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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  November 6, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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>> bret: now for today's throwback and it's a big throwback on this day 163 years ago. abraham lincoln of springfield, illinois was elected president of the united states. lincoln was the candidate of the newly created republican party, which officially wanted to limit the expansion of slavery. lincoln, of course, went on to be one of the most celebrated american presidents of all time, famed for signing the emancipation proclamation 1863: tomorrow on "special report" our "common ground" segment features democratic congressman richard tores and mike gallagher on social media and its impact on sentiment about the israel-hamas war as well as other things. remember, if you can't catch us live, set your dvr, fair, balanced and still unafraid. here is laura. ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is the ingraham angle from
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washington tonight. it's been months since a trans gunman shot up that covenant school and months since we have been demanding to see that manifesto released. well, tonight, we have new details about what was going through audrey hale's head as she stalked the school hallway. but, first, the old man hangs on. that he was the focus of tonight's angle. now, the other cable networks were going wall-to-wall with war coverage today but the focus wasn't israel's war against hamas it was a hacked prosecutor's war against trump and the courts. >> this case has made him angrier than almost any other case. i'm really flabbergasted right now. i have never seen anything like this in all of my time of being a lawyer. >> let trump hang himself, essentially in this trial. >> laura: now, more on the legal angle later. but the reason they devoted what, 8, 9 hours of coverage to the trial has less to do with its merits than when the recent polls that show trump trouncing biden. in five key battleground states,
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arizona, georgia, michigan, nevada and pennsylvania, according to the "new york times," trump has eaten significantly into biden's advantages among younger, black and hispanic voters, many of whom retain positive views of the policies trump enacted. wow. well, it turns out that biden is getting america tangled up in more wars while driving down real median income isn't so popular after all. and even with his significant lead in key states, mr. trump appears to have room to grow. as voters say they are open to supporting the former president than they tore backing mr. biden, which, with large shares of voters saying they trust mr. trump on the economy and national security. now, no wonder the democrat dam of support for biden seemed a bit to be buckling over the weekend. if they weren't pushing biden to step aside, it was a gentle nudge and not so subtle warnings. >> just a lot of concern about the age issue and that is
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something that i think he needs to ponder. just do a check and say is this the right thing to do? time is fleeting here. and this is probably the last moment for him to do that check. and it's probably good if he does. >> laura: okay. yeah because we know he has always put country first never ahead of his family's official duties. never happened. political statistician nate silver's treat saying you have the whole electorate basically screaming biden is too old. does a year's worth of campaign to go. very likely some reversion to the fundamentals. trump's legal issues probably larger liability than seen now but still, democrats can't say they weren't warned. they desperately want biden to become someone he never was and at 80 never can be. >> somehow biden has to find a way to animate the excitement
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and enthusiasm that i think he happened as a man of the center and put the country back quickly. he has got to do it soon and reverse these perceptions. otherwise, we are really heading toward, what i fear will be a cataclysmic election next year. >> laura: yeah, for the typical d.c. and manhattan elites who never bother considering what life really is like for middle class voters. they are confounded that people don't love persistent inflation, sky high food and gas prices and mortgage interest payments that crush first time home buyers. they are shocked that that's unpopular. the once reasonable jonathan karl is worried. when you hear the word anybody, remember, is he actually referring to the regime media types like himself. >> look, this is a wake-up call. this is frightening for not just the biden white house, not just for democrats, but for anybody who fears what a return to a trump presidency would mean.
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he can win. >> laura: listen to the language, fears and frightening. he would never cover, you know, a poll favorable to biden from the republican perspective. because you can bet that a lot of regular folks are terrified of the prospect of biden staggering through another four more years. including african-americans. such as karen wright, a business consultant in mcdonough, georgia who immigrated to the united states from jamaica in 1982. and she told the "new york times" that she had always voted for democrats, seeing them as the best option for younger immigrants. particularly those from predominant live black countries like hers. now though she believes biden hasn't followed through on his campaign promises, on immigration, and worries that democrats have gone too far in their embrace of lgbtq issues. next year ms. wright said that she planned to support republicans up and down the ballot and that she was not alone. that's devastating.
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no wonder bill crystal's panties are in a bunch posting on x it's time president biden has served our country well. i'm confident he'll do so for the next year but it's time for an act of personal sacrifice and public spirit. it's time to pass the torch to the next generation. it's time for biden to announce he won't run in 2024. pass the torch? kentucky carry a torch what planet does bill kristol live. biden may not understand what is happening around the world not well at least. is he with it enough to know that all things considered being president helps hunter and the gang more than if he were not president. and enriching his family and protecting them are all that ever mattered to biden. now, there is no denying that democrats and the press want him out. but, if that's what they want, they have to do a heck of a lot more than hint and nudge. they are going to have to use leverage on the only thing that joe biden really cares about, his family. hard to see them doing that.
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look, anything can happen. but, democrats are in a jam of their own making. they failed across the board and they deserve to lose across the board. they failed in their pledges, even to strengthen democracy. remember that pledge? since now fewer americans trust our system of government with biden at the helm. 76%, i almost fell over saying, this of those polls now say that we're heading in the wrong direction. only in the liberal mind would that democrat track record actually be called a success. definitely reelect that and why would anyone miss right mind think gavin newsom with his horrid track record in california can do any better than biden? what on earth does he have to offer? we gold from president sniffy to president smarmy, no thank you. and that's the angle. all right, joining me now mollie hemingway fox news contributor byron york, washington examiner mark levin, former democrat member of the virginia house of delegates.
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mark, joe biden, i don't think, is going anywhere. but, can you deny that there is momentum building to push him out because they see the numbers that the "new york times" is reporting, abc news is reporting. siena, pretty much every poll out there. and it is a nightmare for biden. >> democrats often get worried about all kinds of things. but, every democrat i know from firmly supports joe biden. i think they understand that he has the integrity to be president. >> he has the integrity? >> he does. >> donald trump testifying about how all. >> laura: again we are talking about biden. >> but the election is a choice. >> the guy you say has the integrity to be president. where has he ever demonstrated integrity? >> look on the international stage. >> family's tragedy to actually like empathize with someone from a huge natural disaster? >> laura, look on the international stage, harry truman, ronald reagan and joe biden no. one has stood up to democracy
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and ukraine more than joe biden. >> laura: everyone knows ukraine is lost, mollie. the foreign policy angle here not to be under stated. even the "new york times," they are reporting on ukraine. even the head of the defense ministry of ukraine basically said we are at a stalemate. >> it's worth remembering that when trump was president the mediaened before he was president the media said if he were elected president we would have nuclear war breakout. there would be a destabilization across the world. instead what you had was a very strong national interest based foreign policy. we went after our enemies. but we didn't get embroiled in various conflicts. when president biden took office, he said america is back, baby. and he said he would assert this very. >> laura: the norms? what happened to the norms. >> very mature foreign policy. we have had nothing but disaster globally. the world is on fire. we had a stable situation in the middle east. he decided to prioritize palestinian interests to help iran become a dominant -- become dominant again in the region and we see how that is going. you have the ukraine war
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devolved into a stalemate. you have china continuing to rise. that has actually been one of the worst problems for his presidency and that's just one of the problems for the biden presidency. >> laura: byron, what is wild biden is doing a put a good face on something that isn't resonating, watch. >> i truly believe this country is about to take off. because for the first time in a long time, we bringing pride back to cities and towns all across america who have been left behind. can i honestly say i have never been more optimistic about america's future. >> laura: 76% of americans saying america is going in the wrong direction. >> you know, i think biden's age is a huge problem. and it's not going to get any better. but i do think if things were going well in the country and the world, a lot of voters would say, you know,er is really old and he is daughterring and things are going really well. going well with me voter in pennsylvania who said the world
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is falling apart under president biden people's standard of living has gone down. their purchasing power has gone down. you look at the disaster on the border spreading to blue cities up north. you see crime in many places like here in washington. and then you add to it a huge war in ukraine, a new war in israel. and that guy who said the world is falling apart under president biden, that was a reasonable way to look at things. >> laura: my mother would say nell a hand basket that was one of those saying. stacey abrams polls at 3 points higher right now, which is mind-blowing to me than joe biden. but, stacey abrams thinks kamala harris is getting too much criticism. watch. >> do you think she would be receiving these same critiques if she was a white man. >> no. we cannot ignore the misogyny and racism remain very prevalent in our politics. there is also just a difference. our expectations are set for the
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traditional white male vice president. >> laura: mark, obviously talking about kamala poll 3 points higher. what are your thoughts on that. racism is really at the heart of people's criticism of kamala harris? >> i think kamala harris is an asset that the democrats should use more. absolutely. people need to show she is there. she is a steady leader. and i think she can do the job. when we talk about biden's age, biden and trump are four years apart. i would be willing to bet that donald trump, given his health habits is going to die a lot sooner than joe biden who is a very healthy person. >> laura: hoping trump dies before biden? >> no. the point is that his age is not an issue. only two people running and election is a choice. and of the two. donald trump more danger than joe biden. >> laura: why are black voters moving to trump? >> well, you are talking about whether it goes from 10% to 20% or something like that. >> laura: double? are you saying that's not relevant? >> the vast majority of black voters will support joe biden
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and i do believe kamala harris needs to get out there and help support black votes. >> laura: mark, i'm not trying to pick on you, honestly, if i were in your position i would probably say the same thing. the "new york times" describes this as a potentially epical shift on what democrats wanted to do on progressivism and more working class populism. that's in the "new york times." that's not a conservative rag, correct? >> i do think popular. donald trump a classic populist. that's why we want a steady hand. >> laura: what is steady? 5.6% decline in real median wages? is that. >> real wages are higher they have ever been. >> laura: real income actually looked at with inflation is down. that's not my number that's the feds. >> trump dominating here he has multiple bases of support. he has enthusiastic maga supporters. people who remember how nice life was under his presidency. he also has people extremely worried that democrats are using
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law enforcement to go after political opponents and try to imprison political opponents. people worried about that kind of authoritarianism. this gives him degree bases of support. you see if in the numbers reflected. you're welcome voters are more likely to vote for him and black voters. >> laura: byron, what do you think about that. democrats are quietly moving to succeed biden. they are mentioning newsom, whitmer, pritzker. they all have launched big pacs and all kind of interesting characters. i'm not sure it would make a big difference but they are looking at it? >> well, first of all, black are moving away from biden because they go to the grocery store. that's clear. and they go to the gas station, too. you know, as far as any replacement for biden, it's extremely hard to blast an incumbent president out of his seat for the party. and, if he did, i don't think there is any way in the world democrats could pass over vice president lewis-harris.
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>> can't leapfrog her. >> she is the vice president of the united states. >> laura: okay. i agree with you. >> democratic nominee. >> laura: i agree with you that's probably what is going to happen. if it wasn't how do they leapfrog. >> they can't. >> can they? >> she is the vice president of the united states. she is the constitutional successor. >> people are running for 2028. all the things you mentioned are looking at 2028. >> laura: is there any way to get over kamala harris. >> she is politically toxic but they can't get over here. >> laura: panel, great to see you all. mark, don't be mad at you. >> i'm used to three against one. >> laura: good to have you with us. d.c. was taken over by tens of thousands of pro-palestinian protesters over the weekend. i'm sure you saw some of it. damaged statues held up swastikas but even damaged the white house. what is joe biden's take on all of this. the answer may surprise you, that's next.
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israel is under attack and jewish families are in danger. israel's enemies seek our destruction. the people of israel need immediate help. rockets have us squarely in the crosshairs.
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our people are targets in their own homes. many have lost everything and fear for their lives. the international fellowship of christians and jews has launched an urgent response to rescue those affected by this violent attack. our teams are on the ground across israel delivering lifesaving aid. your urgently needed gift of only $45 will help rush food, water, medicine and emergency supplies for jewish families that have nowhere to turn. time is literally running out. what we need you to do is to act now.
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>> genocidal joe genocidal. netanyahu is a fascist leader as well. they are committing genocide every day. >> do you support israel to exist? are you saying get rid of israel all together? >> get rid of it. >> intifada. intifada. [shouting] griff. >> laura: well as joe biden enjoyed the beach time as he
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usually does over the weekend in rehoboth. those are the scenes outside of the white house. and along with the calls for intifada chants of allahu akbar and signage that featured swastikas. i thought biden was horrified by such gatherings. >> when i saw those folks in charlottesville coming out of the field carrying nazi swastikas and torches and literally chanting the same anti-semitic wile that was head in the germans. >> i could not remain silent after charlottesville. >> laura: suddenly cat has got his tongue here? all right, his outrage is dependent on whether he gets some political benefit out of it. now, by comparison only hundreds of people or so at charlottesville event. his campaign wanted us to believe that that was the reason he ran for president. joining me now richard davis hanson senior fellow at the hoover institution. victor, here is some of the damage that the peace and love crowd left behind. we're showing it on the screen
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white house gates. i might have forgotten it but did the january 6th people spray paint inside the capitol or damage statues in statuary hall? i'm not remembering that? >> i don't think they did. but they redefined insurrection for us. >> they said any time that mass groups of people get near government installations and they did or they deface government problem that's iconic like the white house gate, for example, or wall, or statuary, or they disrupt congressional proceedings, which we saw a week before, or they go into the rotunda where it's prohibited to have a demonstration, then all of that constitutes an insurrection, especially when you have an elected official go out and try to rev everybody up and not quell the excitement. that's what representative tlaib did when she promulgated that lie about the hospital parking lot bombing that it was a result of israeli idf action.
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and that revved up the crowd. by their own definition all of these people now should be objects of fbi teams that are going over these videos and calling them up, visiting their homes and soon we should expect the doj to file felony charges. if they are going to be consistent. >> laura: protests are obviously hurting biden politically, i think. did democrats have anyone to blame, victor, but themselves and all that anti-american bile that has been sold in our schools and our universities, in fact, embraced by the biden administration? >> >> yeah. i think they got mesmerized by this institutional support for the ceo, the corporate board room. foreseeable sports, the media, academia. they didn't realize there was no public or popular support. biden seems captivated by these palestinian radical crowds. but, you know, michigan has the largest number of arab american voters and there are only 2% of the electorate in michigan and much less in other states like
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new jersey it's 1%, nevada, et cetera. there is no support on the poll for open borders, for sanctuary cities, for the trans advocacy. they get so caught up in echo chamber they think it resonates with the american people. and they are completely unaware. can you see that with barack obama. he thinks there is an opening for him to come out of retirement and weigh in on the palestinian question. last week it was, you know, material consumption is bad. more inclusive capital. this is a guy with four estates. but he doesn't realize that most-that people really blame his policies that biden followed religiously for biden's own problems. he said that we were all somehow complicit and we should feel complicit with the middle east in the middle east is a mess because barack obama brought back robert malley, put him in positions of authority and influence. he gave us the iran deal. he had this crazy idea of an iran access shia crescent and he
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distanced himself from israel and championed the palestinians in gaza and the west bank. the results of all of that chickens are coming home to use a metaphor that he uses to roost. >> laura: when he called it the occupation, what did that mean? >> >> into m that means is he histy illiterate. gaza was free of israelis since 2005. election typical in the middle east. one election, one time. they got what they wanted. and barack obama knows it. so he has to use this empty tired word "occupation" that has no historic cat accuracy or relevance. it's really pathetic to watch him. is he kind of a has been. he thinks people are going to listen to him and he has no awareness of the unpopularity of joe biden is really a reflection of the continuation of his first two terms. >> laura: victor we got to roll. great to see you as always.
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news on the trans manifesto and stand on civil trial and what the judge told him will probably shock you. stay there. ♪
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♪ fastsigns. make your statement. >> evidentiary evidence demonstrated that he falsely inflated his assets. >> it's a scam. this is a case that should have never been brought and it's a case that now should be dismissed. >> he rabbleables, he hurled insults. i will not be bullied or harassed. justice will prevail. >> laura: there were heated moments in court and after court today the president took the stand in his new york civil trial. judge engoron demanding that trump's attorneys criminal him on the stand and even going so
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far i don't want that hear what he has to say. dadavid schoen. i know you were getting reports as it was happening. i want to remind viewers this is not a jury trial for the life of me i don't understand why they didn't request a jury in a situation like this that the judge said he does not want to hear what trump has to say, what does that signal. >> yeah, i mean, let's make that very clear. the judge explicitly said i don't want to hear what he has so say. that probably epitomizes the sham this whole thing is. i think of all the cases against president trump, and there are pretty good candidates for this, this one is the most offensive, at least right now to most people. this is a case in which there are no losses, no victims, it allows a partisan attorney general who ran on platform of getting trump, which itself was ethical problematic, allows now a judge, as you say, without a jury to determine that he is going to take away -- try to take away president trump's
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business licenses in new york state, take away valuable properties, again, no losses, no victims. it's a sham. but today we heard it. this case seems to be all about this judge. we learned today that he has a section in the courtroom reserved for his friend and his law clerk's friends to come and watch. it's a circus to him. but, you know, i would imagine the poll numbers went way up after today because what president trump did was stand up to this judge like i think every american would like to do in a justice system lawyer says you can't talk to a judge that way. after all this, guy is deciding the case. president trump is very savvy, and he knows that this judge has already decided this case and so he called it like it was. he didn't have to be there. he didn't ask for this case to be brought. if you are going to bring him there, you are not going to bully him. you must listen to what he has to say or you are making it more of a sham and liberal flexion on the integrity of our judicial system. >> laura: david, speaking of the judge, i want to play a cnn
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report from inside the courtroom, watch. this after trump testified, his lawyer signaled to the judge that are still some motions that they would like to file. they would like to file a motion for a mistrial. and there were also some issues that they want to raise related to the gag order. the judge encouraged them not to file any such motion and then said that he was ordering them not to file that motion. >> laura: she is obviously outside the courthouse. the judge apparently backed down from that order, david. but, to initially deny any motion just out of hand without even seeing the motions that was risking, what? a motion for a mistrial or more -- more, you know, grounds for the appeal? that's obviously going to come? >> certainly grounds for the appeal. it's as if he is going out of his way to show the american public that he run as sham courtroom. it's horrible. as a lawyer, i can tell you, you know, we all have a vested interest in seeing that the justice system operates properly. he never should have allowed this attorney general to bring this action.
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it should have been dismissed as a matter of first course. the law is extraordinarily broad, there executive law that permits this. this case, you know, you mentioned earlier about a jury trial. this executive law case construing it saying there is no right to a jury trial. in my view the lawyer should have asked for one to preserve the record. in this case it goes far beyond injudgive relief to really excessive damages if they really intend to fine him $250 million and take away his business and all of that -- god forbid that should ever be upheld by any court. even a court in new york. >> laura: yeah, i would have made the motion as well on the jury trial. david, great to see you. thank you so much. now, finally. >> laura: where is that manifesto that we kept hearing about from the trans tennessee shooter? i'm still asking the same question where is the manifesto? >> where's the manifesto? why hasn't the public seen any of this? >> laura: well, finally we may have some answers on the nashville shooter's manifesto.
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images reported to be from audit gri dry hale's net book circulating on social media. they lay out a timeline of the covenant school massacre she called death day and provides insight into her say demonic twisted mindset. i have to warn you these comments are very disturbing. hale allegedly wrote i'm ready i hope my victims are not. i hone i have a high death count. and the then she took particular issue with children who had what she claimed as white privilege and then who went to fancy private schools with those fancy khakis and their daddy's mustangs and convertibles. while the angle has not confirmed the authenticity of these writings, a source told fox 17 in nashville that these are, in fact, authentic. joining me now is james r. fitzgerald, criminal profiler and retired fbi supervisory special agent. james, you and i have been urging authorities to release this manifesto almost from day one. and it seems like someone in law enforcement was tired of what seemed like many to be a
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politically motivated cover-up here. what are your thoughts tonight? >> >> hi, laura, i believe i was on with you the night of the shooting and next night and come on later that week. each time i said this thing should be released. redact names and addresses we don't need to see the violent images on video. the basic narrative behind why this person chose to shoot up a school, three kids, three adults, it would have been a lot higher of a body count if she got her wish. we, the public, should know about this. i knew about this with other cases that i worked. unabomb, d.c. sniper. the lapd officer who was a basically a serial killer. and there were writings there. >> they should be released to the public. this should have been released much sooner than it is now this is only the tip of the iceberg. to-do list, mission statement and operational plan all in these three pages. there is a lot more in there, no
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doubt about this. >> laura: obviously a hate crime. if you believe in what hate crimes are, this is kind of the definition. now, the director of the nashville metro police gave us a statement tonight saying that i cannot confirm or deny the authenticity of the documents due to the existing lawsuit at the request of the mayor -- at the mayor i'm initiating a full investigation with multiple law enforcement agencies to determine exactly what happened. now, when we asked the mayor's office for a statement, they referred us back to the one we just read. so, what do we glean from any of this and kind of very specific language that's being used by the nashville officials? to me, it just wreaks like, you know, political here. >> well, this whole thing from day one wreaks of political in terms of someone deciding somewhere at my own former agency, fbi, the doj, that this manifesto, this journal,
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whatever it is was not going to be released. they are also covering their tracks. of course, everything i say and you say, laura, is conditional on it being confirmed and verified. but, i think you would have had a much stronger denial that, in fact, it didn't -- or it wasn't legit if that was the case and i don't think -- i think we are going to find out these are the case and it's only the tip of many, more items to come. if there are other items. >> laura: apparently videos as well. james, thank you. now, it isn't just some on the left and media turning on biden. senator ron johnson is going to explain how it is about to get worse for biden. that's next. ♪ i'm a retired school librarian. i'm also a library board trustee, a mother of two, and a grandmother of two. basically, i thought that my memory wasn't as good as it had been. i needed all the help i could get. i saw the commercials for prevagen. i started taking it. and it helped! i noticed my memory was better. there was definite improvement. i've been taking prevagen for a little over five years.
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♪ >> the president was never in business with his son. i just don't have anything else to add. >> there is no direct evidence that president biden was involved in any way, shape, or form in hunter biden's business dealings. >> how involved were you in your son's chinese shakedown text message? were you sitting there? were you involved? >> no, i wasn't. and i don't know. >> were you? >> no! >> laura: as i mentioned the angle to get rid of biden the democrats would need to play hard ball not just with him but with his family. that's really the only leverage they have at this point. kind of interesting timing when over the weekend a major media
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outlet began to question biden's involvement with hunter's foreign business benefactors. politico reporting a steady trickle of revelations are contradicted the president's denials. they include the president's claim that he never discussed his relative's business dealings with anyone and his suggestion that the appearance of emails apparently belonging to his son was the result of a russian plot as well as biden's denials that his son made money from china and that his relatives have profited off of the biden name i have a question tonight. why is politico deciding to drop a story about something many of us have been reporting on for years? here to unpack all of this is senator ron johnson at the helm of the senate's investigation into biden family inc. senator, is this the beginning of a media pig pile on biden? what's your motivation here? >> i doubt it. if it is it's a minimal one. to quote the politico argue the president isn't shown to have committed wrongdoing. politico review of recent developments cast doubt on
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several statements. he lied through his teeth. he lied to the american public to become president of the united states. you don't consider that wrong doing? so i would consider this as a modified limited hangout. the watergate. the scandal-type where it's the press is just barely dragging itself to some admission, well, you know, he is not the perfect guy the man of integrity we tried to convey to the american public. >> do you agree that's the only leverage they have with president biden. were they really serious that they had to move on from him for 2024, that his family is what he really cares about, especially his son? >> he is going to do what is best for joe biden. we have seen that the millions he has amassed in public office, i mean, we are really not investigating that as well. my guess is i think the evidence will be so overwhelming and, again, his performance as president is so awful that i think they will cast him aside. let's face it. >> laura: do you think they are going to cast him aside. >> he has almost zero percent
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chance of being their nominee. i want to point out it's not just president biden's governance. this is democrat governance that's destroying this country. >> laura: special counsel david weiss sitting down for voluntary transcribed interview with the house judiciary committee tomorrow, senator. his spokesperson told fox that weiss is prepared to take this unprecedented step of testifying before the conclusion of his investigation to make clear that he has had and continues to have full authority over this investigation and to bring charges in any jurisdiction. senator, what should those republicans be asking him. >> full authority to interfere in the election? what is not getting enough play is senator grassley whistleblower. he wrote a letter to fbi director wray and attorney general garland where he talks about his whistleblower saying the fbi had 40 confidential human sources. you know, they also established this foreign influence task force. it's primary task was to find out where there was derogatory information on joe biden or hunter biden. and then mike calls it catch and
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kill. go and basically say that evidence is russian disinformation. it's that same task force that had an unsolicited briefing to senator grassley and i where they told us we were targets of russian disinformation. this was august of 2020. so, again, this is pretty well documented. let's face it, the fbi started its presabotaging hunter biden laptop the day they picked it up. >> laura: they actually think it's okay, do they not, for the president's family to make money off the biden name when biden was in office? i mean, most democrats apparently think that's just totally fine? >> my guess that's true because all they care about is power. i'm not sure the fbi believes that. but there are higher ups in the fbi that are such partisan actors that they did everything they could to interfere in our investigation and in weiss' investigation as well. >> laura: hunter is blaming disinformation for his family's troubles and the questions into his business dealings saying my struggles and my mistakes have been fodder for a vile and
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sustained disinformation campaign against president biden and all out annihilation of his reputation. your response? >> if you have ever seen the marco polo report which is just pictures and emails off of his laptop, there is hard evidence of wrongdoing. one thing that drives me nuts is the fact that he solicited and used women that were part of international sex trafficking ring. i guess that's not wrongdoing either. i guess it's not wrongdoing to collect millions of dollars from china and cancel the nine initiative the department of justice program to investigate chinese theft of our intellectual property at universities. one of the first acts president biden when he came into office is that a sign of compromise. i think it is. >> laura: are you worried that our china policy is being written, in fact, by china given what is going on? >> absolutely. remember the whole outrage over possible trump collusion with russia is if we had president that this connections to a foreign power that, could compromise that president. that was a complete false
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narrative folks perpetrated by the hillary clinton campaign. the fbi knew that. >> laura: now doing a reset of the china relationship after money flowing into the biden family. all a coincidence, senator. i think you are being very mean. senator, great to see you don't as always. >> great to see you. >> laura: the biden administration moves to protect minority group, not jews while climate activists smash another priceless work of art. raymond arroyo has it. "seen and unseen" is next. ♪
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>> jesse: . >> laura: we reveal the story behind the headlines now seen and unseen. raymond, thank you for joining us. when israel was attacked in october, the administration was vocal about the need to protect people at home and abroad. >> yes, something has clearly shifted in the ensuing weeks. they have charged president
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biden with genocide. the administration has announced a new initiative. >> many years those perceived to be muslim have been part of targets of hate fueled attacks, today i am proud to announce the joe biden and kamala harris and administration will develop the first national strategy to counteract islamaphobia. >> people account for 60% of the religious hate crimes, at the highest in 30 years for rates. but to kamala harris and joe biden, islamaphobia is the problem. >> laura: it kind of reminds me after 9/11. and i remember those three or four weeks afterwards very
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tenuous. >> on like that, politics may be driving it. he is up 42% among arab americans and this feels like a political operation. that ceat cease-fire that we tad about last week. when you show the numbers, the white house is adopting a new strategy and video to stem the bleed. joe biden's new message, remember, i was vice president to barack obama. >> remember, there are so many memories at grant park 15 years ago, barack obama and myself and our families were there. my mom reached out and held my hand. >> i said come on now, it's going to be okay.
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>> it looks like he is visiting his grandfather in the retirement home. i don't know if his batman routine will work. with obama running artificial intelligence, that did not make him look better but weaker. likely solid controlling others around the white house. >> laura: he is hoping for the reflected glory of obama, he will shine brightly once again, and it's not going to work. it never did work and it's not going to work now. >> is evidence of how this reelection campaign has happened, they spent time pitching not just national security but spending billions on amtrak upgrades and transects. you can tell from the start how it would go. >> please take a seat. if i say anything like don't jump, then okay. >> oh, no, not that line again.
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>> well, and it's not working. he called it the american dream. people don't know what it means when 40% of the american city economy is going the wrong direction. >> as mentioned, climate activists are smashing more art in the uk. so what happened there? >> well, two activists ran into the national gallery in london and took hammers to a diego velasquez painting. [inaudible] >> women did not get the vote by bungling it. >> these two clowns were arrested, but the fact that they
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feel like they can destroy priceless parts of our western heritage as a means of protest is frankly enraging. >> laura: they are coddled and empathized with by individuals in power both in the united states and the uk and you get what you have permitted and tolerated all these years, and they will get a lot more of it, quite frankly. >> geddes granddaughter is funding it while they are protecting their own art, none of this makes sense. >> you are right, these are ignorant people, raiment, thank you. that is it for us tonight, thank you for watching and please remember it is america now and forever. follow me on social media on x, facebook and instagram. jesse watters takes it from here. >> jesse: welcome, eveon


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