of new york city has got to play indictment and going to go to mexico city. and saying. then is he going to go to ecuador and is he going to meet with them and say why do people end up in manhattan and brooklyn and the bronx? we have no more room. also probably going to listen and find out what the deal is. then is he going to come here. >> lawrence: you can't forget about the darian gap as well, brian, they are having a lot of wants to see if new york can have some partnership. he has no partnership or anything from the united states government. he is saying new york may help out.
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>> brian: this thick jungle used to stop people from going through. you can get through the jungle. i will bring you, the cartels. there is all types of danger, physical danger here you hear about rapes and kidnappings and killings. all the way through here because the cartels have the fifth largest business in all of mexico. and they transcend all the way down to south and central america. they are making a ton of money off what is happening to get to america. come one, come all. >> lawrence: so, brian, the big question is why is adams doing this? here's a statement from his chief adviser on the border. this is what she had to say. >> the federal government needs to do its job. we need the federal government, the congress members, the senate, and the president to do its job. close the borders. >> brian: hear those last few words? do you know who says that? every republican, close the borders. the president says the border is closed. so they quickly walked this back. fabian leavy, the spokesperson
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for mayor adams and he said she meant decompress the pressure at the borders. no? she told the truth. once in a while mayor adams does the same thing. i give them great credit but also tragic that a mayor of a city has got to play diplomat with central and south america. clear that the gloves are off. tried to do it with biden. biden kicked them off of his re-election campaign, steering committee, so now shots are being fired. >> brian: what is going to make it worse allowing venezuelans to work. might think it's a good idea, president clinton because it is not. it will be a magnet for hundreds of thousands of more venezuelans to lead hell hole country led by communist bus driver and come here. >> lawrence: many people say we have homeless folks all over our city in new york city. >> brian: i'm one of those many people. >> lawrence: we'll be following. check in with janice dean for the fox weather forecast. >> janice: perfect day for coffee with a cup. it is national coffee with a cup day today. 68.
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get into the 80's. then the cold front is going to come through and watch a storm over the weekend. let's talk about something fun. hi steven ballard. how are you? >> i'm fabulous: januaryian tell me pj's. >> coffee concept out of new orleans. been in existence for 45 years. we're excited about being here today. >> janice: what separates your coffee and donuts and pastries from everybody else's. >> we from new orleans, new orleans flavor. deal in the top 2% coffees in the world. small you, artisan roast all the coffee in the french quarter in new orleans. bbeignets. >> janice: i have tried them they are amazing. you love first responders. >> corporate stores 45 years in uniform or first responder, you get free coffee. >> janice: i love it. talk to people who are enjoying pj's coffee right now and coffee with a cop day. hello, what is your name? where are you from. >> sergeant diaz new jersey
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state police. >> janice: thank you for being here today and thank you for your service. >> thank you. >> janice: how is the coffee? >> fantastic. i'm going to get some. >> janice: i will get some for you. i'm your waitress today. what's your name? >> sergeant gonzalez. >> janice: where do you work. >> new jersey state police currently in cyber crimes unit. >> janice: why do you think it's important for people to come out and meet for coffee with the officers in their neighborhood. >> gives an opportunity for the community to voice the concerns, in a safe environment. >> janice: you guys having fun so far? are we treating you well? did everyone get coffee or beignet or doughnut. >> yes. cat scan january i'm coming during the commercial break. this is, of course, first responders near and dear to my heart. so happy to have them here. who is taking care of the cities that you are from? >> everyone. >> janice: send it over to more "fox & friends" coming up. are we taking a commercial for break? more coffee. we missing something? hmmm...
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look who saved slider sunday again! wow... eli! eli! eli! here we go... (♪) a perfect king's hawaiian slider. tastes good too! classic eli... love that guy! seriously? king's hawaiian slider sunday... the only way to sunday! there are giants among us. they are the men and women building our navy's next generation submarines. they are giants in what they do because they work in a place where they can grow. where they can learn the skills to build careers as powerful as the beasts they forge. we build giants. because it takes one to build one. diabetes can serve up a lot of questions, like, "what is your glucose?" and "can you have more carbs?"
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and get compensated on days they make less than illinois minimum wage. next guests make $40 an hour on average and said this could be a miss. join us from chicago is restaurateur, tj callahan. what is the city council trying to do? >> it is easy to pitch this as they are doing something good for workers, but reality is, 30-pound for a one-pound problem. there may be a few people out there not paying the workers correctly, for the vast majority of chicago restaurants, servers, bartenders, food runners are making good money. in my restaurant they make $35
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to $40 an hour. this is a tough blow for chicago restaurants. >> steve: sure. we have a graphic that shows current chicago tipped wage is a little south of $10 an hour. and the illinois minimum wage is $15.80. they are trying to up the minimum wage, but that will damage the people who are -- i'd rather be working for you making $40 an hour than go to minimum wage in illinois. i think tj is frozen. that question really threw him. here is the problem, three quarters of restaurants in chicago think tipped employees will decrease overall 52 and 92% of restaurants say menu prices will increase and ultimately that is not good for business.
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all right. apologies on the transmission and there is one of tj's places, the farm bar. coming up on 8:00 in new york city and third hour of "fox and friends" is starting right now. >> the office of speaker of the house declared vacant. >> the full house voted to remove speaker kevin mccarthy. >> america will be better off with new leadership, bottom lean. >> it is a bad day for republicans, bad day for our conference and bad day for our country. >> five people shot, including four students at morgan state university in maryland overnight. >> classes cancelled after they had to shelter in place. >> following the attack, he ran and is still on the loose. >> the largest
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