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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  October 20, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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victims? how are the jews not seen as victims here? >> you know under this ideology, judge, they have this opinion and a worldview that everything operates through matrix of privilege and oppression. and according to ideologues, i encountered them directly. when i talk about jewish inclusion in attempting to address anti-semitism on campus come i was told in no uncertain terms that jewish people are white oppressors here the focus of all faculty and staff should be to dissenter whiteness whiteness. these are just such strange sounding things, but they are real things. we see the real results in the student protest and student letters. >> judge jeanine: dr. taft ble, thank you so much. that is it for us tonight.
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>>. [explosions] >> tonight the world is on a break in the white house is panicking because joe biden as president united states sponsoring a double proxy war against the iranians and russians. china is eyeing taiwan and north korean weapons were just discovered in gaza for the state department just issued a worldwide when is the last time that happened?americans are not even safe in france.
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they are being mobbed by angry muslims. military bases are under attack in iraq and we just had to shoot down 2 iranian made missiles. how was your week? all of this right now breaks. pugin is in china meeting where they are coordinating mideast policy. two carrier strike groups are in the mediterranean and biden tested one of our nuclear weapons, detonating a massive bomb in nevada. we keep catching middle eastern nurse sneaking across the secure southern border. top officials say this has been the quote heaviest most chilling week since biden took office be biden administration is rattled according to this report. doesn't that make you feel safe? they say this matrix of crisis pose a neck epic concern and historic danger and washington
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fears these wars can spread but have no fear. last night joe biden announced he is a wartime president. >> this morning i returned from israel and they tell me i'm the first american president to travel there during the war. i boarded a train with blacked out windows to stand with the people of ukraine. i am told i was the first american to enter a war zone since president lincoln cannot and will not let terrorists in. i refuse to let that happen. >> biden is a proxy wartime president. ignore the fact that his policies got us into these proxy wars. forget biden. he is running as general patton. it's an election year. war cells. the inflation reduction act doesn't. here is proof. biden is getting slaughtered by trump in almost every swing state. georgia, arizona, wisconsin, pennsylvania.
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north carolina. biden loses in a landslide if the election was today.he is pivoting running on guns and butter prayed he is asking congress for $100 billion. but he said don't worry. taxpayers are funding defense contractors these proxy wars are made in america. >> we send ukrainian equipment are stockpile settlement we use the money allocated by congress we use it to replenish our own storage and stockpiles with new equipment. equipment that defends america and is made in america. patriot missiles for air defense, made in arizona. artillery shells manufactured in 12 straits across the country. and so much more. you know. just as in world war ii, today patriotic american workers are building the arsenal of democracy conserving the cause of freedom very >> his proxy wars the same thing as his jobs plan we are
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building back better arsenal of democracy. biden loves democracy everywhere in the world except for here. here he is arresting trump if it seems like he is funding all sides of these wars, it is because he is. he is sending 6 million to the iranians hundred million two hamas 14,000,002 israel 60,000,000,002 ukraine 5 billion to the saudi's and 2 billion for taiwan. he is like a vegas bookkeeper. the big guys getting it on the backside of the chinese, the russians ukrainians are sending his family millions and is not like anyone is tracking the money because the pentagon lost 6 billion at ukraine and the state department is admitting yes hamas will probably get their hands on the eight. assuming the people with guns inside gaza, hamas they may try to divert the assistance to keep it from getting to the civilians it's intended for. we think that's a legitimate concern.assuming it's the
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thought that counts. policies got us into these proxy wars and now he wants to run as a war hero all of these invasions happened on his watch. it doesn't make you a war hero it just means he can't deter anybody. the world does what it wants while he wags his finger and hands out weapons. i understand the argument why we have to do it but we should not be in the position where we have to do it because the president has turned his back on the american people. here he was last night accusing americans of hate crimes. >> i know many of you in the muslim american community and the arab american community and the palestinian american community are outraged. saying to yourselves, here we go again. well islam a phobia and distrust we saw after 9/11. we must without equivocation to announce it anti-semitism we must denounce islam a phobia.
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>> biden spent more time last night fighting hate crimes that he has in three years fighting real crime hate crime is less than one percent of crime. and biden spent five minutes in the oval office address castigating us over isms and phobias. but americans are getting murdered, shot and mugged and the man is dead silent. there are some war zones in america that joe has not visited. north philly, southside of chicago. the mexican president if you have some down time in between fighting russia and iran could you fight the cartels? the gangs? maybe inflation? that would be great. assuming the republican presidential candidate frank how did you interpret joe biden's address last night. >> i think it was incoherent trying to talk out of both sides of his mouth and the elephant in his room all of this is against the backdrop of
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being 33 trillion in the hole with our national debt. so i don't moment where we are increasingly sleepwalking our way to major conflict god forbid ward war three we have failed to protect our own homeland in this country. basic homeland defenses. that's missing in the united states of america and if that can happen in israel a defense breach of that magnitude that can happen right here in the united states and that something that no one is talking about. it's against the backdrop of failed leadership. in my top objective. it's an emergency. to protect the homeland in the context of whatever it is you consider doing abroad. >> he is asking the american people to trust him trust him after the afghanistan and at the same time he is boxing special forces they put out a picture of biden shaking hands with special operators while he is there in israel and he put
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their faces all over the internet oops. sorry about that. i don't know if that will make people trust you or not. >> vivek ramaswamy: one of the biggest problems is this is the same president who put the policy issues to one side it's a failure of execution think about the boxbotched exit from afghanistan look at the way it was executed. anytime us president tells the american people don't actually trust me without any open debate i would say reject that premise but especially wit's a problem t who has failed to execute notpresident that the people can chart it will take someone from outside the existing policy establishment joe biden voted yes on the war in iraq to reoid repeating some
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of those mistakes. 6 and a half trillion spent. thousands of american lives sacrificed. 20 years later the taliban is still in charge and a hostile anti-america regime in iraq. we have to make sure we don't repeat those mistakes. biden has given us no confidence in that direction we need a change in leadership to lead us to peace. >> he says he's going to lead us to peace we will have jobs very he said all of these bullets are made in america. >> vivek ramaswamy: one rule of thumb here jesse. and people in the congress who are debating this every single one of those dollars, you'd better make the case by cutting something else at home. let the american people understand that we are not playing in fantasy land $33 trillion national debt is real. don't be duped by biden nomics and don't be duped by this homeland investment. what are we given up in return for bundling this.
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and the ukraine discussion and it's a gambit to avoid the debate on the merits of either one my foreign policy is simple avoid world war iii declare independence from china that's the threat we face and secure this homeland and we are hearing none of how we are accomplishing that from this president. >> jesse watters: no we are not. we are hearing, trust us. all right thank you so much. nice jacket. >> good to see you. it's cool in iowa. we are staying warm. >> i bet. >> jesse watters: the squad is becoming too hot to handle for the last few weeks they have been leading against president biden cleverly using the palestinians as cover today the hamas caucus set up shop outside the capital and called for a cease fire. it gets a free shot it israel. add the accused of joe biden wanting them dead.
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most of america is not with you mr. president. most of america's not with people who want to de-escalate and facilitate a cease-fire. i have residents calling me telling me, rashida, the previous president wanted to put us in concentration camps. this one wants us to die. that's how it feels. shame on them. >> oh god. jesse watters a palestinian american who flew a palestinian flag outside her office threatened to sabotage joe biden's reelection. >> i want to speak the language mr. president. michigan is a state for you so is pennsylvania and so is georgia and guess what mr. president? we will not forget. >> jesse watters: the squad is threatening to mobilize minorities and young voters against their own parties
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president for helping a democrat ally defeat terrorism. and members of congress are calling on leadership to deny intelligence briefings about israel's war plans. the thought is she could be a security risk. and omar who married her brother actually asked biden what is wrong with you? >> israel has dropped more bombs in the last 10 days that we dropped in a whole year in afghanistan. where is your humanity? where is your outrage? where is your care for people? what is wrong with you? >> oh dear. >> jesse watters: biden only won the white house because the democrat base was united. the far left held their breath and yanked the lever they are engaging in open political warfare with the sitting
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president. donors are defunding universities for siding with hamas and they will defund campaigns if they don't denounce the squad and so far house democrats have chickened out.get used to saying what we are about to show you because the hamas caucus will be hounded by reporters as long as this war lasts. >> why don't you want israel is to go after the terrorists that burned, tortured and killed their babies and children is still held them hostage? why don't you want the israelis to go after the terrace that did that? >> how many more killings is enough for you? is it a thousand more? 2000 more question mark how many more palestinians would make you happy? will you be fine if all of the people in gaza were gone? would that make you happy? >> charlie is the post of no bs newshour. charlie i'm sorry my ears are still ringing. how big of a problem is this right now?
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>> in terms of nationally, politically or here at home where to leave extensively works for the people. >> i can see how it is playing math nationally. >> nobody knows who she is. she is known for entering legislation at a post office this is a much more violent city detroit than chicago or north philly but what we get out of her is defund the police, let people out of prison but you won't see her say it down the street because she doesn't walk the streets. she is busy in the capital screaming and hurting my ear and she is correcting things. i should tell your brother this is a swing state. we have eight of the most violent 50 cities in america and we get to butkus. we get this stuff. we get israel just bombed a hospital. no leadership. no be calm let's find out what
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happened lead to try to get this tamped down we go on the steps and tried to talk to the israelis it looks like hamas probably i'm not going to say but where is that we are not having that. >> we are not having any rational discussion. >> jesse watters: she is focused on violence in gaza she doesn't give a look about violence in her own district? >> not that i can see. i knew her father. he is a good man. you know what i mean? a good new american and he called me up and called her a nut. all i know about her is that she cheated on property tax three times and never pay the city back. pay back your taxes. i grew up with palestinians. there are points to be made. wars should stop but this is not the way to get it done and she would not come on my show last night because she was busy brokering a cease-fire.
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>> she is not brokering a thing. >> are you saying that rashida tlaib father told you that his daughter is a notch? >> she doesn't live at the address she did when she was running for office but he called me up out of the blue. i called her and i said your old man called me. and she said well, he abused me. this family is nuts. you get to see what we live with great >> good luck in detroit a couple of years ago you took me down there and you basically where the mayor so maybe you should run for her seat. >> i get along with everyone. i don't need that. >> jesse watters: when you are in office everyone hates you. charlie, thank you very much. so now hamas terrorists are taking designer drugs.g do and could reactivate.
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>> throughout history america's enemies have been high. the nazis were jacked up on amphetamines. soviet soldiers were pumped full of steroids. you know what the cartels are on a now hamas fighters are being fueled by a designer drug capture gone. >> a captioned isis militant told cnn how he got his battlefield courage. >> they gave us hallucinogenic drugs. >> some are using captagon. it's so hallucinogenic you can make them see things that aren't there.
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>> jesse watters: called the poor man's cocaine and the g hottie pillow will keep you up for four or five days at a time this is keeping terrorists awake and fearless on the battlefield. this amphetamine makes terrorists feel invincible and they keep coming at you even when they are riddled with bullets. this would explain why they were laughing like hyenas when the empty machine gun fire. syria is the mid east and arcos state manufacturing and exporting captagon.and gaza is flooded with these pills. creating sadistic killer zombies out for jewish blood. amber smith is a former combat pilot and a secretary of defense assistant. she joins me now. this is a huge advantage that hamas has. what can we do about that? >> what people need to remember is that when we are talking about modern-day terrorism and
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tactics they have changed and they have evolved. large body count is no longer enough for them so a mass casualty of americans is no longer what they are looking for. what they want is they want to do these massive barbaric savage sadistic killings and torture that we saw in the israel massacre. that this captagon is allowing them to do and they want to videotape it. why? because they want to terrorize the world. that's their new strategy to carry out these attacks video tak and give it to the world and when a terrorist strategy works they are going to continue to do it so the old style of terrorism or we saw massive body counts of a bomb or a hijacking something significant in those methods now they want to see savagery
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and display it to the world and this drug is allowing them to carry out these drugs. >> jesse watters: what does captagon make hamas feel like? they are cool, calm and collected while they are butchering babies? they are wide-awake? >> so captagon is the drug of choice and they are all using it is known as the jihadist drug is an amphetamine the hops them up and allows them to brutally attack people. they don't feel pain they don't need to sleep they have no remorse they can't be taken down have superstrength when they are on it. it could last hours and days and this allows them to get into a zombie nonhuman state where they are able to have extreme focus to carry out these attacks. >> it will probably come to manhattan in a year.
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>> it is working overseas in the middle east it is rampant used among all terrorist organizations. we have seen it with isis, hamas and the syrian civil war on both sides we saw was a terrorist who killed 38 people in tunisia on the beach dozens of british citizens he was likely on captagon it's a booming business in the middle east and the hamas regime and syria they are the ones capitalizing on this drug being used and it is so successful you can bet when they get the chance to use it on american citizens that they absolutely will. >> amber smith. thank you so much. >> prime time has learned details of what the israeli ground operation in gaza will look like. joint air ground operations will include f-15s, helicopter gunships. tanks, bulldozers and infantry and it will be protected by
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armored personnel with of course what we reported the teddy bear clearing the rubble and when northern gaza is cleared phasbegins mopping up pockets of resistance blowing holes through walls urban combat. tunnel battles phase 3 will turn northern gaza into a demilitarized zone and the diplomats will take over but if they are on to the chief with foreign manufactured rep weaponry fox got an inside look. >> this is a hamas i.e. bd. the top of this because molten metal and a pinpoint with the design of penetrating armor and killing everyone inside of a tank.
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more here. roadside bombs. as you go in this direction this is a launcher for a rocket propelled grenade and as you can see here what's significant is the color. the green ones are old soviet legacy the gray ones are made by north korea. very significant in terms of where they are getting them. if you look across these weapons you can see a mortar. there is a mortar bomb laying on the ground behind some debris. those are made in iran. >> jesse watters: a former green beret, mike, describe the quality of this weaponry. >> saw from the pictures that i saw the video and the reporting and actually looks like it's high quality. it was transported and that was stored underground so i'm surprised by that the weapons overseas it's very common i saw personally in gaiman, libya, iraq, afghanistan. there is a good solid logistical underground network known as a rat line and i am
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taken back by that. >> jesse watters: they have a foreign weapon supply chain running pretty smoothly right into these tunnels and it doesn't betray the sophistication at least the training and dedication of these hamas fighters that they are cleaning the weapons keeping them operational. do you see that as a threat? >> it's a massive threat in 2021 you had a hamas leader report there's 300 miles underground 100 feet under gaza. that is concerning to say the least but would you look at the condition of the weapon systems the organization. when i saw the videos of the attack in israel i monitored the videos from my own channel and i realize this is an organized attack and what i am surprised by is the intelligence community not only realizing this was going to happen but not seeing the training that was going on and it's likely that was going on underground.
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>> even the parachuting because that seems difficult underground? >> when i saw that. it blows my mind. it's like there's no way they are doing this. they are very creative but they have the technology and they are using rudimentary tactics when you take a paraglider and convert it to a killing machine it's like we are they getting their training from? why are we not seeing this? why are foreign service intelligence agencies not identify this? >> jesse watters: may be the first time out of the parachute they were hopped up on these designer drugs and all that took was just one and they were there. have you heard of those pills before? >> yes it's common. in many of my combat rotations i think every rotation i have seen a terrorist take some kind of amphetamine to hop
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themselves up. it's very common when you get hopped up it's disassociative. you don't feel emotion. you are a robot you can see what kind of damage it does. >> jesse watters: do american soldiers take anything to compete against these savages who were hopped up on pills? >> is used in a contingency effort while we are doing long-duration operations when i was a sniper and bravo company special forces, we used to do long-range reconnaissance where snipers stay behind and if we are going into extended hours we had the ability to take an amphetamine that was approved in extreme circumstances but it's not common to take those as a normal routine. >> something more intense than a cappuccino? >> a little bit more intense. >> jesse watters: thanks for your service. thanks a lot. >> thanks.
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>> jesse watters: fox news alert hamas has released to americans who were held hostage since october 7 john roberts has more. >> jesse some good news here. the american hostages judith and natalie who were where 100 people were massacred october 7 were released for humanitarian reasons. they are back in israeli hands and will be reunited soon but the secretary of state saying that there are still 10 americans who remained on hostage he is calling on hamas to release all of those hostages but he knows it's a very powerful marketing trip. it's a lot of talk about should israel cease its bombing campaign ? not just the ground operations
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but operations could continue to release these hostages. they dangle a carrot and say it's nice to play nice we were to negotiate but blinken said never take what hamas says at face value. would you take what al qaeda says at face value a lot of rumors and israel is determined to work on its own timetable and not let anyone dictate it. and the former israeli ambassador to the united states put it in a way that people at home could understand israel called october 7 it's 9/11. 1400 people died 3000 people died in america's if it's proportional to the population it will be represented by 50,000 deaths.
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>> jesse watters: and we don't buy anything hamas says for humanitarian reasons. that's garbage great when the president was leaving washington he was asked about the timetable. listen. >>. >> jesse watters: i don't know if you could hear that but the reporter said will israel delay the ground invasion until they get the hostages out and the president said yes. >> while he went further than blinken did because andrea mitchell has blinken asked him that same question and he went into a long answer about why
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nobody should believe anything that hamas says. israel i don't know if they formulated an exact plan to get the hostages out but freeing them as part of the grand operation when it gets underway and it is looking like a certainty that it will get underway per the only question is will it be today? tomorrow or next week? >> thank you so much. stay safe. >> jesse watters: here is a $200,000 check that went right into joe biden's checking account. si in adults with chronic migra ine before they even start. ine it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions,
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>> jesse watters: the pro-terrorism mindset has spread from america's top schools into public high schools. we are seeing high schoolers walk out of class screaming the same pro-palestinian chance we heard on college campuses. >> free palestine. >> free palestine. >> free palestine.
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>> jesse watters: how did that happen? think they are teachers who taught them to be pro-terrorists. they are paying it forward. one of the biggest teachers unions in the country teamed up with the democrat socialist in new york to throw a pro hamas rally in midtown manhattan. how does that help raise test scores? no one knows. we sent to johnny. >> free palestine. >> what are we calling for today? >> a cease-fire in palestine. i will say it to the day i die. >> esse-fire where?
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>> palestine. >> if we call for a cease-fire how are we going to defeat hamas? >> hamas obama their own hospital. >> they are enabling israel's genocide of palestinians. >> are you proud to be an american? >> no. >> are you leaving the united states? >> no. >> they manhattan institute senior fellow. that's strange to see. "palestan" >> they have been captured by radical leftists this would be the communist party usa or the black panther party but unfortunately this is mainstream in school districts and college campuses. the teachers unions are now going onto this bandwagon and what they want to see is violence abroad the same kind they enacted against the united states at home in 2020.
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they have the same ideology and bloodlust. >> jesse watters: you are going to have kids going to school and they're going to be radicalized. they don't even have to wait to get to college. >> yeah that's right. they want to start at the earliest possible stages. we have seen this with critical race theory and the violence that hamas enacted in gaza is the violence they would like to see in the united states. fortunately we have not seen that but it's something we should be prepared for because ignorance and ideology equals violence he saw in the clips you showed and we need to stop it. soon i think some of those people need to be on a watchlist that johnny interviewed.chris, always a pleasure. >> thank you. >> jesse watters: fox news alert house oversight has been digging into the biden family personal and business records. and look what they found. it's a check from joe biden's
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brother to biden for 200 grand. jimmy shook down a failing american medical company said he could use his last name to get big investments from the middle east selling the biden brand so jimmy promises a company money from the middle east gets $200,000 and then sends the $200,000 to his brother, joe, the same day. the white house said jimmy was just repaying a loan that he gave him so joe biden on the taxpayer's salary his whole life is loaning his brother $200,000? who has got multimillion dollar houses and works in the private sector?it doesn't make any sense. there's more where that came from. we will keep you updated on monday. ahead, new details about the death of obama's personal chef.
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think bigger. >> jesse watters: the race for
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the speaker of the house is
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still news national correspondent has the story. >> house republicans voted to remove jim jordan as their speaker nominee after he failed to win following three separate house votes. he lost the third vote this morning. he hemorrhaged more support with more republicans voting against him this time than the first to vote so house republicans huddled behind closed doors to try to figure out a path forward and after a unanimous vote they decided to drop his nomination. >> i feel it's important that we all know and. [indiscernible] >> the house has been dead in the water since the previous
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speaker kevin mccarthy was removed 17 days ago republicans have been able to find a new leader and democrats are pouncing. >> month 10 of the house republican majority chaos dysfunction and extremism. >> the biden white house piling on house republicans need to end their chaotic infighting and competitions to out extreme each other and work with the biden on urgent priorities for american families so the question now, who can republicans nominate next? kevin mccarthy is endorsing the house majority with an kevin hearn says he is planning to throw his hat in the ring but the kicker here the house republicans have gone home for the weekend they are punching this decision until sometime next week because there is not enough going on in the world right now. >> jesse watters: i am putting your hat in the ring.
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problem solved break up next new details about the death of obama's chef. >> isru it disrupts my skin with rash. but now, i can disrupt eczema with rinvoq. rinvoq is not a steroid, topical, or injection. it's one pill, once a day. many taking rinvoq saw clear or almost-clear skin while some saw up to 100% clear skin. and, they felt dramatic and fast itch relief some as early as 2 days. that's rinvoq relief. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal, cancers including lymphoma and skin cancer, death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least one heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq, as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. disrupt the itch and rash of eczema. talk to your doctor about rinvoq.
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>> jesse watters: the family of natalie holloway can finally have some closures 20 years after the 18-year-old was brutally murdered in aruba. wednesday a court and the killer described how the scene unfolded.'s graphic. >> we laid down together in the sand and started kissing each other and i started feeling her and she told me know in kicked me in the crotch. and i get up on the beach and i kick her extremely hard in the face. she is laying down unconscious possibly even dead but definitely unconscious.
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and i see right next to her a huge cinderblock laying on the beach and i take this and i smashed her head incompletely. her face basically collapses even though it is dark i can see her face is collapsed and i decide to take her and put her into the ocean and i grabbed her and i half pulled her and half walk with her into the ocean. >> jesse watters: he will spend 20 years in prison. we have new information tonight in the drowning death of obama's personal chef tafari
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campbell. the massachusetts state police responded to our request and released their report with some reactions. obama was on the scene shortly after he went missing. it also states an unmanned female staffer jumped into the water when he fell off of his board but it was too late he disappeared. we also know the secret service has surveillance footage of campbell from the compound moments before he entered the water. so we will see if we can get that and we may have that for you. we are very sorry for the family of tafari campbell. that was a serious tragedy. we will have more on monday with frankie for fingers. you will not want to miss it. dvr the show and remember i am >>. >> sean hannity: welcome


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