tv The Five FOX News October 5, 2023 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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where it's easy to point the finger and say this is what you said before, this is an about face so it's difficulty think at this day and age to really say you were right and go along with it. >> well, i still blame everyone for every problem but i take credit for everything good we do. >> me too. >> no you don't do that but thank you very much. julie manchester following that. i love when i get to talk to financial titans including ray dalio running the largest hedge fund in history. his view where we stand on fox business a good chunk of it on this show tomorrow "the five" now.
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>> i'm greg gutfeld with judge pro-and martha mccallum. the biden administration is admitting donald trump is right. >> we are going to build a wall. it's going to be built and we have to build the wall. >> by the way the wall is being built. >> biden is copying trump by building a wall. joe says he had no choice. >> one question on the border wall. the border wall money was appropriated for the border well. there's nothing on the wall other than they have to use the money for what it was appropriated. >> biden is contradicting his
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dhs secretary who is gutting environmental regulations to build a wall. puts the white house in a tough spotted and has him spinning. team biden can't anger or give credit. >> your colleague asked him he said no he doesn't believe. >> that's a direct contradiction. >> i'm speak for the president. this is something we will require by law and are complying. this is an administration that believes in the rule of law. dhs is required to comply by the law. >> he said there will not be another foot of wall constructed in my administration so something changed. what? >> you want us to break the law. is that what you want? congress proceed praitsz the
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funding. >> claiming he did not contradict biden he says walls are not the answer n. the next paragraph he admits they're being forced to build one. trump is gorging on biden's flip-flop, saying. liberal cities are crying uncle fed up with migrants flooding their city. >> the simple solution is no. turn the buses around. >> it's becoming a unity of black people where we get the low scraps. you want to put us at the bottom of the barrel. that's not fair. >> you cannot keep bringing immigrants in. the city doesn't have the money. >> you don't know their names
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but you wanted to spread them all over the city. >> its unsanitary it's unsafe and it's just not right. >> so harold good to see you back at the table. you know how this happened, right? you had to make the democrats feel the pain. they had to share the burden so it goes back to that move with the buses. you have to share the suffering. agreed? >> i'm a believer as i have on every issue that being bold and if you push the envelope legally it's the right thing to document there's no doubt greg abbott and i'll give desantis credit as they were able to encourage people to be bused across the country made cities across the country understand the enormous pressure these cities on the board are are under. i think the white house has had to do what the white house had to do. i love when people come around in my position and i'm going to applaud them. now, i wish they had done it
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sooner. we have been saying it a long time around this table. the wall you've got to reform the asylum process. i think the wall alone won't work. i've said that on this show. we need an asylum process that allows people to reply but not stay in america while they do. if they're allowed to stay the threshold has to be high. you can't just say things are bad at home i want to come here. we have to invest in technology and ways to help cities deal with this enormous challenge and 4 if indeed we want aid for the border which i think we do and need ukraine aid tie it together and pass in it c.r. stop politicizing this. do what is right for the border and don't let that be an excuse for what's right overseas. i applaud the white house doing this. i don't know if it's correct mayorkas had to back off the statement we are going to build the wall but this is the right
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thing to do. had it not been for the governor sending migrants you called from the beginning we might not be the place we are today. >> it could have saved so much time if you said greg, you're right. jesse they had to hit rock bottom, right? the only vees they're so allergic to any words uttered by trump. they let the country suffer because they can't admit that they were wrong. >> that's how insecure they are. if you're a politician like donald trump he was always open minded. he never wanted to commit to something because in a negotiation you want to leave your options open. that's what biden needs to do. he could have easily said we are in trouble, this money is out there. they tell me it's a good idea to build it so we are going to build it and then pivot away because he looks like a small man who can't admit a mistake. he's lying again because he said he tried to convince congress to
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m misappropriate the money. the democrats had the house and senate for 2021-2022 so you couldn't convince nancy and chuck to move the money somewhere else? that's a lie. dhs said this was an acute need to do and they blew up 26 federal regulations to do it so that doesn't sound like something that, you know, and they went to the supreme court for stuff. they ignored enforcing law with hunter dhoechlt charged hunted weather tax felonies. he choose what laws he wants to enforce the best part about in doocy goes once they build it are you just going to tear it down? because that's legal to tear it down now and they also drilled a hundred holes in the wall stow the antelope can migrate to mexico. it's going to cost five times
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more than it should have because he sold extra wall that was gathering dust as a huge loss and i wanted to hear what this new technology s. how many times very you heard there's this new technology that's going to stop illegal immigration? ghas this new technology that's better than a wall? they can't name it. it doesn't exist. >> the new technology is making america un -- inhospitalsable. when you see america is in chaos in so many areas it has to see what is here the refusal to do the right thing because it might align you with your opposition so whether it's crime riots looting immigration or education you go the opposite direction until you hit bottom. >> it's stupid. when you become president every president as a leader one of your biggest most important responsibilities is national security.
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so something is working. just pivot to other stuff. don't make a big deal of the fact you're going to keep that policy. he had to undo every thing and i was actually surprised when i heard him backpedal on this because i thought i was going to hear something that harold mentioned that they were making a turn in the policy and acknowledging the problem will there's nothing wrong as a leader saying i feel your pain. maybe it's taken too long to get here but we are going to build this 20 miles obviously that's 2,000 miles long. the most important place to put it and make sure the people who are yelling in chicago might be the most powerful voices in this story the ones we just played because people in all these cities sent these buses, why don't i have to go to the back of the line?
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in politics you see sea changes and i'm curious to see if we are on the cusp of one of those, right? look what happened in the midterms n. new york and california you had more conservatives elected than anyone expected in midterm that didn't go the conservatives way. so watch these voices in chicago and who is going south of the border eric adams and the mayor of chicago because they know that their political situation is very precarious and they have to pivot. the president just sits there and says i'm not doing anything different. my hands are tied on. this i don't have choice. i have to build a wall. makes sense to no one. >> they said about afghanistan i had to get out of there. trump made me leave at that timeline. >> it's preposterous and i think most people watching it doesn't make sense. >> judge what do you make of jean pierre's complying with the
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law? >> i'm so impressed she said that the president will follow the law but the saddest part about this and the obvious answer is they cannot admit that just as martha the point that martha is making it's just beyond the republicans. it's beyond the democrat governor of massachussetts and the democrat mayor in new york city. we are talking about the average american in chicago who says, why do i have to get to the back of the line? you know, you don't even know their names and you're spreading them all over our city? i mean, that is the exact point. we have in one year 151 known terrorists. we have no idea how many other terrorists have come through and this excuse that we have to build a wall. that is an out right lie them lie to us. this is gaslight us all the time and mayorkas can't even use the word "wall" it's very clear.
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we have an acute need to construct roads in the vicinity of the border. they can't use the word "wall". will they now admit they're racist hassel people for putting up this wall? because they've said it's immoral and ineffective and expensive. omar said it was a monument wall to r to raisism nbc says trump's bordered wall is a remindered of white supremacy. trump's wall of shame is a whited racist hostility surging through the country. all thetown that they did and now they're in a position not because it's the right thing to do, not because it's the smart thing to do or the law requires it because they know they are losing. these are political operatives who only care about their value in the political world. they could care less about any
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smash-and-grab rampage >> everybody must eat! everybody must eat! >> record this! record this! >> keep your phones on! free iphones! >> everybody must eat. free iphones. that didn't last long, d.a. larry krasner may walk back looting charges for them. 72 people have been charged causing chaos in the city of brotherly love ransacking stores leaving destruction, krasner he may go easy on them. >> people have been involved committing crimes during this unrest will be addressed individually. we will look carefully to see if this is a one off situation and
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hold them accountable one way. >> could you imagine if this was your store and you arrived and it's ransacked and everything you built is destroyed and all the stuff walked out the door with this guy and the folks behind him? you know, once again, it's just so difficult to understand the political -- people want to be safe. they want their city to be safe. these the most basic tenets of politics. people are changing their mind about who should lead them in this effort so harold obviously if some one is on the video and had nothing to do with it they shouldn't be prosecuted but if they were vandalizing stealing and it was just their first time they should be let go? is that the idea here? >> i have no idea. let me be clear when i say no idea i don't mean to be crass. if this was mr. krasner's story
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wonder if his tendency to be lenient would be as his comment suggest. this is certainly stealing and people there should be held accountable for what they d. and this young lady on the video her grandmother said he was embarrassed and hurt for her. i don't know what he's talking about going lenient on f. the law says you should not prosecute someone who is a first-time offender who does whatever that's one inning but can i not imagine what we just saw here the law doesn't allow to prosecute. if it does, the commonwealth of pennsylvania needs to change some laws. if this was your home works they about okay? if he says it's okay, he should not be the d.a. of philadelphia any longer.
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he said he wants to go easy on loot percent he determines they usually follow the law so that suggested even if this video if they're not following the law he would go easy if he sees it's a first-time offense. >> this guy is not a real d.a. larry krasner is a soros finded progressive whose job it is to ignore crime and protect the krimt let me explain something. the mayor initially starts by saying we are going to throw the book at him. everybody in philly is like this is great. the next day you've got the d.a. saying i want to see if these are fundamentally good people. well, i don't care what you think about them. i only care about what i see in this video. and what i see is criminal mischief, criminal trespass, burglary, conspiracy, larceny. let's not kid each other. these are felonies. and good old meatball talking about we got to eat, they're not
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looting a supermarket. they're looting liquor stores medical marijuana cvs, lulu lemon. if he says this is one off, maybe they're talking about juveniles and me says he's looking to protect those between the is ages of 18-25. well he's not following the law either because in the state of pennsylvania the only one entitled to juvenile offender status are under the age of 18 so he's creating his own lane of 18-25 we are going to be good to them. we are going to let them off. we think they're good people. what do they do, come in and smile at you? the last thing about all this is most of them have no criminal or minimal criminal records. your damn right they don't. you know? they're only 18 years old and you can't allege they have a criminal record because their record at that point is a
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juvenile record. they could have been doing this the last ten years and you could say they don't avenue record. you're a liar and don't know what your job s. if you look carefully what's going to see if it's a one off there's no way he's asking for the input of the store owners or whether or not he owned the store or anyone because they're left to clean it up themselves. the city is not helping. nobody is helping them. every store owner has to clean up. what i would do, i don't care if they're a juvy. i would put a scarlet letter on them. if you want to damage a window and steal, when all your friends can see it you're going to clean up the glass off that street. >> i had a music teacher in middle school, ms. elderly and when she would turn her back
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everybody would take their pencil throw it up and it would stick into the ceiling. we woe waited middle of class and all the pencils would fall down. we never got in trouble. >> anybody hurt? >> no. >> what was the ceiling made of? >> some sort of material that would be absorb a sharp pencil. so if she had kicked me out of class that would have been the last time i chucked a pencil into the ceiling but she didn't so i probably threw sleeves upon sleeves of sharpened pencils up at the ceiling and never learned my lesson. these kids need to be taught a lesson or they're going to be looting another apple store f. this was a mom and pop shop he probably wouldn't have said it we are talking steve jobs. he doesn't have the temperment. this guy has to prosecute crime. let the judge, let the public
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defender hash out the rest. if you have a garbage man deciding i'm not going take their garbage today. no they're hired to get all the garbage to have street and they should. the one off thing is stupid because in january 6th i don't think there were people wandering into the capitol that had a prior criminal history. if anything that was a one off. >> you can hear it 378 people sentenced for trespassing so we know the big case in that and the horrific offendsers but 378 people sentenced who were trespassing. >> well, there's only, this is called a criminal mulligan, right? only certain people get criminal mulligans and january 6 protestors don't get them and here's why. they're the oppressor. so the oppressed get criminal mulligans. the people change like us we're
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presentsers and are losing power so that's why we are upset. i just got a joobt msnbc. let's compare the rights between criminals and victims? criminals get a mulligan, they can steal loiter shoot up public areas loot burn call it surgeon-general. they can pile up arrests and never do time what about us? we have to change our lives to accommodate risk. we have to move out of cities for safety of our families and our own. we are beak driven out of cities by the oppressed so i return to my analogy from yesterday. we had a war over slavery. we knew slavery was inhumane and immoral but somehow we couldn't solve it peacefully it was evil but one side refused to acknowledge it was evil because
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it was too big an admission to make. doesn't it feel that way now? the refusal to reverse the decline argues against the survival after country. what does that leave you with? you need to make war to bring peace because you cannot change. that means belief they've been corrupt all the time so you have to force them to surrender. >> we can make love not war. >> i tried that once. i had to go to a doctor. >> elections don't work. we know that. >> we had a mother rat president and we have crime exploding everywhere. we had a democrat president promise he was going to be moderate and unite the country and now we have a terrible education system. we have no border. we have crime everywhere. every facet of society is in
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peril because our elections don't matter. >> elections don't matter. we go to the election booth and voted the people out. >> i wish i wasn't naive as you. >> the media are worried some people might have to cut the fun budgets if they have to suddenly how terrible pay back their student loans.ov - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital at 800-630-8900
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economy as a whole. i relieved millions of americans from crushing debt they can think about buying a house, they can started a business, they can be starteding a family. this matters. this matters in their daily lives. >> but biden can only go so far to bail them out. millions will have to start paying back federal student loans this year after a three-year pause. the liberal media is crying over wealthy college grads who forced to dip in their fund budget and cut back on things like travel concerts restaurant dining and spa days. other articles framing it as a terrifying trade off with consequences for the economy. all right jesse i'll start with you if biden actually cared about this student loan recognize and not just the gen-z millennial vote he could get colleges to lower the cost of tuition.
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>> wouldn't you love to see booipd have a college summit with stupid college presidents who are ripping off this country get them in a room grab their next and say, stop destroying the american dream because you're coming out of college with 200-grand in debt. you can't buy a house rates at 8 percent and now he's trying to pay them off so they vote for him. how reckless is the press? imagine a 20-year-old out of college going to vacation, going to brunch if my father found out i was putting spas bruchs vacations on a credit card and i didn't have a family house or career at that point he would kick my butt. i put five grand on my father's credit card and he almost made me go to military school. i had to work the rest of the summer hundred dollars a day to pay it off. why don't we do that in this
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country? >> what was the five-grand for? >> you know, you can't cancel student debt. all do you is transfer the burden to another taxpayer. >> that's right. that's why the supreme court one of the reasons the supreme court didn't have the ability to cancel the student debt because it really is an issue of grunsfeld purse strings but i'm focused on the fact he said he wants people to be able to buy a house, interest rates at 8 percent, wants them to start a business, very difficult to start a business these days and start a family. there are ways to incentivize people through tax breaks through regulation cuts that help people have the ability to start a business. we have a very divided wealth system in this country right now and it has made people feel that they cannot get ahead and part of the problem is this student loan burden. they need to give up these other things and pay the debt down as
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so many people did and we need to make wiser choices and encourage each other to make wiser choices and inflation has causeded of this so it could have been prevented if we can't keep throwing money at the problems and expect a different outcome. >> hunter doesn't even own a home and he's 50. >> we shouldn't talk about hunter now. isn't somebody else lynchburg at the white house the one who just got married? are we paying for that too? >> yes. >> all right, harold. back to you. isn't he giving people false hope? you're not going to have to pay it, i'm go take care of you the supreme court says no and now he's got this false hope. >> nine billion dollars of student loan i think you're right you got to put the
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presence in the room and say the real challenge is how do we keep doing this. we have 8 million jobs in the country that require high skills and higher degree. i've said on the show i don't mind prioritizing where we have need in the economy engineers teachers and family positions. if we want to provide relief forward that we should and we have a $36 trillion debt in the country. that is placing not only pressure on every household when you divide what each of us may owe but it's putting upward pressure on interest rates because people are trying to understand can we pay down this debt. this is impacting the stock market everything that's happening day in day out i'll look forward to when we have leaders both sides of the aisle when jfk made that powerful statement to every american.
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we are not doing enough of that today. this notion we are going to do that. we have to teach kids to be responsible. we don't do enough of that in politics or everyday life and unfortunately this is another example of what we should not be doing to help advance and make our country stronger. >> don't these young people need to learn to live within their means? >> i don't know. some people think it's okay to a lot. he just sanctioned a lotting for his over edueducated voting bas. this is not cancellation and this is pure theft. that's all it is. you got to ask, why not steal if this is theft why not steal from the colleges with their billions in endowments? why not steal from the banks?
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why are you putting it on the taxpayer? one reason. they understand the taxpayer the people watching this show feel powerless get this assault. you want a big institution who can fight this so can you steal from the truck driver because the truck driver has no way to fight back. why steal from us? because you can. you can't rob a bank or a college but can you rob our viewers. that's the sickest part. we are being robbed by the president. it's pretty much evil. >> so the president is evil? >> yes. >> okay. coming up britain prime minister slamming transgender ideology making american leaders look like total idiots.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> it is sends every single democrat into a mess, what is a woman? the brits are not afraid to answer it. the prime minister standing up to the rad kell left insanity and making you're leaders look weak. >> it should not be controversial. patients should know when they're talking about men and women. people can't be any sex they want to be. a man is a man and woman is a woman. that's common sense. >> did you hear the applause? imagine if biden said that. >> he couldn't do that. no, but this issue a lot of people say it's not a big deal. it's big deal here because it's about seizings control over the kids from their parents under this phony ruse of privacy this
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is just between me and the activist so it's shifting the parental bond to sick activists who have cared school administrators and politicians to play along. it's about speech. this is the first time i've seen in our history it's okay for others to compel you to use words. it's not about silencing your speech. it's compelling to you use certain words. but freedom of speech is also involved the rejection of people forcing you to say things. that's where we are right now. it's worse here. everything is worse here. we are elevating things that destroy the country whether border science speech education. sorry i'm a downer today. >> interesting point you're made to say something. if someone is a doctor you don't have to call him doctor. but if someone says i'm
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transgender you have call them they or him. >> not binary. >> they didn't go to four years of medical school. >> right. i think rishi is understanding that they will be receptive to this message in the united kingdom. he had banning cell phones in classrooms there which is a brilliant move which we should do tomorrow because kids can't learn because they're distracted and teachers don't have the leadership to tell them they have to get off their phone. leadership is sorely lacking. the ability to stand up and say this is right that is wrong and people can disagree. they can tell you you're full of it. they cannot elect you. we must have the ability to be leaders. it goes to university presidents. they need to step up and lead. everybody is afraid to lead these days and this is an
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enormous proem so we turn into mush balls repeating things we are supposed to say to certain people. you should not be in for your future but it's also part of cancel culture and permeated society and you get lifted eyebrows if you stay what you think and feel. he said we are favoring values over virtue. >> you're a recovering politician. you know as a politician that voters may not agree with you but if they know where you stand clearly on an issue, they respect that. >> i agree with you. i agree with the u.k. prime minister. we are all born with defined gender that's on our birth certificate but we are all allowed and per mid to pursue other own happiness protected by the freedoms that we enjoy in this great country with the people we love and how we want to lead our lives as long has we
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stay within the realm of the law but this point needs to be made over again. we are born with dead find gender period and we should accept that. >> does it bother you deep down the british can say what they feel and americans are afraid after destroying them in the revolutionary war? >> the interesting thing it's really the ones on the left that are the wusses and we are being bullied into believe can be any sex they want to be and that is just absurd. if your genitals don't determine your gender how does removing them affirm it? none of this makes sense to me. and i think parents need to know that ten million children in this country are in schools where the guidance is that the parents are being blocked from knowing whether or not their child identifies as a different sex from their birth sex. so this is a reeled problem and
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parents have to go out there and find out what the schools are doing and what they're preventing you from knowing. >> something about the way you say genitals. >> don't even go there. >> i enjoyed mush balls. >> up next, a rat goes viral after hitching a ride. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ before you decide... with the freestyle libre 2 system know your glucose level and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. manage your diabetes with more confidence. and lower your a1c. the number one doctor prescribed cgm. freestyle libre 2. try it for free at
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>> welcome back. everybody loves a good rap video. >> i just got to way upstate and i brought a [bleep] rat with me from brooklyn. hole -- holy [bleep]? >> rat hitched a ride to upstate new york. judge what would you have done if you saw that? >> screamed. he would have run away. >> you got to hit the windshield wipers. that will throw the thing off. >> you don't want to kill it. >> it's not an endangered
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species. >> rats, yes, i do. >> you wants to weigh in? >> i would use any means necessary to get it off my car. there's nothing cute about a rat. no, sorry. i'm not going to feel bad for a rat. >> i think it's good to see bill diblasio get out. that rat is not trying to stab me in front of my apartment. i'll take a million rats at this point. go rats. >> you think this guy was concerned? >> one more thing. >> one more thing is up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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history 28-year-old congressman in tennessee convinced congress to lower drug costs for elderly. >> i believe congress has a responsibility to help protect seniors from the unreasonably high costs of prescription drugs. >> jesse: so handsome. [cheers] >> look at that and ty. come a long way. >> very good tonight. prime time, nadler requested a million dollars to make his sidewalk wider. actual earmark. >> greg: there is a reason he needed it widened. >> jesse: that's right. >> greg: all right. where am i, hawrld? >> harold: check out this little girl's happy dance saw her father picked up from school. first day dad picked up little marri here. going to be a daddy's girl. i hope my daughter is watching. this i love these videos. [cheers] all right. can i move on? >> greg: all right. tonight. great show. 10:00 p.m. let's keep doing it. mike, jamie lissow, kat timpf, tyrus, 10:00 p.m.
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let's do this. greg's what the heck is that? i'm doing this so martha doesn't get to do her one more thing. >> martha: come on, i really want to do mine. hurry up. >> greg: take a look at this animal. i bet none of you know what this is. what is interesting about this animal is that it's the closest relative march whatever of the rat. >> greg: no closest relative is an elephant and manhattanee. >> jesse: no way. >> greg: right here in production notes it's called. >> martha: it's a rodent. >> greg: a rock hirax and at the new england zoo. judge? >> judge jeanine: so a baby elephant interrupted a young reporter by sticking his trunk in his faces a he gave a piece to the camera. elephant seemed curious as it first moved trunk up over its ear to the top of his head and then to his face. he didn't want him to think he was irrelevant and i'm on laura. >> martha: on the plane. >> bret: harold ford jr. video was
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