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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  October 6, 2023 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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in charge that will contradict the defense that he didn't know what was going on. >> bill: it gets juicier. you know about this. you have a fox nation special that dropped this week. >> sandra: who is sam bankman-fried? people saw the story developing. a young man and wondered why he was put in charge of billions of dollars. it looks like fraud and smells like fraud and they have to decide in the courtroom whether or not it was truly fraud. he was entrusted with so much money by so many. and you have to wonder can this happen again? we dig into that. >> bill: they were sucked into the whole idea of crypto. >> sandra: so was he. >> bill: you have the celebrities promoting it as well. down the drain it went. >> sandra: almost blindly some of them. >> bill: the sound of gunshots,
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ambulance sirens and screams of fear common events shattering the peace on a regular basis in new york. washington, d.c. strive to enforce the law while confronting safety challenges. a big deal. don't know how to figure it out. they have to get on it. dana is back on monday. sandra k. smith has the honors today. >> sandra: no better way to kick off my friday than with you, william. good to be here, thanks for having me. i'm sandra smith. the epidemic of violent crime raising serious questions about political priorities as d.c. crime rates skyrocket. everything from murder, carjackings to assaults, prob re and rampant shoplifting. despite the city council chairman proclaiming earlier this year there is no crime crisis in the nation's capital. at this cvs store in northwest d.c. shelves are just empty. not because of supply chain problems or booming business,
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but because thieves are walking in and walking out with absolutely everything. >> bill: the mayor says the city is doing everything possible to keep residents who live there and work there safe. watch. >> we are going to keep working to make sure that we have the laws that we need to deter crime. so what i want to be crystal clear to the community is that we are going to do everything that we can to make our community safer. >> bill: we went from defund the police to this now. griff jenkins is more on the city's effort to crack down on crime. good morning. >> bill and sandra, good morning. in the nation's capital it is in a crime crisis. here in this columbia heights area of d.c. the thieves are in charge. we're at that cvs and give you a look. look on the wall. you see the police had a very serious camera set up outside on both sides of the cvs. that isn't stopping thieves from emptying the shelves. look at these photos again
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inside this cvs. they literally stole everything they could get there. d.c. police say the city has seen a string of retail thefts across the city and they were able to make some arrests. this incident at this cvs arresting seven teenagers. they are working with the cops and have no plans to close the store. d.c. is suffering another typical week of violent crime. up 40% compared to last year starting monday night you remember the carjacking of congressman henry cuellar. since then ten more carjackings, a total of 760 this year, up 100% compared to last year. critics point to the u.s. attorneys office as part of the problem. they decline to prosecute 67% of all the people that the police arrested. attorney matt graves defended his office yesterday when i asked him about it. >> simple takeaway is majority of individuals for all offenses in fiscal year 2023 during the fourth quarter ever 2023 have
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been charged at the time of arrest for felonies in particular. we continue to charge roughly 90% of our most serious crimes at the time of arrest. >> meanwhile mayor bowser announced a sting operation that nabbed almost 50 fugitives but she worries that some of them could be back on streets about this weekend. >> up to a judge to determine if they'll be in custody. hopefully it means they will be made to reengage in supervision. >> bowser says she has a crime bill she hopes the city council will make permanent that will hold fugitives longer, among other things. again here outside this cvs people are going about their business. one shopper telling me, bill, they don't shop on tuesdays. that's delivery day and that's when the thieves are most likely to strike in broad daylight. >> bill: keep an eye on it. griff jenkins in the nation's
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capital. thank you. >> 14 buses today. it is a growing christ ills not just for the city of chicago but for the globe. the failure of federal policies is now impacting the people of chicago in a very dramatic way. >> sandra: brandon johnson blaming washington. not president biden, for the city's worsening migrant crisis. texas officials told the state to expect 25 buses a day full of migrants. many of those buses will be headed for the sanctuary city of chicago. residents are furious, including one woman who spoke to us just last hour. >> well, my concern is that they try to put a band-aid on a leaking fountain. the thing about that, it doesn't work and they don't have a plan. this is not a city where you can dictate to us. you cannot just be a dictatorship to the people in the community. i'm retired and i got time for this. i'm going to make some noise. >> sandra: she is up for
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fighting the battle. garrett tenney is live in the windy city. garrett. >> chicago hasn't been able to open up these shelters fast enough. they're completely full. right now more than 3,000 migrants in the sanctuary city have nowhere to go. as you mentioned, hundreds more are expected to be arriving by the day. right now 800 are here at the bus terminal at chicago's o'hare airport sleeping on the floor with no place to go as they wait for space as shelters to own up. cameras are no longer allowed inside to see the conditions they're living in. you can see in the video a bit of what it was like a week or so ago. this morning one man told us the migrants have to use bathroom sinks to shower and cutting their hair in the bathrooms leaving hair all over the floors. the conditions are not much better at police stations across the city where more than 2,000 migrants, including some children, are currently living. some of the stations are now so full that migrants are sleeping outside on the sidewalk. one man who recently arrived
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from venezuela says the living conditions back home were never this bad. >> in venezuela, we never lived on the streets. now we are living on the street. while we wait for some help. >> city and state officials are pushing for the white house to step up its support of these cities dealing with the crisis, a growing number of democrats are also blaming the biden administration for allowing it to happen in the first place. >> federal level we see a lack of company hereent federal policies at the border we see irresponsible treatment. it is being created because of poor policies. we ask from the federal and state level to treat this as a humanitarian crisis rather than playing with people's lives because of political games. >> bill: while other sanctuary cities are telling migrants not to come and there is no more space chicago officials say they are continuing to welcome migrants with open arms despite
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struggling to handle the number of migrants that are already here. sandra. >> sandra: a lot for everybody to take in. garrett, thank you. >> president biden: i tried to get them to redirect that money for the border wall. they didn't, they wouldn't. in the meantime there is nothing under the law other than they have to use the money for what it was appropriated. i can't stop that. >> do you believe the border wall works? >> president biden: no. >> this was topic a yesterday. president biden there defending his decision to reverse course on the border wall. administration will build 20 miles of additional barrier in the rio grande valley. the mayor of the town of rio grande is with me now. good morning, thank you for your time. i want our viewers to understand, your city has 14,000 who live there but you are in starr county. i have a population of 66,000. that's where this temporary wall is going to go up there.
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i'm told it is temporary because it can move. how bad is it if they have to make this decision and how many migrants are coming into your area, sir? >> good morning and thank you for having me on. happy, happy friday, america. i will call it for what it is. president biden lied to the american people because if memory serves me well, he was not going to build another foot of border wall and yet here we are for political expediencesy he is building the border wall. again, president biden a building the border wall. he should have never taken the position against the border wall. according to cbp there are sections along the 2,000 mile southern border where the wall is beneficial. he doesn't mind -- communities are in favor of securing the border. the question is how. what is the right mixture of personnel, infrastructure and
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technology? when you look at 180 degree turn by president biden it begs the question, why the charade? why sue governor abbott for building a barrier when president biden is doing the same thing? it's hypocrisy. it won't help because of the influx. people are turning themselves in by the thousands. so is it going to help as far as the influx? the answer is no. when we have influx the only thing that works is expedited removal and remain in mexico. that is not a permanent solution to our broken immigration system but during the influx we need to make sure that we exercise caution against our global enemies, exploiting our immigration system to inflict pain on america. we must. when our migrant processing capabilities are compromised it jeopardizes national security. unfortunately we cannot bridge the political divide with border
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security. they are not mutually exclusive. we continue on the same trajectory and we'll continue on the same trajectory and having the same conversations ten years from today. >> bill: hope not. let me jump in. you are a democrat and you just called president biden out by name. but yet the mayor of new york does not call him out by name. neither does the governor or the mayor of chicago. they talk about the administration and sometimes the white house, not the president by name. why would they do that when you right now are saying that the president has not told the american people the truth? >> we got to call it for what it is, whether republican or democrat. we're americans. this is an american issue, not democrat, not republican. so let's call it for what it is. i have called out governor abbott and president trump and president biden as well. we have to address it. unfortunately for decades we've
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been seeing the same issue play out and we continue to play the same song and dance and it is unfortunate. i hate to laugh about it, but it sad and a travesty our broken immigration system is on full display for the rest of the world to bear witness that the united states of america, the greatest country in the world, lacks the political will for comprehensive immigration reform. this is an issue, white house, congress, unfortunately we don't bridge the political divide. why is that the case? when you are looking at this whole concept of political gain, all these -- both parties engage in this debate on immigration and border security and they don't do anything about it. at the end of the day we continue to have the same issues. i could go on and on. >> bill: i don't think you are wrong. i get it. on the wall, okay, mayokas, the president, kamala harris all say the wall is not effective. i have been down there and i know that migrants and cartels
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can build temporary ladders and scale that wall. i have know that at 2:00 in the morning they can bore a hole in the steel and for the time they can get drugs or people through. until that portion of the wall is fortified yet again. so here is my point on this. it may not be 100% foolproof, but at a minimum, it slows down the flow, do you agree with that? >> there are sections along the 2,000 mile southern border where the wall is appropriate. where it is beneficial. not the 2,000 miles of seamless wall. the 20 miles here in starr county you look at a cost of half a billion dollars. now what can we do with that money? especially down here in starr county we can do a lot with that money. is it going to be effective for the influxes? the answer is no.
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by the way, sometimes these miles are a mile into the u.s. it is not even close to the river. it's unfortunate. >> bill: let me try one more question here. you see this every day and it is a problem and now in the heartland when you look at cities like chicago. and i understand your plea. but you have an administration that sued the state of texas to get the barriers out of the rio grande river. you have an administration that sued the state of arizona to try to get these shipping containers removed from the border. so you see what the states are trying to do? they're trying to slow the flow. why would this administration allow this to get so out of hand? >> i have no clue because that's not the way we should be handling immigration and border security. which again they can co-exist. we need legal immigration but
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all kinds of issues as far as our legal immigration system. but we do need -- >> bill: it has to be of the open borders policy on behalf of the progressive left. there is no better way to understand it unless you think that way, right? >> hey, we should not -- catch and release does not help the united states of america. in fact, it does unfortunately put us in the position where it jeopardizes our national security. we cannot stress that enough. that's something that we need to do and take care of more effectively because we are putting american in harm's way. no doubt about that. why we continue to do this, the broken immigration system. the president, congress, and you go down the list. but we are continuing to fall into the same trajectory. i guarantee ten years from today but the parties are refusing to
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address it at a global scale. i want to say this. i serve in a non-affiliated capacity here as mayor. >> bill: fair enough. good luck, mayor, we'll keep in contact with you and the 14,000 people you govern. thanks. >> thanks. >> the more information -- >> did i do anything wrong? >> no, no, i understand, i understand. >> sandra: fatal new jersey car crash involving the girlfriend of senator bob menendez filling in a key gap in the federal bribery and corruption case against them. >> bill: major retailers like wal-mart making college degrees optional for hundreds of white collar jobs. we'll tell you why and what else it is doing to help workers try to get ahead. ♪
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>> sandra: wal-mart is a making college degrees optional for hundreds of corporate jobs as part of a trend of companies moving away from degree requirements in favor of skills-based hiring. wal-mart senior vice president of associate learning and leadership joins us now. this is a fascinating story and development for so many who might be interested. what can you tell them about this change that you are making? >> listen, at wal-mart, what we want to do is to create an environment and world in which all learning counts. not just simply for those who are, you know, have a college credential and so we have really taken a step back. we know this is not just good for business but actually great for our associates to unlock opportunities and access to jobs that they may not have had
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because they don't have a college credential. and so what we're -- >> sandra: what it comes to the economics of this we have stats on salaried managers at wal-mart and putting them on the screen for our viewers. the salaried managers start at hourly role, 75% of them. their approximate yearly salary is over 100,000. is it fair to say these jobs that will be offered to people without a college degree will be earning six-figure salaries? >> it is very much in the realm of possibility. we're still in the process right now for our campus roles. we're starting there and saying let's take a look at rewriting all of these job descriptions and capturing all the skills and experiences that our associates have that would qualify them for those roles.
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so we anticipate and estimate by the time this time next year, it will be hundreds of jobs that will remove that from. not to say a college credential is not going to be relevant for many jobs still, right? if you want to be a general counsell of wal-mart you will need a degree. there are other roles where it isn't necessary. imagine with our workforce if 1.6 million in the u.s., many of whom did not choose to get a college credential, we're opening up access to roles, to jobs that again they may not have had an opportunity to apply for before. so we're very excited. >> sandra: there is a growing percentage of jobs that won't require a college degree. this is according to burning glass institute. jobs with a college degree requirement in 2017, the number was 51% of those jobs. in 2022 it had shrunk to 44%.
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there is some hope that perhaps what wal-mart is doing here could normalize this idea, companies like ibm, google, have all worked to reduce the number of jobs that require degrees. so are you hopeful this will garner a lot more interest and people getting out there and getting to work if they are sitting at home and not applying for these type of white collar managerial jobs? >> yes. we would love to be the role model in leading the way on skills and skills hiring. i will also say you may have heard last week or this week the business round table, the society for human resource management and the u.s. chamber of commerce are actually locking arms to accelerate this movement around skills. so we see other companies really trying to lead the way in skills as well and we are firmly committed to doing it. just to remind your audience, we
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have always, always not required college degrees for our field population. so this is in our dna. it goes back to our iconic founder, sam walton. we're excited. >> sandra: very interesting stuff. in an era of so many scratching their heads thinking about their kids growing up and how to avoid college and so many being forced to take on those college loans, and then graduate without being able to get a degree. it's interesting. i have a feeling a lot of people are listening. thank you for joining us. >> thank you so much. really appreciate the time. >> bill: fake parts where you least want them, right? in the jet engine of a plane you are flying in. is passenger safety at risk? that's coming up. t. swifty is everywhere, smitty. can you guess where you can find her next? >> sandra: at a football game? >> bill: good guess but we have an answer for you. ♪
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it can for you too. >> bill: now these controversies over biological men competing in women's sports keeps coming. roanoke college in virginia. female swimmers say they feel betrayed after forced to team up with a transgender athlete. david spunt in live with more on the girls' story and now they are public. david, hello. >> these swimmers are calling on the ncaa to make these changes and now. according to the team the trans swimmer was originally on the means team and some new the swimer on the men's team. he has his withdrawn. riley gaines joined swimmers at roanoke college yesterday to state their concerns to the
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public. the independent women's forum is supporting the group. >> being a female athlete is difficult. not easy. to throw in issues like this of a biological man entering their space and being told they need to deal with it and they need to handle it and be silent and they got what they wanted is not acceptable. >> bill: governor youngkin says in virginia we're committed to fairness in women's sports. i stand with roanoke college swimmer. the school says because roanoke college is committed to the success and well-being of every student and because it was the first time roanoke college encountered this situation the administration launched a process to help inform our decision on transgender student athlete participation. it included a meeting of the board of trustees who decided to follow ncaa guidelines call for inclusion of transgender athletes to be determined by the policy for the national governing body of that sport. in an email to fox news the ncaa
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reiterated its position but did not give specifics more about this case. >> bill: david spunt. stay on it in washington, d.c. more to come. >> sandra: well, you mentioned it earlier the biggest news airlines are trying to replace thousand of engine parts sold with fake safety records. the parts are found on 126 engines so far with at least four major airlines affected. let's bring in a former spokesman for the federal aviation administration. there was an alert came out and they had to disclose that they were using parts in these planes that hadn't reached full safety approval. then there was a scramble to find those. can they truly track down all of these parts? >> you know, one of the best things about our system is we have these levels of redundancy.
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there are 2 or 3 backgrounds that will catch the problem. you had a bogus seller found its way into the supply chain where they were actually -- the parts were installed in the aircraft. these parts are considered neither time sensitive or mission critical. that's key because you don't have to have the panic. but you do have a system now where we'll be able to find exactly when that part was installed, where it was installed, who installed it, and pull those parts off the planes. >> bill: call for one. these are the airlines affected by the uncertified parts. united, southwest, delta, american. that pretty much covers 75, 80%, scott, if you are flying. tell us. should you be concerned? >> the unknown is always unnerving but again, we do have this system set up where pretty
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early on somebody said hey, i don't know who this company is or why this part is coming through. i've never heard of these guys and went up the chain of command and quickly folks were able to identify where the parts are. again these parts are not going to have an effect on the safety of the aircraft. >> sandra: you have to think okay, we hope it doesn't come to that. we hope they catch it before they go in the planes. how do we prevent it from happening again? >> and that's the great question. i think what you have is the faa needs to be modernized. there is a way you can track this information much quicker. faa is papers in a filing cabinet. that kind of stuff needs to be modernized. there is technology out there where you can track every single nut, bolt, everything else, going into an aircraft all the way back to the original supplier and we need to make that change. >> bill: scott, thanks for coming on.
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flying is one of the most amazing things today. when you think about how safe it is at the commercial level. it has been extraordinary. want to keep it that way. thank you for coming on. thank you, scott. now smitty your daily dose of t. swifty. her concert film is in theaters next week. it is selling tickets today, though, a lot of them is today's hemmer celebrity news. the eras tour is the most profitable concert movie in history. amc saying the movie concert surpassed more than $1 hundred million in advance sale worldwide. demand shattered amc's record for single sales in one day. that's off and running. >> sandra: can she be everywhere? >> bill: i don't know if travis kelce bought a ticket or britney mahomes has bought a ticket. >> sandra: he has a front row seat. >> bill: you think he waits for
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the download? >> sandra: hopefully he is practicing with the football. hillary clinton calling maga a cult and raising the idea of reeducation camps. >> maybe you don't like migrants or gay people or black people or the woman who got the promotion at work.
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>> sadly, so many of those extremists, the maga extremist, take their marching orders from donald trump who has no credibility left by any measure, because at some point, you know, maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members. but something needs to happen. >> sandra: hillary clinton appearing on cnn with the shocking suggestion to formally deprogram trump supporters. what exactly does she have in mind? nate foye has more on that for us. >> that's a great question. we've reached out to secretary clinton's team for clarity. so far we haven't heard back. you just heard it there. the former secretary of state is not only attacking former president donald trump, she is directly criticizing the people
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who support him. >> maybe they don't like migrants. maybe they don't like gay people or black people or the woman who got the promotion at work they didn't get. whatever the reason, it's a classic tale of an authoritarian populist who really has a grip on the emotional, psychological needs and desires of a portion of the population. >> back in 2016 when trump beat clinton she referred to his supporters then as deplorables. in the interview she predicted trump will be the republican nominee but doesn't think he will win the presidency. >> it is like a cult. and somebody has to break the -- break that momentum and that's why i believe joe biden will defeat him. >> congressman andy biggs of arizona reacted on x, you'll
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never deprogram me or millions of america first patriots. senator eric schmitt of missouri, hillary clinton who called half the country a basket of deplorables advocates for reeducation camp or present framing. democrats should get her on the campaign trail more often. president trump will be on the campaign trail himself. after appearing in court this week he is the leading republican candidate for president. we've reached out to the trump team this morning for their reaction to clinton's comments. so far we haven't heard back. >> sandra: keep us posted. nate, thank you. >> that's what we're trying to figure out? our job is to investigate everything that happens. that's what we're trying to do. obviously the more information. >> i didn't do anything wrong. >> bill: that was back in december of 2018. that is a key piece of the
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puzzle revealed in this bribery and corruption case against the new jersey senator, democrat bob menendez. a fatal car accident involving his future wife now linked to an alleged bribery scheme. prosecutors accusing menendez of interfering in a separate criminal investigation in return for a new mercedes benz that replaced the wrecked vehicle on screen. a new jersey radio talk show host is here. thank you for your time. trying to figure this out actually, okay? roll the sound bite from wednesday when he was asked about it. >> senator, there is a report your wife was involved in a hit and run. do you have any comment on that? >> that was a tragic accident and we think of the family. >> bill: bill, she hits this gentleman. he dies, right? we see her on camera with a cop.
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how did we get from that to a bribery? from whom and for what? >> well first of all, you have to go back to the incident. outside of the bribery issue, you have the issue that she left the scene even though the local cops cleared her and said sure, she can go. no one checked her cell phone. no dui test. so there are a ton of unanswered questions about the incident itself before you ever get to the bribery. this was a 49-year-old man who allegedly was dropped off on the wrong side of the street. he lived across the street. he had too much to drink and she hits him so hard that she totals the car? there are so many unanswered questions about what happened. i understand now the attorney general is actually going to look into this in new jersey. i think that's a good thing. as far as the bribery is concerned, a month later apparently she was complaining about not having a car and one of the senators' business
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associates all of a sudden here is a brand-new $60,000 mercedes. there is so much to this. i think the more that comes out in this indictment, the more pressure is going to be on bob menendez to get rid of his seat or give it up. >> sandra: police did not give her any tickets or summonss afterwards. the police sergeant involved said it is determined she was not at fault for the motor vehicle crash and mr. coop was jaywalking in an interview her attorney called the crash a tragic accident and said it had nothing to do with the bribery charges. >> well, and again i think the accident didn't have anything to do with it. it was the fact that someone replaced her car for some reason a month later. $60,000 gift is pretty nice. when your husband or husband to be at the time is a powerful united states senator and a man who has been under investigation
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before. remember, he was indicted in 2015 on corruption. actually went to trial in 2017 and ended up with a hung jury. then the prosecutors decided not to retry the case. remember, this happened after those charges went down in 2017. so again, a lot of unanswered questions. the big thing coming out today we understand there was a retired hack in sack police chief on the scene and helped her clean out the car and helped. why was she not the first person to call 911? separate from the bribery, a 49-year-old man is dead and she walked away without so much as a ticket or a question. >> bill: maybe we figure it out at trial. thank you for your time. bill from new jersey. thank you, nice to see you. >> sandra: ledger -- legendary
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and jimmy failla. "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> bill: the football world has lost a legend. so has the city of chicago. dick butkus died at the age of 80. a legendary linebacker for the chicago bears. that team held a moment of silence for him last night before going on the field to beat the washington commanders, their first victory in 14 games. jim gray is with me now. good morning. i think about chicago, i think about butkus, and mike ditka and michael jordan. and i think that's the trinity there. >> yes, of course. you think about ernie banks and, of course, you think about jim mcmahon and you can go through a long list of guys. but very few, very few are like dick butkus. he embodied what the bears were all about and the toughness of the city. when he came out at the university of illinois he was so tough and so fierce and
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intimidating and so everything. you put any word after that that's an adjective and that was dick butkus. >> bill: he was a linebacker with ray nitschke. those guys were big, tough and mean. butkus had six all nfl celeb you shuns, 22 interceptions in ate pro bowls. he was an actor. he was pretty good from necessary roughness, check out this clip here. >> gentlemen, this is your home field, so please, take the ball. >> come on. i usually play tennis instead of football. >> bill: how is he to be remembered? he was living in malibu, jim, and in his final days here.
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i look at a man like that as a player, as a guy who helped transform the game at that time for that era. >> you just look at him and you think about the toughness that it takes to play professional football. he set the standard. he paved the way for the lawrence taylors and all those guys who came after him. they looked at him and said that's who i am going to be and i will try to be better than what he set. and it was back in an era where pro-football. the rules have changed so much, bill. back then you knew it when you got hit by dick butkus. he sent a message every time he was out on the field every play. it was 100%. in fact it was 2, 3, 4, 500% every time he hit you. you knew it. you got up. he knocked the helmet off bart
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starr. he looked -- he was just a different type of guy when he was out on that field. we will always remember that. thank god we have the voice of god from nfl films to somewhat immortalize the play of dick butkus. >> bill: we saw a clip where it says hell doesn't scare me but dick butkus does. thank you, jim. thanks for coming on. >> sandra: only one i would add to that list on behalf of my family, my chicago. walter peyton number 34. >> bill: that's a pretty good group. thank you for coming in at 1:00 this afternoon. >> sandra: see you at run. >> bill: hope you have a blessed weekend and harris will pick up things for us now. see you at 1:00. here is harris, bye-bye. >> harris: we begin with this fox news alert. trouble at 1600 pennsylvania avve


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