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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  October 6, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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problem that it represents what, an america that loves america? i don't understand at all. maybe it within the genre for her. she's realized have fun in pop music. >> quick question my husband i love 90s country. my husband is so anti-this pop music infiltrating country music. does that grate you? >> i like the version of it which is texas country red clay dirt country music is my genre. >> will cain thank you so much. we will be watching you tomorrow on fox and friends. first watch will tomorrow and that's it for us tonight. tune in for when cohost, outnumbered. jesse watters is next. >> well to "jesse watters
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primetime." the tonight. >> so many of those maga extremists take their marching orders from drovmt maybe there needs to be a former deprogramming of the cult members. >> hillary clinton wants to deprogram you. >> my role we are going to punch you in the face. >> the streets rebelling against democrats. >> don't start creating a generation of wimps and weak people. let's go and teach kids to be tough. >> arnold tells america to man up. plus. [screaming] >> we are a divided country. it's been polarized for 30 years and millions of americans are always going to disagree with the president whoever it is. jesus could be president and
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half the country would hate jesus. something has happened where democrats just stopped asking for our vote though. politics used to be about persuasion. this is who i am. this is what i believe in. this is my policy. this is what i'll do for you. even when bill clinton was challenged by a voter he still respected them and made an effort to relate to them. >> if i were dying of ambition, i wouldn't have stood up here and put up with all this crap i put up with the last six months. i'm fighting to change this country. i've treated you and all the people who interrupted my rallies with more respect than you treated me. it's time you started thinking about that. [cheers and applause] >> now, i feel your pain! >> we went from i feel your pain to i'm going to show you what real pain is. even barack obama calm face-to-face, here's why i'm running. >> i'm getting ready to buy a
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company that makes about $250-280,000 a year. your new tax plan is going to tax me more. >> the reason we are doing that is because 95 percent of small businesses make his than 250. i want to give them a tax cut. >> obama told you he would spread the wealth around and work for joe plumber's vote. then came hillary who waited you. she winced when she had to walk into a diner shake hands listen to you. hillary believed she was better than you and she knew what was about good for you. she didn't want to waste time listening. she knew the answers already. so if you didn't support hillary you must have a wicked soul. she took it personally. they must not like me because i'm a woman. they must not like my policies because they're racist and how can anybody not like me when i have such good intentions? this is why she called trump
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voters deplorable. >> if you be grossly generalistic you can put half i what i call trump supporters fast ketd of deplorables. >> she intentionally disconnected herself from the people and was confused by hills election. her arrogance didn't allow her to see that her position on trade immigration foreign policy wasn't what we wanted. not to mention her condescending attitude. joe biden's cut from the very same cloth. he takes everything personally and loses his temper when voters ask him direct questions instead of listening and persuading biden snaps. [bleep] >> all right, thank you. wait, wait. hang on.
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>> thank you so much. >> a voter asked joe biden why he was attacking the second amendment and joe biden said he was full of blank then spent the next minute pointing at his chest and tell him what he didn't need lying about what he said on video and telling him i don't work for you which is the very definition of a politician, a public servant who serves the people. joe biden now president has failed to persuade you. if you don't support him joe biden tries to destroy you. >> public support is driven and film dated by maga republican extremists. >> joe biden is watching his presidency collapse and hillary clinton is trying to save it. hillary announceth on cnn that half the country is a accompaniment they're racist sexist nativist homophobes.
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>> for whatever reason he and his very negative nasty form of politics resonates with them. maybe they don't like migrants. maybe they don't like gay people or black people or the woman who got the promotion at work they didn't get. whatever the reason, you know make america great again was a bid for nostalgia to return to a place where you know, people could be in charge of their lives, feel empowered, say what they want and so too whoever came in their way and that was really attractive to a significant portion of the republican base. so it is like a cult. >> hillary doesn't understand you because she's never been in the room with you. hillary couldn't get out of arkansas fast enough. she lived in a white house bubble 8 years became senator secretary of state then presidential candidate. she's been able to control who is in a room with her for the
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last 30 years and hillary has completely lost touch with america even since she's lost the election she made no attempt to see the country. she's been in europe india manhattan back and forth to chappaqua. when was the last time hillary has been a bar that wasn't roped off for traffic. instead of learning about you hillary wants to you unlearn. >> there wasn't this tale of extremism waging the dog of the republican party as it is today and sadly so many of those maga extremists take their marching orders from donald trump who has no credibility left by any measure. he's only in it for himself. he's now defending himself in
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civil and criminal actions and when do they break with him? because at some point maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members. >> so what would hillary's deprogramming look like? do we get triple vax watching madow? hill rides north korean reeducation camp sound more like a cult. hillary telling me boys can be girls and fetterman is a sharp dresser isn't going to make us vote for joe. sounds like what the pentagon did to the terrorists, dropping leaflets in syria broadcasting propaganda from a humvee. fit sounds like counterterrorist psychological warfare it is. "newsweek" reporting the fbi has designated so-called maga republicans as domestic terrorists and using anti-terror tools to spy on and infiltrate
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joe biden's political opposition. don't persuade them. prosecute them. don't ask for their vote ask let me see your hands. the left wants us brainwashed or arrested. there's no other option. the democrats are popular. you just need some reprogramming. >> almost 14 million new jobs, 800,000 new manufacturing jobs, popular popular popular. we just need to let everybody know who brought it to them. >> receipts. amen. >> that's doable. >> if the president says, you know, wasn't for the media he would be the most popular president in american history. >> you all are not the happiest people what you report. i mean it sincerely. it gets, you get more legs when you report something who is
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negative. i don't mean you're picking on me. it's just the nature of things. you turn on the television and there's not a whole lot about boy saves dog as he swims in the lake you know. it's about somebody pushed the dog in the lake. i mean i get it. >> the media is the only thing keeping biden in office. if we had a real media he never would have been elected and if he was he would have been machu picchu. msnbc who reprograms their audience every morgan just threw up their hands and said not working. >> there's been one poll after on the poll after another poll this week that has shown that the republicans are just absolutely bashing democrats when it comes to issues. >> republicans over democrats on issues like inflation economy immigration these are 25 nearly 30-point margins creating jobs.
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it's a huge number. elections are decided on the economy. these are big warning signs here. >> the idea it's narrative doesn't work for voters. why aren't you listening to our story things are going well? maybe things cost too much. >> someone told the truth on msnbc. don't tell people things are going well when things cost too much. instead of reprogramming and reeducation why don't you make it so things don't cost so much. then we will vote for you. that's called politics. host of the tudor dixon podcast, tudor. are you in a cult? >> hillary would like you to believe that. she's going to set up her clinton foundation interpret camps and they're going to reeducate us. she's going to get her money out of that russian dossier to make
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sure we know that she paid for something. we are going to start to believe it's true. >> when you were running weren't you out there diner shaking hand listening or instead calling people racist homophobic cult members? >> that's funny. where was she campaigning? we saw her completely yelling at people all the time complaining about people all the time but the funny thing is there's this new trend among democrat former first ladies to hate half the country. what is going on we have people who sat in the white house we respected? hillary clinton could have got the sympathy vote when she came out of the white house. she could have a little bit of persona she could have gone out and used that to her advantage won women over but even women were disgusted by her behavior. >> tudor she never went to the
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rust belt. maybe that's why it didn't vote for her. she turned night the rust belt and didn't go there. when you see joe biden out there blaming the media and you see kamala saying we are popular but people don't know it yet do you think that's ever going to resonate? >> i think the numbers show it's not resonating. if you look at the numbers they just played on the screen there you can see why they're holding onto abortion like death because it's the only place they think they can win on but the fact is the majority of people are trying to figure out how to buy groceries, whether they need an e.v. vehicle if they can use a gas power leaf blower. the democrats are not hearing what the american people are saying exactly what you just heard. they're not speaking to us. they're not speaking to the people of michigan. they're not speaking to the people of the midwest who couldn't afford to go out and get groceries and they're getting nervous.
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i'm sure they're asking why is hillary saying this. >> they're not listening. they're saying i don't work for you. you're popular. you're in a cult and you're full of sh. have a good weekend. joe biden is back to plagiarizing building a border wall and deporting venezuelans. aoc says no bueno. >> i think it's a terrible idea. i think it's a broke edge promise. you could build a great big trumpy wall on theen sire u.s. southern border and it's not going to fix this problem. we need to address this at the root of the problem which is the contribution that u.s. sanctions extremely broad u.s. sanctions are having to destabilize and plunge millions of people into poverty and displacement. >> can you believe aoc got lit
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up by her constituents last month and still wants the border open? >> close the border! >> and we are joining a city and state. >> instead of listening she just went back and laid on her coup and said everybody is wrong. politics is so easy. finger in the air listen serve the people that's it. the real reason biden has gone ultra maga on immigration politics, black voters he couldn't foortd to lose are livid in semitic where the democrat convention is next summer and the way things are going now it's going to be a mess because illegals have taken over the airports. they're sleeping on the floors of police stations. a football team in chicago was kicked off the field for a
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migrant shelter. black voters in chicago boiling mad. >> you cannot disgrace our children for these immigrants! >> you think it's the same for every city? >> i want to know why brainy johnson is not here. why are we not important for him to show up for us when we showed up for him? they want to take the resources we have and put us at the bottom of the barrel. >> they're selling us out for people that can't vote. >> the migrants are soaking the city's bank account. they're squeezing kids out of sports. they're crowding schools, distracting cops. the democrat convention? chicago is going to be a circus. wait until the donors step off the plane at o'hare and see a thousand venezuelans in sleeping
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bags. are we in chicago or caracas? my next guest was at the meeting on tuesday and witnessed it firsthand. are the politicians in chicago listening at all? >> no they're not listening and you know what? it's okay because we are going to let them know that you may not be listening but we are certainly still talking about these issues. we are not going to stop talking about these issues. and you know, here in chicago, it's unfortunate that our elected officials have basically always mountainous for granted but we have reached the point we are tired of being taken for granted and we are standing up and fighting back. now we were told that this is something that is happening that these migrants are coming to our park but i want everyone to know this is not going to be a fight that we are going to have lying down. we are standing up. we are standing strong.
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and we are ready to fight until we have no more fight left in us. >> when you say that to the politicians do, they make excuses? what do they say? >> primarily for the most part we have been ultimately ignored. they're not saying anything. they're not standing with us. they're not standing up for us. and basically, we have said to them, we see that this crisis has overwhelmed the city of chicago. why don't you see what we see? i don't understand why our mayor has not stepped in and asked to at least temporarily suspended chicago's sanctuary status until we have a handle on this crisis any don't understand why that's not part. conversation. i don't understand why they're not turning buses around. we are not helping these people. they're here primarily living in
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squalor and we are accepting it like it's supposed to be the way it is and it's not acceptable. >> is joe biden going to have your vote? >> i'm not sure who is going to have my vote but i tell you what, for me who have always been a lifelong democrat the republican party is looking real good. >> those are strong words, thank you for joining us and keep up the fight. we will be covering it. >> we will. >> congress wants to spend $8 million on a birds nest. right back. unlike some others, it supports 7 brain health indicators, including mental alertness from one serving. to help keep me sharp. try new neuriva ultra. think bigger.
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5:24 pm
here's why you should switch from chrome to duckduckgo. duckduckgo is a browser you download to your mobile and desktop devices. unlike chrome, the duckduckgo browser has privacy built-in. it comes with a private alternative to google search, which doesn■t spy on your searches, and it blocks cookies and creepy ads. and there's no catch. it's free. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you around. join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on mobile and desktop today. taxpayers were billed $80
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million for john mccain's library? >> the new mccain library with fund from the american rescue plan that i signed into law when i came to office. >> we built john mccain a library with covid money? i don't have anything with mccain but why are we had spending $80 million to build him a hikery? he wasn't even president. that money was for covid recovery. the line have i 80,000 square feet, 22 acres and biden says 100,000 people a year are going to visit it. we checked. that's more people that went to clinton bush's and jfk libraries and they were presidents. we found even juicier pork in congress and ted diu wants $5 million for a bathroom in venice
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beach. the homeless there are getting a now $5 million bathroom. presley's squad wants to fix a roof in chinatown. about half million dollars to fix a roof. roof won't league, spies will be dry. in new jersey gold bar bob's son who has a kid in congress, gold bar, jr. wants $2.5 million to put solar panels on a rec center. how about a $3.5 million wellness trail in michigan? that's from rashida tlib's squad and you have to call it that to justify 3.5 mill. how about you bushwhack? jamie raskin wants to spend $1.8 milwee paving a walking trail
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because there are cracks in it and it's uneven. can't have an uneven walking trail. got to have a lot more money. iona presley squad wants two million for a gay old folks home. if you're not gay you can't live there. only for gays and it is fabulous and better be for two million. barbara lee in oakland wants to build an $8 million birds nest. it's a roosting island for birds, where birds can fly around and fall asleep. $8 million bird's nest in oakland. just what oakland needs. we are going to keep going with. this jim norton is a comedian on sirius xm the you're not allowed to visit the $8 million bird island. it's off limits. >> first of all i'm sick of
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birds and they have the gift of flight f. there's a problem with your home go somewhere else, stupid. you have wings. it's a waste of money. we should throw up cash and whatever they catch they keep. it's a waste of money. they do it because it's not out their pockets. for every hundred thousand dollars they're off they should lose a finger. if you cut off a politician's finger every hundred thousand off. >> or like in baghdad, they chop the hand off. >> a million dollars, no fingers. >> are you going to send your parents to the $8 million gay old folks home? >> no, and when you're over 85, who cares? just be who you want to be. nobody wants to see joe biden and mitch mcconnell doing poppers rolling around somewhere. you don't need a old folks home for gay people. >> tell me about the wellness
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trail. it's not like a regular trail. this trail is for wellness. >> is this in the rashida's? if she wants to be in shape she should watch people in her district run for their lives. >> what about mccain? i respect the man, public servant for a long time. this guy gets $80 million library that we fade for wasn't president and we are paying for it with covid money. >> libraries suck. they're boring. they're outdated. you can look everything up on your ipad. you can't even watch porn in the library anymore. stop with libraries will they're a waste of time. >> how soon before the $5 million venice beach bathroom for homeless addicts?
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arnold schwarzenegger thinks your kid is a wimp.
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>> joe biden took a big fat victory lap this morgan after the good jobs report. >> good news today. this morgan we learned the economy created 336,000 jobs in september alone. it's no accident. bidenomics is growing the economy from the middle out bottom up, not the top down. >> the media called it stunning. it's a scandal. the biden administration cherry picking and double counting the numbers. ready? it's not what it seems. 20 percent are government jobs so we are just paying their salaries and nearly half of all jobs are part-time jobs.
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which means biden's double dipping and be double counting. if you work part-time at burger king and wendy's joe biden counts you twice, two jobs. and a third of the jobs 96,000 are in leisure and hospitality bartenders hostesses, waitresses, not real careers. what about full-time salary jobs? we lost 22,000 of them. not a time for celebration joe. this is a straight up scandal. brian is the cohost of the big money show. how do they get away with it? >> nobody in the financial press outside of fox business opens up the hoopd and says what's really going on in here. they just hand the president. the scandal is he doesn't have to lie because everybody is carrying his water for him all the way up to the podium.
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>> have we always double counted part-time jobs? we could do gang buster numbers if everybody a part time job. >> we have always double counted multiple job holders but we have a lot more of them now than we did because i got to get two jobs. >> people can't afford life, they're getting an extra job, making the numbers look good. >> no shame to multiple job holders, but when he talks about it's bidenomics middle out bottom up it's multiple jobs it's trying to patch things together with duct tape to make it work. >> where are the government jobs coming from? is that like state and city and federal? >> all of the above. >> is that the irs agents that get guns? >> you just keep going jesse. it's all those because bidenomics works for the government. >> he's growing the government
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with big spending bills. everybody is getting hosed with part-time jobs. >> you're getting the second or third job to make ends meet. 70,000 government workers don't go to the office. i stay home, guaranteed employment. >> we are looking under the hood in fox business. there we go. thanks brian. >> you bet. >> the mouthpiece for mt. rushmore. this guy works for the federal government. ask about vraylar. because you are greater than your bipolar 1, and you can help take control of your symptoms - with vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs. vraylar treats depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar 1 in adults. proven, full-spectrum relief for all bipolar 1 symptoms. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact
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>> biden made one thing clear when he was elected. if you shatter, you're hired. over at the department interior every day everybody shatters. deb holland biden's interior secretary poetry major, and tyler sherry the interior department communications dude. tyler was hired on day one.
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he is a fashionista, knows his way around the dress aisle and happily married. aside from working for biden he's a d.j. awesome. primetime no problem with any of that. do what you have to do. we looked at his social media though. he hates the police. he it's ice. they tiktok person said trumped only won the 2016 election because of white supremacy. or this tweet. steve guest, found it, he said we have to abolish i.c.e. he's called police slave patrols and the modern day police system is modern version of slave patrols.
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this guy speaks on behalf of mt. rushmore. this guy is going to tear down our monuments not protect them. we get, joe biden wants the administration to shatter. we get it but this guy, really? it's very important to be considerate. i'm very considerate. there's a difference between being considerate and being a coddler and america is now a done coddlers. all we do is make things easier so no one gets left behind. >> who built this country? is it people that slept in? is it people that were wimping out? this is i want to feel good. these were women and men that went out at 5 a.m. got up struggled fought and they worked their butts off.
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that is what made this country great. so let's continue that the don't start creating a generation of wimps and weak feel. i don't want to hurt your feelings. >> the problem is everyone hurts feelings and no one is willing to use those moments to grow and learn and by the time you reach grown up age where you're supposed to be fully functioning they're unable to share a 1400 acre sclej campus with someone they have a disagreement with. >> what do you say to trans students here today? >> life is tough. get a helmet. >> these people have been babied so much they never grew up our institutions are failing us and america needs to return to its roots. the country has lost its way and they need to regrip the steering
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wheel. other countries are able to tell the truth and you'll never see joe biden tell it here is the prime minister of england it. >> also should be controversial for parents to know what their children are being taught in school about relationships. patients should know when hospitals are talking about men and women and we shouldn't get bullied into believing people can be any sex they want to be. they can't. a man is a man and woman is a woman. that's common sense. >> common sense isn't controversial. life is hard, you grow up, makes you stronger. pain is a learning experience. helps you find strength. >> this last two or three or four repetitions make the muscle grow and divides one from a champion and not being a champion. if you can go through this pain barrier it makes you a champion. if you can't forget it. >> author of do not comply is here. why can't we go through the pain period and get buff?
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>> well, i hate to even say this because i'm 27 years old but kids these days are completely coddled by their parents the public school system the universities they get out of school get some email marketing job where they have no sense of passion or purpose. i'm going to college campuses for my tour and talking to students and number one thing they say how do i talk to people without having them hate me or i'm afraid to talk and they're scared to say what they believe but what i tell them and try to instill in them every day it is hard and people are going to hate you if you stand up for the truth and you have to deal with that. >> why are people so sensitive these days or pretending to be for attention? >> well, they're definitely pretending i think a lot of people but way think it really comes down to is it's narcissist particular and these people are not worried about geting a job getting married and things that matter. they're worried about trans
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ideology and how many likes on social media and what people think about them. so when you take away the real things american values american standards and replace them with leftist ideology you get this coddle generation. they think they're theen torii world and have no idea to deal with someone being mean to them. >> do you blame their parents because they've never heard the word "no" before? >> it definitely lies on the parents for saying you never do anything wrong, hard work is bad and everything should be given to you. if students and young people are going to be told that anything they want is there for them at any point any person they want any idea or anything they want is always there for them then they're going to essentially be coddled people. >> do not comply. that's the book. thanks so much will. good luck on the college campus.
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>> sink or swim. health bring in fox across america host, self proclaimed jimmy and fox meteorologist. >> winners river, baby. mr. kelsey, aaron rodgers called travis kelce which nickname? mr. pfizer or mr. swift? >> oh, girl. i got my mine, baby. just for the heck of it i'm going t. swizzle. >> mr. pfizer we kinds of shut him down. >> you never lose with a
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swiszzle. which former president once said there is nothing wrong with america that can't be cured by what is right with america? ronald reagan or bill clinton? >> too easy. >> there is nothing wrong that can not be cured by what is right with america! >> i'm going to go like shh because he's the only president who has to get paid in singles. >> that was not a very good answer. rapper problems category which famous rapper says he's going to be out of commission for at least a year because of stomach problems? >> i got this one in the bag. >> drake or little wayne? do you know the difference between what they look sfliek. >> waters coming in hot. >> little easy all the way. >> i've been having the craziest problems for years with my
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stomach. i'm going to lock the door on the studio a bit. >> akila is shaking her head. >> he had stomach problems. >> should we make it interesting? here we go, cats grist, respect and these two had to defend their house but which one privately scoffed why do i always get treated like scum? waits it kevin mccarthy or kevin mcallister for the win? forecast was right. backed all the way. take to it the bank, fox weather. you get a hat. >> yes, i do. >> listen. you get this hat. you just embarrassed this brand by the way. >> no put it on your head and the fox weather app medley download to your phone. >> this is a dunce cap.
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>> everyone has been asking about where do i get my ties. ota brothers. they're from down under. best ties in the world. let's do text. bill from st. mary's, georgia, hey jesse where can i go to be deprogrammed so can i forget that hillary exists? well, wherever bill is hanging out that night. greg from oregon, if cracked hillary is into deprogramming maybe she can work on commander. man that dog is trouble. and hunter. john from maryland. clinton certainly knows about deprogramming. she did that with 33,000 emails. boy, did she with a little help from the old acid. debbie from florida. i think the mccain line via great place for biden's migrants. for $80 million and 62,000
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square feet there could be room. lowell from san antonio, texas what happens when the democrat convention goers can't get a hotel room? sorry. penny pritzger you're going to have to sleeping in a bag in o'hare. terry from huntsville. okay to come over to our side. we would love to have her. did you hear that? that was a big statement from my friend kayda. gary from naples, florida. i think birds make their own nests for free. $8 million for a bird's nest, only in ole and steve from west virginia. we already have roosting islands for birds. they're called trees. jenna from new jersey, that's a toldly jersey name. what if the birds are gay? do we billed build a sanctuary
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for homosexual pij united states? john from new mexico how about vivek for speaker. sorry goofed already in the running. sondra from iowa. congratulations. if you can breathe you receive a participation trophy. judy from colorado. your show is very funny and entertaining. we had the ratings fairy. the ratings fairy delivered. >> back on top. >> tina from interlocken. please tell greg gutfeld i love him. tina you need to be deprogrammed. that's all for tonight. ota is the name of the tie brand. we love them. dvr the >>


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