tv The Five FOX News November 15, 2023 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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maybe it is just a big misunderstanding. if you go out, who pays for the coffee? >> i would pay for the coffee. i don't agree with what you are saying about low-key. in 2013 he was suspended for threatening and intimidating. >> his negotiating style in these deals is low-key. let bygones be bygones. >> in 2017, james hoffa had to remove him from no okay she haitians -- from negotiations. he said they want to bring back the mob mentality b back to the teamsters. >> i am going to talk to him tomorrow. we will try to get this settled. ♪ ♪
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>> i am greg gutfeld. dana perino, "the five." a member of the biden family is trading favors with china. hunter stayed home. biden rolling out the red carpet for president xi jinping as he hosts the communist leader for the summit in california. biden seeking to change relationships with beijing for the better. china will finally crackdown on sentinel production. the president wasting no time praising his old pal. >> it is a pleasure. there is no substitute for face-to-face discussions. i found our discussion straightforward and frank and always appreciate it. we have known each other for a
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long time. we have not always agreed. that has not surprised anyone. it is paramount you and i understand each other clearly, leader to leader, with no misconceptions or miscommunications. we have to ensure competition does not veer into conflict. >> san francisco gave itself a makeover to host the communist. gone are the crusty vagrants and tents. they got replaced by barricades and people waving chinese flags. gavin newsom comparing the cleanup job to just having some people over. >> any time you put on an event, you have people over at your house, you have to clean up. you have to make sure the kids make their beds. the first thing he talked about was san francisco. the first thing he remembered
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was the golden gate bridge when he was here in 1985. this place is beloved. it's best days are in front of it, not behind it. >> you know how foreign dignitaries will put on the local attire. did you find it offensive the chinese president did not cake himself with? >> because that is what everyone else wears in san francisco? >> i worry about this deal that is supposed to be coming through that we are making about sentinel. tromp slaps sanctions on the policy institute because they were surveilling those who are making all of jeff bezos' amazon products and all of a sudden the chinese are like whoa, you cannot do that.
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we need this institute to run counter narcotics trafficking for fentanyl. we cannot help you with that. it pours in. biden comes in and amazon and apple are begging him to drop the sanctions and he does it. he drops the sanction so now the are going to get spied on. tim cook and jeff bezos get all of their money and china will pinky promise to crackdown on sentinel. do you believe the chinese are going to crackdown on sentinel? biden got hoodwinked. i don't think this is going to solve our problems. >> are you saying that because it says hood? we have come a long way jesse. he does not live in the hood. they removed all the homeless and the drug addicts and not a single reporter is bothering to
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get to the bottom of where they are. did they move them to oakland or walnut creek or daly city? >> maybe they are out at alcatraz for a tour. >> i did that twice. >> i think it is shocking gavin newsom set it that way, we cleaned up everything because the leader of china was coming to our country. there are also other dignitaries there. he will wear that video for a long time no matter what. if you live in san francisco and pay all of those taxes, you have had your car broken into, your grocery stores have closed down and this is the result. i wonder if the reporter's notice the homeless come back. i want to have an open mind and i would rather have communication then more.
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i think a lot of caution when it comes to this. john kerry, the climate advisor is three seats down from the president as if that is -- the closer you are, the more important you are. that is what you seek janet yellen right next to him. i do not understand why we keep begging china to help on climate change when they are never going to and we are wasting our time and energy on that. >> where do you put your dogs on vacation? boarding. do you think that is what they do with the homeless? shouldn't they have let the drug addicts stay so president xi jinping could see the head the work -- the handiwork of his drug importation? >> this is the final blossoming of what he planted. here we have this guy who has
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2.3 million people in internment camps and tens of thousands of forcibly sterilized. he was complicit in the release of a biological weapon that got us into this took car -- totalitarian mind-set. he has done more to clean up guilty cities than any politician in the united states. i have to give him credit for that. at the same time, he gets him to say something to help you with the sentinel problem but i need you to lift the sanctions on the police stations around the country. why would biden agree to that? you should not be allowed to send sentinel here. they are not using drugs
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intentionally, most of them. this guy is treated like a hero when he should not be. >> i was shocked in the green room. you said look at all of those beautiful chinese flags. i wish there was a tank going over a protester. i thought that was far. >> good to be back. i differ slightly here. i think the president, 27 years ago, this is the first time our president has sat down with the leader of china with the economic strength in our favor. cozad slowed down their economy and china in massive waves. there are an enormous economic pressures there. they have a collapse in the real estate sector. we have derisked from china in huge ways.
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we are still importing american items in asia but it has gone more to india, vietnam, and other places. we invested two build in our own country and found more ways to be innovative. i listened to the press conference and listened to both of them talk. they were candid about the disagreements. i will be surprised if we don't hear we have more leverage and got a better deal. even perhaps ukraine and other things. america is in a strong position. i hope the white house is able to capitalize. >> i thought it was bad taste, him telling not to slip those menus under the door anymore. coming up, kidney shots and threats to the throw cysts. congress turning into a cage match.
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liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. oh. [dog barks] no it's just a bunny! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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(david jeremiah) when the rapture occurs, the world will capture the moment. the world will reel with concern from watching the strange, mind-boggling, and unbelievable video footage that goes viral across the globe. "then we who are alive and remain "shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air." (david jeremiah) when christ comes for his people, it will be in the twinkling of an eye. billions of people will exit this planet in an instant, but billions will be left behind. it will be chaos on our globe but incredible, glorious joy in the skies. (male announcer) capture a thrilling glimpse of the rapture in "the great disappearance." in 31 short, easy-to-read chapters, dr. jeremiah answers questions about the next event
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it is why we're coming up on stage to collect your diplomas. mom, love you always. vo: when you graduate, they graduate. visit to find free and supportive adult education centers near you. >> chaos on capitol hill. lawmakers asking like professional wrestlers by hurling threats and kidney punches. let's start with tim burchett and kevin mccarthy. tim voted to oust mccarthy. he claims mccarthy walked by him and did this. >> elbowed me in the kidneys, it
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was a cheap shot by a bully. one of those deals that you just don't expect that kind of thing from an adult. especially a guy that was at one time the third person in line for the white house. >> i would not hit him in the kidneys. >> that is not the only congressional cage match breaking out in the senate. republic senator markwayne mullin trying to fight a union boss who had been taunting him online. >> run your mouth. we can be adults, we can finish it here. >> that is fine. >> stand up. >> you stand up. >> stop it. sit down. sit down. you are a united states senator. >> and oklahoma, you don't do this. may be run your in new jersey, but this is a thug that is a mob boss. he said he wanted to bring a mob
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mentality back to the teamsters. maybe that is true but you are not going to run your mouth and me sit there. >> anyone who has not been a keyboard warrior against you and then you see them in person i want to fight them, that happens to you pretty regularly. >> these guys are clowns. it is embarrassing to watch. bernie sanders may get nominated for the nobel peace prize. i can understand your emotions get the worst of you, but he followed on shows, saying he is from oklahoma first, you are not going to criticize or attack him. what has politics become when a united states senator cannot control himself, not once, twice, but three or four times. the situation with tim and kevin, grow up or go home. they are still talking about being elbowed or being pushed.
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this is not third, fourth, fifth, sixth grade. this is congress and it is embarrassing. >> what would you have done if greg elbowed you in the kidneys? >> i don't think he can reach my kidneys. the senate was so proud they had a dress code that they started challenging each other to a fight. at first i thought this was legit, this guy was talking a lot of trash. he is a ufc guy, a mixed martial artist. kevin mccarthy says he boxes with the senator and he is not allowed to hit kevin in the face and kevin is allowed to hit him anywhere and one time he hit this guy in the nose, it was bleeding, they had to stop it because there was blood. kevin is confident. kevin says if he had hit him, he would have been on the ground.
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at first i thought maybe he was lying to me when he said he did not do it and now he is saying it was a tight hallway and maybe he hit him with her shoulder. now i don't like the way he reacted and i am thinking he seems a little soft. i don't like to say other men are soft because i don't know him and i need to keep good relations with these people. he was on my show last night and i wish i had called him, the way he handled it wasn't the best way to handle it. >> on the feminine side of the aisle, you have had cat fights, so to speak, of words going back and forth, but no fisticuffs. >> we went from a speaker fight to a budget fight and now we are down to a fist fight the comment you made is kevin mccarthy is about the same size as this guy.
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if he is going to elbow him in the kidneys, he would have to go like that to get down to his kidneys. it is something you could solve forensically, but they are a bunch of voices. it is easy to resolve this th thing. if you are going to run your mouth, let's do it outside. we don't want to hear that. it is like the downfall of the united states. everything is falling down, even in congress. we reached a sophisticated step when we said he had to wear a suit and now they are down to fisticuffs. they are ridiculous. men, may be too much testosterone. >> don't you dare speak in generalities. >> too much testosterone. they just proved it. >> should john kerry bring james
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taylor over? >> he was lucky it was that union boss. she is garry shandling with human growth hormone. >> this is the political story we need. this is harmless. think about the conflicts going on in the democratic party right now. they cannot agree on whether beheading children deserves a response. they are calling each other names, i will take that. that is not a real rift. they still agree on basic moral principles that an atrocity occurred october 7th. if bernie can break up a fight, there was no fight. >> if they are fighting, at least they are not raising ta
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taxes. >> a top ivy league college getting sued over claims of anti-semitism. ♪ ♪ your brain is an amazing thing. but as you get older, it naturally begins to change, causing a lack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall. thankfully, the breakthrough in prevagen helps your brain and actually improves memory. the secret is an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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>> ivy league college campuses who let students run wild with anti-semitism are being put on notice. two students are claiming the institution failed to protect them from jewish hatred permeating the school and allowing other students to chant disgusting anti-semitic slogans like gas the and hitler was right without repercussions. nyu says it looks forward to setting the record straight.
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john roberts speaking to one of the students suing. >> it is scary. we are hearing chance of gas the, of hitler was right and as a granddaughter of holocaust survivors, the statements being thrown around carelessly and thoughtlessly are harmful. it is contributed by students and faculty members. >> it is not just college campuses where they are being disrespected. a massachusetts town is allowing a palestinian flag to be flown in public. mark has filed a federal lawsuit in the southern district of new york. it appears pursuant to the department of education civil rights requirement that they adhere to, the universities can apply and he has a good case.
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nyu says we are challenging this narrative. >> they have every right to challenge it based on what we have seen. it is going to be hard for them to prevail. every college and university has a responsibility to create a safe place for kids and professors to have serious, robust and disagreeable conversations and debates about issues. there should be no safe place for hatred or anti-semitism on any campus around the country. when you zoom out from the issue and understand over the years will not the jewish students and jewish people not being targeted, you think about what happened in pittsburgh, the synagogue there, the person just got brought to justice and has been sentenced recently. these are the things they are going to have to take account of. as much as i fully believe people should say things that
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make me feel uncomfortable intellectually, to make me challenge myself, i should never be in a place where i or any person i have to feel like i am going to be physically harmed or assaulted or abused because of who they are let alone the views they share. >> in massachusetts, there is a palestinian flag flying next to an american flag. >> the town tried to change its policy. they were six hours too late. they have to allow this flag to allow this to fly. along with the donors, saying no more money coming to you, taking the universities to court might
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be the way to get their attention and to affect some change. daniel was on this morning, part of the march yesterday. we asked him about anti-semitism on campuses and he tried to express it is worse than you realize. it is not just the students. it is the faculty. the faculty are sending a letter horrible things. the media was horrible yesterday covering that march. my friend gets a hard copy of "washington post." do you know where the story about the 290,000 people on the march yesterday, it was in the metro section. think about from who made the claim -- he claimed he had more people there than he did at his inauguration. that story would make the front page if it were to come back up. on this one, 300,000 people there, peacefully, altogether, a
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bipartisan group on the stage? in the media missed it. >> this lawsuit, they are calling for damages and the termination of the nyu personnel and they are also going after the president. >> lawyers can get what they want and donors can get schools to change their behavior. think about how many things they did for transit students. they redesigned all of the bathrooms all over the campus, or the black students after the riots, they did not feel safe so they got their own safe spaces. certain people weren't allowed. they changed everything. if someone is chanting gas the, all they are asking for his protection, treat me like you treat everybody else. if you cannot do that, you are
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not very smart. the flag thing, i get. they are not flying the hamas flag. they are flying the palestinian flag. i can differentiate between t them. on cinco de mayo, they fly the mexican flag. sometimes i like to fly the canadian flag in solidarity with the truckers. as long as the american flag is up there, that is all that matters. >> there is no such thing as everyone else through the lens of power. it is us versus them. hate crimes have skyrocketed. it is open season for. that is the ideology. are at the forefront of this
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battle. it is brewing in england, france, canada and as you can see on american streets, it is here. they were comparing trump to hitler and trump supporter's. that gave them the authority to do whatever you wanted. to censor or investigate people who might be a threat to them. this practice has moved to. it is going to get worse. you are going to see this hitler narrative. it will be employed next year as you approach the election because if you decide somebody is a, morality dictates you can do whatever you want to them and that is what justifies tearing down the posters, calling people names. they are evil. they are hitler.
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this is how you go christmas shopping. >> brick-and-mortar stores are closing because of organized theft, mall, you are at home and the products that are being delivered to you are being targeted. going to have to go back to making our own stuff at home? i don't know how to make pottery. it is crazy. what are we going to do? we are going to have to do crafts. can someone call alex soros and find out how he gets his groceries and home furnishings? does he have it shipped on a private plane. i am curious if he is affected by this. >> if i see a box that says alex soros, i am stealing it. >> i wonder where they are when it comes to protecting the staff
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and employees of these trucks. why not say we have to protect these people. i don't understand why they think randomly grabbing things from a truck, three bars of dove soap, a four pack of stretch gloves that you put in the pockets. one bottle of fish oil tablets and a three pack of fleece lined leggings and extra small. good luck. >> all of those things are dana perino. >> imagine opening up a box of stolen amazon and you are like fish oil, come on. >> we have three boxes and two hats. i got a michigan jersey, at the end of the day, this happened in memphis.
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if i were the mayor of memphis, of atlanta, some of the cities, i would want a.d.a. that has the same kind of toughness. we have to figure out how do you prevent neighborhoods where people, we joke about it, we are blessed if something does go missing. some people may not be able to do that. he made light of it, but you are serious. if you can't trust them to be delivered after you buy it, we have seen members of congress elbowing each other, senators wanting to fight witnesses and we can't trust that your gifts are going to get delivered to you. >> i am going to be like patrick swayze just making my pottery and ghost. >> if you were a foreign
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saboteur, you could not have done better than we have done to america. we have taken it down. you criticize the police, you demoralize the police, you defund the police and if you target, you say you can't make an arrest in our store. you say your employer is not allowed to stop the criminals, let them go and if you don't have enough police, you can't make an arrest and even if you do make an arrest, he gets out. it is perfect for these people. we did this to ourselves and we have to stop complaining about it and do something. there was one person punished in all of this. it was the woman who drove the truck. she was taking out the packages. she was alone and she left the door opened and she ran from the building. she got fired.
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i just always thought, “dog food is dog food” i didn't really piece together that dogs eat food. as soon as we brought the farmer's dog in, her skin was better, she was more active. if i can invest in her health and be proactive, i think it's worth it. visit this is franklin graham. i had a veteran one time tell me, "is there such a thing as a bucket of hope? "my bucket is getting pretty empty." and maybe you feel the same way when you look at the wars in the world, the demonstrations, the political chaos. you just ask yourself, "what hope do we have?" well, we've got a lot of hope, if we put our faith and trust in god. you see, god loves you. he made you, he created you, he sent his son jesus christ from heaven to this earth to take our sins. he died and shed his blood on a cross for our sins,
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and god raised him to life. if you are willing to trust him right now, god will forgive you. just pray this prayer with me. if you haven't done this, do it right now. just say, "god, i'm a sinner." i'm sorry. forgive me. i want to turn from my sins. i believe jesus christ is your son. i want to trust him as my savior. amen. you prayed that prayer, call the number right now that's on the screen. god bless you!
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>> self checkout machines could be a thing of the past. big-box retailers are removing the devices mostly because of theft and because customers hate them. the bar codes never work and scanning fruit is a nightmare. you have some experience with this. i don't like it. we were talking in the break. this whole machine. >> i like to use the machines. i am faster than they are. here's the thing. the problem is when you go there, they throw everything on top of everything.
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i would rather pack my own bag. the problem with self check outs is a lot of people don't know how to use them and it takes forever. the companies would rather you do it yourself because they don't want to hire people. it is cheap. >> this is going to affect employment numbers. >> i don't care. i get in and see a self checkout line open and i see a line around to the back, i am going into the long line. it is too much pressure. i get there, trying to find the bar code, where is the bar code? all the time i put the thing down and it doesn't count it. i put it down and then at double counts it. then they have to come over and they are looking at everything i am buying. by that time, the other one is already --
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there is a store, for example, amazon has a few of the stores in seattle. you scan your credit card as you walk in and you put what you want in your own bag, packet how you want and as you are leaving, your credit card gets charged with whatever is in the bag. call it magic, whatever, but technology is going to solve this. the self checkout machine, it doesn't mean health insurance. it is not going to call in sick. we have to think about what is going to happen. ai has promise but there is a lot of things happening to workers and it will happen quickly because this stuff is coming fast. especially if you have a lot of thievery.
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>> i love it. jesse's version of self checkout is a mirror. i love self checkout. i feel useful. it is like a video game you are part of. i like looking up the fruit and the vegetables. i am in control of the bagging. as a veteran of albertsons supermarkets, bagging, i know it so well. you build a foundation with sturdy products and then you put the liner items on top. they don't do that anymore. no one double bags anymore unless they are dating joy behar, because she eats a lot of food. i like control over the bagging, i like accomplishing something small. it makes me feel good. i hate waiting in line behind people looking for their club
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card. >> remember when you would go with your mom and the person in front of you would write the check? they wouldn't do it right away. let me look at my big bag and find my checkbook and then i am going to write it out. >> remember when you would get cash back? >> i need to do that for my neighbor marge. this is your season to smile -- to raise a toast and gather together, to wrap up the fun and round up the gang. to help get you ready, your aspen dental team is celebrating 25 years of affordable care with an epic anniversary savings event. right now, new patients without insurance get a free full exam and x-rays.
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plus, everyone can get 20% off their treatment plan. but hurry, because while the season won't last, the memories you make together will. aspen dental. book today. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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it was a 75th anniversary benefit dinner. it was founded by sir keith murdoch to strengthen the relationship between our two nations. it celebrates its 75th anniversary. >> on behalf of my father and me, it is great to be here with you tonight. the alliance between america and australia has been enduring because it is grounded in shared cultural values. we are liberal democracies who cherish individual freedoms and free markets. we are made up of first peoples and immigrants, young, optimistic, and multicultural. we have fought together in every major war since 1918, 105 years
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ago. the longevity of this partnership is testimony to its foundations and its ongoing relevance. it is clear, together we are stronger, safer, and most likely to succeed. >> it was a great night and the beach boys performed my first concert at red rocks. we had the pleasure of attending and it was a great event. >> that was amazing. australia is a good friend. >> and they have animals that come with pockets. where am i? you don't know anything about tasmania. >> name one thing. i knew it. you don't miss "the five" live from nashville, tennessee. who is that handsome guy? we will be down in music city
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and will be joined by dierks bentley. the show will be full of surprises. greg will definitely be there. cannot wait to see you there. stolen ballots in massachusetts caught on tape. we will find all of these election fraudsters. >> peter is not going with you. what a show. we have a it's going to be a great show. sorry, nicholas. and it's time for greg's how many nuts. time now for edition of how many nuts. winner will be passed the golden acorn statue. this is worth over $17 million. >> dana: i can't wait. >> greg: roll it and then we will let the people guess.
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where is the little guy. all right. guess. >> judge jeanine: one? >> greg: guess and we will have him finish. guess? >> judge jeanine: guess? >> dana: how many will he get by the end of the video. >> greg: 9 #. >> jesse: 8. >> dana: 11. >> greg: let's go. >> dana: chipmunk probably on six because it's little. never going be # 1. >> jesse: i'm going to win it. >> dana: seven. six. >> greg: nope. [laughter] make make room. it's 7. no winners. that means. >> jesse: whoa, whoa, woe. closest. >> jesse: 8. >> greg: that's over 7. >> judge jeanine: you don't win. i get to hold onto the squirrel. and we're going to have great night tonight, squirrel. >> judge jeanine: hold onto the new winner comes.
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in. >> greg: you can hold on to it. >> judge jeanine: no, you keep it. >> harold: 12-year-old girl from california won a top junior science award for life-saving invention. exrat add fire detection device thermal imaging putting out faster. won first place in junior innovator's challenge. $25,000. we hope and pray she keeps on winning. as we say around this table you go girl. >> greg: see, dana, girls can do science. >> dana: thanks. i was wondering about that in the commercial break. >> greg: you said gerbils could never do science. that's what you said. >> dana: i'm living proof. >> greg: it was in the break. all right, judge. >> judge jeanine: this little girl is pretend to come asleep and fell for parents' clever trick. if she is asleep when i put my arm up. if she is awake it will drop. so there she is with the arm up. as you can see, the little girl
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is not fooling anyone, especially her parents. that's pretty funny. that's cute, there she is asleep. >> try that request jesse jr. >> judge jeanine: or the dog. you mean rookie, right? >> greg: jesse, did you say who you have on tonight? i can't remember. >> dana: yeah. is he going after election theft. >> jesse: video of someone stealing ballots out of someone's mailbox, greg. that's a federal crime. >> greg: that's pretty amazing. >> judge jeanine: are the feds on it. >> jesse: election fraud is more widespread than people are saying. >> greg: that's true. we know every single structure in society is flawed except elections. let's talk about that. how about australia, huh? i love australia. you know i went to australia and i punched a wallaby. >> jesse: you did not. >> dana: and we still go over. >> shannon: good evening, welcome to washington. i'm shannon bream in for bret
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