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tv   The Five  FOX News  October 4, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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other. meanwhile, "the five". >> hello everyone, i'm jeanine
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pirro, along katie allege and greg gutfeld. and this is "thevc five." >> the left's obsession with radical gender ideology is getting so absurd that even lifelong liberals are calling it pathetic. joe biden's interior secretary posting a video in honor of lgbt history month, chatting it up with a drag queen and queer environmental >> queer rights are more under c attack than ever. we worke together to builimd a more equitable and just future. >> t now, tennis legend is a donald trump hating liberal. but
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even she takes issue with that video. she said, "is this a s joke? the pathetic parody of women continues." and there is nothing the left loves more than being gender fluid. but boy did that one backfire. a womens technology conference event crashed by droves of biological men who claim they were nonbinary except they weren't. t apparently, it was just a employ to get a lucrative job in tech. women at the event were furious, did not appear to be nonbinary, the event's impact officer had to talk about it on stage. >> some of you lied about your -- when you registered. stacks and stacks of resumes, you're passing out, you thought you could come here and take a space. so, when you're standing
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in line, instead of letting speak, are limited resources which you have no right.y, >> okay, jessica identifying as nonbinary in order to access high paying jobs, taking theking time of recruiters for jobs that should go to women, aren't thes progressives hurting real women? >> i wouldn't call those people progressives. they are just p jerks. that's completely wrong. it'sju outside the scope obvioue of what you're legally allowed to do and taking advantage and making a mock early of the movement. nonbinary individuals who deserve jobs in tech. how dare you. how do you know? where is your standard? jessica. >> igo assume the tech conferene ha d a standard, he was able --re >>nc how can you tell p if i'm nonbinary or not. >>t? this is the first day.
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>> this is making a joke out of it. >> it should be a ec i don't. >> but it isn't a joke to millions of people. >> hilarious. >> it's really not i think what happened is the worse. she has been pretty consistent on this issue, speaking out about biological men and womens sports which where everyone is unified. but drag queens and queer people are a seminole part of the history of the stonewall inn and the gay rights movement, it makes complete sense to me that doug holland was interviewing a drag queen for that. the one at the tech conference was unacceptable. what are you laughing at. >> when men are competingwh against women in the pool, were are you mad about tech becauset it affects you. >>be i would never get a job in tech. >> now in the workforce now it
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bothers you. >> i let real said biological men competing in womens sports is where we are all unified, i've been consistent, leah thomas shouldn't be on thaty teamth. that's somewhere we all can come together on this.n co that's not every issue that effects the trans and nonbinary community. >> i would love to know about that, jessica. what definesou nonbinary community, somebody deciding one day they are goingn to be thises gender or that j gender. why doen i have to agree with that. >> you don't. that's the beauty of the w first amendment show. >>s they arthe amplifying andam exaggerating the fact there is>> no standard and that'ss no brilliant. >> okay. >> if you are going to say it's unacceptable you have to create a standard and the left has created no standard when it comes to sexual identity, it comes to gender, you can be
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whatever you want to do. if you are going to give guys an option toin go to a womens conference they are going t go take you upn the option. i had a friend ini college who had to do some kind of diversity training, women inf the workplace,or taking that on that's the one i am going to do because he is given the opportunity. this is the realitv of biology crashing right into these feelings that the left wants to have the nonexistence of sex differences. if you go oe to protect women and spaces ando opportunities, have you to havew a standard and do you have topp accept thaort men and women are different and they can't just say they are the same thing or offer up a third category and say it's an appropriate --appr inappropriate men to come to a womens conference, what standard or just at this case if there is no standard you can uphold. >> said come on, womens tennis tournaments are not for failed men, mens athlete. men athletess
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the interesting part of all that, you got men who aref failing in sportths who then've decide to go into womens sports. removing the opportunity for women to succeed and in this case the nonbinary removing the opportunity focar women -- i mep isn't this all about crushing women? >> crushing women, that's my wheel house, judge. >> do you identify -- a minute ago. >> let my e finish. i should be holding dana's hand. i really need dana here right now. theng drag queen park ranger, patagonia. >> that's a great name. >> great name. they are doing this to celebrate gay history month. we just had gay pride jus month in june. now they have their own history month? they have two months. the irish only have st. patty's day. and the italians just lost columbus day. if i were a black american,pa which i am technically, .1%
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sub-saharan african, black i americans only have one month. they have black history month. and i'm looking around, wherek did all these gays come frome ga building months up all of a sudden? that's not allowed.en? it's like ordering two entrees at dinner. you have to have rules in a society. and if you i think about it, people are taking advantage because if youi are nka black lesbian you get fc months, judge. you have blackfo history inur february, womens month in may. probably. and then june -- june you gay and gay history in september. that is at third of the year to i celebrate yourself. it's too much. too. much celebration. here is my proposal. they have to have onet month peher group. that's it. ad i predict they will have a gay month coming up either a transmg month, a -- probably a holiday where you get a day off. remember they have juneteenth. you are going toge get a federal
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holiday where we won't have to come to work. well some of usnt won't have th.o come to work. >> all right. >> fed i have more to say. >> go ahead. >> moving on to greg. >>bo do you haveut more to say,t jesse. >> i want to talk about deb, majored in poetry. >> yeah. >> she then became a salsa entrepreneur and failed. >> you are talking about our interior secretary. d >> yes. >> and then she failed up and now she is the interior secretary. do you remember the binder full of women with romney? >> yeah. >> now men are tryin membg to get inf the binder. >>wo that's true. >>omne so you now have to have a binder full of men who identify as womenha. that's where we areo this country. is there somethinn wrong with that. >> yeah, there >> what is wrong with that? why can't i have a binder of men who identify as women. >> w you can do whatever you wa but noca -- >> greg and i are joining a sorority. >> i can't. dress for ladies night. >> free drinks. >> did you know that pattygonia
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partnered with national auto bak society and dressed up in a winged costume. >> drag queen muddies the waters, it is kind of an art. martina is correct. what you are seeing is the growth of woman face which is basically misogynist version of black face pioneered by dylan mulvaney. i never thought it would be white liberal woman that would create a pyramid hierarchy, trans female which is above men aboveo lobiological women, consider the people nearing at this prank right now, what about vie ventno sexual fell ons who declare they are nonbinary to enter a womens prison and have. okay. isn't its time for all o pf us i think, to identify as anything that offers us preferential treatment and gives us protected status? you would be a sucker not to do that, canadian teacher with the. giant boobs who claims he wasth
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female. there was no immunity to such pranks when your own belief system is such fraud. they are pointing out that this is a joke. and god love 'em. >> a do you think that there are no legitimate trans people inma tethis country? >> i didn' t say that. nonbinary. >>ying dylan mulvaney is trans,e is not nonbinary. >> if you say. >> she -- >> one is smoke and mirrors. nonbinary is smoke and mirrors. >>mirr do you know everything a> dylan mulvaney, does dylan still have the junk? does that matter to you? >> junk or not. >> does it matter? >> does it matter? women -- because that's odd to me. that'a odd. >> do you know what. >>ve look at louden county, a gl was raped by a boy who said i'm thnon-by nair he roadway.
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>> we already went over this, that doesn't -- >> that is exactly what happened. >> exactly. coming up, the border is wide open and crime is out of control. instead of doing something about it congress just went home after kicking out the speaker. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. i was a bit nervous at first but then i figured it's just walking, right? [dog barks] oh. no it's just a bunny! calm down taco. sit duchess. stop! sesame no no. archie! walter don't, no, ahhhh. ahhhhh! you're lucky you're so cute. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ hi, i'm jason. i've lost 228 pounds on golo. ♪ changing your habits is the only way that gets you
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>> well, plunging into chaos and our leaders have gone awol congress getting sent back home tora nice relaxing weekend aften voting to kick out speaker kevin
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mccarthy. border crisis is raging, so bad even liberal leaders are demanding that something needs to be done. disturbing violence e continueso make the streets run red in blue cities like this video of a mane etbeing randomly stabbed to deah on new york streets. oh, and of course, the government runs out of money next month and lawmakers are just pointingun fingers over who is at fault fos not having a speaker. >> today fin was a politicaler decision by th. e democrats. ein people can partner with thet whole otheper side, how do you govern? >> they did absolutely nothing to reach across the aisle. they are captive to donald trump and the extreme maga wing. >>d th doing his job for the mot point, we missed key deadline. >> there are too many challenges the country is facing to have the house continue to be in chaos. democrats figured it out, let's come together and focus ot that agenda. >>o keep the government running
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over any of these other littlego things becauseve that's the o fundamental part of ouf r job. >> i see literally hundreds ofjo members ofb. congress acting lie nero fiddling while rome burns whistling by the graveyard. >> nero fiddling. >> adult in the room joe biden>> thinks this is all a big joke. >> next house speaker. >> that's above my pay grade. >> so jesse, fire them all and start over? >> just clean house, gutfeld, speaker, already nominated him. > i'm in. >> i know why the country ishe running out ofm. money, i looked at c the requests, aoc wants haf a million dollars for a bathroof in the bronx. nancy wants $5 million for an elevator in san francisco. how about this one, how about a bird sanctuary to reducbie emissions for a coo
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1.5 million. or even better, how about ev chargers in the projects because every time i drive by the projects, i can't stop seeing the teslas breakri down. ohve, there is more. how about planting trees and grass in a parking lot. i have my landscaper gave me a quote for sod and trees he would do it fot $50,000. they asked for a bablmillion dollars. a millionth dollars for grass aneyd trees. playground. $3 million for a playground. i went on amazonn today, i can get a playground for jesse junior for 5 grand. why are you spending so much money. i will tell you, katie. the donors give these guys to get elected then take our tax dollars and plow it back to the donors in the form of pork. and so, gaetz said let's start it, mccarthy said i can't stop it i only have a couple seats in the march ins here. so, they blew it up like a cam a as i
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pilot. are we ever going to get spending under control and probably not. >> stress about keeping the government open so they can kee. that moving. >> sandwich on christmas eve. >> government shuts down, greg, should these lawmakers stay home more often and do less, is thata a good thing. >> i don'twm care. i'm only interested in the crime elementy of this segmen it which is realy sad and disturbing, you saw two beloved left wing activists murdered in the past week. i'm beginning to think that the filter t that progressive leades force on other people is deadly. that you better not cross the street when you see a crazy man because -- well, that's racist.b you need teco always prove you e enlightened by risking your life. i'm not a progressive, i'm a real issue, i'm untethered too ideology. i discriminate. i cross the streets. i avoid sketchy areas, i don't put theth lives of others in jeopardy of a
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potential psycho because i fearp cnn might callot me a bigot. mot people in new york city have changed hair habits to accommodate risk. they stand at the rear o f the subway platform avoiodd bad areas even though tt might bee called by a progresse racist. it's not the activist's fault for being y weekend ay all filter that denies the reality an d instructs you to throw caution to the wind because b that'sec antiracist. progress -- ideology that needs a warningog label, right? and by the way, have you heard of any progressives calling for justice? no why not. they don't even like giving guess trippings of the suspects to the police because that's racist. they don't like pictures of them in newspapers. their brains have been modified to believe that theyewsp are serpents deservinga punishment. lastly, it's a little controversial, i don't
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care. we fought a war to end slavery and why? becauseal apparently we couldn't decide t. end it peacefully, right? wend knew it was a moral evil yet we allowed ourselves to engage in a war to end it because the democrats clung to it. doesn't that sound familiar now? that we have viscous crime without or a relentless cycle with no endg. in site. "mad men," carjack, kill people, violence is an acceptable reality yet it's a moral evil that the left is okaw with. almost as if we are going to have to fight a war to bring peace, it's >>ac jessica has the left u.s. ideology oa f being afraid of being called a racist, now but the left position where you have a serious problem and there is not a lot of solutions comings from the left. in fact more funding for progressive da's than eve r before. >> i don't think that that's th root cause of the problem here.
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i think that people have readjusted their behaviors and democrats that i talk to and i'm not part of the activist class which i think is out on an island by themselves and part of tht e normal democratic class ad we talk about changes peopleic made in their lives, your stuffp isle locked up at cvs, some dont even go on the subway to begin with. there is nothing comparable going on right now t slavery. >>on r that's what you're quarrg with. >> well, yes. >> analogy is always imperfect, that somebody analogy. >> i think it's so perfect perhaps it shouldn't have been made in this case. >> i won't do it again. >> thaouldt is a lie. you will t probably again today. >> i am going to do it in the e block. >> that's mine. do whatever you want, it's a fact. but this is about the shut down. or theck pendin. g shut down and what happened with the speaker ship,
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would it be so bad if we weren't doing all the spending, whatn' happens with a shut down is employees, federal employees are not paid. >> they are not paid. >> it doesn't matter if you live paycheck to paycheck waiting however long it takes to getif that y money, doesn't help you. and the both sizeism about this is astounding. kevin mccarthy has a lot of gall getting up there and blaming democrats who bailed him out over the weekend to get that continuing resolution and he didn't bother to call them up and say what can i do to get your vote, i'm pro secretarying that five to eighmt are going against me, call up moderates, like dean phillip whose talked about supporting a republican speaker. make a bidan for it jeffries said that pricee is too high. he wants to continue to lie about what went on there. >> jeffries gave democrats not
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to vote for -- >> he is not ours to save. >> do you know what. >> he is not. seriously -- here is the amazing part of this, the democrats fo ir weeks, karine jean-pierre, nobody is going to get jea pay check, hoard americans, the horrible republicans. then what happense, is, you get kevin mccarthy who avoids the shut down, he avoids the shut down, h ae does whatevr he has to do to avoid it and what do the democrats do, they vote all of them in unison to e hang kevinal mccarthy. >>m he saved -- >> you didn't save him. on saturday you sunk -- you sunk kevin mccarthy. stop it right now. the democrats stick with each other, the republicans are shoot within the tent and thatth is thee problem. and at a time when we have crime with no solution, nobody cares, thebo progressives are the onedy that brought in these soros funded
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da's. the progressive democratsr who are the ones whoos said wean don't want bail,d we want criminal dirt bags running around town and revictimizing of the people, they are not solving the problem. so, what do they do, they are reveling in the chaos and dysfunction of the republican party and laughing thei r asses off and high-fivin, excuse me if that was a curse word. to go against joe biden, he is incompetent knit wit. 91% of the peoplincoe concerned abot inflation. extremely. housing,ee paying bills, taxes, the border, crime, and the republicans decide now it's time, let's sink mccarthy. that's baloney. >> yeah. >> that's baloney. >> coming up trump versus new t york roundru three, going off on the judge in his fraud trial as new evidence emerges that he's biased. s
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that he's biased
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mara, are you sure you don't want -to go bowling with us tonight? -yeah. no. there's my little marzipan! [ laughs ] oh, my daughter gives the best hugs! we're just passing through on our way to the jazz jamboree. [ imitates trumpet playing ] and we wanted to thank america's number-one motorcycle insurer -for saving us money. -thank you. [ laughs ] mara, your parents are -- exactly like me? i know, right? well, cherish your friends and loved ones. let's roll, daddio! let's boogie-woogie!
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>> the orange menace going all fire and fury in his civil fraud case, president trump going baci in court for day three, trying to cripple his business career or empire. >> thin s trial is a total witch hunt. and i should be entitled to a jury like everybody else ik entitled to a jury. the bottom line is this is rigged. the judge knows what he is going to do. i would rather be in new hampshire, south carolina, or ohio a lot of other places i'm stuck here because i have aa corrupt attorney general thalot communicates with thbee doj in washington to keep me nice and busy. >> trump may have a point, a
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video is resurfacing of theom judge in chargine bragging tof college students how he makes his decisions based on his feelings. >> injuries get it wrong a lot. that's my own opinion. i've had situations where, like oh, my -- my heaven's sake. how could they have thought that. well, i have a -- i have a tool that i can deal with that. it's called jury not with -- judgment notwithstanding the verdict. can i say there is no possible wayve that a reasonable jury wouldther have reached that conclusion. i'm following the law. i'm an impartial referee. but it's hard to factor out my own emotions. >> so, jesse, how do you feel now about artificial intelligence? don't you thinkal it's better to have a judge that isn't governed by his political bias, mood, hunger pages or bad hair. >> robot judges.
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>> yeah, ai judges. >> youhu want a robot judge? >> yes. >> i want sympathy from the judge and garner sympathy by looking the right way. and i think trump is garnering a lot of sympathy. here is how he is doing it. instead of not showine up, he doesn't have to be there. he goes and holds press conferences on the courthouse steps that the entire main stream media and international media has to cover. he has more press holding press conferences outside of his trials pretty all year. this is brilliant, theren is no cameras in the courtroomtr so he is spinning whatever happens in the courtroom ande nailing biden's hide to the wall on live tv cameras. very smart.l this judge is aluna particular, is he tic.a drummer in the bande drummers are the nutty ones, bragged about being a taxi driver, he could drive as fast as he wanted and it was a lot of fast cash. the worse part he
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says he ignores precedent. well how do i ignore precedent he says, well maybe the case isn't the same, maybe the guy had ama redshirt, maybe the guy beforer had a blue shirt. he is confessing he is corrupt. and he's bragging about destroying b the judicial process and wess caught him a, it's a smoking gu. there is no way trump is going to get chronic haved on this. >> igo mean, jessica imagine yot being at the mercy at the whims of somebody who personally doesn't like you. imagine if your judge was, i don't know. >> me. >> dan bongino. >> that's not nice. >> that's what we call -- b >>on that would be very difficu. >> sitting around missing me that much. so, he was on with martha in the 3:00 hour, asked h him about the bias issue. he said that he hadn't seen any
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indication that far in h conducting this trial with donald trump a bias against him. obviously, it would be better ie there weren't tapes of everyone talking about these things that is the world we live in, we neee to wait and see direct evidence of this. how would you feel? this is a question all the time about donald trump. i wouldn't have done this stuff. he has been found guilty of fraud. he has 91 indictments. he has -- w sorry, four indictments, 91 counts. i wouldn't do that. iin don't even think --rs >>ta the judge is bias. >> do you think he is getting a fair trial with this judge? >> i think his -- i know that now they have tried to reverse course and are claiming that itn owisn't the case that there wasa form that they could havea checked. >> oh, boy. >>case there is. on july 31st,o letitia james filed the note of issue, her -- she checked trialo without juryti. trump's team had
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15 days to respond and they could have checked that box. >> that is baloney. >>ecke is isn't baloney, the jue couldn't have said it should beh a bench trial. >> that is not true. >> this is a case inequity. equity means that the judge t decides and nohet a jury. it isa case -- it is not a case for damages. air go it is equity, no jury. and stop pushing this idea that they were incompetent. lets me tell yohiu what incompetent e incompetent is a judge i let myo emotions decide whether i should go this way or that way in a trial. that's baloney, okay. iat was a judge, you leave your emotions outside theju door. you make a decision based on theor. fact the and the law. and this judge should be removed pursuant to the administrative rules of b unified court system in new york for bias and prejudice against the defendant in this case. thie judge says he supports letitias.
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james in going amp donald trump and this is a quote "because is he a bad guy" this judge should be removed, whatever decision he makes should be removed. he is an i am basement. this is a courtroom with no cameras except he allowed them in. let me tell you, if i was a judge, if there were no cameras in the courtrooo they wouldn't dare step in my courtroom. that judge allowedur them ttro come in, he took his glasses off to look like a big deal to make donald trump tooo look like a defendant. this judge should never have given the impression that was there was an option to have a jury because that's incompetent, it is prejudice to the defendant. then he says, nobody asked for a jury trial, there is no juryant. trial. this is the same judge a who is not competent enough to understand what a statute of limitations is and made ae finding of $250 million on aad case that was barred by the statute of limitations. don'tut
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talk about this judge and jury trials. >> trump katie does prove the lie of the liberty. you are supposed to protect the rights of all people especially the ones that you despise. it's easy to defend people thaw like. thei judge should bsee aware that. >> the's judge at least got ahe better haircut j before he let e cameras in. that is a plus in his column. why this case is brought in the first place, letitia and attorney generaljame campaigning on the fact he is going after donald trump, employs thousands of people, if not hundreds in the city, sendsi a bingg message about business d you can take it out for new york, if you don't comply, they are going after you for fraud. >>nera he admitted today in onef his press conferences hea committed tax fraud. >> really? >> yes, really. >> come on. >> he's on tape he pays hist taxes. >> we have tleaso move on.
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>> here we go.e hi >> we have to. >> you are talking to him. >> yeah, thanks. >> youg to -- >> i love you. up next, the antiracist character reton accused of squandering millions. to jump into the fun and join in the celebration. to help get you ready, your aspen dental team is celebrating 25 years of affordable care with an epic anniversary savings event. right now, new patients without insurance get a free full exam and x-rays. plus, everyone can get 20% off their treatment plan. but hurry, because while the season won't last, the memories you make together will. aspen dental. book today.
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>> antiracist author who build an empire, wants to ruin sports. in rahim kennedy has beenro embroileild in controversy, is t like a dumpster fire, he blew through $30 million and muster two research papers. he is denying any wrongdoing. it doesn't matter to espn, rolling out a new show featuring kennedy
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railing against racism. >> ihola spoke to athletes and experts to explore issues at the intersection of race, sports and society today. it's up to all of us to confront the racism in society and favorite sports because we all have skin in the game. >> all right. so, abc, disney, they own espn. this network has changed from when i watched sports center in the 80s and 90s and you were probably watching cartoons. >> i don't know what espn is. it's a zombie network, it's too late because the disease has progressed for so long through the cowardice of executives. disney, you need to shut it down, start it up and find their original mission statement, it's about the kids. espn it's about the sports, shut it down and
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reboot. cnn lost their way. it's the news. so, it's kind of interesting when you are lookint deter wane how many of these products have completelyw ma imploded because of either wokeu ideologyse, all of these identiy politic crusades, just shut it i all down, kick the people out pushing this stuff and reboot as your original product and people will life you. i should run that company. >> you would run it into the ground you don't know anythingts about sports. >> you don't have to. > i espn, it's just a numbers game. jessica, greg says stick to your mission, they've lost the mission, everybody. why is that? >>th well, times have changed. d they obviously made a decision that this is the direction thato we'ruse evolving in. espn still shows at who of sports and stilt has a lot of sports commentary, if you are watching you can still see your sports center.s scott van powell isn't talkingpt about issues of race or trans anything or something that might
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offend you. he is covering sports and what happened. i's think there are two separate c issues here. will do their investigation, find out about the $30 million, et cetera. the other side of this is that racism in sports has been a hugi story for decades and it meaningfully effects all of oure major leagues. discussing it in football, in basketball, talked about it a lot in tennis. >> i agree, it's an issue ins an sports but the guy you hire wasu -- not the right man for thera job. he stole $30 million, judge. >> well, not only is he not the right guy, he is a light weighti he won't gate anybody about it.d thebe amazing thing, the complaints are things like how dare you tell me how i should play basketball or football. and when you think about how good america has been to sports figures in this country, you know, from the time some ofth these players exhibit the ability to play whether it's
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football, basketball, america opens doors for them. and in sports right now, 58% percent of football players are black,nt basketball 73% are black. they shouldn't be trained or there aren't enough of them. this is bob eiger falling flat on what he says his mission is. >> sports is the least discriminatory. >> these people have made millions of dollars on this>> toxicity that they are inserting in a place with there have beens a ton of progress. somebody whoo grew up in a sports family, coaches who did not share my skin color, teammates who dids not,wh i deeply recent judge yor teammate by the color of yourin skin c, rather than the goal yo have to win games, they are paying him to do it. it's a white liberal project that doesn't move the countrymove forward, it creates problems and
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resentment and that is not the way it's supposed to be when you are moving forward with progress. a guy like this has no interest solving, colleges and now sports networks are embracing. >> do you recent the fact that he makes us say his middle name x. >> i think he will get sued for copyright or trademark infringement. >> isn't his name henry rogers? >> made up his name. all these n biz people. >> my name used to be abrahamah kennedy. >> youam didn't want to be too ethnic. >> smoking weed with snoop dogg made him go blind. balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals,
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nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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>> welcome back. can smoking marijuana make you blind? pop star ed sheeran claimed. >> i don't really smoke, i was in the dressing room and there just -- and i'm like, i guess at some point during the night, i have to, i smoked with snoopst
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dogg. that wasn't too bad. i have a bit more. have a bit more. i remember looking at him, i can't see right now. >> greg. >> why me? >> i don't -- you like drugs the most of anyone at this table. >> m maybe. yes. has a prize tht snoop's weed is powerful. is it's the equivalent of hitting s nolan ryan fast ball because you played in. >> because he was smoky or it was he was too high. >> don't pretend. >> i am asking journalist questions. >> i was told something else ifi you did too much it would make you blind. >> did you g>>o to catholic schools, too? >>c okay i understand that snop has an official roller who
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twisted 450,000 blunts since she started working for him in 2016. he apparently smokes 80 blunt as day. >> no, how is it possible? >> 80 a day. >> don't ask me. >> how many blunts an hour is that? >> t a little bit more greg. >> 80 blunts a day, 24 hours, smoking around the clock. >> 1 8 hours. >> yeah. and why don't we ask tyrus, wasn't he his body guard. >> he would know. >> tyrus. >> hold on. >> we'll talk to tyrus and get back to you after the break. >> one more thing is up next.
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jessica. okay, so halloween just around >> ie house preparations gearing up.d and one house in new york had such convincing decorations that firefighter g decora s were called. q firefighters were called to help. they responded to the, quote,abt confirmed structure fire to find. it was actually an elaborate display madee y of led lights, a box fan and silver sheet. while facebook usersso can't get enough of the spooky setup, one suggested that it wouldn't have hurt the homeownersrt to gt the local fire department a heads up. >> that's so cool, right?o see yeah, right.a all right, jesse, you want to see a guy get struck by lightning? sure struck. >> let's see. it doesn't matter where you go in the world, you should always >> a gps. g.p.s >> and i used to carry a big, bulky, hand-held one, and i got hit. >> no, you did. pi escalante down didn' in flod just got zapped jesse prime primetime at 8:00. pirates are now terrorizing san francisco. gr actual pirates. wow. okay, greg. happy birthday, aishpy birtha. it's aces birthday.
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all right. tonight, 10 p.m.murray, douglas murray, joe to vito kat timpf. tyrus, it's tell our sho.w. e. let's do this. greg's gator update. remember i talked about the jatr for florida gator he was looking for. oh, well, he got home last month. he doesn't.he have a jar, but he has a home. yeah, they call him jar ween ca named after the dolly parton hit jolene. anyway, he's now resides at gator land in orlando for him. >> okay. members of the golden state warriors basketball teamn and organization visited san quentin foquentia gamer a gt the inmates. after a hard fought game, the prisoners defeateddefend the warriors 85 to 80, defending their home court. the inmate court.s said playing and talking with the players gave them a sense of purpose gad hoped hope for the future. oh, they lost to a prison gang.o yeah, they did. they had a purpose.n so they that was a smart moveud because they all had chipsge jes right. anyway, that's it for us. a great night. sorry about that, katie. isaac okay. >> hey, jeff,


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