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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  November 9, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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face off with trump in their states. so they're going to take their loser show the road? but here's the other thing. this group, they call themselves no labels yet they keep winding up with all these people that have labels, like democrat joe manchin, left wing environmental whacko joe manchin and republican mitt romney, and both of them have the most important title which is loser. so those are all labels. i don't know why they want them. >> laura: yeah, well, after all, liz cheyney and adam kinzinger, their ticket didn't really go anywhere so they have to come up with something else. charlie great to see you. that's it for us tonight don't forget set your dvr to stay connected with us and follow me on social media remember it's america now and forever. jesse watters, he takes it from here. >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters primetime. tonight. >> you've with become a party of
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losers at tend of the day. >> this is actually about you and the media and the corrupt media establishment. >> do you want dick cheyney in three inch heels. >> jesse: vivek ramaswamy everyone. they is. >> this commercial sex ring built on secrecy catering to a well connected clientele. >> jesse: escorts and espionage. >> i am telling you right now [bleep], the [bleep], is not real. >> jesse: she's real and she's here. our plane lady. >> plus: [screams] ♪ >> jesse: last night was debate night. i know what you're thinking, watters, there was a debate last night? yeah, there was. i didn't watch it either, i was changing diapers. it was on mbc and trump wasn't
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there. are any of these candidates besides trump getting any traction? well, we sent johnny to find out. ♪ >> reporter: who's this? >> tom cruise? >> that's a throw back. >> what year. >> '94. >> desantis. >> he's kind of sexy, okay. >> she's checking me out. i've got to go talk to her. >> you like him? >> yeah he's a kick ass guy. >> what do you think this guy does? >> a teacher. >> pilot? >> all right, ladies and gentlemen. >> people are saying he wears lifts. >> i'm short too, so what. >> he look good he should put lifts on, i lied on my id so what's up. >> you changed your name to mc lovin'? >> remember him? >> he still alive? >> he's still alive. >> that's bad. >> rich richie. >> chris christie, chris krispy
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kreme. >> this is settled. >> he does like milk and cookies. >> oh, my god! >> chris? >> christopher columbus. >> bit of a blow hard but i would have hot wings with him. >> what do you think this guy's job is. >> cashier. >> he calls donald trump donned duck. >> he has to be after they. >> how did you feel when he hugged obama. >> was it mutual. >> give me a hug. >> no way. >> i'm not coming over there. >> let's go. >> who's this lady, demi lovato. >> bethenny frankel. >> nikki haley. >> nicky? >> minaj. >> not nicki minaj. >> i didn't want to say it but i was thinking sarah palin. >> gosh. >> what kind of vibes does she give you? >> she's pretty. >> she makes a wicked potato salad. >> someone who was a stay at home mom then she transitioned. >> she transitioned.
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>> no not that. >> every time i hear you i feel dumber for what you say. >> nikki haley wants to take on china. >> my people. >> bold choice. shouldn't do it by land. >> do it by sea. >> or air, either one. >> it's a bird, it's a plane. >> it's super man. >> who's this? >> that is an actor. >> what do you think his name is? >> morgan freeman? >> kent scott. >> tim scott. >> tim scott, whatever. the senator from georgia. >> south carolina. >> south carolina, it's the south, dixie -- whatever. >> eric adams. >> what the hell is wrong with you. >> what do you think he does? >> a butcher. >> well he's butchering his shot to becoming president. >> you should be deported. . >> reporter: who's this guy? >> kind of looks like you. >> i look like vivek. >> with a tan. >> jimmy. >> vivner?
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>> vivek. >> vivek, okay. >> his last name is ram a. >> ding-dong. >> he says you need to pass a civics test to vote. >> a lot of people don't even know what a civics test is. >> do you know what a sinks test is. >> i don't but i don't vote. >> who's our chief justice. >> i don't know that either. >> so you wouldn't be allowed to vote. >> yeah, sadly. >> that is a question we need to answer. >> can any of those people beat joe biden? >> oh, yes, everybody. everybody, everybody, even the lady. >> if you want something done, ask a woman. >> you are going to be on jesse watters primetime. what do you want to tell jesse. >> keep going, you're great. >> watters for president, please. >> vote for jennifer, not them. >> jesse: just because you can't name the player doesn't mean you can't enjoy the game. last night's debate, a vivek and haley slugfest. >> do you want a leader from a different generation who's going to put this country first, or do you want dick cheyney in
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three-inch heels. >> all right mr. ramaswamy. >> we have two of them tonight. >> they're five inch heels and i don't wear them unless i can run in them. i wear heels not for a fashion statement they're for ammunition. >> she made fun of me for using tik tok when her own daughter used it for a long time so you might want to take care of your family first. >> leave my family out of your mouth. >> here's the truth. >> you're just scum. >> jesse: so to recap, vivek said nicky's dick cheyney who can't run her own house and desantis wears heels, then vivek name dropped greg gutfeld. >> you have christian walker here, do you think the democrats would actually hire greg gutfeld to host a democratic debate? they wouldn't do it. so the fact of the matter, chris i'm going to use this because this is actually about you and the media and the corrupt media establishment, ask you the trump/russia collusion hoax that you pushed on this network for years. was that real or was that
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hillary clinton made-up disinformation? answer the question, go. >> mr. ramaswamy [cheers] >> this is how you get our country back. >> jesse: i'm not sure who's more insulted greg gutfeld or christian well kerr but vivek threw his weight around the whole night. next target ronna mcdaniel, the chair of the rnc. >> i think there's something deeper going on in the republican party here and i am upset about what happened last night. we've become a party of losers at the end of the day, a cancer to the republican establishment. i speak the trachlight i mean since ronna mcdaniel took over as chair woman of the rnc in 2017, we have lost 2018, 2020, 2022, no red wave that never came, we got trounced last night in 2023. and i think that we have to have accountability in our party. >> jesse: so the debates are vivek's best format. he swivels around in the populous sweet spot thrashes around quite eloquently. doesn't sound leak a politician,
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looks young and hungry. but he lacks charm. is vivek going to be president? no. has he translated his debate performances into better polling? no. will he have a role in the trump administration? probably. he might not be the best messenger but he has the best message. it's his message that breaks through. he's heaping scorn on a corrupt system that benefits in the professional class instead of the people. his message is trump's message and the remain for president was also in south florida last night speaking his mind, as he quite often does. but before he did, roseanne barr, ladies and gentlemen. >> aren't we all tired of the deep state bull [bleep]? [cheers and applause] >> i can't hear you, i want you to say it howard, aren't we all fed up with the deep state bull [bleep]? [cheers and applause].
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>> jesse: she should have borrowed bloomberg's little stool. the rudeness resonates if it's authentic. trump and roseanne can be rude but it's real and republicans have had it with well-mattered politicians who lose gracefully. someone who bullies the bully, that's what the country wants. donald trump show cased a fresh line of attack. listen. >> crooked joe biden and the radical left democrats are turning the united states into communist cuba, and the biden regime is trying to put their political opponents in jail, shutting down free speech, taking bribes and kickbacks to enrich themselves and their very spoiled children. >> remember, we are not the ones endangering american democracy, we are the ones saving american democracy. we are saving it. >> jesse: trump's in florida telling cubans biden's castro and it's actually republicans saving democracy. that's a clever play in florida.
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plus, nice rhetorical reversal of the left's democracy on the line nonsense. so don't underestimate trump's political instincts his framing is resonating. he he's climbed into the lead in nearly every battle ground and biting into biden's space, blacks hispanics 20 year olds but biden doesn't even see it coming. >> why do you think it is you're trailing trump in all the swing state polls. >> because you don't read the polls. ten polls, eight of them i'm beating him in those states. eight of them. you guys only do two, cnn and new york times. check it out. check it out. we'll get you a copy of all the polls. >> you don't believe you're trailing in battle ground states? >> no, i don't. >> jesse: biden's handlers are feeding him a robeius polls to stroke his ego. he's getting battered losing in georgia, arizona, pennsylvania, nevada, michigan, north carolina. he's only up in wisconsin by a hair. but there may be another joe in the race.
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joe manchin just announced he's not running for reelection in west virginia. he has other plans. >> i've made one of the toughest decisions of my life, and decided that i will not be running for reelection to the united states senate. but what i will be doing is traveling the country and speaking out to see if there's an interest in creating a movement to mobilize the middle and bring americans together. >> jesse: translation, manchin knows he's going to lose reelection in deep red west virginia so he's going to travel the country do a listening tour or a book tour and announce an independent run. that means joe biden's running against two democrats and trump, rfk jr. and joe manchin likely suck away votes from the president more than the former president, and open up a big fat lane for trump's reelection. it's turned out ned ryan founder of american-first majority. so how does the manchin, and i
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know this is theoretical how does the manchin entry as an independent play into the general? >> well, first of all, i would be curious to know how many ballots he's going to be able to get on for the general election. i would hope he would be able to get on ten, 15, or 20 in all the right states jesse, the battle ground states. the biden white house understands they have a problem especially with cornell west and the green party if cornell west takes two or three points, if joe manchin and no labels can make the ballot and they take two or three points, i mean, those were narrow wins for biden in 2020, again, wisconsin, georgia, arizona, about 42,000 votes combined for the victory in 2020. you get a couple of either candidates on the ballot in those battle ground states taking maybe a total of five or six points away from joe biden, donald trump wins in a land slide, electoral college land slide. i think the biden white house is watching manchin nervously
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because they already have problems with cornell west. >> who's watching roseanne? do you think she comes on tour with trump? >> i have to tell you, the amazing part to me last night, the stark contrast between this ruckus political rock star rally of what, ten, 15 thousand people in attendance, and right down the road in miami it was like a kid's food fight. it was a contrast between somebody who's a political giant versus political dwarfs throwing food at each other throwing around stuff from ten years ago, you said this, you did this. again, jesse, the only reason those five people were on stage last night, and i appreciated vivek's jab at ronna mcdaniel, i wish she would have taken him up on his offer and resign. i appreciate him taking a shot at nikki haley calling her dick cheyney in three inch heals i
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like when she validated saying we should have more war. about you the whole reason for them being on stage is they whoop the left's law fair succeeds against donald trump. that's the only premise for them being in this race pretending they're going for the nomination is that somehow the left's law fair takes out donald trump because none could ever beat donald trump in a primary and right now he's still beating them buy 30 points in iowa, new hampshire, south carolina, and even more nationally. >> jesse: i loved when he went after christian well kerr, too. yeah, you kyou pushed the russia hoax. admit it was a hoax and she was sitting there like -- but the shame of that --. >> jesse: sorry kristen. you're not greg gutfeld but you did a nice job. >> but the shame of that is that david bossy and ronna mcdaniel allowed that to take place in which they had the debate hosted by mbc and moderated by corporate propagandas.
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do you ever think a democrat would be hosted by fox news? never in a million years yet they went out of their way to have this happen on nbc. >> jesse: they better because next election in 2028's going to be an open democrat primary. so i'm actually lobbying to co-moderate that with greg. >> good. >> jesse: ned that's a debate you have to watch. thank you. >> absolutely. thanks jesse. >> jesse: a climate change execution straight ahead. ♪
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(car engine revs) (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) gone into hiding? we haven't seen her since the judge overturned the primary election in bridgeport connecticut after wanda stuffed
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ballots promised bribes. we couldn't find her but we found the governor of connecticut lamont. fox karen asked the governor if he regrets not making elections more secure. >> do you regret not tackling the issue of election security in the special session? >> i think we did tackle it. you've got video cameras on each and every one of those drop boxes and that's how we're able to see that people are probably trying to stuff the boxes. we caught it. >> jesse: the government didn't catch wanda. a whistleblower did. and if the whistleblower didn't leak the video, it would have been buried. we would have never known about wanda, the stuffer. the judge would have never overturned the election and the fraud would have continued to permeate the state. is anything ever going to change? >> there let another election but has anything changed about the system. >> it's outrageous, get rid of
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the boxes completely. one vote, one person, id, that's all you need. >> the absentee ballot drop boxes established in 2020 for covid, they remain. every town with at least one. usually outside, some under cameras, many not. then there's the ballots themselves. we learned connecticut doesn't do signature verification or check to make sure the reason you request to vote absentee is legitimate. nor do they have a way to distinguish between mailed and box ballots. >> jesse: help me wanda. we might need a re-do for the re-do. we cover a lot of climate protests here on primetime where activists block off roads just to get attention. unfortunately, the worst case scenario happened in panama yesterday. warning, this is graphic. national correspondent matt finn has the story from our west coast news room. >> jesse, the video of these two shootings is stunning. the 77-year old american lawyer
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accused of shooting to death two climate protesters in panama remains disturbingly calm throughout shocking killings. the new york post reports kenneth darlington is the man seen on video casually approaching a group of demonstrators in panama tuesday and telling them their protest has to end. they were blocking the panama-american highway in opposition the a proposed mining contract with a canadian company. [screams] [gunfire] >> reporter: this video appears to show the 77 year old arguing with the protesters, waving his gun and then shooting and killing two demonstrators. the first victim appears to immediately drop, the second victim appears to be grimacing in pain holding his hand to his upper chest where he appears to have been shot. pictures show demonstrators standing over the victim screaming and trying to help. the man was later arrested. the new york post reports the elderly american man was previously apprehended in 2005 for illegally possessing an
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ak-47, an m-16 in his panama city apartment. at the time he claimed those guns were part of a collection. attorney has dual citizenship in america and panama and is now facing charges of murder and illegal possession of a gun. jesse. >> jesse: wild story. thank you so much. >> reporter: yeah, sure. >> jesse: well, we caught the justice department covering up a dc sex ring run by foreign nationals. ♪
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cupfone... sink mat... pet feeding system... anti-fatigue comfortmat...and more. order the weathertech gift card instantly for the perfect gift at ♪ >> jesse: a high-end escort ring spread across multiple states busted by the feds. three people have been arrested for operating an inner state prostitution network, multiple brothels in massachusetts, virginia, right outside of dc. clients? included elected officials, pharmaceutical executives, expensive lawyers, military officials, big tech entrepreneurs and government contractors with high level security clearances. it was run like an exclusive
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club. >> this commercial sex ring was built on secrecy and exclusiveity catering to a clientele. the sex buyers first had to respond to a sur vie and provide information on line including their driver's license photos, their employer information, credit card information, and they often paid a monthly fee to be part of this elicit club. >> jesse: junk fees probably. hundreds of clients are swept up into this scandal but biden's justice department says you'll never see the client list. >> this is an operation over the internet, and with a clientele that is not going to be driving around the streets necessarily for this. we can say that there were hundreds of buyers. as to what happens to all those buyers and -- i can't say what's going to happen at this point. >> jesse: so we didn't see the dc madam's list, we didn't see epstein's client list and now we are he not going to see the sex club client list.
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okay. jung jungli. so biden's prosecutors are telling us foreign nationals who appear to be from across the pacific have blackmail information on some of america's top politicians, military and business executives. okay. ing. are biden's prosecutors covering up the client list or are joe biden's prosecutors going to use did client list to blackmail the clients? this is a rerun of what happened to hunter. >> they have videos of me doing this, they have videos of me doing bleep bleep and [bleep] [bleep] my computer, i've taken tons of like just left like that camera on and somebody stole them all.
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>> jesse: so there's a lot of guys out there like hunter rich connected and addicted to pillow talk putting our national security at risk. air force amy, a high-end legal escort in nevada is here. so, amy, you know what a honey trap is, everybody knows what a honey trap is. if i'm telling you these are foreign nationals who are operating a business where clients are politicians, military and business entrepreneurs, what does that tell you? >> well, jesse, first of all thank you for having me on the show. and what it tells me is that these gentlemen weren't very smart at all and don't know american history or history at all because governments have been using escorts and prostitutes as espionage since the beginning of time. it's no secret that probably these foreign nationals have even trained these girls to extract information from these
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men. this is one of the scariest things i've ever heard of in my life. this is why we even have legal brothels in nevada. if i ever heard some sensitive information i of course would take it immediately to the authorities. so what's going on in these rings is just absolutely frightening. >> jesse: so when you have a client and you can tell he's probably worth a lot of money, 0 very politically connected, does he make pillow talk? >> gentlemen will make pillow talk but jesse i have to tell you i won't even see positively ticketss the, okay? they're not even on my radar. but there's definitely pillow talk and a lot of things can go on in these parties. you saw hunter biden's laptop running around in tube socks and scarves. i mean, a lot of crazy things can happen, that's for sure. and, you know, a girl can get a lot of things out of a guy in a lot of different situations, okay? anything can happen. anything can happen jesse. >> jesse: so are these guys --
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[laughter]. >> anything can happen. >> jesse: i believe you. i believe you air force amy. so these get down and they just let it all go. they tell you everything, they tell you anything. do you ask? i mean, it's just so stupid. >> well, you know, i work at the chicken ranch outside of las vegas and i kind of make it a habit not to ask too many questions. i kind of keep the party light. but, i mean, if you're out in criminal activity, crime breeds crime and you have to expect that some capitol hill activity's going to happen and nefarious activities and a lot of bad things are going to happen if you're not doing something legal. so if something bad happens in a criminal situation, you're going to get what you deserve. >> jesse: so amy would you be priced if obviously the foreign nationals were listening or recording, would you be surprised of the our government got the list, got the recordings and then maybe turned some screws to some people? >> i wouldn't be surprised at
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anything that our current government would do, jesse. >> jesse: amy and jesse, i tell you, i think we think alike. i think that's the only thing we're alike. >> yes we do. >> jesse: but i think we think alike. >> we think alike jesse. >> jesse: all right. thank you very much. air force amy. >> thank you for having me. >> jesse: parallel nevada. >> thank you. >> jesse: a jewish man was killed at a pro hamas rally over the weekend and things have only gotten more violent across the country. multiple fights erupted last night at the museum of tolerance in los angeles after a screening of footage depicting hamas's attack on israel. watch this. [screams] >> jesse: most of the hate is being generated at universities where bigotry's incentivized as long as it's aimed accurately.
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at ucla, students plastered netanyahu's face all over a pinata and bashed it in in the name of social justice, of course. well, we keep hearing about how these protest, don't support hamas they support the innocent palestinian people. they want nonviolent coexistence, they want a ceasefire, why would anybody think that they wanted to cause harm? well, let's listen to them in their own words. right now, kill right now. i go right now. promise me, promise me i go right now for my people. >> jesse: because we were told because of some of chance in charlottesville that the entire maga movement was nazi. what does it say about the
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democratic party when millions have been marching for a month chanting death to jews and now murdering schnabel well, if you get eaten by a bear, it's now biden's fault. ♪
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♪ >> jesse: definitely not easy living in washington state. seattle's drowning in fentanyl and now joe biden sending a bunch of grizzly bears to the countryside. up to 200 of them over the coming decade. >> no closer. you get lost! [screams] >> jesse: residents of northern washington are mad. hey, joe, please don't send us your bears.
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>> well, we understand why bears eat farmer's crops and pose a threat to live stock. in fact, the stress of just having a grizzly bear in your area is enough to endanger farm animals. >> you don't have to have a predator, whether it's a wolf or a cue gar or a grizzly, right next to your live stock for it to impact that animal. what it does is causes things like spontaneous abortion of calves. it causes cattle to not get pregnant again. it causes extremely low birth weight. >> jesse: welcome to biden's america. and now he wants to please his eco team and promote green energy. he's willing to put you and your community at risk. tom nelson's a wildlife expert who's here now. tom, in what world does it make sense to unleash grizzly bears
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right next to farmers, ranchers and regular neighborhoods? >> i mean, jesse, imagine having a grotesque, hunched-over critter with a bad attitude, kind of like gutfeld with a hangover, okay? but also with judge jeanine-like fangs, claws right? that's the kind of bad attitude you're dealing with here. according to the u.s. fish and wildlife service grizzly bears were at the cascades for thousands of years and were part of the ecosystem because in the u.s. fish and wildlife term distributed native plant seeds and keeping other wildlife populations in balance. that's a poor reason to put this apex predator in the woods adjacent to communities, adjacent to ranches, where they can do this type of damage. in my 25 years as a public safety official, i learned to
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analyze situations in a risk/analysis framework. in what world does the spreading of seeds allow the danger that's going to bee fall our citizens. >> jesse: tom what you don't understand, these seeds must be spread and they must be spread by apex predators. tell me what the hunters are saying? don't the hunters usually take care of the grizzlies? >> dude we'll take care of all that for you i promise we'll do it for free. not only will we do it for free we will pay to do it. not only will we pay to do it but we will raise $2.3 billion in the pitman robertson and dingle johnson acts, okay? the hunters of this country had nothing short of a conservation success story for well over a century do you to the north american model of big game management. the hunters had a hand in recovering the buffalo, the white tailed deer and no species has ever gone ex extinct or downgraded solely from hunting.
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so now anglers hunters farmers and bird watches are going to have to pack glock and bear spray or ba knock letters and breast buttons found in the bears. >> jesse: you can't kill grizzlies because they're an endainthdered species. if a grizzly charges you and you shoot it dead you will have to go to prison. >> you will have that investigated no question about it. and self-defense is now somehow up to an issue right now that it never should be. you should be able to defend yourself in public and private in the woods and everything else. but here's the thing. this whole nightmare really started during the obama/biden presidency when the reintroduction of wolves happened here. well, and it deprioritizes hunting, prioritizing apex predators over elk and deer to
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de-emphasize folks enjoying the outdoor and getting their own food. >> jesse: should i go out with you one day. >> you to pull some crap gear we put maybe the aforementioned ten mill glock in your hands and work this out man. >> jesse: okay we'll work it out. >> get out this way jesse >> jesse: we're going to work it out and if i'm not coming johnny's coming and we'll put a little hat on him like elmer fudd. how's that sound. >> i love the elmer fudd hunting hat. i'm in. >> jesse: all right it's happening. thanks so much tom. >> all right man. see you soon. thank you. >> jesse: big trans has a real knack for making everything about themselves. june is pride month. christmas, well i'm sure we'll hear about santa being santina ms. clause identifies as a reindeer maybe a grizzly. veteran's day no different. people are now asking is trans the new veteran? >> i had someone recently try to compare their status of being a
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veteran to being transgender, and to me they're completely different but yes they both receive hate. but if you think about veterans, there's veteran's day, there's parking available for veterans, there's discounts available. i'd love to see when there's going to be a holiday celebrated by trans people where we get the day off or a special place that we get to park or discounts at restaurants. >> jesse: should we be giving holidays to trans? and trans get 20% discount off movie tickets? well except in portland where anything goes? i don't know i'm usually in favor for national holidays where i get off. i'm conflicted. text me what you think. >> tiffany gomez, the plane lady, is here next. >> i don't give two [bleep]s, but i am telling you right now
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♪ >> jesse: it was a sunny day in dallas, the birds were chirping, clouds voluminous and there was a slight breeze. she was about to become internet famous. you've seen her. i've seen her. we've all seen her. >> i don't give two [bleep]s but i am telling you right now bleep bleep that [bleep] guy back there is not real. >> jesse: so that moment was watched half a billion times and everybody wanted to know the same thing. one, what's not real? and, two, who's the lady? well, the lady went underground for over a month. the press finally found her. tiffany. and now every time tiffany goes to the airport, everyone knows her. anytime tiffany goes most places, everyone knows her. tiffany was a halloween costume. that's how you know you've made it.
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so what exactly does tiffany do now? well, tiffany's here. hey tiffany. >> hello. >> jesse: how was your flight in. >> thanks for having me. it was good. >> jesse: good? >> no problem. >> jesse: okay, good. so at what point did you realize your life was about to change? >> pretty quickly. as soon as i left the airport i think panic set in, and i went home, couldn't relax obviously, it was just pure terror like what's going to happen next and i couldn't fathom the amount of times this would get reposted and retweeted, and it just -- i mean, i knew it was going to go viral but i didn't think it was going to go that viral. >> jesse: at what point were you looking at your phone and ump just saying, oh, my god? >> the next morning. i mean i was like searching like crazy, crazy like crazy lady on a plane, american airlines, just
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anything i could possibly think of. >> jesse: you were searching crazy lady on a plane for yourself. >> i was searching everything and anything that i think someone else would post and i found it pretty quickly that next morning and it had already started to be retweeted or on tik tok, whatever. i don't even know what that's called. >> jesse: i don't know either. how are your parents handling this tiff? >> they've been so incredibly amazing. my support system is out of this world. that's the only reason i think i survived it. >> jesse: okay. so you have survived it. >> coming out on the other side finally. i did go into hiding like you said for a good month, month and a half. didn't come out of my house whatsoever and then finally, yes, i did, and now i'm able to laugh at it. not at the situation itself just at myself. like it's an insane situation to be in, not a proud moment whatsoever. >> jesse: what did you see? >> i did not see anything.
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>> jesse: you didn't see anything. >> i wish i did it would be a way better story. >> jesse: you didn't see anything why did you say that motor fer isn't real? >> the language, i've been working on that. i was -- it was talking to a specific person that i had an allocation with. it was just a figure of speech. not a good one. you know, but when you're worked up and spiralling out of control you're not thinking your words clearly through. >> jesse: trust me i know exactly what you're talking about i never think through what i say, probably should. so there was an altercation with a gentleman. >> yes. >> jesse: and what did the gentleman do? >> legally i can't get into all those details. >> jesse: oh are you suing the gentleman. >> no, no. >> jesse: is he seeing you. >> no, but it is not advised to be talked about. >> jesse: so it's something we can't talk about. >> yeah. >> jesse: but he's a bad guy. >> i don't know him personally. >> jesse: you don't know him personally but he did a bad thing.
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>> it was an altercation that i felt really uncomfortable in the situation and i needed to depart the plane. >> jesse: so let me guess. he was either hitting on you. >> no. >> jesse: or he was putting his seat back really, really far. >> exactly. there's no leg room, what are you going to do. >> jesse: what are you going to do. well i'm glad everything's all right. do you now go to the airport and everyone says that's the plane lady? >> oh, man. it didn't happen today. i think people kind of like talk and -- but there's only been a couple scenarios where people come up and ask. so i'm thankful. >> jesse: that's because you're wearing a different outfit. if you wear the same outfit. >> and supposedly i look different every single time so i think i keep people guessing. >> jesse: when you see yourself -- i mean you really had your finger out there. >> i know, it was very --. >> jesse: what do you think when you see that, and you had the little move. >> i also didn't know i pointed with two fingers, like had no clue but i guess i would be a
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great flight attendant because i had that down pat. >> jesse: tiffany announcing here she's going to be a flight attendant. >> no, no, no, noment. >> jesse: thank you very much. very nice to meet you. >> nice to meet you. thank you. >> jesse: glad you're okay. ♪ >> jesse: jelly roll, yes, jelly roll won country music's best new artist and i never thought i would say this but jelly roll inspires me. >> there is something poetic about a 39-year-old man winning new artist of the year. i don't know where you're at in your life or what you're going through but i want to tell you to keep going baby. i want to tell you success is on the other side of it. i want to tell you it's going to be okay. i want to tell you that in the wind is in the rearview mirror for a reason, because what's in front of you is so much more important than what's behind you. let's party nashville! >> jesse: dick from rhode island. watching the two grizzly bears fight was like watching vivek
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and nikki. oh, scum. not the grizzly. christine from secaucus new jersey, i would like to see vivek stand in 5-inch heels. well, i'm not going to go there. lena from virginia, i loved seeing air force amy again. again? she was one of my favorites on the bunny ranch. i think i saw you blush a little bit. oh, man, i should not have mentioned your name on that text. richie from shreveport louisiana all of a sudden i want to join the air force. jeff from santa monica california, hey jesse, i'm the stunt man underneath the door in that bear clip you keep showing from the great outdoors. i want my residuals or some jesse watters swag instead. no residuals, we'll get you a mug. i'm watters, and this is my world. ♪ [cheers and applause] >> sean:


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