tv Hannity FOX News November 13, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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>> no such thing as a bad pet, jesse. just glewood, a bad owner. shame on you for getting ride oy of your doodle. okay, here's truth. the dog was not the right fit for the family. g was ght i did not kill the do i did noput put the dog out to pasture. >> i loved the dog and had some medical issuee s. we have a young family.'t it didn't fit. it's now in a better place.ike >> not in, like, a heaven thing, but it's with owners who love that. >> okay, stop accusing meing my of murdering my dog. >> what do you think i am? i'm actually at do yo that you would assume i would do something like that. so. that. >> very loving person.wa temy mom even think i shot it. >> my own mom. i'm waters. and this mom is my world.ity an
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>> and welcome to hannity. and tonight, democrats in the meditha mob, they are turning on joe biden and he's not taking it. well. we'v t we got the details strai ahead tonight. plus, newly released footage ahead on, the cocaine remember the cocaine found at the biden white house? remembere cocahow you know, howt possible they never not only never found not person responsible, but they stopped the investigation after a whopping days. what if it was fentanyl? what if it was anthrax? was something that could kill a president? and later, we'll also bring presand we'lt fromlso bring biden's impeachment inquiry. and new york's bogus partisan witch hunt against donald trump. but first, in just a momenagain israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu will join us. his countroin y is in a fight fr its very existence and survival against an enemy that has vowed to destroy them. now, in its foundingy charter, hamas openly promises to obliterate, quote, hamas obliterate israel and wag against the jews. had agaiand on october 7th, thed
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up their genocidal rhetoric with action, murdering over 1200 israelis and capturing several hundred more in the worst terror attack in israel's history. now, i f you just for population. size, this is roughly the equivalente, this to losin0 americans, having them murdered ving thee 38,000. matterurdered to make matters worse, these innocent civilians, they weren't just killed. now we have all the evidence. they were tortured. we h tthey burned alive, babies beheaded, young women. and like isis, hamas filmed their barbaric acts. the video is so gruesome, i'm not allowed to show it on this program. and despite suffering one of the worst attacks in human gram history, few rallied around israel. few ray questioned israel's right to even defend itself. >> welnd itself.l, by the way, o october vote at the united nations, a vast majority of countries actually demanded that israel unilaterally declare a cease fire, allow hamas to rearm and regroup.
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and while biden publicly was supporting israel, privately, we kno w he was urging netanyahu to pause israel's assaults even on hamas, which, by the way, now he's even saying publicly, can you imagine ifblicly this iw our allies responded after 911? >> before israel even hadto a chance to bury instead the widespread anti-israeling protests erupting in city after ine, sts erupting in city after virtually no one condemned hamas and even after i ct openly vowed to repeat october 7th again and again and again n anuntil, all of israeli jews are dead. israel, where's the condemnatio? well, as we speak, many are publicly praising hamas. they are calling for israel to be wiped off the planet from the river to the sea. that includes a democratic congresswoman to leave. other bigots are ripping now posters of men and women and children that werewoman kidnapped by hamas. violent attacks against people at home and abroad. they are spiking. and ind thar israel, rockets coe
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to rain down from all directions, if not froinuemm not for the iron dome. thousands more would be dead. now, thisands past month has ben an important reminder why the world needs a jewish why ste that is strong enough to defend itself when surrounded by it stself when surrounded by it enemies in a struggle for itsyo survival. you have an obligationhave to fb back with. as winston churchill famously lion to fi winstsaid, all has tr is blood, toil, tears and sweat. . what is his aim? whataim?his aim? at all costs. >> you might remember, i would t say to the house, as i said, to those who have joined the government, i have nothing to offer. blood tile tears and sweat, man, before a final all ofave be the of even gain they havefo before as many long months of struggle and never shattering. say
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you are riding up. t i will it is to wage war by he a landed at all, i might add, with all the strength that god given given to wage war againsts a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalog of human crime. that is our polity. you ask, what is our aim? can only frame one word victory. they create all countries. they create, in spite of all terrorctory in. victory. however long and hard the road may be.y no >> now, tonight, israel has successfully pushe ad intos pu the center of gaza. pictured here are israeli soldiers o in hamas's parliamen. but the war is far from over. miles of hamas tunnels are yet to be captured, including a command centeret under gaza's main hospital. you heard that right. hamas builgaait its military command center under a hospital. the days aheadht will be difficult, but israel must prevail. here's part one of my interview
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with the israeli prime minister just hours ago. benjamin netanyahu and joining us now is israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. >> mr. prime minister, great to have you backng us no. >> we i've known you. we've been friends for decades . and i just want to express h at the top of this interview my deepest sympathave , we've fy all that you and your fellow countrymen are going through. >> i remember you stood strong and steadfast with america t of moral clarity when others did not. and i'm grateful for that. and i think it's now tim e forw time america to do the same for you. but i am. my deepest sympathie do the samt what you're dealing with. >> well, thank you, sean. and in facre deali>> that, the n people across the board, the american governmen t, te the congress, the senate and the president, everybody has been very, very strong forrl israel because they understand that our fight is your fightr and our victory is your victory .
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and there is no substitute for victory. we have to have the forces civilization beat these barbarians, because otherwise es will spreadcause otherwise and will endanger the entire world. everspread ay american every cid country would be under peril. we havd e to. >> there is no substitute for victory. total victor y. al victor >> i hear you say that. it reminds me of winstonit rem churchill, world war ii. what i what? what is our aim? our m? our aim? i could say in one word, victory. then he spok.e at length, victory against a monstrous tyranny. and this vi group, hamas, is onlye of one of your enemies. and they have in the very the they have in the very country. >> you actually used the phrasd . >> i could read it to you. if you want peace, you have to destroyto y you hav hamas. h. >> i agree with you. but that's hamas in the south. >> rockets are being fired into your country from the north out of lebanon. you have the houthi rebels that have declared war against you out of yemen. >> you have syria missiles
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at you. then you then you have the head of the snake, iran t orchestrating all of these these proxy conflicthed of ts. i so i ask you this question, if we're going to define victory, looks like doesn't that have tha to be gaza could no longer be ae launching pad for rockets being fired into your lebanon could no longer be a launching area for, rockets b being fired into your country. doesn't that mean the networkorf terror tunnels and i've beenls in some of them, as you know,se that all those terror tunnels have to destroyed. on someo me anlevel that iran has to be deat with for total victory? u conn >> well, if you connect the dots, you see that there's an axiecs of terror here against an alliance for peace. the axis of is controlled by iran, run by iran, financed by iran, iran, hezbollah in lebanon, hamas in gaza, the houthis in yemen and their other minions. there
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they to bring the middle east, , ,early middle ages. that's what they are about. and on the other sidthe standstr israel, the moderate arab states, of course, the united states, all thandse forces that want to see peace, prosperity for the middle easthe and for the world. and that's the battle that is being wageattl wagd right now. it's being waged right now, most importantly and most decisively in hamas. one of the extensions of this eve of the extensions of this is waiting to see who's going to win. is israel going to win oer wait hamas going to win? but it's not merely israel's victory. it's our victory over, the axis, because when they see that we defeated them in one place, will defeat themat the in every place, because that's how power works. m inthey want to see who's winn? we have to win not only for onl our sake, for the sake of the middle east, for the sake of our arab neighbors. you know what? fo ther the sake of gazanssake who have been held by this dark tyranny that if s and brought broug them nothing but bloodshed themy and misery.bloodshed but we have to win to protect israel.
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we have to win to safeguard the middle east. we have to win for the sake of the civilized world. that's the battle we're fighting. and it's being waged right now. and it's being waged right now. it'll affect the other theaterst that you mentionedther as well. >> over 28 communities in theomi tinorth near the bordero be with lebanon have had to be evacuated. there's always been a concern about a two front war. thout a two front war. that, and that is that, you knowand th, rockets are beig fired out of syria or the houthi rebels are firingt oi into israel. that becomes an even biggerngra conflictel thames an e. but i agree with your general point. you always said that radicald tt islamist view israel assrae the little satan, america as the big satan. >> that's a phrase you've used the andoften. they've used it. they say america is the great satan and we're the smallay ame satan. we're just a small satan standing in theirica is thr to u the great satan, because they you don't want all these radical these terrorists, theseh monstrous regimes
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ess and organizations. they say there's no difference between israel and the united states. betw the united you are them anm because we represent these same values of freedom, respect for human life, respect for individual libertyec. their they have nothing of that. they don't care for their people. they don't care for libertple.oy they don't care for life. they glorify death. they glorify murder. they happened here.t i mean, what happened here was that israel was attacked unprovoked by a sea of terrorists who stormed into ed ints, murdered and med into women, burned children. y, i met a soldier today, an arab soldier in the in the israeli army who said the first thing i saw was the corpse of a woman beheaded. they behead women. they fired on youngsters celebrating a music festival. they put them in a death bed a like and baba and the holocaustn and fired machine guns into them, mowing them downd . they took hostages. they took they took k a ten monh old baby hostage.
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what kind of monsters hold? babies? hostages. holocaust survivors. they took hostages. sumen, women, children, elderlyl an terrorists. and they perpetrated the worst horrors. d theyerpetratedand against theh people since the holocaust. anythe since the holocaust. with it, this barbarismit will spread. you know what the difference is, this wil, john?ha you know, at least the and stalin, they wanted to hide their crimes is?. these people glorify their crime. they bring gopro cameras for their murderers to show the entire world. they celebratethey brid. so who's going to win? are the good guys going to win or the bad guy guyg to ws going? and of course, we have to makeur sure that the forces of goodhe the forces of peace, the forces of progress and prosperity, they win and not forces that take us back to the dark ages. that's the battle. and the fact every single person, not only in the middle east, but well beyonctd. because if if israel is imperiled, if the middle east goes, europe is next. it's like crisis. you know, people thought it was a locad gos likel thing.
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it wasn't. it was a global thing. w d americans atitameric w beheaded americans. if we don't win now, then europe is next. and you're next. and we have to win. we have to.ere is there is no substitute for total victory. nalyou the atrocities being chronicled and they had beigopro cameras. the idf has shown people inat the media and it's been described in great detail to me wescribed in great detail to me to see this as well. all of these humanll t atrocitis that you speak of are on videotape. >> you have some 40 plus tapeou have some 40 plus i understand, and i've watched videos of beheadings. >> these are not images abl that one will ever be able to erase from their mind. and you wouldn't thinkin that such evil exists in this world, but it does. >> and these tapes are available for the world to see. >> would it be wise, perhaps, for the idf to pixel our faces so that familiesf to are not hag
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to deal with the trauma of seeing this, but let the world see the magnitude of evil that you destroying? of evil that you destroying? they women. yes, they slaughterede.d babies and women and children. yes, they beheaded babies. y yes, they burn babies. >> all of which, you know, much of which has been chronicled. >> would it be worthwhile for the world to fully have fully the moral clarity to understand the barbarism, the monstrous evil that we're talking about here? >> because it's such a it's it's oon videotape. quite >> yes, you're quite right. there's a sensitivity of the families. we respect that. and we try to persuade them to do exactlpersuatly what you . and i think we're gettingg somewhere. inmewhere. in america and elsewhere in the world. and people you know, people watch these tapes and they shudder. becathey shudder. because the inhumanity, because the inhumanity,
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the deliberate murder of people, the deliberate murderdeliof, mutilation, the rg off of body parts, bodyg. body parts, there are so, you know, it's accompanied with such fiendish it', the joy of murder, the joy of terror, the torture t . it's just absolutely extraordinary. and this is the battley extrinae fighting now. it's a very difficult enemy to fight because it's committing a double war crime. not only is it deliberately targeting civiliansy targ are civilians, but it's deliberately hidinetg behind their civilians because they implant themselves in schools and hospitals d , in and u.n. facilities and civilian neighborhoods. that's where they putat their rockets, that that's where they put their command's e post and they see community there. and of course, we can't give them the immunity. our we try to do everything in our power to minimize civilian w casualties. but one thing we don't want to do, you know, everybody sayes the use of human shields, the use of civilians as asts, th a shield for terrorists. that's wrong. okay.
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wrongbut we have to make sure that it's not merely condemned. we have to make sure that it's ineffective. and if the if the blame is directed against israel, against the victim that is returnin g fire with the the g fire with the the powethr, that's possible in thee circumstances. power in, ces. that that tactic becomes effective, it'll be used again. ced on iand again and again. and we can't allow that.n in fact, hamas is saying they'll do it again and again and again. and that's why we have to we'r e root them out completely, but also send a messag e to,lso send a messag the axis of terror, you're not going to win. wet goou win. this. we defeated you here will defeat you elsewhere. and wehere should have the entie civilized world line up behind behind israel while it's fight its fights, this battle of civilization. it's our commot fightsn against their common barbarism, civilizationciviliza must win. so israel must destroy hamas to have peace. if you want peace, destroy hamas. e yas.
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hamas. if you want to be the axis of terror, destroy hamas. this, destro is what israel mus. this is what israel is doing. but it's not only doing it for ourselves, for our sake, for f it's doing good for your sake too. for our common future. for the futureorcommon. tter a better future for the for israel, for the palestinians, for the middle east. for the world. >> sea you know, when on onn:e of my trips to israel and i've been there a number of times and i've interviewed you all in israel, but one of the trips where there was a flare up, int that was when i went into one of the terror tunnels. soe ofthe terr i went, it's almt underground and it's sophisticated, you know, almost architecture. and it was all supposed to be ed to behumanitarian and aid for hospitals and schools and infrastructure. but i also stopped by a city, a border city that, you know, whilst they rode and while you there, you know, prior to my arrival, they had been hit with 10,000 rockets in ten
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years. their children 10,00 play outsi they play in an bunker, underground playgrounds in the in that city. >> and that's the same with many border cities. rderand i guess when we get to the real heart of this, doesn'te all of this have to be rooted out? hat? been enormously successful and helpful and intercepted thousands of missiles, it can no longer be a launching pad. i go back to that part. but also you talk about the hamas must be destroyed. do y what about hezbollah? do you believe a victory over hamaous sends a strong enoughhe message that they stop firing missiles from lebanon, into israel? >> i think it's a necessary >> i ta necessmessage, not be sf but it's definitely necessary because without victorinssary yo south, they're certainly not going to have deterrence in the north against hezbollace in thh and we'll have to deal with that. but i think the firs t stepthink the firs is the first step. and the first step means hamas
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did thist irst. hamas is going to pay for this and it's going to pay for this by its totally p eradication.bye by the way, you talku ta about underground tunnels. i mean, they've got a networlkuk there of hundreds of kilometers, hundreds of miles of underground tunnelts that are used as terror tunnels, as command posts, command bunkers. you kn and you knowow what their leader is like little hitler. he's sitting in the bunker and he said, i don't care about what care a happens to the civilian population on top. one of the hamas spokesman said the other day, you know,fo the the underground is for us for this messianic, violent theological cult that has to be destroyed instead of aboveground. sponsi that's not our responsibility. civilian population. that's israel's responsebiciviln ability in the u.n. they don't care a hoot about the civilian'c populationare . the only one that tries to keep them out of harm's way is israel. we out of create safe passages, corridors. we create a safe zon e for them. and as we ask them to leave,le guess who's trying to preventrom le them from leaving the zone
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of fighting hamas? av oit's not israel that is fire in the safe corridor. given palestinians. hamas it's hamas. it's not israel who' s trying gunael who' to keep these people at gunpoint in the zone of fighting. e zonef it' so we're dealing here with a brutal enemy that is committing a double war crime of targeting civilians. eting and hiding behind their civilians, forcibly keeping them in the zonefighti of fighting. and i think all those people who are are, you know, who are either naive or misinformed or worse,ondemn who are condemning israel. isd be they really israel. should be ashamed of themselves because they're aligning themselvese with pure, sheer evil. they should support the forces. civilization that are fighting this barbarism, because fighmbarbarism, because spread. >> and coming up, more ofsp my interview with israel. rei prime minister benjamin netanyahu. plusnister b, the first images e cocaine found at the biden white house. w we have the latest on that.
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david axelrod is clearly gotten d under joe biden's skin. muc weunder joe biden's skin. muc more as we continue. thank you for being with us.k you for being with the fox nation patriot awards are back and better than ever because year we're in nashville. the only awards show that matters takes over the grand ole opry house. and you can only watch it live . fox nation. join pete hegseth and the rest of the fox family to honor our nation's true heroes and celebrate the spirit of our country. these are real awards to real heroes, and it reminds you why america is so special. sign up at fox nation .com for exclusive access to the 2023 fox nation patriot awards. >> a must in your medicine cabinet call coming on zach cam is the number one cold shortening brand highly recommended people love sky cam's unique zink formula. it shortens colts zakim shortenu nsthat cold. >> hey i just got a text from my sister. you remember rick,
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u. >> you didn't. israel did not this war.. you did not want this war.want but you must win the war. i would argue that. let me ask you about what has ta been on worldwide, and that is virulent anti-semitism. i never thought, mr. prime minister, i'd see in my lifetime. you know, hearinule g over and o again in new york and in london, you know from the river to the sea, which means to wipe israel off the map or the call for an intifada. the things i'm hearing in the halls of congress in my countr y m or college campuses in my country, or what we're hearing c in europollegee, what you know, i never thought australia would ever hear a chanting gas t the jews f the jews with all of that. of that. it's inexplicablthe to me. can inexplicablthe to me. and can you explain whyn the pressure is coming from even my own government? our government in the us? here joe biden to put a pausein as yu now try to you know you are
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in a battle for your survival. r you know, never again, as you said, is now never again n is right now. >> right now. government, president biden, have been very supportive of israel. there was a questione of israi think questione of of humanitarian. i think they were very clear we can't have a ceaseey clear we f we have a cease fire. m it means that it's a surrenderes to hamas, to surrender to terrorism. it's a victory for the axi surrens mean terror. that doesn't mean that we can't give, you know, in aweivee specific time and a specific place for a safe corridor foc po palestinian civilians to leave the zone of fighting. yeah, we do give the lm the ability to do that. but i don't think anyone argues for a general ceasefirat but iam that's not going to happen, by the way. the only time we'll have a ceasefir ve aire is for the return of our hostages. without that, it's not going to happen. and then we'll continug to happe until'll continug to the battle is won. but i have to tell you that you about anti-semitism. i think that it's the oldest ade hatred. you know, it's -- it's an old disease and in morphs, it take s
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on new forms every time.ti and what the anti-semites don'ta realiznde e is the attacksth t start with the jews and the jews, but they never end there. that's what happened in the holocaustht people said, oh, well, you know, the attacks the , you know, the attacks two or even the beginning. that's okay. no, it was it because it afflicted all of humanity. all off . and that's what you have here,th too. the reason they're attackingisrl is this axis of terrors understands that we're the fort position of the west and ofth civilization. and we're just a stumblingoc block on the way to you. so these the way people who are are demonstrating in in the united states and the west, i don't think they represent the majority of the american people. i know they don'eople.t. but there's a majority, a minority there that is completely misguidede 's and evn worse than that. and i think that they don't woud give israel the right that they would afford to any of their countries. afy ofe the united states. is it with 29/11.tries.
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sean that's what we had proportionately. we had 29/11. imagine 50,000 americans killed. in one day. imaginimagine 10,000 americans e taken hostage at one day. imagine this brutality. this savagery in one day.n on and think about what would america do? actly well, it would do exactly what we're doing. it would go agains t the terrorists. it would fight them in the streets. it would fight the it would fig they meet. and that's what you did against al qaeda's what after 911. that's what you did against isis. you didn't relen y t. you didn't say, well, because they're hiding in civilian areas in mosulre hidin or in fa, we can't fight them. you send your brave soldiersr there and they did exactly what we're doing and we're doing it in the best way e beg it in the best way that we can. but we have to win this fight. fit we have to win this fight. that, you know, that's that'so a it's an indictment. unn indictmentctment. of these people that. they are basically aligning themselves with evil against
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good. evil cannot win. and we're not going to be impressed by these demonstrationsod.not win b, goo what's right and win this war for our sake, for the sakenss r of humanity and civilization. if you extrapolate out israel' s population of a little over 9 million, theisraeln the u.s. population, you you are right. you're talking about in a single day all the 40,000 americans lost in a single day. ifa si we extrapolate outn 9/11 the population on 9/11, we lost 2977 americans. >> i know you can't comment on it. >> i want to just clarify. you open to some potentialleas deal for the release of the hostages. i know hostage there's been talr that maybe former prime minister tony blair coul ministd be part of that negotiations. and you there's a lotf pres of pressure being brought to israel. it's not israel. israel has gone to great great lengths by, dropping leaflets and sending text messages, telling innocent sen people to
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get out. and here's where the safe zone is. whist giving away your own intelligence and your own, you know, strategieyour os and doing so. >> but you have done that. but yet it's hamasso.that that s been using for for a long time now innocent civilians as humani shields. and they do it now and theyrr build their terror tunnels. themd their terror tunnels. found them under hospitals, you know, under hospitalospitali come back and postta in hospitals. terror tunnels under hospitalsid everywhere. so, you know, i said, okay, let's build alternativokaye. let's build field hospitals. i've asked countries i've asked francelet'spitals. to send in ah hospital ship.l i'spital ship.l i've asked other arab countries and others to build fieldhese hospitals so we can get all these people out. we have a humanitarian out. safe zone in the south, in the southern part of the gaza strip. we're putting in trucks, humanitarian, you know, drugs,
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medicine, rather, food, water. that's what's required under international law. we're doing all that. humar witng all that. with that? guess who's firing on the palestinians who want to leave gues the safe zone?the sa hamas. so the facfeont that peoplee? are condemning israel is abs absurd. you know, i'll give you the example, the best exampl e yoeismple, the best exampl can give you is the attack the west. attae, t. conquer poland, they invade france and so on. and america and its alliesnc ized terica and its alliesnc organize themselves to counterattack. they invadtoe normandy. they go through the cities of france. they go through the citiesf bei of germany until they reach berlin and breach the victory. and in the processreach th, gere is fighting them within cities. they're fighting the m, civilian communities. so what do the allies do then? they say, well, we can't do anything alldo. we can' of course not. they try to minimize civilian casualties, although mananythiy many, many germans were killed, as you know. and they d o the job.he that's what we're trying to do. we're trying to minimize civilian casualtieb and th'rs. but under no circumstances should we be blamed any more thandern the should be bla.
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and those people who demonstrate against israel are basically lining up with the forces of darkness. chancellor schulz of, germany, was here and he said these people are note only worse than isis, which is what president biden called them. m,you. they're the new . so these people are basically lining up with the against the allies. the allies. the x factor, the axisf of darkness againsdarknet the aa ,the allies for peace, the allies for prosperity,life the allies for normal life. and i asked and the majority of americans understan d this,icans understan they understand where the forces of good and where the forces are bady un. they're lining up with israel. most of the american people, clearle forcy the american cong, the american president and the american administrationgres and i'm telling you, because they understand this is a battle. thttle battle.t is our battle is your battle. our fight is your fight our victory is your victory. and nothing can stanr d in the
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way of total victory anyry more than you could have partial victory against the . you had to win partial victoryua against al qaeda. you had to win partial victory against isis. you have wl victagains to with a isis has to be defeated.s these modernis monsters havee de to be defeated and we will defeat them. my last question. i want to i know your time ope is very, very limited here, but you are open to a potential deal for the release of hostages. one and number two, even thougb joe biden has said very publicly he's calling on you for a paus he'e. e, i that's. is that not happening even though he said he did say that himself last week? >> no, we came to we came to ard clear understanding. ceear understanding. between a general ceasefire, which we would only do for the releas, which de of the ho. and again, that would be a temporary one. and afteter that, we'll continul the battle to its final culmination of victory nd i and distinguish that from local pauses or local humanitariant ao
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corridors that we make to enable people to leave the zone of the battle . so we're doing that. we're actually, i think, have an understanding on that. understbut more importantly, it the larger understanding is thihe s you know, this is not a minor battle between two tribes. this is not a minor battle betweethis is n, you know, thisi of view or that point of view. this is not what we're talking t about. this is a battle for the futurae of the future of civilization, because this kind of barbarism that many believed was a relic of the past has come fulc ofl fe in the 21st century. and we see that the these darkest forces that take maybest forces that take and maybe earlier periods are just rampant. and, you knoperiods arw, histort give us an automatic guarantee. omaticit doesn't say that theoet good will win over over the ba d if the good doesn't muster itslv resolve and courage and is committed to to winning. and that's what we're to.
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and i expect that all americans who hear us now, we this to back as well. many of them isr it, of them isr i appreciate it. and i think that once we that we'll create a better future for everyona e, for us,th for the palestinians, for the middle east, a future of hope, a future of a normal life, not a future that is dominated by these monsters who who break every norm of humanity and who takehistory. us back to the darkest periods of history. we can't allow that. thatan't allow that. move back to the dark ages. that's what we're committedth gd and will achieve. but with god's help and with the help of the american peopl' and the help of of freedom loving people and civilizefreedd people everywhere. >> yeah. and by the way, that was reflected in a restoration >> poll rasmua restoration today in support of you that said almost 2 to 1. mr. prime minister, godspeed. sterand may god bless you ands o your victory, because
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you're right, this is a battle for civilization. mr. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, thank you, ci. amin netanyahu, thank you, thank you, sean. and god bless america. god bless israel. >> amen. you know, reagan famously said freedom is about one generation away from extinction. sly saidreedom iit's kind of th. >> coming up, the daily mail haly ms now exclusively obtainet photos of that cocaine found at the biden whiteth house. we have the pictures. now, biden is also ticked off at david axelrod. >> we'll tell you about that fight straight ahead. >> are you of that old worn out bath or shower? now you can have a new one installed in just one day with a new limited time offer, jacuzzi, bath remodel. we're waiving all installation costs with no interest and no payments for one year. >> jacuzzi has been making water. feel great for over 65 years. and now you can get a gorgeous custom bathroom model at a price you can afford with no
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7967783. n: it' now, it has been several monthsn cesince the secret service abandoned its investigation into the mysterious appearance of cocaine in the biden white house. with no suspec bident no explant at all of the incident. but look at your screen. theslooke photos were exclusivey obtained by the dailymail.copho they show the cocaine in a baggie in a west wing lockerm. for the very first time. now, these photos appear thg. these photos appear the investigation, the investigation that lasted a mere n of the ten days. ask yourself this questionask yr what if that was fentanyl? what if that was anthrax? that would mean the presidenntat of our country's life could have been in jeopardy.
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yet they giv have en ie upigati their investigation after ten days and nobody seems to car daye. >> that would be a clear ando present danger to president of the united states, not of tr republican.tes, not we've got to protect our presidents. we need to protect every president, every regot to , every presidential family member. we were reminded of that just last nightfamily when secret service officers protecting joe biden's granddaughteetr, naomi, had to fend off would be carjackers trying to steal a government vehicle. vernme what if they hadn't been there? what intf the had tried to steal her car? ste the cocaine saga remains a mystery, it is no secret that joe biden'mystery s reelection effort is in very serious trouble tonight. this weekend, joe got totally je and completely lost on veterans day at arlington nationaln cemetery. he had to be guided back into plac hee by, a military aid. i'm sure that his staff probably told him what to dohimt 20 times before he did it and he couldn't remember. apparently, the pressure0 time is getting to the big guy
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himself. joe reportedly now has a new choice i for ex obama aide david axelrod, who callede to on joe to consider dropping out of the race. he wasn't happy with axelrod'suo suggestion. and here's how axelrod reactedf. to the word the joe. i can't say it on tv usehe worda axelrod. >> take a look. i understand he was irritated >>e i raised concernsrritated that many, many democrats had. and again, you know, my feeling is either get out or get going e . and but the status quo, the way they were approaching campaign, that's sort of what me worry attitude about the campaign was was not going to get himut the c to where he needs to go. >> you're with reaction. the host to tomi lahren has fearless hits on outkick tomi lahren and fox news contributor ari fleischer. >> st's good. >> tomi, start with you. okay. ten day investigation intoer tus white powder. the white powder turns out to be cocaine. coult to bd no white powder easy have been fentanyl? then all that police officersic
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on the beat, if they come intoon even contact with them , needed narcan around the president. what if it was anthrax? 10 ten days. that's all. they're going to investigate that. and they're okay with thats,e ? >> well, i think that this goess back to when this initially happened and we had kind of the same concern that perhape s they knew where it came from and they knew that it was cocaine. and that's why they didn't see so concerned, as concerned as they should have been. but, sean, the bigger thins theg here, beyond just protecting the president of the united states and those in the whit d statese house, if that is able to get into the white house and that investigation is closedanno ten days with no conclusion broudays with no conclusion what they brought it in for. imagine our wide open southern border. wide opee the democrat party t that wants to bring in palestinian refugees that they claio brm to us that v can vet. you can't even figure out who brought cocaine intoure ou the one of the most securehe e places in the entire world. but you expect the american people to rest easy at night that you're vetting immigrants and refugees comint thatg across our border. that's a terrifying thing here. how seriously or across t in th, the lack of seriousness,
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our national security, especially when it involves our president. >> you know, ari, look at thism . and i'm thinking, okay, they knew if they found out it was cocaine. inking, it wawhat if the cocai with fentanyl. you know, just the small can kill you. i mean, people don't. do they not understand that? >> where's the level of seriousness? and i don't even know what to do psay, joe. en know what to having a hard time. i'm sure his staff told himm sue 30 times what to do about laying the wreath, and he still forgot what to dff 3timeo i'm not. you know, it's a whole different issue. but that's a risk to our ris president. it doesn't matter if it's a democrat or republican. de the president lican. of the united states. and yeof the ut they only do a y investigation. that, to me, is completely unacceptabley . >> s and sadly, sean, i'll predictn o to you that the investigation into who leaked those photos the will take longer thanig the investigation into how the cocaination e got there in the first place. the other group that's culpable here is the white house chie fth staff, the president biden, president biden himself.
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why were they soe of-staff happp this under the rug? if that was the white house i worked.hous in, there'd be a fua i can guarantee you president bush and their chief of staff,ee andy card, would have gotten to the bottom of. how did that get in here?e was t who was it? because they would never want to get in there agaie we woun. g and as for the ceremony at arlington cemetery, that's bn not joe biden's first rodeo there. he's lai'sfirsd that wreath the many times before. but i guess he doesn't remembesi what did the last times he did the same thing. looksame, joe biden gets younger between now and election day. joe got a lot of problemsom coming up. >> and what did you think of the wreating uph issue?in >> tell me. >> well, it's embarrassing. it's sad, but it's also embarrassing for it' us as natio a nation. but you know what ari said there? i don't think we're going to havate a president benjamin button. so i don't think that he's going to be getting youngea bingrnk he' as we edge closer to election day. i think axelrod and others tali talking about getting rid of him, i think that that is a clear signal that they'rgettin a
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getting ready to dump joe. i think now all we need a kissre of death would be obam dump a hf coming out against joe's reelection. now, that would be something. ee >> we'll see. time will tell. thank you, tommy. timek you, ari fleischer. when we come back,, congressman james comer, congressman jim jordanressma, they just issued a fresh round of subpoenas. we're going to tel jordl you whoo tel they want to speak to. also, we'll look at the case of the a andg in new york who's accused of smirking at donald trump jr earlier today court just before he took the stand. >> we've got the tape as we continue with goldband.bene fitsyou age on your own terms. fitsyou age on your own terms. retinol overnight means the benefits of retinol are now for your whole body. on your t working great corrector diminishes wrinkled skin in just two days. go champions your skin.s sitt >> thesein bills are crazy. >> she has no idea she's sitting on a gold mine. she doesn't know that if shepo owns a life insurance policylic
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subpoena to biden's former white house counsel. they say she was heavily er whiteinvolved with packing and moving boxes that were found filledlved with classifiea material at the penn biden center in d.c.. now, coveragssifierial at the jo requested interviews with other biden staffersreques to this classified information. and while the house continuestii its constitutional oversight of joe biden today in neonf jow, the one sided witch hunt aga against president formerin president donald trump and his family and organization rolls on witmer presh attorney l tish james smirking at the cameras before donalal jamesdp r trump took junior took the stand for the defense. nookw a case that never should have been brought, a case where there are literall, they no vi, nobody even complaining. every insurance company gotr their premiums paid, every bank they had their own fiduciary responsibility, and they did do their own research. they independently approved every loan and every ndentl loas repaid in full. a case where the judge himself
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is guilty not only oflete l a complete left-wing radical biasef, but also he is guilty of doing the very thing accusing donald trump of, and that is absurdly offering low phony valuation of mar a lago at a low of $18 million. you can't even make this up. it was the reaction author of brand new book out today. you're going to want this book. a brand-ntthe constitution and r patriotic documents. fox news, legal analyst gregg jarrett and harvard law professor alan dershowitnewsz is with us, by the way. greg, congratulations on the new book, oh hannity .com bookstores now around the country. let's get your take on all this, by the way, maybe constitutionally. how is it that you have? how is the prosecutors rung's e to after one family, one organization and one man? wellorgani, it's a dual system of justice. and you've juxtaposed it with both those stories.t biden gets the benefit
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of protection racket by the doj and the fbi. donald donald trump has prosecutors, him ld trump has prosecutors, him with a vengeance by mis using egregious only a consumer protection law and wiping out constitute , ans, you know, protections for commercial speech as well as undermining a century of established common law on civil fraud. >> and so this is unequal justice writ large. >> you know, professor, you ar s book a bestseller as well. get trump. you know, no well, getw that knw joe lied repeatedly. we have the evidence now that we found the sheld ly, we e corporations. we have the evidence now that we found the moneys, tens h doat we found the moneys, tens h of millions of dollars that went to ten biden family memberens. >> and, you know, the circumstances around burisma and cfc, i.e., the oil r giant and ukraine, the oil giant, and in chinaitha, you tel me, professor, is this looking like bribery to yothisu? nee it looks like the need for a special counsel.
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there's toa o smoke when you hah special counsel. avtwo of them basically investigating your opponent, t, the president, special counsel, looking into all of this. y and, you know, when you get whe the the the attorney general of new york. can you imagine if you had a a white attorney general of new going after a blackal of new defendant saying, well, male he's too male to fail and too stale? the the opposite. what do they say? he was, you know, too and too, too female. there would be dar pay.. i mean, she's made racist, sexist. they just comment about the trump administration and others. trumpthere's so much bias here. there's so much one sidedness that just as as a personabou who cares deeply about the law and the constitution, this is such a disservice to the objectivity neutrality of our
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legal system. we need to have one law, one law for democrate ones, republicans for conservatives and liberals. you cannot have differentiale di legal systems depending on racf ,politics, age, you know, all of those thingag alls. that's just not the america that the framers of our the d. way,amers of our >> and by the way, you named get trump your bestseller after a phrase that letitia james used a ph. greg , congratulations on your new book. we'll put it up again., hannity .com bookstores around the country. thank you. and thank you both. unfortunately, that's all the time we have left this evening. contk you being with us.vening. >> please set your dvr so thatr ever, ever missr so an episode of hannity for news. any time. every time. all the time an isode.., hannity, in the meantime, i haveod good news. let not your heart be troubled. why? greg gutfeld standing. >> he will put a smile on your face. have a great night.
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