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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  November 13, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PST

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>> harris: united states launched new airstrikes against i iran-backed terrorists who continue to attack overseas. our side killed six iranian proxy fighters 1st death since the u.s. began airstrike. they hit us 53 times, we hit them two. i'm harris faulkner here with kayleigh mcenany, also joining us carley shimkus and hudson institute rebecca heinrich is here and marc thiessen. let's start. pentagon confirmed u.s. air bombs bombed eastern syria. both belong to iran revolutionary guard corps. one was a major training center, the other revolutionary guard safe house.
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these airstrikes are the second time u.s. fired back against the killers iran pays for and trains. troops have been attacked staggering 52 times since october 17th, including four additional attack since yesterday's attack. fox news senior jack keanes he thinks united states needs stronger response to deter it. >> this is the third strike and this time focus on people, training center and safe house, i don't know if it will be effective, would want it to be effective as everybody does. my sense, it will not be, it is not comprehensive enough dealing with the proxies themselves. go after leaders, fighters, rockets, missiles, drones,
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infrastructure all at once in one night, well within u.s. strike capability, no risk to a single pilot in doing that. that i think may get their attention. >> harris: what do you think, rebecca? >> i agree with the general. no administration has a worse grasp than this administration. understand what the kwliernians want. the iranians want the united states out, they will go through proxies and attack u.s. bases until the united states go into a counter strike against the irgc. the attacks will continue. >> harris: wife been speaking with military hierarchy that served in previous wars 30 or 40 years ago and they all tell me none of this will deter iran at this point. they have made so much ground up
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in 52 times we would have to hit them hard. we've lost the advantage of retaliatory or the equality in terms of how they hit us, what do we need to do? >> that is momentum and reestablishing deterrence, it will requeshg normous shift. either we run the show or the show runs you and right now china, russia, iran, running the show. >> harris: what are politics of the biden administration on this? i know it is reelection year for the president coming up, that feels like it is driving it. what is his doctrine, can you describe it? >> marc: his doctrine is weakness. when your enemies fire at you with abandon that is weakness.
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eventually an american will get killed and we'll have to escalate, we can't sit back. go back to what donald trump was doing when he was president of the united states. he said, if iran or proxies kills a single american citizen, we will not hold proxies responsible, we will hold iran responsible and strike iran and when iran striked that red line, he killed soleimani and iran did not respond and peace broke out. there were four abraham accords in the region. iran is the destabilizer and you cannot have peace. they were about to have another abraham accord with saudi arabia and iran stopped it. >> harris: carley, when we talk about the deaths and if one american soldier dies, some injuries are pretty dire. our men and women and 52 attacks
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now north of 50, the injuries. >> carley: many have traumatic brain injuries, what does that mean? how traumatic and what does that mean for the future? >> harris: isn't that enough? >> carley: we're talking about 52 strikes over the past month. congressman michael waltzes 70 strikes have gone unresponded to. a lot of military minds say it goes back to two years ago to deter this now. biden administration concerned about escalation. six iranians dead. if you want to prevent this happening would go back to start of the biden administration. talk about the money, john ratcliffe said in 2020, united states listened to iranian military leaders and they were saying, we're out of money, we cannot fund hamas and hezbollah anymore and told the biden administration that and they
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ignored it and reversed maximum pressure campaign and now "wall street journal" has a campaign that says iran made additional 32 to 35 billion since joe biden took office because they can export more oil temperature is military and money. >> harris: yeah, and all the ammo and drones and other things, missiles they put on the market -- what is interesting, it would have been that very week when the iran proxies started hitting that the united nations sanctions rolled away and we didn't clamp down where the u.n. was leading up. i don't think this administration has learned from biden's 50 years in office. >> these are great examples you have given, even beyond that, as trump was on way how, hoouth
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rebels shot down a reaper drone last week. one of biden first action with state department to delist them. why would he do that? >> it confounds me, we have gone through peace through strength to violence through weakness. i spoke to keith kellogg and he said we need an escalation ladder, not afraid to press the other side. put something at risk iran does not want to lose. trump went for soleimani, next we're coming for ayatollah. we are not afraid of you or do dismantle your navy. right now we just delist the houthis and you have democratic congressmen pressing a democratic commander-in-chief to be stronger, that is sad. >> harris: i don't know how everybody stays calm.
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this is maddening, like it is being done on purpose. when i said 50 years of experience of joe biden, he was a senator and congressman and vice president for eight years and president now for 2-1/2, almost three years. how much information do you need in terms of lived experience to do a better job as commander-in-chief? rebecca, what kayleigh just laid out is frightening. >> it is frightening and on purpose. biden administration did undo the trump administration approach toward the entire middle east. they relaxed maximum pressure campaign against the iranians, they wanted reproachment and the funds went to iranian proxies and trump's policy was to go full in and back israel and table the israeli and palestinian challenge and go full in on israel, those were
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two pillars of trump on middle east and both pillars were released. >> harris: biden wants to hold the hand of the enemy while they chop off our head? >> marc: essentially. first obama administration sent them palettes of cash, remember that, secret flights? trump came in and squeezed them and front-page story in "new york times" saying hezbollah can't get paid, iran does not have money and biden restarts it again and we're at war. not we, there is major war in the middle east. there is a pattern here. i'm not an expert at pattern recognition, one thing failed, one thing worked, go back to what worked. >> harris: they hit us 52 times, you hit them three, that is not working. >> marc: the most dangerous job
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in america was operational job of al qaeda. we got to make the most dangerous job in the world to be soleimani's successor. >> harris: absolutely. president day whack-a-mole. coming up, america's crime crisis reaching the first family last night. secret service fired at suspects trying to steal a secret service car tied to president biden's granddaughter next. call newday. pay off your high rate credit cards and car loan with an affordable va home loan from newday. you can save $500 every month. rates on credit cards have gone up to 22%. for late payments, as much as 30%, more than three times higher than a newday va loan. pay off your credit cards and car with a newday100 va loan and save.
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>> kayleigh: secret service agent opened fire on suspects trying to break into the unmarked car of president biden's granddaughter, it happened last night in d.c.'s georgetown neighborhood.
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agents encountered three individuals breaking a window on the government vehicle. a federal agent discharged a service weapon and it is believed no one was struck. the offenders fled the scene in a red vehicle and regional lookout issued to supporting units. there were no threats to protectees. really scary nonetheless. the guys got away. >> they are still out there. d.c. officials were handing out air tags to people so they could track their cars after they have been stolen. then you have in chicago mayor brandon johnson is suing automakers for being too easy to steal. it is the war's fault? not the criminal? >> harris: wait a minute. >> carley: so many carjacks
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taking place, only a matter of time for a carjacker to mess with the wrong vehicle and they did with secret service and the likely get caught because it was secret service suv. did you know no one has been arresting for murdering the 31-year-old afghan interpreter murdered while driving a lyft. he fought against terrorism since he was 10 years old and served our military and died hoping for the american dream, murdered in the washington, d.c. >> survived taliban and couldn't survive washington, d.c. >> kayleigh: he had a wife and baby. no one is safe from this. look at the headlines. secret service cars. these are flashbacks, congresswoman in philadelphia. carjacked in western suburbs and
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cuellar hijacked near has resi residence. >> there is not a good part of town or a bad part of town. this happened in rj jotown, no place is exempt or no more than immune. you can be victim of serious crime. this is like they are now going toward policy where you can just go after your car after it's been stolen rather than preventing crime to begin with. >> harris: we are becoming immune to it, just as total society. there used to be a time when somebody might jump in and help you out, henry cuellar, he was alone with the hijackers. the acumen on this guy in terms of past experience was on display, but maybe you are a panicked person, there used to
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be a time stepping in would get you thank you, you saved the day. what did we see this summer on the subway? somebody threatening others and that case is being adjudicated, i know you have to collect facts, but witnesses said someone stepped in and did what was necessary. people won't do that anymore temperature may be we're immune, we don't understand consequences so maybe not worth our while. we are still trying to hire some police officers back, you can't be vaj vigilante without training. who do prosecutors woong we'll call? can we have your home number? hello soft on crime policy district attorney, can you come to my house and keep this dude from taking my car.
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i'm bes facetious, but what are the options? >> kayleigh: baltimore and philadelphia, carjacking is up. city council decided now is time to reduce penalty on carjacking, took republicans to undo that. >> marc: now that it touched the president's family, maybe he will do something about it. thank god his granddaughter was not there. statistics, show the numbers up. the location, as rebecca was pointing out. it used to be violent crime was in concern neighborhoods, elites were not touched by it. in chicago, shootings were happening on the south side.
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if it didn't go to your neighborhood, we could ignore it. people who thought they were safe are driving with their cars locked and looking both ways when they fill up a gas tank. maybe, maybe that fact will have an impact on people finally doing something about it and taking it serious. >> harris: irony is how much push this white house has been involved in, they need serious protection for when women are charging ev's. >> kayleigh: hold elected officials accountable. they went lightfoot to brandon johnson. >> kayleigh: tim scott is now dropping out of the 2024 race. >> fox nation patriot awards are back and better than ever, this
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>> kayleigh: once crowded field of presidential hopefuls continues to slim down. south carolina governor tim scott suspended his campaign, just days after his third republican debate. the move surprised many members of his staff. he broke the news last night with trey gowdy. >> when i go back to iowa, it
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will not be as presidential candidate, i am suspending my campaign issue the voters are remarkable and have been clear they're telling me not now, tim. i don't think they are saying, trey, no. i think they are saying not now. so i'm going to respect the vote ares and hold on and keep working hard and look forward to another opportunity. >> kayleigh: senator scott, i'm a big fan of has, positive optimistic, unique message. i was surprised because of his fundraising, he was poling fourth in iowa. nationally stook about 2%. he has a future in this party. >> marc: 100%, great man with a great story and he will go far and be great vice presidential candidate. >> kayleigh: says he doesn't
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want it. >> marc: everybodies that, they usually take it. >> the problem is that too many people keep running after it is clear they can't win. mike pence did this. chris christie need to get out, vivek need to get out. only two have double-digit support, nikki haley and ron desantis. there are two primaries going on, primary to challenge trump and primary against trump for republican nomination and you can't run, if somebody sdnlt win first one issue the second one is over. we need to have debate with two candidates on the stage, only two with viable path to the nomination issue let them fight it out and let somebody go up against trump, otherwise it is over. >> kayleigh: senator scott, you had the pleasure of sitting down with him and his mother, again issue bright future in the
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party. very optimistic at time you don't have a lot of optimism in the country. >> harris: what i loved about that family in focus, i got to hear about the history of his politics and a lot of people can't tell you why they believe they believe. tim scott can tell you. he just was a genuinely nice person. some comments after i posted he had pulled out last night, after he left the race, he was just too nice, maybe just not his time. you say he has a great future ahead, we'll see how he comes back and if he come back. he is still a u.s. senator and we need movement on the hill. so he's still got a big job to do and we'll see how it goes. i wish him the best. his family is beautiful, his mother was beautiful. if you look across the aisle, that is why i wanted to do
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families in focus, there are good folk running on the right side of the aisle, whether they go the distance or not, the nation owes them a great deal of gratitude. i think trump will jump in and give a debate, but the guy on the other side stuck in the basement, not so much. >> kayleigh: with a tough eshg lectoral future and here is democrat david axelrod and what he has to say about joe biden. >> one number in polling that was concerning and in the cnn poll that followed after the "new york times" poll had to do with age, that is one thing you can't reverse and no matter how effective joe biden is behind the scenes, in front of the camera, he's projecting is causing people concern. >> kayleigh: he suggested biden should step aside earlier in the week and biden is not keen on david axelrod.
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look at this headline, i can't say this headline on air. it is word that rhymes with brick is what biden callings axelrod. >> i can piece together the letters. >> wheel of fortune. >> david axelrod, he's talking about time. time is great benefit and great issue for president biden because he's saying maybe the economy can get better over course of time before the 2024 election, but only going to make biden older and he is turning 81 a week from today. it is his birthday next monday, probably a celebration quietly celebrated by the white house. other issue president biden could have are the, candidates, r.f.k. jr., will that hurt trump if he's the candidate and looking like he will be, will it
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hurt biden or jill stein? joe manchin not running for senate, he is doing a listening tour around the country, could he jump in? a lot of variables. >> kayleigh: there was interesting poll done this week, stock data strategy, pretty accurate with the midterms, politico wrote this today, third-party candidate made it worse for joe biden. that is interesting piece. from the jonathan martin piece, he said level of despair was striking and listen to this on biden's economic message, perhaps overwhelming messaging advice picked up from democrats, he, biden economics into the dumpster attempting to make voters believe something they don't is folly, attaching your name bordered on mas cystic.
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>> go to the grocery store and food is too expensive, gas is too expensive. they are not buying it. it feels like you are lying to them. other thing in contrast to senator scott issue. what a contrast, senator scott, vibrant, young, optimistic, we can do this and joe biden is picture of this declining man in himself, it is not a great picture when you have chinese and russians arguing the united states is in decline and it is their time to make a move. >> harris: you mean day after tomorrow, when he meets president xi. >> kayleigh: imagine what xi thinks when he watches biden. border crisis so out of control migrants are rejecting make-shift shelter city of new york put up for them. venezuelian migrants in chicago
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>> kayleigh: new york city new make-shift tent city in brooklyn receiving first batch of migrants who took one look around and decided they wanted no part of it. dozens of families bussed to the shelter and given a look around before they reboarded their buses. one dad telling the "new york post" he preferred a midtown manhattan hotel, they are going to take us back to the train, we didn't know we were coming here. i cannot stay here, this is crazy.
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meanwhile, in chicago, migrants are electing to move back to venezuela rather than stay in the overwhelmed city. many forced to sleep in overcrowded police station and with winter around the corner, one migrant dad is slamming that the american dream does not exist anymore, there is nothing here for us. harris, what do you think about this? >> harris: i want to do deeper homework on how they plan to go back to venezuela. if they are going through the darion gap, they are lying. are we now flying them back and is this deportation and are they being marked suchs that can be the /* /* cannot come back. are we relocating them to when the housing conditions are to their liking.
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some are waiting for court dates set to 2027, they are not legal, they just came through a checkpoint, perhaps not. million or so did not come that way. this is really a test of reality. our reality is it going to be better with fewer coming across so that we can slow this down and do it right and find those seeking asylum who deserve it or is it their reality that we're not good enough and they want to quit us bro? they want us to fly them home and put them back up until they are on their feet in venezuela. >> kayleigh: the reality now, it is sheer chaos, we don't know who is in our country. in chicago, very interest being ling, a city council meeting shut down because it got out of control. residents saying we don't want to be sanctuary city anymore.
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there is nothing left for us. >> kayleigh: great point. trump struck the balance between enforcing immigration law and having safe immigration. a venezuela family that comes over, we have a place for refugees, what happens when you stop policing the border, which is what is being done under biden, 2.5 million have come in. venezuelan refugee says the american dream does not exist anymore. we need to be a country that yes, welcomes refugees and enforces immigration law and doesn't allow people through the border without being vetted. >> carley: and iran and syria have people that want to do us harm, when you have open border and millions coming in and we don't know who they are, there are major national security
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implication. once they are in here, what do we do? our police, fbi, law enforcement has to be right every single time to keep us safe. >> senator britt talked about so many terrorists caught during the biden administration because of sheer numbers coming across the border. it is security threat. back to the tent city, it is inhumane to allow these people to cross illegally. we are told humane thing is to l people cross, but we don't have the capabilities. >> carley: marc, a lot is politics, president biden undid everything president trump did fa lot of democratic mayors are
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saying something need to change. you don't really see that conversation taking place on a federal level. >> marc: it is interesting, i had ryan fitzpatrick on, he said when he is on the floor, he is a member of the problem solving caucus, hes republicans say, i can't vote for ukraine, i hope it passes and democrats saying, i can't vote to secure the border, can you secure the border. complete lack of courage on capital hill to do the right thing. most people are not refugees, they are economic migrants and i love economic migrants. because of bidenomics, we have a labor shortage and we need immigrants to come in here. they are abusing the system and making it impossible to bring in legal immigrants and i have more
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refugees, my mother was a refugee after world war ii, they are creating political opposition from taking care of real refugees. >> kayleigh: that is fascinating what congressman fitzpatrick said to you, that is not leadership on both sides of it is aisle, you are right. it appears san francisco is rolling out red carpet for chinese president xi jinping and trying to clean up the homeless mess. are they fooling anyone? that is next. i hear it all the. people tell me they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs,
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>> strikes against iranians in syria. what will it take for biden to get tough? ask john kirby at the top of the hour. with jake sullivan set for the next hour, talk to former ambassador about the hostage situation in israel and more. gavin newsom admits san francisco is being turned into a village for this week's apex summit. in the u.s. anti-israel protests growing and antisemitism on the rise. in paris, 100,000 plus people
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took to the street to protest antisemitism. i'm john roberts, join us at the top of the hour for "america repo reports." >> harris: city officials are cleaning up before president biden meets with president xi. struggling with drug use, understatement and massive homeless population in recent years. crews are cleaning up, where are they putting the people? do you ask? cleaning up the streets before apex summit, even put guilty up large security fences. they couldn't have done that two years ago? state media have taken notice, describing san francisco as a
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mecca of crime and ruin city. when china has to tell you what your crime problem is. >> kayleigh: china loves to exploit our domestic issues, not the first time it happened. remember beginning of biden administration, alaska, one of the first meetings with blinken. lecture in alaska shows adversaries sense u.s. weakness, discussing black lives matter and internal stress, blinkens, yes, we have sins in america. that is what china does, exploit weakness as they send fentanyl in via our border. >> harris: if you don't start none, won't be none. seen them do clean-up on aisle eight in el paso when biden went
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to the border. china is calling out what they say, why clean up in time for the apex summit but not when people were dying with needles in their arm. >> marc: they clean up for a chinese dictator, not for american citizens, if that is not biden, i don't know what is. this is a pr layup they have given the chinese. why host apex summit in your most troubled city, more violent than any other state. why give them that pr victory by holding it there and let xi talk about this is why our system is superior to yours, we don't have people living on the streets of beijing. >> harris: maybe i'm skeptical in terms of politics, gavin
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newsom is from there. >> kayleigh: sure is. >> harris: used to be mayor of san francisco, governor of the state, might want to take on biden late in the game. >> and gavin newsom whose poll numbers just went down to 44%, which to me reads high. that is interesting. he was over in china talking about climate change, a lot going on in california that needs to be addressed. california lawmakers do this all the time, when the oscars roll, in they move the homeless out, when they have company, everybody out. unfortunately, chinese media call san francisco ruin city, it is, but it is by china's design, a lot of people are addicted to fentanyl from china. >> harris: big point. rebecca, how far along do you
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think the topic that originated here with carley today, fentanyl, and the human rights against uighurs, how far will biden get? >> he will not get anywhere, what an example to see the fentanyl problem in the united states caused by china, xi more than anything does not want joe biden to embarrass him. this would be an example to say look what you have done to our country. instead, i cannot get over biden administration looks the other way. chinese spy balloon, president biden and xi have not spoken since then. 180 incursions, chinese coming across international air space and biden looks other way and xi comes to visit and they sweep things under the rug for crime. they will do it for xi, not for
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thee. >> i like that. >> look at you. >> fire up a banner. >> harris: that is bumper sticker, t-shirt tell, all the rest. what you said in terms of the missed opportunity to show egg on his face, chinese president because he helped create degradation in san francisco via fentanyl, missed opportunity. >> missed opportunity, so he doesn't embarrass xi. >> carley: xi jinping would say, i'm doing this on purpose. >> harris: wow, more "outnumbered" after this. not long ago, you could pay off a car in a few years. now, car loan rates have climbed to 15% and can take five years to pay off. so get this, the newday 100 va cash out loan. our lower rates let you use the equity in your home to pay off high rate car and truck loans. and you can save $500 a month.
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>> last but not least, taylor swift brought her eras tour, and her new boyfriend travis kelce made the trip to show support. viral video captured the new pair embracing after the show and at dinner friday, taylor
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introduced him to her dad scott. and they were sitting together during taylor's concert, drawing references to her at the kansas city chiefs games, but went to patrick mahomes fundraiser before he went to argentina. >> you have to take care of the company, and it's eras, all the eras of her albums, you know what, i have merch from the concert that my 16-year-old gave me. i'll let you borrow the t-shirt. >> thank you, thank you very much. meeting the parents is a serious step for the eras tour. >> i like taylor swift, and it's cute and sweet and i get into her clothe and make-up and the whole thing. you also, kayleigh, make not caring about pop culture cool. above it all. i love that about you. >> i know everything about
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fetterman and manchin. >> i'm totally out of the taylor swift loop, but does look wholesome and good. >> why don't we have a nickname? beniffer, frangeline. in sell of kelce, swift-t. >> they are 34, not in their 20s anymore, i wish for them some private time to really work on that relationship if it's going to be real. >> yes, and this just in, breaking news, mark thiessen hired by tmz. here is "america reports".


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