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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  November 12, 2023 10:00am-11:00am PST

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hostage negotiations between israel and hamas are in flux at this hour, as israeli prime
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minister netanyahu denies the idf is striking gaza's hospital, adding that israel has offered enough fuel to operate the hospital, but that offer was declined. welcome to fox news live. i'm mike emmanuel. this as idf forces continue exchanging fire along their northern and southern borders. we are live in southern israel with the latest. hello, trey. >> hey, mike. good afternoon. israeli forces continue to operate inside the gaza strip at this hour. we saw a number of airstrikes today against the northern part of gaza as the israelis are using their air force to support their infantry troops on the ground. they have reportedly surrounded a number of hospitals including the largest hospital inside the gaza strip, where we understand there are still palestinian patients inside, along with others who sheltering in place. now, the israelis say they have left open the eastern side of the hospital for evacuations, to the main evacuation corridor through the center part of the
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strip. in this video here, released by the israelis, they say overnight they even offered to give the hospital fuel to ensure that they would be able to continue treating the injured palestinians who are there, along with palestinian babies who are inside the maternity ward of this hospital. now, the israelis say the palestinians rejected this offer of fuel. we've not yet heard from hamas, the group in control of the gaza strip. i want you to take a listen to this doctor in a city who describes the situation at the hospital in the north. >> nobody allowed in or out. even if you are wounded or injured, you cannot be evacuated by ambulance. [inaudible]. this is the situation. >> now, the israelis say -- what you just heard there, there's a helicopter firing into the northern part of gaza, but the israelis say that the hospital
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is being used by hamas as a headquarters. they say there's a tunnel network underneath the hospital, but it further complicates the situation on the ground, mike, because you have civilians who are vulnerable inside the hospital. you also have hamas underneath the hospital, according to the israelis, and they have the facility completely surrounded. mike? >> mike: trey doing a great job in southern israel. thanks. for more on the war, i'm joined by former israeli ambassador to the u.s. >> good to be with you. >> let's talk about the concerns of the hospital situation. let's play the clip. >> the united states does not want to see firefights in hospitals, where innocent people, patients, receiving medical care are caught in the cross fire. we have had active consultations with the israeli defense forces on this. >> mike: what about that concern, sir? >> we share it. we don't want to see a firefight in a hospital. we don't want to see innocent
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patients or palestinians hurt in that firefight. at the end of the day, it is not up to us, now, is it? it is up to the hamas headquarters which is located beneath that hospital. israel must get to that hospital -- that headquarters. it must destroy those headquarters in order to cut off the command-and-control ability of hamas throughout the gaza strip. now, israel's been trying evacuate people from that hospital, babies from that hospital, trying to provide 300 liters of fuel to the hospital. hamas prevented it. hamas has prevented people from leaving the hospital because they want to use the hospital and the patients in it as human shields. >> mike: any idea why hamas would reject the oil? >> because it wants to be able to blame a humanitarian crisis on israel. you know, for about a year, when i was in israeli government, i was in charge of gaza and the humanitarian situation in gaza. israel had the ability to move in 1200 huge flatbed trucks into
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gaza every day everything you wanted with food fuel toys clothing, hamas only allowed a few trucks so people would be hungry, angry, and dependent on hamas. they don't operate in the way civilized human beings do. it is different. it is not surprising to me that hamas would prevent fuel from reaching this hospital and that hamas would prevent civilians and sick people from leaving the hospital. they want to use them as the human shields. >> mike: there's a report from an israeli journalist saying that prime minister netanyahu is trying to bring in former british prime minister tony blair to coordinate humanitarian operations. do you know anything about that? >> i don't. tony blair has had a long and trusting relationship with the israeli government, with myself personally, and if he were involved, i think it would be very positive. >> mike: what more does israel
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need from the united states at this critical stage? >> the major thing is to keep resisting pressure for a cease-fire. that pressure is mounting. and hamas knows it. hamas wants civilians to get killed. it wants hard pictures, pictures coming out of gaza in the press, and those will trigger protests. and those protests will put pressure on governments including the united states government to do a cease-fire. hamas wants a cease-fire because that means hamas gets away with mass murder. hamas wants a cease-fire because it knows without a cease-fire, israel can't restore internal security. we have 250,000 people who have been forced out of their homes. they will not be able to go back to their homes. we will not be able to restore our regional deterrence power. every enemy that we have will know that they can hit us and we try to defend ourselves, the world will slap a cease-fire on our hands. a cease-fire for israel, i mean this, there's no hyperbole, a cease-fire means death. we need our american allies to keep running that interference
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for us from the world and give us time to fight the enemy that we need to destroy. >> mike: grateful for your time and analysis today, sir. all the best. >> thank you very much. >> mike: five americans were killed last night during a routine training mission in the mediterranean sea. this as iran-backed attacks on u.s. forces in the middle east continue. lucas tomlinson is live in wilmington, delaware work the latest. hello, lucas. >> mike, a short time ago the white house releasing a statement about those five american servicemembers that were killed in an aircraft crash in the eastern mediterranean during a midair refuelling exercise. the white house and president biden saying in a statement, quote, jill and i mourn the loss of five american servicemembers who died when their aircraft crashed in the mediterranean sea during a routine training mission. our servicemembers put their lives on the line for our country every day. they willingly take risks to keep the american people safe and secure. fox news sunday senator mark
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warner was asked by shannon bream if iran is being deterred in the wake of those dozens of attacks on u.s. forces in the middle east. >> i think by placing both a carrier group in the red sea, eastern med, announcing that we sent a submarine, we never normally announce that, and bombing some of the facilities outside of iran, i think it's terribly important. >> and the u.s. military not announcing what type of aircraft crash in the eastern mediterranean, mike. u.s. forces in the middle east have been attacked nearly 50 times in less than a month. iran and its proxy forces have continued to launch drones and rockets at u.s. bases, targeting some of the 2500 american troops in iraq and 900 in neighboring syria. there have been six attacks since wednesday after a pair of u.s. air force f-15 strike eagles hit that warehouse in eastern syria used to store weapons the pentagon says were used to attack americans in the
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middle east. the "wall street journal" editorial page says iran has not been deterred despite the deployment of american fire power to the middle east saying quote, president biden's weak responses to attacks on u.s. forces aren't deterring iran and its proxies which increases the risk of escalation. the surgical u.s. military strikes? response in response aren't -- aren't making --. earlier today the security advisor spoke. >> no reoccupation of gaza. no forcible displacement of the palestinian people. gaza can never be used as a base for terrorism in the future, and gaza's territory should not be reduced. >> president biden meets chinese president xi jinping in san francisco later this week on wednesday, mike, and the white house says they want china's
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help to mediate an end to israel's war against hamas. mike? >> mike: lucas tomlinson live up in road in wilmington on this veteran's day weekend. lucas, thank you for your service and thank you for that report. san francisco cleaning up its streets ahead of wednesday's meeting between president biden and chinese president. governor smu newsom says the city is taking measures. >> some homeless encampments that residents have had to dodge for years due to trash, fecal matter and fears being attacked are now getting cleared out since president biden and chinese president will be meeting. >> when a genocidal communist dictator comes to town, the ideas of equity vanish and the streets get cleaned up. what kind of message does that send? it means california politicians like newsom know that san
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francisco is an embarrassment and they don't care about the residents they only care about impressing xi jinping. if it weren't so sad, it would actually be funny >> the governor admitted the city was cleaned up ahead of the big conference. 21 world leaders from pacific rim countries in addition to more than 20,000 visitors are expected to be in town. >> i know folks say they are just cleaning up this place because all those fancy leaders are coming into town. that's true. i'm so excited about showing this off to 21 fancy foreign leaders from around the world. >> but critics also question whether the clean up job is just a band-aid for a problem that's plagued this city for decades. >> for years, san francisco residents have had to put up with rampant homelessness, open air drug use, assaults, and feces-lined streets all in the name of some twisted progressive notion of equity. >> california has spent billions, billions of dollars to reduce homelessness over the
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years, but it's still a huge problem in this democrat-run state. mike? >> mike: christina coleman reporting live. thank you very much. for more on the up coming biden xi meeting, let's bring in the political panel, fox news contributor richard fowler and american first chief communications director mark loddard. gentlemen, welcome. richard what should president biden emphasize with president xi this week >> i think this is going to be critical. the meeting comes at a time when on capitol hill there's a lot of sabre rattling of china. you heard members of capitol hill saying this is the new cold war but it really isn't because our economy and china's economy are woven together. it is not like a time when we didn't really have involvement with russia. 85 percent of iowa's electricity comes from wind tur bins.
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90 percent of those wind turbines come from china. as we approach our relationship with china, the trick here is to talk about the facts. what can we do to bring the temperature down between these two countries because they sort of need each other in this moment to survive as we work onramping up our semiconductor production, as we work onramping up our ability to produce various technologies we need for smart phone, laptop, electric or regular vehicle, if it is a semiconductor, we're going to have to tone the temperature down. i think that's what the president is going to have to try to do. i also think xi will try to do the same thing. he needs the united states economy just as much as the united states economy needs. >> what should the president bring up in this meeting. ? >> i agree with his points but i think he is taking the point away. the fact they are so connected economically makes it the greatest threat we have ever faced. we didn't have that kind of relationship with the soviet union or the axis powers. they were military opponents.
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china is a military and an economic competitor. the question for them is do you want to be our enemy? because you continue to destabilize asia. you continue to threaten taiwan. and when you're asking -- when biden is asking xi jinping to help mediate israel, xi jinping is sitting there going they're going to react the same way if i take taiwan and show weakness and actually back down because they don't have the fortitude to actually do what's right. >> that's a political statement what i'm talking about this idea that predicting this doomsday scenario around china and the united states when if you talk to the business community, when you talk to some of the biggest companies in the united states, the biggest companies in the world, they would say there's an interconnectivity here that we need to work until the united states can ramp up its production. if you talk to the biggest companies in china, they would say we need this relationship to work until we can ramp up production in china. i think both the business community is saying to their two
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elected leaders we have to tone this temperature down so we can keep business moving. i think that's part of the problem. >> final word? >> if we don't start to decouple and don't demand changes from their malign actions, around the world, whether it's in africa or in asia, then we are going to continue to do ourselves more harm and put ourselves in a position where we are weakened in front of china. >> mark, i don't disagree with you. i think the problem is you're living in -- you're living in a world in which you think this happens overnight. many of the things we're talking about -- let's go back to the iowa scenario. many factories required to build things go into wind turbines take 10 to 15 to 20 years to build. this can't happen tomorrow. the temperature needs to be cooled so the united states manufacturing can ramp up to that level. >> we have to stop incentivizing china. >> it is about getting our economy to catch up and their economy to catch up. >> we rely on china, we are actually putting american autoworkers who currently have jobs at risk while china takes a
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greater lead in the production of these key elements, and it's just emboldening china and weakening america. >> wait a minute here. last year when the president passed the semiconductor bill, which was a step in the right direction, democrats republicans worked together. that money is just starting to hit the streets yesterday. figuratively; right? these factories are just starting to be built. they are just dropping foundation on some of them. they aren't open or produce anything. the idea to sabre rattle today not being ready for tomorrow, that's where the problem comes in. >> we have to use our leverage and our economic advantage -- >> i'm not denying that. >> -- to get changes from china. we're not getting it. >> it is disingenuous to tell the odd qeens this can happen -- audience this can happen tomorrow. >> we need to start the leadership now which we haven't seen from biden. >> when he passes a semiconductor bill, that's what he's doing. >> when we see what he talks to xi on wednesday, we won't see that leadership. >> if we're not tampering down the temperature while we work
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onramping up our production, we will be creating more of a problem for the united states economy. we saw that over the pandemic when we saw a shortage in semiconductors and we saw the prices of cars skyrocket >> this is nothing more than a call for a cease-fire like we see in gaza with israel with china now. >> i think you are comparing -- you are comparing apples and oranges >> when we talk about lowering the temperature, we empower china more to continue to dig in and harden its position, make it tougher for us to defend it later. >> mark, richard, we will let you guys slug it out in the green room. thank you very much for your time today. well done. newly elected speaker -- house speaker mike jobson announcing -- johnson announcing the two step plan to avoid a shutdown ahead of friday night's midnight deadline not including aid to israel or ukraine. government funding set to expire this friday, november 17th. g.o.p. presidential candidates are on the road this weekend.
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front runner former president donald trump held a campaign rally in new hampshire last night highlighting how america and israel were safe during his presidency. meanwhile former governor christie visits israel to meet with families of hostages held by hamas. alexandria hough is live with the latest. hello. >> this weekend was a different scene depending on which g.o.p. candidate you were watching. former president trump ended last night at a ufc fight at madison square garden after holding the veteran's day rally in new hampshire. >> you are going to end up in world war iii because of this. no reason for it. millions of people will die. i know the players. i know the job. i alone in this primary have borne the burden of having troops in harm's way as commander-in-chief of the u.s. armed forces. >> stern warning there. now trump did push through an apparent moment of misspeaking. we've heard similar from the current administration. but mixing up president biden's name with former president obama. >> they were interviewing him
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two weeks ago, and they said what would you advise president obama? the whole world seems to be exploding and imploding. >> as the current g.o.p. front-runner highlighted what he sees as weakness be -- weakness by the current administration on the world stage, chris christie traveled to israel landed this morning seeking to gain perspective that he can bring back home. >> they need to know exactly what happened here. they need to hear from some of their leaders as well. i wanted to come here, wanted to show solidarity, but also to bring back information to continue to get the support from the american people for the state of israel >> former u.n. ambassador haley weighed in on the crisis as well. she appeared on fox news sunday. >> this is a tough situation. but this is not just an israel issue. this is an american issue. 33 americans were murdered. they have american hostages right now. israel is the tip of the spear when it comes to terrorism.
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>> also this weekend, governor desantis was in iowa, ramaswamy campaigned if new hampshire. -- in new hampshire. >> mike: things are heating up. alexandria, thank you very much. border officials recently conducted several high speed chases in pursuit of human smugglers at our border. bill melugin is live at the border. he's next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> mike: department of public safety trooper in texas rescuing two children from human smugglers during a traffic stop as white house press secretary says president biden has done, quote, everything that he can to secure the border. bill melugin is live from the rio grande valley with more. hello, bill. >> mike, good afternoon to you. we often hear about child trafficking taking place here at our southern border, but rarely do we ever actually get to see it like this. take a look at this harrowing video courtesy of texas. a solo trooper pulls over a human smuggler in kinney county, identifies the driver as a known gang member, a tango blast gang member who is smuggling illegal immigrants in his car. as he goes to take him into custody, you will see the illegal immigrants start bailing out of the car one after another. the trooper lets him go, so he pops the trunk and finds two
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unaccompanied migrant children from mexico ages 9 and 7 being smuggled in the back of that trunk. he asked them if they are okay and gives them some water. when you saw those adults bail out of that vehicle, none of them went for those kids. none of those people were parents or guardians or relatives for these two small children. these children were being smuggled by a gang member in a car full of unknown adult men, when they were rescued by this texas trooper. who knows what could have happened to those two children if they had not been rescued. rescues taking place all over the border, all types of rescues. take a look at these images out of the eagle pass area where a mom and her two children were swept away be i -- by the river in eagle pass. patrol agents scooped them out of the water. one of the little girls was unconscious, unresponsive and giving her cpr trying to save her life. the last update they have is they say they are hoping for the best for her condition. we don't know if she survived or
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if she passed away. but the chief of border patrol says his agents see this every single day on the border. also in eagle pass, take a look at this, border patrol agents river unit saving another migrant in the river who was suffering from paralysis. they p cooed him out of the water -- they cscooped him out f the water, got him out of the water, able to rescue him. he was paralyzed. unknown what happened there. they saved that man's life as well. it goes to show you when agents are actually out on the the front lines being able to do their jobs, not only are they stopping drugs, narcotics and criminals from coming in, they are able to save lives like this. when they are busy processing doing paperwork and we don't have anybody on the front lines we don't have any agents to save children from trafficking or stop drugs from coming into this country or save people from drowning. mike, back to you. >> mike: some very compelling updates from bill melugin, live in the rio grande valley, thank you very much. for more on this i'm joined by mayor and congressional candidate bill wells. mr. mayor, welcome.
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>> good morning. >> mike: what is your reaction to the latest headlines you just heard from the border? >> you know, san diego county has 33,000 people dropped off in the last two months with 169 people on the terror watch list. we're very concerned, not only about what this is doing to the infrastructure of san diego, which is already overwhelmed by this homeless crisis, which is much larger in california than anywhere else in the nation, but we're also worried about with the war that's happening in israel and things being so stirred up in the middle east and antisemitism amazingly on the rise throughout the world, we're very concerned about people from hamas coming into california, san diego area, and we're were worried -- we're worried about safety and security. >> mike: president biden is proposing 20 miles of movable border wall for south texas, frustrating both environmentalists and those who want stronger security. what do you make of that? >> well, i always thought that the border wall was the smartest
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thing that we could have done to help the border. i'm glad that president biden is coming a little late to the party, but willing to do something in the right direction. we actually should be securing our entire southern border with not a movable border wall, but a permanent border wall. >> mike: the united states right now has a huge problem with fentanyl poisoning the american people. >> absolutely. >> mike: should president biden bring that up when he meets with chinese xi this week? >> -- chinese president xi this week? >> absolutely. we need to take a hard-line with china. just the other day [inaudible] -- caught with 180 pounds of fentanyl. i don't know how many people that could kill, but certainly every person in america. 180 pounds is an amazing amount of fentanyl. we've got to stop this. china's sending the precursors to mexico. mexico is the one that's producing it. both nations need to be held accountable for what they are doing to our citizens with over 100,000 young people dying of
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fentanyl being the number one killer of young people in america right now. >> mike: in your view, should alejandro mayorkas, the secretary of homeland security be impeached this week? >> absolutely he should be impeached. he's been lying blatantly to the american public telling the people the border is not open. it is obviously open. if you go to the trolly stations in san diego county, there's no doubt the border is wide open and no enforcement is being done, no vetting is being done. we have no idea who is coming in. we have seen over 8 million people come in under president biden's watch. that's an amazing number of people. it will change the complexion of the united states for decades to come. >> mike: mayorkas' aides respond that he's been doing his job while house republicans are trying to score political points. what do you think of that? >> mayorkas is just a liar. you know, there's no way to say it. i would like to be diplomatic about it, but i can't. he is so rooted in ideology and
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political narrative, and he has no concern for doing his job or for protecting the american people. he's an absolute liar and needs to go. >> mike: bill wells, mayor of el cajon, california, grateful for your time today, sir. and thanks very much for your analysis. >> thanks for having me. >> mike: pro palestinian protests drawing thousands of demonstrators in major cities across the globe this weekend. more on that next. let me be direct... you're watching football wrong! what do you call a guy in face paint that can't get the game? ...a clown! sorry, what app was it again? no, no. just give me a second... amateurs. ohhh! sorry, everybody. directv sports central gives you access to every game...
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vandalized, red paint thrown on the "new york times" building and one of the largest transit hubs here in the city, grand central terminal brought to a stand still. this video is gaining a lot of traction on social media, again showing that teen scaling about 10 feet to rip down those flags. police telling us a juvenile report was filed for reckless endangerment. our fox digital team capturing the teen's arrest. major metropolitan cities and college campuses across the country have been the epicenter for these pro-palestinian rallies. critics say these events are full of anti-semitism. fox news contributor douglas murray explained this morning on fox what he believes is driving it. >> to a great extent, it is, but it really is american education that's most failed people here, think i. british universities, all the problems they have do not have the kind of indoctrination which has led us to see scenes as we have at university after
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university in the u.s. with after the biggest massacre of jews since the holocaust, jewish students at u.s. universities are the ones being hounded. how on earth did that happen? it is much worse actually in america at that level. >> and overseas to the u.k. on saturday, there were hundreds of thousands marching and calling for a cease-fire. london's metropolitan police announcing the arrest of more than 100 people and saying they were mostly far right protesters, but officers there also took to social media to say they want to speak to specific people in relation to possible hate crimes. officers are trying to track down this woman carrying a sign which says no british politician should be a friend of israel. i mentioned college campuses earlier. columbia university announced on friday the suspension of two student pro-palestinian groups, over at mit, university leaders there had warned they would suspend some students associated with a pro-palestinian rally. but mike, ultimately leaders didn't follow through on that
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threat citing concerns about student visas. mike? >> mike: thank you very much. for more on the pro-palestinian protest thes and the rise of anti -- protests and the rise of anti-semitism across the country, let's bring in our next guest. >> thank you for having me. >> mike: what do you make of the rise of anti-semitism on college campuses across this country since the october 7th massacre? >> [inaudible]. there has always been an anti-semitism problem on college campuses. [inaudible]. we're seeing it more visibly because of the face of -- [inaudible]. >> mike: new york city reports hate crimes soaring 214 spike in anti-semitic offenses. is this hatred that's always
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been there that's now being unleashed? >> yeah, i think so. in brooklyn, there have been a lot of anti-semitic acts over the course of the last five years that's been perpetrated -- [inaudible]. in >> mike: a march for israel is expected here in washington on tuesday. do you expect it will be massive, and do you plan to be out there >> yeah, i will be out there with my kids and my husband. [inaudible]. >> mike: i have heard the white
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house talk a lot about islamophobia. do they need to talk a lot more about anti-semitism? >> you know, it is funny i remember hearing that it was offensive to say all lives matter and black lives matter was pervasive and now we're being told that all lives matter in the face of anti-semitism. i think there's an absolutely islamophobia problem. [inaudible] was murdered a few weeks ago, and it is horrible, and it should be a concern. if you look at the statistics the number one problem in america is not islamophobia. it is anti-semitism. >> mike: i spoke with a jewish friend the other day. we were talking about some of the reactions on these college campuses, and i was at a loss for words what to say to my friend because i'm shocked by so much of what we've seen what can we do to help our friends in the jewish community here >> i mean, it relates to the college campuses, they need to -- [inaudible].
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-- [inaudible] unaccept situation, and they will face consequences -- unacceptable situation, and they will face consequences if they allow -- [inaudible]. >> mike: my understanding is that you are also big in the homeschooling movement. there's been a report that there's been a surge in homeschooling since the pandemic. any surprise to you? >> no, i mean -- [inaudible] something wrong on the education system in our country, both through the k through 12 level and the college level. [inaudible]. i mean, there is a problem. >> mike: bethany mandell, grateful for your time today. thank you very much. in a drastic move pope francis dismissed a conservative texas bishop saturday, a critic of the pope's progressive influence. joseph strickland said francis was quote undermining the faith by discussing the place of lgbtq plus communities and women in
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the catholic church. strickland refused to step down into a vatican investigation into his governance earlier this year. the vatican has not provided a reason for the bishop's dismissal. with the holiday season quickly approaching, scammers are switching up their tactics to catch consumers off-guard. what to look out for after the break. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health.
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>> mike: scammers are conning americans out of billions of dollars. the federal trade commission
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says that scams were up 30 percent in 2022, versus the year prior. now, scammers are switching tactics. we are live with what to look out for. hello, dana marie >> hi, mike. i'm sure you have been told before don't click on a link that you are not 100 percent sure is safe. these cyber criminals are making it harder to determine what's real and what's not. and with holidays around the corner, experts say you have to be vigilant. a popular scam could come in the form of a text message about purchases you didn't make on amazon or even if your credit card has been locked. a popular tactic this year, scammers impersonating ups or usps with a missed package delivery notifications enticing you to click on a link. >> hackers know that clicking on anything is their goal to you because they want to deliver a payload of malware to then get into your life, get into your bank account and steal from you. >> police departments across america, they're warning about a
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phone scam involving callers pretending to be law enforcement claiming you skipped a court appearance or there's a warrant out for your arrest. >> the caller id that may seem like it is a sheriff or the police department calling is not necessarily that agency calling you. you can no longer rely on your caller id, and even if the phone number matches the actual local police phone number, don't go on that. >> and with the rise of ai, hackers are using different ways to learn about you through social media, to target you more efficiently. mike? >> mike: dana marie, welcome to the family, thrilled to have you. thanks for that report. >> thank you very much, mike. >> mike: fewer than 4,000 servicemembers have earned the nation's highest award for valor in combat. now a national museum -- now a national medal of honor museum coming to texas. that's next.
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there once was a tree lovingly made to look real. so real, something magical happened... it helped create very real memories. balsam hill. (♪) israel is under attack and jewish families are in danger. israel's enemies seek our destruction. the people of israel need immediate help. rockets have us squarely in the crosshairs. our people are targets in their own homes. many have lost everything and fear for their lives. the international fellowship of christians and jews has launched an urgent response to rescue those affected by this violent attack. our teams are on the ground across israel delivering lifesaving aid. your urgently needed gift of only $45
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>> mike: the first time in major gaming release has used ai technology to create every single character raising significant concerns from voice actors everywhere. fox has more in this edition of our fox on games series. >> the world of gaming is being rocked by an ai controversy
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quickly becoming a test case that could up end the multibillion dollars industry. the finals is a highly anticipated shooter gaming fans have been looking forward to. it's been described as a trooe true breakthrough in gaming, breaking backgrounds is as important to game play as shooting your enemy. before the release, the game taking it on the chin from voice actors after dropping a bombshell. ai tools were used not to just to augment performances but create voiceovers in the game. thought to be a first time a major release relied solely on ai to create character performances. the game's audio director claims one of the reasons they decided to replace actors with ai is because the technology is finally powerful enough saying quote we've really come into a new dawn when it comes to video game voices. the studio then walking back that statement claiming, quote, making games without actors isn't an end goal. that'sen a argument that likely -- that's an rgment that likely won't sit well with
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sag-aftra after the actors union threatened to strike against the video game industry last month citing in part the lack of protections against being replaced by ai. in the gaming industry, ai technology is often used throughout production, usually on players interacting with computer controlled characters. it is not clear how this controversy will impact that use. check out this story and more on the fox on tech podcast every weekend. in new york, fox news. >> mike: this veterans day weekend we are showing our appreciation for all those who have served our country. the national medal of honor recipients will be honored at halftime of today's dallas cowboys game against new york giants. the museum in texas is set to open in 2025 as a tribute to all the recipients of the nation's highest award for valor in combat. joining me now is retired navy seal and the national medal of honor museum president and ceo captain chris cassidy. welcome, captain. >> mike, wonderful to be with
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you. thank you. >> mike: thank you for your service. sir, would you please tell me what you guys are doing in conjunction with the nfl at halftime today? >> absolutely. you know, as you know, the nfl has amazing concept of every franchise has a home game in november that highlights service, salute to service games. the cowboys have been an amazing partner, the medal of honor museum for the last several years and allow us to really showcase the medal of honor recipients in a robust way at halftime. we will have 16 of the living 65 medal of honor recipients here in our nation on the field. lee green will be singing proud to be an american. just an amazing day for veterans. >> mike: showing our audience the plans for the museum. it looks fantastic. i know you had a ground breaking about a year and a half ago. how is the museum progressing, sir? >> yeah, you know, we did. we're about a year and a half into the construction. we will open for visitors in another year and a half, in
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march of 2025. it was the coolest event we had last night in the middle of the construction zone is far enough along where we had white table cloths and roundtables and had a dinner for our founding donors, the first event in the museum, first of many in the future. it's far enough along where you can have a nice sit-down dinner the middle of it. >> mike: for young people watching right now, what should they know about medal of honor recipients that binds you all together? >> well, you know, mike, the medal of honor recipients what i find so fascinating are just normal people who the nation needed something extraordinary on a given day and they stepped up and did it. one of the board members pat brady has a great saying where everybody has endless buckets of courage you can dip into that any time you want. it never goes away. it is up to you to decide to dive in there and grab it. that's what we hope to inspire people when they visit and really through our leadership institute, which we have
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wonderful donation by ken griffin to endow in his name recently, that will be our arm to inspire people throughout the nation just on courage and commitment, sacrifice, patriotism, what it means to be a great american. >> mike: 20 seconds left or so. you have bworking with the quarterback of the cowboys dak prescott to reach out to the students. what is message? >> part of our program includes the leadership ib institute. a section of that is focused on character development in k through 12, great program with dak recently. it exists in 29,000 classrooms today. now there's a module associated with that. just a wonderful first step in inspiring the nation. >> mike: captain chris cassidy thank you for the great you've done on behalf of the country and the great work you continue to do. pleasure and honor to speak with you today >> thank you, mike. happy veterans day. >> mike: indeed. that's it for fox news live.
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fox news sunday with shannon bream is up. she will have an interview with michael herzog, also sits down with senate intelligence committee chair democrat mark warner of virginia and nikki haley presidential candidate also joining the show. all that coming up. stay tuned. i'm mike emmanuel. thanks for watching. have an awesome day. we're here today to set the record straight about dupuytren's contracture. surgery is not your only treatment option. people may think their contracture has to be severe to be treated, but it doesn't. visit today to get started.
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