tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News November 6, 2023 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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>> this is junior t ramirez. he goes by t he's a special needs student and he made a half court the shot just for the buzzer. that was at liberty high schoobg . so proud of you.o, go t love it. you go, boy. sho >> great kid. you've made that shot. well, you know you to pick it >> gm that you can't make jokes about and we have 30 seconds left, right? >> correct. yeah. e wi surely make a joke n about someone that has special needs, a haleef court shot. >> i've heard you make multipleh jokes about athlete before, dogo about the wedding couple that was going to last longer. >> the dog of the wedding.know who knows?s? n or the mean cat? those are bad. yeah. yeah. >> dhave anyg to you have anytht to promote carry out outnumbered tomorrow at noon i'm there every day so join me i harrison emily's is on your show tonight. we look at i will see you on america's newsroom herald. >> are you going to befacebo anywhere? >> go blue. all right. just happy to be here and have a great night. you guysok a. e, every
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welcome to jesse watters. prime time tonightis is "j. >> nice out of the white house.] surround did and our monuments vandalized. this is a wake up call. this is frightening. suhe can win.tening. >> obama world calls for joe biden to step down. >> a 28 year old woman opens fire inside a private christian elementary schooln elm in nashville, killineng were three childrenth and three staff members before being shot and killed by police. >> the trans shooter manifesto leaked. >> now we know why they were hiding it. >> i think i'm stuck. i'm h >> help me.el help joe biden, who's neveryone filled an arena in his life, shocked everyone this weekend when he filled the streets of d.c. style sounds of angry palestinian sympathizers
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rattling the cages of the whit eattling the cages of the whit house, chanting biden's new nickname , joe biden. no time god, how long did biden go into the bunker this weekend? no, obviousle y, he wase writ in delaware while rioters spent the night vandalizing our capitoernight val. the white house pillars desecrated with blood red painst ,monuments of our founding fathers. ben franklinfathers, were abuse
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>> the statue of lafayette in the park across from the street to the white house defaced. >> no patriotic american would ever do that. lafayetteee was a frenchman,n. joined the continental army and commanded american troops under george washington in critical battles that led to our victory in the revolutionary war. >> the biggest insult is here in lafayette park, where general lafayette,h th the palestinian flag was raised ,and it still remains. i've never been so afraid. they raised the palestinian n your flag and more graffiti. boy, graffiti like this, free palestine. you see this free palestine. and look at this side. look at this side. decolonize palestine, decolonize the united state workers world party, the arab street now coming to america
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the next day, not a single mention on the front page of the washington post or the new york timesle menti. >> what primetime found strange was it police said there were notpage. major incidents when thousands of screaming protesters surrounded the white house, shaking the gates and defiling our monuments. you're saying that's not a major incident? the media went crazy when trump walked across lafayette park with a bible. but when lafayette park's under siege by a violent mob itching to storm the white house, that's not a major incidenat. oo only one personen was arrested. and there's surveillance footage everywhere. >> if you were near the capitol on january six, you were you arrested. >> this country is about to boil over . democrat senators are now getting shouted down by democrat protesters. >> there are so many places in our country right now where people want to make sure
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what makes america great, the power to protest, the power to have free speech. power of america is the democratic base is raging and fracturing in the in an election year. and it's coming from the bottom up electn ye. e and now the biden campaign is being held hostagine. o say >> what would you like to sayto to president biden? what is the messag e? y free palestine. till the day we die. shame on you. cease fire now! no cease yoire, no votes in 2024. you have a whole generation of voteru have a gs coming up we going to be able to vote in this next election. and if you don't stop thisn't st now, you will not get thesope votes. >> the left cut a deal to putt joe in the white house and that deal is done. >> the squad's not calling
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joe biden a war criminal now. >> language usually reserved for republicans. >> this likely means biden's doomed. >> mr. president, the americani. people are not with you on this one. we will remember in 2024 and after biden's house was surrounded and his party called him an ethnic cleanser, his so-called best friend sided with the arab street. >> barack obama came off th barack obama came off occupation was unbearable and biden has blood on his hands. >> what hamas did was horrific and there's no justificationbuts for it. and what is also true is thatuei the occupation and what's happening to palestinians is is
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unbearable. >> and you then have to admit nobody's hands are clean. arethat all of us are complicit to some degree. >> we're complicito. >> thanks, barry. i was your vice president and you endorsed hillary. and now i'm complicit in . obama's house in hawaii is about to get read it. >> watch. i haven't seen president t seens and vice presidents at each other's throat like this since trump and penc eats likee. but obama world kept piling on. david axelrod, obama's chief political strategist, says now would be the time for biden to bow out. >> there's just a lot of concern about the age issueai and that is something that i think he needs to ponder. just do a check and say, is this the right thing to do? so he just has to ask himself hm
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is is, you know, is this the best path? i suspect that he will say yes,y but time is fleeting here. and this is probably the last moment for him to dot fo that check. and it's probably good if he does. >> wow. so democrats went from biden. is fdr to actually no. is jimmy carter. so please do the right thingd and resign. >> the new york times is sayin g> the new york times is sayin joe biden is in trouble. >> usually, democrats can't read a room until they read a poll and they read read a big one this sunday. the new york times put out the hit trump beating joe biden in five out of theba six battleground states arizona, georgia, michiganttleground sta, nevada,, all states biden barely won in 2020, and trump's beating them by 4 to 10 points. >> if the election was today, trump wins in a landslide. >> we're talking 300 electoral votes. he could even win the popular. >> the new york times pollpoll s
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showhos biden blowing up the obama rainbow coalition. biden is basically tied with trump among hispanics, biden tied with trump amonngg young voters, and trump is getting 22% of the black vote. >> time says that's unfair unse scene in presidential politics for a republican in modern times. presfor a thou go. the country appears to prefer peace and prosperity to povertye and war. >> and the media says that'sri frighteninty in thg. >> this is a wake up call. this is frightening. e or francis the biden white house. not just for democrats, but for anybody who fears what a return to a trump presidency would mean. n to truhe can win a trump land as this poll suggests, would mean a mandate for magwoa and a rejection of biden nomics. it's not complicated. a big mac mills almost 20 bucks. >> so i guess there's a labor shortage. r i guess there's wage increases and a number of other thingsnum, but $16, $16 for a burger,
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a large fry and a drink, it's just crazy. >> and that was in idaho. >> dinner at mcdonald's used to cost me $8. gas was $2. >> rates were, too. now biden wants to give you a $7,000 credit to buy an $80,000 electric car so you can plug it in. >> and a house you don't own because rates are at 8%. but democrats say you're too because dumb and emotional to realize how good you have it. their feelings are dictating their reality. their reality is thae t they sad that they feel better or they felt better when trump was in office. but we've been trying to push back. we also have an issu te as relates to civics in this country and people not understandin g exactly how any of this works. >> the establishment's messageo. is it's not the economy, stupid. t. pid. >> let's bring in tesla and figaro. she's a former adviser for bernie sanders and host of the straight shot no chaserse
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podcast. >> so how dangerous a position politically is joe biden with democrats? >> yeah, let's be clear. any time. david axelrod, who is a known kingmaker in the democrat party, is saying the quiet part out loud, there is a problem. m jesse, people have been talking about this behind the scenes for months and yearson. in fact, i want to remind people that in 2019 it was joe joe biden that signal to the american people and to democrat people s that he woulda one term president. people forget that his whole thing waee forgets about running one time and being able to be a placeholder for trump. so what happened is this off w coalition has been falling off way before this waayr. progressives were begged to to to vote for joe biden. bernie sanders sit there and say that he would be the most progressive president in our history, which everyone knew was a joke. people said literally, u kn you know, literally held their their nose to vote for joe biden. black voters are falling off. now you have the muslim and arab community that is falling off. it is clearly saying we will go against you. what you need michigan to win.e
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>> by the way, you have workinga class voters all ovevell over r, country. >> 500,000 people are on strike right now from nurse kes, fromautowonurse autoworkers, from teachers, from casino workers. wos there is arkers. problem. >> and so when liberals tweet me, my fellow liberals ory want progressives or whatever you want to call yourself tonight, when you tweet me and say is h you tweet me and say to fox news to tell you that joe biden is helping trump. i came to tell you thatr joe biden is the campaign manager for donald if he trump. if he does not, if he continues on this path, people want a different choice. you had a former president that was on the stand today, jesse. that means it should be a landslide for the democrats for trump to still be winning overwhelmingly in the polld stis to still be winning overwhelmingly across the board. >> it says ie board. ge it says ie board. get away from the ego of thet o, high horse and give people a better option. >> polls are telling other candidates that you shouldn't run. he telliof thediwhat idates s tr democrats besides biden?>> w >> well, it's down to joe biden. i guess we'll never know becauselbiden,e they won't allow
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anybody to win. and i want to be very clear because i know people are going to tweet m.e. i can't believe you going on fox. well, i have to go on fox because if i go to the liberal networ welcomoe ifk, they're not going to let you hear it. your democrat leaders are not listening to youar it.tic lead,. organize 300 candidates, operatives and organizers in atlanta, georgia, just last year, just me, jesse, just ekend. m one woman in a couple of my friends organize candidates from all over the country. therzing can ver the are people who wantere r to run. there are people that need the support. there are peoplee le tha support. on the localraise and the state and the federal level that want to raise their hand. but they've been tolth have bedt down. >> starting with bernard sanders, who i used to work for starting with senator warren, who also was a buddy of bernardf sanders, all of them have been told to si tt down and have a seat. >> they have sold out their base. let me be crysta base.l clear. sold out your base and instead s are putting your interests above the people. this is not about trump. it is a problem on the liberal side. side, you t option. it's not no more about. well, let's just do. let's roll the table.
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why are people falling off? f why are people strikinalglingik all overing al this country?ouny it is an i if david axelrod is saying it, that meansssue it is a problem,r just as le figaro is. >> david, you're you'rob>> youem me that bernie and warren both want a primary biden but the democrat brass tolren tolddm to sit down. >> i am telling you that every democrat that wanted to run the the same way they told bernie sanders,to elizabeth warren, cornel west, marianne williamson, robert fwilliamson, kennedy, everybody that raised their hand, they said, hey, i'm willin r i'm wig to run. they were told to sit down and they're sitting down. let's look they're sitting down. nobody is standing up to say, hedingy, let us have a different option. and remember, again, joe biden said he would be a one term president. >> so that was his first line out the gatet. >> he said he will be a one term president. so, joe biden, please, ifatic p you love the democrat party, if you love the people the way that youarhe peopl you say say l fall back and allow another candidate to win.
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and this has nothing to do with trump. this is what's happening do optt on the left. >> people do not have the option that they're looking for. all right. tesla, thank you so much forhea joining fox. >> we love hearing what you had to say ch for b. >> thank you. >> well, for the first time in american history, a former president was called to take the stand in his own criminal case. and it was absolute bedlam. the taxicab driving vietnam ware protesting, democrat donating, judge completely lostet controlo >> the second trump took the stand. remember, the judge is alreadyna fined trump twice for opening his mouth and trump opened his mouth quite a bit on the stand today. at one point, the judgnde slammh his hands on the bench, demanded that trump's attorneys controan l them.n >> but i was told to sit downasl todad y. i was yelled at, and i've had a judge who is unhinged. a slamming a table. let me be very clear. i don't tolerate that in and ita my life. i'm not going to tolerate it here. here.
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>> you shouldn't either. outside the court, trump shared his thoughts about the judge running this kangaroo court. and what a disgracis and whae. >> new york attorney general letitia james is in the let's see what a this is, a caseit is that should have never been brought. it's a casa 've that should be dismissed immediately. the fraud is on behalf of the cour thet. the court was the fraudster in this case, and we made references to assets that were very valuable. >> meanwhile, letitia james, who ran on destroying the trump company. g trump is the bully. >> mr. w trump obviouslyell, caf engage in all of these distractions and that what is what exactly ttraction what he , what he committed on the stand today, engaged in engaging in distractions and engaging in name calling. but i will not be bullied.i will i will not be harassed. hae will go on.arassed. >> harassment. well, that is an interesting>> ,
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term because if i were trump,e i i'd get a restraining order on her wump i ge because she's n on his case for five years. >>ing orde so we've got to stane to the federal government. we've got to stand up to bullies. and we've got to stand up to ani administrationes which is too male to pay and to stand to male, to pale, to still saydo what you want about trump. the man is not too pale. joining us now, fox news legal editor carrie cooper. >> all right, carrie. re all right, carrie. is h it's the opposite. the ultimate bully in this entire case. and i think it's a fact that demonstrates that pretty well, is the fact that she'ss t been attending this trial every day. and the reason that is a part oe remarkable is because typically or always, an attorney generaler does not attend a trial. attorney and attorney general are very busald a triay people.n they have very important things to deal with every day. they're doing thisgs
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on the taxpayers dime. so for letitia james to go to court evere taxp fory day, to so front row, to smile, to do all of a these things, when she has a team of lawyers who are arguing the case where a briefcasg the, she has nothing to do with any of that. the reason she's doing it is to be in the camera shot, to make her statements to the press and really to be a bully. >> right. but if you say something about her, then you're a bully. and how rare is this case that this is being brought? >> oh, it's unprecedented. never happened before. never happened before. our brain room, our research team here and there are lawyeras on that team could not find a single instance of new york prosecutor ing and convicting someone for inflating their real estate. >> all right, so today he takes the stand. >> he gets up there and he starts answering questions>> okt let's just say he was not succinct. donald trump. what kind of effect is this of l going to have? >> well, first of all, you know, i was therl,ere.e andi would say that for donald trump, he was pretty restrained and composed. that was my take away. and i worked in thei trump administrationworked. all so and we've all watched donald trump talk for many years. and i thoughlk for m
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t for him, he was actually pretty measured. and i also thought it was upsetting. there are many upsetting things about all of this. but whent was tting. the judge s about politics and we're not going to include politics in thipolitis and this isn'ted a political rally. so this is a way that he wanted to shut trump down by saying this isn't a political rally.gig >> he shouldn't be able to give political speeches. all the letitia james startedcia the political rally when she campaigned againmehe on our campaign on going against trump. that was her whole thing. so she reallt s her why started she opened the door for this. so why is it okay for the attorney general of nework t york state to do that, but notar the former president who is ability to make a livingo and do business in new york, not just his own, but for his family. and that's for his o on the line.his >> and i take offense to when she says to male and to pal i take offense to that for all pale males in america. carrie, thank you very much. tell it she said i said hello next time you are here. >> okay. e the transgender school shooter's manifesto right back.
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our cost for shipping like we're cut in half. just like that. go to ship station .com slash try and get two months >>ash try and get two months >> last spring, a transgender in last spring, a transgender a christian elementary school in nashville and murdered three children and three adults. why? well, the mass shooter wasas trs transgender, so the media never investigated motiv motive. the media actually apologized to the dead mass shooter. the new york times said, i'm sorry, mass shooter for identifyin'mg you as a she when you prefer he. >> yeah. the times apologized for misgendering a mass murderer, but hasn't apologized to israel for accusing them of bombing a hospital t. >> the white house was worse after the mass shooting. binder sen e house t her condolencesr to the trans community. >> our hearts go out to the those the trans community as they are under attack
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right now. >> that's right. trans shooter murderedle, th six people. thoughts and prayers for the trans community. oughts andorhamas slaughters a d jews. >> time to fight islamophobi a. time to fight islamophobi so how about that motive? authorities recovered 20 notebooks, five laptops and a suicide note from the killer's car and home. yeah. the transgender shooter wrote a manifesto. i always thought the left wanted to get to the root causes. >> nope. the fbi and the nashville establishment refused to release the transgender manifesto. ges of but today, three pages of the tht today, three pages of the we know why it was censored. the trans killer wrote about white privilege, called the children. she was planning to kill crackers. >> this, haider rambledeg about kids wearing fancye. khaks with blond hair and their daddy's mustangs in convertible s. convertible and she hoped for a high death count. fox has been unablex has to independently verify the authenticitybe of the leakea manifesto. it appears as if certain pages of the manifestoppears apages oe
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photographed and then leaked to conservative commentator steven crowder. >> nashville pd says they're investigating. e fb >> the fbi says we don't have anything to do with containing the manifeste o at all. >> okay.but pr but primetime knows this. pundits, academicsd dive and diversity consultants have co brainssity consultants have with white privilege propaganda with white privilege propaganda and class warfare, elevating the status of transgenderism into a special protected class. that requires the unraveling u of western civilization. >> it's time that we scrutinize the dangerous psychological effects that this has and whether this is fueling violence instead of fightingtead it. >> tomi lahren is a host of outkick. >> what does this manifesto in its suppression tell you? tomi? >> well, the left talks day in and day out about racism and the threat that racism plays in existential threat to mankind. but it turns out when it's anti-white whiteness or
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somebody's targeting people that they presume have tat theye. esn'y presume have apparently, that doesn't fit the narrative. so that's why it tooe ko that's why it tooe eight months for this to be leaked. and if it wasn't leak, we probablyo be never would have seenat it. and i don't anticipate aug i don't anticipate to fully confirm that this was part of the manifesto or release the resthi o of it, bece as you mentioned, jesse, there's more where this came from. this is three pages. this person had several journals, had laptops, diaries. there's a lot more here. i have a feeling this is a tip of the iceberg. but, you know, other mass shooters,e ic they havema manifestos. those manifestos are released within hours withinifestoen daye weeks. this has been nearly eight months. and we have to have leakedcument documents from steven crowder to get a glimpse into the motives that authorities here in nashville have known for nearly eight months. >> something doesn't smell right. yeah. motive is everythingsmel in atii criminal investigation. >> most detectives sayon it's th primary thing that these detectives investigateat.
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>> now, tommy, you're right. we had the wal-mart mass shooter three days. >> the manifesto came out. we had a the nick cruz shooter. ti remember stoneman douglas down in florida three months, the el paso shooteral, thre as you sai, instantaneously reported breathlessly. now, this is suppressed. do you think even now that it's you a is goingven now that it's to cover it? >> i have a feeling not becaus>e it doesn't fit the narrative. you know, this administration tells us our biggest threats are climate change and white people. and then here you have somebod y who is a 28 year old transgender who knows the mindset of this person, but is talking about all the things that the media echoes day in and day out. the media talks about white privilege and how whiteness is something to be demonized and something to be loathed. i mean, in your last segment,ou you talked about an attorney general who's talking about peopleand eral being too e and too pale, referring to skin tone. so male and the media plays a rolet in this. i don't expect them to report on it. i don't expect
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them to see an issue with it. i have a feeling it will be glossed over. and i have a feeling becausee ie was leaked by a conservative that that will be the reason they give to not explore thisurr or investigate this further. you know, if this was a manifest.s was o about anti-blackness, you have my word on that, that i think every journalist out there would be riveted and wanting to get to the bottom o bottof i' >> i don't think many are toot worried about this one. yeah, we're going to continue to investigate this transgender individual, even though they're dead. we need to know exactlyy were what they were taught, what they were up to, to, w hawhat motivated them.d >> they even may have recordedve a video, tommy. so we'd like to geo,wet our hans on that, too. >> thanks so much. we always appreciate it. thank you, reciat jesse. >> well, democrats caughtrats c red handedau stuffing the ballob boallox from the mountains to 'h fruited plainse . d to tho
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>> in connecticut, a judge just overturnedting. a primary electn after seeing this video. >> two democrats were caught on camera allegedly stuffing stacks absentee ballots in drop boxes around bridgeport, connecticut. a >>go one of the women in the video is a government employee named wanda pataki.e wi >>ll we'll have more on her tomorrow ballot dumping is illegal in connecticut. you can only drop off ballots fo tomorroot dumpir your mommy . not for hundreds of strangers. a judge appointed by a democrat called it shockingd and saidd to they need to do the primary election all over agai dprimary writing this volume of ballots so mishandle old is such that it calls the result of the primary election into serious doubt and leaves the court unable to determine the legitimate result of the primary. >> now, earlier this year, a politician in new jersey was charged with personally collecting large numbers of mail in ballots, openingng te them and destroying the ones that voted against them.
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>> oh, and then creating new ones that voted for them. w >> so we have large numbers of mail in ballots floatinfg around, being handled by god knows who seems ripe for fraud. >> ben perrotta is a connecticut republican party chairman. >> so, ben, what are we going to d to do about thiso ? e're well, jesse, first thing i would do is we need to electee more republicansed t in the can into the connecticut legislature, because the legislature had opp the opportunity just a month ago to address this issue after this video came out. this, of course, after our governor said we shouldn't jump to conclusions when we watch this video. lusions jim himes, our congressn who represents bridgeport, has been eerily silent on this. and the legislature, democrats in the legislature refuse to address the issue. >> and so you don' tt thishe ise the first time we've had to redo primaries in bridgeport. we had to do it last h year in the state representative race. we did it four years ago in a mayor's race. we did it six years ago in a council race three timeses bec
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because of absentee ballot fraud. >> so thisau ab is not something new in bridgeport. it's time to get these boxes of getf the streets, get them going. >> this is deidre. this is crazy. look, i mean she's going back for more now. >> that shere now. has, i don't know, 30 members of her family that she's dropping off absentee ballots for. >> ssenteeo what honestly, thou, is this sick, which really jesse, is that both sides were doing it to john gomez campaigne and the ganim campaign. and what's interesting now is the state elections commissionhe is now up to 21 different counts orts reg 21 different complaints regarding this election, ingarding this election, the current mayor actually lives in the city of bridgeport. >> oity ofh, okay. so you can basically fraudulently vote and you don't even have to be a resident of the state to get elected. >> thing thes connecticut looktk great. >> well, thank you very much. we're going to havwe are ge a fp
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report on we believe it's wandao . >> we're going to.rt trust me, she was running scared. we'r s runne going to have that for you. >> thank you so much. good luck up the. you guys are going to need it. >> thanks, jesse. you have a good night. >> so, a wannabe terrorist has been arrested in indiana for crashing her car into what she thought was a jewish schooln on purpose. >> national correspondent matt finn is the latestpurpose.onal >> matt.e late jesse, police say the 34 year old woman is considered a terrorist for allegedly intentionally crashing her car into a school that she thought was jewish, which had adults and children inside. fortunately, there were no reports of injuries in this she crash. ruba, i'm a goth, says she was watching news coverage of theged israel-hamas war and decided to attac dk the school because she was offended by the hebrew israelite symbol on the front of the building. it happened late friday night in indianapolis. ppened fa police report says thh passed by the school a couple of times, referring to it schoo
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as the israel school. >> she says she crashed her calr into the building on purpose and made reference to her people bacingk in palestine.d it turns out the buildingit is not a jewish school. it's called the israelitescho school of universal practical knowledgol, called e, which isg operated by a sect of the black hebrew israelites.ew now, the anti-defamation league describes the black hebrewch israelites as a fringe anti-semitic religious movement that believes they are the true children of israel. >> now, in response to the crase childrenh, the indianapoli community relations council writes in partl wr, although fat a jewish facility was not targissh facility was not ironic misidentification, this is yet another reminder to maintain security protocols,o remain vigilant of suspicious activity, and to reporls, regilt the same promptly to the appropriate authorities. police and the fbi are investigating this crash as a hate crime. >> jesse. so she was trying to kill jews with her car and ended up running into a building run by people who also hate jews..
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understood. correct. thank you very much. that clears it up. thank foyeah, well, a woman at guy.ank foyeah, well, a woman at against a guy. plus, death row inmate slus, death row inmate are getting free jobs . >> he was only 47. aneurysm. did he have life insurance? do you know? you got to get on it. check out selectquote.
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anit's ready to go. our cost for shipping like we're cut in half. just like that. go to ship station .com slash try and get two months free. >> we've been saying for years a men should not play women'rss sports, whether it's trans men crushing girls, swimming records or high school guys spiking volleyballs into girls faces, giving them concussionhools. grals >> ba boom. that's not a level playing field and it's getting dangeroua les. last week in massachusetts, a male playing on a women's sen school field hockey team sent an opposing female playerled he to the hospital after he drilled her in the face with a slapshor at. >> he knocked her teeth out, caused major damage to her face. >> watch. field hockey is one of theld hoc baeld hockey is one of theld hoc >> can reach speeds of 100that miles an hour. and the guy who did this, ur-ye four year varsity player,
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a co-captainho was and allowed u to play with the girls because of a technicality. >> remembeser, just becausel something is equal doesn't mean it's faiat it isr. >> massachusetts school superintendent bill rooney joins us now. bill, that has to be tough to watch your girls get their teeth knocked in by guys on akne field d hockey field. >> yes. jesse, thank you so much forhavg having me. it's traumatic. i mean, if you listen to theso videlutelyo, it's bone chillingr you know, we're a small district. weic draw from two towns. we tell our we tell our high school kids that when they get to us, they're not from dayton, they're not from rehoboth. we are rdr and to see thoseat ws girls, the trauma that was on their faces whe on i greeteds their bus that night is something that i will never, evermething forget. what >> i mean, what about the parents? the parentg
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their daughter's physical safety in jeopardy if they have them playing against guys. jesse, you have three daughters, right? yee thres. i mean, i have two daughters. o one of them is is a high schools volleyballch coach. and i've seen kids get injured . injuries are going to happen. females versus females, males versus males, female. the severity of the injury is what we have to look at here. and, you know, the the meaa made a statement. that's the massachusetts interscholastic athletic association, and they made a statement and in response to this and they said the arguments about safety typically fail because there's not a correlation between mixed gender mixed, ,sports and injuries. well, if this isn'tt unde a correlation that i don't understand what the word means. >> yearsh, i mean, you can just look at golf. similar swing, probably similar
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ball speed. >> men can just hit the ball faster and harder. aroun >> there's just there's just no way around that. and now people's lives are in danger. if this thing hits her in the head in the right way here in the temple, you could have had a homicide on your hands. >> i hope you guys changebout t the rules. >> i hope something is done about this. and i hope this guhis. y can maybe try hockey instead. and my heart goes out to the girl and her family. we really hope everythinhe g getslly hope everythinhe better. thank you very much. appreciate get that. >> now, do you like the idea of free jobs for death row inmates? , you better because you're paying for them. more than $4 million taxpayer cash has been to give 150 california prisoners changes or gender-affirming care, whatever that means. >> almost a thousand more aree r on the change waiting list. >> oh, goody. for these people are on deathha
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row. so what's the point? isit's like getting your car washed before a thunderstorm. >> it doesn't matter. but it's not just the state spent 2.5 million plastics. you ever heard of that?n i haven't. and hundredson of, thousands of bucks were on laser hair removal. >> i guess you can't shave with a straight razor in prison ,so i don't know if they could give them near the commissary. get them near the commissary. just so they can get sent to a women's prison? we don't know. california's lost its mind . it's a massive waste of money, but the people in charge don't care. they believe these proceduresuis are life saving. >> does life savin, g procedures make any sense if someone's on death row? roo. ath row? and the trans industrial complex loves it. they can perform it. >> they can create a lifetime
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patient. even if that patient's life is spent behind bars at sans ben quentin or ends in four years. >> because of lethal injection . well, johnny talks inflation at the balloon show. >> salon pose makersingred of powerful painie relief patchs for 89 years believes in continuous improvement like roundeit's good corners that ret peeling with an array of active ingredients and sizes to relieve pain. >> salon posts. it's good medicine for me to what even is this? >> don't touch my things. for gross janice, when you bundle your home or renter's with your your home or renter's with your auto progressive, provid protection for almost everything you own, but do everything you own, but do you really need my way >> do. it's for my snatched waste. it's my dog chase loungesolid ra treadmill. that's my tuesday jealous purse that says purse. n therapy chamber. >> i can't live without oxygen. solid gold coffee machine makingvoice on.
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touch them. they're a big toucher. loot look at my eyes. i feel my hands. alk to talk to me about inflation. inflatio mn and anything about inflation. >> thrown. me african bone here >>in you inflated the balloons. >> it's terrible. everything is too expensive out here now. like that is the worst thing that's ever happened to th worse united states, i swear. >> we got to let people know who bring it to ou r bam, bam,t to ou bam. bam. n? >> are we in it? i don't know. is it this one?>> i di hope it's not here. >> it's probably in here. oh, we've got to see. we've go t. s? check it out. which one do you think it is? maybe that one. yeah maybe, it's suspicious. don't be suspicious. i don't mean as muche suspic ass using balloons to spy on us. how does that make you feel? how do i like being seen like that? made in my privacy?
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you know, unless we're getting paid s an i. nvss we ar >> just send your cash album,e >> just send your cash album,e you can do it. pai love yy me. >> i love you so much. what's it about? balloons that gets adults really excited. do you feel like you're like a two year old again in the >> yo year old again in the e? everybody loves a good circle. a venn diagram. i don' goot like the diagrams. >> how dare they? hey, guys. like it? it. it's like swimming in the caviar. ohis like swimming, god. we're getting saturated. how's joe biden doing? caviow is jojoe biden? >> yeah. good. i get in trouble for saying >>r. yn trouble for saying >> you know what?>> just to flee to. oh, the craz ally war going on. i'm taking a year long break >>m taking a year long break >> they deflate me a lot. negative people. so you don't watch msnbcch? >> i try not to.y no scary stuff, but scary because caring is, as we sayt tohat is s show, what's the first word that pops into your head when of biden? into your head when old, sleepy obama hagi
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miserable. e here a list. jesse watters on fox news. you're going to be on his show. what do you want to tell them? i love your show. do yoll j >> i'm going to jump in theesse ball pitmp in th. >> come down to the balloon com museumse, pier >> it's amazing. i think i'm stuck. tell mi ame how. >> very exciting weekend forse:e >> very exciting weekend forse:e congratulations to joey and karen. we just got married this weekend in new jersey. >> joey, as you know, is my fireworks dealer , a.k.a.s dealer the patriot. also, congratulations to scott, who ran his first new york city marathon, finishing in 4 hours and 48 minutes. >> and he took the day off of work today. now, if i were to runobab the marathonly s i'd probably
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show up on monday, but that's just me. >> it's kind of how i roll. do some text. >> gary from becker, minnesota i don't agree with tesla and figaro on most issues, that but she's the first democrat that i've heard in a long time. >> that makes sense. the dnrdt mac. listen to her. listen to figaro. anonymous from ohio. >> i'm a lifelong straight ticket democratic voter. i used to work for a democratic congresswoman. thngresswoman. trump. >> i am disgusted with the party. i dedicated my life y that ie t. anonymous. see how scared they are. charlie from louisianao you. ths should run fetterman fetterman for president.presid jenna from michigan. sorry, jenna. i tried to get you in, but they say i'd run out of time. >> looofk, all this time i had to talk to jenna, but they were worried. always remember. i'm watters, and this is m
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