tv Hannity FOX News October 5, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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>> can we send commander to the border, please? pleasethat's not nice. >> we got a new border wall. >> tim from nevada. do racist oysters tastele differently yet? >> little more briny. tamm my summertown, tennessee. my brother has a concrete business. usiness,how we get jack to get v the sidewalk contract. you have to know a politician. >> that's it. barry melbourne, florida. so mar-a-lago is only worth 18 sidewalks. >> jason from springfield, missouri. mjessi love your brother,into but please don't shoot machine guns into boulders at my $11e gu million machine gun range. i can shoot. i well, please. that's all for tonight. dvr the show and alwaysis i remember i'm waters. this is my world.
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hi. wow. how are you doing? wow. what a great crowd. welcome to "hannity" and god i bless america. i'll say this. i start with bad news. sjoe. still your president, kamala, still your vickamalae presidentt back with our studio audience. these are the only people in the citk righ y and of new york right here in this room. thank you for coming. thank you for being at hom jusah and in just a moment, by the way, the man that could be theeo nextusm speaker of the house, jim jordan, will join us live from capitol hill. >> now, just prior to coming on the air, i have gotten confirmation that president donald trump will be announcing
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his endorsement of jim jordan for speaker. >> sero that's news that we have as we start the show tonight. ky we will also tonight be hearing from former kentucky, kentucky's senator rand paul. >> tomi lahren is here with us. jimmy fallon and in studio with us. but first, i want to start a word about what the media mob is calling a monument to white supremacy. remember that? now, according to nbc news r that, aw. th nbc news with tom brokaw. >> anywae bordy, the border wals never about security. instead, it was a to latinoselce that they're welcome in america. in 2020, biden ran with a simple promisee, not o not one t of border wall will be well built, well built. >> trump campaigne d on buildar that that wall. are you willing to tear that wall down? no. there will not be another foot of wall construct it in my
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administration. >> okay. really r? because today, after letting in over, what, 7 million illegal immigrants, it'll be 8yo million in three years as president and turning every majo r city into a border city. border town and causing chaosn and suffering coast to coast. now, the biden administratioratn decided that the border wall might not be so racist after all. hmm. in fact, the white house,a they just waived a whopping the 26 environmental federal laws to expedite the constructionconc of a new wall in texas. now, of course, they didn't have to make these waivers. they could have fought this out in court. they could out battled it out te for the next couple of years. they could have blocked any appropriat fe id funds., but according to the dhs secretary mayorkas, the guye bo that kept telling us the borders closed, the border securesecure, he is now saying,e quote, there is presently an acute and a meat and immediate need to construct physical barriers and roads in the vicinity of the border of the
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united states in order to prevententrie on lawful entrs into the united states. that's from the department homeland security secretary. one of the guys that's been lying to us now for three years now, get this informatioinformn the administration just leaked the plan to deport venezuelansvl in mass. now, mayorkaans ins is now sayit there is no new administrationiu policy. the one that they gave us yesterday that i just read tn'o you didn't happen. despite the 26 wave laws, the border wall, construction. the money is being appropriated to i ngot. t and now they got exposedde as having a plan to deport people froportm. s venezuela. well, now, of course, mayorkas is lying this is. this is a cia after his boss, joe biden, had a slightly different message today. apparently, nobody told, joe, what his his administration was planning and his hands are tied. he said trump and those mean rascallyl con in congress.
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they are the ones that are bu the wall.d an they're the ones that forcedde h his hand and madim le him lift the waivers on these environmental construction issuesissu. >> take a look.l one question on the border wall. border wall. the money was appropriated for the border wall. i triei tried to get them to reappropriate to redirect that money. uldn't. they they wouldn't. and in the meantime, there's nothing under the law other thane they have to use the moneh for what is appropriate. i can't stop that. >> de boyou believe the border wall hurts? >> no. . 's lying the same people that said the border is secure are the same peopl saie that said that there's no problem at the border. >> now, if there w only there we 26 laws that biden didn't just wave to the construction. >> well, we might believe that today, house press secretary karine jean-pierre was asked to provide some clarification, but as per usual, she was totally incapable of doing so. >>k. a loo
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>> the president said himself he asked congress to reopen this funds for something t that is more effective for waysy to do this in a smarter way as it relates to border security measures. e mo they refuse. this was announced back back in june, and now we're. e said moving law forward. >> and he said in 2020 as a candidate. so after was passed the law was passed in 2019 that there will not anotsn you political force directed in my administration. how can you say that he's not breaking that promise? heot breakat pwell, what i can e there's a law that the dhs is is complying f we believe in the rule of law, and that's what we're moving forwar'sd with.ere let's not forget, this wasmo six months ago. thisnths. was out there six mos ago. i know you guys are asking me about this now, but this was no s ag actually not new and this was done six months ago. >> me to explain the predicament democrats now find themselves in. you sees in,e, these last few y, they have put their own petty politics above what is the safety, the security of you's ,the american people we see with our own eye
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s happening. we know they've been lying to us. and instead of just working with the republicans on a sound policy to secure the borde r, oh, prevent fentanyl, opioids and human traffickind tog, they wanted to smear, slander, besmirch donald trump and every republican and characterize them as something that they are noicant, which is racist. of course, that was wayy more important. takemore a look. >> we can secure our borderou without and in effective, expensive war. >> and i deman demd that presidt end his temper tantrums and quest for a racist a and xenophobic wall. >> he wants to cut a deal is an immorality. mit's who we are as a nation. on the subject of transnational gangs, let's be perfectly clear. the presidenear,t may be evil. >> vanity project is not going y to stop them. >> so why did they just adopt that policy now after?
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biden was elected. the white house doubled down on stupid and assuren stupidd y, the american people, that not only are border walls racistthen and xenophobic, but they don't even work. >> that's what they toldt'. >> take a look. the president sharesn abou the concern about the lack of a workable immigration system b and that impacts many of thest border stateates leaders quite a bit. of course, because there isn't ane as asylum processing systemr because we don't have smartt se securitycu, we spent yearswall t investing in a faulty border wall that was never going to bel an effective mechanism. >> it would waste taxpayerd wast dollars on an ineffective wall again, an ineffective wall that can't even withstand heavy winds, let alone sophisticated aided criminals smuggling networks. >> we have talked about the borderdworks. here in general as a way that it's been used in, i you know, to to close the border and we feel that it is a policy that doesn't work.
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>> then is the crisis got really bad. more blatant lies from the white house. let'moreies remind you, it souns to most folks like a crisis. >> well, loo it's k way down no. >> and we've now gotten control of precisely the border is closed. >> nor could i have been>> c cleareour and continue to be.e so. which is thebo borderderr is cl >> the united states will continue to enforce our and secure our border at the border. . we are working to make the border more secure. >> youyou're confident this borr natire, we have a secure. and that that is a priority for any nation, ours in our administration. >> we agree that the borde borrl secure is closed, borders securefull o. they're all full of adam schiff, aren't they? now, jusn'e yot believe your lyg eyes. don't look at video after video afte r video showing caravansg
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of illegal immigrants pouring across the bordef r. those eyes of yours are lying to you. forget about the makeshiftbout e shelters under bridges and the overcrowded cages where biden detained women and children in the middle of a pandemic. >> and forget about the taxpayertaxpayer funded late nit flights that they had to obscure airports of illegal immigrants in nearly every state in this countrs coy. look away as the illegals line the streets of chicago, pack entire four or five star hotels in new york citys , ignore u.s., the cartels charging admission into the u.s. while smuggling deadly drugs into our country. forgete about the 100,000de americans who die every single year under biden from thoseg drugs. if the biden administratio n is willing to blatantly lie, repeatedly lie to your facto yo about a crisis this big, thisre obvious, it reallyally d does me you wonder, are they ever, ever going to tell us the truth? bea from inflation to ukraine to biden's frequent trips to the beach to the
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weaponization of the justice department, i'd still like to knonow whw brought that cocae into the white house. they did a whopping ten dayion. i investigation and had no conclusion. he i have a suspect in mind. >> i don't know about the rest of you. acan we ever trust the administration to be honest about anything? >> the truth be told, the onlytg reason that may orcus is evenfi liftinngerg a finger at the bors is because of poll numbers. ever has everything to do about reelection. they even knowthos that those, o videos that we're watching every night look bad on them. so id they decide to, of course,w p send out a new app that will dor import people from all over the world. and yom all ovu get to pick one3 43 cities that you want to move to. and joiese will let you in that way. but it won't be as chaotic like the borderre, the biden whitenow house is more than happy to ignore. hat iswhat is the real true crit the border is not close. the border is no. and tht secur and then they want to smear republicans, smear donaldhope
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trump, virtue signal everybody but the american people. i hope you areare not all not g these lies. ,even aren't buying it. the democratic governors of illinois, new york, both now ripping joe biden over his failure at the borde r that they now have to it up and pay for. and now the previous who was smeared for securing the border and protecting the country is, awaiting an apology anyway. better yet, biden should apologizld apoe to you, the amen people whose lives have been ruined because of joe's of duty. duty. joining us now with reaction, former senion withr adviserg wi to president trump stephen miller, along with outkick host ,fearless. >> tomi lahren is here. how are you? good to be here. you know, when my kids were young and every kid gets in trouble, not as much as i did, but they they they they gave iti didn't their best shot.o, >> i didn't care about the little thing that they did. but then when they sayswear, dap i swear i didn't eat the cookie.
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>> and they got chocolate chip c cookie all over their face. >> i didn't like the lying party . and they lie with abandonment and they never get calle never d on it. now they know they have to clean up what is an absolute disaster in terms of images. >> so now they're lyingimag about theies, r their real poli. that they put in place. >> you have it exactly right, i nthough this is because the l numbers are not looking good. and even the other mainstream networks are covering the invasion at the border. >> so they have to do something when the bluo doen be state mayy that used to be sanctuary cheerleaders now are saying something, they ought to do something. but be warned, everybody, thisn is only for the next election. and let's keep in mind, they've millt millionsse and millions in. they already have the what they see as their future voter.year a sond they're okay with stemming the tide for a year and a halfcg and then releasing people come into the country illegally. >> eventually they getuntry, am. and as a reward, you know, for that precious gift, which, you know, we would. there are countries that sell citizenship. right. so they're going to sa.
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y oh, is going i will reward the people that gave me free citizenship. >> and watchturn. how this is g to turn out now that they're going to secure the border and they mightin som put in some policies that do stem the tide a little bit, then they're going to say, look, nowh we've secured the border like republicans wanted. now we have to focus f on amnesy and voting rights for the ones that are already here. see, we didn't we secured rig your border republicans. now we need voting rights watch. this is alhiot of the plan tl p. they've been working on this for ten years. they are not stupit stupidd. tee >> they're evil, but they are not stupid. all right. stephen miller, your take, sirno . well, i hate to be the bearere of bad news, but the administration is actually eleratinaccelerating and increag the pace and scope of its illegaf l resettlement operatio. the administration's entire plan is to funnel illegal aliens to cbp, to then move them deeper into the interior of the country as seamless sea n and quickly as they possibly can. they are doing this using a scheme known as parole,
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and that not only gives theset illegal aliens immunity from deportation, but it gives them the ability to become legal residents and to obtain path to citizenship. so it is a border amnest beingy that is being administered by the biden administration to secretly illegal aliens into the country by the hundreds of thousand to createe these hae future democrat voting blocs. and that is happening at a quicke witr with every week that passes. so wt e cannot fall for the misdirection. sean, the trafficker in chief,y joe biden and the homeland security lian chier in chief mayorkas, are continuing their full scale assault against this country. a i got to tell you, and they're aiding and abetting in the lawbreaking. that's saddest part of it all. >> last word, well, i think we need to focusii on the generational impacts of illegal immigration. it needs to be a voting issue in 2016. i believe donald trump won on this issue. republican16 ieve donamp won ost again. but we're going to have to be tough. lerance zero tolerance for illel
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immigration. >> that has to be the stance. no wafflino waffg, no.t. >> soft rolling it tough zer on the border. that's it. tomi lahren and steve miller, thank you. >> my next guest says it is a disgrace that the biden administration cares more about ukraine's bordeine's than our own border. >> by the way, this book is coming out next week. bote is a great book. run i have gotten an early copy of it. fauc i better run for the hillshe i because he gets exposed like never before. thorhe is the author of deceptin the great covert cover up senator rand paul, kentucky is here. >> sir, how ar howe you?al very good. let's start and talka li a little again. >> first, i want to ask you about the border and the t li flat lied to us. am i wrong in analyzing this, this way't that you don't you don't have 26 regulations ad that you put aside and thenve fu say, oh, i had to do couldn't they have fought that in court? isn't that an excuse to make to implement a policy that theyo
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know will cause problems with their own bas be? the mo >> we heard as recently as this week that the money wanes going out the door, just flying out the door, and they were tryingft pa avoid, as of last week, avoid paying for the wall. so it's actually news to mee st that the now got actually building the wall y ha tbecause the story has beee that for the last six months they've been trying to divert that money into other purposes. now, it may be that a lawyerus is finally told them they can't do that because congress designated it for the wall. so it may be they actually are going to obey the law. but it does seem quite ironic that a guy who said he's not going to build one more foot of wall is now actually completing trump's wall or trying to complete trump's wall. so there's a great deal of irony here. ean: lett. >> let me ask you about this entire issue. n yo you have from january of 20, 20 and then you build a case that is as cases i've ever read about how anthony e fauci knew completely in early e
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january at the very beginning of covid, number one, that it gi was likely gain of function research that that built this virus, that it was likely l the wuhan and it was likely heal us tax dollars funneled through the nih to thede ecohealth alliance that funded this. >> didn't they kno w in january of 2020 when america was about in the world was about to be hit with the worst virus pandemic since 1918? >> yeah. and we now y haveah,e proof in anthony fauci, whose own words we have his emails. so in public. in, he's saying, , if you say it came from the lab, you're a conspiracy theorist, you're crazy. it's a fringe theory. but in private, he's saying and it's almost the exact wordscause he's saying, we're very concerned becausthe. becaus the virus appears to be manipulated. and we're also very concerned because ree we know they're doig gain of function research in wuhaneverythi. so everything he told me t in committee, everything he denied in committee, he tolod
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unequivocally, sir, we are not doing gain of function, are nota funding gain of function research in wuhan. and yen. and yett privately he'e exactly the opposite. we have him dead to rights. i have summarized this as well and referred him to merrickpeop garland at the department of justice. people say, why hasn't he been arrested? we whyy isn't he in jail? well, it's because we havee most the most partisan attorney general we may have ever had. and he's not doing his job. he's simply protecting him. book ibut the book, i believe ic me it was anau amazing saga because i became just enraptured with the idea of the conversations that went theyanuary 31st of 2020. they're all talking to each other and they're all saying it' looks like it came out. they're saying it's 80, 20, 90,y down nearly 100%. they're talkin burg about burnet phones. they're talking about hiding this. hin fo dayand then within four , everything switches. we now have informatio
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n that during this period of time that fauci's meeting with the cihea off the books, the cia keeps a log of who visits. somehow, fauci doesn't show up on the books when he visits. sovisits. we're going to get toe truth here. and part of the truth is going to need subpoenas and phone records and a daily lologd of where fauci was when he was, because this is perhapss biggest cover up we've ever had in the history of our country. try and and a million americansn and we deserve to know what happened. you haves di. out what is nowd a mountain of evidence and you put it all together todaony, ha anthony fauci lied to congress. and is that not illegal? t, and no, people go to jail for lying to congress like that, si r. a without question, it's a felonyi punishable to up to five years in prison. and if you worked in the trump administration admin, thed put you in jail. if you worked in the biden administration, they teno to look the other way. so this is one of the most concerning things i hear as i, n go across the country. people are worried that there's repue, one forstic
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republicans, one for conservatives, and a completely different and loweent and standc for democrats. and do you believe that anthony fauci belongs in jais inl? ok wl without question. i thinl k the book will go a log way to convincing the rest of america that this man was an a traitor to his country. rand paul, thank you. coming uk yop. ings a the race for u.s. house speaker is underway. things are getting interestingre ,congressman jim jordan. he is next to explain whys ne he's running. experia what's next for the house gop? b what's next for the house gop? b >> something unexpected haits from experience a debit card. new smart money,ding d debit card and digital checking debit card and digital checking accounebt. it finds payments that could erase your credit scores without adding debt. it's no ordinary debit card. it's the smart debit card™ deb only from experian. and that is wortith celebrating. build credit without the debt. get your new smart money debitnr card and digital checking account through the experian
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seven two. alain, that's 800 6554072. either star on the fox news momn alert.t this moment anyway momentum behind now ohio congressman jim jordan and his n bid for house speakerir is building now just prior are to coming on the air tonight. i have direct sources i are telling me that former president donald j. trump is ver y to endorsingf th jim jordan very soon fore speaker of thethe speakership
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with the idea. speaker jim jordan. now, over at that hard hitting news show on. on it' abc, it's d the view. >> sunny houston. anyway, feigned outrage overm the potential of speaker jim jordan. take a look. an, take a loo ii testified in t of congress about something so simple and courtrooms. he came in late. he looked and he immediately was scream ing and yelling and terrorized me. and the othe r experts on the panel and describing him as a terrorist is exactly that. >> he's a chaos agent. this is a great idea. we want to do that again so that people at home can hear you. >> oh, the poor little snowflakes got offended that somebodndedy actually rais their voice slightly. oh, what is the shame of it? when mby way, when my father wod hit me with the belt, i didn't voe. lly raise my voic
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how did this country you know, we used to be the land of,f th the free home of the brave. what happened? what do we become? the land of the snowflake. >> here with reaction, house judiciary committee congressmanio jim jordan. >> sir, congressman, great news, to see you. good to be with you. i have that breaking news.o >> any reaction on your end to that? i don't even remember what she's talking about. i'm in so many hearings. hearingsi try to question the ws in an appropriate fashion. so i don't know what she's talking about. s ini do think we are gathering copport, though, across the congress, across the conference from from conservatives to more moderate t members of our conference. and i feel that's important becaus this ele really think, s, this this election for speaker is about two issues. who cag our teamn bring our teao together? who can unite our conference and who can go tell the americanple whate people weg and why it's important to them. and i think i can do that, that that's why i'm running. i told you, i've been on the phone all day long with colleagues fromcolleagu.
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the country, and i tell them the job i have, i like, i want to keep i like that job. but someone's got to be able to come forward unite the republicans around messd what we'reun doing for the american people and go make that take countrthat message to the counta and deliver it in a compelling, succinct way, which i think i caean: i tn do.nsus i think the one thing that there is definitely consensus on, and i talked to this great audience before the show is number one, they want to make suree sure thd investigations that you have started and jason smith and james colmer continue. i'm sure they will. assu my assumption.. >> yeah, they have to. i mean, it's important the way these agencies have been turned on. we the people people, one on thd people, we have to continue that work. i mean, i was in a depositioepoo n two days ago when all this was d happening on the house floor relative to our speakethr. m i was in a deposition with the u.s. attorney from the district of columbia, matthew graveves, who would partner with with david weiss in the hunter biden investigation. and when they were talking about bringing in the bereavement charge. so we were doing our work that all but
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e togeth continues. >> but we've got to come together as a as a conference, comes so as republicans soso w that work can continue, so we can deal with the border wit sot can deal with the issues we told the american people we wereo addr to address. m peop >> sleo one other thing that i'm hearing very loudly fromth peopleey wans is they want to st the republicans. they don't want to get stuck here. 15they want 15 more votes.ttledn they want this settled and they want guys back to work. pe are you confident that that's going to happen by this time next , are you confidentat's g that we're going to have a new speaker and that's going to beoo you? >> it has to happen.e we shouldn't go to the house floor until we have 218 votes for the speaker of the united states house of representatives. we shouldn't have to go through whatn january. togethe i'm all for that. i think i can bring our team together to accomplish mor thats and more importantly, once we get that done, to do the wore dk that needs to be done on the border, on crime, on inflation, on all t issues we have to address. >> i think i can do that. that's why i decided to run. off th >> well, let's go through the top agenda items. i would say off the toe p of my
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head, this border really does have to get secure. secondly, we had $2 trillionthat of biden debt last year. you know what? that is unacceptable. we're now at 33 and a half trillion dollars in debt sto that we're putting on our kids and grandkids. that's got to stop will w. through will we get back to regular order? will we go through the appropriations process, will really secure the border? will we bring law and order to americansn cities ? have bee and will there be all these ceter votes of membersin been talking about term limits, etc., etc. ? legis >> we brought up we brought up term limits and the committee last week and haommitteed vote a that legislation in the committee last week. yeah, we need to do all that, john. but inp gap days the stopgap spending measure runs out. we have to a plan as aw speake conference again when we elect our new speaker. we have to have a plan that 218 of us support on how we're going to deal with that how aren we going to deal with when we get to november. >> we can't have the same thing unfo las that unfolded last wee. so i think that we have to looke at another stopgap measure that would kick in the 1% cut. there's legislatio
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n in place right now that says if we have a c.r., a continuing resolutioti plac into next year, there'sc n automatic 1% cut that takes place. there's nothing like a cut to spending that focuses attention. to we need that threat hanging therr e to be leverage for us to get the policies you just talked about, the policiest th where we can win on the border issue, on the crime issue, on in play. ly way twnthat's what but that'y way this town can operate is when there's that, when there's that kind d of leverage and there's that kind of deadline hanging there where real cutg cuts are going to ha. that we can actually get people to focus and get our work done. so i think what i think we have t in order to deal with what'sll coming in 40 short days. if you're elected speaker, you will have 15 months to prove to the republican caucus and conference how good a job you do. >> and then in january 2025, you will hopefully be up ford reelection if you win to be speaker again, that would one be your vote of confidence. where do you stand on this? be one member motion to vacates ant
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triggereimd by any one member, which means any time it's triggered all other e housbusiness in the house sto, should that threshold be raised . >> our conference. it's been loud and clear. the feedbacke feedba get fromanging our conference. our conference wants to change that. i'm for changing that, t but we've got to have 218 republicans to do it because do i house ruley a and you've got to be able to go to the floor of the house and change that. i'm for doing that if weg that. if we have 218, i don't wantakeh to go to the democrats and make that changatange, soe becauseth they're going to want all kinds of things. so let's work as a uniproblems t and deal deal with the problems we see in this country as a unit so we can stop where the left wants to take us. >> every republican here's my message to al g l of you guys.going you're either going to win as a team, you're going to win together, or so you're goingjoy to lose. so you better unite. you have a small majorit. you y you have a lot of power that has been entrusted to you. now make it work ur and just keep your promises. it's that simple. congressman, to see you.e this and maybe this time next week i'll be addressing you as mr. speaker, i don't know.
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up next, the battle for fairness in the sports continues. a shocking story out of roanoke college, the one and only riley gaines will join us next and explain. >> glad you're with us.s as >> glad you're with us.s as we continue. plaq of finding the psoriasis treatment she's been looking treatment she's been looking fois of its kind once daily pill fogr moderate to severe plaque psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost finding clea. it's like the feeling of finding your back is back orn finding psoriasis. >> can't deny the splendor >> can't deny the splendor of these thigh et more s once daily. so tick to you is proven to getn more people clearer skin than more people clearer skin than the leading pills >> don't take it, you're allergic to stick. too serious reactions can occur too serious reactions can occur soblems, to fight infections, including to fight infections, including be serious infection s, cancers
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>> try and get two months free . all right. the fight for fairnessmens in women's sports continues, according to an exclusive report from the daily mail. thptains othe captains of the re college women's swim team were forced to convince a biological male student not to compete with them. >> and here's what the team said at a press conference earlier today. >> why would i even try to sit and race against the biological men? >> it was hard to even function becaus. evere every moment i hae is being consumed with what i was losing subconsciously, a know that i never agreed to be a part of fodr the first time, i considered quitting something i had loved doing my whole lif life.e. p >> our government is not protecting the ncaa, is not protecting the legal obligation to protect their athletic opportunities or female athletes. but instead we are forced to practice race against the biologicalactice a male whoe
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scarce work for all of us. >> now, roanoke colleggee reque responded to our request for a statement confirming they hass planned a board meeting on the subject before befostudent withdrewub their request. now noting they voted to adopto the ncaath policy on the issue., and meanwhile, in maine, listen to this story. outrage growing there after one high school runner172n who placed 170 to 17d 0 second e in the boys division came a in fourth place in the girls division. >> after coming out as transgenders e with oc. here with reaction, director of what is now the leadership institutte,e, riley gaines is wl us. >> riley, how areye you? you know, the prime ministerain, of great britain actually said it's just simple. men you know, boys are girls are girls, men are men. women are women. women and that's the end of it. why is it that complicated? especially when it comes to sports. >> why is there this obsessionsn
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? if you com oe in 172nd in the men or boys division and you come in fourth in the girls divisionision, i, it proves thef doesn't it, that the biological differenceserencearer real. now, that doesn't mean men are better or women are no w t better. actually, i think women are better than men in a lot of ways. adwever, it's an unfair advantage. that's the issuevantage,. absolutely. it's proven by that, by the examples that we continuples we to see. this is not happening the other way. why don't we see womene se intor men's sports and dominating? i mean that righigheret there il you need to know. what we saw in men with this with mai who now w identifies as a woman. >> it's the same thing we saithw with leah thomas. it's the same thing we're seeing happen in roanoke. this was a mediocre man who is vying to compete with the women's team and then turnse into this record smasher, thendestroying all the women's records. it's abysmal. and i think it's nothing short of criminat of to bel, to: totally frank with you. >> now, you have come e outu --
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and you've been outspoken. you have really taken a lot of garbage from a lot of people. u get prt when you showurpris up at a different events. has that paredt you since you've just been outspoken on an issue that i think mosat it americans agree with you on? >> you know, it does. it doeiss me, because i'm saying the most basic thing men aree we men. women are women. here arethere are two sexes ands cannot change your . i mean som, it's -- it's somethg we learn in fifth grade biology. witt you people with phds,g professors who are teaching the totath l opposite. and if you don't teachg the opposite and you are adheringac to the facti mean that there are only male and female, you could lose your job. 's crazyi mean, it's crazyth the direction this is going. and so the vitriol and the violence and the hatred that i n met with is hav surprising. but i will be the first to say that the support that i've receivedreceiveds is tenfold ag negative.
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there are so many more peoplpeoe who agree with my stance, thantance on this issue you would be led to believe if you only watched the news or if or you just saw how politicians were voting. >> i think americans are a little bit likmericans aree. i mean, i'm personally for adults. obligatory and i don't really want to know. whatever adults choose to do in their life is fine. knew caitlyn jenner when bruclyn was bruce jenner and we actually had a long, very productive conversation about it. and you know what's interesting sa says it doesn't matter what your hormone levels are when you're of college age a and want to play a college sport and you swimming, the you know, when you werel four and you're in the pool 6 hours a day for all these years and you're one of the top swimmers in thcountre country. you know, every all that effort that you put in, it's unfair. you know, for example, she won't play. she's a great golferth. the he she can drive the ball 275ll o yards. she'll drive out of me on mostw
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holes if i play it again. i haven'hilet in a while.t and my question is and she just understands there is a difference. why do they feel this compulsionfe this c? that they've got to indoctrinate kids, force it upon societyt he if they feel that that that people are being discriminated against? how abou sportt this?own le >> men's sports.agl, women's sports transports start your own league. >> well, we saw this happen, you know, which the interim governing body of swimming after the and the whole leah the debacle at our national championships in march of 2022. >> fina created guidelines that said ife go you've gone through male puberty you cannot compete with women. and they created a thirdd category. >> and at the world cup in berlin just last weeka thir , this week, there was not a singlen th entrisy in this open category.o- and that just goes to show, i think that's really proving what the motivating factor here is, because when we create a third category, no one competes. >> and actuallw ify clear.ean: u
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so if you can't cheat, leah thomas compete did not beat was you you tied how come leahiven thomas then was given first elace when it was the exact ti ? i asked this question. i asked why? why are you adamant on giving the trophy to thomas, a man in the women's 200 freestyle? and the official looked at mel, and thomas. thomas was towering over me at six foot four, and he says, his eyes, he visibly his face visibly sad. and then he look at me, looked at me and said, riley, i'm sorry, but we've been advisedd that when pictures tha are being taken, it's crucial that leah holdtls trophy. , leah >> you know, you can pose with this one, but again, you have to give yours the. leah takes the trophy home, end of story. but you reduced we had worked our entire lives ,as you said, since i was four years old. i dedicated 18 years of my lif e to my sport. they reduced all of that down to a photo op to validat phoe the feelings and the identity of a male at the expense of our own. we becamf e collateral damageatl in the process. >> well, if i had an award, i'da
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give it to you because you kicked, frankly, leah thomas'sd give. it' so. and if it's a tie, then you okay? it's a tie. that's the truth. why did they lie? why did they maky spee specialu preference treatment anyway? >> riley, good to see you. thank you. we appreciat., shoce it straight ahead. shocking new photo of joe biden's dog commandeo of joer ag an innocent white house staffer, jimmy failla. cohe weighs in. >> put a smile on your fe like greg gutfeld with goldband, you can age on your own terms. retinol overnight means retinol overnight means the smoothing benefits of retinol are now for your whole body, plus fast working great corrector diminishes wrinkled skin in just two days go by champions your skin this mango hint what it tastes just like mango. >> how can water taste just like fruit? >> for a limited time, new customers get over 45% off a drink income. that's 36 bottles for just 30 six bucks. >> only $1 per bottle.
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hour, a non-slip mat and wireless remote call. >> now grass fed beef in every bite jinx is real dog food made by real dog people to rescue the constitution. >> i tell the story of how washington was the human embodiment of the document that guarantees our liberties from the american revolution to the creation of our government. >> baer details the first president's fight for freedom sunday. >> when you can watch, listen, get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm anytime, anywhere. fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening. presiden >> all right. offi president, joe biden'jos dg commander, the german shepherd, has now been officially kicked out of thked ou e white house after reportedly now. anyy they kicked the wrong person out of the white house.
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afr reportedly biting at least 11 different people, now we know it's more e than 11 people around the complex, mostly secret service agentsd b and, by the way, some members of the staff. and it's a mess. anywayak, take a look at this photo of commander look right there, bitineg at the white house obtained by the i mean, it's sinking his teeth right in there. i hope it's tast tasty. iy. >> this is the second time one of joe's dogs now has been banished from the white house for bad behavior. now, mayor bidene. was also kicked out after attacking people and. karine jean-pierre was asked about this at the press briefing today. >> i >> here's what she had to say.e i'm surprised i've been bitten by a dog. there was a dog that had bitten2 11 or 12 other people.nervou i'd be a little nervous around that dog. why weren't you? i mean, i'm not sure why this has to do anything with me. a cc i was just not nervous at all.
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so that is not concern for me. that is not something that i can't speak to. anythingf what you else outsidet you have heard from the first lady's office. and so i'll just leave it there. all.oning? >> let's bring. do you want me to bring the dog into the briefing room? that should be fintould be. >> that should be fine. oh, great. but a couple of liberal libes said what a disasterhere that would be. anyway, here reaction. >> he is, fox across america host jimmy fallon. how are you,st sean here it is. good to see you. all right. so listen, if i'm being honest with this whole situation, everyone says when i'm being honest, does that mean yoe other times you're not being honest with me? probably not. okay, i got. i just got to get by. >> i'm being honest, when it comes to the whole dog thing, i'm more concerned get that they're leading the president around by a leash when they need to get him in and out of a room. >> oka iy.out r it's a mess. because you think about the combination you have at the white house. you god a dog.t joe biden and aa one sniffs everybody who walked into the room,og the is a dog.
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>> you know what?about but when you really think about the situation that's going on now. okay. i have sympath the dog,y for the dog.two, it's a chaotic situation, number one. number two, dogs have strongt noses. >> and let's be honest, there's a lot of cocaine in the white house. sean i heard. i wonder who could be.r th well, that's my theory. i think what happened is, you know, because hunter moved in oveeogr the summer, i think the dog started to get biscuits from ukraines and it kind of freaked it out. and then it was getting some chinese food. is aw the dog's just a mess. the >> can you explain that to me, by the way? they had a ten day investigation. mm-hmm. now, it could have been anthraxr . this is the president of the united states. you can have white powder kipearin appeawhite hot cog in . yeah, it could have been. afu know, fennel could have tekilled somebody. >> okay, so after ten days, they just determinede to they wn not able to find the culprit. >> oh, it's the biggest scam in the world. cai can't get a bottle of poland spring water on a delta flightaw
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,but you can get a bag of cocaine into the whiteu house. >> like there's no way i buytheg that, you know? if i, how do they give up afteir ten days? why do i think that if it was donald trump or trump whitea house, that they'd be investigating day it? s a thousand days later, the media flipped out when trump brought in die ett coke to the white house. these guys showed up with the original recip here.e like nothg to see here. >> not a big deal. boy, you're on your game sean: r tonight. now, former espn reporter sayer aftele sage out about an interw she did with joe biden just h after the 2020 election. >> let's take a listen. his voice trailed off. he said i was good and then he went silent and he goes, oh, never mind. >> no, you're laughing. i thought it was so sad becausen i realized that's why he waselei in his basement during the whole election cycleoneven because even then he couldn't finish his sentences. he struggled. >> i mean, there is a sadcompon component to what's happening
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to joe. >> and however wh you know what?rview >> i actually blame the people around him. oh, absolutely. becausshalkingabout e understan. the interview she's talking about is two years ago. so he's onlyke worse. like when biden found out thisk, week that they lost the house speakeer, he was like, what am i going to play my music on?ms r i bought all these albums for nothing. sure nothing blew all this money on vinyl. no w what?n: we the man's a mess, you guys. but you know what? wege get outmake fun here and wn of biden all the time because it's like a coping mechanism. it'sarit's a hard thing to watce right up comedy. it is. but the joke is on us becausverr told everybody he knows he's going to beat richard nixon. >> he's going to beat him. nixon.ll seewho geso we'll see . arso my thinking is, you know, f it wasn't so disastrous, i mean, our borders a disaster ,but they say it's closed and secure. yeah. they just lie throug hy issu their teeth. that infuriates me. and then on every issue, looe,lk at what we're paying for gasoline. the guy, you know, putting restrictions here, there he, p
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and everywhere. >> and no one even talks about the people like me who sniff gaifs. that's expensive, too. i'm kidding. so it's likesive, guy's weird,e the guilt. but you think about it, it makes everything. importin why are we importing oil from venezuela? hay are we whyoienezuela are w p to opec countries that hate us and saudi arabia that hates , us when we have more natural resources here? >> yeah, these are idiots. id in charge of an industry. >> they don't understand the environmental. these are children ind that w okay,dn't mea and they've made this worse. bottom line, i didn't mean to get all serious. >> my blue coat. okay, now i like your blue coat. hey, pastor from minneapolis is igniting debate with this tweet. is it appropriate to drink i coffee during church? i hate to tell you, but i bringing coffee, water, i bringc all that with me into mass. you see, i don't i don't go to my i was raised catholic. yeah, i'm non-denominational, christian. i don't havem no time for the lg version. yeah, well, i was the same. soni raised catholic. yeah. my son actually just made his first confession. it took the copsession, ps two t
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it out of the. ffee a >> but coffee alwayslw seemedoud a little much to me. i think we should break the tie. we should ask pelosi pe. >> she was a waitress at the last supper. oh, wow. >> you're on your game tonight. i'm a week away. week away. ntingtonjimmy huntington, the pt in huntington. i'm filming one hour small island friday. it's a big deal. i owe you a producer's credit. you have promoted it more than i have. seriousl y. y, tha >> thank you.nku, s it is a big change. one great jimmy fallon. thank you, sirir. th the. . all right. that's all the time we have left this evening. nextthursday week, wednesdayur and thursday, live audience shows. we have a great time. we wallse, our footballs people punch each other. it's awesome. anyway just go to hannity .com.e tickets are absolutely, positively frelye. please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity and.g gu in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld standing by to put a smilanding be your face.
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