tv Hannity FOX News November 2, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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and kanye is crazy. so i would have to say that they're going to always love their dad, but they're better off with the mobetter om just my person. all right, all right, all right. okay. do have another topic p r topic. here. nope. we ran out of topic. i'm so sorry m w. we're going to tie it up all the time, all right? no, it's no problem. i love it anwe youy time. we love having you. all right. thank you for watching. jesse watters, prime time. see >> i'm rachel campos-duffy. see you this weekend on fox and friendyo os. 6 to 10 a.m.. that's right. it's pretty early. prd don't forget t forget to catch from the kitchen table podcast with me and sean. you can get it anywhere that you get your podcasts. >> sean hannity is next. is cro
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wow. look at this crowd. we've gowd t. wow. we've got a great crowd. welcome to "hannity". >> sea what a crowd. er gav we live in the greatest, best country god ever gave. man. thank you for reminding america. thank you for joining us at home. welcome to all of you in studio . all right. we got a lot of news tonight. we begin with big news out out ga of the east tonight.y ha gaza city has been completels by encircled by forces nowa less than a week into their ground operation int. o and two days after hamas vowed to conduct terror attacks over wipeover and over again until israel and every citizen there are wiped off the planet. >> don'te pl me look with your n eyes at the thought. i'm sure that i will continue
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to rather than not that they necessarily they are doing it in kenya. but when we had black and come up with lucky animals that did not look psychological and emotional, we showed that judaism, n.a., n.a., which you know, but kill a lot of the palestinian radical sunni and is the ones that are in israel mission and of the mission of nominal. so the october faction october few million october and they live in mubarak it is justified . now as i have said many, many times, this is nowmaes a very rr fight for israel's very survival. su and according to my sources, our president, your president, presn, is weak in the kneesn hes and not just when he's takingof the steps up air force one, supo instead of fully supporting our ally, israel, that has beeno a victim of their worst terror attack in their history and leading the world with focus and moral clarity.pod
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your president reportedly nowly is panicking over internal polls over this very issue. his support among democrats now is slipping and slipping dramatically, especially among well, i call them some ofma the hamas apologists, even inside his own party. looks likeing at state michigan and minnesota. democrats are saying to me privatelats are y, getting verys at a closed door campaign reception in minneapolis, biden was heckled by a deranged wall, quote, trans rabbis demanding a cease fire and i didn't make it up. the president responded, quote, i'm th i'me guy that convinced e to call for the cease fire, to let the prisonerso le out. i'm the guy that spent all the time talking to a general. ing abouhe's talking about genn al-sisi out of egypt to let him open the door. t. egypt. joe, you need to be the guy that tells israel to win the wao wir. radical islamic terroristsir that attack their country.
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that's the guy you need to be. but instead, your presidentto joe biden, he is pressuring israel to allow fuel into gaza $ and is sending wants to send over $100 million in aid. sounds great. sounds.the problem is, hamas had money in the past forni tarianhumanitarian purposes to d a 300 mile network of tunnels, terror tunnels, and, of course, to buy the rockets that they keep firin the rael. and by the way, the fuel that was stockpiled for rockets and terror tunnels, yeah, they're stealing that, too. the terror group can stock up and aid on other supplies in their fight against israel. where do you think the money is going to end up moneying to? it will end up in the handss. of hamas, the terrorist organization a they arelo in control of everything. they won't even allow innocent women and children out of the country and to get to a point of safety. so safe joe biden needs to stop being the guy that wants to, quote, putquot a pause on israel defending their homeland and telling the world, oh,
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baby, he may not be lasting as leader, as the prime minister now has to fight at leastnister t a two front wae may get bigger. now, joe, by doingr. that is nohe ally to israel and no ally to the cause of libertofy. y he tod you can certainly see how quickly he caves to pressurssure from the radical left in this country. and he's not the only spineless democrat. >> take a look. is a cease >> i fire needed now? i think it is, at least undersi in the context of both sides agreeing. for examplagr e, the release of those who have been kidnapped should be part of thidnappe s immediate release.ning that should be the beginning of it. o an effort should be made to engage in conversation between conv n the israelis ande palestinians. >> now, a lot of are pressuringf israel not to defend itself and their homeland. hat wa less than one month after what was, again, the worst terror attack in theirrst terr s >> if you extrapolate out israel's population and compare it to ou d tor, it would be the
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equivalent of 38,000 of our fellow americans killed in a day. and you have hamas now stowing to strike over and over and over again and democrats, ck they want israel to back down. and just what? wait for the next attack?0 is 1400 israelis from all overd the world tortured, murdered on october the seventh, hundreds others taken hostage. and now it's leading to a what, a wave of rabid virulentc anti-semitism all over the world. >> and i n our country and in the halls of congress and in college universities and campuses. but don't worry, because joe biden just has kamalamara harris with a brand new missions to uproot hatred in america,mpan not the rampant anti-semitism be that we've all been seeing and talking about in our country and aroundt inpeople the world. or hatred against the jewish people or the swastikas or the slogans. now, the administration now
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instmse claim they already have a handle on all of that. really? instead, kamala harris announced that the administration is now leading the country' s first national strategy to counter islamophobe phobia in the midst of the most anti-semitism the world has seen since the 1930s and beyond . administration now believes that's their top priority, at least politicallyir top they. the new commission now comes of hundreds of of jewish people, including american citizens, are still being held hostage being by me, women, children. featureden on posters torn down by vile anti-semites all over our country. the same hamas apologists antiare openly for an end to fatah vandalizing jewish businesses swastikas, o threatening to murder,, jewish students on college campuses. and tonight, we're not sure how the administration counns to counter the sharp rise in this anti-semitisn thism.
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so kamala harris' top mission hr is now to switch the argument is islamophobia and that up and running. a slight detour in london lamaphobr inby the way, today.ap a speech about air safety that's a top priority. >> or civil society or something else when i actually totally sure what kamala harris is trying to say. i don't know who's struggling more cognitively is a kamala or? is it joe? >> how about we let you decide ? >> i do believ ve that theoi voe that we offered in this global discussion has been significant. ificant. it has been a priority, for example, for us to ensureua that civil society have an equal voice at the tablet . as i said in my speech yesterday, civil society has always played a very unique and important role in holding public and private sector to account. sectoraccoand as we are thinkinc particular safety issuesular s
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and defining safety, defining risk and definin g who isl soci vulnerable in that context, civil society has an important t wi to add to the policies that will be developed. >> now, this administration is a dumpster fire at the top. wee have a cognitively strugglik morally bankrupt politiciarunnto and backup the vice president, doesn't seem to havees a firm grip, grasp, grasp on basically anything. together, they are failing our country. failing day in and day out, the failing the world. we now know what thelike w world looks like when america abdicates its role of leadership on the world stage. but make no mistakd e ocean the atlantic and pacific oceans. it's not enougs,h to protect us from the chaos that is now erupting overseas. ngs.we got two major wars.ed we got iranian backed ter terrorists fighting, attack their proxy wars for iran attacking american soldiers on a dailyins on basis, 27 atta in about two weeks.
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officials now are concerned about the risk of a cybersecurity attack carriedally out by iran. really? meanwhile, putin has pulled russia outti of the nuclear test ban treaty. russia's wagner wagner group is now attempting to send hezbollah sophisticated air defensner grise to shoot downs israeli and us planes in the region. . and of course, even the newadmi york times is now admitting ttinstthat the latest conflict d threaten the fragile global economy. >> you think it's only been a few years, but we are fa r removed from what was the peace, the prosperity. yeah, the meanan that some people didn't like from the last administration, to car the media mob. they don't seem to care. look at this from salon.cothm. >> maga and christian thtionalism is a bigger threat to america than hamas could ever be.. >> exactly. now, why don't you tell that ttt the families t of americansby that are being held hostage right now by hamashama and other
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who were murdered or tortured or by terroristsed on october the seventh? or the american soldiers now getting attacked single dayand in syria and iraq by iranian proxiey iranias or the americans witnessing massive rallies in our cities where masked men are waving flags from anotheg r country and calling f revolution. antifarevoluti against our way l this is prime ministeris as netanyahu has said is now a clash of civilizations and a's fight for israel's survival. >> there will be no cease fire until hamas and hezbollah are no more. here with reaction, former secretary of state fox new form >> let's give a warmto welcome to mike pompeo, the mr. secretary, why would joe biden,d as now as israel has now begun the ground operations, why
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would he be calling for a temporary cease? defe wowhy would the president t stand with israel and say, go defeat your enemy and win the war? >> sean, there's there's no logical explanation. if you putirst america first, ny you definitely want prime minister netanyahu to do botthhm his duty, that is to destroy hamas and to complete that mission in itis s and you don't need him having a second front here in america, right. you'reyou're fighting hamas and you're fighting the biden administration, fighting a bad administration that has clearly just simply lost its way. therorgets already now two short of four weeks. what actually happened to their end is trying to sort of to restrain them and to hear senator durbin talk about ceasefire in exchange for hostages. look, we wan.t all thesee ha hostages home. we want every american home. we've had americans killeds . eo but make no mistake about it, if if if netanyahu were to take that deal and ge t the hostages out in exchange for allowing hamas to continue to threatenela israel, it would only result in the death of more israelis bidemorend americans.
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and then lastly, sean, you know, i heard president biden speak today and i heard sed blinken speak today. neither of them identified the real problemr reas out herl which is iran. they continue to coddle. e.m $7they give them $70 billio. that has fueled and setontext the contex t for the barbaric actions of which you spoke. and prime minister netanyahuhu s spoken to give iran more money, more time, a cease fire would only create enormous risk for israel, for the gulf arab states that are having rockets fired from yemen. and for us here at home in, america as well. >> how bad can this get? we already see the possibilitywa of a two front war. hamas, gaza, lebanon, the the houthis, the rebels, yemen declaring war against israel. syria firingisrael rockets into israel. now, erdogan, turkey threatening to get militarily involved and the militamullahs in iran, they're g the saber rattling. how bad can this get? >> what is a worst case scenario in your mind?
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>> so there's enormous riskands that this expand.s and expandsto in ways that cause the arab states to have to check out becausauseon't feee. they don't feel like the united states has their back because president biden called n call the crown prince a pariah. the north koreans have talked about providing weapons systems. we know the russians are already on the ground in syria. this could spread not only to the greater middle east, you co but could certainly have not only cyber attacks, but cells te are sitting in europe, cells that may well be in the united states. we heard our fbiates. director talk about that just this past week. now, iif the uf united doesn't f we don't reestablish the very deterrence that the the dete trumptrump administrata for four years on which nothing, nothing like we'vin e seen in these three years has happened, right. there was no war in europe and there was no war in the middle east for fourr years.. if we lose that deterrence, if america is viewed as weak, this. could expand dramatically and we should all behoul remindi as well. xi jinping is watching america's actions as well. and the chinese communist party is sitting there just hoping e communthat america will demone
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that it is impotent and decadent and unprepared to disoteno the that will protec own citizens, not only abroad, but its own southern. >> i was speaking to a somewhats skeptical interviewer tonight, and i brought up the issue that i believe when you andat te president trump at the time put together t a coalition, i didn' think i'd see this coalition in my lifetime. and that included the united states, israel. it include d egypt, it includedsa jordan, it included the saudis, it included the it led to the abraham accords. but that was unprecedented all standing against iranian hegemony in that region, all standing against a nuclear armed. s to all of that seems to have fallen aparte fallen. did to what extent did didac your peace through strength p policy, your policies and president trump's policiesrs make a difference? and how does you think theseho these world actors are reacting to both presidents? w
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>> you know, sean, we were pre whetty clear we were going to put america first. >> and when we drew red linedre we were going to enforce them. when general soleimani was whs, tening american soldier iraq, we make sure he didn'tur kill any americans when wee san bad actors in different places. we didn't send the 82nd airborne. wewe use used america's power ae isolated the bad guys. iran was never as isolated as it was during fou the four y of the trump administration. and that led exactly what you describead d. isr it. let the israelis, the saudis, the emiratis, the bahrainis, ai sudanese, the moroccans, all of them, and let them all join together, sa is y america is gog to be with us if we have a bad day. and it gave them the capacity ty to push back against the world's largest state sponsor of terror. who is the ayatollahonsor oferr you know, we're now just a couple days past the anniversary whenniversart se regime held americans in tehran at our embassy. and toda. y, the president spoke of prisoners. these are prisoners. these are hostages. thesthat are being held inside of the gaza strip and the
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united states. weaknesstes weakness has has prd the context in which hamas felt like it could do this with absolut like a and now you have the americanve president and democrat leaders demanding that that very impunity be granted to them. >> and i have no ide granted aee the obama-biden administration and now the biden administration wants to give billions of dollars to iran. ei it makes no sense or allow them to sell their oil and become a oil rich nation when t they're the number one state sponsor of terro r. t to secretary pompeo, great to have you, sir. thank you. you.ppreciate it . all right. this brings us now to the dire threat now posede dire by our ownlook a wide open border. look at this. according to the daily caller in year 2023, more illegal immigrants successfully entered this country more than the population of 11 differentsh states. this includes thousands of, quote, specialousandof aliens fm the middle east, including a lot from syria syr and a lot m iran. now, tonight, senator chuck grassley is no
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w sounding the alarm about the terror threat posed by drones that are operatedt by illegal immigrants or mexican cartels just across our border. here now with more, a former senior adviser to presidenr tths trump, stephen miller. >> what do you make of these five years, david? thank you. >> what do you make? what do you make of whwhy woulyl iranians come all that wayborder to get to our border? why would syrian s all that way? chy would the tens of thousands ,according to reports, communist chinese nationals. why woule d they be making their way to our southern border? russian national?s? >> why would they be coming to our border? because the rebo d flags in theirr ba backgrounds would be so obviousd and so glaring that ifpl they attempted to apply foy for visa, they would be rejected even under the lax las standards of this administration. that's the point i really want to get acrosss.s. n if you're an iranian, you can apply for student visa underfora
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biden administration. you can apply for a green cardnl . b but if you're not doing that, it's because you have something in your historecauseg y, in yous background that makes it so that you know, you wouldu deniu that benefit. so you're coming through the border illegally'rhe workin. with criminal cartels. >> any foreign adversaryan in te world, any foreign enemy in the world, can get anyont ane wa to through that southern border, working hand injoe bi hand the cartels. >> joe biden has createda the situation that is so dangerous, so untenable, so catastrophic that we are truly at the mercy of the world's worst actors . >> i am 100% certain, but i pray i'm 100% wrong that out of of the 8 million estimated including got away, they areere illegal immigrants that have entered this country unvetted undeisr joe biden that among ma1 that 8 million, maybe 10 million by the end of theve year, that there are terrorist cells have set up insidet i'
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our country. i don't have any doubt that i'mm . >> but iam pra iy that i'm wron> am i wrong? no, you're not wrong.simply >> there's simply no waymerica that people that want to hurt america and kill americanskill, the terrorists, entities and organizations around the worl orgd, knowing that ourp border is open, knowing as those numbers that you pointed out earlier, that joe biden is resettling millions of unvetted illegals in this country, that they would not fully exploi t situation. criminals and terrorists will exploit any weakness they can find. >> and this is the greatest national security weakness nat s in the history of our country. president trump said all the timeident trhe, immigration. is national security, and what t joe biden has done is betray the security of this entirecurie nation. well, that would mean they're plotting, they're planning, they're scheming another nine, 11 or even worse. >> i that i'm wrong.
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stephen miller, thank you. coming up,plause ] the fbi justd the home of a major fundraiser for new york city mayor eric adams. we have a live report also. hunter biden speakineric adamsgt and apparently looking for sympathy. we're going to tell you what he said when we returny.ll you. great to have you back in studio. good to see you. thank you for joining us at studgood to home. >> well, that was a doozy on tv, the 90 sitcoms where the zany from across the hall always gets the biggest laughs. just keep going at don's. >> we know one thing and one thing only backs. strange backs from weekend chores, dip, pulled backs, doing your favorite hobbies. we even know quarterbacks don't the expertsis in back pain relit for more than 100 years available at a store neailhons,r
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shtation, the number one choice of online sellers. go to ship station .com slash try and get two months free. arlier earlier today, the fbi raided t the home of new york mayor eric adams fundraising chief. >> our very own bill milligan,si he has the latest for r us tonight. >> bill, what's going on? sean, good eveningeporter:even . this actually caused mayor adams to cancel some of his meetings. he had planned cancel s d.c. today. according to the "new york times", the fbi servedthe fbserved a a search wf brooklyn home of brianna sugg. she's a campaign consultant for mayor adams who was deeply involved in his campaign. mpaign.the times reports that according to the search warrants they obtained, the raid was part of apart of t corruption probe where they're looking into whether or not adams 2021 mayoral campaign conspired with brooklyn construction company and the turkish government funnel foreign money into the campaign coffers through a straw donor
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scheme. it's a mouthful right there. according to the times, the investigatorw s particularld interested in trying to find out whether or not adams campaign i tout kicked back any benefits to the construction companies, officials and employees, as well as any turkish officials. the times reports the warrantsst it unclear if the investigation is actually targeting adams himself. however, as i mentioned, he did cancel several meetings in d.c. this morningd al, including one that was supposed to be with the white house. and sean, just a few moments ag thet o, we actually just got a statement in from mayor eric adams where he is responhed p adding to this search warrant. he says in part, quote, i feelau extremely comfortable about how i comply with the rules and procedures. lei hold myself to a high standard and i hold my campaign to a hig mh standard and i hold my staff at city hall to a high standard. i'm veryt clear it'ss my my responsibility to hold myself to a high standaresponsi and i will comply with any inquiry that is made. and i'm demanding that m y withy team do the same. so now it's wait and see what develops next m.
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>> back to you. bill milligan, thank you for that report. once again, well, zero experience. hunter biden, he's back in the headlinee s time os now, this t an op ed that he wrote for usa today accusing his critics of politicizing his addiction in order to to launch a, quote, vile and sustained dissent formation campaign against joe. despite growing evidencegr of hs alleged involvement in hunter's shady business dealings. know, the guy that sait once did i ever talk to hunter, his brother or anybodyo that matter about his farm business deals. fore, oh, he talked to people that he knows of at least 20 times. and there were meetings with, oh, like russian meeting at thee milano. one big lie. now we're findinmig the money, which we went over with james cromwell last night. meanwhile, as hunter continueses to receive special treatment from prosecutors. well, things are a little differen namt for your last na is trump. both donald trump junior d and eric trump in the ongoing new york civil fraud case. nt
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now the latest witch hunt b brought by newew yor, new york attorney general letitia james. now this. sha mes.e for attorney general w york. and she made these promises to go after one man, one family, one organization. >> take a look . >> i will never be afraid to challenge this illegitimatet president when our fundamental rights are at stake. i believe that thestake. presidf these united states can be indicted for criminal offenses. well, feel him for us. >> so we're going to do we're going to be a real domain name for that man in the whitthe house who can't go a day without threatenin g t our fundamental rights. yes, we need to focus on donald we np and his abuses. we need to follow his money. we need to find out wherehe's he's laundered money. we need to find out whether or not he's engaged in conspiracyfo . >> it's important that everyone understand that the days of donald trump are coming to an en trump acomingd.
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i look forward to going into the the office of attorney general every day, going here defending rights and then going home. >> now, remember, ever sean: rym contract that donald trump had with these lenders, every contract he had an insurance company had veryce language telling lenders and companies, insurance companies to use their own appraisals and not, ty to trust his. by the way, they have a fiduciary responsibilitye do so. not one bank, not one insurance compannot t ony ever complained >> everybody was paiwad in full on time. so what's the point of any of this except pooofr political theater? here with reaction podcast host of right view, lara trump is with us and he firstte wrote get trump. he has a brand new book out has a brtoday and it's called tr against the jews how to end hamas's barbarism. >> harvard law professor
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dean dershowitz is with us and fox news contributor charlie hirschrs. o >> don't laura, let me let mefo start with you. and i have a lot of questionr s for all of youi , but let'sw fo start with you. thd i knowr tw your husband nowr two days in a row has had to take the stand. and i know donale d trump jr had had to take the stand. notow in the contract.f correct me if i'm wrong at any point. isn't ther pointe that contractl provision telling lenders, telling insurance companies to use their own numbers? don't they havnue a fiduciary responsibility to do it? did any one of these companiesd lose money? did any one of these companies an companicomplain? because my understanding is they did not. ?standingand so my question is,y are we even here? news alert. i'm marianne rafferty, live in los angeles. us secretary of state antony blinken arriving in tel aviv for his second middle east trip in the past month. he's
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expected to hold talks in israel and also in jordan. for details on this trip, let's go to chief fox news correspondent jonathan hunt, who's live for us in jerusalem. jonathan marianne, good morning to you. as we watch. anthony blinken, the secretary of state there, arriving in tel aviv for what will be a busy 24 hours ahead, at least. we understand that the secretary of state will head pretty much directly to army headquarters in tel aviv, where he will meet with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he will then meet with the prime minister's war cabinet and then israeli president isaac herzog. he then is due to go on to jordan, where he will meet with, at the very least, the foreign minister of jordan there as he seeks to head off a regional conflict. now, while he's here in israel for the first part of this trip to the region, the secretary of state will be
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talking to the israeli prime minister and the war cabinet about a potential humanitarian pause as the us has been putting it in the idf operations inside gaza. the idea would be from the us that it would give time to get more humanity korean aid into gaza to the people who desperately need it there and potentially to get some of the 240 or so hostages still held inside gaza out. now, the israelis are very skeptic of any kind of pause in their combat operations because they feel all that really does is give hamas fighters time to reorganize. at the moment, as we understand it, the israeli defense forces have effectively surrounded gaza city. they are fighting face to face with hamas fighters there. they are trying to squeeze them both above ground and in the tunnels below ground that we have talked so much about. they do
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not want to let up that pressure. having said that, if there is suddenly the prospect of some of those hostages, even 1 or 2 being brought out of one of those tunnels, of course, they're going to not be firing in that particular area. they also point out they are not firing at the moment anywhere near the rafah crossing in southern gaza where that aid would come in from egypt. so it's going to be a difficult conversation, certainly for the secretary of state when he begins talking to the prime minister about any kind of pause in operations. now, what the secretary of state also wants to do is avoid, obviously, if he can do everything he can in the united states can to avoid this spiraling into a regional conflict, hence his visit to jordan. there where the foreign minister has been just as recently as yesterday in extremely critical of israel's actions in gaza, have have as have a lot of leaders in the region, obviously with israel in feeling increasingly isolate
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did and then today also later today marianne we have this very significant speech being made by sheikh hassan nasrallah. now, he is the leader of hezbollah up in lebanon. he is an extremely powerful figure, not just for hezbollah, which he leads, but throughout the islamic world. he is seen as a very powerful voice. his words are being watched very carefully. his speech is due at 3 p.m. local time here. that is 9 a.m. eastern. and it will be fascinating thing to watch it whether he calls for an all out war, if he orders hezbollah to go. more on the offensive than they already have been, they've been firing some rockets across the northern border from lebanon into israel. if nasrallah were to say this needs an all out war, then those rockets would be expected to rain down on israeli
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targets, even more so. israel says it is prepared for whatever hezbollah does up in the north and they will be met with very a very heavy response if they decide to fully join this war and turn it into a war on two fronts. so just to return to the secretary of state, he is on his way now to meet with prime minister benjamin netanyahu in tel aviv at army headquarters. he will then meet with the full war cabinet and then president herzog and then at some point in the next few hours, we expect to hear directly from the secretary of state himself when he will, we are told, address and take questions from the press. marianne and just quickly, you mentioned that they were really israel is really taking a lot of steps to make sure that they're protecting those civilians that are in the in the gaza strip. is that correct? well, they say that their targets are entire. surely hamas terrorists, as they put it, they are targeting
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hamas cells. they are identifying them through through special forces who are in the area. and then they are targeting those. but what they have repeatedly said, marianne, is that hamas hides among civilians. and while israel has told all of those civilians in gaza to get out of the north, they say that hamas is telling them, conversely, to stay in the north because they feel they are protected if those civilians are there. israel says civilian deaths are on the hands of hamas, not the israeli forces. they say they've told everybody to get out of the combat zone. marianne and let's hope they do. thank you for that, jonathan hunt. stay with with fox news channel for the very latest on the israel-hamas war for now, we'll be back right after this. as.. >> i was a teacher for 30 years, and today i'm a
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the american dream. it is a national nightmare marked by out-of-control inflation. everyday necessities nows of unaffordable for millions of hardworking america kids. >> almost two thirds of the american people living paychec a to. so what about the. what about this embodies the american dream. president biden, can you tellits us? because, by the way, it's not just affecting not jusctin every americans. a biden backed wind power company actually canceled their project despite receiving a billion dollars in your taxpayer funded subsidies, citing the burden of biden nomics. oh, can anyone solyndra now? meanwhile, auto company executives are finally comingich clean. the electric vehicles that the government is mandatinicles the it's not working for their business. the public doesn't want themt . here with reaction, fox news contributor lisa boothe, co-host of thea , big money show on fox business. >> brian greenberg. >> ouc
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wow, that says a lot. well, i meanthat, if he thinks is a dream, what will the nightmare look like ifok? >> we have four more yearsn? of joe biden. i mean, my god. look , i think a lot of theseit's climate policies, it's about two things. >> a one, it's about re-engineering the economy and using these climate policiesg these as a vehicle. i >> i remember when aoc's formerf chief of staffai that the green new deal was actually about overhauling the economy. >> and then i thin en i think thek the secondd ecom thing is they don't want us to own anything. i mean, the world economicd asv, forum said as much. >> and if you look at electric vehicles, you even hav e "the washington post" warning that the electrical grid is not prepared. we're not preparedot ppare for s massive push. >> jennifer granholm. oh, yeah. yes. yeah. ask her how that worked out. >> right. you know, and then we don't mates. what daw material >> well, it's incredibly expensive. so what does that mean for car ownershin fop for americans? right. and then you look at states like california during a heat wave where they're like, oh, actually, you're not allowed pu go charge your calowed tor, t we want to have this massive my favorite electric vehicleris
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in that you could only charge your car in between these certain hour can s but they want to control us and that gives them the opportunitym th. >> that's true. that's a good point. yeah. and companies are walking away from thianies are g aways. i mean, like the big auto companies said, we're all in on the evs las t year. >> what are they saying this year? oh, we're giving up now because we can't make wee any money.rd i gm says we're out of amaki partnership with honda. ford says we're not making the trucksng anymore. even tesla, the one people actually want to buy. elon mus , k is saying, i don'tnd for think the demand for these things is as high as it used s asto be. t so when companies get itbe. and taxpayers start to get it, a maybe we get away from t the subsidies that are bankruph. us. with all this green spending, by the way, you have to literally pillage sean: y eah to get the manganese and the cobalt and the nickel using big, heavy equipment that uses diesel. and on top of the fact, what, g 90% of our power grid isn'tat f that fossiossil fuel related that charges the battery? >> exactly. nod you know whereery? they're getting a lot of these materials now they want to farm the ocean floor. mineto me the ocea.
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ocean floor. guess who controls almost all of that? chinat?a.a and they're going afr it aggressively and nobody wants to get in the way of it. so it. thi you think about how vulnerable we are. we don't want these productsan wereproduc to get them and we gt to buy them from the guys funding iran and di >> how does that make sense? and foe r what i remember,d remember when senator kennedy asked biden at an energy official, he said, okay, let's say we spend $50 trillion. how muchllion. is that going to reduce temperatures around the world? >> and he couldn't answer it right. >> and so so what is the point of all this? right. they told us befort oflle in thb 1970s it was going to bee the ice age. then it's warming. th. ink i'll >> stick to my air t conditioning, living in florida and live normal life. >> i mean, really, it's crazy. is there any more of norma our appliances, our gas stoves, our air conditioners, our refrigerators? ? >> how about you just leave us the? leave us alone. leave us alone. leavleave use us alone. as long as i call biden.tesl and by the way, the people that want to buy a tesla or anf electric car, i'll buy
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that ford 4.5 billion. bil >> i think it's bad business. yeahlionthink , but don't forcei do it, which is what? and then also, if so good, why do you have to coerce people into it? >> great point amounts to money. suppose i'm president. all righcomingt. >> thank you both. coming up, washington, d.c. has whacthey they wantay to combat car thieves and car thefts. can by the way, the cityy is now handing out gps airtags so you can track the journey ofyghh of your criminals driving away with your car. that's straight ahead. eaas we continue. >> america needs a 180 degree change from the direction where joe biden is taking us right now. conservative governor and business leader doug burgum joe biden is wrong on the economy. he's wrong on energy and he's wrong on national security. north dakota governor burgum supercharged the economy by passing largest tax cut
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cities all around the nation. a massive spika masse in auto tt has now become one of the biggest issues. take washingto biggest n d.c. the sewer. >> the swamp where car theft get this has doubledthar. one a 100% increase in one year. so what is washington, d.c.addrs big new plan to address this crime crisis? they're handing out free digital trackers now. >> this is so thoughtful of them so that car owners can actually see and watch where the cars are being ultimately ditchee thisd. >> that's very nice of them. it was reaction across america host jimmy failla. >> we welcome back , jimmy. great to see you, man. you. great to see you. >> this one is like, so ridiculous. you know, on a basic level,. like i think the d.c. mayor should resign. i'l you wht tell you wha she's admitting she's not keeping anyone safe anymore. >> like if you were hiring a babysitter and they were like, look, i got to be honest, i lose a lot of these kids, okays bu?
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but i've got a geotag so we can find them wherever the heck they wind up.. >> yeah, you know what, sean? maybe we got a different baby sitter. you know how ? wok but how did we get here? because of their woke policies. d.c. was s.o woke in the summert of 2020, they wanted to defund the cop in the villageed people. >> okay, it was bad, but we had a very simple game growing up. that tells you where we've gone wrong. when we were kids, we playedcops two games in the yard. we played cops and robbers, right? and we played what, cowboyswarrn and elizabeth warren's. >> everybody remembers. everybody remember s. . okay. but in cop, by the i well, i wishf i thought of tha joke does. come on. i wish i thought of that. hannity you got to step upto s your game. i got to stop. come on. you, me, you have a guy i to step up because of you. >> but understanding cops and robbers, the cops are always the gootep d. . the robbers are always the bad guys. these woke bail reform s and all of these initiatives that have emboldened criminals have kind e de of put cops on the defensive and put the bad guys on the defensive, whict h is whys fi dc is now filming a sequel to dude, where's my car? >> that's not how this car?" is supposed to work. >> it gives a whole new meaning
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to the rep>> sean:o man is backs a biden bad economy. all the remakes are back. yeah everything' rems of them. all right, check out this video. it's going viral onlin e and it shows a group of kidsadul and adults totallyts t out a bol of candy in front of a texasen. home on halloween. ev has been weighing in on this, by the way. i always get in trouble every halloweeerhallown. i tell what i think is a funny joke, giving me what we're teaching our kids ons on hallowl to be socialists, knocking on people's door doorsis.>> tha' and begging for free stuff. >> that's funny. it's meant to be a joknny. e. and hannity thinks it's a bad holiday. we're teaching this so standingh cancels halloween out there. does it? funny, actually. a funny halloween story at the white house. biden wanted candyhiteseden . 1 >> he asked for 100 grand. hunter sent him a wire transferg from ukrainera.. you got to be more specific. what did you make of the video . >> well, listen, man, it's obviously embarrassing for pae of the type wanembar
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of behavior they're encouraging. >> but if you want to know why we're the fattest to kno t country in the world, look at how eager alerybody is to grab that candy . know what i mean? this is so all the kids bagscome next can't get cande ny of these dirt bags. but that's the one thing i would say that's a positive. weat's one sayat's a, oddly enos less candy because we are the fattest countr they in the worl the only upside to all these fat kids is kidnapings are downm 93% right now. i can't get them into the to use that word, the other f-word anymore. >> well, they use it on me at wardrob ie every day.. >> are you kidding me? i'm. stop it. i haeen on aut myself when i'm there. but i've been on a diet. i'm doing better. i'tterl, apparently oprah winfrey missed the memo on what biden inflatio bidn is doing to the economy. and two thirds of americans kind of living paycheck twamerican k because she's outoi with their annual favorite things, holiday giftth guide. >> and it's jam packed well with some pricey, expensivpricee from $1,000 pizza oven to ai lie $600 coffee maker. i like my crai mg facebooks $500
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vr headset and even an $80 so-called luxury salt love plane salt or, you know, himalayan is about as fancy as i get. but this tells you everything you know, need to knowells youn about the quality of the economy. >> under biden, oprah used to give away car ts. o yeah. now she's like, you're on your own. people go shoppingn yo . >> i it's ridiculous. obviously her her price brackeii is out of touch with most americans. but i should ask you if you liked anything on the listky because you have done so much for my career. this guy right here. oh, yeah reer., i owe you a pizzathing. oven or something. >> and i do. i do. n okay, i'll take it. no, no, no, no, no. don't even feel bad. i'm putting it on gutfeld credit card. don't. i justgutf owe you something? but i didn't say how. - that's all i am. assault that s80o that mightallh actually 80 bucks is all i'd want from it. that'd be perfect. but. for t. h >> for all you bird watchersin out there, i got to get this in. okay. >> going to have to learn
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some new names. the american watch some ne aboua our society has announced that it will start renaming everrtrdy bird in the u.s. and canada named after a person because the current namesand exclusionary and harmful. >> you know, i just want to thank the committee for taking on this necessary , challenge on.f th sure crimes out of control. none of the kids can read, int more importantly, there's a pigeon taking a dump on a statue in the park and i'll be if it does it by the wrong name. >> that's sarcasm. i'm kidding, guys. ohrongame., not kidding. >> but where do you draw. the line? what do we rename big bird nextd to plus size bird? i mean, come on, you got to get rid of cuckoo birds becausef the vice president's cuckoo. come on now, jimmy feiler. you guys all right? unfortunately, that's all the time we have left this evening. as always, thank you forudienc being with us. live audience shows wednesday and thursday. hannity com tickets are free. the meantime, let not your heart be trouble. why? greg gutfeld standing by to put a smile on your face. thank you for being with us. have a great night. >> this is a fox news alert. i'm jonathan
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