tv Gutfeld FOX News October 5, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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pelosi, she was a waitress at the last supper. >> sean: wow. you're on your game tonight. >> i'm a week away. jimmy, huntington, the i'm filming my one hour on friday. it's a big deal. i owe you a producer's credit. you have promoted it more than i have. thank you. >> sean: great, jimmy, thank you, sir. that's all the time i have left this evening. wednesday and thursday live audience shows, we have a great time, we throw our footballs, people punch each other, it's awesome. just go to, tickets are absolutely positively free. never miss an episode of hannity let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld standing by to put a smile on your face. we'll see i
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>> yes, yes. oh. thank you. your validation means a little to me. happy thursday everyone. fall is upon us kids in class, i have the skateboard park to to myself. what is the l.a. unify school district doing focusing on reading writing ducking gunfire? nope, gearing up for national coming out day where the abc's get replaced by the lgbtqs. there is nothing wrong with coming out. coming out of the closet implies you live indoors. i'm step ahead of californian. planning a week of action the
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district sent 11 page tool kit with lesson plans focusing on identity. none of this was sent to the parents. luke everything the parents are always the last to know. it's part of california's fair education act which forces schools to include lessons on social movements and lgbtq people. fine but listen to this plan for six to ten-year-olds. heather mcdonald explains. teachers should engage kindergarten and first grade students in discussions about identity aided by an activity called an identity map. wait. having to read a map? that's already unfair to the female students. >> so, sexist would say. >> it's not that kind of map. hear pupils chart experiences of
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discrimination or privilege on axes. that sounds complicated and evil. kids enter class with energy and curiosity and you turn them to a victim with grievances they don't have yet so they look at experiences of discrimination and privilege? they're maybe 6 years only and they just learned how to make a boom boom in the toilet a week ago. what discrimination? they picked me last to play patty cake because you have boogers in my fingernails? should the 6-year-old fart without everybody looking at you like a monster? what about body size? apparently this mapping allows 7-year-old's to see themselves through intersectionality.
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people post about students multiple identities. we are turning healthy kids into schizophrenics. they walk into class and leave as mr. hyde. i thought that was funny. why are first graders learning this crap? do they need to know what this gender means or binary or intersect or pan sexual? a.p. used to mean advanced placement, now it's advanced pervert. it's what activists want them to learn because they know it's not organic or else you wouldn't need to artificially create and enforce it. if it's bad for an 8-year-old look at the school system s scores they're lower than nancy pelosi's boobs. remember when when they false lierly claimed you can't say gay in florida?
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in l.a. they can't spell it they can't even spell l.a. forget about english as second language these kids don't know it as a first language. forget about kickball. that's just oppressive and don't even think about giving the brats crayons so they can trace their hand and turn it into a turkey. besides they want your kids to use their hands for other things. at this point we have only one hope for the future, youthful rebellion. every generation resists the indoctrination of the one before and with luck this generation of kids will be no different just as the punks rejected the hippies and the goths rejected the jobs and joe biden rejected his grande daughter. maybe they'll revell against the
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lunacy that boys and girls are interchangeable. chest feeding will go back to its meaning eating fish off a naked woman in high end sushi placement three do what kids have done forever, hate their teachers will look where i am now? take that mrs. mccutty. i've got two shows and you're still buried under my mom's garage. why bother teach them anything if we are teaching them stuff that puts them in an emotional hole and confusion. math is not going to help them when they're dyeing their hair magnesium. if ignorance is bliss, america will become the happiest place on earth. >> let's welcome tonight's guest! after seeing his act his kids tell their friends he's a bus
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driver. actor writer median jamie lissou. he's from san francisco so me disinfected him with purell, chief of pirate wires, mike solano. what's wrong with me? she doesn't pars worst. kat. finally firemen are called to rescue cats stuck in his beard, former nwa champion tyrus! jail when i the courts allow you to see your children, are you worried they might be brainwashed? >> yeah. i don't think it's my kids not the court that don't want me to. i worry about all this stuff. you should be able to come out the closet and be comfortable.
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i don't know if i told you so many people thought i was gay i had to come out straight. [laughter]. >> people had no idea. my parents were we love you just as much. be careful in that closet. there's a lot of gay stuff going on in there. lgbtq you notice every month there's a new letter. it's like they'll be not f. it will be all the -- yeah. it's all very confusing. i feel bad for the kids. dion think they should make it with affirming care i worry about kids making decisions that could be permanent with their kid brains. i remember when i thought i had should get a marvin the march taken tattoo and this is more serious. one thing that confuses me imagine me bisexual it would be
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hard to have to look at everyone's ass. at they walk by. >> thank you jamie. well done. all right. welcome to the show first time. >> thank you for everything's me. >> i hope you're not regretting it. [applause] >> seems like the priorities of education is changing. what do you make of this? >> first of all i think on the topic of a coming out in elementary school is just like it's insane like you can't come out as a child because gay is homosexual and children don't have sexuality. i think it's good wove bipartisan consensus that academics don't happen in elementary school because it's like day care. we need day care. day care is cheaper than school so we can fire all the gender goblin teachers and hire teenage
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camp counselors and everyone is happier. problem solved. kid happy. >> kid love camp. >> they do. >> who doesn't love camp? >> america loves camp. >> i'm on the fence. >> that's because you went to fence camp. that was painful. >> big guy on the fence. wasn't fun. >> so kat you can get fired for talking about this stuff at work but apparently in elementary classes you can talk about it at will to children. does that just inflame your senses? >> i feel like either it's a coincidence the stuff only started becoming a thing after covid or it's some kind of duties tracks because there's been a lot of learning loss that took place after that and now it's people screaming about what was a gentlemaner map. you got a color in a gender map. you're a bigot. you're idiot. nobody is like my kid doesn't know the colors. it's crazy.
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so i also think that we should be focusing more on that and also if this was going on when i was in school it wouldn't be good. actually i was androgynous so i would say i was a boy for sure. >> also kids will accept anything that not doesn't create home work or is taxing. all right, tyrus. do you think this is like another luxury belief except now that it's spreading to kids? >> no. first of all, if you can, home school. get your kid out of school because they're not learning anything and the stuff they're teaching them is dangerous. so, there's two sexes either born man or woman. that's it. you can pretend to be whatever you want. if you don't believe me go to ghan because they're the only ones will say it out loud but when you don't have numbers we always bring this up what is the
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percentage what are if numbers how many people are we talking about in this category of the gender this and that and all this kind of stuff? whenever we ask we are bigots so i get the sneaking suspicion the number is about not as big as they want the people pushing this want it to be so you got to make new members. where do you start? with children. you try to push your way of living on children so you create members of your group. then before they would protest there's nine of them. it's always a big secret. now what they're doing is these individuals can't create their own fast enough so first thing do you is parents are bad. they don't know what's going on. stay away from mom and dad. you can trust us. they're saying the same thing every pedophile said in the van outside your house. now they're on the internet when you're not paying attention to kid. the scary thing is they don't
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want you smart because you're smart you ask questions. you don't know how to read very well, math is a racist mystery and you believe you can be anything on the box it's a pretty good way to get people programmed so it's as a passionate all pie kids are out of public school into also, i'm disturbed. i can't believe you think it's six years old that kids are potsy trained. >> girls get it at three. boys a-6 is about right. i don't know what it is. >> something about the toilet when you're a kid. i remember learning at 8 years old and losing when i started
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drinking. >> they teach you to sit the right way facing the right direction. they tell boys to turn around it blows their mind. they can't make that switch. >> we are going to do a special hour on fox nation on potty training. up next joe is the building wall faster after his border disaster. we're traveling all across america talking to people about their hearts. ooh, take this exit. how's the heart? i feel like it's good. you feel like it's good? how do you know when it's time to check in on your heart? how do you know? let me show you something. it looks like a credit card,
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but it is the kardiamobile card. that is a medical-grade ekg. want to see how it works? yeah. put both thumbs on there. that is your heart coming from the kardiamobile card. wow! with kardiamobile card you can take a medical-grade ekg in just 30 seconds from anywhere. kardiamobile card is proven to detect atrial fibrillation, one of the leading causes of stroke. and it's the only personal ekg that's fda-cleared to detect normal heart rhythm, bradycardia and tachycardia. how much do you think that costs? probably $500. $99! oh really? you could carry that in your wallet! of course you can carry it in your wallet, right? yes, yes. checking your heart anytime, anywhere has never been easier. don't wait. get kardiamobile card for just $99 at or amazon.
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here's why you should switch from chrome to duckduckgo. duckduckgo is a browser you download to your mobile and desktop devices. unlike chrome, the duckduckgo browser has privacy built-in. it comes with a private alternative to google search, which doesn■t spy on your searches, and it blocks cookies and creepy ads. and there's no catch. it's free. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you around. join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on mobile and desktop today. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> so, will biden's new erection be enough to sway the election? dhs secretary mayorkas announced the government will waive 26 sektsz of the borer wall in texas where illegal migration is spiralling out of control citing a need. dhs says there have been over 245,000 migrant encounters in the rio grande val sector this fiscal year. the most amazing part all 245,000 migrants came out of one nissan. mayorkas said earlier walls are not answer. yet in the next paragraph admits
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they're being forced to build one. when asked about the new wall kgp said three words over and over. >> that we were required by law and complying. this is an administration that believes in the rule of law and we have to comply by law. that is a law that we are complying. so we are complying with law. now we have to comply by law. >> i think her main objective here is to make kamala sound smart. i haven't seen a reversal like that since joe behar agreed to use deodorant. joe said not another foot of wall to be built in his administration.
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>> campaign on build that wall are you willing to tear that wall down? >> there will not be another foot of wall constructed in my administration. >> so much for that. fact checkers will say that's true. it's not a wall they're building. it's just a continuous vertical structure that divides land. could you imagine what it's like in their homes? i was thinking of hanging our mirror on the barrier separateing the kitsch friend living room but turns out for the dems the wall was trump. he wanted a border and biden didn't. consider how much damage done to this country, crime looting break down of norms. they sacrifice the country's survival because trump. and now joe is the building wall
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he said he would never build. what say you joe. >> yeah, yeah, yeah, build that wall but we are not going to call it a wall. call it a divider. we got hamburgers and hotdogs here. tacos enchiladas over there. don't get me wrong. i like tacos. but for the love of god we ordered too many tacos. >> i get the feeling this isn't really about a horrible crisis. it's more a political decision about an election the they only move when it's politically motivated. >> oh yeah for sure. i see a lot of anger on line.
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obviously it's great with the existence of a border. what are the trump things previously racist now being normalized? there's one in particular. we have millions of people crossing the border every year and there's this conversation the migrant crisis going on should they be new york, should they be in chicago. the question i have is like why shouldn't they just be home. like we have this long line to get in as long as you're not in imminent danger of being killed back home get to the back of the home and leave. you have abbott in texas sending people to new york which i love. i do love that the change the conversation it's great but he made the point. i'm wondering you've got this
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mexican board area couple blocks south. you could put them in a bus and drive them over. i don't understand why we are not doing that and i hope we can talk about it. >> tyrus this is a great point because if it wasn't for the buses and sharing the suffering causing the non-border states to deal with this this never would have happened. >> well, that's true but we are missing a point. the buses are not as big a problem. they're flying them and people are traveling and literally they'll go to get on a plane and there will be nothing but military age men with yellow folders with iphones face timing with no headphones and fill up every empty seat on the plane. so even though we have buses they're using our airlines make flights more expensive for everybody and flying to places we don't know they're not announcing where they were going like flying at night.
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it's crazy illegal immigrant can get red eye but we can't. i would like a red eye thursday night to go home and not wait until tomorrow afternoon. what concerns me this administration whenever they do something they equity hire. so, we are not going to get an architect and contractor to build these walls. we are going to get a designer and singer to build these walls and up with of the highlights of the walls will be doors. >> yes. >> we will have a whole wall with pretty doors. and they don't know why they're still getting in. besides, it sound good, it's too late. 5 million that we know of, best guess, you don't think the dangerous ones are in first? >> yeah. >> it's laughable. so they're everywhere we have no idea where they are and we wait
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for things to happen. >> the thing is another part of the equation we've given up on kat democrats talk about open borders there was this equation called assimilation and we have totally given up on the point of assimilation. 5 million are here. we are not thinking how we make they good citizens. >> i think if you're a peaceful person you want to contribute to the economy you should be able to. you're non-violent and want to work great. it's hard to do and they waste green cards and my concern does biden now that he's building a wall. i'm serious because she said it. does he know? because i think it's only a matter of time because he's got in his head walls are bad. somebody should tell him and will he remember all this time walls are bad. i'm the not wall guy. it's going to be a lot of
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deprogramming. i don't know if it's going to be possible. >> true. >> he doesn't know about the wall. >> no, no, no, he's happy to have his mush. jamie what do you make of this turn about? >> yeah, i don't know if you saw tend of the video to kat's point not another foot of wall will be constructed. tyrus just blew my mind with what he said. he's right we don't know who. they're going to put the last nail in and it will be oh, we just closed them in here. and so, we are building this wall. it's like 20 feet high and however long and i heard today illegal immigrants started work on a 21 foot ladder. i don't know. biden did have a much cheaper suggestion, what if we put sandbags there and people will trip over them?
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so you can rise from pain. icy hot. >> you'll get a visit from the feds if you vote for trump, "newsweek" exclusively reports donald trump supporters targeted by the fbi lead foup the 2020 election but the fbi can't be obvious about it, as one person says. tread carefully. if there's one thing biden administration knows how to do is tread carefully. so cheap. the official added that that no
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way implies trump supporters are being targeted. the fbi said they have no plans to target democrats political violence because chris shoot back. kat what are you writing? are you shocked? >> that startled me. >> are you shocked to learn they're targeting trump supporters? >> well no. it's really interesting as a libertarian to have republicans they haven't told me i'm right but they must think it. if it's a way they try to get and it they're like it's not that we are targeting trump supporters and literally describe anybody who supports trump beliefs we are saying we don't want to say it but we are doing it and that never really works like when someone breaks up with you and they're like i'm not breaking up with you, i need to be on my own. that's what that is. i'm not stupid.
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>> tyrus this doesn't sound like america using the justice system to target political opposition. it sounds like canada. >> yeah. why is london the frees coolest place on earth now? it's crazy because they can actually talk about being in trouble. you know what's funny it shows how well behaved the evil maga are because they're watching everything, waiting for one of those trucks with random flags to do something so they can say ha ha got them. meanwhile the extreme left is burning down cities robbing looting pillaging nothing to see here, it's fine we are waiting for one of those maga so [bleep] up. it's like they want it so bad they have a whole department and to be honest if i was in the fbi
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right now and they said which group do you need to watch we are going to spend all the man-hours we can finding these insurrectionists. what are maga up to? hold on. all quiet, boss. >> well maybe they'll try to kidnap gretchen whitmer again. i guess they didn't the first time. >> the fbi is going up like hey, tyrus, you know how much money could you make if you sold drugs? no, i work at fox. here is a kilo of cocaine. here's instructions how to make crack. take that around your neighborhood. no i'm good. here's a list of clients who have money. just hold it and take a picture with us. that's what they're doing trying to get anybody who supports trump to commit one thing. that's what it is.
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>> jamie couldn't this make maga cooler when you're a persecuted revolutionary? >> i do think it sound cool. did you see earlier today whether was january 6 again? i think it's bad ass. could i suggest if it's true pitbull is going after trump supporters maybe they select a more subtle hat choice. because you can find them. you guys know the hat i'm talking about that says "bass pro shop". >> oh come on. >> thank you kat. [applause]. >> it's a great store. >> tough crowd tonight. >> we all have members with bass hats. >> tough crowd makes me feel at home. you may me think of someone breaking up with you, i thought oh my god they're lying to me. whatever you say when you're
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breaking up just want to get away from them. i just need space and from you. if they go it's not you, it's me. that's a lie. it's as you. >> i had no idea this was going to be a men's group meeting. >> that's where i fit in the bus. >> your voice is deeper than everybody's. mike it always seems like they only focus on the right and not the left wing. they're nuts on both sides. >> i think you're right to say it's trump supporters. that's half the country. >> yeah. >> i want to preface i'm not an expert. i don't have a doctorate in history. i don't work for the "new york times." i don't want for the 1619 project but i'm pretty sure when one party makes the other party literally illegal it's not democracy. seems like a pretty big problem. [applause] >> i also think there's
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something sort of separate. they're supposedly doing this because of terrorism and it's weird to see how fast words evolve. ten years ago terrorist was a woman with a birka hideing a bomb under her skirt at a u.s. military base. two years ago it was someone taking a selfy in nancy pelosi's office. >> exactly. >> i'm not making joke of i. please don't arrest me. it's like what, posting on twitter is making fun of hunter biden latest only fangs drop i don't think it's safe for news is now words are deeds and you can charged with hurting somebody's feelings which i would be on death row if that were the case. >> you were arrested by the twitter police for two years. it wasn't until elon musk bought it we had followers and i'm not
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>> she's back. yes. i love it! the creep with the jen psaki job, americans transspokesperson, sarah ashton cirillo suspendeded after getting in a spat with j.d. vance and sarah scored a book deal. be happy she didn't score a swimsuit calendar. >> during may may trip to tons with the support of the armed forces of ukraine i signed a contract potomac publishing to bring the on the ground truth and facts of ukraine to the global community and i continue
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in a role of tv spokesperson. >> how is this not a skit? remember this is the psycho who said this. >> next week, the teeth of the russian will gnash harder and their mouth foam in frenzy as the world will see a favorite kremlin propaganda justice will be served. if you look at putin's mouth you'll notice blood drips from it. he's a vampire carrying out genocide against ukranians and russians alike. put i bathe's in the blood of children and enjoys it. >> she writes like yoko ono
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sings. this brave soldier remains inspiration to everyone proving behind every great woman there's a man waiting to try her shoes on. the weird thing is not that she's trans. she's a american spokesperson for the ukranian army. that's the weirdest thing. >> yeah, i think it's sort of darkly humorous, unfortunately that ukranians look at america and go they've got to get billions of money out of this country. what is a thing that get america, a man in a wig. it sucks but i can't help but laugh. my problem is we give you how many billions of dollars knowing we are going to get a man in a wig. billions of dollars and you chose that wig? the real problem is she's not
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hot enough to be selling this war. rue paul is like 60, way hotter so the bar is high for an american to come correct. >> it's interesting because you think about it it was men in wigs who founded this country. >> whoa. >> hey tyrus do you think her book is going to be a pop-up? >> okay. you did this. this is you and joe mackey. this is i refuse to believe this is real. i've seen free public tv with better backdrops. two guys don't say a word because they're stand ins the they'd one guy come in and say stuff in ukranian that wasn't translated, no idea what he was saying, pushing a book that doesn't come out for another end
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of summer 2024, preorder now? like this is [bleep]. this is not real. this is you and some elaborate ruse because there's no way. i feel like someone is going to jump out. >> i don't believe she's in ukraine. kat what is going on here? >> i always do know. [laughter] >> first of all i agree i would love to take this person shopping for hair pieces because mine are great but wouldn't it be funny if the book was a trashy chicklet vampire romance? i'm very much getting twilight fan vibes from this person and i make a prediction, regardless what this book is about when it comes out going to be on the view. >> absolutely. . >> everybody is going to be so
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brave. i do like her breathyness. [laughter] >> so a wig is a hat that says don't listen to what i'm saying. every time i watch that video all i heard was wig eddie wig wig. >> you look like a bass player for aerosmith. >> no, he likes like yeth. see, i was wrong. joe mackey it was you. >> there's blood on stalin's lip. there's blood coming out there. i got a book deal. >> you know what's great is your name is jamie. you don't even have to change it. >> yeah. >> all right.
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here's why you should switch from chrome to duckduckgo. duckduckgo is a browser you download to your mobile and desktop devices. unlike chrome, the duckduckgo browser has privacy built-in. it comes with a private alternative to google search, which doesn■t spy on your searches, and it blocks cookies and creepy ads. and there's no catch. it's free. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you around. join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on mobile and desktop today. - [narrator] wounded warrior project helped me find the strength to go further than i ever thought possible. - [narrator] i was able to come outta my shell and really connect with others. - [narrator] so i can feel like part of a team, part of the community again. - [narrator] it's possible to live better. - [narrator] it's possible to have a voice and to be heard.
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[bleep] >> don't hit him! >> breathe. breathe. breathe. do not do this. listen to me right now. he's not doing anything! >> damn germans, tyrus. that was a 30-year-old woman from new jersey fired for violating her employers zero tolerance policy on discrimination after going viral for drunkenly be rating german tourists on a train. her name is bree. thoughts? >> it bothers me to see white on white crime.
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[applause] >> whatever happened to just like, she's drunk and stupid? >> yeah. >> you know. it's over. >> people were filming us when we were that age. >> here's the thing. i have a theory. this is funny. whenever someone is mildly attractive it's cute. if that would have been me doing that it would have been tyrus the terrorist was threatening everybody on the train but she will do it and all of a sudden there will be all these people to have her on hear her sighted of the story so she can say she's sorry. if the person being rude is attractive, it's like the lady on the plane. >> the one who saw a deal on. >> arrested 15 times. not attractive everybody would have oh, but she's cute so what's the big deal. >> attractive privilege. >> right. >> kat do you have tips for women when they're drink
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something. >> i was going to say this boyfriend is probably the hottest guy on the east coast right now because look at that meltdown. he's so chill built my meltdowns are nothing like that they're pretty bad sometimes but i never tell anybody to go back to their own country so that's where i'm setting the bar from this point forward. i also love how he was like stop that or i'm never going to talk to you again and he doesn't believe himself. we have all been there because she's thinking as if that's up to you. i think he's a great guy and not so with her. i'm sunshine everybody would be happy, he can handle that he can handle anything. >> jamie he might be single. >> to be honest i don't think she's racist tirade hot. she might below the up in your truck hot but i think she's out of her realm. i don't like when a girl gets a
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guy in trouble f. i'm with a girl, she better be racist against skinny guys that can't fight. >> exactly. don't pull me in some deadly moment. my last word to you. >> ground floor i don't like hearing about racism from germans. just rubs me the wrong way. then also there's something pure and beautiful about the story in that these people are being told to get the f home. they're coming from new york. that's so new york. i feel like somebody tells me to go the f home it can happen on the way here. >> i can't wait to go home. i wish they would tell me that. >> all right, so go away. we'll be right back. >> man: looks great. >> tech: that's service on your time. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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8:00 pm
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