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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  November 6, 2023 2:00am-3:00am PST

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disrupt forgeries. there is authentication. fight fear with fire, play the cat and mouse game well. that is what we have to rely on and your own intuition. if it looks fake, approach it w. >> trey: i will pass your answer off in my own, which is sort of fake, i will do it anyway. thank you for joining us on sunday night and thank you for spending part of your sunday with us. find us on the trey gowdy podcast. good night from south carolina. >> todd: a fox news alert, israeli forces could enter gaza
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city today going street by street. >> carley: gaza strip is split between north and south where they are rejecting calls for a pause. >> todd: you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. the fighting continues and command says snuk lar powered submarine is now in the middle east. >> todd: the military almost never announces their location. trey yingst has the latest. trey. >> trey: good morning, fighting rages on inside the gaza strip, israelis say they surrounded gaza city. the neighborhood behind me is northern part of gaza. israelis are using artillery unit and air force to strike different positions inside. we are talking about thousands
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of soldiers supporting efforts to go after hamas and look for hostages inside gaza. i want to show you what it was like last night. israeli using heavy bombless to target the strip. take a look. >> trey: israelis are using bunker busting bombs against hamas tunnel network under gaza city. the focus is destroying as many tunnels as possible as the israeli push deepel into gaza. >> trey: israelis say over past 24 hours they have hit 250 hamas targets, getting into a command center last night and they say they killed a number of commanders. there is understanding within the really military 80% of hamas is inside gaza city and this is where the urban battle is
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expected to take place. over the weekend, we got a first-hand look at the fighting. destruction continue to rise israelis are telling people to go south, they will be able to get more medical aid, food and supplies. overnight the jordan government had approval from israel to get aid to the palestinian people. >> carley: trey yingst, thank you. democrats are divided over congresswoman rashida tlaib defending this antisemitism chant. >> from the river to the sea. >> from the river to the sea. >> palestine will be free. >> from the river to the sea. palestine will be free. >> todd: brooke singman has details. >> brooke: good morning, several members of rashida tlaib's party is speaking out after she
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defended the pro-palestine chant over the weekend. she says from the river to the sea is call for freedom, human rights and peaceful coexistence, not death, destruction or hate, my work is centered in justice and dignity for all people, no matter faith or ethnicity. jackie rosen says from the river from the sea is call for eliminating the state of israel that puts jews in danger, we must reject extremism no matter which side it comes from. and calling on rashida tlaib to remove the statement, i have supported and defending you count lsz times, even when you said the indefensive because i believed you to be a good person thchl is so hurtful to so many, please retract this cruel and hateful remark. other democrats are defending
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the controversial take. >> rashida tlaib is the only palestinian american woman in the united states congress, i don't think we can say we want diversity of views and not listen. >> what matters more, you have a horrible humanitarian disaster that has to be dealt with right now, call it what you want to call it. >> brooke: president biden is grappling with how to appeal to a divided party, standing firmly behind israel, one official said the 2024 cycle promises to be a long, gruelling campaign and the president is making it even harder. >> todd: biden is in a bind with his party. thank you. >> free palestine! >> justice is our demand. >> todd: anti-israel protest like this one sweeping the
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country, eight cities from sea to shining sea calling for ceasefire on gaza. president biden called for a pause in fighting to allow humanitarian aid into gaza. israel maintains a pause would only help hamas. this as thousands swarmed the nation's capitol on saturday. some tried to scale the white house fence and waved palestinian flags. only one person arrested. do you condemn hamas or support their efforts? >> do you condemn 75 years of occupation? that is the answer. >> should israel exist? there is no israel. >> israel is a fascismist state and i'm antifascismist. >> hamas will be everywhere when you continue to occupy the
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people. >> u.s. points to hamas in gaza and say they're terrorists, do you agree? >> that is unacceptable. >> todd: wow, griff jenkins, griff jenkins on the left of the screen, will join "fox and friends first" with more. those anecdotal notes of what it was like walking the streets. when you hear griff jenkins tell it, eye-opening. >> carley: eye-opening protests. that was not a no when asked do you condemn hamas? ron desantis will pick up a major endorsement, but a florida republican is here to explain why he is flipping his endorsement from ron desantis to donald trump. >> todd: the latest "new york times" poll has trump beating joe biden in five out of six critical states, swing states. major day on the campaign trail,
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>> carley: iowa governor reynolds is expected to endorse ron desantis for president in des moines. we are two months from the iowa caucus, which sets the tone for the primary season. desantis needs a big boost, he sits 27 points behind former president trump. trump has said reynolds and desantis would not have been elected governor of their state if not for his endorsement. he said, i didn't want or need her to campaign for me, i am 41 points up in iowa. >> todd: see if that endorsement
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closes the gap and president trump tops biden in key states. seven more state republicans just flipped from desantis to trump. florida state representative randy fine changed from desantis to trump. i want to focus on this "new york times" poll. these are not small margins, either, and not just generic biden bad. we don't like joe biden, we think joe biden is old. they gave former president trump a huge edge in the match up against biden showing people want trump over biden, how do you explain that? >> the world is on fire and this wouldn't happen if president trump was in charge. president trump is only winning by 10 points in nevada, how
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could anyone vote for joe biden sdiven the disaster we're in in this country and around the world. >> todd: florida not really a swing state anymore, they are pretty red, do they track what your constituents are telling you? >> absolutely, it is easy. we knew things would be bad under biden, i don't think we knew it would be this bad. wars all over the place, americans being killed and you have have a sandwich for lunch and it is $20. the world has gone crazy and people remember what it was like under president trump. >> todd: trump is going up against ron desantis, your governor, the two of them traded jabs this weekend. take a look. >> you can sit and talk about big game, have rhetoric, do this, make promises, if you are not winning elections and
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winning big policy fights, it will not matter. in florida, of course, we win elections big now. >> hit him hard and now he's like a wounded falling bird from the sky. it is disloyal, i don't think voters will like that. >> todd: big arguments against each other. why did you switch your endorsement from desantis to trump? >> i didn't think governor desantis words matched his action. with antisemitism going crazy around florida, i was frustrated the bills we signed and made a big deal out of were not being enforced to protect jewish people and children around the state. president trump, you can focus on his words orrac and no president in four years had a better track record than he has. >> todd: could you see jewish democrats nationwide, in big
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states with heavy jewish population, some of which are swing states, could you see them based upon what is happening in israel voting for donald trump say this is more important than anything else donald trump has done? >> i can. every jewish family in america is going through something we never expected. our kids are being harassed at school. we are seeing unspeakable open antisemitism on our street and joe biden response and tepid. who got arrested for graffitiing the white house and monuments? basically nobody. the jews are worried the biden administration doesn't stand with them. >> todd: interesting word, tepid, reminds me of defense, prevent defense prevent you from winning. he is trying to placate both side, looks like he will lose
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israeli americans and palestinian americans. thank you for your time, we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> carley: the idf releasing disturbing new video appears to show hamas fighters using hospital and children's playgrounds. we will ask the justice minister how this factors into the siege on gaza city. up next. welcome to ameriprise. i'm sam morrison. my brother max recommended you. so my best friend sophie says you've been a huge help. at ameriprise financial, more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. our neighbors, the garcias, love working with you. because the advice we give is personalized, hey, john reese, jr. how's your father doing? to help reach your goals with confidence. my sister has told me so much about you. that's why it's more than advice worth listening to. it's advice worth talking about. ameriprise financial.
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with the additional hour of daylight. [ both cheering ] with the extra hour i'm thinking companywide power nap. i don't sleep. let's take a vote, who wants to sleep? [ all snoring ] this is going to wreak havoc on overtime approvals. maybe we should sleep on it. anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs forward-thinking solutions to take on the next anything. [ clocks ticking ] i'm ruined. >> carley: happening today, the biden administration will meet chinese leader to discuss nuclear arms control for 1st time since the obama administration. the meeting will give them talks about arsenal -- beijing,
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moscow, iran, neither side will discuss setting limits on nuc nuclear. there will be a summit in san francisco later this month. an important one for sure. >> todd: israeli media says idf will enter gaza city today or tomorrow and go street by street and into the tunnels looking for hamas fighters. >> carley: the mission is complicated. israel released this video shows how hamas is using hospitals and playgrounds for their attacks. >> you see the tunnel opening. this is part of operation, a ground operation conducted on the hospital and revealed a tunnel being used for terror
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infrastructure. the terrorists shoot at our soldiers from within the hospital. >> carley: good morning to you. this is all happening as the idf has gaza city surrounded and idf expected to enter the city soon. there could be significant casualties. just your thoughts as israel enters next face of the war. >> it is mandatory act, our goal is to eliminate hamas after they slaughtered our families. they murdered small children and they kidnapped children, babies, women. we don't have any other choice and as you show, they are using hospital, kindergarten, as -- for terror.
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they are using they shoot missiles and rockets out of there and need to clear the area. they have two options, to die or surrender. >> todd: how do you fight an enemy that hides behind hospital and nurseries while limiting casualties in the child-care centers? >> so, we are fighting according to international law and also according to the international law, if they are using hospital as terror center and as place in which there are terrorists inside the hospital or in the underground, it is a target. you know, we are trying to pursue the population to leave, but some stay because hamas using them as human shield.
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i don't know if you show in fox news the horrible video in which hamas shoot their own people they are trying to you have moo south. they just kill them, hamas slaughtered our families and killed their own people, as well, and tried to push them not to move south because in the south they will be safe and they won't use them as a human shield. we are doing all effort we can to push them to evacuate the area. if they choose not to do that, they support hamas and will have to fight. >> carley: israel dropped fliers and sent messages telling people to get out of the region. i want to ask about secretary of state antony blinken, he is meeting with turkey leaders. he is pushing for a pause,
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thinking it will be easier to nor'easter hostage releases. how do you feel about that? >> it is a big no-no for us, you know. humanitarian or ceasefire is just the same, it will have hamas, like giving weapon to the hamas. we are not going to let it happen unless they will release some of our hostages. maybe the children, the babies, the woman and we will not give them ceasefire, which is a big, big like giving weapon to the hamas. huge for them. they are our income and our goal is to eliminate them and not agree to have a ceasefire, only if they release our children. >> carley: question about antony blinken, he met with mahmoud abbas yesterday and he stressed,
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this quote, stressed u.s. commitment to pressing increased humanitarian aid and -- violence agains palestinians in the west bank. how do you feel about that characterization of things? >> we are giving humanitarian aid. we let the international community bring everything they need, food, medicine, this is fine by us. if they want to help the population that is there, regarding what is going on in judea and somaria, we have the citizen should act according to the law. if you don't, you get punishment. in israel, we are a state of law and we are taking care of
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extremists. >> carley: former justice minister of israel, thank you for joining us. tomorrow is election day in statewide races and virginia is the state to watch. >> todd: state house and senate up for grabs and outcome could be important indicator, we are calling it a bell weather, we are going through it with the voter panel. don't go anywhere. so many hotels... [yells] [yells] [yells] trouble booking the family vacay? come on. comfort has free hot breakfast for the whole fam! they have waffles! and splendid pools! cannonball!
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>> todd: don't sleep on 2023 election day. voters gear up to cast their vote in state and local elections across the country. in kentucky daniel cameron hoping to unseat brashear. cameron is confident in hads campaign. >> we have been running across this state until strongly we are going to win on november 7. we are going to get this done. i'm excited about our campaign, i think the polls show this race tightening. we will be the next governor of the commonwealth of kentucky. >> todd: he was right, the polls did tighten and presley challenging tate reeves.
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mississippi has not elected a democratic governor in two decades. eyes are on ohio, abortion is on the ballot. >> radical proposal and whether you are pro-choice or pro-life, it goes much, much too far. it would enshrine in our constitution the right to have an abortion up to birth. any time during the pregnancy. second thing, it would threaten a law that requires parental consent if dealing with a minor. >> carley: in virginia, which party controls house and senate in a state being billed as a bellwether for 2024. >> liberal left democrats don't have anything to talk about, they talk about the same thing, selling fear. we are the party of hope. >> hold the house and flip the senate, everybody is seeing
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virginia and this renaissance being led by governor youngkin and want to be part of it. >> carley: top issues are economy and inflation, abortion and k-12 education. here is virginia voting panel, virginia voter rachel, independent voter briana and donelle cortez. people say elections in virginia will predict 2024. no pressure. rachel, you live in loudoun county, so much has happened. tell us the feeling in the county, on the ground, which is voting out, the left or right? >> i think this election will make all the difference, we voted in youngkin and got school board turned over and this
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election matters. we have to stand up for our kids and make a statement and take back our rights because they are being taken away every single day. >> carley: breana, you are an independent voter, what issues matter most to you? >> as mother of a fourth grader, i'm most tuned in to the school board election in fairfax. our current school board is entirely democratic and i would love to see political diversity, moderate and conservative thinkers like sandra davis. focused and prioritize on lowering standards and need to go back to basics like reading, writing and math.
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>> carley: these are local elections, you say two issues driving you to the polls, tell us why. >> they are, i'm a vietnam veteran, wounded when i was 19 whachl is happening in israel is horrible. these relate to our pocketbook. the real issue is this right here, gas-powered vehicles versus electric-powered vehicles and putting officials that are going to support governor youngkin, such as his opponents and people like lacy. not all republicans and democrats are responsible, sometimes we have to make a change or scott myowski. here is an -- in the george
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washington district and rudat. these people will work with the administration. i was with the youngkin administration and worked with president trump. we need the diversity. governor youngkin is doing remarkable job, it boils down to dollars and cents. we are getting squeezed. parent at notification, seven overdoses and didn't tell the parents, that is what liberals get wrong, parents are in charge. >> carley: thank you for that. rachel, what do you think will happen if republicans flip the senate, they have the house, they would have the governor's mansion. republicans would have full control of virginia, which democrats don't want to have happen. that could motivate them to go to the poll.
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what is your sense of the outcome of the election tomorrow? >> i think it will surprise everyone. i think conservatives are tired of their rights to be taken away and want to have a say in our children's education and what is happening in schools and what teachers and counselors are trying to tell our children. we want to work with our economy and make sure these prices stop skyrocketing. i think that we're going to see a huge shift in virginia tomorrow and i don't think conservatives and independents are going to stay home. >> carley: all going to the poll tomorrow in the virginia election. thank you for joining us. have a great day. former president trump set to take the stand today in new york, we'll tell you what he's saying ahead of the explosive day in court. >> todd: one of harvard's biggest donors lashing out over the school's president how she
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>> carley: former president donald trump will take the stand
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in his trial in new york today, the case could cost him business in new york state. >> todd: cheryl casone has details. here we go. >> cheryl: he's been in the courtroom seven times now, last week we had heard from don jr. and eric trump. president trump is today and ivanka on wednesday. he's accused of inflating value of his assets and this could lead to him losing control of his properties here in new york city. so he is not happy about this, as you can imagine. he was on truth social and was doing this again, going after the attorney general james. no wonder this is partisan out of control judge who found me guilty before the trial started. last week when don jr. on on the stand, he said, we trust our
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accountants watch. >> in the attempt to get trump, the attorney general can go and try to make more millions for the biggest banking institutions in the world who made millions before having day in court. i'm apparently guilty of fraud for relying on my accountants to do, wait for it, accounting. >> cheryl: civil case, it coulding multi billion dollar judgement against the president and his company. >> carley: him taking the stand is a big deal. >> cheryl: he is identifying in his defense. >> carley: president biden going to make an involvement today involving trains and money. >> cheryl: this is more about taking money from inflation
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reduction act and using for different things. they gave us details this morning, 16.4 billion in new funding. basically boston and d.c., a lot of rails do need work, be honest. money going to new york hudson tunnel. what is interesting, the president talks about bidenomics. doesn't seem to be working if you look at polls as far as president biden and being judged on managing the economy, which has not been well. poll numbers are low. his own party is criticizing him about bidenomics and the term. whoever came up with the slogan bidenomics should be fired. and even biden ally claiborne,
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say people have to educate family and children and that doesn't sound like bidenomics. is it resonating? it doesn't seem to be. >> todd: when democrats are throwing joe biden off the train -- forms of transportation. we talk about bill akman, a big guy in the business world, he has a scathing call to action when it comes to harvard >> cheryl: he is multi billionaire and powerful on wall street, he is not happy with harvard. if you follow him on twitter, you have known this since october 7. he's been vocal and calls out the president of harvard. jewish students are being bullied and spat on and videos
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of one incident physically assaulted. why are they doing nothing about this? harvard failed to meet its title. there was multi billionaire out of israel, they pulled their funding from harvard business, they are furious about the way harvard conducted itself. the president has had to give three statements to course correct over letting the student groups be basically pro-hamas. >> carley: long statement by bill ackman, he said we need to know the names of these protesters. he's been at the forefront of speaking out in the business world and college campuses. >> todd: you saw the law firm letter last week, the white
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shoes law firms. if you get a job there coming out of harvard or yale, you are set up to become very successful attorney. those law firms said no more, we will not do on-campus recruiting, if you continue the policies. that should be a wake-up call. the job of president, your job is fundraiser, for the presidents to misread the tea leaves is shocking. >> cheryl: harvard, yale, west coast schools, as well, it is shocking to me. >> carley: totally, sorry to cut you off, i just want to say, reminded of an op ed i read talking about how hamas infiltrated college campuses and it was calculated. they are say whatting is happening to palestinian is
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similar to what happened to george floyd. they talk about progressive messaging and know who they are messaging to. it is a calculated efforts. >> cheryl: i read part of that. ackman, it is a huge letter, he does say if this were about george floyd and you were throwing shade at him and insulting him like you are the people of israel, would you allow that to be free speech on campus? he was on campus last week, he's been there and his daughter went there and graduated in 2020, he's very involved in that. >> todd: this did not start on october 7, been going on for a while. >> todd: starting to say the quiet part out loud. david axelrod has a message for
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president biden, it is on the screen, we'll read it and talk about it with joe concha coming up. >> carley: lawrence jones is in new jersey fighting against antisemitism. hi, lawrence. >> lawrence: good morning, family, live we will be talking about what is happening across the country. if you listen to the people in the streets, they tell you what they believe. the rabbi here has sent a letter out letting universities know, if you will not protect students and kids and stand for what is right, we won't send them to your school and you won't be allowed at this school to recruit them, big message being sent to universities. we'll break it down coming up here on "fox and friends." icy hot. ice works fast.
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>> todd: a new poll from the "new york times" shows trump topping biden in five of six critical swing states, and that's apparently ratling some democrats, including former president obama's senior adviser david axelrod who says the following, quote: if biden continues to run he will be the nominee of the democratic party. what he needs to decide is whether that is wise. whether it's in his best interest or the country's. fox news contributor and columnist for the messenger, joe concha joins me now. joe, that is not a subtle hint. i read that as a call to action have democrats reached a new high on the panic meter? >> they have gone off it at this point, todd. let's be abundantly clear, david axelrod would never make such a statement if he didn't get a thumbs up from his former boss in barack obama. that is i got to clear it with the former president before i
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put this up on x and have millions of people read. this you have to wonder if this is paving the way for a possible michelle obama candidacy. i personally don't think she wants to run. but, again, you look that the tweet. looks at the caps in the end whether it's in his best interest or the country's. don't be selfish, joe, step down. do what you have got do for the good of democracy or something. look, kamala harris, todd, as we know she ain't plan b despite every contrived media attempt, reon behalf of the her image, possible. and poll after poll shows between 70%, 80%, even higher of democrats don't want joe biden, the sea quell. he is losing, as you just showed, in five of six swing states to donald trump, according to that "new york times" poll. you look at plus 10 in nevada. that's really incredible. georgia obviously plus 6. arizona plus 5. michigan, pennsylvania. these are all states that joe biden won in 2020.
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so you see every democrat out there on x, not every but a lot more and fake republicans like bill crystal saying joe biden should drop out. they are in absolute panic point at this point because they know joe biden isn't a fine wine. is he not going to get better with age. the question doesn't seem to be if joe biden drops out it's when. >> todd: that's a great point about michelle obama. that alleviates at love the concerns you would have bumping kamala harris off the ticket. african-american woman. african-american woman you don't have that same criticism that the democrats would receive if they got rid of kamala. let's focus on this poll. we have had you on talking about poll after poll after poll. this one seems really different to me. that nevada 10-point number really stands out. these are states that trump didn't do great n 2020 can a
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play jayapal on this poll. we have to do everything we can on electing joe biden the president. you know i have been a extremely strong of joe biden. there is the first time i felt the 2024 election is in great trouble for the president and for our democratic control which is essential to moving forward. >> todd: i mean you hear the panic in her voice, she is scared. obviously you mention michelle obama. david axelrod's comment seems to put it in biden's hands. but you and i well know that the president of the united states, in this case, joe biden doesn't make decisions whether he is going to run or not. this is from the democratic power brokers, joe, do those people, the dnc make a call to the bullpen in light of these poll numbers? >> wow, i wonder if that does happen joe biden himself probably thinks because he's on vacation 40% of the time of his presidency that's an actual stat, an actual number no i can still do this. trying to take the keys away
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from grandpa when they say you can't drive anymore. ultimately the democratic power brokers decide that msnbc and jen psaki who couldn't be a bigger support of joe biden if she tried saying this on his own turf so to speak. yeah, you got to think at some point the plug will be pulled. the question is if it's not michelle obama for winning emmys and obviously works for netflix and has mansion on the water in martha's vineyard, i don't know if she wants to jump into this. she may be asked politely please to safe the country then i get it's gavin newsom because he is over in china meeting with president xi and making a very public statement i will be president or i can be the nominee if you give me the chance. i guess that is what is happening at this point. who replaces joe biden is the big question. does kamala harris stay on the ticket? i can't see that happen because
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biden harris is kind of a brand. you can't separate one without the other, todd. >> todd: what confuses me about this, joe, again, we have had you on the program. you have been saying from the get-go that the democrats don't have a bench, right? so obviously the democrats have to be aware themselves they did not have a bench. they also, you would assume, had some foresight that the president would be 86 if he won re-election in 2024 when he left office in 2028 did. they not think of a plan b? quick, final reaction to you. >> they thought plan b was kamala harris and then they saw kamala harris do a speech or saw her performance in fixing the border. oh, no, this is not plan b. i think that's what they thought they had and now they realize they don't have anything. like the giants. >> todd: you beat me too it. if it showed anything you need multiple quarterbacks. joe and i on the same page. thanks for rubbing it in. giants are in sad shape as are the democrats. thanks have. great day. ♪ gosh. >> steve: good monday morning, everybody. a fox news alert. 1:00 in the afternoon in tur


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