tv Fox News at Night FOX News October 25, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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you can leave nothing on the table at this point. the fact that he may have had a suicidal ideation is not out of the realm of possibility. many active shooters do. >> ted williams i have about 32 seconds. we will hit the top of the hour and reset. give me your thoughts on what we have talked about so far. what do you take away this? >> it's the same thing we have always said, trace. that is they have got to catch this shooter or killer. he is out there. i don't believe that a suicidal nature was his plan. his plan was to kill and to kill as many people as he could. unfortunately, we know he killed. >> ted williams and nicole parker, standbys. thank you. we are still covering breaking news.
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i am trace gallagher. we are live in jerusalem covering the war in israel. we will continue to cover the war in israel. if you are just joining us at our regular time on fox news at night you are looking at a live picture of lewiston, maine. there is significant breaking news in the united states tonight. there has been a mass shooting in lewiston, maine which is a city about 26--make that 36 miles from portland maine in the northeast. somebody earlier this evening about an hour and 40 minutes ago walked into either an bowling alley first or a restaurant pool hall first and opened fired. they walked into these two locations one after the other. now police are telling us that 22 people are confirmed to have been shot and killed. another 30 are wounded. many have been taken to a level 2 trauma center, central maine hospital, in lewiston, maine. the hospital is overrun.
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there are people at the hospital who put social media notes on twitter saying that the security guards at the hospital were telling people inside the hospital to squat down. there was some thought that the shooter might be coming back to get those who were wounded because he didn't kill them the first time around. we have heard nothing else from the hospital. maybe that threat is gone. we have heard that this suspect, police do have his name. they do know who he is. they are now going over his social. there is a couple different pictures of him. the suspect right there is on two different foot pass. he's on a red carpet and he is also on a crosswalk. he walked into two different locations. that is kind of where we stand right now. police have got an apb out for him in lewiston, maine. we want to get to david for an update on the scanner traffic he
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is hearing. david also has connections with the federal government law enforcement connections. >> reporter: i am talking to several sources tonight. we know they are certain of this person's name. however they are not announcing the person's name, at least not yet, because they don't want to tip this person off. the person is seen in pictures and what not. but the moment they start announcing the name and it gets out there, that could become more treacherous for them. you have to remember authorities are concerned on a local and federal level that this guy may have a scanner. he may be listening to the same scanner traffic that everyone can listen to now with mobile phones and different apps. they telegraphed every single move they are making and they know his name. that could give him an extreme advantage and them an extreme disadvantage. we know on a federal level the attorney general and fbi director have been briefed. president biden has also been briefed. right now this is a local law
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enforcement run investigation. we know the maine state police and the lewiston local police are handling this. however there is a massive law enforcement presence when it comes to federal authorities from fbi swat teams. the evidence response teams and whatnot. the highest priority you heard from your guests is to get this guy in custody. they know who he is. right now they're just releasing pictures. we are waiting for the news conference. several sources have said to me multiple times tonight, be careful about those numbers because the numbers clearly do fluctuate often times when these types of stories break. you hear certain numbers and they change and change again later. a tragic situation tonight. all hands on deck from the top of the fbi all the way down to the local police officers on the scene that are going through this nightmare right now. a trace? >> good advice. the numbers always do change in the shootings. the numbers we are putting on the screen and talking about for
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the last hour were given to us by law enforcement. we are putting them up there with the caveat that do not be surprised if the numbers change. sometimes they change significantly. it is good advice. let's bring in new york city sergeant and former fbi special agent john. thank you both. i want to go to the information we are getting now. we have said again and again it happened at a bowling alley. the bowling alley, the name is spare time. and schemengees bar and grille is the restaurant. it's interesting john is that spare time in a town like lewiston is a 10 minute drive from schemengees bar and grille. it sounds to me like there might have been interest, maybe deliberate interest in both of these places. what is your take away? >> this subject clearly has a problem with certain individuals at these locations.
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that is why they were targeted. and he looked to do it when you can do the most damage, when they are filled with people. he is clearly extremely dangerous and has done horrible things to date. the cops are out there to stop him before he does more. >> your thoughts on this. is that what you think? is 10 minutes a long way to be going from active shooting place to active shooting place? is there more than one shooter involved? >> i don't think it was targeted but there could be a second shooter. time is of the absence. the officers that are on scene and interviewing people is the most important things that we get information wise. on top of sending detectives to the hospital we have to interview everyone right away to get a clear and concise explanation of events of what happened. from there the officers will transfer information to the officers canvassing in the field. that's the most important stuff here. >> i just wonder when you look at these things, it's probably a
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fair point. which is why police and the news conference was scheduled to happen the last hour. they moved it to the top of this hour. now it clearly has been moved to maybe the middle or end of this hour. police are trying to get their ducks in a row. they might have their ducks in a row. is that a fair assessment? >> it is. as a former fbi spokesperson i can tell you you want to get in front of the media to get the public's help. inspect the press conference is being looked back because they have i.d.'d who they are looking for and narrowed down the search. they still want the public aussie help to find this guy. they are looking at everything including license plate readers, cameras out on the streets and the general public. they will find him and find him soon. >> i think if you go through this whole scenario and these places are 10 minutes apart. your take on this. we are investigating investigating this on-the-fly. we would have heard about this. there would have been an apb. if you are shooting people in one place and getting in a car
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and driving to another place, by the time you get to the second place the whole world is on the first place. there is a standdown alert citywide. is that fair? are we looking at this the right way? is 10 minutes a brief time when you talk about these types of problems consecutively? >> we are talking about small town. not l.a. things are different. it's a long time away. there probably was a shooter and that might make sense. that's where we need the proper information. i assume if the police are going for a camera they want to get the right information and not have people speculate and get nervous. at the same time they don't want to look dumb without having facts in place. we don't want to speculate and say automatically in the times we live in that it's a terror situation. that could spark other things. we have to worry nationwide that there is a copycat. someone mentally ill in another state is watching what is going on and will get their firearms and do the same thing somewhere else. we have to be very, very
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cautious on how we relate the information to the public. >> how are they breaking it down? are they ruling things out? do you rule out terrorist situations? do you rule out a revenge killing? do you rule them out on the fly or do more information before you go after this person? >> there is a lot of information. you have one time to do it right. at the same time you don't want to have this person listening to the radio saying they caught me. you don't want to tip him off on how close you are watching. you want to sift through the 911 calls and social media. if they were able to get in touch with a girlfriend, wife or parent. law enforcement have to be very afraid going to work. they can get killed. people around them can get killed. this is a very important high-profile investigation and has to be done properly. >> john, when you hear the owner of this restaurant, this pool
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hall, she notified the authorities and said she wasn't there at the time. she is the co-owner. she was told by her staff members who ran out of the place that the person walked in and started shooting automatically. she didn't say anything about her staff members bin shot. does that tell you anything? >> it tells me the information is fluid. i'm glad to hear that people ran. that's exactly what they should do. try to get away from this type of situation. everybody needs to know that's what you do in an active shooter situation. the fact that this guy is still on the move and on the run and traveling probably in a different vehicle, which is why we are getting multiple vehicle sightings. he needs to be captured quickly before others get hurt. >> i want to go back and talk about the vehicle sightings. it is bill melugin still with us? do we know? bill, you talked about scanner traffic earlier. what are we hearing as far as scanner traffic now?
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are they still focused on the town outside of lewiston? is there any good activity of there? >> that's the lisbon falls area about 15 minutes southeast of lewiston. some breaking news moments ago. the lewiston police department released the suspect name and photo of who they are looking for tonight. i understand that producers are working on the photo. lewiston police have identified a person of interest as 40-year-old robert card. they are describing him as, quote, "armed and dangerous. i can tell you based off photos we have been showing of that gunman walking into the bowling alley, i've had numerous law enforcement officials texting me saying the weapon he is holding appears to be an ar-15 with a bipod grip and scope. that suggests he has experience with firearms. he came heavily armed and ready to do some severe damage. as we wait for that photo of the
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suspect which appears to be a drivers license photo, lewiston police officially identifying their person of interest tonight as 40-year-old robert card and describing him as, quote, "armed and dangerous. that manhunt still underway right now. they do not have this guy in custody, which is why we are waiting for the press conference and have been waiting for quite some time. that press conference being pushed back likely until they are able to find this guy. we heard david spun to earlier that mr. card apparently may have access to a police scanner. they suspect he may be able to listen in on that scanner and listened into realtime as police are trying to track him and find where he is. according to the scanner traffic about 30 minutes ago there were two vehicles of interest that law enforcement were looking for. number one the subaru outback, the white vehicle we have been showing photos of, which appears to be parked in a lot.
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police releasing that photo asking anybody to please give us a call if you have seen the car. reach out to us. they are saying the car had a black painted front bumper. a short time ago there was a second vehicle they were potentially looking for, a black pickup truck with a black cab near the lisbon falls area. my producer has another piece of paper that i will red quickly. the police helicopter in lisbon falls continues to circle that area. according to the scanner traffic this is still a very fluid situation. the scanner traffic has slowed down a little bit. they were telling the fire department to stay back earlier. the bottom line right now is there still looking for this guy. they have them i.d.'d. they were waiting to release this identity. now given the fact that he is armed and dangerous they want the public to know what this guy's face is and who he is. people in the community will likely know him. they are still telling people to
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shelter in place. they want his face out there. they need community tips. he has been identified as 40-year-old robert card. that rifle he was walking in but to multiple law enforcement officials texting me saying it appears to be an ar-15 with a scope and a bipod grip. he came looking to do some serious damage. back to you. >> bill, police identified this person and have put the name out there. we had the name earlier. we were reticent to put it out there. police are saying they want the name out. they want everybody looking for this guy and they want to know who this person is. correct? >> the lewiston police department posted his name and picture on face back. he is armed and dangerous. if you see him, call us. the comment section is already filling up from the locals and people who may potentially know this guy. they will in his image out there and they need help finding him. >> thank you very much.
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police have now put the name out there. they still haven't come to the podium for the news conference. it has been delayed. they believe they have the person of interest. we haven't heard anything about a second suspect being looked for are wanted. we have the name, the picture and identity of this man right here who police are looking for right now. we haven't heard about a second shooter. it's important to note that. when this first broke we got word they were looking for shooters. it was two locations. the locations were a fair distance apart. there was concerned that there were two separate shooters who walked into these places. when you look at these videos and these video surveillance cameras that they gleamed these pictures from, you can see they are in two separate places. maybe these are of the places and that is why they are only looking for one shooter because there is only one shooter.
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let's bring in josh school. former fbi executive assistant director. police know his name and are releasing his name. they are clearly releasing his identity. the town of lewiston probably knows who this person is. they are now looking for him. it seems like this would be something that would be captured in the minutes or at least the hours to come. >> trace, first of all we have to look at the environment. it's a rural environment. we saw this summer folks knew who they were looking for. it took a long time to capture this person. despite the fact with the public's help it took a lengthy amount of time. law enforcement released his photo because it's in the interest of public safety. making sure people are harboring in a safe place. but also anybody that has any information is reporting it
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expeditiously. >> it really is. important information has to be out there. there is the picture, by the way, a 40-year-old robert card. i am wondering if you matchup the picture. maybe we can put the picture with the suspect coming out of these areas with the gun. you wonder if police are looking now at the process. they are going through the social media footprint. are they bringing this out and putting out flyers? what is the word? >> you have all law enforcement, state, local and federal crashing into this area. everybody is using their resources and expertise to first get this person into custody. that is the first objective of law enforcement. stop this person from doing any more harm. bring him safely into custody. then they look at the ideology. while analysts are analyzing his social media, detectives are out
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talking to family and friends looking for tips. they are conducting a search on the vehicles that you have identified. all of that is coming together and tips are coming in from the public and from what they are learning now. the first objective is to stop this individual from doing any more harm. >> i think that's a good take. i wonder as you go through this, josh, if you take anything away from the locations, from the pool hall, that you have people inside. it's both a restaurant and pool hall. and then a bowling alley that is 10 minutes away. anything that strikes you are jumps out at you, josh, about why these locations and what somebody might be trying to achieve by going into these locations? >> at this time we don't know. we don't know if this person is mentally unstable. if world events triggered this
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or family events triggered this. i go back to first objective. stop him from doing any more harm. as the investigation goes on, we will learn what triggered this mass casualty horrific event. what we need to focus on is bringing this person to justice. everybody wants answers. certainly the victims want answers. right now stop the harm. >> josh school thank you so much. we appreciate it. i want to bring in retired nypd police inspector. police have released the suspect's name as well as his picture. we also have pictures coming out of these various places. what is your take away from what you have seen so far? >> let me just clean one thing up. that is that characterizing this as a suicide mission. i don't know that.
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i was saying that in the context of the hospital. if he was going back to the hospital, that look like he was all in. there is cops here. why does that matter? we don't know what his mindset is. he maybe interested in getting away. he has managed to elude police so far. it's a pretty good amount of time when you consider how many assets are looking for you. now that we know the name in us the name we had, you can look at his life a little bit. according to the bolo put out, as i said in the earlier segment when i was speculating, he has some military experience. looks like he's familiar with firearms. might have been a firearms instructor. there may be some mental health issues. it might not be a specific gripe. he may have been at that bowling alley because he knew it was a target rich environment. the other thing we should recognize is some of the stuff going on behind the scenes. this is important to have the feds involved. as all of this is going on the ground in lewiston.
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there are helicopters and they are looking if he has a boat. is he a woodsman? there are various ways he can get away. we have seen that with some escapees. one thing going on now is there are people in cupertino california who have been pulled out of whatever they were doing. it's about 8:00 there. they are looking at social media stuff. the feds have that reach. if you are lewiston pd or maine state pd you have to go through channels. that's a call to the san francisco field office and san jose. they can get that done fast. that will matter here. there going to have circumstances. you don't even need a search warrant. you have got to get in there now to figure out this guys life. you have to see if he has a hunting license. is he unknown duck hunter? does he have a cabin someplace? my gut tells me he's a local. we know more about him now than
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we did. my gut tells me he's obviously from the area and familiar with it. he is probably looking now to fade someplace into the background. the woods or someplace else. for all we know he could be trying to make it to canada. we don't know what is on his mind. he is willing to kill. he has firearms experience. he's a dangerous guy and this is a touchy situation. >> let me stop you right there. he might be in canada and getting away. if you are trying to get away would you not at least wear a face covering as you walked into these places and opened fire? would you walk in and walk out? >> i don't know that he's in canada. i don't know where he is going. i am surprised he has managed to stay loose this long. when you consider the level he has been identified for a good while now. this is the name i had about two hours ago or whatever it is. in light of that, they probably have a pretty good idea about
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his life. they have gone to the house. he obviously plan this. one of the things they had to do which is going on behind the scenes. >> let me jump in and get your expertise, paul. you pointed out he has a military background. now we have learned the suspect was also a firearms instructor. how does that change this? we clearly know he was very good with a weapon. we talked about the numbers earlier. we are talking about how the numbers could change. david has warned us. the numbers always change in these types of situations. right now we are hearing 22 people dead and 30 wounded or injured. we do not know if they were all shot. they might have been injured as they were fleeing the building. that is unclear. that number could also go higher because we know the nearest hospital was flooded with people who were injured. we don't know in what capacity all these numbers will shake out. it's a lot of numbers we can
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about the deadly shooting of all time have been in vegas. that was a person in a tower with scopes and rifles shooting down on thousands of people. this is a guy going into a bar and a bowling alley. it seems like yes, there would be a number of people there. firearms instructor seems to make sense here. >> it does. unfortunately that just means that he obviously has familiarity with the specific weapon. probably with a whole slew of weapons. he knows to have extra clips and change them fast. he knows how to track targets. he knows how to do stuff that i don't know how to do. i know how to shoot as a cop. >> is this live? this is live. i don't know if you have a television. this is outside the hospital. this is lewiston, maine. these are police officers. clearly they are on high alert.
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they are walking around the hospital. the story here is that one of the hospital people is a photojournalist from w gme. he tweeted earlier and we talked about this that we are at central maine medical center in lewiston. this was about an hour and 10 minutes ago. a security guard advised us to duck down behind a cement wall. the shooter may possibly be in the area of a hospital. apparently somebody has taken that threat to heart because now in lewiston, maine at this hospital you have a series of police officers who are heavily armed and are wearing armor and going into this situation. what do you make of this paul? >> if you look in the foreground and i don't know if you can see it from where you are. it looks like there was a white car they were focusing on that they cleared before they moved on. and might be that the car that they were looking for or a similar car is spotted.
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>> now they are pointing weapons at the windows. >> they are going in. this is this guys car. where is he? now they are going into clear the building. >> standby. do we have nicole parker? she has done so many shootings. can you give me an idea of what is happening here? this is central maine hospital. there are reports just to get you up to speed and our audience, reports earlier that the shooter may possibly double back to the hospital because security guards were telling people to dock. now you have a series of heavily armed officers wearing armor now going up the steps looking for this shooter. your take away from this? >> you can see them now going slow and methodical. they are clearing every single corner. if they have a suspicion that there may be a potential threat they have to clear every single ounce. they maybe approaching a parking
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garage going up the stairs. they are definitely not taking anything off the table. maybe this individual did go back to the hospital and it's a threat. >> if we can take nicole out. go ahead. >> i am just watching it live like you all are. it looks like there is a potential threat. they have to address that threat and go in and checked every single thing. when i responded to the fort lauderdale airport shooting there was a similar incident. they came in and checked every single parking lot and stairwell. everything was checked. and a potential threat has to be checked. we have similar incidents. when we thought there was another shooter and everyone was on the ground, i have been through this. there was not another active shooter in my instance. everyone has to be on high alert. if there is a potential threat, they have to check every single nook and cranny and make sure. we will see what they find.
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law enforcement is doing the best to contain the situation. anyone who is there needs to stay calm and take cover. if you can get behind a cement barrier, that's the best option. >> there is clearly a helicopter flying above. they are taking this very much to heart. i wonder what happens as you are inside the building. we know at least from the police the numbers they are giving us that 30 people may have been taken to this hospital. that means a number of people are in surgery. you and i both know that the way this works is when they go in it's a nook and cranny check. you go room to room. you go enclave to enclave and floor to floor making sure people are cleared and the suspect is cleared. in a hospital you don't have that liberty. you just can't walk into the operating room. you just can't walk into certain parts of the hospital. it makes this thing much tougher to navigate, nicole.
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>> if there is an active shooter they will go into every single room and nook and cranny regardless of what is going on. their job is to protect people from a potential shooter. >> paul, do you share that belief? >> they have to do what they have to do. god forbid they are too tentative and the guy is actually there and he is looking for somebody specific. they will go floor by floor from the ground up. they will do everything they can to isolate particular areas. they will look to drill down and corner where they are going so they are shrinking the areas they haven't cleared little by little. it is just common sense. you put your finger on it. this is beyond an active hospital at this point. it's the worst possible place for this guy to be. i really hope he is not there. i go back to what looked to be unusual interest in the car. the white car that seems to track to the description that was in the foreground.
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that may be what they are going off up. on the other hand, we did have us some vision of a second car in the mix. we had some reporting that helicopters were circling the area outside of lewiston. i go back to what i said at the top. we have to keep our powder dry and hope this is a false alarm. this would be really troubling. hopefully this is not the case here. he is still on the run someplace else. they will still get him, but right now the issue is if you can get him before he does more damage. 2 i want to put this up there because the same photojournalist has still retweeted inside the hospital. he said about 18 minutes ago there is a heavy police presence. exactly what we were seeing in those live pitchers. a heavy police presence at central maine medical center. there are armed officers at every entrance. that means we are only seeing a few of them. am i correct? we are only seeing one team of them. if they have them at every
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entrance that means they have this place pretty well walled off. >> i would absolutely agree with you. i bet there is more law-enforcement than what the eye can see. if there is a potential threat, they are guarding every single door, exit and entrance. they are going to be checking every parking garage, every area of the hospital. >> the news conference is now starting i am being told. let's go to that and watch. thank you for joining us here's this evening. i am the commissioner for the department of public safety in maine. we do appreciate your patience and partnership as we work with all of our partners across the law enforcement spectrum. all of us, local, county, state and federal to address and investigate these violent crimes that occurred in the city of lewiston this evening. as you know, this is an experience group. we won't have a lot of q&a this
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evening. this is very fresh and new. it is new for all of us. our focus is on the investigation and getting this right the first time. we are doing that with our partners. we appreciate you putting out information from time to time. moving forward we appreciate it if you've got that information from us so that we know its accurate. that is incredibly important for all of us from an investigative standpoint and public safety standpoint that we have a unified front with this information as we release it. the delay in coming to you now is simply to confirm information. we want to make sure the information we are giving you and the information going to the general public is accurate. we do have some information that we will release. it is on the podium. this is a general caution to the public. approximately 6:56 this evening a couple shooting incidents occurred here with multiple casualties in the city of lewiston. police are currently searching for a robert card, for/4 of
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1983. he is considered armed and dangerous. he's a person of interest. that is what we will label him moving forward until that changes. if people see him they should not approach card or make contact with him in any way. the shelter in plays order that currently stands in lewiston remains. a vehicle which was a vehicle of interest in this incident was located in lisbon and we are now asking residents in lisbon to shelter in place. please share that information with communities as well. if anybody sees mr. card or has any additional information in reference to these two shootings in the city of lewiston contacted 911. if they see anything suspicious, feel free to call local authorities. we have literally hundreds of police officers working around the state of maine to investigate this case, to locate mr. card who again is a person of interest.
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we will continue to gather information so we can bring that suspect to justice and ultimately seek prosecution down the road. this release also includes a photo, which i believe i have seen from various sources. i would also let you know that we have created a reunification location. that would be at the auburn middle school. in the neighboring community of auburn at 38 falcon drive. that is the auburn middle school. when i say reunification center or location, what that means is if someone has a question or concern and cannot find a loved one or they believe a friend or family member may be involved in what occurred tonight in lewiston that they can respond to that location. we will have some of our behavioral health counselors on site. we will also be providing information as it becomes available to us. as you can imagine and as you know, there are multiple scenes
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in the city to include multiple hospitals, multiple follow-ups and a lot of witnesses we are speaking with and a lot of leads. the general public has been very cooperative and very forthcoming with information. i would expectedly have additional information we would be happy to come back and share it with you. i know that from the city of lewiston's standpoint we will close city hall after this briefing and move everybody out. we appreciate your partnership and patience. i would offer to take questions just so you know that i probably won't have answers. as long as you know that going in, there is no disrespect intended in that. feel free to ask a couple. if i think we can get there, i am happy to answer those. if not we have work to do. that is our primary focus this evening. >> reporter: [indiscernible]
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>> i appreciate that. there are different numbers out there. misses a fluid situation. the last thing i want to do is give you a number and that change that in one direction or another. i don't have firm numbers. when i do, we are happy to share those with you. it's an important piece of information for all of us to be aware of. but i don't have a firm number yet. >> reporter: [indiscernible] >> i think i just answered that question. i cannot give you specific numbers. there is a lot of numbers all over the map all evening. i don't think its harmful. it doesn't help family members or the community. they said this and that. if you want accurate information i can give that to you when i have it. i don't have that yet. >> reporter: [indiscernible] >> mr. card who we are speaking
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about right now is a person of interest only. i am not listing him as a suspect at this point. we are not prepared to go into his background or anything else. one more question. >> reporter: [indiscernible] >> we are looking for this person of interest right now. that is what we will label him at this particular moment. when we have additional information i will be happy to share it. thank you very much. thank you for your time. i know assistant city manager all malley will make arrangements to move everybody out of the building. thank you very much. i appreciate it. we will talk to you soon. >> what he was saying as he was talking about little flyers that have robert card's face on them back to nicole parker if we can bring her back in. he is coming back and not giving us any information on the number of victims it seems. that's a live look if you are just joining us.
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we have a heavy police presence at the hospital. central maine hospital where a number of the wounded people were taken. they maybe in surgery right now. a local photojournalist said the security guard told them to duck down because they are were concerns that the person of interest as they are naming him again. they are naming him and calling him a person of interest. they haven't match the person of interest specifically to the pictures coming out of the bar. they are being careful in calling him a person of interest. what is your take away so far from this news conference? >> it was very methodical and they were careful to give information out. law enforcement wants to get out accurate information. the public is relying on the press conference to get information. you don't want to create any unnecessary scares. it's important that you shelter in place. remain in your house and remain behind cover. do not go out and about. if you have contact that you may
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think is the person of interest, do not approach and call 911. the other thing that's important and it's an important part of the process. the reunification center. when there is an active shooter event and a mass casualty event there or those that witnessed what occurred. they were at the bowling alley and bar or whatever it may have been. law enforcement designates an area away from the shooting event and that is where they are allowed to reunite with family members. there are people that extremely concerned for their loved ones. you can go there and reunite. it's also a place where law enforcement will be conducting interviews with those that were present. the witnesses are very important with what their accounts are. it is very important to law enforcement right now. that reunification center is the beginning for some of these individuals the healing and accepting what just occurred. accounting for who was there and who has not been accounted for
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and who is injured and in the hospital. for those that don't know where their family member or loved one is right now, there is a location where you can go. maybe your loved one is in the hospital. it is not known. i can tell you i worked active shooter events. the reunification center is a very important part. >> what do you make of the location of the car? they are saying that robert card's car which was identified was found in lisbon. bill was talking earlier about a heavy police presence up in lisbon. that is where they found his car. it's a few miles outside of lewiston. you can see the car is found in lisbon. then you find out in the same news conference are found out from the live pitchers that there is a heavy police presence at the hospital. is there still a possibility that this car might have been taken by somebody else and they might have the wrong car, nicole? >> there is a lot that needs to be unfolded and investigated. i want to always be careful.
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as a former fbi agent there were things reported in cases that i work that didn't end up being accurate. i want to err on the side of caution. at this point anything is possible. law enforcement has air surveillance up as soon as possible and they tried to track that individual. there are license plate readers in various ways to track the vehicle of interest in the person of interest. that vehicle is very important. the fact that they are checking the hospital could be because someone said i think there is a potential threat here. they will go in and check it. it doesn't mean that the vehicle matches the person of interest. there was a concern and they are going to be making sure that the hospital is safe and protected. those are the individuals that are fighting for their lives right now. the last thing they need is for the subject or person of interest to be approaching the hospital. they need to get the medical care that they need to save their lives right now.
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>> doesn't change the approach knowing as the police clearly do now that robert card, the man they are looking for, was a firearms instructor as paul mara pointed out? if he has the information, they clearly have the information. does that change the way you approach any kind of contact with this person? >> obviously any violent criminal with the firearm is extremely dangerous. someone who is trained in firearms, you need to treat all of those bolo, be on the lookout. treat them as armed and dangerous. someone who has massive firearms training is going to know a lot more than someone who is not as skilled and technical old with firearms. they will send in the swat teams. these are the highest trained individuals. i wouldn't be surprised if the hostage team came on scene or other law enforcement teams. these are the brightest and finest. i will give this a moment to
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express how important it is to support our law enforcement. they are putting their lives on the line out there trying to protect the community right now. we need to remember how important their job is. this is terrifying. i don't care how highly trained you are. when you go up against a active and mass shooter, this is dangerous. it is dangerous for law enforcement. we must support law enforcement. the fact that this individual is trained with firearms as a firearms instructor, they are going to be taking that into consideration. >> standby if you would. i want to get back to david's fund our doj correspondent. you would see looking at the pictures here and knowing that robert card, the man they are looking for, we know he's a firearms instructor. this is a dangerous person that we believe is still on the run. police say he is still on the run because they are handing out flyers. this is a situation where you called in other agencies because you might need help.
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>> a firearms instructor with heavy training. fbi swat team evidence response team. all the bells and whistles are they are from the federal level assisting the lewiston police and the maine state police. i do want to point out that fox news did review a bulletin from maine state police that has been sent around to everyone in the state of maine on the local law enforcement level. even the federal partners are looking at it too. i will read some of it. card recently reported mental health issues to include hearing voices and threats to shoot up the national guard base in saco, maine. he was reported to have a mental health facility for two weeks during the summer of 2023. he was released. as we have been reporting he was known to be operating a white subaru with the maine registration 924 pv. 9246 pd. that white subaru outback with a
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black bumper. he is a trained firearms and structure. this is a law enforcement bulletin confirmed by a member of law enforcement. he's believed to be in the army reserve stationed out of saco, maine. he recently reported these mental health issues to include hearing voices and threats to shoot up the national guard base in saco, maine. he was committed for a few weeks this summer and subsequently released. authorities right now calling him as you see on our screen a person of interest. clearly they want to speak to this guy. they have his picture and this bulletin to try to take him into custody as soon as possible. trace? >> david, i want to jump in here and get clarification on this bulletin that you just read. give us an idea. did he self-report he went in and said i am having some issues? i am having these urges to shoot
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up the national guard people? >> according to the bulletin, i am looking at it right now, card recently reported mental health issues to include hearing voices. we don't know the exact circumstances of what happened, if he reported after somebody said this man needs help. we don't want to speculate. according to this bulletin he reported often times. these bulletins have preliminary information. it's a way to have law enforcement all over the state of maine and possibly even in massachusetts, vermont and new hampshire to see this information as soon as possible and get it out there. the bottom line is he has firearms training as a firearms instructor and has training in the army national guard. trace? >> david we will get back to. if you have information, raise your hand and we will put you back on. we now bring in dr. marc siegel. it's interesting that police
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haven't given us numbers and we keep putting these numbers up law enforcement authorities gave us earlier. it's about the number of casualties. we had 22 dead and 30 people wounded. in the news they wanted to stay away from numbers altogether as we reported throughout this broadcast the numbers always change. sometimes you get benefits and they go down and sometimes they get worse on both the injury counts as well as the death count. when you look at the number, the totality of the victims, it's a lot. we know that for sure. when you have a few hospitals that the officer was telling us are all filled. what's the priority 1 to try to save these peoples lives? >> trace, this is very important. central maine health center and central maine medical center which you have been showing in the background as a level 2 trauma center. they have general surgeons
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on-call 24/7. they have access to neurosurgeons, vascular surgeons and orthopedist. you better believe they are being called in. the keyword right now is triage. what they do when they come in is figure out who is the most in danger. they apply tourniquet said, stop bleeding and make sure to resuscitate with fluids. they get blood in as fast as they can for bullet injuries. we don't know the ballistics but it's likely a high-powered rifle. that makes it much more difficult because the bullets go a lot deeper. you don't know what organs they are hitting and what blood vessels are involved. emergency surgery will only occur at this point if it's needed to stabilize the patient. viewers need to know you're not going in looking for bullets. your looking to stabilize the patient. if bleeding is coming from a site where you cannot figure it out. if you cannot find an exit wound you might try to find a source of bleeding and tie it off. they have great general surgeons.
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the only level 1 trauma center is in portland. they have complex surgeries and might airlift them to portland. that would not be occurring right now. another point david brought up that i want to comment on. people don't know where he is. that brings a lot of fear and anxiety and stress. the doctor is that our professionals in these medical centers are not suffering from that. they are trained to handle it. >> i want to go back to what david was saying about robert car. apparently 40 years old and in the active reserve. he self-reported about the fact that he wanted to shoot up guards people, guardsmen. he had these urges. i am wondering if somebody might have dropped the ball? maybe he fell through the cracks. isn't that something you want to take a closer look at? is that not something that is standard protocol? >> no, this is very disturbing. i am very disturbed at the reports i am hearing from david
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just now. there are some reports out that he had been divorced twice and there is a restraining order on him. there is also a issue of what we would call in the vernacular homicidal ideation. there is a lot of different kinds of homicidal ideation. i don't want everyone to think that all people that are suffering from delusions or hallucinations are automatically dangerous. if you have a plan and you are thinking of actually shooting somebody up, that person has to be locked away immediately. that's where you would say dropping the ball. mental health is a key part of shootings. they focus on guns and they need to focus on mental health. it sounds from how unstable he may have been, allegedly may have been, that i would say absolutely emergency intervention would have been warranted. if anyone hears anything like that about someone, suicidal or homicidal plan, they need to be in the hospital right away. >> if you are a gun expert or have a military background and
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you walk in and say you have an urged to shoot people, that somebody would raise a red flag somewhere and maybe not? >> they should. again, it's not just that he had some fantasy. he had a plan. he was thinking how you might shoot people up. the more detailed the plan, the more that it might lead to something. i don't want to speculate, but we are all seeing images of war. there is a lot of anxiety and anger in the community. someone like that can snap. someone on the verge can cause them to snap. >> dr. mark, thank you for your time. great insight as always. paul morrow and tracy are available to us? is he on? >> i am here. >> let's bring paul morrow back. the more we learn to get back to the david's fund information where we have a guy that was apparently an active reserve. 40-year-old robert card is a person of interest that police are saying.
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they are being careful about this. they are being careful about the numbers they give out. when you look at the background of this person who may have had some mental health issues and may have self-reported. he is a gun expert. he's a military background guy. he is an active reserve guy. he is laying out a plan for people. you would think this is a person who right now is on the run, who is a major threat to certain parts of the northeast? >> that is undeniably going to be one of the factors of the investigation wants he is apprehended or neutralized. there will be a look back at what we accurately called a red flag. that's a pseudonym for the red flag laws. that is somebody who appears to be in real mental distress who has access to weapons. in a case like this where he was incarcerated, apparently voluntarily or not for two weeks. that's not a short amount of
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time. it is not a short observation to get him out the door which is a common thing in cities. two weeks inside for observation tells me they were looking at him quite hard. he probably had some medication prescribed that he is likely not taking. you have to find all these things out and get that debate. that is something that follows on from this. obviously right now we are concerned with the immediate circumstances. it sounds like the car washed out. the car in the hospital area does not seem to be his car. they have put his car definitively in lisbon. what does that mean? >> let's go back to the hospital really quick. the car in lisbon. i was bringing up the fact earlier with nicole. the same person, the photographer inside the hospital in central maine also tweeted later that there were active police personnel inside the garage at the hospital. they were maybe looking for vehicles or something else.
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they were actively in the hospital. the police did identify as robert card's car was found in lisbon outside of lewiston. yet there were still armed police officers, heavily armed with armor, looking in the hospital garage area for potentially a car or potentially somebody else. what do you make of that? >> exactly. what that indicates to me is to have a forceful response in a counterintuitive situation. a person who has never seen that. maybe a domestic or something where the perp goes looking for the victim. and an active shooter situation i have never seen that. that tells me they had some fairly hard facts. maybe they pulled it off a social media thing. maybe out of his home. they said to them we have to look at the hospital. we don't want to speculate too much. it could have been a specific person he was after or it could
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have been some indication that he had a gripe with the hospital. maybe that's the hospital he was under observation in. just to speculate, we don't know. knows a lot of things going on that we are not seeing as i alluded to earlier. a guy like this and the training that he likely has, one thing i would be concerned about is booby-traps. they may have been waiting to clear the house before they went in. you don't know what he has in the house. he has military training and knows the area. god knows what he has access to. it's a tough situation for law enforcement. they found something as base his life. that brought them back to the hospital. it does seem to be coalescing into a single shooter. that is this guy card to. we will take what we can get. at least that seems to focus the investigation on one person. >> very quickly i am wondering. i have been covering shooting for a long time and you are knee-deep in this stuff all the
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time. the shooting is probably three hours old. i have never seen police released the name of a suspect this fast. clearly there is wide concern that this guy needs to be captured and captured asap. >> the press conference was interesting. it was a very pro forma conference. it was short. it was meant "a" to reassure the public they are on it and give out the identification. you notice the press officer was not a chief or akot. he he gave out less information and was on the bulletin that you are referring to. many of us at vox have seen that thing. he gave out less information. what does that tell you? as one of the prior gas alluded to, they want to be cautious about what he might be monitoring. they don't even want to call him the suspect despite the fact that they put out a bulletin with his name. they are being very cautious for a specific reason.
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he has a police scanner or maybe has somebody helping him that we don't know about. they are clearly playing their cards close to the chest, more close than usual. there is a reason for that. >> there have been 100 shootings i have covered and i have never seen them put a face out there with all kinds of information and then walked back and say we are looking at him as a person of interest. let's bring in ken, a former portland radio show host. it is kind of amazing. you are 16 miles or 36 miles away from lewiston. this is one of those things that doesn't happen in this area. what are you hearing about this? >> let me be honest with you. the people of maine are in total shock. our model is the way that maine is the way life should be. this does not happen in our backyard. lewiston is 15 minutes from my house. we had 29 murders in the state
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of 1.4 million people last year. that was high. we are usually in the teens. to think that 22 people died. lewiston is not a rural town. it is 37,000 people. it's the second largest city in maine. it's connected to our sister city auburn which has about 25,000 people. there are no woods to hide in. it is not a rural area. it is a urban area. i guarantee you people know the individual they are talking about. people are in shock. we don't expect this to happen in our backyard. >> you really don't. i wonder if you are hearing from anybody. did you see the police press conference? as paul mara was telling us, it was unusual. he didn't have a high-ranking officer come out. you had very little information except for the name. names are usually not given out for a wild while. police have a lot of background to do and they don't want something out there that shouldn't be out there right
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away. to give the name is unusual and then to not get other information that was put out in the bulletin is also unusual. >> we were very surprised. the lewiston police department posted on facebook literally 45 minutes ago the name of this person as a person of interest. it was very quick and very unusual. understand that lewiston, although it's not a rural town, it's small town america. i guarantee you this person is well known. buy putting his name out, the police assume that local people will report where they saw him and where he is heading and what he maybe doing. who he knows and who he hangs out with. he's a well-known person in lewiston. he's a person that is well known and will see you in the diner or the post office. people know him. i think their logic is let's put this out there and get as many people as we can tracking him down, telling us where he is and telling us who his friends are. they have to catch this person
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fast. people are literally panicked about this happening so close to their homes. >> i've got about 30 seconds left for you. also the fact that this is a very violent and very dangerous person who is highly trained with weapons, who apparently is armed and dangerous in this community. your final thoughts? >> maine is well-known for people who are well seasoned in arms safety. this is a shock. maine was ranked by fbi as the safest state with the fewest violent crimes in 2022. this just doesn't happen here. this is unusual. it is something we have to be concerned about and we have to know how to treat people like this when they have mental illnesses so we stop this from happening to begin with. >> great to have you on as always. we appreciate your time. >> thank you, trace.
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