tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News November 10, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PST
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>> laura: good evening, i'm laura ingraham on "the ingraham angle." joe manchin announced he would not seek reelection in west virginia. joe manchin saw the writing on the wall, he was going to lose and lose big. >> i made one of the toughest decisions of my life, i will not run for reelection in the united states senate. i will be traveling the country and speaking out to see if there is interest in creating movement to mobilize the middle and bring americans together. >> laura: the truth is, over time, voters saw through joe manchin's mask. he couldn't play good old boy in virginia and buddy up to schumer in d.c. democrats had grown tired of him. >> he has not been a reliable ally to the white house or democrats, i don't know if they
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shift strategy that we real democrats can play. >> he's been more reliable than a republican would be, though. >> better than to not have the seat at all. that is money that can go elsewhere. >> laura: joe manchin's exit is a huge problem for democrats, who only hold the senate 51-49. to keep majority have to defend seats in montana, ohio, arizona, wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania. plus they need to keep the white house because kamala is the tiebreaker in 50/50 senate. if democrats falter in one of those, they must replace one by a gop-held seat. which are those? rick scott in florida, ted cruz in texas?
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good luck with that. emotion of last five days, democrats went from feeling dread about horrible poll numbers to jubilation for winning in kentucky. with the joe manchin development, they are back to dread again. >> this cannot be overstated what a dramatic blow to democratic chances of hanging on to the senate. if john tester or brown in ohio were to lose, that is the ball game. nevermind battleground states, like michigan or nevada, huge mroe to chuck schumer math in ep cooing the majority. >> laura: on the national stage, think of reason thorn liz cheney after she got trounced in wyoming and refused to rule out a white house run. now where is she? >> i will spend the next year between now and the election
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certainly helping to elect serious people, helping to elect same people. we could find ourselves in a given situation attempting to question the results of the election, we don't want a situation where the election is thrown into the house of representatives and donald trump has any chance prevailing. >> laura: blah, blah, blah, dangerous, the anti-trumpers can split between joe manchin and could hand over to a republican, they will never do it. no labels, no win. to the gop 2024 prospects. the media's favorite republican, that is the focus of tonight's "angle." >> everybody wants to move away from ukraine, they will want to move away from israel a year
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from now. america can never be so airgant thinking we do not need friends. now is the time to get partnership. i stooded on the simon bridge and watched those freeing socialism and begging for freedom >> laura: one conclusion is -- the media wants nikki haley. most reporters agree nikki haley had the best night. in a tweet, nikki haley ascension in the 2024 primary was hard to ignore. and high praise at "new york times," too, saying haley won all three debates and let's not forget msnbc, they are in about as much love as they can be with a republican whose last night is not bush, cheney, adam kinzinger
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or romney. >> nikki haley was having a good night, had a couple good debates in a row. >> the determination is strength that needs to go up against foreign adversaries like putin. >> laura: nice to get good press, i get that. politically thshg is suicide for nikki haley, there is no future in the republican party for someone endorsed by politico and the "new york times." nikki haley can be a media hero or a leader in the gop, she cannot be both. if nikki haley wants to win gop support, she has to explain how she is not the second coming of the bushes and cheneys, but it appears she is, otherwise the media would not be rallying for her. the point is she is pro-war, could she win over trump voters?
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hard to see how she could do that. one idea is to travel to a battleground state and pick a fight over a cause that makes the media mad, how about that? it's my view after last night, as in every debate, ron desantis emerges strongest. he has experience as a chief executive, along with populous message that voters aline with. >> i will stop the invasion cold, deport people who came illegally, full-spectrum approach to fend china off, economic decoupling and their role in our culture, if we ignore that, we're not going to be able to win the fight. >> laura: only one you can see as presidential material that would make good decisions if trump stumbles, but there is no sign that is happening and that
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is the angle. joining me is mollie hemingway and. who is biggest winner last night? >> mollie: same as it has been, which is donald trump who succeeds by not showing up. i agree, ron desantis had the best answers, understanding the policy best. not surprising so many in the media claim it was nikki haley. >> laura: what do you think? >> i think mollie is right, the debate is for runner-up. what is the point of continuing the charade? trump is 50 points above everybody on the stage except desantis, nobody comes close to him. he is what the primary voters want and the other candidate need to -- >> i think vivek ramaswamy had a
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good night. he is coming on the show. >> mollie: he doesn't have a political background, the previous nominee was an outsider and it was fresh and exciting. >> also the only one aligned with gop primary voters when it comes to foreign policy. 62% of republican voters do not want to continue sending dollars to ukraine. everybody except ron desantis supports the blank check. no more. >> laura: trump, ramaswamy and desantis, when you add up their support, it is 84%. but they are the fringe. they are the fringe. >> not really debate where they want to be going. debate among media, they wish republican party could return to the pre-15 era. they had burden of pushing their wars, which are politically
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toxic and unpopular. they liked when the republican party was carrying that. they don't like the party has thrown that off and embracing a populous message. >> laura: nikki haley, "new york times," msnbc, i don't think i saw one major media outlet who didn't say she won that debate last night. she had emotional exchanges, i will ask vivek about them later. they are emphatic. if haley is the nominee, they can run the same campaign they ran against mccain and romney successfully. >> they see her as a person they can control, if she's in the white house, she's establishment through and through. the weird tweet and comment she made to ramaswamy about how her heels are ammunition, i'm trying to figure out what thatten moos? >> laura: i missed that. >> will she chunk it at
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ramaswamy? it was cringe, to use gen-z slang. >> laura: i missed that. nbc is pushing idea no labels party will actually stop trump. >> two winners are nikki haley and chris christie, my real question is to no labels. two people on the stage right now could challenge donald trump with all your dollars behind them, what exactly are you doing? >> laura: mollie, there is rumor of this no labels group drafting romney and joe manchin to run together. that to me is -- it is one of the funniest things i've heard next to the stilettos comment. >> there is investment in having the winner not be president and he's polling well in the primary and match up against biden, people are willing to do all sorts of things. i don't know the logic there. not a lot of people are
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hungering for joe manchin and fewer for romney. >> laura: do they remember about romney in 2012, he was thurston howell iii and he was mean to his dog. we love ronald reagan, what do they do to the candidate? >> they love those who are no threat to them or establishment. >> it is democratic-nesia. i think the claim no labels will help biden instead of hurting him is same claim people make about r.f.k. jr., he will hurt trump more than biden. it's not true. trump has been shoring up support among the gop primary base for months and biden cannot each hold on to california voters. he's losing support. a third-party bid will hurt biden. >> laura: most ridiculous idea
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ever, do you joe manchin will throw his hat in? >> he indicated he wanted to today. there is money invested in this third-party run. main thing stopping it, polling shows it hurts biden. >> laura: great to see both of you. love him or hate him, one candidate created the most news, in moments vivek ramaswamy is here with his thoughts and yes, that includes his infamous dust-up with nikki haley, stay with us.
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democrat? this is about you and the media and the corrupt media assignment. the trump russia hoax you pushed on the network for years, was that real or hillary clinton made-up disinformation? answer the question, go. >> several people on the stage are auditions for their next tv contract and vivek is one of those. >> ramaswamy is a symptom of something else. the weakness of the rest of them. in old times, he would be gone because he was a clown. >> the problem is, he's so annoying. >> laura: i think the media is starting to warm up to him. joining us now is vivek ramaswamy. vivek, they are after you. vivek, for people who missed it, this was the moment that sent everyone into the stratosphere. >> she made fun of me for using
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tiktok when her own daughter was itting it. >> leave my daughter's name out of your voice. >> laura: could you have made that point without invoking her daughter? >> look, the point is not a criticism of her daughter, it was criticism of nikki haley, i'm also on tiktok. the point i made we as republican primary voters and leaders need to reach the next generation. the fact is nikki haley often talks about new generation of leadership. problem is, she's on the wrong side of that generational divide with lack of self-awareness, criticizing other people for not looking after their kids or family for use of tiktok when that is a gaping hole that does bear mention. i don't want to hear nikki haley get on her high horse, she uses talking points with respect to hunter biden all the time. if you can't handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
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if you can dish it, be willing to take it, that is what i say, it is presidential contest, if you want to sit across the table from xi jinping, you better be ready. >> laura: she called you scum, it was uncomfortable for people to watch. i get your point, but new national poll came out who watched the debate and found you came off more negatively than most. your reaction to that? >> i was criticizing everybody 360 degrees on the stage, i want accountability for the rnc. i called for what we require, new leadership at rnc. ronna mcdaniel took over in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2023, loss or losing expectation, is that a positive fact? it's not. the underlying reality is not
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positive. it requires accountability. same with respect to nbc news or other candidate on the stage. when we require making actual observation where the underlying truth is negative, i will not sugar-coat it. >> laura: ronna mcdaniel responded to your comment. he's at 4%, he needs a headline. our headline should be about joe biden. i will stand by my record as rnc chair. rnc doesn't do state races, we are federal, we weren't involved on tuesday. i know vivek is newer to the party, he voted for obama and may not know that. somebody came after me last time. >> laura: she's been elected four times, vivek, what is your response? >> i find that out-right lying, i never voted for obama in my life. for a chair to be saying that is malpractice, as it was
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malpractice as the press reported last night, she is cheering and booing against me in middle of a debate. as chair of rnc saying they won't give me another penny of money, it is not her money and that is the way the people in this party thought about this for a long time, they think it belongs to them, it doesn't, it belongs to the actual base we are supposed to serve. when you have managerial class, swamp that lost its way so badly longing to go back to old erra of establishment, quasi ku corruption, we require next generation. that is required to revive the republican party and revive this country and if you look at debate stage last night, good example of the moderator selection to comments she made after that prove my point. >> laura: national review editorial board establishment
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outfit accused you are pandering to populous of your party and claim all you want is future media gig. do you want a future media gig, vivek? >> i don't. what i want is to revive this country. fact of the matter is, that is long-winded way of saying that i am giving the gop primary voters and people of this country what they actually want rather than dick cheney 2.0 crawling all over the debate stage last night. we are fighting foreign wars in places like ukraine that have not advanced american interest and i don't want to see iraq 2.0 and add to national debt and people my age sent to die in wars that did not advance the american interest. >> laura: if your view is so popular, why don't you think you are doing better in the polls?
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>> i think there are two solid america first candidates, that is donald trump and myself. voters face a choice in donald trump's case they get somebody tried and true, he was a good president and doing well in the polls. i have something he doesn't, i have fresh legs and i'm young, it will take someone in this generation to revive the pride. i'm new. we will be successful heading to the iowa caucus. i will speak the truth and be unconstrained about it. rather than poll-tested slogans to solve for what establishment media want me to say. doesn't work that way with me, that is what our base want. >> laura: with three-inch heel comments, i hope no halloween picture from years ago of you in heels, that would send everybody into orbit. thank you for joining us, we appreciate it.
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representing prestigious organizations caught riding with hamas during the attack on october 7. what is going on here? reporters following those savages? a report in moments. why does government want control over starting and stopping your car? congressman tom massie has the chilling reason why next.
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>> laura: yesterday insight into why the media almost seems to be, >> laura: late yesterday we got insight into which the media is protective of hamas and could constitute one of the most stunning journalistic scandals in history. we go to molly line in london. >> watch dog organization is reporting some atrocities committed by hamas on october 7
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were not just documented by the terrorists themselves but by gaza-based photo journalists working for associated press and reuters, raising ethical questions and implies some journalists were on the scene of the massacre so fast, they might have had a heads up from hamas. those claim they obtained the photos from free lancers, as they normally do. the first photos were taken more than an hour after the attacks began. the agency admits they are no longer working with one gaza reporter. it was 45 minutes after israel says gunmen crossed the border. there is response from cnn, the
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network cut ties with the journalist. we have not doubted journalistic work he has done for us, we are cutting ties with him. defending free lancing whose work they used, there is no evidence for insinuation. our report shows he was doing what photo journalists do, documenting the tragedy as it unfolded. israel office is demanding further explanation from these outlets. >> laura: thank you, disturbing. we briefly touched on this story last night, it was enraging and deserved a longer conversation. >> it is incredible i have to offer this amendment, it sounds like science fiction. the federal government would put a kill switch in such a
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fundamental right as the right to travel freely. >> laura: this is about controlling your every move, at least when you are in a vehicle. it is something the left and federal government want you to get used to. house republicans -- house democrats and 19 republicans voted against thomas massie's amendment for a federal kill switch mandate meaning all cars will have way for authorities to monitor your driving and cut power to your car. what could go wrong with that? joining me now is thomas massie. congressman, i think xi, hmm, when some of us were driving, we were necessary, essential employees, driving during covid. they did not know we were necessary employees, maybe they would have hit the kill switch on us, who knows? >> yeah, people said i'm a
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conspiracy theorist for saying this is in the legislation. i had to read the democrats the bill they passed two years ago, they passed this in 2021 as part of 1039 page bill to require that your car can monitor your driving performance and in it thinks you are not driving well, it can disable your vehicle. imagine you are a mom with kids in the car and you swerve for a deer and pullover for emergency vehicle to go by and you only have one swerve left before it shuts you down and takes you to the side of the road. my question, how do you appeal your conviction when you are sitting at the side of the road with a car that doesn't run stranded. >> laura: your colleague from michigan, debbie dengle reacted to your amendment. we need to stop drunk driving by making technology standard in new vehicles, it does not
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mandate kill switches. i protect data privacy in vehicle probably more than the sponsor of this does. it is ridiculous and doesn't monitor how you drive. >> laura: congressman, please respond to that malifuous tones. >> she needs to read the bill, it does. after she said that, i did read her the bill. this is not a breathalyzer. there are machines you have to blow through to start your car. that is not what this is. the bill has abilities, it says car manufacturers need to passively monitor air in the car to see if you have been drinking. the problem with that, what if you are the designated driver trying to get somebody home that has had too much to drink temperature is backseat driver,
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a nanny. to her point about privacy, i'm worried, as well, how do you know if somebody is driving well on the road they are on unless you know which road they are on, you need to know their location, who has access to this information? is there a camera watching your face to make sure you look at the road? who gets that data? do you need a warrant? >> laura: unclear where the data is stored, they are claiming it is not. there was surprising vote for four-year amendment, maybe not surprise figure she is a real liberal. alexandria ocasio-cortez is with you. we have bipartisan agreement even if it failed. >> she had civil liberties concerns, i talked to her about it. she knows this is violation of the fourth amendment. 19 republicans are to the authoritarian left of aoc now thachl is my question, not why did i get a few democrats to
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vote for it, but why were there republicans who want this mandate in cars? >> laura: for any regulation, we are getting killed by regulations in this country. congressman, thank you for alerting us to this, we appreciate it. up next, high-end brothel busted, we have details. plus michigan town sending message to biden, we're not helping china. i'll tell you why next. i'm an actor in an ad, who was given 12 seconds to remind you that if you're high, just don't drive. 'cause if you feel different, you drive different. it's illegal to drive high everywhere anyway.
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>> laura: in one of the wildest stories of the week filled with them, the feds are busted what is being described as a network of high en >> laura: the feds have busted a network of high-end brothels. if you think this is sleazy red-light district, no. this is located within miles of two of the most prestigious american cities. >> three individuals were arrested and charged in federal court with operating a sophisticated, high-end brothel in cambridge, in watertown and in eastern virginia. these establishments facilitated the movement of predominantly asian women across the united
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states for sex trafficking and commercial sex ring exploiting them in the process. >> laura: located just minutes from washington, d.c. and harvard university and clientele could have included pharma executives, professors and even well-to-do students. will we ever see a list of the johns here, type of black book infamous in spitzer and his manhattan madam. that could change with the investigation set to continue. this shows mission, we showed from day one, include holding elites in positions of power accountable. this requires transparency, if these men were involved in vaccine, war-making policy, we
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know they have bad judgement, we better make sure they are not compromised. even though our own president won't stand up to china, small town in michigan will. residents of green charter township voted to kick out five local leaders for approving of chinese-owned electric vehicle battery plant in their town. this is great because it would have created 2000 jobs, they didn't care. the message, they didn't want to help the ccp. joining me now is congressman, whose district includes what would be proposed site of the factory. this is groundbreaking and the groundbreaking for this plant is supposed to happen next year, even though shockingly republican leaders are gone, the plan itself is moving forward. what happens next? >> that's a great question, the
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voters spoke on tuesday and people, citizens in the community spoke out and recalled elected officials and held the people in authority accountable who were not listening. they are saying, we don't want a company affiliated with the chinese communist party. goshen high-tech is based in china and has allegiance to the chinese party. the people do not want that affiliation in their community. >> laura: there are contracts that have been signed, but contracts are voided all the time. if people in the township who pay the bills and i bet they bring in chinese workers when they set up shop in the united states, there would be american jobs created. is there way to void that contract at this point? it seems to me that is what has
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to happen. >> that is something the new township board will look at and look at the fact that state of michigan gave $700 million for this project. we can't be subsidizing companies affiliated with the chinese communist party. i introduced legislation that would deny the inflation reduction act tax credit to green energy tax credit biden administration has been promoting from receiving tax credits. >> laura: here is what biden said about the auto industry today, congressman? >> president biden: my predecessor was in office, six factories closed, tens of thousands of jobs were lost and he was willing to see the future of elected vehicles to china. he said if electric vehicles would drive down wages, destroy jobs. like almost everything else he
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said, he's wrong. >> laura: congressman, we know this, china will dominate, they are beginning to dominate electric vehicle industry, ramping up production, flooding europe with electric vehicles and when biden promises we'll have a new era with china, what does that mean as far as the auto industry? that is gone, trump is right about that. >> he is absolutely right, president trump gets this. we're playing on china's home field as we force companies into this ev where we're relying more on china. >> laura: congressman, we hope this gets reversed on the battery factory front and no thanks to the ev's, thank you, congressman. everyone is asking, who is the unhinged lib who accosted that poll greeter last night? we'll tell you what we know, next.
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>> laura: the thing i really envy about my liberal friends in the d.c. suburbs, how upbeat and content they always seem. >> trying to orthrow the election, you might as well have been walking up to my head and putting a gun to my head and telling me how to vote. you expect me to not take that personally? you try to overthrow elections with violence and then you're out here among decent people? >> thanks for coming out. >> what is on your [bleep] your policy prescriptions? >> have a nice day. >> involving people's families and bedrooms -- animal. you try to steal my sloet next year, i'm going to remember you personally. >> thank you. >> i'm taking a -- picture of
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you, try not to be buddy-buddy with these people, they put on the face of a good neighbor, they support lynch mobs, bible freaks. >> laura: that was arlington county, virginia, it was entertaining when i watched it, it gets better. tuesday night we played a short snippet. let that breathe like fine wine. many of you wanted to know more about that gentleman, we've learned mr. congeniality is this concerned citizen, long-time federal contractor at hhs named brenden martin, that means you pay his salary. martin's linkedin says he's worked at hhs as technical
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advisor through consulting company icf for adoption and foster care analysis and reporting system. if you care about children, that is really reassuring, poor kids. imagine for a moment the press's reaction if a federal contractor had approached an lgbtq+ volunteer and spewed similar invective, how long would that federal contractor be employed? we reached out to brenden's office at hhs to confirm these reports. the only response we received was automatic reply from mr. martin saying very late lunch, 3:45 to 4:30, typical bureaucrat mentality. schedules are meaningless and accountability doesn't exist. we hope you had a nice lunch or
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dinner, whatever we are calling it. still waiting for a reply. charlie hurt, fox news contributor joins us. i showed this to my kids, two of the three. third one i will show tonight. >> that's torture. they were laughing in hysterics and my littlest said why did he come back and he came back into the frame. he's going nutso. federal government at work. >> can you exactly -- can you imagine being married to this guy or having this guy as your neighbor? he's a lunatic. he's obviously unwell and the thing that is scary in addition to the fact this federal government thinks this guy should be in charge of children, the fact, he gets in the guy's face and makes the finger motion the gun motion with his finger, he's trying to escalate it to violence.
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when you have somebody that far unhinged and he needs medication obviously and he needs to be around, away from children and needs to be away from democracy. obviously he can't handle the concept someone would disagree with him. >> laura: what i find amusing, during the day, federal contractor would be moving around town in cargo shorts and a t-shirt. send me a memo when grown men stop wearing cargo shorts in public. those are garanimals children wear. i don't know if he goes into work, maybe he's still worried about covid, although he wasn't wearing a mask. >> it takes effort to be this --
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cargo shorts and smelly blue t-shirt is uniform for being unhinged lunatic. talk about insurrection, this is insurrection, trying to insight violence at the polling place is more insurrection than anything else going on here. >> laura: as much as i'd like to talk about this guy for an hour, we spoke a little bit about joe manchin dropping out earlier and how that group no labels, which is funded by a lot of big money people, is now reportedly pushing -- hold your breath, a joe manchin-romney ticket, along with a new website called america back on track. how did a derailment? ticket of two men who doesn't have the courage to face their own constituents at home. your thoughts? romney is not running again either. >> they are so afraid of trump
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being on the ballot in their state, they won't face off with trump in their states, so they will take their loser show on the road? here is the other thing, this group, no labels, they keep winding up with all these people that have labels like democrat joe manchin, left wing environmental wacko joe manchin and republican mitt romney and both of them have the most important title, which is loser. those are all labels, i don't know why they want them. >> laura: afterall, liz cheney and adam kinzinger, their ticket didn't go anywhere, they have to come up with something. set your dvr, stay connected with us and follow me on social media. remember, it is america now and forever, jesse watters takes it from here. >> todd: a fox news alert. attacks continue against our troops in the middle eas
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