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tv   The Five  FOX News  November 11, 2023 2:00am-3:00am PST

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us tonight. >> we really appreciate it. thank you very much for having a me. >> before we go, i have>> some big news about next wee th i'm going to host the ingram angle live from the grand ole opry in nashville on thursday,rh november 16th. >> and i wane old t you there. it's going to be a blast. so scan the qr cod6. e right ont your right now and then you're able to buy tickets to be part of our live audience. so even get to stick around for jesse show right after soow rig the whole fox gang is going to be there for fox nation'sht patriot. jesse. hannity, myself, the five, everyone we're going to have sow much fun. >> raymond's going to even show up. all right. all right. if you can't ss the code, he go tanoou can opry .com. >> that''tthe codes pr and click on the calendar and you'll find it there. all right. that's it for us tonight. have a great weekend. thank you for watching. all week a nd ca >> and remember, it's america now and forever. lendarjesse watters takes it frm here.
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hello, everyone. i'm judge jeanine pirro, along with jessica tarlov, jesse watters, martha maccallum and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city. and this is the five liberal leaders are finally cleaning up francisco? but it's not because they want to fix the crime and drug filled city. for residents, it's all to impress the world leaderscleg and top ceos coming to town for econg economic is not summit nt week. the democratic city has refused to lifomic sumt a finger to adds drugs, homelessness and crime. but no w that joe biden and president g. are coming to town next week, the roads will be repaved. the streets power wash to get rid all the graffiti and the ths public transportation stationstr will have added overnight deep cleaning. it's so what is going on thatoi even liberal california governor gavinal calif newsom as they are putting a band-aid on a bullet wound.
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>> i know folks say, oh, they're just cleaning up this place because those fancyd leaders are coming into town. that's trubullet we because it'. but it's also true. fo ar months and months and months prior to apec, we've been having different conversations and we've raised the bar of expectation.g >> folks are saying this is not what i thought it was going to b expecte based on what was what's been in the media, because i think what happens sometimes is a moment, a snapshot is taken and it's not san francisco. it's sometimes a bay area. it's someplace in some other city, and it's attributed to san francisco. so i think we've gotten a lot of unfair press. >> and over on the eassomes is . you try to stand up for victims of crime, you mad to sany be lad a criminal yourself. one vigilante opening fire inay a subway station in an attempt to scare away a would be robbelr threatening to steal the woman's purse. he is now being charged
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with criminal possession of a firearm and reckless endangerment and out on $10,000 bail. >> okaand reckley. so, jessica, explain whyup it's important to clean up the cities and roll out the re d for leaders like xi jinping than for ordinary american taxpayers. >> and do you buy that? gaviban we've been working on this for months and months and months as an excuse, notontn having done it earlier. >> well, it's not just xi jinpinang. president biden's coming carmela's coming. it's a whole summit. and this happens everywhere, right? i mean, when you have someone come over, you clean upident right in our homes and you remove all the drug dealers bicamille from your front porch. i tell brian, you pick up that right now. this is unacceptable. >> so that part of it obviously doesn't surprise me. able. i do think, you know, we've heard from london breed and thte the new day after chester boudin got thrown out that the way san francisco is is notwa acceptable that they will bey se
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they will lose their first tier city status from this and it'su just devastating when you walk around and you see what's going on with the homelessness and thhappenin e drug addiction. so yeah, do believe him belie about that. and i hope that this becomes a catalystve him abohope tha fog change that they say, oh, this was so much. what can we do to make sure suat this is something that we can maintain in the future? >> you know, martha,re that we f the things that the chinese apparently know, their own as fr version of tik tok, as well as froom m the media coverage that they are doing in china, is they say that san francisco looks like and has been branded a quote, ruined city a total failure. so the effort to bring in this this pacific of pacific go andef and china whatever this economic forum. do you think it'll last the businesses will invest. >> well, it's a great point. the first thing that comes to mind when you bring up china is tha?t they understandis
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that this kind of cleanup cleaey well, they did it befor the olympics. if you remember, they basically thved the slum areas. they moved it so that, likeeyolm everybody's traffic would not sepics they bae lot of what exir country. so this is a process that xi jinping is very familiar with, how to sort of kind of whitewash the city and make things perfect for the people who are visiting. so that they don't actually see the way people live there. so that isjinping liar wit thaty the other thing is that i think gavin newsom is cleaning u d p forr for his election as well. as,ean, this, you knowhi president coming. he has to do a clean up job and he doesn't want the restas o of the country whose eyes may and n this apec summit for a bit to see the way that people are living in that city. and i'm reminded also when you talk about economic incentives of the dayss apac why new york had a huge turnaround. right. i mean, you had giulianior did n excellent job and you had bloomberg, who also did an job of policing tax policy, encouraged businesses to move
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to new york, lowering regulations, encouraging, tax the police officers, backing law enforcemenencouragt, givingm a recognition, you know, at every step of the way. and you could see it. >> i mean, you just watched it turn around in new york city. so so they can do that. it'st's really not as as i think it might sound. they cleaned up people off the streets. plicatedhink it t sound.they he hospitals and rehab centers, which eric adams get peo has sae wants to do. i think he got sidelined by a number of things, but that's something that he said hey wanted to do. so i think it's clean up forsai the 2024 election because we know that he's hoping that things will shift and he'll be ablnk is ear for e. all right. just so you know, speaking of crime and what happened with giuliani and followed u p bloom by i mean, this week we sawbeor a new york city guk cityy who hd a job, was arrested for criminal possession, a weapon,oe reckless endangerment for trying to help a woman who wass being victimized, to say the very least, by someone who was mentally ill, a subway
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station who was trying to rob her. now, what i find most interesting about it, jesse, is that the gually y who up wari a warning shot hadng a college degree. he's had one job for 17 years. he had to post $10,000 bond. the mentally ill guy who attempted to rob and has been arrested and is homeless he hl. bai >> how fair is that? it's like we're living in an in anage where you are throwinl men in prison and you are letting predators get out ya on bail. >> and i'm not sayinre g guy shouldn't have done what he did. >> i don't know if you should be licking warning shots off on the subway. >> i may be. i wouldn't put the gun up like this and aimed it at the guy and say, scram, vagrant. maybe that could have done the job. but the point is this. you are criminalizing masculinity. and e is a masculine instill act to protect women who aree ia
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in a vulnerable position. >> and if you continue to do mnr year after year, what you're going to do is you're going to destroy ae o honor in new york. and if you destroy the police and if you destroy, you're going to see an era of predators where are goingto w to run wild. and all the women and all the liberals are going to say, hey, hey, wait a second. >> well, this is the result of, what we've been doing over the last several years. >>hey and in terms of gavind in newsom, the reason you clean tec for people when they come over is because you want to show them respectovbecause . and if you yourself live in filth, then you don't respect yourself. so if i was a taxpayer in sanhe francisco, they're using my money to show respect to the chines e and not clean up. for me. that means the politicians in, san francisco do not respect the taxpayers. >> and jessicaot respe the, thee big summits in chicago, new york, houston and it's not c
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a story when they clean up for people because they don't have to clean up so muc h. to the >> san francisco has let it fester to the point where cleaning u peaning up this smogh you don't see people in chicago like that, in terms of quality of life, there's crime. >> there's no needle sticking out of their arm . as kindergartners walk out shooting five year olds through windowshooting s. yeah, there's crime. there's crime. yeah. but talking about quality of life, we're trying to send a camera to the tenderloin tonight to do a story. >> well, we wouldn't even have the cameraman go there. he refused to go. loin t >> too dirty, too dangerous. all right. greg fired him, which i think and ld need hi fired? yes. greg, you could talk about youc, could talk about jingping. i think, you know, china wi gets the red carpet, the residents get the brown carpetg? and it can't be said they needed to get on the ball because they were having company. >> it's not like having company.
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this is more like having child care serviceaid they needed cau. so hide the drugs, put the bruised kids in the back room. this is not about impressing. it's aboutt the br hiding. >> i mean, they're trying to impress china. why don't you take care of the asians in your city first? >> there's no shortage of high profile anti-asian crimele ant in francisco. >> in 2022 alone, there were in 2 and 67%557 perc crime i increase in reported asian hate crimes. and those are what was reported ,not actual but reported. >> but here's the big point, which, martha, you made. >> american never used to do this. they never had to do this. >> you could come to the city. it would be great. you didn't have to throw in a e of paint on squalor. >> that was the practice of communad.not ac the bigl. er >> we called them potemkin t villages. jesse us of paint and sqe that >> potemkin village. that was where you construct the facade, right? to trick people into believing a city that is a dump isn't a dump.
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so whether, you know, whena, ors one of our presidents went to china or ussr, they just sweep up the poor. they they they paint over the decaying eyesores, fix upere the building, and for a few days the city would sparkl eye >> so we keep we've always been saying, like, what happens to these cities when liberals take over? they get do they get their communist utopia? they did. >> they did. it's a with a coat of paint. they got exactlydotheir c. >> they wanted. as for as for what happened in new york city, we this we that when you handcuffed the police and you released deranged criminals the pol, whan a citizen do? dagen mcdowell at this point that self-defense becomes self-help. >> but if you have a i think i thought his was legallyly owned. >> it was like someone's distress. and this is to jesse's point, you might feel compelled to help, right. >> but in this city the way it is now would you i mean look what happened to daniel penny. >> if you step up, you get go to jfeel comd and that is ap that changes the way a man thinksen. ge the
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>> and jesse. yeahman thin. >> okay. all right. ante is a real demonstrators, even more extreme with their latest protest. some cashing in on money inside and baptizing harvey weinstein with dow. >> good morning. with the collapse. good, good. good morning. yeah. try collects chewy fruit bites for fast and gentle constipation relief in as little as 30 minutes. making your good morning even better with all galactose, it's time for a new shower. but you don't want the hassle. you just want it done. re back from start to stunning. call us or visit rebel icon to schedule your free and home consultation. >> 10% can make all the
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the new york times building over its coverage of theg of israel hamas war and demanding a cease fire. the far left agitators holding up signs calling the paper the new york crimes while protesters splattered police vehicles with free palestine thg up . a new disturbing video showing out of control. ucla students taking turns beating a pinata with an image of israeli prime ministerel netanyahu. but do these hamas sympathizin gmas sy students really know what they're marching fomp r? hamas invaded israel on the 7th of october. what was your initial reactiont. that. i didn't. they did today, hamas. i thin>> i didd k honestly, i think i need to be a bit more up on everything that's going on. i feel like i'm not really qualified to. argue that too. well, i mean, i'm not sure if i've seen anything. n actually shows that that's actually happened a factually correct. >> how can you say. all right, jessica. ll rightwhat happened there? obviously wanted to go hang out
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with their friends and didn't really know what they were going support. wh turns it looks like with that the sheer volume of peoplsupport.e participatings seems like it's now just like a cool thing to do right? like we're going out to protest. and i think that the kids who are doing, the more seriousb stuff, like locking kidsy in libraries at cooper unionmoai what happened at cornell, what happened at columbia? you saw that columbi ds who aa has suspended two anti-israel groups, which but going by the bylaws of their schools. and mit should be doing it for happ happened. and that is the perfect refugeth for the presidents of these at cem schools. er you are allowed free speech, but you are not allowed to intimidatrefugee you are not allowed to touch. you have to be respectful in these interactions. but like we talked about yesterday, clearly a lotpu of are misinformed about this. and i knowyou are that the loto administration is feeling the gen-z heatf le are m about joe comments and anthony blinken today said we feel that far too many palestinians
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have died. i think we all feel that way. but that's juxtaposed with the fact that not this, w the has gi 80,000 gazans out safely. g that right. that they are protecting them as they walk. and hamas is fighting that toket keep them there so that theyhebe can be murdere murd starved, whatever it is. >> and you do you always think about elections? everyone has that on their mind and was thinking about what you were saying, greg, about the abortion issueho and how if you feel it's a moral issue, if we lose on this, so be it. and i think that supporting israel in this moment is a moment for democrats to just say this is a moral issue forras us. and if we end up alienating part of this bassur us p e and frankly, looking at the turnout on tuesday, i don't think that that's going to be an issue. , but if joe biden's name makes them feel likeat the joe, you n find someone else to vote for or you can sit it out because
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this is something that's too important. and that doesn't mean we don't care about palestinian and it doesn't mean we don't want a two state solution. but if you don't even know about the massacre and what happened on october 7th,on't car it's doesn't matter. >> greg, i think what you'reab out nt a twoseeing a battle bett a mental state and a jewish state, right.t. >> the war among protesters exists in their heads. marrieestersd dating and the id politics and lineage shamingth. >> it exists independent of the present atrocity. as you can see, not even aware of it because they prefer to live in the past, which makes the romantic and freerociy of the gor, e. free o hence all of their worn out catch phrases like occupatiof a collective punishment. >> the jews, however, are at wathe jewsr with hamas. it's not in their heads. they removed their that warr hed kicked offs. on october seven. so it's a mental state versus a jewish state, which explains why it's here in america, because a mental state can move
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a mental space, a state can be imported and can spread likes a delusional contagion, which obviously itpr . ously it as for the protesters here, let's call them what the protesy are anti-democratic, as at scott adamantis, you heard it he first anti-democrat because this hateful mob, they're not republicans. they're the frankenstein monster created in the woke, which was coddled by the liberals because they were too scared to stand up for them. right. how else can you get nonbinary? femalen you get leftists marcha group of men who once in power, if they get power, would turn on them and instead they faster . >> you could say they or them. right. you said romance said, antis ism. and martha, there is a romanticism that's when you join these marches. i don't know if it's because of the vietnamnd, s era. a lot of the academics are teaching these students to go out there and hit the streets. and as you can see, they really don't what they're talkingthe st about. >> but, you know, they're not just crazyreets.eally kids whoe
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dumb. they are espousing something that is extremely dangerous. they're essentiall whoy sayingtn that they want the palestinian hamas organization to be the winner of this situation ane and they don't even know what happened on october seven. but that doesn't matter. what matters is thatn octobe the deeply entrenched organizations and look at the signs that you're seeing now at these things, they're all very formulaic. >> they're yellow with black words, and they just say free palestine. in the early days of this, we were seeing things that said that people wanted a clean now world. >> these were handmade with stars of davithese thy for they don't want that message. and these messagesd a clea deepy entrenched and very purposeful. believe me, in iran, they're looking at these scenes and they are feeling this is a win, right? when you allow to pull off what they did in the most barbaric, there are no words
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for it. i mean, i watched this videothe of what they did and there are no words and their glear ehey around what they did is so deeply disturbing to humanity. so this is not cute or funny. good to hang out at the protests because there's there's a deep issue underlyinge here. and a lot of bad is a deep peope benefiting from these kids. i saw one of them interview today and she said they said, oh, do you think they let the kidnapers go? i mean, should they let the kidnapped people go? and she's like, what about the hostages? she said, i don't really thinkm it's aboutthese that.what samean, please do not go holding a sign and walking around at these things. do your homework. figure out what happened and. then. if you genuinely want to go out and protest, then do but you are feeding into a dangerous narrative here. >> at least be smart enough to understand what you're talking about. dumb. at leastenough t and.
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and, you know, the truth is that these are the same who vote when they talk about low information voters.ey're i mean, they're notno being disrespectful. this reality. these kids are many of them are college students. i mean, if they don't knowlity. what happened on october 7thr 7, and there's not just one or two interviews and people saying, oh, something happen on october 7th, they have no idea. it is it's it's almost likee noi defining deviancdey down. was the john daily talked about i think it was it seventies or the 80s, you know, where things aren't as bad because the realee bad stuff is so much worse. so that know what we've got in new york city now are people who are painting on the andndalz vandalizing police cars, and they're also vandalizinginc, facade of buildings. nobody's being arrested for this. nobody being taken in for this. it's just like they they allowgr thisrest the and so we're defining society down. we're definingppen, and so ourn
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or allowing people to be totally out of control for a ridiculous nonsense lie. and that's what it is. it's a lie. the same people, if can imaginec this as they're being a pinataan of botare biddh biden, netanyah, they are raising the lgbtq flagb next to the beating of the pinata as though they are too stupid to know. if you're part of that community, you're being off the roof of the building so that you die. >> and that's the realityh th of what's going on. goine are people and every timse they hit the pinata, the cheers get louder and loudepeopler. . >> louder.s al this is almost like a junglemost now. we're really at the point where there's no truth. there's no facts, there's no reality, there's just perception. and the perception is that israel is bad because we decided to focus on them as the bad people. we could have been else and itni
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will be the next person. we c to bealways seems about israel. and that's the saddest part of it all. we have bed it wilext pers realt the judge was saying. someone said that's otherseemed to me. and it really struck a chord that said, when the american tba were held in iran, 52 of them,t we knew their name s. >> they were 89, right? oh, in 79, i was like 52. yeah. and we don't talk about the hostages we don't know about them today. there are a few brave moms that are on tv talking about this. >> and there are signs down, but we don't see that. >> i know, but that's on us that we need to talk about thed hostages more because you cannot have a ceasefire without these people were i honest . ee >> mm-hmm. all right. we agree. coming up, this veterans tunnel to towers is unveiling a massive initiative to house our heroes chairman and ceo to hpeople bk siller here to tel us all about it next. ♪> i swear i'll change your ways. >> i just can't say i won't
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for free at free? trump guy that's free. trump, you to head back to state, try to the freedom tower there this veterans day, the tunnel to towers foundation this ve is honoring america's heroes in a verthe tunny special way.oo the foundation is welcoming home ove r hundred vets during the grand opening of the houston veterans village in texas. teacher t renovating texas a for hotel that now includes 161formr rooms and a living center that provides support services. hudes any livithey plan to rept model across the nation. their efforts to eradicate veteran homelessness. well done. joining us now is chairman and ceo frank frank, greatreat to have you with us. i mean, you're just over over prove how relatively easy it is if you commit to making
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a difference in people's lives ,you can get it done. >> you know, we get it don we because bring a lot of people together. and it's always because what we're doing and who we're doinse of whg it for. so, you know, obviously there's a homeless problem in america, and the worst of it is thata it's a lot of itlot of all oursa veterans and these great heroes went to wat for usr us, risked their lives for us. so horrific things came back to america, could not assimilate back into society. and many of them are on the streets and it's unacceptable. if they were on a battlefield, they wouldn't leave them that e on the battlefield, right? their brothers or sisters in arms. they wouldn't leave us. so why is it americans, why are we going to leave them on the streets? so we made a promise. tunnels, towers that we'reould e ricans are we goave them going to eradicate homeless homelessness amongst our veterans. now i know how we're going get it done in many different ways, but one of the ways is your fox viewers. w we a every time i come on andre certainly the five when i come on so manyone in m the way of tp right away for the $11 a month to t talk, $11 a month.h fo but we're also asking fortune 500 companies to come on boardor sporting teams and etc..
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but we're making a promise and we're going to get it done. and this is just the beginning. we have dennis quaid with usthii yesterday, andy pettittes , p ix two guys that grew up in texas, and they were there helping us. were thand we're blessed to hat of people join these beautiful places. >> i mean, it breaks our heart when we aople.. e see we see a homeless veteranle on the street. terrible. and you justss veterans on strek sees something and he and he goes, we can fix this right? yeah. the amazing part of it is so much money. is see , like 90? what, 95, 96, 97% goes to help those people. and it's just it's not just the gold star families. it's the it's the first, responder, it's police. it's everyone has put their live s the line for polic the rest of us. and you just keep multiplying. now you've got thesee heir homes fornow yo the homeless. but, you know, in the other segment, frank, weu have thehomd about the universities and those people who are defined dig them like bill ackman. leon cooperman you've got to go afteople arer those people becae you perfect out of my brain. yeah, because one of the things
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i was listening to the segment, i was saying, all these billionaires because are fundine schools for people who are anti hate america. how about taking care of the americans that are willing amerie to give us the life that we have? so, yes, i'm calling theseing people that are pullincareare g of these colleges and these universities to come on board tunnel to towerscoo . see what we do know that wellarr give 95.1% of every dollar raised, goes to our programs livable, and we coulaid get. >> and that's how we're going to get it done by bringing everybody together. i just want to say that.t to s >> great.ay give, jesse, you said you give half your salary h to. >> actually, i said, i give my entire salary. yeah. and it's cheap. >> take the number to see. and when i sai0.d my intolerance i ,i meant your entire generous offer. we know we cover homeless a lot, and it's not always the fact that they don't have a place to live. there's other issues going on. mental issues hom once they get in the homesel onl that you're providiny thg. >> is there anything else? of course. outcome. and thank you for asking >> tha for ask that.
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>> so on your plaza right now, we have a comfort home. we put it there. we got a crane in the other night. we dropped it in middle of theeh night. it was in support and i wanted everyone to see on veteran's day the type of homee other in s doinge besides these hotels that we're revamping. beside totels wewe'll give in 5t homes you see right there, right now on the screen, sql me itee do tel is living in there. >> let me tell you something. if i ever get kicked out, i' where i'm going. but -- but they're beautiful. but we just can't put a roofovee over their head. >> so i want i want to readad a list of thingst a roof to rerg to make sure they get all the comprehensive services once they're in there, because webeca have to help them get back into society. employment assistance, jobuset assistan training, benefit assistance, education assistance, a lot of them, of coursestance, to dek or go back to college ork to s go back to schoochl and, prepare them for go back out there and work financial budget management, none of them. >> and i had too many of them don't know how to do budget legal advocacy, medical care access. they don't know what they could get from the va center. mental support, of course, and counseling and ptsd counseling and treatmentem for
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and more that we're doing. oue. now wh thes g so in this what you saatw and t. big opening of this segment was this hotel that we've revamped thatst floor. >> we have all these services. what companies are already involvedon the is? who's helping out? well, i've got to say american express wassomethin sat the first one since we launched this have just olaunch came on d in a big way. >> millions of dollars. it is it hav and i have a name like that isel unbelievable. we've had general motors, you knowe. , gm has been with us for a long time, helping us buildhas been all smart homed the home depot foundation. i >> they've been involved in homeless veterans for a long time, too. vetime too to ti p my cap to them. there's so many and so does so general motorsdoes and fox and , those two. >> and that's another thing. we're going to make sureare go that going to get these great heroes into it, intoineat hero o society. we apply these things of permanent housing, but weto also one transitional housing because we want them
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transitioning out and getting thein. oning ou >> yeah. okay. how many homeless vets did you guys help this year? 3000u help. 3000 homeless. and i'm going to tell you, i'm going to tell you it because. we have we're blessed that wee l have a national prograessem that got all across america that we can if somebody about somebody homeless or a family member knows that somebody they love is homeless, they call us, weca can call us and we can get them off the street immediatelyhearsg and then work with the vaetimme to make sure they get all these services that we jusdiatt that e were just talking about. >> we're going to build a tremendous, tremendous relationship there. were are goio build r organizations doing this for a long time, and i want to give them a lot of credihave bfor a lo them a t but we are blessed that we have a lot of people that join us. an >> and once again, i'd lik ie to say to the view, and iore said it before, i'd like to sayn it again, that together, why nt say that we eradicated homelessness amongst our veterans, that tunnel to towers right, not the five. you know that just gm and home depot and american express, all of us as americans make
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a promise. tunnel towers made a promise that we're going to make sure we take care of these greatessn heroes. >> and i want everyone to join us on that missioness . e. it's a great way for families this week to talk about veterans day with your kids we and say let's as a familyoute make a contribution to teach you. dath you, and you get that legy right. you invest as a familylegacy any this is what we're going to do when you see this homeless person on the street and it makes it breaks your heart,e gon there's something that we can do and we can do it through teach you tog dorson talk. can i add one more thing? sorr iion.y, one more thing. >> 50 50 houses today we delivered to catastrophically injured servicemembers, gold star families, and for the first responders of families mortgage free homes, 50. because i want everyone to understand that we're going to continue doing that work. we're never going to stopout hi taking care of those brave heroes. but we also going to eradicates the key word is you deliver. >> we don't always deliverp tak. i'll bless you. thank you for having me on. thank you, frank. it's always good to see you. >> all right. we'll be right back after this k
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thank you for your service and we hope you enjoy your free year of fox nation. america is streaming. but does he know you do? >> i know your minute. welcome back. time for the fastest first step. >> it's the jackie waters prime time scoop of the century. >> viral airplane woman tiffany gomez is speaking out on what exactly saw after a video of her yelling about another passenger not being, quote real on an american airlines plane took flight on social media. >> i was it was talking to specific person that i had an altercation with. it was just a figure of speech not a good one. you know, but when you're worked up and you're spiraling ou. ne.t of you're not really thinking your words clearly throug youh. ugh pd tracy, tell us about your time with tiffany. jabout time wioh, tiffany. well, if that was the scoop was of the century that, i'm in big trouble.
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>> but she's a very nice persont . >> and she came in and she's rattled. she's psychologically shot. and to have the half a billion people see the worst moment of entire life was just so difficult. >> she went into hiding for a month and a half, and now she's trying to come of it and she's doing the best she can. she had a bad moment and everybody knows about it. >> imagine your worst moment of your entire life and the and e world found out, jessica. im i feel it every day of living. well, she saide of, i watche yd the interview and she said,he you know, i'm able to laugh at it, but i'll bet the gue to y in for f on that airplane wasan not able to laugh at id intet. here's the thing. when she's on the plane, she .s on says that m.f. or what heo invisible or something and then now she's real. had an a is that real? right. and she said that she had a altercatioion. ion. >> if you have an altercation with someone, jesse, you don't turn arounon with e, jessed. i mean, you usually say you're a no good this that he did this that don't turn arounds
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and say he's not real okay. i woulayd her if she had a drin. >> did someone put a pill in her drink and all of the disruption that she caused, i woybody had to deplane. tsa had to come back to make sure that they werdrink e all a then she kept trying to getbackt back on the airplaneo . she was claiming the airplane was not safe. it would never get to his destinatiothat then. how many people on that plane are thinking, i wonder if she knows something that i don't know and i'm not going to make it. she caused a lot of problems and i'm sure she's a sweeting tm woman. she should have kept her mouth shut. and don't say, you know, it was justit picke problems. bad moment. >> no, you were ridiculous. all right. so i should have attackeit was j d her. >> no, she blew the interview. just. man. judge, i'm sorry. of >> gregg thank you. yeah, i mean, the real thing here was her people that everybody was going to die on the plane. and there's still no explanation for this. there's no explanation. tion
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>> that wasn't like getting worked up or. it was this was a drug or thing. >> it had becausg,e there' this that is just it's drugs talking . it's not a human talking. and let's be honest, she's a young woman. >> if it were a short, talkxious talk show host who was screaming, the plane's goin scdown, the plane's going down. i would be in jailreaming,. >> i would have tackled you. yes, exactly. what do you think, martha?actly. i think it's been said mostma of it. videjust i was sitting thererth. looking at the video, thinking about the guy who shot that video, you knowsh, and how if it weren't for him, because he's right square in front of her and he gets the wholehim, thing, she could have she wouldn't have ha becsquared d te in her house for a month and maybe she could have dealt with whatever issues you allt w are suggesting that she may have had. >> i thinkever issu are unforte that everything gets videotaped and everything gets thrownay
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in faces and people don't have enough time to actually dig into the things they should be paying attentionat the to and spend way too much time t paying attention to this stuffnw . >> and that's how you shoot video. all right. yeah, exactly. >>h, we have to doe exactly. it. >> remind me. remember in bridesmaids, there's the woman screaming. >> there's a colonial woman on the plane. we're going down. on th but that was a comedy. yeah. really? okaye l going ? that was. >> that was the kristen wiig on the plane. female friday is up next. >> she was like, wanna see you? maybe bad, bad. back pain. this veterans day, we're celebrating our nation's heroes and honoring those who have served to protect our freedoms. join "fox and friends" line and share your pride by using hashtag prousome peod american.e >> brought to you by jeep. >> brought to you by jeep. there's only onext. >> some people just know what road to take. what road to take. i'm left with not having i take the next exit. don't think i will. disembodied voicthe peope.
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bugs less? maybe. don't hurt me. don't hang me number. me >> yeah, don't hurt me. fan friday. this is a great question. and let me go to you, martha, because it came from martha, not you. isn't it a different martha? what is something you did as au >>d that you still feel guilty about? >> oh, i gotta keep it clean. i got in trouble for stealing pencils out of a out of oneergat of the cubbies in kindergarten. i have no idea why. how aboueni havet jesse? >> well, i wasn't guilty until you just reminded me. my friend had one of those water jugs he filled up with cash and coins. and i took some chewing gum, and i tied a string to a pencil and i stuck the gum to the end
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of the string. and i went like that, and i goh $10 out of his book and bentgung terrible judge. >> and ithat i remember? >> what are those? the red wagons called the raider$10 out s or >> yeah. flexible fly radio flier, s?whatever i pulling a friend in it and i think i had a rope on it and so we did a corner something happened and it hit her in the head and she was bleedinger i was and i ran homen her is going to be in big trouble. >> jessica. i used to try when my sister was little and we'd be taking a bath like shov e her hand downd on the drain to see if she would go, which never happened. but i feel like it set a bad stage. >> me when it's something you did as a kid that you still feel guilty stil what if you're still doing it? are you sick? oht? u are st yeah, yeah. i took i always go back to my take using my dad's coin collection to buy the first van halen album. >> oh, that's. >> no, i still think about that. oh, that's terrible. yeah, but that a great album.
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>> i mean, running with the devil goes into eruptionto buy and then eruption precedes the best version of youmu reallb got me. i mean, you can't do anything better than that. i g with t up there a is probably going. greg, i'm glad you use the money. yeah you , probably something up you wanted to do as an adultthe, as a child that you did as an adult that didn't turn out like ,thought so. >> so what you thought as a kid you wanted to do, but you ended up doing and it wasn't all that well, you know those all you can eat buffets. >> yeah,as an adld, that that lo that's a good one,, right?n't l l and then when you're 22 and it's like, oh, now i guess that's good. >> i like that one. >> yeah, yeah. jerry seinfeld. there's a whole thing about like, having sushi 22 you and extra scrambled eggs. >> extra cupcakes. no, than sick.ric one.k. can you think of something being an adult? >> it's not that great. noou think, it's my naps. yeah. people paying for my life like . yeah, that's a good one. you know what i remember when i was a kid, i used to always want to wear out sick and all that, but now i'd rather
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hang myself. i'd have to say shaving. shaving? yeah yeah, and my face, too.d tw >> so.ea cool. yeah, right. d all th me more thing the fox nation patriot awards are back and better than ever. join pete hegseth and the rest of the fox family to honor our nation's true heroes. sign up at fox nation .com for exclusive access. fox nation patriot awards 2023sy are presented by these proud are presented by these proud sponsorsy be. financial. lod based on your goals, whatever they may be. all that planning has paid offme . looks like you can make this work. we can make this work. and the feeling of confidencvere that comes from our advice. i can make this work that seems to b noe universal. i can make this work. i can make this work. no wonder more than nine out of ten clients are likely to recommend financi us becausee
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the right way. goal low, go to go low., that's going o.carm. >> the 2023 fox nation patriot awards are heading to nashville and now's your chance to get tickets. join pete hegseth and the fox family november 16th at the grand ole opry house as we honor our nation's true heroes. tickets are on sale now at fox nation .com slash awards. >> it's time for one more thing jesse john and mary ann ferrell big big happy anniversary shout out 50 years. oh look at this beautiful couple they were marrieds, november 1073 two kids, five grandchildren. way to go. wish you the besen. t congrats.very i >> very impressive milestone. let's be friendsmp tonightters. on jesse watters. >> prime time, a woke woman's pri. time one of my favorite all time body cam footage as i've ever seen. ev okay, now have, you ever heard of those jars where
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everybody has to put money in if they sweareroney somethino you know where to order a dollar or whatever. >> swear jar. jar well, this isn't a swear jar, but saying the name taylor will cost you in one guy's house. he lives in maryland. his wife's huge obsession with taylor swift has caused her husband to create a taylor swift jar where has to drop tim in a quarter every time she mentions a singer or her new boyfriend, travis kelsey. what do they plan do with the? money? >> she says she's going to buy taylor swift concert tickets sh. all right, greg. she's not the same since >>dumped her tonight. >> trent pierre, dana whit te, dagen mcdowell, john pyro, kat timpf. this is well. a show.a >> hey, let's do this. greg's flying deer, a pick upa k truck news. the story about this is that the truck was fock news.out thi? and the guy was there and he was about to buy the truck. and then this happened the tru. >> the truck on the left. so that knocked the price down from 9400 to 8500. >> o4 hundreh i didn't ask for .
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>> wow. nice jumping on that deer part . >> a little bird recovery. yeah. >> there you g ah.o. >> all right, jessica. okay. okaye, indeed, seeing double 17 times a pennsylvaniaa sc district has 17 sets of twins,ho one in the same graduating class at a lot of ivf. i presume. colonial. the school district, class of 2036, has been dubbedstrict,r garden. wishing all the teachers luck and telling these kids apart. martha. oh, today was the big 100,000 k bike ridbie that george w bush does every year. the former president, dr. marcru ,was out there with him. and it's a ride forwith t our warriorshe and a wonderful, feel good event that they do every ♪


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