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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  November 16, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PST

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the exposure that you give people, it enables them to carry their message further. when they go back to their communities, right? it's a huge platform for them. >> i've heard it time and time again, bill. thank you for mentioning that. people who are recipients say it led to this. i did it because i saw that on the patriot awards. that's what i want for my country, for my family, more my kids. we are as a society, what we value, what we honor is a reflection of what we value. if we don't revere those people on that stage we don't create the kind of celebration that inspires others. so that's what the patriot awards will be about tonight. thanks for giving us a chance to showcase. >> bill: we'll be watching for your outfit. nail it. >> martha: those awards are so moving. i look forward to it. "the faulkner focus" is next.
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[cheers and applause] >> harris: nashville, tennessee, music city. home of the historic grand ole opry house and we're live at this gorgeous venue ahead of tonight's fifth annual patriot awards. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." a live audience that you just heard will be with me the entire hour and hear from some of you individually. i'm so glad you are here. along with our stellar lineup of guests. let's get to the breaking news first. a fox news alert now, violence in our nation's capital. [shouting] an anti-israel protest out of control. these people showed up outside the democratic party headquarters in washington, d.c. last night just steps from congressional buildings.
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that forced police to lead lawmakers in evacuating from the dnc and put the entire capitol on lockdown. kat cammack posted on x, no getting in or out of our offices. anyone else. notice how violent the so-called cease-fire crowd? a dire posting from a congresswoman and new mother anna paulina luna. i'm with my baby at the office. the capitol offices went into lockdown because of these clowns. imagine being that unhinged. nut jobs. former deputy chief of staff, karl rove. >> the scene on the mall of hundreds of thousands of people waving american flags, israeli flags, peaceably supporting israel in this moment of crisis, democrat and republican leaders on the stage thanking the crowd for their support and then we see black shirted thugs trying to break into the democratic
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national committee in order to confront the leadership of the house democrats who were there for meetings. they wanted to quote engage them. >> harris: at least six capitol police officers were injured. they did engage. protestors were punching, pepper spraying the police officers. one protestor was arrested. never mind the images we see with our own eyes, protest organizers insisted the dem mon administration was peaceful. look at that. and we're bleeping things. griff jenkins in washington now. it was not only out of control, griff, it was dangerous. >> it was quite a scene of mayhem, harris. good morning to you and your great audience there in nashville. let me show you how this all started. we can push in on the doors to the dnc. we're a block and a half from the house office buildings
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behind the capitol. this is where 200 pro-palestinian protestors locked arms and barricaded the doors. from there it devolved to mayhem. let me show you, harris, the contrast from the pro-israel rally on the mall that happened on tuesday. you can see the nearly 300,000 gathering peacefully. then, of course, the mayhem of just the 200 there. now the group last night was demanding a cease-fire while punching and cursing at the capitol police officers forcing the u.s. capitol into lockdown and the evacuation of lawmakers inside the dnc. one of those members, debra wasserman schultz was quite shaken. listen here. >> it was a very disturbing, troubling situation. when you engage in tactics that are in a sense intimidating and certainly blocking access or exit from the building, i think
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crosses that line. >> capitol police issued a statement. we have handled hundreds of peaceful protests. last night's group was not peaceful. the crowd failed to obey our lawful orders to move back from the dnc where members of congress were in the building. harris, the capitol police say the protestors pepper sprayed their officers and six officers were injured. just one protestor, a 24-year-old man from new york arrested for assault after a police officer after he slammed a female officer into a door and punching her in the face. yet the protest organizers claim it was a peaceful demonstration. >> the folks in democratic liedership have not been listening to the 80% of us to stop the genocide of palestinians. and instead of being met with
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leaders engaging with us, instead of being met again our peaceful protest, we were met by police. >> the protestors released their own statement saying that the police violently attacked them injuring 90 of their protestors. harris, send it back to you in nashville. >> harris: that elicited laughter from the guest sitting next to me. quickly do we know why they haven't arrested more people? you can clearly see with many videos all over social media last night what people were doing and their faces. >> can i just one more time, harris? breaking up a little bit. >> harris: i want to know why they didn't arrest more people. when you saw the images, video all over social media last night and people's faces and what they were doing, why didn't they arrest more? only one man. >> that's a great question, harris. when we received the statement from the capitol police, i
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specifically wrote back saying we would like to know why just one arrest was made when clearly they say in their own statement it is more violent than the usual protests we see now on a daily basis in d.c. they wrote back one word saying correct. take that for what you will. harris. >> harris: that tells me there is more to the story. we'll keep digging. i know you will. good to see you, griff, thank you. democratic congressman brad sherman posted he had been evacuated from dnc headquarters after pro-terrorist, anti-israel protestors grew violent pepper spraying police officers and attempting to break into the building. thankful to the police officers who stopped them and for helping me and my colleagues get out safely. democrat congressman sherman joins me now. so first of all, why did democratic party headquarters for this, do you know? >> look, we had 250, 300,000
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peaceful, permitted pro-israel demonstrators on the 14th. this was a group of 200 but they felt that by breaking the law and by assaulting police officers, they could get perhaps some portion of the attention that 250,000 or 300,000 people got because they know that violence is a force multiplier when it comes to demonstrations. >> harris: i want to get into politics a little bit here. they targeted the dnc. they are angry with president biden and angry with many of you because you are getting in the way of what? why you? >> well, the object here is the hamas object was to attack and kill as many israelis as they could, 1200, on october 7th, retreat, regroup, and then do it again.
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that's not me speaking. that's hamas leadership. others are duped into the idea that somehow a truce that allows hamas to regroup and retreat. we all want a cease-fire. the best way to do that is for hamas to release the hostages and disarm . then the killing and the terrible scenes from gaza can stop. >> harris: i'm glad you are okay. i'm glad everybody was okay. i know it was frightening in those moments. a last word on that. >> well, there is a lot that goes with this job. it is clear that these demonstrators are opposed to the efforts of the dccc to elect democrats. they are not trying to help republicans and republicans don't want that kind of help. many of them believe by destroying and defeating the
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democratic party they can advance their objectives. >> harris: congressman sherman. stay safe. thank you. all right. here with me now. i saw a lot of non-verbal from both of these gentlemen. will cain and joey jones. this is a dire circumstance. did you hear what he just said, they want from and for the democrat party? >> i heard that he declined to answer your question of why the subject was the dnc. i would like to answer it. the answer is because those protestors believe that democratic party has betrayed the philosophical and political ties, the only tie that has bound together the left for the past half century. politically the left has taken up the cause of the palestinians. formality from the soviet union and marxist ideology happening across the middle east and over the course of half a century.
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philosophically the left has adopted the oppressor/oppressed mindset. they believe that everything must be looked through the pris pal of the victim. that applies to race, trans ideology and applies to this issue. they see the palestinians as the oppressed. so when you see those people outside the dnc they aren't there for a republican congressman. they are after their own side who they feel betrayed them philosophically. >> harris: you see a lot of that on social media, joey. >> exactly what will is saying. a lot of nuance. people on the right oppose us funding israel's war against hamas but do it from a position of -- candace owens talking about yesterday getting into it with her own employer supporter of israel. the argument is more so if you can't close our own border and can't help us, they are extreme but extreme america first.
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for those on the left are hateful of america because they have adopted this idea of anti-colonizer and go back as far as they need to but no further to substantiate it. they make excuses for the murders in south africa and hamas on october 7th and views of hating this country. the idea the sins of your fathers father's father are with you today doesn't hold water even in israel and the region. it gives them an excuse to hate anything they want to. >> harris: you know, last night those images were so disturbing because who didn't see this coming? this has been happening on college campuses ever since october 7th. israel had not even identified and gotten to the point where they could move in and get to their dead to bury them and already people were up in arms in this country hating israel. >> before it was a counter
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offensive at all. >> harris: october 7th seems to have shown who is among us. it didn't create these people. they are young, a lot of them. >> you say who didn't see this coming? we can be shocked at the extent to it's being embraced. the immediate support after october 7th. there is a trend right now on tiktok of young members on the left revisiting the letter from osama bin laden, a letter to america. in essence they are using osama bin laden to justify terrorism in pursuit of pushing back on the oppressor. >> harris: i want to get to this. joey, you next on this. you know the far left squad members as they are called and rashida tlaib, recently censured for anti-semitic things she has said, her remarks, nine publicly in recent days before that congressional censure. she has now refused to answer a fox news reporter when pressed about her use of those anti-israel slogans particularly
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from the river to the sea. the house voted again to censure her earlier this month for amplifying that chant. let's watch. >> congresswoman do you regret using the phrase from the river to the sea used by terrorists to call for the genocide of the jewish people. do you regret using it? that phrase can be anti-semitic congresswoman tlaib? >> harris: joey. >> there are all kinds of room in political leaders to have an opinion opposite of whatever you are told you should have when it comes to foreign poll cismd it is okay to not say i'm for israel's war against hamas. it is not okay to dog whistle to a demographic that thinks saying that you are not anti-semitic is a bad thing. that's -- if you will venture into the gray area the responsibility is on you, not
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the rest of us. we shouldn't say poor rashida tlaib. she doesn't hate jewish people. we don't know that. she won't say that. if you take a stance that's viewed as radical against the government of israel, take it and say it loudly so if i don't agree with you i have a chance to tear it down. that's a battle of ideas. when you can't say you're not anti-semitic, then you are. >> harris: new folks poll finds 39% of voters approve of biden's handling of the war. that's down from the numbers in other recent polling. what's happening, will? >> he has lost the support of his own party. the congressman you just had on said there were 200 to 300 people outside the dnc. they are clearly somewhat representative of a divide in the democratic party over how this issue will be handled. he will never have the support
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of a conservative voter or republican party. that cratering is because he lost his own party. >> harris: there were political concerns early on being expressed that well, rashida tlaib and others in the squad were saying it. you are putting the muslim vote in jeopardy. is that what you are talking about? or is this wider in the party? >> i think you and i have had this conversation, harris. the muslim vote is not consequential enough numericly to have that type of impact. you are talking about this ideology on the left. yes it's on college campuses and reflected in grown adults that believe you are on the wrong side of history. so they are anti-zionist, anti-israel and now apparently anti-biden. >> harris: it's great to have you both with me today. thank you. i know the audience knows it, too. when they knew you were coming they got excited. it's a busy day for us here at fox news in nashville, tennessee.
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tonight we're celebrating the fifth annual patriot awards hosted by pete hegseth. we'll honor everyday americans in an event featuring some of your favorite fox personalities. when i say everyday, they are literally protecting and serving in every way this country every single day. they do it all. it is not too late to get tickets. log onto fox awards and we hope to see you here tonight. there are people in tennessee, i saw them flying in yesterday. they will get their tickets and come. god bless you guys. look forward to seeing you. will and joey, thank you. more anti-israel protests coming from college campuses across america. you just heard us talking about this. leaders are under pressure to take action against the frightening anti-semitism. but then face backlash if they take any action to protect those jewish students. plus the drumbeat of really bad polling for president biden.
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it gets louder and louder. he is losing support of the voters he says he needs most. critics say democrats ought to be worried at this point. >> we're a year away. this is why the democrats in particular are so concerned. they don't see the numbers moving. if anything they see it going backwards. veteran homeowners, need to save money every month?
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[applause] >> harris: oh my goodness, we're here live in nashville, tennessee, at the grand ole opry house. and we even enlisted the fox news drone to take that outdoor picture. got to love that. let's get into politics now. new fox polls show president
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biden's numbers match his record low of 40% approval from july of 2022. another troubling sign for biden, former president donald trump has won over record support from many critical voting groups since october 2020. trump has made double digit gains among independents, blacks, hispanics, he also has picked up support from suburban voters and men. former congressman doug collins with this. >> joe biden is very unpopular right now. this is very much of a concern for democrats. it shows there is a long way away. a year away. this is why the democrats in particular are so concerned. they don't see the numbers moving. if anything they see it going backward. they see every time joe biden is more out in public on things he should be winning on he is going backwards. that's a concern for them. >> harris: power panel now
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gi gianno caldwell and -- first of all, patrick i will start with you because i want to know why this is happening with joe biden now. the timing, i know you will tell me we're a year away. he has gone downhill more and more over the past year. >> there is unrest. you have engagements in ukraine, israel, and people really want gas prices continue to go down and inflation continue to go down. people aren't feeling it. it is trending the right direction. it will level out, honestly, in the next 12 months. collins said there are 12 months away. these are the same numbers that barack obama had against mitt romney. the consumer sentiment was worse for obama than it is for joe biden. >> joe biden is no barack obama, we know that.
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>> mitt romney is no donald trump. >> first thank you for having me. i would be remiss if i didn't thank our audience who have been very supportive of me and my family with tragic murder of my brother on june 24th of last year. thank you for coming and for having us here. i have to tell you, these numbers are absolutely troubling for every democrat, every democrat that i know that are in high positions have been quietly telling us there is trouble ahead and people like newsom looking to meet with the chinese president, looking to meet with any number of folks to try to make himself presentable for the number two in case joe biden cannot run this race. it continues to look like he can't. back in may we had fox news polling traits of joe biden. the question was what percentage? cares about people like me only 45% said yes, honest and
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trustworthy, only 40% yes. has judgment to save, 38%. has mental soundness to serve 37%. is corrupt, 44% of americans said yes in may. the numbers have become so much worse for joe biden. they know the train is off the track. >> harris: i do want to show a new fox poll. a lot of numbers around us right now and we're seeing this. i hear democrats, patrick, say we don't look at the numbers. yes, you do. >> we look at the numbers. >> harris: i have the most conversations with democrats on this issue. anyway the new polling shows that joe biden is currently behind trump, desantis and haley in each of the head-to-head watch-ups. nikki haley by the widest margin continuously, an 11-point lead against joe biden. 52 to 41%. projected if the vote were today. a big jump from her 4-point edge just last month.
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how do you account for that and if you know that you are losing, say, people in the suburbs, particularly women, how do you turn it around if you're joe biden? >> first after it was nikki haley i would say it won't happen for joe biden. it won't be nikki haley. it will be donald trump versus joe biden again period. so just like when you say it will be gavin newsom. it will be joe biden and donald trump in a rematch next year. and i think it will level out and nip and tuck. we have independents like robert kennedy junior and others and maybe joe manchin. it will be close. >> harris: you saw what former democrat and now independent joe lieberman was saying, that with his new no labels with the third party, he wants to take a closer look at joe manchin and joe manchin deserves to have a closer look at the top of that ticket. that would be trouble for democrats. former president trump, you brought him up. let's get into it.
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narrowly beat top democrats in a head-to-head watch-up. harris by four points. whitmer by two points and joe manchin by one point. here is senator manchin again not ruling out a white house run. let's watch. >> are you considering running for president? >> i will do anything i can to help my country. >> is that a yes? >> does that mean you would consider it? absolutely. every american should consider. if they are in a position to help save the country. i think we're on the wrong course. i would do everything possible. >> harris: what i think is fascinating about that the drumbeat from democrats. donald trump has all these indictments and everything else. the man is able to be, with all of that going on. you should be embarrassed on your side of the aisle. if you are saying two hands behind trump's back and you still project you can't beat him. >> and you are losing black
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support. largely in part because black voters have begun to recognize black lives don't matter to democrats. their votes matter. joe biden got over 90% in the 2020 election. polling is showing donald trump 22%. six battleground states. if the election was held today joe biden would only get 60% of the black vote. that's dead on arrival. >> i will say whether black or white in america you care about your family getting fed, are your families safe? when you look at the fact 14 million new jobs in the last two years, 150,000 new jobs in october. the fact the stock market is up 15%. you might not like the numbers but these are the numbers. >> crime is up all over. >> that's not true. murder rates are down. >> crime is up 60% in the city of chicago itself. migrant crisis all over the country rick black voters are fed up.
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talk about people putting food on the table. a great point. gas is up, food is up. listen, i respectfully disagree but the people who that use the talking points i wonder are they around open cans of paint? they're delusional statements. completely delusional statement. [applause] >> harris: i love when we can get together and talk like this. popcorn and watch, right? we have to move forward. thank you for having such a spirited conversation. >> i appreciate him coming out. >> thank you so much. i appreciate as americans come forward. that's what america is all about. we might agree or disagree but we're all americans red, white and blue. that's the important part. >> harris: you served this country and you know the importance of that. open cans of paint. this is how we do it on live television.
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i want to correct a factual error here on the platform "the faulkner focus" on monday. i was wrong when i expressly said pakistan had expelled palestinians. the government there is, in fact, kicking out 1.7 million people and what they are called a tiered repatriation. pakistan says those people are there illegally. illegally immigrants. uighurs, ethnic muslims and some from iran and other places and from afghanistan. i want to set the record straight. a mixed group of people. mostly afghans being expelled. we move forward. nikki haley getting an earful from conservatives in her 2024 rivals after making this comment on "the faulkner focus" with our voters' voices a couple of days ago. >> every person on social media should be verified by their name. you will get some civility.
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when people know their name is next to what they say. >> harris: that went viral so quickly. her republican challengers pounced called the proposal unconstitutional. now she is doing a bit of a walk back. my wonderful audience members will weigh in on this and their thoughts about the presidential election. stay with us. [applause]
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>> harris: i never get to stand up and dance to that music. i really love it. 2024 presidential candidate nikki haley has softened her stance on verifying any identity
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of all social media users after facing intense backlash. she made headlights in outlets like "newsweek" and others after she said this on tuesday on "the faulkner focus." >> every person on social media should be verified by their name. that's first of all a national security threat. when you do that, all of a sudden people have to stand by what they say and it gets rid of the russian bots, iranian bots and chinese bots. they'll get some civility when people know their name is next to what they say. and they know their pastor and family member will see it. it will help our kids and help our country. >> harris: her republican rivals fired back. ron desantis compared her proposal to something you would see in china and called it dangerous and unconstitutional. ramaswamy wrote this is disgusting. haley dialed back her remarks a
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day later in another interview. >> i think life would be more civil if we were able to do that, yes. it's the same reason i think doxing. you should stand by what you say. no, you can have anonymous. i don't mind anonymous american people having free speech but i don't like an on most russians and chinese and russians having free speech. >> harris: the gentleman on the end in the second row, give me your name and where you are from. >> i'm from seattle. >> harris: what is your response to all of this that's played out over a couple of days? >> oh my gosh, you know. i have no words really to describe what is happening. we need to get educated in this country again. the kids are falling off the table. you know, schools, of course, our illustrious president,
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biden, can't put two words together. >> harris: anybody want to talk specifically about nikki haley? a show of hands over here. i want your response to what she said. it blew up for her and she is talking about it. >> i think nicki is spot on. i know it's probably unconstitutional but i think just generally speaking it's hard for me to say something mean, ugly, disgusting to the person on my right if she knows who i am. but if you can do it anonymously you can certainly say anything you want and be as ugly as you want to be and there is no accountability. >> harris: so you are okay with the fact that it might be unconstitutional? that's what you said. >> no, i think it probably is unconstitutional and sad that -- i don't think we should be able to do it but i understand her rationale behind it. >> i'm sonia from west palm
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beach, florida. i believe that we do have to have a certain amount of privacy when we speak because the reality is people can come to your house, easily find you, and they can hurt you. that's what a lot of people are afraid of when they post their feelings. i know personally i would like to set up an instagram and i'm a little afraid of how i can keep my identity concealed because my ideas are very pro-israel, very republican. people will come after you for that. >> harris: it's interesting. this really lit a fire to the conversation about social media in total. those few words that she said on voters' voices on tuesday of this week. i wanted to get first take from you. a new poll shows the majority of voters, 52% say they would like to see other candidates throw their hat into the ring for the 2024 presidential race. 58% of democrats and 78% of independents say they want to
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see other candidates on either side of the aisle enter the field. show of hands, how many of you want to see other people running? you are happy with where you are. >> yeah, yes. >> harris: all right. i will go to you in that gorgeous tie that you have on and tell me your name and where you are from. >> william from west palm beach, florida. >> harris: tell me, are you comfortable with who is on either side of the ticket? you can share who you are supporting or if you would like to see somebody else. >> to be honest i was a big trump supporter. i think over the last couple of years that dwindled down and love to see nikki haley be on the ticket. she has come a long way and very well spoken and i also think it's time we have a lady as a president. >> harris: all right. you in the red sweater in the front row. yes. name and place. >> katrina from texas.
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and i'm actually -- i don't want to see anybody else get in. i'm happy where we're at. i like nikki haley but trump is my guy. he gets the job done. i know that might not be popular. >> harris: that's interesting. you saw the polling that we had up with -- we had a democrat guest on moments ago, patrick murphy. i said you should be embarrassed how your candidate is doing since so many people on your side of the aisle trump has indictments and why can't you beat him? >> my feelings are they put such an emphasis on the other news stations about how trump is bad and terrible and they don't say anything about how these other candidates are, you know, they are much worse in a lot of ways. i think trump all the way and i hope he gets reelected for our next president.
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>> harris: new fox polling shows trump's favorability rating underwater: the biden ratings is even worse. 41% view the president favorably, 59% of those surveyed now view president biden unfavorably. it is hard to get 59% of people to agree on a lot. vice president kamala harris got her worse marks yet with 38% approving her job performance. 59% again disapprove. so just a question about the vice president. normally in a situation you would see that person move up and they might run for the ticket. any thoughts on why that might not be happening this time? i see you shaking your head. go ahead. yes, your name and where you are from. >> i'm from nebraska. she has failed at everything she has been tasked to do. what has she done? absolutely nothing.
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she would be probably worse than biden. i don't trust her. >> harris: wow. yeah. you know it's interesting. she was given the border. >> that worked out well. >> harris: you just look at the job performance and the merits. >> right. >> harris: politics people try to make it so personal and, you know, a woman, a person of color. i have heard it my whole career. my dad who served this country, i miss him every day. he would say pretend like no one can see you and do the job. pretty simple. >> she hasn't been held accountable for anything. >> harris: not that's her course but the president has used those words about her many times. it is interesting. all right. we'll see if the merit matches what they give her to do next. right now live images, anti-israel protestors are
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blocking all lanes of the bay bridge. my goodness, right now. this is going on between oakland and san francisco. so if you have to get to one or the other, this is what you see. they are staging a die-in, a huge police presence, of course, concerns of violence after what we just saw in washington, d.c. overnight. it's unbelievable. plus a woke wave targets magazines and stores. how marvel's latest agenda seems to have backfired at the box office. ♪ [applause] . veterans, if you're applying for a home loan to get cash...surprise. some lenders charge hundreds upfront for your appraisal and other fees.
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>> harris: the violence that erupted in washington, d.c. last night when anti-israel protestors fought with capitol police outside the dnc headquarters where we started the hour. we're going back to it now because there are so many things going on. things are getting heated right now. let's go live to the bay bridge that i showed you before we went to the commercial break. we're asking is this planned, did they get a permit? we want to if anybody anticipated the crowd would be this large. if you are trying to get across the bridge from oakland the san francisco. look at this. live images holding a die-in and you see police in riot gear at that scene. this is peaceful for now but you can see they are engaging. we're watching live. can we listen to a little of this? [crowd chanting cease-fire now]
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>> harris: you see the riot gear dressed police, some of them holding the line there but for now it is cease-fire now. i don't know what that woman is standing on. rallies are also continuing at ivy league columbia university after two far-left groups were suspended over violating school policies. >> they are not fringe groups. they have the backing of countless organizations on this campus. [cheers and applause] >> columbia's best efforts to silence student voices we're still here today. [cheers and applause] >> harris: i wonder why they're wearing masks? don't they want us to know who they are? not hard to figure that out. meanwhile the house is looking
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to crack down on rampant anti-semitism and protect jewish students on college campuses, watch this. >> i don't know a single jewish person who isn't very scared right now. diversity, equity and inclusion work maybe wasn't set up to anticipate a group of mostly-white people scared of hate crimes but it can be enhanced. >> harris: i want to welcome my guests on set now. so awesome. jeff robertson, duck family treasure is here. raymond arroyo, fox news contributor, and tyrus, look at him with his hee haw. that ten gallon hat. fox news contributor and author of the brand-new book "enough said." that's right. i will come to you first. is america different than what you thought the country would be right now? >> i think so.
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my grand parents, my grandpa was in the navy, world war ii and my grandma was rosie the riveter. i think about what they would see now and i don't think they would be happy for their service and what is going on. it's like it's tough to see. >> harris: it's free speech for people to get out and protest. what we saw last night was so violent that to be prepared for something like this people are now looking for the cops to show up in that riot gear and probably feeling like this will keep everything calm. you are shaking your head, raymond. >> as i watch this play out. as you see what's happening at universities and see what is happening on the public bridges and on our streets, all of this is coming from the university. it is being nurtured there. the dogma goes first and practice follows. when you look at the university saying people friends of mine say can you believe this happened at tulane university, we're all louisiana boys on the
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panel. when you look at a university like that big jewish population. how did it happen? i tell you how. the acceptance rate at the schools are minuscule. programmed and invited speech. they only let people in who have a particular mind and given preference. we see bubbling to the surface anti-christianty and anti-jewish and anti-american. a self-induced cancer and spilling everywhere now. >> what you so eloquently say i'll break down for those of us. this is professional protesting. it is the same groups that were doing blm. the camera shot and get the police to engage. all they need is one police officer to raise his baton and they get the fundraising. if you stopped one of them and
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explain to me, break down to me hamas, palestinian, israel thing they would call you a racist because that's not what they are there for. this this generation doing this are just part of a bigger thing. they get financed. when you are passionate about something you don't need to read from a script or wear a mask. we saw what happened in d.c. when people who were supporting the jewish people showed up and there to give their message. they weren't looking for police officers to engage. they are looking for combat. the only way they can prove that their whole point matters is by getting law and order to fight them. then they become victimhood. they don't know the story of what they are fighting for as long as you can be a victim. >> harris: they don't know the story but want to star in it. wonderful to sigh, blessings to your family. thank you for being here. thank you all for being here. before we go, i want to just get
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your final thoughts on where you think this is going. >> i really don't know. what i think they should do, i work with a charity called all god's children and work with orphan kids to get over trauma. i feel like they should help their kids to learn how to love other people. i feel like that's -- they grow up hating each other. how about some love here? >> when you look at this, the thing that breaks my heart is 55% of these students at elite colleges we're paying for. federal loans and grants. we have to stop funding this kind of speech and we have to embrace the american ideal. it's the only way back. [applause] >> they'll do what they always do. when it goes out of the news cycle they hop to the next thing and the next thing. we'll see the same protests and same stuff. this is what they do. >> harris: a huge thank you to all of our guests today. gentlemen, thank you for being there. you can see the patriot awards tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern on
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fox nation and then see our wonderful audience in the audience there. they will stay and enjoy tonight and we're grateful to them. "outnumbered" after the commercial break. [applause] ♪ if you're on medicare, remember, the annual enrollment period is here. the time to choose your coverage begins october 15th and ends december 7th. so call unitedhealthcare and see how you can get more of what matters, with our broad range of plans including an aarp medicare advantage plan
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