tv Hannity FOX News November 16, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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harder time learning to line dance than women. you did well for your first time. thank you. i expected a better performance because i was born in philly. rob from kalima, washington. how many cows had to die to make tyrus' cowboy hat? that's too many. john from edgewood, new mexico, where's your cowboy hat? the one you had on at the boot store looked really good on you. johnnie said it was messing up my hair so i couldn't take the risk. sean from west virginia, how does wheelchair santa get down the chimney? that's what i don't know. my chimney is wheelchair accessible. jessie jr. will have all of the gifts he needs. deb and sydney in the audience. can we get a pic after the show? of course! i'm waters! ♪ ♪
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>> sean: welcome to hannity. we're broadcasting live from the grand ole opry house. i had no idea when i walked in this room you were over there. i had no idea at all. >> can i throw something out >> sean: yes! >> threw go. there you go. keep going. this is fun! this is great. i need footballs. welcome to hannity. tonight, take a look at your screen. you can see the pain in winking tony blinken's face when your president, joe biden, accidentally told the truth yesterday and called presidency what he is, a dictator. coming up, we'll have a full report from biden's counterproductive meetings with the leader of china today, yesterday and also tonight, a
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shocking new trend on tiktok. many on the left hate america so much, they're actually filming themselves praising osama bin laden and his 2002 unhinged violent rant against our cou country. joe biden's own doj won't charge him with anything apparently. that's not a surprise. we know they've been politicized and weaponized, but guess why? because his name is not trump. it's not a, you know, a conservative. sad. although we're told the special counsel is preparing to give joe a very stern talking to. sure that's going to bother joe, because he doesn't even know what day it is. as we have long know, when your last name is biden or clinton, you're a democrat, running for re-election, in biden's case, the rules simply don't apply to you.
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keep in mind, biden handled misclassified documents for decades. some were apparently smuggled out of capitol hill from his time as u.s. senator in the early 2000's. investigators found sensitive material in many locations including biden's personal library in delaware, you know, stashed next to his corvette in his garage that's opened all the time? the same house where hunter lived and worked off and on selling the "biden brand" to america's top geo political foes while in the throws of addiction with no experience at all, so needless to say, those documents were not safe. they were not secure. but there's no punishment. classified documents were also retief from the penn biden center in washington d.c. that center was founded after many very generous financial gifts. you got it, to you, penn, from china and other sensitive material from biden's long career in government was retrieved during a search of
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biden's beach house. he only lived off a senator's salary, right? everybody could afford a beach house. and, of course, another search at the biden archives that at the university of delaware. now, of course, because we're talking about biden and not about trump, none of these discoveries were made during a surprise early morning raid. no. instead, biden's doj very politely negotiated what was a search of these properties with biden's legal team giving joe plenty of warning before each visit. now, we saw the same thing with hillary clinton in 2016. her home, it was never raided by the fbi. those 33,000 e-mails with classified top secret material on them, you know, the ones on unsecure servers, private servers of hers we believe were hacked by our enemies before clinton then, of course, destroyed 33,000 e-mails, we'd never heard of bleach pit before
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but that's when you acid wash your hard drives and your servers cleans. we never heard about aids who took hammers to blackberries and iphones. sim cards were removed. hm. where i grew up, that might be called obstruction of justice and despite this mountain of evidence that hillary clinton mishandled all of this top secret material and obstructed justice, well, james comey, fbi director at the time, said no reasonable prosecutor would ever prosecute a case against a democratic nominee for president. this is important. it is relevant. take a look. >> from the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the state department in 204 -- 2014, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains had been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. eight of those chains contained information that was top secret at the time they were sent. 36 of those chains contained
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secret information at the time. eight contained confidential information at the time. although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. >> sean: this is a dual justice system. again, if you're a democrat, you mishandle classified documents, well, you just get a stern lecture, if that. if you're donald trump, you get your house turned upside down and more than, what? three dozen stacked felony charges designed to put you in prison for the rest of your l life. but unfortunately for biden, well, his legal woes are not over. despite the doj's best efforts, house and senate republicans have now uncovered a paper trail that's a mile long that shows the biden family syndicate and their addiction to foreign cash. we're talking about tens of millions of dollars. equity, lavish gifts, other
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funds. let's see, loans with no interest rates that are forgivable. all of this money passed through shell corporations identified by james comer from foreign countries. let's see, china, russia, ukraine, kazakhstan and romania. these are amongst the most corrupt countries in the entire world and they were all sending money to the behind family. here is the question, why? what did they do for that money? the bidens were providing, all we can see, is little in return for tens of millions of dollars, other than, of course, they got access to the big guy. the family finances were very much commingled with hunter allegedly paying pop's bills, complaining about having to give half of his income to pops and, of course, james biden cutting huge checks to joe biden. it all reeks of nothing but public corruption. that's why we call it the joe biden bribery and money lawnering -- laundering scandal
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allegations. given the egregious nature of the financial practices the justice department may just be looking for a sacrificial lamb. according to even fake news cnn, the special counsel now impaneled the grand jury as part of their investigation into zero experience hunter and the now seeking documents and testimony from multiple witnesses including joe biden's brother james. remember, joe biden said to us as a candidate, he said it as a president, i never once talked to my son hunter, my brother or anyone for that matter about their foreign business deals. and meanwhile, house republicans, they are seeking an interview with hunter's so-called sugar brother, guy by the name of kevin morris who always seems to rescue hunter whenever he needs a few million dollars here, a few million dollars there to pay his taxes or other bills or he needs a new car. now tonight, i don't know if hunter is going to actually be thrown under the bus by his father's doj but i am certain of
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this, that the big guy will never face a single charge as long as we have a corrupt department of justice led by a corrupt a.g. by the name of merrick garland who is now running the show at the doj. and, of course, we know their hatred for donald trump. it runs deep. this is the sad nature of america's justus system today. it has been politicized. it has been weaponized. here with reaction, harvard law professor hallen dershowitz and the author of a brand-new book, "the u.s. constitution and other patriotic documents" he exp explains. fox news analyst greg. good to see you both. all right, so, by the way, you all could clap. it's not like the other room. you're allowed. we have a pretty big crowd here. professor dershowitz, you wrote a book, a best seller, it was called "get trump." ok. you know the facts in the hillary clinton case. you know the facts in the joe biden case. you know about four locations,
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top secret classified documents. why did donald trump get mar-a-lago raided and why didn't they get the same treatment? >> they should have all gotten the same treatment. none of them should have been indicted. this is a statute that is never applied to former presidents taking fake documents home with them, unless -- and it's never happened in history -- they've shown them or sold them to the foreign enemies. you must have a single standard of justice. the single standard of justice doesn't say we have to indict hillary clinton and joe biden it says you cannot indict and prosecute donald trump. people who want to prosecute him say it's different. turn things these back over. that's not a crime. that's the american way. you don't necessarily cooperate with people who want to put you in jail who are out to get trump! you fight back. no! you hire lawyers. you challenge everything. and so i think that the cases are -- every case is different,
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of course, but they're roughly equivalent. there should not have been any prosecution on classified material. by the way, i think that's a case that he may win, because it's in a district where he might get a fair trial unlike the district of columbia, new york and fulton county, georgia. so although he should have never been prosecuted for what some people have called a smoking gun -- i call it a smoking cigarette butt. there's nothing to it. and i don't think he should have been prosecuted, but i think he may very well be acquitted in the florida case because he didn't do anything to compromise the national security of the united states and that should be the criteria. >> you know, you're a democrat, professor dershowitz. what you're saying should be chilling to every american. i agree with you. i don't believe believe in new york city that donald trump could get a fair trial. i don't believe he could get a fair trial in d.c. i don't believe he could get a fair trial. i lived in georgia, in fulton
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county, georgia. am i wrong? >> you're absolutely right and they personally brought those cases in those districts to get him convicted knowing there's a very strong likelihood it'll be reversed on appeal but that'll be after the election. the whole purpose is to get him convicted, influence the election and say, whoops, we're sorry, we made mistakes. it's too bad but it's over. it's against the spirit of the constitution. >> is this as donald trump, greg, is this election interference? let's look at the timeline. in the case of new york, we're back to talking about stormy daniels and karen mcdougall. weren't we talking about that in 2016? in the case in new york, for example w alvin bragg, you know, aren't we going back x number of years? if the crimes were so horrible or if you want to go back to january 6th, 2021, why did they wait to charge until 2023?
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if it was so egregious and such a slam dunk case, why did they wait so that these trials would take place during an election year in unfriendly venues and any chance to win on appeal or get a fair hearing would be in a nonelection year? >> to take the choice away from the american voter and that's election interference. this'll be perceived as a double standard, unequal justice. you've got two presidents, trump and biden, who essentially both did the same thing. they retained classified documents, but one gets charged and the other doesn't. and, yes, there are differences between the two cases, but, sean, try to explain that to the american voter who is already convinced that trump is likely a victim of election interference and politically driven indictments while joe biden is the beneficiary of a protection racket run by his own attorney general, the department of justice and the fbi.
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as you pointed out, robert, the special counsel, says well, you know, i'm going to be given a tongue lashing reportedly to joe biden. he's going to be sharply critical. that is, as you point out, taking a page out of james comey's playbook. it's comey 2.0 in the hillary clinton case in which he stood in front of cameras -- you played the clip -- and he says she committed crimes, recklessness, negligence and classified documents. those were crimes and then he did this magical pirouette. no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case which is utterly laughable and ludicrous! but it did have a negative impact on hillary clinton. people thought she got away with it. and she lost that election. joe biden may be in the clear legally but politically this could have dire, negative consequences on his re-election bid. >> sean: by the way, congrats
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to you on your new book. we'll put it up again, greg jaret. your analysis of these documents, our constitution and others are so critically important and give a great analysis. we thank you for being with us. also, professor dershowitz, thank you! now, joining us with more, she's the host of outkicks, tommy larin is fearless. this is a hometown crowd for you. >> i have to tell your audience at home, we're in nashville at the patriot awards. that's why i'm dressed like a show girl. i normally wouldn't come on hannity for this. we need rhinestones for sean when he comes to nashville very time. i want to preface our very serious conversation on why we're wearing rhinestones we love to see justice in nashville, tennessee. while i agree with what greg said about how the left looked at what happened to hillary clinton -- and i think they replicated that with donald trump. you know, donald trump had that
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famous line, crooked hillary. crooked hillary." that stuck to her. she lost largely in 2016 because of that label, "crooked hillary." they saw that. they're smart. they've been waiting for their chance. if we can make it crooked trump, then maybe we can win not just one election but maybe we can win another one when he runs again. joe biden is coddled and comforted by the fbi, the doj, you name it. he's got a bubble wrap around him. >> sean: if professor dershowitz and greg and i am right and donald trump can't get a fair trial and there's a conviction before the election, maybe people that don't live, eat, breathe, sleep politics the way we all do, independent voters that often decides elections, how will they react whether they read, oh, donald trump was convicted of a felony that likely will be overturned. for example, bob mcdonald, former virginia governor, he had
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11 convictions. special prosecutor, right? >> right. >> sean: the supreme court vacated every one of them, but it took three years for that to happen. >> we have to get the messaging correct, though -- >> sean: by the way, unanimously. >> the average american, all they're going to hear is crooked trump. it would be reversed but they don't care. they have the perception, i don't want the circus. what if i vote for this guy and he ends up in jail. is my vote wasted? that's why the democrats are so smart. joe biden is not dumb. hunter biden not dumb. they worked the system. >> sean: i don't think joe is dumb. i don't think he knows what day of the week he is. i don't think he's qualified to be a walmart greeter. >> that's the stronger message to the american people. i love the fact house republicans going after joe and hunter biden. i love the fact they're sending out subpoenas right and left them want people under oath them want answers. that's great. the strongest way to get the american people to turn the country around is talk about the fact that we're edging closer to more disasters in the middle
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east and you want this guy at the controls? that's a far better argument. >> sean: all right, now, we've discussed this a lot, the issue of whether or not joe makes it to november 2024 and i've kind of vacillated a little bit. let's assume it's trump versus biden. ok, and america has a choice between a president whose economic policies have failed, his immigration policies are a disaster, his energy policies are a disaster. looking in the camera, i don't think of a single thing he's done that's made this country better or this world safer. i think our enemies are emboldend and we see what a world looks like when an american president abdicates america's leadership role on the world stage. how does he win? >> well, the polls are showing us that trump right now, five out of six swing states, he's doing well. that all changes if there's a trump conviction. that's why they're so smart. >> sean: does it change because hasn't he defied all conventional political gravity? he gets indicted, his polls go
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up. he gets arraigned, his polls go up. on paper, i would have never thought. >> i worry but the polls show a generic democrat, gavin newsom, gavin newsom could beat trump by eight points. the writing is on the wall -- i've been telling you this for a while -- gavin newsom goes to israel. gavin newsom goes to china. >> sean: we have the great state debate coming up with him and governor desantis. he said over and over again that the next person in line would be kamala. i don't think she would say, gavin, take it away? i don't think so. >> they've been trying to revamp her image. it's not working. >> sean: how's their base going to react to that? >> it's got to be her idea. maybe the obamas step in. >> sean: maybe if they draw the venn diagram thing she likes. >> school bus. they give her something better.
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they say, we'll give you a good gig. the obamas have a podcast. they're making millions of dollars. they convinced kamala it's a better route. there we are with a president newsom that makes me sick. california refugees, i'm sure that makes you sick as well. >> sean: it'll be interesting to watch this debate. you have two of the biggest governors in the country opposing ideological differences, opposing political views and to hear the different governing philosophies i think will be fascinating. you're welcome to wear rh rhinestones in new york anytime you want. thank you for allowing us to visit your state. we love you here in nashville. up next, osama bin laden's despicable disgusting letter justifying the 9/11 terror attacks has gone viral on tiktok. we're going to tell you why this is extremely troubling as we continue. meet gold bond daily healing.
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actually read osama bin laden's letter to america which he used to justify the killing of 2,977 of our fellow americans, 9/11/01 in the terrorist attack that took all of our fellow american lives. here is just one example. >> i need everyone to stop what they're doing right now and go read -- it's literally two pages -- go read a letter to america and please come back here and just let me know what you think because i feel like i'm going through an existential crisis right now. a lot of people are. i just need someone else to be feeling this, too. >> sean: this user responded to the backlash she received and said, "well, you're not very smart if you think she was praising bin laden." tiktok also quickly responded saying that the videos clearly violate the rules against promoting terrorism and that they were aggressively removing the content. here with reaction, former speaker of the house, fox news
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contributor newt gingrich. you know mr. speaker, one thing that i don't understand, there is right and wrong. there is moral clarity. we were a victim on 9/11/01, october 7th, israel i was victim of tare -- was a victim of terrorism, yet on the halls of congress, in college universities, all over europe, all over other contents, we hear this virulent anti-semitism and now this? can you explain how it is people are so distorted, their compasses so twisted? >> if people are passive, if they're timid, if they're af afraid, evil dominates. this is not complicated at all. when good men and good women refuse to stand up for the truth, evil dominates. so look at a couple of things. first of all, as my wife just
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did is it said in the newsletter, tiktok should either be banned or sell it to an american company but the idea of having a chinese communist propaganda system in the united states is just crazy. second, we need to learn to say to young people, this is wrong. you are stupid. we need to stand up for civilization and not be timid and not be confused. when babies are beheaded, it is evil. it is not confusing. it is not complicated. osama bin laden was a terrorist whose goal was to destroy the united states. now, let's -- you know, this is why i think we should go back to having the pledge of allegiance in every classroom every morning. we need reinstill in people a since of patriotism. this country is unique. it is valuable. it has human rights at a level no country's ever had before and
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we have to be prepared to defend it. and today, our elites so confused, they're dominated by people who are basically mentally ill. >> sean: when you look at what amounts to somewhere estimated to be senator ron johnson thinks it's about 8 million illegal immigrants that have come into this country unvetted under joe biden including the got-a-ways, but we're now noticing thousands coming from the middle east, hundreds and hundredses from syria and iran. tens of thousands from china and russia. why have they coming to our southern border? why do i believe that amongst that group, there are likely a lot of people that have nefarious intentions for us and our country? >> look, you have in the democratic party on the left a group of people who don't believe in america. they want open borders, because they want to drown america with
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foreigners. they frankly don't believe in america's patriotism or america's unique civilization. that is a fact and a reality and the biden administration is trapped by these people into a series of policies that by any reasonable standard are insane. the fact is that we have to have control over our borders. but beyond that, there are students who are here who have been demonstrating for anti-semitism, demonstrating for genocide in israel. those students should all be deported, period, whether they have a student visa or whatever kind of visa they have. they have no right to be in america if they're in favor of evil. and i would regard the kind of things we saw hamas do on october 7th as pure evil and therefore worthy of standing up to it. >> sean: yeah.
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speaker gingrich, we always appreciate you being with us, especially when we're out of new york and in a great place, a free state like tennessee and a great city like music city usa in nashville. thank you for being with us. all right, joining us now, missouri senator josh holly. he weighed in last night calling tiktok a "geyser of terrorist propaganda" and the most effective surveillance tool a foreign government ever invented. senator holly joins us now. senator, if that's the case -- and i believe you know a lot more about this than i do -- if that's the case, why do we even allow americans to download it? why aren't we stopping it? >> we should be stopping it, sean. we should ban it. listen, i think communist china right now is just laughing. you have joe biden who is beg xi to be nice to him while china walks all over us. then you have tiktok, social media arm of the chinese communist party and they're
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spewing this anti-american propaganda, virulent antiseat seam metic -- anti-semitic propaganda. here is the deal on tiktok, it tracks everything you do on your phone. it tracks everywhere you go. every text message you send. every e-mail you write and it's all that information, all of ift is available to the chinese communist party. it's an espionage tool, propaganda machine and we toot ban it. >> sean: i know you've heard people like you say it -- i'll be honest, senator, i've got so much respect for you but i don't know much about it. believe it or not, my staff doesn't trust me to my own social media. i have no access to it. i got in too many fights with alec baldwin and jimmy kimmel and many other famous people. i don't know the passwords to my accounts at this point but in all seriousness f we know this, that would be a clear and present danger to our national
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security. these are basic, simple, fundamental things our government ought to be doing and they're not doing it. they seem to want to talk more about climate change than anything else. >> yeah, i mean, you think about this, joe biden here, he wants to beg china to be nice to him because he's so focused on trying to destroy this economy. he's so focused on all of the foreign wars he's embroiled in. here he is begging china. he doesn't want to get cross-wise with them. he doesn't want to offend the voters, the increasingly radical fringe in this country that's his base. that's the new base of the democrat party. he's desperately afraid to offend them. he doesn't want to do anything about any of this. and the truth is, sean, we ought to be standing up here for what is true, what it right and also frankly what is good for america. it is not good for america to have a spy app out there where the chinese communist party could track everything we do. i'll just point this out.
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you know, the united states military, all branches of the armed forces have banned service members from having tiktok and using tiktok. it's because it's a security threat. it's because they do not want them tracked by communist china. we should protect our kids in the same way. we ought to ban this thing. >> sean: senator, well then, can you explain why every u.s. senator, every congressman, every elected official is not united if that's the case? how come that's not being accomplished? >> well, i think a lot of it has to do with money if you want to be honest, sean. tiktok like all of these other big tech companies has a powerful, powerful lobby in washington d.c. follow the money always. you know how this goes. what you've seen is tiktok has spent millions and millions of dollars trying to say oh no, actually it's ok. we don't really spy on you. we protect americans' data. it's all false. we've had whistle-blowers come forward from tiktok and say america's personal information, our personal information is available and accessible in
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china. that members of the chinese communist party could access it. i don't want that for my kids. i don't want that for any american. we ought to take a stand here and ban this thing. >> sean: we appreciate it. senator, we appreciate you being with us in nashville. we're going to show you a tape next as we continue from nashville, tennessee. thank you for joining fox news. we're travelling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. how's the heart? i feel like it's good. how do you know? let me show you something. it looks like a credit card,
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when you look at the wars in the world, the demonstrations, the political chaos. you just ask yourself, "what hope do we have?" well, we've got a lot of hope, if we put our faith and trust in god. you see, god loves you. he made you, he created you, he sent his son jesus christ from heaven to this earth to take our sins. he died and shed his blood on a cross for our sins, and god raised him to life. if you are willing to trust him right now, god will forgive you. just pray this prayer with me. if you haven't done this, do it right now. just say, "god, i'm a sinner." i'm sorry. forgive me. i want to turn from my sins. i believe jesus christ is your son. i want to trust him as my savior. amen. you prayed that prayer, call the number right now that's on the screen. god bless you!
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>> sean: all right, so yesterday during his speech to california, your president joe biden referred to president xi, well, after the fact, as a dictator and by the way a simple fact that apparently did not sell very well with his very weak and pathetic secretary of state, winkin tony blinken. take a look at winkin tony blinken's reaction. [indistinct question]
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now, naturally, biden's honest characterization of president xi as a dictator didn't seem to phase u.s. business leaders at dinner last night. neither did china's reported genocide against its muslim minorities. uighur community, the group, gave him a standing ovation any way. take a look. >> thank you. [applause] >> sean: meanwhile, concerns over biden's age are only growing every single day. struggled to find his way off the stage yet again last night. this is an ongoing problem for the president. maybe someone wants to draw little pictures, little diagrams, maybe cartoon characters so he could find his way off the stage. take a look. ♪
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ok, with reaction, fox news contributor charley, the co-host of the big money show. charley, i don't know what to say. we have intellectual property theft, untrade fair -- unfair trade practices, hostile actions against our navy on international waters... we have all of these actions that they take and there are never ever any consequences and joe basically for a year has been sucking up to the communist chinese begging to meet with them and then compromises our national security by saying, oh, we'll do a deal. we won't use artificial
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intelligence in our nuclear program. why do i think he's not up to this job as commander-in-chief? >> i think you're right. it's truly extraordinary. if there is any sort of sweet justice in all of this, it's that joe biden, that guy right there, has been the leading expert when it comes to foreign policy in all of washington for 50 years. this current relationship that we have with china, that man is the greatest architect of this relationship in all the ways we're losing to china today could be blamed on the foreign policy positions of that man. the fact he's president right now as this becomes so obvious on the world stage that we as the last world's -- last remaining good superpower falls prey to china, the fact he's the one that is president when that
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happens is sweet justice. in washington, a gaff is when a politician accidentally tells the truth. joe biden accidentally told the truth there. he didn't mean to. his staff went bananas. they went nuts over it, because the last thing they want to do is tell the truth to these people, because they want to be in bed with china and submit to china. >> sean: well, they just basically want to make money and they don't care about the principles behind it. brian, a friend of mine, is a brilliant guy. i won't give his name or his company, but he became the inventor of the year by a very prestigious group. the amount of intellectual property theft of his patents have literally cost this man hundreds of millions of dollars. he's only one person. this is happening to inventors and companies and people with
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patents all over our country. great innovators are being robbed blind and they never get confronted on it. what's the impact to the economy on this? >> it's hundreds of billions of dollars, sean. your friend is a great example but look at what president xi did. he came to the united states. we rolled out the red carpet. he spent a little bit of time with biden he didn't care about that because biden is irrelevant. he went straight for the guys with the money and the technology. and he went after that them hard, and he wood them. they fell for it. he wants their money and their tech in china. why? because he wants to use that money to develop his own technology and he wants to use their patents to build that on the back of. he knows what he's doing. that's the key point here! biden doesn't know what he's doing. he can't find his way off the stage. xi knows exactly what he's do doing. we should have never had this meeting with the president in this position. the only thing he did right this entire meeting is the one thing he got in trouble for and that
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is call xi a dictator and his feckless foreign policy team hated it and it was the only beginning, the only true thing we saw the entire meeting from biden. >> sean: exit question, will joe biden, charley, be the democratic nominee in '24? >> to keep my record going of giving you a different answer every time you ask me, i'm going to say that he's still going to -- that he will be the nominee, but -- and he's going to get beat like a cheap drum. >> sean: and brian, you get the last word. >> i can't argue with charlie. he's going to be the nominee. i do think he's going to lose, and that's the best news, by the way, american business will have in a very long time. >> sean: all right. thank you, both. brian, appreciate it. charley, good to see you. up next, surprising admissions from dwayne "the rock" johnson and snoop dogg.
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>> sean: welcome back. coming to you live at the historic grand ole opry in beautiful nashville, tennessee, home of the patriot awards. is dwayne "the rock" johnson hinting at bid for the white house? yesterday, the actor met with lawmakers on capitol hill about boosting military recruitment. earlier this month, he said he was approached by amultiple part -- by multiple parties last year about running for president. the actor says he's got no intention of running for president in 2024. he's throwing shade at president biden. >> it's the craziest thing. i've got friends who support
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trump. i've got friends that support biden. >> do you really have friends that support biden? >> no. no. no. here's what i do -- i have friends -- thank you. that's a good check. because that's important. this is an important context. i've got friends who are loyal to the party. >> sean: here now with reaction fox across america host our buddy jimmy failla is here. i got to give you props. we're at the patriot awards. i'm at one of the front tables, not the front table, but i'm watching you do your thing. i mean, this guy kills it on stage. and you're one hour -- >> stand-up special coming up on fox nation it releases january 8th. if one of you watch it, it'll double my rating. it was an honor to go on stage at the patriot awards. nothing like telling a dirty joke in front of 5,000 people and seeing your boss in the corner of the room.
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i drove a taxi in new york city full-time. have you guys ever driven in new york? it's the only city where you signal after you've already made it into the next lane. anywhere else, you want to go left, turn on the blinker telling the people behind you you're going left. but in new york, you turn it on afterwards. >> sean: what do you think of the rock? >> do i smell what the rock is cooking? it's better than what biden is cooking in his pants. the reality is, there's a market for someone like him to dive in maybe as an independent, maybe as a democrat. no one wants to watch this again. we don't have four more years of biden in us. he's not governing like our 46th president but like our last president. i wouldn't doubt if the rock got in there. >> sean: you all think he's going to get in?
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anybody? >> you don't see it happening. >> sean: the rock is dipping his toe into politics. other celebrities prefer to sit around and complain about the election. here's what the ever so lovely and gracious barbara streisand had to say about 2024 earlier this week. >> how do you feel about the spector of a second trump administration? >> i will move. i can't live in this country if that's -- if he became pres president. >> where would you go? where would you go? >> probably to england. i like england. >> sean: i'll offer an hour's worth of free labor to help her move. i think that's nice of me. >> forgive me but my first reaction to seeing that video is how did colbert land an interview with sam kennison? god rest his so. i love sam kennison but that took me back, man.
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she's filming a sequel to "funny girl" called "crazy girl." what's going on right now? she has a lot of issues. she sang the theme song from cats. she comes off now like a cat lady. >> sean: crazy cat lady. >> there's plenty of good cat ladies in the history of electoral politics, no one has ever left the country when the guy won they didn't want to. didn't they tell us that in 2016? >> they all say it. >> my favorite part about the celebrity fraud of 2016 is they were trying to say that trump was racist against mexicans for wanting to build the wall. they were saying, if trump gets elected, i'm moving to canada. that's the scam! they're all full of it, man. >> sean: in other celebrity news, rapper snoop dogg who built his brand about his love of, um, a certain plant called weed, marijuana, whatever you want to call t he announced on x today he's giving up smoking for
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his grandchildren leaving fans in disbelief. no way he could quit! i don't believe it. >> i think you misread that. he's giving his weed to the grandchildren. >> sean: tell me if -- i read he's not smoking. what does that mean? you're going to t take -- >> he'll eat an edible. >> sean: exactly. >> when a guy says his doctor says he could have one glass a day so he brings his small glass. long beach is the weed capital of the world. a cop stopped me in long beach. he said, are you smoking marijuana? i said, no. he goes, here you go, then! it's a different animal. good luck if equity. i don't know he can pull it off-season sean i'm really anti-drug. i think it's a gateway drug. i'm kind old fashion on this stuff. i know a lot of people do it. i want to believe in freedom but i think it leads to so many
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other problems. now, the weed is so strong, they're saying kids, especially young men, are becoming schizophrenic by using too much. >> they're weird. you know you have a drug problem when the democrats pick up seats in the midterms. you know what i'm saying? people are crazy i don't -- oddly enough, you wouldn't know this by looking at me, i'm not a drug user. >> >> sean: you're high on life. >> yes and i dress like an overweight figure skater. i don't have time to drink. people stop me and say i love what you did at the olympics! >> sean: that's all time we have left this evening. thank you for being with us. set your dvr so you never ever ever ever ever miss an episode of hannity. for news anytime, fox, in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld standing by. he'll put a smile on your face. have a great night
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