tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News October 26, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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today's throwback. >> we are the land of the free because we are the home of the brave. >> bret: 40 years ago today ronald reagan addressed members of the jewish congregation and community leaders at a temple in new york. the president promoted a revival of american patriotism and stated our country's firm commitment to israel, president reagan's remarks included remembering our judeo-christian tradition rejecting -- i head back to the east coast after my book event at the reagan library. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight, fair, balanced and unafraid. it's always great to be here at the reagan library. thanks for having us again. leave you with some shots, the ingrapg gram angle is next. >> good evening, everyone, i'm laura ingraham: very busy thursday night.
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today the pentagon was finally forced to admit the details of the growing number of attacks on u.s. troops in the middle east. so far iran affiliated organizations have launcheds 12 attacks against our troops in iraq and another 4 in syria. now, the news comes as israel's ramping up its strategic strikes inside gaza ahead of a full-fledged ground invasion. we will have a live report from jerusalem in moments. but we start tonight in lewiston, maine, where police have launched a massive manhunt for the man suspected of killing 18 people go different locations. surveillance video showed an individual heavily armed at the scene of these shootings. he was later identified as robert card, an army reservist, with documented mental health issues. now, at this hour, the search for the alleged killer continues. of course, as darkness falls, temperature drops, law enforcement sources tell fox that there are multiple surveillance aircraft scouring
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the area that are equipped with heat sensing technology. now, what makes this effort more difficult is the training, the myrtle training that card has. plus, this detail that we learned late today, law enforcement believing that mr. card had planned this attack well in advance and actually had several hiding spots selected in order to elude authorities. for more on where things stand at this hour we go live to the ground where fox news correspondent molly line is standing by in lewiston. mollie, i know there is a flurry of activity at two properties that are afilling affiliated w. what can you tell us. >> absolutely. things are noisy over there still looking for card. essentially his hometown about 16 miles from here at bowdoin where his family owns a number of properties there have been flash bangs heard in that area. it's essentially a law enforcement tactic in an effort to draw him out. the only thing is that he may
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not be there at all. but so essentially they are looking through that hometown 1o shootings occurred in lewiston, maine at the two different sites. one at a bowling alley and pool hall restaurant. 18 killed. many others injured some fighting for their lives to potentially draw card out tonight, there have been a number of things happening throughout the day. they have been looking in the roads. shut down. ongoing effort. things all began unfolding yesterday at 6:56 p.m. lewiston police responding to those two incidents. by 8:00, the maine state police announced an active shooter situation. by 10 officials are warning residents to avoid the area until an all-clear is given that did not happen. by 10:25 the a and degree sco nd as a person of interest. another thing of particular note, the coast guard also involved in this search, they
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are up in the sky over the boot behar bore area earlier this evening. notably card's vehicle, a subaru was found in lisbon about 15 minutes here from lewiston. the lisbon river runs through there. there are rivers, there are woods, there are lakes. this is a very tough area to search a lot of nooks and craneys gets into what you are talking about about the law enforcement communications internal communications revealing that card is a firearms instructor in the army reserves. and then you mentioned those mental health issues. those internal information from law enforcement he was hearing voices and actually committed to receiving mental health care a few weeks over the summer. but he remains armed and dangerous and as you mentioned, laura, highlighting his background and the type of skills that he may have as he continues to elude capture at this hour. >> laura: joining me now is
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chris swacer former fbi assistant director paul mauro and head of internal operations at nypd. chris, now authorities say they reportedly want to take him alive. how difficult is that going to be given what looks like his planning and mental state authorities are aware of. there is a lot about this case that is extremely disturbing in the run-up. >> yeah, laura, it's a highly lethal combination that mental illness, well-trained military from the army. is he a firearms instructor. he is desperate. he has already killed in a mass shooting innocent people who probably just froze. a lot more in most cases more wounded than killed. in this case it's the reverse. so he knows what he is doing. he is not going to be taken alive. >> laura: well, paul, as we noted the suspect has this long
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list of mental issues including hearing voices. he allegedly made threats to shoot up the national guard base in maine. and, according to the a.p., he was committed to a mental health facility in july, after acting very erratically while he was at west point where he was training cadets. one of his unit mates described him as one of the best rifle men in the entire unit. so, this is, again, former head of nypd how did we not have any of these red flags sooner to stop this massacre? >> well, there were a lot of red flags. just to be clear, maine has what is known as a yellow flag law. and under the yellow flag laws, the only people that can refer somebody like this guy to a civil court in order to overcome the second amendment and take his firearms away from him are law enforcement.
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red flag laws, family members can do it, other people who are positioned to see that he is sliding off the deep end, and get the guns away from him. it's a -- you need due process and it's not a simple process. new york has this procedure. maine, however, had what was believed to be maybe the model for the future because it was only going to be law enforcement as in the police or prosecutors now, it is coming to light that maybe he did have a brush with law enforcement relative to this mental health issue that he had in the two-week stay in july in a mental health facility. these are questions people are going to be looking back on. but the most important thing now is to try to get this guy and as chris said, there is a lethal combination between the training he has not only militarily but his outdoor training. >> is he an outdoorsman and he knows the terrain up there. is he well-equipped. you can see he was wearing combat gear. his pockets were bloimging with extra magazines. this guy is not going to go easily, the task force up there
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has their work cut out for them. >> now, chris, given the fact that we know he was involved in advanced planning for these horrific murders that took place, and also hiding places, how dangerous is it for the authorities searching for him? i mean, someone like him, if is he hearing voices, you could see he would turn himself into a sniper against the police and other law enforcement in search of him. >> first of all, they found the car by the dock, by the river. he either jumped into a switch car and is he hundreds and hundreds of miles away or he went into the woods. i think it's highly likely he went into the woods. law enforcement is going to have to go in and get him. they are going to have to set up a large perimeter which they already have. they have ariel access. like rudolph the olympic bomber, he knows the area better than the authorities. he hunts in that area. it's likely he prepositioned
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hideouts throughout the area with ammunition as well, supplies. law enforcement is going to have to go in and get him. as you say, he had the advantage. eric rudolph later said he would hide in the woods and law enforcement would come within 10, 15 yards of him, never saw him. so he could pick officers off if they're not careful. it's going to have to be a tactical operation over a huge area. it may take a long time, which means resources, eventually start melting away. so i think he -- again, i think he is in the woods somewhere. people go like there, go where they are familiar i don't see him meandering around the country in a car. >> laura: paul, do you agree with that? i assume they have dogs on premises. they are drawing down at the various locations where they know he has affiliations with certain properties. tell us what that means. >> so, you know, there is this reporting that some flash bangs were heard. he used the flash bangs to do
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dramatic entries generally for a couple of reasons. one if you think you are walking into booby traps. you do it for that and also to flush out of the suspect. another treason stun any animals usually a dog. it doesn't hurt the dog. do this humanely and the dog is stunned and corral him in a humane way. the family has a number of properties. they want to make sure he is not in there. my understanding they are drawing down from there up in maine right now. it looks like that might have been an empty well. i think i would have to agree if we had to make a call right now, i think he is going to go to what's familiar. we know he is an outdoorsman. we know he had become recently paranoid. the reporting is that he has been losing his hearing and that he has been hearing these voices, more or less at the same time contemporaneous with losing his hearing. the reporting now that is coming out the voices he was hearing he was contending to relatives were people at the two locations that he went shooting at he heard in his head people talking about him.
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so, i think you get somebody here. you are starting to see an image of somebody who is increasingly isolated. somebody who is hearing things nobody else is hearing. he has an edge against the world. doesn't strike me as somebody who is very sophisticated. going to start going all over the country. they would be tracking his credit cards. obviously if his phone goes on they will hit that i think he is likely in the woods. places is he familiar with that turns this thing almost into a military operation. >> well, he might have a police scanner, we will learn about this as the night and let's hope it quick, the time goes on. chris and paul, thank you. liberals, of course, prefer to dwell on shootings that occur every weekend and places like chicago or oakland or baltimore. no, of course they don't. places with tough gun laws have huge crime problems in the united states. but, of course, if there is a horrible shooting committed by a crazed lunatic in small town america as we have now, they are going to jump on the opportunity to try to take guns out of the
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hands of law-abiding citizens. >> we must continue to speak to speak truth about the moment we are in. gun violence has terrorized and trtraumatized some of our communities in this country. let us be clear, it does not have to be this way. as our friends in australia have demonstrated. >> laura: now, let's take a look at what australia has actually done. in 1996, the country launched a huge crackdown on gun ownership. outlawing automatic and semiautomatic rifles and shotguns. they also launched a mandatory nationwide gun buy back, more than 640,000 guns were destroyed that year. and in order to own a gun in australia you need to have a, quote, genuine reason for having one. and to go even further, they are right now trying to create a national gun registry. joining me now is colleen noir
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advocate and attorney. is kamala signaling a gun grab their gun grab. >> she was asked in interview if she believed in mandatory buy back euphemism for a confiscation. and she basically said yes, that's exactly what i want to do. but they like to use these euphemisms to fool a lot of people in the masses so they don't realize that a gun buy back a mandatory gun by back is gun confiscation which is exactly what they did in australia. they called it a buy back but mandatory which a confiscation what was interesting today and looking through the coverage of what was happening individuals barricaded in their homes come out to talk to police and come
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out and talk to the media, and so many of them were saying thank you for being here to the police, i wish i owned a funeral. i saw that three or four times today. i think when people feel vulnerable, they wish they could defend themselves. >> yeah, see. the irony here is maine is considered the second most safest state in the country. they also are considered one of the most pro-gun states in the country. the thing is, though, when you live in a very safe environment, sometimes, we get lulled into complacency and we think that we are safe because we feel safe which doesn't necessarily mean you are safe. then, when you start to realize maybe i should have a firearm, it's usually happens when it's too late. and so that's why you have individuals now saying well now there is a manhunt going on and the police don't know where he is. and now you are at home. you don't have a firearm and have you no means to protect yourself and neither county police because they are too busy looking for the guy. so, that's the one thing that i have always tried to hamper on people with the second
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amendment. it's there to give you the ability to protect you and your family. and i just wish that people would understand that but, because of the semantics and the games that the left likes to play with respect to the second amendment, they fall into the -- this belief system that nobody needs a firearm. until you do. and at that point it's too late. >> laura: you have to go to the government to justify your exercising your inalienable rights which is not way the founders understood it. co-lion thank you so much. my commentary on why the activism on the left right now could produce a fatal schism for the democrats. stay there. ♪
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this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help
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provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. i have a tremendous love for israel and the jewish people. this is why i'm partnering with the fellowship. it gives me a way to authentically bless jewish people in need around the world. i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story and i will find a matching soul that would understand. i face hunger again. please don't delay. call, scan, or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. this is what god wants
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>> ratcheting up the rhetoric against the united states. he was threatening us as troops, of course, were preparing a full scale invasion into gaza, israeli troops. trace gallagher are they deterred at all from these threats by iran. >> trace: israelis and united states both taking a very big focus on this, laura. you have to keep in mind in just the past 8 days there have been 16 attacks against middle eastern u.s. military facilities including 12 in iraq and four in syria. in those attacks we are talking about 21 military personnel that have been injured, including some of them with temporary brain injuries. we didn't know about any of these attacks until just a few days ago and now you have the pentagon moving missile defense systems this way as well as military personnel. president biden keeps telling
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iran don't, don't, don't. and yet iran they do. and they keep doing. the incursion that happened today in israel was the biggest ground movement since day one of the war. we're talking about a significant number of israeli defense forces along with tanks going into gaza for specific purposes of targeting certain terror targets. this is all in preparation for the impending ground war. the question is when will that stop? i talked to a family today whose son is being held hostage in gaza by hamas. and they say they are not political but they would really like this ground delay to hang on for a while, to give them time for, one, to bring some weapons in, defense systems in, and, two, to bring the hostages out. but, meantime, laura, when you look at the overall picture, it's not like you just have idf forces sitting there on the border with gaza waiting to go in because idf forces have been highly successful in just the
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past four days there have been 800 strikes on terror targets and they have killed more than a dozen top hamas leaders, including one of those leaders who helped plan the october 7th attacks. will the ground war happen? israel says yes. everybody agrees it will happen. the question here is when. laura. >> laura: trace, now, what does this all mean for the measures americansstill in the region ane hostages trace trace for the hostages, it's one of those things where nobody knows any information. the family i talked to today, laura, this is a family who lived in israel for 16 years from california. i talked to them and their son has been missing now for 20 days. they have not gotten any information at all. it's the same with all of the hostage families. they have got zero information. as far as the americans just living in the middle east, in israel, we're talking about
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hundreds of thousands. and, of course, the administration had a worst case scenario plan to evacuate those people from the middle east should this war explode. they hope it doesn't come to that. but we are kind of inching closer to conflicts from all sides and that's a big concern going ahead with this ground invasion. >> laura: trace, there was an issue today with the pentagon, kind of slow-walking some of the details about these attacks on american troops in iraq and in syria. people are asking questions about the traumatic brain injuries. then the report that the troops were returned to their bases after these injuries. what can you tell us about that? >> and we have been asking for, for three days now, why did it take so long? why is it that just a couple of days ago we started getting information about these attacks? and, first, when we got the information about the number of attacks, they had people injured
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and you got breaking news, laura, we will get back with more details after that. >> laura: all right, trace, thank you so much. we have a fox news alert. in the last hour law enforcement sources have been increasingly focused on the home that is connected to robert card at the address 941 meadow drive in bowdoin, maine, we have just gotten word that activity has picked up in a big way there with a force of authorities yelling come out with your hands up. mollie? that should tell us a lot. what can you tell us? >> well, that is essentially exactly right, laura. we just saw moments ago from lewiston a significant amount of law enforcement with the flights flaring and blaring rushing out of here i would say probably about 10 cars. and then a few minutes after that, in that community, as you mentioned, this is his hometown, this is the family area, the residence, there near that meadow road area, the officers there on sight are asking -- some are saying obviously looking for robert card, anyone inside the residence?
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we can guarantee your safety if you walk outside the house, put your hands on the truck in the driveway. we want to talk to you. we need you to come outside with nothing in your hands. put your hands in the air and walk to the truck in the driveway. they are not saying specifically robert. they are just saying anyone inside the building come out with your hands up. we can guarantee your safety. come out now. now, we don't have confirmation that there is actually someone in that building or if they are doing something similar to what they were doing earlier in the evening with those flash bangs where law enforcement were saying it's not necessarily that someone is inside. but, this is precautionary and if someone is inside, we would want to give them the opportunity to come out or flush them out and try to come to some sort of safe conclusion. if the suspect in this case, if robert card is inside. right now we are still waiting on confirmation. but that's unfolding as we speak. there in that area. and this is the family residence. not far from here, and it is about 16 miles away in the distance, and they have been very active there, zeroed in on
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that area in these recent hours. laura? >> laura: mollie, there is no sense at all that this is anything but one individual, correct? there is no sense that there could be others assisting him on the ground? anyone assisting him? >> yeah. we hadn't gotten that kind of indication at all from law enforcement. they have focused in on this one individual, given us one name. you know, photographs that they have put out over the course of this investigation, also showing one individual the information we have received is all about this individual. and we haven't gotten any indication that there is something specific beyond that. the family, other family members have been cooperative in talking with law enforcement, sharing information that they have with law enforcement. and these property searches there apparently the family sort of a collective of family properties. >> laura: well, mollie, stand by. we're going to stay on this. paul mauro is still with us with
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chris swecker. paul, you are listening to this report that police are saying come out with your hands up. we're not getting any other information now, robert, sorry, robert card, but they just said his name robert. sorry, i'm getting information in my ear as i'm talking. sorry about that. what do you make of this, paul, given what we are hearing now? >> well, hopefully, this is him and this is it. it begs a couple question that come to me right away which is, you know, his car was abandoned about seven and a half miles from this location. so, you have to say to yourself how did he get from the car to home. i'm surprised the dogs wouldn't have picked that up. one of the reasons why a lot of us thought well, one of the first places they likely looked is the family compound as it's been described. supposedly a series of buildings and series of properties. but, you know what? this is the kind of thing where maybe nooks and crannies.
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maybe he has a cellar, i go back to the bobby trap idea. he has this military training. he may be hunkered down in something. as we said in the earlier segment, is he going to default to what he is comfortable with. maybe this was an area that he felt like he could retreat from the world. is he comfortable, and they managed to flush him out and maybe it was the dogs. raises a few questions but who cares about the questions? i hope it's him. i hope they get him. >> laura: well, chris, that is an interesting point though. because if he is known to be increasingly paranoid, this individual, then he could be living out some sick fantasy here okay they have me. these people steep themselves on online nonsense and old movies and so forth. who knows where he was hiding if, indeed, he is in this building and what is next for the authorities trying to apprehend him? >> well, laura, they were there for two reasons, law enforcement
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was. one they were going to try to arrest him if he is inside. is he mentally ill, he could have just retreated back to his house as paul says a place that he knows. the other part of it is these tactical people. they're there to search the residence as well if he is not there they have a search warrant. they have been holding their peace and watching the place to see if he came back. if they find a locked door, they are going to back out a little bit and hold their positions and see if somebody actually is in there. unless there is a hostage, there is no treason enter and put an officer's life in danger. i know that from ache swatter br for 8 years. they will back off and say it could be somebody else, a family member. these are people in maine who probably don't have love for the federal government and they are mistrustful. it all remains to be seen. it's going to unfold here over the next couple of hours but i'm
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not convinced that he is in there. >> laura: i just want to update the fox news audience on exactly what we're hearing from our sources and folks on the ground. this comes courtesy of fox news digital. they did say his name, robert, as i mentioned a moment ago. they also heard come out with nothing in your hands as well as follows instructions and no one will get hurt. we want to do this safely for you and everyone else. paul, it seems they are pretty confident it's he. >> right. it certainly sounds that way. they may just be defaulting to that because they heard something in it. they heard somebody in there. they may have some indication from talking to the families well, you know, there is this place on the property that he tends to hang out. could be something like that. but, you know what? what's going to happen now, especially if he is bare indicatbarricaded.emotionally d. here is the credo for that.
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we take all the time necessary. there is no reason to rush it. there is no reason to force this thing to an unhappy conclusion. if he is indeed alone and they know he is in there, they have some indication that it's definitely him, they are going to go very far to try to talk him out first before anybody starts doing anything, you know, violent or kinetic is the term, sanitary term goes. the mcguffen in this, the thing that you can't really count on is him. we know he has a scope. may be a night scope. that's not clear. very clearly he likes to shoot. he also seems to be, you know, all in on this thing. this feels like somebody who is not going to go easily. so, this could get a lot worse before it gets better. let's hope for the best. >> laura: well, chris, people watching this tonight don't sometimes focus on the difference between state law enforcement and federal law enforcement and there are a lot of great people and state police and do incredible job. buff the feds have more technical, do they not?
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but this is not a federal case. this is being handled at the state level, chris. >> yeah. you are absolutely right. right now there is no indication of terrorism. it's likely that it's the highway patrol or state police with the tactical unit supported by the fbi and fbi negotiators. but we really don't know there are egos involved in these situations, too. i can't see the state police deferring to the feds when it's their primary jurisdiction. i suspect the fbi is going n. a support role. atf in a support role right now. i may be wrong about that. but i don't think so. >> laura: well, also, we have learned through various reports throughout the day, paul, that there was a note found at one of these residents that apparently is from him. not going to call it a manifesto, we don't know anything about it yet. this is part of a pattern as well in some of these shootings. they want to be famous. they want to be known for
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whatever deranged views they happen to have. what is the significance, perhaps, of that? >> well, as you said, we don't know the content of the note, and, you know, it gets us into very dicey area because you don't want to glamorize, this god knows. and, also, if the person is alive, it's evidence. one of the things that's going to go to that's very important and you just alluded to it, laura, is the motive. and if the motive takes you into a federal situation, now you have a different sort of case. if the manifesto, if we can call it that, is indicative of a political or ideological motive, you may have a terrorism charge. you can have a hate crime charge. the whole thing can turn. one of the things i would say is and as chris said you get egos and everything else, in a situation like this, generally cooler heads prevail. the mature heads prevail. i don't know who has the
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technology i think they are using the flir, that's the heat sensor. movement in the building of something they might not expect. federal, state, whoever it is, there is a task force set up there. somebody is making the call. i think they are going to do the right thing if it's him. but we just don't know. and the note could change the dynamic here significantly if it didn't present something like that. >> chris, in a situation like this. where he obviously has lots of family in the area, do authorities use family members -- doesn't sound good to say it that way. use them in their effort to reach out to him if, indeed, he is in that house? is that parts of the process here to get him to give himself up? >> well, it is certainly a tool in the tool bag. we don't know what kind of relationship he has with these family members. you know, if he, in fact, in there, then that's a tactic that they can use, of course. and they won't hesitate to use it. i think right now they are
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trying to determine if anybody is actually in that house. so, this is -- you know, again, this is maine. this is a compound. and i will tell you my mother grew up in maine. and they are very suspicious of law enforcement in general but especially feds. so, this could be a regular family member or it could be, you know, if there are family members nearby, they may not want to cooperate. they are being protected by the way by law enforcement in general. there have been domestic abuse -- there has been domestic abuse and restraining orders. we don't know by who. but he is a wild card. >> laura: paul, there are reports yesterday that he had access to watercraft, particularly and jet ski. now, why wouldn't he -- it's kind of odd, like you could use that to get away and you decide perhaps just go into your home or your family's property and hide in some trapped door, whatever the heck. talk about that for a moment.
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>> there a couple counter factuals embedded in that narrative. the car is abandoned about seven and a half miles from the shooting location, lewiston, in an area called lisbon, which is even smaller town than lewiston. it was abandoned very close to a boat ramp near the river that runs through there the river is very long. it runs into other states. he does have a boat that appears to be registered to him. some of the reporting says two. i haven't seen a confirmation of his ownership of the jet ski. counter factual, however, according to the reporting, the location that the boat ramp is saying the owners of the boat ramp is saying that there was no activity at that location. so, i don't know if that means there was a camera there and they didn't see him on the camera or what it is. it's a pretty simple, you know, 2 plus 2 equals 4. the car is there, abandoned. near the river. we know he has a boat. there is a boat ramp there. he is on the river. when you look at his social
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media, he has all kinds of shots of him on a river, not lakes, river. he is fishing on rivers. this guy is on the water, sunk the boat, ditched the boat some place, who knows, maybe he had another car stashed down river and is he in the wind. but that is starting to sound to me and feel to me as we learn more about his mental state is maybe a little too fanciful. and i think it may be more likely than not he is still in the area. i'm hopeful. we just don't know. we don't have enough facts. we are speculating. but it sounds like he was really living a slipping down life. there is reporting that he lost his job recently. i don't know that he had the -- just the composure to manage to pull off something like that. and i think he may be in the area either in the woods, hopefully in this location where they have him isolated. >> laura: all right, paul, chris, stay with us. i want to bring in ted williams former d.c. homicide detective. ted, i know you have been following all of the details. authorities were reportedly at
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card's home earlier today. so, you would think they go to the home, that's cleared. but they went back. what could have drawn them back? >> you know it could have been quite a few things that could have drawn him back and may very well have been a phone pinging at that home that could have led to them coming back. there may have also gotten the information from someone at the home who may very well be trying to assist him. it is rather strange because we know it was last night that this guy ditched his automobile there. and that was within about a 13-mile radius of his home there in bowdoin. no one certainly expected him to go back in that direction. there have been thoughts about maybe he was going to be out on his jet ski or he took a jet ski along one of those river ways.
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nobody knew. but i know that the coast guard certainly was following up on that. but then as you remember earlier this afternoon, we heard the loud bang, allegedly, in the area near his residence. i happen to believe that the authorities believe something and that they know a great deal more, of course and powers there with you can tell you they do and chris. and as a result of that, the information that they have, they may be trying to get him out of that home if he is there have it set up in a barricade like manner. >> laura: gentlemen, stay there. i want to go back to molly line who has new information on what is happening outside of card's house at this moment. mollie, what can you tell us? >> yeah, just a little more information that they're appealing directly to robert or anyone else in the house urging them to come out of the house if
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they are inside. you know, it's also worth noting throughout the day we have seen police in tactical gear particularly over in those areas lisbon area and beyond down south down in the area of where that family compound as it's been described as is located. multiple structures there in this area but they seem to be focused in one area property. mega phone directly appealing to robert to anyone else in the house. and they continue to urge come out, essentially peacefully to draw to a safe conclusion. and that's we're just waiting to hear more now and seeing, wondering how much more. trying to keep an idea of if assets are beginning to grow are a greater in that area and i will keep you posted on that, laura. >> laura: mollie, thank you. let's go back to chris swecker. chris, his mental state has been described by multiple people as severely deteriorating. over the last, you know, four or five months. i mean, fast. given that fact, do you believe
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that this yellow flag law in maine should have been in play. there wasn't an opportunity to remove firearms from his home given the fact that he was in the hospital, mental hospital for two weeks and other threats that he was making? >> i absolutely do. i think this -- paul talked about the yellow flag law. well, the only difference between that and a red flag law is that only a law enforcement authority can file the complaint. well, they can get information from other sources and go get the restraining order or gun repossession order, whatever it is called. i think case when we dissect it later, it's going to be a booming example of a systemic systemicfailure. they have systems.
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i have done consulting for fort hood for various crimes committed there and suicides and mental health was a big issue. the military has a system in place to either hospitalize or render somebody like that or do an intervention, if you will. so, they are not off the hook simply because they can't use civilian authorities and then those civilians that knew about his deterioration really should have said something. that's almost always the case with these mass shootings. >> one group doesn't talk to the next. and the dots aren't connected. chris, thank you. all right, let's go back to paul mauro. paul, there was reporting earlier today about the massive problem with mental health in our military in our society at large after covid and obviously the economy, difficult for a lot of americans right now. this may be opportunity for all of us including the u.s.
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military take a real serious look about what we are doing for our men and women in uniform and how we can better serve them and protect the public at the same time. >> so i would agree. i think this case imports a great number of those issues. i don't know what covid -- what effect that had on card. i suspect we are going to hear some narrative about him being isolated, et cetera. he did have access to the federal government. one of the things i always try to remind myself in situations like this. let's remember who the good guys are here. were there things missed? we may discover that in retrospect. let's hope people were trying to do the right thing. unfortunately the systems are never perfect. the yellow flag law is in place for a reason. it was considered to be almost a model for other states because it seemed to be working so well but obviously something here seems to have gone sideways, especially if he was making threats himself because that by
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definition is a law enforcement issue. and so, you know, it should have been surfaced. but, to your point, you are absolutely right. i saw it on the nypd. i was there through the covid years as we call them. and there was a great focus on the fact look, we had to come to work and we all did. what happened was people got covid. they couldn't leave their homes and people were quarantined and things like that. nypd made a pretty good effort to try to make sure people were kept an eye on. police department has come a long way regarding suicide prevention. embarrassed quiet way to take their guns things like that like to say more of that maybe in the military. the bottom line is we have a separate amendment. maine, new england tends to go blue. but they are very libertarian. and the second amendment is very strong up there you have a frontier culture. you have outdoors culture. unusual place. a lot of these issues come
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together in that area and i think we are going to see a lot of that examined in this case. >> laura: we're going to get to possible toxicology issues in a moment. but, ted, i want to talk to you about his sister who has made a comment that we can't confirm that he, perhaps, was looking for his girlfriend or ex-girlfriend at this bowling alley. does that sound like something that might have some validity to it given his reported state of mind? >> you know, laura, it may very well have some h validity. but i have studied these shootings overnight and into the day here and i have been wondering if we have a spree killer on our hands rather than a mass shooter. the dichotomy. mass shooter will normally go into one location and shoot that place up.
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a spree shooter will go into multiple locations, shoot the place up, escape, and cool off and later go and try to kill again and as a result of that, with the fact that this man or robert card went to two different locations could very well be that we have a spree shooter on our hands. and it may not be that he went to a bowling alley looking for his ex-girlfriend. because, remember what we know. we know that he shot up the bar and grill and then he left there and he went to the bowling alley and he shot up that place then he goes down the highway in his car and ditches his car in lisbon, maine there. and that is the last that is seen of him. so, i think the authorities have
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been deeply concerned about the fact that he may act again. and that's part of their investigation, i'm sure, laura. >> laura: well, paul, i brought the issue up of what kind of medication he may have been on. illegal drugs. legal medication for depression, anxiety. we have been asking for the uvalde shooter's toxicology report for years now. still haven't gotten that. would that, perhaps, be relevant here? and, again, we are moving forward into this after he is taken. how concerned are you about that? >> i think certainly, look, he did a pretty long stent under observation. two weeks is a long time. i can tell you here in the city, we would get people people hearing voices maybe not taking their meds. you would take them to the facility, hospital, usually give them fluids, take their meds. cut them off.
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resources just not there two weeks a long time. i suspect that the military was probably involved. it was probably -- he probably accessed that insurance. and i wouldn't be shocked at all. in fact, i would almost expect that we are going to hear he had meds. he didn't take them or he had stopped taking them because he didn't like the side effects. you always see that and, you know, it's just antidotal observation i'm going to make now because you have image up on screen. is he a lot thinner in the video stills from when he enters the bowling alley than he looks in that driver's license photo. one of the gripes that the mentally ill always have about the meds is that it makes them gain weight. and if he is very, very slim, again, just speculation, but if is he down 20, 30 pounds for some reason, you know, it could be that he is off his meds. so, i think that's very common. the problem is, once again, it becomes very hard to enforce this. there salah in new york, kendra's law that came out of
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the fact that somebody who wasn't taking their meds pushed somebody in front of a subway car. it's tough to enforce, rigmarole. people lawyer up. they don't like it. everybody is trying to do the right thing. but the bottom line is you really don't have the levers. >> laura: well, our recover from, gentlemen, actually just got footage of the authorities making this announcement moments ago. let's listen very carefully. >> anybody inside the residence we would like to speak with you. walk outside. front of the truck in the driveway with your hands up. >> laura: it was kind of difficult to hear there. you get the gist. come out with nothing in your hands. ted, the grievance that seems to always be intertwined with mental illness and these types of mass shootings, one of the common characteristics of mass shooters the "l.a. times" has an interesting piece about this
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today there is imbedded sense of grievance, they lost their job, they lost their girlfriend. and they're acting out out of some type of grievance or early childhood trauma sometimes how likely is it that that's part of what is going on here? >> that's certainly going to be part of the investigation. but i think we have to go with what we actually know at this time and what we know at this time is that this guy, card, spent at least two weeks in a mental institution that he wanted to shoot up a base that he had what i could find as 5% cushion complex and that is that he believed that everybody was against him and when you look at that fact, and the fact that he was a firearms instructor and that he had access to guns. that in and of itself, laura is
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a very dangerous concoction. but, here it was -- and this is what law enforcement is faced with there at that door right now. at some stage or another, after talking for so long, they are going to find a way to breach and to go in there. they are not going to let it remain a barricade. we just have to watch what law enforcement is doing on that scene. but i have to believe that they know a lot more about what is going on and, perhaps, his location than we -- than they are letting on as to the public at this immediate time. >> laura: all right. i want to go back to molly line who has new information. the activity at card's house. mollie? >> just a little tid bit there is a chopper there circling fairly low. coming down lower altitude than it before. they apparently stopped yelling in the loud speaker in the
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direction of this home in the direction of this property. but they are clearly keeping an eye on it. once again, there is no indication specifically that they know for certain that robert card is in this house or in this building. but it just appears that from cautionary they are asking if this individual is in there, if anyone is in there to come out and trying to make reassurances. once again, that conversation part of it stopped about 10 minutes ago. and now the chopper has come down and is there and circling in the area, keeping an eye on things. we are waiting to see if this turns into something more. right now keeping an eye on that property for sure. laura? >> laura: mollie, thank you. bring us more as you get it. i want to bring in randy sutton retired las vegas police lt.. you have been watching all of this. the chopper circling again they returned to this property after they already visited it earlier today. what is this signaling? >> well, that means they must have some additional information that makes them want to come back.
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now, the curiosity that i have is do they have a search warrant yet? because that would be the next step. there are certain things that would go in to the surveillance of this house. having the air unit there,, is very very important. the officers on the perimeter. now, the personnel that is around this house right now are they patrol people? are they the swat teams? remember, there is a lot of resources being thrown at this, including probably the fbi hostage rescue team has probably been offered. i don't know if they have taken that. or, swat teams from the state police. now, if that's the case, then they have a lot of technology at their disposal to try and determine if this individual is in there and, if so, what part of the house is he? remember, when making an entry
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into a property like this, into any house, is exceedingly dangerous for law enforcement. you know, they -- the doors and the windows are the fatal funnels is what they're called, because they, of course, you know, in order to breach the house, they have to go in at some point of entry. and it's usually a door and it's usually there is a stack of -- >> laura: randy, hold that thought for one second. i'm so sorry to interrupt. mollie has some information on the point you just raised on the search warrant. mollie, what can you tell us? >> very wise. randy just about called it here. this is from the public information there at the department of public safety. law enforcement officials are currently there at that meth meadow road location in the town of bowdoin to execute several search warrants. the announcements being heard over the loud speaker describing them as about safety being involved. that it is unknown whether robert card is actually in any of the homes that law enforcement are looking to
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search but law enforcement officials are simply doing their due diligence. they are tracking down every lead and effort to locate and apprehend card. the announcements being heard are standard search warrant announcements when executing a search warrant aiming to secure that safety is involved for everyone. there you go randy called it. they got their search warrants and trying to get some work done over there in that area along meadow road where those family properties are. >> laura: i can't imagine if they didn't have a search warrant already, randy. i mean, i mean, this is a fast moving situation. but did you learn anything new about this situation given the fact that this was an exigent public health and public security situation developing so that gives them the authority to go in. >> well, yeah, exactly. buff the fact that they do have the search warrant, that gives them the legal ability to do it without having to -- you know, if you go in just on exigent circumstances then the burden of proof, should they take him into
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custody, the burden of proof is on the state. if there is a search warrant, 9 burden of proof changes. because the search warrant -- so if they're building a case against this individual. having the search warrant is critical for a possible prosecution later on down the road. but let's get to the meat and potatoes of making an entry into a property like this. that's why i'm curious as to the personnel that are in place. you know, it is generally -- especially when you are talking about the possibility of an armed suspect, they are not going to be, you know, road troopers or road deputies that are going in. unless they are really serious exigent circumstances. it would be a, specifically trained swat team that is equipped with the proper equipment northbound to make an entry that is higher level ballistic vests. higher level shields. so that the safety of the officers -- >> laura: we just found out, randy, the main authorities said
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it is not clear whether he is present in any of the properties that they are currently at. and surveilling. hold on, let's go back to heard that they don't know where he is. i mean, it seems like so far, at least right at this moment, this is a guessing game and maybe some good guesses here, but they don't know. >> you know, it's like a needle in a hay stack but one of the things that all of our guests know, when you have a barricade situation like this, laura, you have dogs and you have robots, you can send those -- a dog in there first before you even gain entrance in there. so it's kind of confusing for them to be hollering come out, come out. that's understandable. but at some stage or another, with the sip warrant, they are going to send either dogs or animals or a robot in there
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before they, themselves, go in, if they believe he's there. but this is like a needle in the hay stack. this guy could be anywhere. and he may not even be in the area there. and he could very well now be outside the perimeter that they have set up, meaning law enforcement. >> laura: paul, at what point, go back to paul moira for a moment, paul at what point would they go in if they believed that he was going to kill himself, as many of these mass shooters do at the end. >> well, quite frankly, i don't think that they're going to risk a life and limb on the part of law enforcement if they think he's going to kill himself because it's going to be very, very hard to tell that. you know, if he's holding a gun to his head or something like that, they see that, he can obviously change his mind. generally the mindset in something like this, when you don't have hostages, he's in there by himself, he's isolated, he's contained and the area is controlled, and that's a key
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point here because we know they have the helicopter up top, that's there to make sure again, they don't know this compound, they have a search warrant i assume it's for the whole location, they may have a consensual as well from the family that's not clear. he was apparently living with relatives so they would be in position to give the consensual. bottom line it's better to wait him out if you can. that can get very resource intensive, very tire some, and that's where you get the hostage negotiation people in place. a hostage negotiator doesn't necessarily have to be deployed just if there's a hostage. you can get somebody who's going to try to sweet talk them out of there. generally you're going to take all the time you need to get to a peaceful resolution. >> laura: at some point they know he is going to have to sleep and that will play into all this as well. paul, ted, randy, thank you all for being with us. that's it for us tonight. stay with fox all night long for the breaking coverage. jesse takes it from here. ♪
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