tv Gutfeld FOX News October 18, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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daughter, if you're going to die, die right there. because if you get in a car, 99% chance air not getting there. so if you're going to fight fight to the death right there. is that good advice. >> you fight back, always fight back, give it everything you have, do not resist, you fight >> sean: to me that means you kick them gouge their eyes punch 'em elbow them. >> when you're fighting for your life give them everything you got >> sean: unfortunately that's all the time we have left this evening. by the way this crowd is so great, come back tomorrow. we have another live show tomorrow night, tickets are free. head over to most people leaving here with a free football. in the meantime please set your dvr so you never miss an episode. let not your heart be troubled. why? greg gutfeld standing by going to put a smile on your face right now. have a great night. ♪ >> i'm trace gallagher in los
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angeles with a fox news update on the war in israel. pro testifyings erupting across the middle east and in the u.s. tonight. some even turning into riots as tempers flare over the explosion at a hospital in gaza. president biden during his trip to israel says he believes the militant group islamic jihad is to blame for the deadly blast. biden's comments are based on independent analysis by the pentagon. the president also announcing a deal with israel and egypt to allow humanitarian aid into gaza. meantime the possibility of a wider war is looking more likely by the day. israeli defense forces and hezbollah are increasing their cross-border attacks in the north. the senior foreign affairs correspondent greg palkot is live with what he is seeing on the ground. greg. >> unrest rages throughout the region following that explosion at a packed hospital in gaza on thursday, trace. there was a mass protest outside the u.s. embassy in beirut,
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lebanon, with many u.s. and israeli embassies and consulate in the mid easts. hamas claims it was an israeli strike that left 500 dead in that hospital. israel and president biden visiting here says it was a palestinian rocket. and unrest too in the west blank, at least two killed in clashes between protesters and police. they're also upset about the overall humanitarian crisis and the growing death toll in the gaza strip as israel pounds the place going avalanche the blood thirsty hamas militants. and along this border, witnessing exchanges between hezbollah and israel. the thought is that's looming ground invasion by israel could result in more trouble here. back to you, trace. >> greg thank you. another update at the bottom of the hour and full coverage on fox news at night, top of the next hour. back to gutfeld. [cheers and applause] >> greg: all right.
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thank you. thank you, thank you. enough. enough you sexy people. all right, so as the gaza war rages and iran threatens to enter the fray president biden jetted off to israel. we don't know whether biden's trip helped but if he climbed the steps of air force one without a face plant, let's call it a win. but first let's do history, the truth is the middle east also exposes the 95ity of past democratic presidents. in '79 president jimmy carter took credibility into bud light territory when iran seized 52 american diplomats. he looked weaker than kat at la fitness >> kat: it's okay, it's true. >> greg: it took over a year for america to respond, which we finally did by electing ronald reagan, after an aborted rescue that crashed in the desert. oh, those democrats they want to abort everything. eight service members were
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killed and it was really bad. in 2000 bill clinton held the famous camp david summit where he learned no matter how much he pleaded ar fat wouldn't go down as easy as monica lewinsky. they rejected more proposals than me at the nudist colony. barack obama thought he could make a difference he thought iraq could be brought around to a friendly modern nation if we could just get that pesky nuclear deal done so he sent over john kerry and $1.7 billion in cash. they should have sent hillary just to make her shut up and cover her face. but the money part they understood. obama brought hope and more than a few bags of change and watched helplessly when iran built bigger arms than his wife. look, the mid east is probably the most politically screwed up place in the world. many of the issues go back so far, larry kudlow --
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[inaudible] >> greg: yeah, he's so old he helped build the pyramids. in fact the old testament ca ran and the tower a each of a verse where abraham says wake me up when you people get your [bleep] together. one of the basic reasons we care about this place is a single word, that's oil. especially for gavin newsom who smears it on his hair to trap seagulls for food. the truth is no matter how much green talk we hear from the likes of aoc, the technology to run the world on butterfly farts just doesn't exist yet. if she had her way we'd freeze this winter as she stays warm in huertas la. yet thanks to a democratic party that has made green energy a religion america went from the world's leading new york producer for a nation looking for more in their veins. it's not going to happen, cash, gifts, words of praise, it
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didn't make me return taylor swift's calls and it won't work with the mullahs. which brings us to the president. biden offers six billion to iran in exchange for american hostages then hamas ceaseings more american hostages right afterward, like stairs, speed bumps and sandbags biden never saw it coming. even helen keller could connect the dots. she's been dead a while. it's sort of like leaving $7 billion in weapons in afghanistan which end up being pointed at our allies. you know, if only afghanistan had gun control. but i think they call that cause and effect. i guess they don't teach that in gender studies classes. so now we're caught up in all of this again. america's greatest foreign policy thinkers sharpened the points on their evey league dunns caps and have a new campaign t foreign don't plan. >> my message to any foreign
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hostile actor. don't, don't, don't. anyone thinking of taking advantage of the situation. i have one word. don't. don't. >> don't, don't, don't. >> greg: i guess biden's speech writers have him down to one word now. at least he can remember it. worse, when referring to the hospital carnage he calls hamas the other team. >> based on what i've seen, it appears as though it was done by the other team, not, not you. >> greg: the other team. like it's pickleball. how diplomatic, i guess it's an improvement over calling isis the jv squad. always the dems. now it's said foreign policy is picking among the least bad of your choices and with zombie joe in charge there's more bad choices than the taco bell dollar menu. but time for some credit where it's due because you know who actually moved things forward in that department? that's right, the great satan
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donald trump. and over there, you know, that's a compliment. who was the first to actually meet with the little rocket man in north korea? before that, who had we sent? dennis rodman? [laughter] >> greg: you know, while the left was screaming that trump just had to be a russian agent, guess what, we had no russian wares and while they were shouting his son-in-law jared kushner had no experience in foreign policy, it was trump and kushner that brought in the abraham accords which normalized relations between israel and some of its arab neighbors. of course normal is now a relative term. like woman. the left couldn't believe it. donald trump, a diplomat? what would the un say besides lesbians can have penises? if you watched the show you'd know. it was also trump that made america the greatest energy producing nation on earth giving us the leverage over the middle east to try to change things.
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that tilted things in our favor faster than gerald nadler getting off a sea saw. and trump had iran so scared they offered to take john kerry back. but, of course, the geniuses in the biden white house had to blow it all up. we're back into trying to bribe iran into behaving again. hey it works on joe biden. we're back to buying some of the dirtiest oil on earth from some of the dirtiest regimes on earth like venezuela and saudi arabia whose leader made our secretary of state sit for hours before blowing him off all while palestinian leader mahmoud abbas said he won't meet with biden when he arrives in israel. that won't keep joe from trying to shake his hand anyway. this president's foreign policy is falling apart like the patriots without brady. >> tyrus: true, true. >> greg: you think maybe dennis rodman is available? because, boy, do we need a
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rebound right about now. [cheers and applause] >> period! >> greg: let's welcome tonight's guests! he 'em employees a safa 20 to help him pick out a tie. host of making money on business, charles payne [cheers and applause]. >> greg: you've probably seen him sitting on a stack of gold bars, host of kudlow on fox business, larry kudlow! [cheers and applause] >> greg: like the speaker of the house, old white men fight over her, too. new york times best selling author and fox news contributor kat timpf [cheers and applause] >> greg: and he learned to duck as a toddler. new york times best selling author, comedian and former nwa world champion, tyrus! [cheers and applause] >> greg: charles by the way congratulations on your new book, it's called unbreakable investor. look at that, snazzy cover. >> charles: thank you. >> greg: yeah, i'm going to read this tonight. in the hot tub with larry.
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>> charles: larry should read it to you. >> greg: my god. i've had that fantasy. charles why do you want to goat with this? give me your thoughts. >> charles: first as you're going through this it struck me, i think we're madison gilberts interpreting when he's saying don't don't don't. i think he's telling everyone around him he has to go to the bathroom. someone get me. they say you can't say do do because it sounds too obvious so don't don't don't. i was thinking about clint eastwood the whole time like you feeling lucky punk? it wasn't quite the same but feeling lucky punk, you know. but he never said iran, that's the thing. you used the word naive and not naivety. if hamas steals the stuff we send over, we're going to be upset. as soon as it gets there we are it's going to belong to hamas. let's not be stupid and have an honest conversation. first of all why did you go?
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you didn't not have to go at this present time. israel has their hands full, they didn't need president biden over there, always the public relations department of the white house that dictates what happens. >> greg: like when you have relatives that decide you want to stay for the weekend but you have a tough monday ahead, you don't really need them to stay on the couch. that's a terrible analogy. larry you work for president trump, how do you feel that administration would have handled this differently? is that too unrealistic a question? >> larry: no. i mean, i thought your intro was fabulous on this point and i think it's a really important point. when trump left the white house, there was peace in the middle east, and there was prosperity in the middle east. when trump left the white house, iran was broke, and china wouldn't dare to buy any oil, because trump laid down a marker. when trump left the white house, the middle eastern gulf states were aligning with israel instead of attacking israel at
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every turn. he also put the embassy in jerusalem where it belongs. he would never have allowed the kind of retreat from afghanistan, which is probably what started this in the first place, and putin would have never dared to invade ukraine. that's what helped start this in the first place. so the differences are stark. and one of the worst parts of this -- >> greg:. >> greg: turn off your phone >> kat: i'm so glad that wasn't me. >> tyrus: someone was trying to order the book. i'm sorry. [laughter] >> greg: larry. >> larry: but one of the starkest parts of of this is that joe biden and his book are in complete denial. look, biden has supported israel. i'm going to give him during for that so far he has supported israel, okay? good, good, good. but what's not so good, iran is the terror master, the financier
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the puppeteer and the planner. okay? they are in complete denial of what they have done. they have made iran rich the last three years, and that rich, $80 billion of oil revenues, for starters, has now been distributed across the middle east with all these terrorist groups including hamas. hamas never would have done this if iran didn't say yes. iran would never have said yes if they hadn't gotten rich in the last three years, and the bidens for some insane reason are completely in denial about this, maximum sanctions should be -- you want to help israel, let the idf do what the idf is going to do and restore maximum sanctions on iran. bus them, turn them into bankruptcy. those two things will help solve this problem quickly. >> greg: there you go. all right, kat, i'm anxiously awaiting your thoughts. what say you about the state of affairs.
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>> i mean, what part -- i don't like it. >> greg: good. good. >> kat: has anyone said that yes. >> greg: you're going to get some angry mail on that >> kat: right? i think you caught me -- your monday lawing, caught some of it, but there is a long history of american failures in the middle east. there's a long list of ways we've tried to intervene in the middle east and how things have gotten a lot worse and i think we need to remember, you bring up afghanistan, there was never any accountability for that, there's really never accountability when it comes to military, so those are a lot of the same people who are asking what should we do here, the same people who were responsible for that. i hate to say it but i don't feel very optimistic. i am concerned about world war three and i really don't think that that's a good idea. i really don't want to see a global war. >> you're coming out against
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world war three. >> okay. >> but honestly i think that that might be a controversial take right now. >> tyrus: i'm offended. >> greg: yeah. tyrus last word to you. >> i don't have my script with me. there is nothing more inspiring to anyone who's thinking about doing something bad than the main, the boss, the leader of the free world squinting and trying to remember what he's saying. you know, i believe it was the don't. >> greg: yeah. >> tyrus: don't. >> greg: also that's what he said to the other team. >> tyrus: i guaranty it was like don't mess with america, there's an old saying. you mess with the bull you get the horns. and then he got out there, don't. don't. and he keeps telling the same
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stupid story. look, i'm a comedian, kat's a comedian, you're a smart ass, sometimes you tell a joke that you think is phenomenal and' not, you keeps telling that story of that one time he was in israel and an alarm went off and he said, what do we do? what do we do? and this lady came out of the midst and fog and said, it's going to be all right. and he was like, how can you say that? they've been shooting missiles at me. >> because, we have nowhere else to go. we have nowhere else to go. what in the blue [bleep] does that mean? nobody -- was anybody inspired? we have nowhere to go. yes! it would be like we have to do something. we're stuck here waiting for missiles to get dropped on us. we are the laughing stock of the world every time he speaks he encourages everyone. i myself thought about
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committing crimes today, watching his speed and i was like hey i think judge jeanine has some jewelry on her arm. and then he said don't. >> greg: don't. that's all he needs. >> larry: the best part was he was there seven hours. >> because they tricked him. up next hollywood gets some gusts and stands up to pro hamas nutsafel. safelite came right to us, and we could see exactly when they'd arrive with a replacement we could trust. that's service the way we want it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose new neuriva ultra. unlike some others, it supports 7 brain health indicators, including mental alertness from one serving. to help keep me sharp. try new neuriva ultra. think bigger.
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>> greg: thank you. oh, stop it. okay. all right, enough, enough. hollywood finally gross a spine and calls out fellow swine. major celebs including jerry seinfeld and sasha cohen are blasting the writer's guild to be the only show business union to remain silent on the hamas massacre. of course the writers returned
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from a four-month so they're businessing writing trump jokes for colbert and kimmel. they spoke out on black lives matter but nada on the mid east. the volleyball on cast away had more to say. they wrote quote when terrorists invade israel to murder and kidnap jews they remained silent. even on a very special episode of young sheldon. army schumer posted on her instagram blasting black lives matter and the gays who supported them in the past. who really fights racism bigotism hollywood should write conservatives a letter saying quote we are wrong, we're very sorry and we promise not to write anymore movies where they surgeon turn on tv and the tv
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turns on and the tv is on a story that's about the plot. also stop with fast and furious, vin diesel is rarely home for dinner anymore. kat what do you make of this? hollywood never shuts up about every var tool signal. blm flags, ucrane flags, here they go silent why is that >> kat: there's one key difference and i think they don't know who they were supposed to say they support. that is the only difference. >> greg: right >> kat: it's not that they did care about these other things, maybe they did. but it was also, for example, blm. it was okay, if you're on the left you support blm. that's it. okay we'll throw that owl. plus the only legal means of socializing at that time was going to those marches, so they also had that going for it. i truly think that, usually what
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they do is they see what everyone else is doing and then they put that little post up for whatever the thing is but here they saw people posting different stuff so they didn't know what they were supposed to be posting, therefore they didn't. >> greg: exact -- you know what? it's because they can't think, they don't have original thoughts in their head >> kat: they didn't know what to pretend to care about. it's not that they didn't care about this or care about the others it's just that they knew what they were supposed to pretend to care about. >> greg: they were waiting for someone else to make the decision for them. >> tyrus: let's call a spade a spade. they didn't care about any of these actions, if it's good for my bottom line, get me a role in a movie, in the taliban started making movies everyone would be calling their agents. it's literally -- and you always say they don't know what to do because the woke have a problem here. because even when they're protesting everyone they're shooting at women and children. and i sat at my tv going now we
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know what a woman is because we didn't know for the last two years now we definitively know what women are and we should not shoot at them. thank you. i was so confused. this is the problem for hollywood, and just individuals, when you virtue signal air doing it for your own attention. kat's point is spot on. they don't know how to fake cry which side to virtue signal for or to make a commercial raising money for. so theory going to wait it out. and if you attack them for it you're just being phobic. >> larry: the writer's guild big far left place, big far left place. why is it so anti-semitic? that is tied up in this. you know, i think it's a really serious issue. you know, here you are. you are a defendant, hamas, which is chopping jewish kids' heads off and jewish grainies and that kind of stuff, it's
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inconceivable to he me. i think part of the reason, i mean this very complicated but part of the reason is these guys hate hard work and capitalism. they don't like jewish people that work hard and are capitalists and own businesses and strive. i don't think they like that. i think that's long embeded into the far left and it's coming out now with respect to israel and -- how could anybody in their right mind remain silent over what hamas did? you tell me. how can this be. >> greg: jews are a marginalized society that doesn't need the left. >> tyrus: it's even worse. they're not brown enough. who's the oh presser, the worst thing in the world right now according to left and the woke. white it people and jews look a little too white. so if you brown them up a little bit they might get involved. let's call it what it is.
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that's what it is. >> greg: charles as a business expert should we be investing in tanning salons? >> charles: not right now. i see this as a two-parter. i think they're anarchists and what i mean is when a third wave of immigrants coming from an italian range anarchists are big. in new york city the reason they had kids say the pledge of allegiance when the kids went home and their parents were and ar kissers there was counter programming. a little to your point. they have hate. they are hateful people. they have hatred in their hearts. as far as the virtue signaling i hate to say it, when the left virtue signals to black people, you don't have to hire any black people. you write a couple checks to a couple of these organizationings. you don't have to hire. what's crazy there's not even black men, look at all the
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movies and commercials, not a black father in any of them. you don't even have to have them. just say it's worked for them, they have not had to hire one black person, it's amazing. some of these other folks, in your heart's a heart, is driven by it. >> greg: same thing with short people. a shortage of short people in commercials. i've been watching and noticed. >> some things have been going on for a lodge time though. >> all right. he rendered a reporter mute while eating fruit. in. despite treatment it disrupts my skin with itch. it disrupts my skin with rash. but now, i can disrupt eczema with rinvoq. rinvoq is not a steroid, topical, or injection. it's one pill, once a day. many taking rinvoq saw clear or almost-clear skin while some saw up to 100% clear skin. and, they felt dramatic and fast itch relief
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dude? dog food in the fridge? it's not dog food. it's freshpet. real meat. real veggies. real weird. he was bad luck anyway. >> i'm trace gallagher in los angeles with a fox news update on the war in israel. protests erupting across the middle east and in the u.s. tonight. some of them even turned into riots as tempers flared over an explosion at a hospital in gaza. president biden made clear during a trip to israel he believes the militant group
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islamic jihad is to blame for the deadly blast. biden's comments based on independent analysis with the pentagon. he also announced a deal with egypt and israel tonight to get humanitarian aid into gaza. meanwhile the possibility of a multi front war looking more likely every day. israeli defense and hezbollah increasing their cross border attacks in the north and that will have a huge effect on the hours and days to come. stay tuned to the fox news channel a full channel on fox news at night. 11:00 p.m. new york, 8:00 p.m. on the west coast. see you then >> it's video of the day. >> greg: today's video of the day has canadian. a journalist called him a
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populist and out of the trump play book which pierre batted away while casually eating an apple. roll it. >> on then to i can in terms of your sort of strategy currently you're obviously taking the populist pathway. >> what does that mean? >> well, appealing to people's more emotional levels i would guess. certainly you tap. >> what do you mean by that. >> certainly you tap ideological language quite frequently. >> like what? >> left wing, you know, this and that, right wing, you know, that type -- >> i don't understand what you're talking about, i don't really talk about left or right. i don't really believe in that. >> greg: i love that. the unspoke message, you're such a minor part of my day that i still have time for a delicious snack. will let's watch for more. >> a lot of people would say you're simply taking a page out of the donald trump. >> which people would say that?
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>> well i'm sure a great many canadiens. >> like who? >> i don't know who but -- >> well, air the one who asked the question so you must know somebody. >> okay. >> greg: perfect. [cheers and applause] >> greg: i guess this what is leaders are capable of when they actually have teeth. tyrus, the best part about this is it's not just the apple, it's that he forced the reporter to explain the origins of his nonsense questions because he kept saying like some people, you know, that has to be done to reporters. >> tyrus: he made him follow up his question. but what -- and i've done this a lot in my life to people who i find inconsequential when they're talking about. used to be when a guy was smoking a sec real time, what? he picked the loudest fruit in the world, that is the perfect i give zero [bleep]s fruit. when someone's talking and you're eating an apple there's
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no quietness it just keeps going which rattled the guy and the only thing he was missing with a leather jacket. that's all he was missing was a leather jacket and then going that's my ride i'm out boss and then drove off and turned and threw the apple core at him and hit him in the head. that's what you do when you're not afraid anymore. >> greg: i can't vote for him but i might cross the border and vote for him just because of that. >> larry: me too, this guy is my new hero. i love him. an apple a day keeps the left wing away. [cheers and applause] [laughter] >> greg: that's good >> kat: i love how hain it made you to tell that. i'm being sincere. >> it's really good. >> greg: that's inspiration. charles --. >> larry: been a long day, and you're right. >> greg: that was a -- that was a master class in dealing with contemporary media, which is all
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of his questions were set up laically because generally people don't respond that way. >> no, you're right. i mean, listen it's one of the frustrating things about tv right? i swear the democrats have a room at tend of the hall, we need a guest on fox, it's called the kamikaze room, your job is to go in the interview and [bleep] it up. i don't care what the question is, say what you want to say and there's no accountability. he's simply saying what people and what page, i do have an idea so you can't vote for him for president, and i don't know if there's a loophole larry, but, you know what? this guy, i'm in love with this guy, bring him over. >> we're all going to go together. >> what did you make of that performance? the reporter basically ended up eating crow. >> tyrus: i mean i keep apples in my city of philadelphias so i can do this the next time you're matt ad me. >> i'm never mad at you.
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what's that mean? what are you laughing. >> bring him on the show next time he has an intern. >> larry: yeah, what do you mean by that? what was that, who told you that? it's great, but i do need to work on pretending to be unbothered: as a woman, i have i have feelings. >> greg: yes >> kat: men doesn't so much. >> greg: commerciality i'm glad he didn't use a banana. . >> tyrus: you've got to have the crunch, man. >> greg: you've got to have the crunch. all right, we're going to move on. coming up victoria increase ends up with let me be direct. you're watching football wrong! what do you call a guy in face paint that can't get the game? a clown! sorry, what app was it again? no, no. just give me a second. amateurs.
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ohhh! sorry, everybody. directv sports central gives you access to every game so you never have to compromise on gameday. was that necessary? i was just illustrating a point. visit for up to a $400 reward card. this she■s a hero moment. even today, only a quarter of stem graduates are women. they'd go, oh, you don't look like an engineer. there is this preconception.
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lingerie, true they suffered a financial blow when they put panties on megan rapinoe. absolute for i can't secret is ditching their woke rebrand after it didn't translate to financial as you can see they lost money on unsold merch and the yards of fabric needed to make plus-size panties. also they added some of the new models were so chubby they couldn't see their own penises. the lingerie model's makeover making megan and trans both spokes models and getting rid of their angels but the chief executive said despite everyone's best endeavors it's not enough to carry the day. who could have told you that you idiot? they're returning to what works hot models, recent campaigns feature haley bieber emily and of course their newest
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sensation. hmm. yeah, looks like my diet's really paying off. larry, when you look at all these major business catastrophes whether it's bud light disney or generic sports teams, cnn victoria secret all abandoned their mission for wokism. will they regain their share. >> no, this is bud light gone wrong same story, disney gob wrong, companies that don't know their own customer base, you're asking me a business question not a sex related question. >> greg: that will come later. >> larry: i'm very pleased to answer it in these terms. and maybe they can climb back, maybe they can't, but, you know, the history of this thing is, once you make that move, once you desert your customers, you're finished. >> greg: yes. i will never do that here. we'll never abandon poop jokes. [cheers and applause] >> greg: thank you. number one show in late night, all due to poop.
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charles, do you see this as a larger trend? are companies going to start waking up and realizing that the woke can ruin them? >> charles: i think companies were the founder is still relatively involved. i think the ones that have been around for a long time, like the disneys of the world were executives that went to harvard, they have no real true connection. you talk about roots. in fact, it's really interesting. if you think about like the most far left companies, they're ought of san francisco all with these left wing founders and these guys that go to these colleges and listened to consultants. do you know disney stock is at a nine-year low? a nine-year low. they were supposed to make a fortune when we got out of the pandemic off the thing. >> larry: deserve every minute of it. >> charles: it's nuts. it's absolutely nuts. so there's little accountability, the ceo still makes $46 million a year so no one's saying anything but when the family is still closely associated there's time to fix it. >> greg: tyrus i'm a little
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bummed because i was looking forward to seeing lia thomas in a bikini and angel wings. >> tyrus: don't. >> greg: don't. don't, don't. >> tyrus: just don't. >> larry: you know, you wanted two fox business guys on so it didn't turn into a sex guy. >> tyrus: no, he wanted two fox business guys to turn it into a sex story. you do not know what he does, i know him. wish i had an apple right now. what they did was, and i think most guys would agree with me, men don't care about lingerie. you you could be in sweat pants and we get a solid yes we don't care we're excited to go to the dance. women by lingerie for themselves and it's their thing. you spit in the face of women. and now thanks to the protests we know what a woman is again we
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can get back to victoria secret was for women, whether plus-size women or whatever, they went away from all that. they took that away changed the style and made it weird and screeny and had chubby guys with boards and blue thovenlths no one wants to see that. i know they were shocked. no one wanted to see any guy in a honk. that's not our thing. we get by with charisma and power. they went and did that and they messed up horribly, they blew it. and to charles's point, hey we're not making money, i have no gas for my i can't tell. we have to change some things. thank you forbeing different but you and your unicorn striped pants blue face need to go because we need to make some money. real quick disney bought marvel, they bought star wars, they made big moves, they were changing everything, disney channel was going to take over the world and they're worse with all their acquisitions, bought a bunch of stuff nobody wants, look real
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soon for a victoria secret disney channels with a crossover coming. >> greg: cat -- i was going to ask an inappropriate question >> kat: i was hoping you would so that i could get rich. >> greg: [laughter]. are you going to give victoria secret another chance >> kat: you still are technically asking me where i'm going to buy my under wear. >> greg: yes. >> larry: that was good, that was really good. you caught him >> kat: i think that's actionable >> larry: you did. you caught him. >> yes. >> tyrus: greg this is when you come out as non-binary. >> greg: coming out? i always have been. >> victoria secret i just want to et what several people have said here. it was never woke. just like when a hot guy talks to you and then he stops talking to you because he just wanted to have sex with you. he was never a nice guy he just
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want to have sex. you shouldn't fall for companies had they do this because they just want money at the end of the day. >> greg: your point is well taking because they were doing the woke stuff to cover up for the agreed. most companies do the woke stuff to keep the activists off their back >> kat: yes, but it's performative. >> greg: and problematic. up next a flight cancellation due to onboard defecation. with voya, considering all your financial choices together... can help you be better prepared for unexpected events. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected.
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♪ >> a story in five words ♪ >> greg: poop cancels easy jet flight. charles, an easy jet flight from spain to london was cancelled after someone pooped on the bathroom floor. i guess they were trying to get into the pile high club. >> charles: listen, i know these discount airlines have gone really far but if someone's saying you can catch a plane for 69 dallas from europe there's a catch. this one, there's no toilet. i'm letting you know right now, don't take the cheapest flight not always the right thing to do. can you imagine that. >> greg: larry maybe they were part of the frequent fiber program. >> larry: you know, greg, you can't make this [bleep] up. [laughter] >> greg: nicely done, larry.
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kat, the smell is so bad they thought they had started the meal service. >> kat: you know, i would like to make a very serious point. >> greg: okay >> kat: i think british people are too sensitive. there's poop on the bathroom floor? you need to ground the airplane? grow up. >> greg: i would have been pissed off -- >> kat: like you know where it is. you know, just don't step there. >> greg: exactly >> kat: they never stopped the bus when i used to travel on the bus for poop in the bathroom. that was just business as usual. >> greg: they would just place the poop in there >> kat: they ground the whole flight because of some poop in the bathroom? that's why they lost the war. >> greg: exactly. [laughter] >> greg: tyrus, what --. >> tyrus: this is fake news, this is you and gene and kat and you were bored today
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>> kat: me? >> tyrus: you're a great writer. either that or this was a government coverup the reason air force went back home. no way this went home. how do you miss in an airplane bathroom. how do you miss, oh, i thought it was over there. how do you miss. i refuse to believe it. >> greg: do you think president biden was on this flight instead? just raising questions. just raising question. >> poop one. >> greg: i think we're out of time. don't go away we'll be right back >> if you'll be in the new york area and would like tickets to see gutfeld, go to and click on the link to june our studios audience. ♪ ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds.
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