tv Gutfeld FOX News October 31, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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because it's a teaching moment for the rest of th fore we have a huge fentanyl problem in this country. we have a nighprm t problem. we have this huge problem. we have a huge addiction problem, alcohol addiction, drug now, legal sports betting. watch. nos, i'm wrong. that's going to get out of control. addiction is insan thate in thisy. country and we don't do anything to stop it on our border don to stop. >> but i got to roll. thank you both. that's the point i was going to make. >>int i woour borders are wide n right now. >> all right. unfortunatel.y that's all the time we have left this evening. please set your dvr so never miss an episode. before we go, a couple bedprogramming notes heade back to the capital wednesday for an exclusive show with the house speakeday fourr and so other top gop lawmakers. live audience show thursday ticketp gos free. hannity let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld puts a smile. >> this is a fox news. i'm jonathan hunt, live in jerusalem.
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the israeli army just announcing it's killed a hamas commander who, quote, directed of the october 7th attacks on israel. the idf says his elimination significantly harms hamas efforts to disrupt israel's ground operation. it comes as israeli ground forces pushed deeper into gaza, advancing both tanks and other armored vehicles. the idf also rescued one of its own, a female soldier who had been held hostage since hamas stormed israel on october 7th. prime minister benjamin netanyahu once again rejecting growing calls for a cease fire. >> the united states would not agree to a cease fire after bombing of pearl harbor or after the terrorist attack of 9/11. israel will not agree to a cessation hostilities with hamas after the horrific attacks of october seventh. >> the u.s. government also voicing opposition to a cease
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fire, saying it would benefit hamas. but with the war now in its fourth week, american officials are pushing to get more much needed aid into gaza. the more than 2 million people living there are short on both food, fuel and medical supplies. >> i think this first phase that we talk to the israelis about is, trying to get it up to about 100 a day, but that's a that's a first goal. we know that that even that which is a dramatic improvement over where we are right now is still not going to be enough. so we're going to let it go. we're not going to drop it. we're going to continue to try to see what we can do to to increase that volume. but initially it's about 100 a day. >> and the last us charter flight to help bring americans home will leave today v, i'm jonathan hunt in jerusalem. >> now back to gutfeld. i'm right. thank you.
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so sit down. sit down, sit. ream >> so as the mainstream media obsesses over the republicans, speaker, chaos, they're just as happy to ignore, ignore. ignore, ignore, ignore. ignore. a far deeper divide among the dems. dems.and all it took was 1400 d. israelis to bring it to light. so let's have an adulte an adu conversation, shall we? i know what you're thinking. on, shalthat means no jokes. well, wait. now we've been told all these years that the ultral thesyears progressives like this squad are a fringe among the left. the l nut bags like aocd ra and rashida tlaib don't really represent. the dems are going. they're just some socialist special sauce on the bigares. of progressive policies. they might be a little spicy, tht. hey wouldn' the meal. well, now it's clear that special sauce was rancinow spiked with child hormones and fentanyl, and the meat was anythingwirmones fentany kosher
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you knew all along, didn't you,o america? you coulu kn along, d see wherer the democratic party's energy was a party once for the workinatnergy wag class sudy became all about protest pronouns and pigmentation where schools taught the three r's of rioting, ransacking the thr. and screaming racism. and so, unlike the shocked unlis you just can't believe undergrads are painting swastikas on walls. believeyou're congrats dems. cr you created thisat monster. ance and you're right. fact is, the dems tolerance for some of the world's most som discredited ideas has left them running a daycare to aideas gaf of screaming, uncontrollable monster children who to. be ignored and who still champion socialismey are s has o one ever taught the squad the result of the cold war that america became the lead nation on earth while the soviet union became ann ear answer on jeopardy! and justje the $200 answer at that traffic over the berlin wall was one way for a reason soviet soviet socialism work and it hasn't anywhere.
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socialism transformed venezuel a from a wealthy oil exporter to a broke and starving oil importer a where they barely hag enough fuel to barbecue animals from the caracas . >> no person is illegal is another infantile progressive chestnut. translated, it means america. you not only don't deserve bor a border. you don't deserve a country. and then, of coursder, t deserve, was defunding the police that went over about as well as a kosher deli on the gaza strip. well, a lot of older dems who knew the prods turned tur america's cities into overtaxend crime scenes. new york, chicago, san fran, philly, they're aldl faster that a buffet table. >> backstage at the viewha. but like a third grader who claims the dog ate his homework, the new left have a built in excus e for their failed ideas. white supremacy, yet white supremace supry is why we can'ts safe cities, a strong border or a cvs where nyquil, a stro isn'. lock and key. and yeah, it's also wh
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y can't have israel? guess what? jews. they see you as whites e even ifu don' you don't. true, jews are now seen as parto the white majority that seeks to dominate people of color. how didominated this happen?of well, their success. rac who needs a race baiting whenex. you excel? >> the irony, of course, is that this race baitingdustry is what keeps the rest from i excelling when they label you a one victim. you become one. instead, you should be emulating jews and not hating them. but by allowing the anti-semite lobby to hooallowingk cause to m and embracing the oppressed versus oppressor. th the dems most energized voterse are now replacing che guevara posters with hamas action figures. you've seen the videos, posters of jewish hostages torn down jews, assaulted in cities, so-called intellectuals exhilarated by mass murder. we l but we all got used to seeing those videos on the history channel. they look different in color now from seven days ago instead of seven decades. seveso as we enter the election
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season, moderate and really jewish democrats seaso have to k themselves, do i remain at a party that's decided israel, tha a white supremacist nation that must be destroyed, accordin be deg to the american enterprise institute? the jewish vote in 2020 went to joe jew biden over donald trump by a margin of 3 to 1. apology accepted jewish voters.d but can that hold next year for those who woke up two weeks ago to find themselves called by those who own their party's future?futu even the new york times wondered how jewisre?h leadersjh feel about their ideological allies, seeing the ll aboum opps who deserve the blame. joel simon is a progressive dirc rabbi and founding director of the jewish center for justice, summedtor of tsh cente it up qul the silence is deafening and it is a betrayal on so manyen . jd now a former liberal captures what this meansnd the ground. journalist barry weiss recently wrote about a political reawakenin barryg and the mass emergence from a woke slumber, and she points to a democrat venture capitalist who admitted what we alreadye kr
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knew. >> trump's looking better and better as a democrat who has been left homeless. is now definitely in the center, but probably leaning increasingly right and left yet again with an appreciation. despite the messenger of the message of the trump administration. and because what those guys did was pretty incredible hindsight . >> yeah, it was incredible forwa a bunch of russians incr spies. but the fact is, the further we get away from trump's previous presidency, the closer he gets the next one. wise adds, quote, when black lives matter organizations are lionizing islamist terrorists by posting a paraglider logizationso, you't fool not to reassess things. so dem ts. soun that ominous sound you hear in the distance, it's not hears not ereric swalwell. >> it may be the great. reassessment jewish voters find themselves targeted by the same frenzied who pulled down
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statues, burned down cities and attacked the policbue. will they stick with the rabble who sees them as just another white who hates them for being a marginalized group that marginalize itself? or will they jump to the partyts that has its own share own s ofa at least believes in borders and law and order? and believes that israel has a right to exist without being subjected mass murder.m wl my advice to them would be get out come here. here. >> the water's fine and it's safe right away. let's tonight's guestswe fans see his act can right up their tickets as a charitable donation tickets . r of t founder of the leftist particle, michael lufthe is she so sassy she'll make you gassy?s fox news anchoy.r julie banderas . if you don't honor his wishes, you'll swim with the fishes. formerhe fishe mob capo and nowr
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and motivational speaker michael francis. d he i and he invented timenv travel, knocking someone into next week. "new york times" best selling ne and former nwa world heavyweight yo m >> as a homeless abandoned by society, then raised by wolves. yes. what advice would you give to jewisn yoh leaders who feel r abandoned by their left-wing allies? >> they keep lt wi standing up,t lose faith. keep standing up for what ist is right because eventually righg in.thes pourin and that's what's happening to to these journaliste s, righ. who are just like, oh, my goodness. yep. ke oh mytrump was right. where was things were better off? and it's like just stay. and that's why these kids are ripping down the posters over the place. they don't want the reminder of reality.
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they want to livreality. e in their fantasy world where, oh, we're the underdog and we're fightinwg . listen, we're in the middle of the longest game of. i tolde middle so right now in american history. everybody. it was going to go offn. the rails with biden. it's just a matter of how bad it is.americ it's like america's a beautiful car. trump had . goinga we were all like that new paint job maga on the license plate. >> and then they're like, we should let biden drive. and we're like , no, right, right. yeah. ded he's parking in ukrainright got dead in the back. there's cocaine everywheren th. >> it's so true. it's like we can't let trump drive. he's so rude trump drive, right? >> he owns the law. you have to lie at the barely comatose dude to drive right?toi i got documents. documents? herevei've g, hunter, keep it dn put the gag back in or. oh, julie, it feels likedemocr
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democratic party is abandoning everyone except the woke. >>s abandoeveryone they're not e anybody left. >> you're absolutely right. they certainly don't have the entire jewis are abs h leftthey.ation you're talking about keeping up the good fight before you keep befo keet switch switch parties. it is time to switch parties. if you're jewish and you are apn american or you're jewish american, you got to switch parties because your democratiiu they do not have your back. those elected officialenve yous that say that they're fighting for you, all these jews that are actually fighting for all these democratic causes, forget about it. throw in the towel. b, first of all, a a is an anti-semitic ilhan omar, anothenti-another democratic rat leader. both of these women have basicallleadery led down this pt and they have been anti-semitic since before this war in 22. lieb, in fact, was lashed out fo r doing something anti-semitic on twitter. so as far as i'm concerned, the democratic party has lost or should lose every in america. >> lose mm oh, by michael, good o see you. used to be in the mob, and now
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you're a motivational speaker. i'm dying to know how you motivate people to do the right thing or else as exactly. >> it'd be a shame if you don'tm take my advice. so what do you make of biden'swh handling of thingsat so far?k t >> it doesn't look good. greg, i can tell you this. t criminal career.d ha it should have been 25 yearsve later than what it was back the yearslater n. e if we were. you know, i tell people all the time, you know, there's defunding the police. when i was on the street, you know, giuliani indicted me on a big casgiule if he would he come to me and said, michael, don't worry about anything. you know, if you get in troubl e ,you know, you're going to get bail, no problem. are only going to give you mayb will gie six months in prison. do you think i would have went straight at that point? i would have said, heypoint?, t you. i would have been a worse criminal. i just cannot understandcrimina. for these p the life of me what these people are thinking. yeah. i mean, you know . you kn, you knowi am what it is to, you know, the i'm married to a mexican woma marrixican eight years, he, the latinos are starting to understand it.
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latinoi have many african-amerin friends. they're starting to see it now. unfortunatelafrican-americanrie a war in israel, too. they're starting to see it. this is alst tosee l crazy stuf. >> yeah, everybody's coming around. everybody isou andgiuliani indicted you, right? yes. and he wrote the foreword wrotthe forw. >> well, that's what i said. that's beautiful to me. >> that supposed the word oracle. >> he ? s not in law enforcement anymore. so now he's on the street. now i can tell him what to do. and i'm like, all right, tyrus ,what do you what is your advice for? >> jews who are still in themocr democratic party? i haveaticarty none. >> yeah, i would just be like, what else do you need? yeah, but they. the democrats. it's not the democrats is socialism. you got to start calling what they are. the marxist socialists are vere good at convincing us of the group. it's the group if you leavusemen the group, there's something wrong with you. republicans have always been about individual achievementg wn you do your thing, you maker your money, you build your stuff, you make sure
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you try to build generational wealth for your familyal wealt. the jewish community did that as a group, which a everything the democrats stand for because they have the groups that need never g to depend on them, why they never get anything. and the greatest their greatest partner for a long time was us,p the blacartnerk. they keep telling us there's all this stuff out there for you, but they're not going to let you have itis stuff theyt stick with us. we're going to fight until you get it. oh, we're still fighting because that our word, it's so racist out there. it iit's hard to get you guys stuff. so stick with us. while they continued to their wealth. bernie, he's got three mansions. he's socialism. how's that work? he wdohow does get to hang out . can i have a room? he'd be like, no, his security would throw me out. so this war, what happened wase they've been in this beautiful country called america where there was no real problems merica. you could invent stuff. you could call everybody in this audience racist and would all apologiz stu cal e for it. there was nothing real that happened. there was no check system. ththere was no one to say.
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i have a question. what about this? we just got a bin g. what happened in israel? and they thought they could do what thed in isry do is attack the majority, attacked the normal of thinkingeating by creating racist. it's poor palestinians r, poor hamas. the jews were the oppressors. there was no a if there waths there the day they invaded, they would have got there. ye s they would have made it. leave yeah. you know, but they leave that common sens thae, truth,ut, virtue, those are all things that they don't needl things bee they deal in drama, in making things up. and that's how woke did woke num didn't have numbers. they tricked us on twitter. they trickedthey t. ers? now, why do they want open borders? because they need numbers. they need soldiers they need. volunteers. but as people come in, they can as yearseventualor a few because eventually the immigrants that come in are here for the i what individualac achievement? they left the group not to join anothehiev r. gro and that's what they're about as the group and the and the jewish people represenup wishtmost group that they despise the most because there's no anat thee theyy don't need themr
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anything. yeah, they built their own communities from ashesything.. they when that when they are in communities in trouble they fundraise they build generational fund ra theilth their families build to a socialist democrat that the worst thing ever so and that's why they're so against them. >> there you g are so. right. if the jewish in the audience ever get to oh, god, forgivee j. all right. up next, will ufc fans fights while guzzling bud light? >> do you struggle, fall asleep and stay asleep? >> tune off, sleep support has a unique blend of five key ingredients that can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer so you can wake up refreshed. qnol the brand i trust. >> welcome to your dream home. we're giving away this fully furnished four bedroom, three and a half bath right here in the heart of middle america. sign up today at one country icon.
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. forward slash life dash insurance. protect those who matter most va life insurance. k. ome bac oh, this is great. this is great. >> well, men who get kicked in the face, bud light saving grace. it's true. bud is trading in the trans forr millionsad of ufc fans. ufc has announced they reached a multi-yeared a deal, hundreds of millions of dollars for bud
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light to become their official sponso br. a move sure to disappoint dylan mulvany, who was counting on anotherint dylaey w light chy for that gold lamé jockstrap. i thought that would land. of course, it's been a rough year for bud light following the mulvaney mess. the the dinosaurs actually had a better year after the meteor hit, sales took a nosedive amidn boycotts after an ill fateosd partnership with mulvaney, which proved pairing beer with a trans spokes madeth the as much sense as putting tampons in the boys bathroom, yt which webster is also thought was a good idewokea. and now some fans are already calling for a boycott of ufc. boycottbut as ufc ceo dana whih noted, while fans might notitfa lovens mig it, the move wasn't t about the money. >> i know people are were upset with what they did, but i'm looking at all but i the good ty that they do. you know, they employ 65,000 americans. they have thousands of vets that work for them have . wiey spend $700 million a year
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with us farmers usingth their crops to their products. >> did you know that when there's big disasters, they shut the plant down a and they turn it into a water bottling facility and theyillion bottles like 100 million bottles of water that they've sent bottles out to disaster ar >> this i'm going to focus t on the good that they do. >> there you go. so now boycott the club. >> that's for me, actually. boycotts are not this deal at least shows that as they pivot from mulvaney to mma a, anheuser-busch is rediscovering its core values. the most importantanheus one, of course, is avoiding bankruptcy. also, itf course shows they leas expensive lesson that when you swing too far toen you s th, you're going to have to swing pretty far to the other side. thebut also, don't insult your customers. people like your beer because pe a lot of it and not get drunk. >> sorry, julie. it's notsorry, j because a dude and woman face endorsed it. and most of alfal can still fina your after hiring someone who tucks theirs in.
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well, i that why should people be upset about this? they should be saluting anheuser-busch for coming to their senses. >> i say this is good. i hate cancel culturtheir .e so. so i good for good for ufc. u they probably would have been better off going with like cosmo because of the affiliation with dylan mulvaney. is that her name? yeah. has hiey her m. whatev whatever. but no, i think it's good for them. i'm glad that they've moveer.d. and bud lighamt is anany. american company, but i just want to put this on the recordim right here. you made a mistake. i don't drink beer. nokeink be, i never drink beer.. it makes you bloated. it's disgusting. and i do gusting. not drink haven i also haven't drank in two i weeks. congratulations. thank you very much. well done. it wasn't on purpose. i goasn't like i trying to get sober. >> i got rsv. but then i decided while i wasts sick, i'm like, hey, i haven't had a drink in ten days. this is like a trend this so i'm going to keep going. you are the real hero. and then your heroine goesg. much. >> yeah. s for
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all right, then. i have always said aa is for quitters, but i'm going to try it. quitteoing >> ha ha ha ha. mike, i think this is now. they always say if you go woke,o you go broke. but now if you go own woke, maybo one you'll go on broke. >> well, listen, i happen? to agree with what dana said, and i believe in second chances. i've. had second or third orsecond fourth chances myself. so i believe in that. d and fos myselfand i'm not rear drinker. i'm more of a wine drinker. a matter of fact, >> a wine in my name. it's wine. well, you should try it sometime. well, sometime in the future, fr yes. >>e. i wonder if i don't, he'll kill me. but, you know, look, i would. i'm not a beer drinker, but i drink blue moon. si i drink bud light. but i haven't had a bud light since all this stuff started. souf i'm kind of glad that hei i came back. i mean, i like tgive him a second chance. and, hey, it is ans an a american company. they do a lot of good thingsric so. >> hey, we give it a shot. t do you see other companiesm revertina shg back their core mission like disney and target and, well, victoria's secret,
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they're going back to hot chicks. >> we figured out real, real quick. out it figured that until we figured out real quick that chubby guysreal with beard and makeup and will sell to anybody. >> yeah, the small group, i guess. listen, this. i'm with this on two fronts.s ot one, it let'wos remember, you can't sink the whole ship because one idiot couldn't drive. you know what i'm saying? what i'like it was one. remember that? oh, it's a little fattery. that and it was an equity hire. that's the real lesson that i hope they learned. right. we don't we need to make that bigger. >> yeah. and that was the mistake. >> one person go t on there with these great ideas and everyone else went and played golf. and when they came back from golf they ca, she ruined the compan. >> i t it's true. so what do they do? >> because here's the thing. bud light still is with the nfl. they're stilh thl nba when you o to events and stuff. so i'm a beer drinker and, so
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i never was. i used to do that, but i had an orange bud light. it was phenomenal. i it in the summertime during the day. and your kids would be like, dad, is that soda? the hat . su but and then when that happened, we dropped it and bue t the reason whynothin i dropped it and most people had nothing to do with it was because it wast. a man and woman face. and that'd be like me drinking something that stern wasr selling after he had blackface on. yeah. you know, i'm saying, like blac. and that's what i equate it to. now, the lesson is this. and yos thisu go walk, you go b, you come back to america, you get you get paid. and sopaid everyone needs a bee. ufc good for them. dana white laid out the world we and hopefully redemptione someon they figure out. and the next time someone comes in, the board meeting goes, hey, theg an i this great equit, they throw beer bottles at him and get him out of there. >> yeah, it's so it feels like a true apology to the bud drinkers, right? that's how it's supposed to look. s how itupposed and that's whaty about it. oh, does it? i do. it does? yeah. a love life. that homeless woman of americia
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. yes. that bleeds red, white and blue. yeah. and subaru red, white as. listen, i just think, like budcs light made this colossal mistake. pulse and now, like, their first impulse was like, oh, i know what these rubes wanwat. tic we'll throw some. remember that super patriotic ad they did? yeahid. >> it was like we're are a america dalmatians and slow da and that. it >> and then that didn't work because it was so obvious. so now they're, going for a ufc, what's the most fight in this route to this manliest sport we can get behind? >> you know, and it that's res what i don't think. they respect the people who enjoy the product. oh, i disagree, michael. and i'll tell you, when somebody agrees with you, just agree with them. i mean, they're they're admitting they're wrong. and now you're jus.t being a big baby. >> they're not they're not baby. that's fine. but i want to get my way,. yes. milli yeah. $100 million. yes. as an answeron that's what andji i just said yeah. >> we up, you know. there you go bleep.
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lowsext, college kids hit new lows by supporting israel's . >> if you'll be in the new york area i'm like tickets to see gutfeld go to slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio audience. i'm jonathan larson here to tell you about life insuranc a fixede through the cl pen program. pen program. >> if you're age 50 to looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, the threeice piece what are the three p's, the three ps of life insurance on a fixed budge a prict are p, price and price. for a price you can afford a price$9 that can't increase and a price that fits your budget. >> i'm 50 four. my pr >> what's my price? you can get coverage foric $9.95 a month. >> i'm 65.$9.95 a and take medications. what's my price? >> also 995 a month. >> also 995 a month. i just turned.
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feet running, jumping, playing and feet. my entire family loves practice cruiser. they're warmer than wool, softer than cashmere. they whip moisture. >> plus they're thermal regulating. save 20% on your first order at pack when the world a much cozier place. >> this is a fox news alert. i'm jackie ibanez live in new york. the fbi is investigating anti-semitic threats targeting jewish students at cornell university. the online messages prompting police to guard a jewish center and kosher dining hall at the school. new york governor kathy hochul visited the school monday, telling students police will find those responsible. but i want to know they're not alone, that they have the state of new york backing them. why? we have our state police here. i'm presence will be increasing our security opportunities as well. no one should be afraid to walk from their dorm or their dining hall to a classroom. >> that is a basic right.
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there have been demonstrations at college campuses since the israel-hamas war started, with both jewish and muslim students complaining of a lack of support. i'm jackie ibanez. now back. gutfeld for all of your headlines. log on to >> yes, we're back. college kids carry watern in support of civilians slaughter it seems idiot's latestn slaugh error in defendis terror. anti-israel college studentss walked out of classrooms across the country to show support for gaza amid the israel war. the walkout left college and structure in the awkward a position of having to brainwash eachwk other instead. >> these stupid pieces of sayng their an end to the us backed siege in gaza.t th they also want their american universities to cut ties with weapons that provide arms to israel. because when hamas busts intwead a few hundred houses
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and slaughters everyone for being jews, the worst thing that could happeughterseveryon t of self-defense. >> as one organizer told "teen vogue", yeah, your number one source for lip glossmber one in leftist insurgency. >> their goal is to disrupt iny to day complicity on american college campuses. compe can't stay silent about this. yes. if they stay silen. t on.u well, aside from when you ask them who will hireas their pathetic once they graduate. too bad hamas doesn't hold job fair on their campus. >> but i say let them walk out.k better yet, keep walking tilinl your fee t wet. >> then keep going. so. so, michael. r >> do you have any advice for>>i these kids? you know, i don't get it d't ge you know, does it start in the house? i mean, i have seven kids. i haveids, fivfive daughters, t. they watch fox news because this is what we do in the house. you know, we brought them up a certain way. mm-hmm. but, you know, i think it has to have something to do with the parents. and then obviously, these professors. are going out
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of their mind. and i think these young kids, they want to they want to be with the underdog. but they don't realize who the underdog is in this place. and if we got the hedge chopped oft f and got burned and horribe thing, i don't know what they're thinking. w. ey areo yeah, you know what they're not thinking. they're not thinking tigers >>e believe that this is ae th hysteria, a brainwasish that has been cultivated for years. >> it's just it's not. we keep trying to, like, solve e the riddle of stupidity. >> yeah. you know, i'm saying, like, hat i'm it's just their spoiled this is the result of successful. u you end up with uninformed, spkoned brats who thinen they can just jump on anything because what? there's never any consequences. therthey can every time they see a show. if everyone cheers, let's make it wars because they're stupid. if everyone cheers for luke skywalker, they're the two in the back of the arms cars going. >> i like vader, but it's just who they are. like they.hing they say things. everyone pays attention to them, and they do things an ttentions. y thin
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they think there's no consequences. the three that rippeke is ndctu the pictures off, they can't believe that they're in trouble. >> yeah. what i do,ofelieve in trou i do anything wrong.elu you're. you're making me feel unsafe now. they have because they're. is >> and it is the parents. because the parents didn't dtheo parenting. they were their buddies and their friends. and the support system were buan. and whenever they got in trouble, it was the other guy's fault. yeah the. no, i recently was at ay ch restaurant with my children. and this. this came in with her child and she was like, what would you like? do you like. i don't like anything here. >> let's go somewhere else. and she was like, well, let me look at my gps. >> and i just yelled out, loselr ,loser. >> i was like, that kid. ever that kid. you guys ever see that kid anywhere? you're like, no, becauseseidanyo you do, you know what to do. >> yes, dad, we do. >> i'm afraid to ask. so, loftis, you know what kills me is that they act like not going to class l is a sacrifices yes. if they really believed in thiad ,they would actually take
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on some kind of hardship for. ph it's like you want to put themem on a bus and introduce them to a bunch of likeand in vietnam vets. right. somebody who really went . through some horrible and then. >> okay, so that's what this guy did. he sacrificeguy did. everything. he came back without a leg and was wounded. tell him what you dite them whd >> tell them what you did when you hit the fan. i walked out of calculus calculus and then and then i went back late. i was la >> i was. i was late when i went back and did not take. >> yes. they act like the collegeacke is going to cast a checks. anyways. >> right. stupid. yeah. you know, juliet, thes e. these kids are making themselves undesirable. it's like, where j making are they going to work? >> except maybe for you. i wouldn't even hire them.lf you know, i wouldn't hire myself. so that's like these kids are. >> it's. and it's sad because this is our education system. this
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is we are raising to behe the future of america, which is extremely futur sad. and quite frankly, none of these idiots have have. anyp can't afford to miss any partar of school. they need to be in school because they are uneducated, but unfortunately because of theirluse they on education,e teachers, it's the teaching staff. it's theeaching staff. culture l our public schools. it starts in high school. in fact, it startsc elementary school because we need to teach our children about being transat . >> and then this is what happened. no, it's actually getting it's getting earlierthey hav and earlier because they know that they got to get the kids when they're young. >> this is a result. our education system, not educating our youth. >> we noe. ing them garbag >> and then they're going out there and believing, all right ,from driverless cars to a hungry bear, we got local news beyond compare. hi, i'm alejandro, founder of montebello. we're on a mission to make the world's best fitting pair of jeans. our signature have dynamic stretch to provide flexibility, and we have thousands five star reviews
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magazine, chet van janzen. >> and now here's chet. >> yes. thank you. it's local news where each shara guest has to share a story from wherever they're fro story fm. >> and then i vote on a winner, and that person gets to we interrupt gutfeld for this breaking news. >> chet jansen has beens been stripped of his grittiest man award after being spotteed od n possibly drunk on the streets of londog n. >> this after van jansen was caught several times here in the u.s. attempting feats of of public. >> when later asked why why hhe traveled all the way to england for his latest stunt, he replied, quote, because everhey should get to se this body, not just america. alsost, didn't know you weren't allowed to do that here. we'll keep you updated on this storallowe here.y. >> we learn now back to gutfeld. wellck to ille, another tough br chet. anyway, local news, tyrus,t. i want you to go first. >> gee, lucky me.
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yeah, well you know, this one is a bittersweet one. i'm kind of i have some issues with this. e is with thall right, so medfot $1,000,000 right there on a lottery tickette that he didn't know. he lost it and his house cleaner fount d lottery ticket and gave it to him by. hey, i think this is worthi thin something. so he cashed it in. right. and he took the quick pay, which $650,000 after taxes. you got to love biden-nomics and 150 k gone. >> he told the lottery he'll use some of that money to help a friend and he also plans to donate some to charity. >> but nowhere in there does this individual break off the main group. and this is sometimes kids. >> it's not always right. to be honest, you're like, you're cleaning up and you pick up the face and you find the lottery ticket. lonow, i have suffered under thm because if it was in my household, the way it works, if i because i don't do laundry. we've established that break.
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establis.y. do laundr but there is this rule. anything i leave in my pocketsny is fair game.ld hav so i will have lost thousands of dollars. in some cases various pounds of $2 bills. so in my house, be like $1,000,000 lottery ticket, i would have came home to a no. yeah. sonote i just i feel like he's t his little money, but he should have broke off the maid. >> he should have broke up. yes. >> loftis, i would say you're going to do a story from your home, but you're homeless, america is my home. >> yes, right. in the real. the >> but my belongings in a. burlap. yes. this is from my hometown of columbus ohio. the heart of it all. this is this is about this is abouts get very washed ladies. love this. you go with the glasses there ,like that. >> do it. this is the columbus madehe the top 50 cities for rats t. hs right?
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and then you think this is exciting news. news columbus came came in in at, like. >> like number a 18.s midd >> yeah, it's like that's middle of the pack. yeah, that's a that's fakee pac is what i say. >> you know, as a as a, as a transit. >> hobo rats are your closest friends. they are. closestendsi train them to do i >> yes. you're a regularn thbidding. moy willard, but i question this whole study because who came in at number one?ming chicago. >> yeah, that's number one for lives. number two, they got new york. l.a. get number three, i call rat. >> there you go. michael you don't like rats? i really don't like to ask. you go. see, that's why i sit here. i thint's whk. . >> i make connections. what story? where are you from? i used to kill rats. i'm from brooklyn. oh, okay. what story you got? okay. you know, i live in california y you've
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now, and, you know, every dayy there's something crazy out there, some alieday thern upe bc on the beach. and now our great governor, by the way, put a lah.w to. now street walking is practically legal again. if you go to sang or losyo angeles, you would think you were on canal street back in the 70s. i'm not kidding. it's unbelievable. but i read a story about a ievable.autonome vehicle company cruiser that now they lost their because one of the cars was into an accident and actually a pedestria an got hurt. and when i'm thinking about it, i go back to the day got hinkinm saying, wow, i wonder how this would be, you know, if you were looking at this as a getawayw ya car, because now you have nobody driving, you know, and that's the person that they went after all the time. right. so, you know, i'm always thinking ahead of thesi'g ahe e >> got it. you know, what are they going to do with this? >>, that's one less guy for the cuts. exactly right. he saved on that. >> you have a you have a mind there? yes. you >> yes. i'm worried about you right away. views. i thought the autonomous car hit a . yeah, me too. yeah ca?, they missing a ?
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>> yeah. yeah. a real person. yes, that's true. all right, julie, clos >>e it julie outgreat with a great story. >> this is a fox news alert. the bears have gone wild in the state of connecticut, and it also proves another point to mel that children are much like wild animals. case in point, takdans. e a look at this one. bear, who raids the refrigerator goes into the freezer grabs., grab >> lasagna. totally normal. but notices lasa this when the r actually evacuates the home, leaves the refrigeratowhenr doo wide open, goes out the window, leaves the one window open, doesn't close itan o, and leavesit a mess in its wake. my three kids moving on toanothe number two, another bear gone wild. this one, in fact, decidedr this one to actually do a chore around the house. he house unlikee couldo wait for this bear to approach that garbage can, he's actually taken out the trasarbage c h and i'm not talking about my ax. i'm talking about that trash can right theri am about te. y >> and if only i could get mycoc children to be as ambitious to bs. e tras he takes that trash can. he not only takes it out, he takes it off the ringhc
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and out into the woods. at least i don't have to deal with it. so that means it. christma dea s you're going to have to give him a christmas card with some money in i t and you do this. i have 21 bears left waiting for the third bear. it's got a story for me. is right here. >> happens. she's right here. three examples we learne d in journalism school. >> i did a whole class ren bear really well. it was in a bar. okay . next to a flight could have been tragic because of mushrooms that were magic, gm the virus that causes shingles, is sleepinang in 99% of people over 50. it's dormant waiting and could reactivate shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash can last for weeks and it could can last for weeks and it could wake at any time you think you are not at riskyod for shinglesoc, it's time to wae up because shingles could wake up. you if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention.
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for more information about naloxone, visit cdc. >> dot gov slash stop. overdose. a story in five words. >> five words pilot trips out on shrooms julie, an off duty alaska airlines pilot. aren't they al l? >> i've tried to shut down a plane's engines mid-flight sayingn a he took magic mushros 48 hours before the incident. do you buy thi hours bs? no. i have never taken mushrooms. aken musr two orhato three that have done mushrooms in front of me, and they've never beenoms in that, you knowh thought innovative to take apart. no, they jus tt sit there and eat, they sleep, they're lazy. >> this was ambitious. yeah lazy.. take apart a engine of an airplane. yeah. i call . t. he didn't take it.i he tried to disable it. yes, but i'm going to go aheadam . exaggerate. i don't think you read the story. d theied to disable the engine . >> i'm going to. i'm going to.
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i need to sensationalize. that's what i do. o sensati'm a journalist? >> yes, that's true, tyrus. should this guy actually go to jail for trying to killst. go everybody? >> yeah. yeah. lock his up. yeah. lock h wk. r >> yeah. and i'm going are a little concerned with the pilots in the news way too muc h . seems to be a common thread in drugs. trying to have withs an people. and if they don't, they want to crash the plane when it doesn't work out. so fox mighth theplane. to inve. tigres bus. so. well, take me three days. it wke me thget here . i'll do one show and drive back home. john bad did that yeah, he did t do that and he he got away with it too. but we had to do it one day a week on sundays, so. >> michael have you ever tried magic mushrooms? never did it now. but i saw the effects of lsd, somushro never d i can kind of believe that that can do that. you know, take all vegetables the table for any pilot ory anybody that's going to be in that position. that's for sure. >> yeah. what do you say, loftis? well, he got his he had done the mushrooms like 48 hours before, and he had said he hadnm been awake for 40 hours and he was having like an anxiety. tack so it's almost like like, like the false headline because, likeit's, i've heard that that
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you do mushrooms. yeah, i've heard. i've heards, that. it's pretty cool. yeah. and like it's if, if he was on mushrooms that they wouldn't have crashed the plane it would woulane.n a little bitd have like there have been some trance music going if it had crasheic d would never know why why. >> yeah, think about that. thatno, you would hear the.n >> because i heard that when you mushroom, when you're on mushrooms also you get reallu ge flexible. so he would have survived the crash and seen the him sittk indian style talking everybody like they're still there. >> all right. well, that'sethey are t. >> don't go away.trong we'll be righten back. >> your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. new pro nam, all active shield i thin shield the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i that this product is a game changer for my patients. >> it really works. >> if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce risk
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