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tv   The Five  FOX News  November 17, 2023 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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big gangs, spread out all over the plane, looks like flights are packed. >> they are. that will be an issue, people have to be courteous, be patient with the staff onboard. i know that is difficult. can you imagine, no, no, after you. doesn't work that way. thank you. we will follow the travel nightmare tomorrow. 10 a.m. eastern time we kickoff looking at that and monitoring airports around the country and monitoring protests issue good many pro-palestinian, a few pro-israel. they continue. something about saturday morning and across the world in realtime, where we see a good many of them, we'll explore with heavyweights. that's it. >> hello, i'm judge jeanine
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pirro. i'm with dana perino and greg gutfeld. it is 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." dangerous propaganda spreading like virus on left wing college campuses and social media. federal government is finally investigating more than a half dozen schools after an explosion of antisemitism incidents that left jewish students too afraid to go to class. the latest display happening at university of pennsylvania. disturbing posters popped up on campus comparing the israeli people being held hostage by hamas to cattle. sadly, universities aren't only place radical ideas are running wild. millions of tiktok users are endorsing 9/11 mastermind, osama bin laden vile letter to america, where the terrorist leader justifies the slaughter
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of nearly 3000 americans. >> i need you to stop what you are doing and go read a letter to america. it is the craziest thing i've read in a while. i can't say i'm that surprised, i am pretty shocked. >> they have brainwashed us to think we're the best place on the planet. >> he had good points. >> guilty, too. he right. he right. >> tiktok says they will scrub the bin laden video, but damage has been done, videos been shared over 14 million times. so bad the white house was forced to put out a statement that denouncing repugnant osama bin laden tiktok trend. republican lawmakers say that is not enough, it is time to ban it. >> these people are of course massive idiots, absolutely disgusting and further evidence
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we need to ban tiktok. >> the idea bin laden was a prophet and hero who predicted that israel is the little satan, we're the great satan, that is what china wants them to believe and what russia and iran want them to believe and finally, ges who is maybe thinking about turning to tiktok to run their campaign? the biden administration. >> joe biden doesn't want to offend voters, that is the new base of the democrat party, he is afraid to defend them. >> judge jeanine: start with you, these kids hate america so much they will attach themselves to a group of people and ideology that at the first chance will kill them as infidels. >> we are talking about an osama bin laden tiktok trend like hot chip or eating tide pod challenge. we are in massively new territory and frightening
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ideological territory. i would never say it is not all right to criticize your government or to talk about things that have been mistakes. there has been a lot of reflection what wbt on with invasion of iraq and afghanistan, that is fair game. but if you are lavishing praise on someone that took thousands of american lives, obviously something is really wrong. and i want to point out that there was the first poll of palestinians within gaza and the west bank that came out. we talk about this a lot and everyone i think has been rightfully concerned, i am, about innocent palestinian lives being lost in the midst of this conflict as israel fights to get hostages back. hostages and make sure a massacre doesn't happen again. this is 1st one taken since the
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massacre on october 7. 76% have a positive view of hamas and 98.2% have a negative view of america. now that is okay. negative view of america, that's fine. there are people out there, it is their right to have that. when i look at numbers and wonder about the true dynamic what is going on within gaza and west bank, it raises questions of people who are defending the other side as pure innocents in all of this. if you got 75% support for something, you would be the most popular person or most popular issue in history. i found that disturbing. >> judge jeanine: greg, is it coincidence, i think on tiktok, there is something like 2.9 billion people viewed hashtag they stand with palestine and 200 million viewed i stand with
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israel, is that an algorithm or coincidence? >> greg: i have no idea, they call it tiktok, it is a time bomb. we were victims of misdirection, we thought china's tiktok was data collection, but it is mind collection. we handed entire generation of americans over to a country to experiment on to manipulate and tweak, get them to believe there is no such thing as biology or being an rexic is a health problem. i think it is a mistake to keep, to say these are radical ideas. i think the ideas themselves are irre irrelevant, it is more about power. power doesn't have an ideology. it is about getting people to controlling those people irregardless of the stance you
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have. if you got one of these people alone, they would agree beheading babies is bad or rape is bad. when they get in a power stance, that stuff goes away. it is about power and exercising power and this plays into their worst instincts. while bin laden is getting a makeover, transfers to trump. economist named trump, the biggest threat in the world for 2024. not war, not terror issue not climate change, it is kind of amazing, in theiren ra, they never mention war. what they are basically saying, they would prefer to have -- not have mean tweets and a safe world. they would rather have war and no trump. >> kennedy: i think what they are reacting to, last weekend, he was letting out his plans and talked about bringing back
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muslim ban and detention camps and those are ideas donald trump espoused when he came down that escalator. i don't think it is just mean tweets. >> greg: turns out he was right. >> judge jeanine: bin laden calls creation of israel and crime and anyone that supported that needs to be erased and we must clearly pay the price. this sounds like genocide and yet the people are claiming we stand for palestine and ceasefire are not aware that ceasefire as for genocide. >> the details of the letter is extraordinary. if the kids read the letter and talk about how great the letter is, did you read it? it doesn't hint there are bad people over there, it talks about eliminating jews and
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erasing israel from the map, that is a pretty shocking thing, whether you talk about ukraine or afghanistan or iraq or any country. these people. he goes further and keeps talking about jews. it is not like some subtle thing. he also goes on to say, talk about how these governments, meaning the united states and israel are preventing them from shariah using violence. this is part of their effort to remove one non-shariah country in the middle east and replace with shariah law, which is discordant with freedom of speech, freedom of women, whatever. >> judge jeanine: it is not just israel, it is people who contributed to creation of israel, like the united states. >> all the allies. >> they do hate jews, not just
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jews in israel, they hate civilization. western, all of us. >> judge jeanine: 100 professors from harvard oppose president's latest turn now that she is calling to end antisemitism. and she was not so quick, she talked about the professors talk about protection of free speech. when a conservative was involved in free speech, free speech didn't matter. >> this is shameful and this is coming from someone who graduated from harvard law school. what we have seen nationwide is appalling. you have first amendment right to say what you want but there are certain things we condemn. holocaust denial, denial of a mas shooting, we condemn those things, we moved from denial and
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seems acceptance, people accepting eventing of 10/7, babies were found in ovens, people accepting tearing down of little kafir, people accepting 9/11 where almost 3000 americans died. the editor of jerusalem post says you have first amendment right to say what you want, you don't have right to a six-figure job or to go to a major league university. you can't think there are no consequences in civilized society. >> judge jeanine: okay, coming up next, kamala harris doesn't realize she is a diversity pick. ♪ ♪
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>> it is no secret why joe biden picked kamala harris as vice president, it was not based on her intellect or qualifications, it was her gender and skin color, here is refresher from joe biden. >> president biden: i would pick a woman to being my vice president. >> are you committed to naming a black woman. >> i have named four black women. >> that is news to kamala, vice president sounded confused when asked this by the media. >> he came to the decision he needed to choose a black woman,
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how should it matter? does it matter that existed that biden needed to pick someone who was a black person and should it matter? >> i don't think i understand your question. does it matter that biden needed to choose a black woman as running mate exist? >> it happened. i don't think i understand your question. he chose a black woman, that woman is me. so i don't know that anything lingers about what he should choose, he has chosen. >> if all we get out of the biden administration is this one clip, it will have been worth it. get to "new york times," which is twisting the knife here. first greg, this is the problem with identity politics, so much worse for identity politics and true with affirmative action. when you set up a system when everything is based on race,
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even if you succeed, i feel sorry for her and her confusion here that people are talking about this. even if you succeed under affirmative action, you and everybody around you is wondering what is this all about? >> greg: flaw embedded in diversity hire, if you are hired based on skin color, people think you are hired based on skin color, she has not exemplified any competence. when you view that, i'm sorry, that is art piece, a performance art piece to be appreciated. she is playing the role of a bureaucrat, it is beautiful. sad irony, this was supposed to be a big step for women of color, it was a big step forward. she is giggling because she can't believe she got hired. she finds it funny herself. she is worst spokesperson for
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diversity since liz warren. >> she is a victim then. >> you are the oppressor. >> always, kayleigh, i was shocked, impressed by the questions. the "new york times," somebody didn't get a memo or just getting the memo, what is going on here? >> kayleigh: there is broader takedown mission, "new york times," "washington post," who realize, let's look at our own poll, which shows joe biden and kamala harris losing to donald trump. she was picked, "new york times" was told, they are our most loyal voters, black women, black women deserve a black vice presidential candidate. they were told about identity politics ask he asked the question. kamala has failed to bring in black women, according to harry reid. 22% of black americans are voting for donald trump, in the
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"new york times" sienna poll. if he was to achieve those numbers, no republican candidate in last half century has gotten more than 12% of voters. failed at winning black voters. donald trump says he is least racist person to run for office. >> i've heard him mention that. >> kamala harris is 16 points unre number one accomplishment? >> i need to go through a bunch of things first. >> okay. >> no one things who is being an honest broker about donald trump will add 22% of the black vote, not because he didn't do better than other republican candidates, that would mean entire electoral system has been upended in four years while the man is facing four indictments and 91 felony counts.
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i look forward to talking about it after the november election. man is not getting 22% of the vote. they had him winning the youth vote. please, i have a bridge to sell you. okay. politics is -- >> or a block. >> what does that mean? >> kayleigh: that went over my head, too. >> we share that. i get it now. all of politics is identity politics, i don't think anyone will tell me that sarah palin was most qualified pick for vice president in 2008, john mccain needed a lady and picked a lady. they have zero in common. what did donald trump get from mike pence, he was able to win. representation, giving groups representation does not mean it is hire without merit, i went
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back through kamala harris record and she was da, attorney general and senator, things like back on track program, homeowner bill of rights, she did take proposition 8 overturned after it went to the supreme court and then she married the first gay couple. if you listen to her questioning of trump's nominees when she was a senator, she destroyed bill barr up there. so saying this woman was not qualified or her candidacy was not without merit is unfair and den tigrating to the woman. underserved groups are represented, it doesn't make her unworthy of the job. she is not incapable. >> judge jeanine: what she should have done and she doesn't have the political savvy to turn it around, that shows how inept she is. you turn it around and you
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embrace it and you say yes, i am proud to be the first woman vice president, proud to be the first black female vice president and yes, i have the credentials, da, attorney general, united states senator, yes, i'm proud to be the tip of the sphere in this changing of history in america. you know what, she's too stupid to do that. here is the thing that i think is so sad about it. she truly did not understand the question. she did not understand it and didn't have, forget political savvy, didn't understand what was being asked about her. your staff gives you questions to ask -- >> she was an attorney general. >> judge jeanine: she did a lot of things that got her up and beyond the regular guy, she used her sex in ways that got her to
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the next level, let's not kid each other. >> all politics is not identity politics, it is the lowest form of politics, if you want to know the furth effort extension of identity politics, look in the streets and see rioting over palestine and israel. 2016 is perfect example where identity politics was trumped by issues and that is what we should -- >> i think it is very easy, no offense, for a white men to sit here and say identity politics is lowest form of politics. why donald trump -- >> as a white man -- >> judge jeanine: as a woman, i agree with that. >> this -- >> i worked my ass off. >> of course you did. >> you don't think it mattered you were a woman and won. we have to go, martin luther king believed identity politics
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was lowest form of politics. up next is joe biden ruining oreos, taking a bite out? (bridget) with thyroid eye disease i hid from the camera. and i wanted to hide from the world. for years, i thought my t.e.d. was beyond help... but then i asked my doctor about tepezza. (vo) tepezza is the only medicine that treats t.e.d. at the source not just the symptoms. in a clinical study more than 8 out of 10 patients taking tepezza had less eye bulging. tepezza is an infusion and may cause infusion reactions. tell your doctor right away if you experience high blood pressure, fast heartbeat, shortness of breath or muscle pain. before treatment, tell your doctor if you have diabetes, ibd, or are pregnant, or planning to become pregnant. tepezza may raise blood sugar and may worsen ibd. tepezza may cause severe hearing problems which may be permanent.
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♪ ♪ >> kayleigh: thank you, mr. president, shrink-flation now coming for our oreos. fans of the cookie are fuming at the company. new "wall street journal" headline is explaining why. the biggest shrink-flation scandal yet, oreo fans think cookies have les filling. say it ain't so. the maker of oreos denies messing with the cream filling. some say double stuffed are not what they used to be. i'm not sure i can see this thin
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layer of cream in my oreo. >> greg: your white stuff is missing, has anybody checked with hunter? oreo fans grew suspicious when they felt healthier. why isn't candidate for president running with this issue. chris christie should get in front of this. they are cutting costs. why skimp on the white stuff, it is best part, where double stuff sells so well. under joe biden's america, they hate everything white. i guess that is why the white filling is -- >> more identity politics. jessica, they are going after the white filling. >> this is how trump wins 22% of the black vote. this is bad. >> judge, look at that, barely any white filling. >> judge jeanine: i am an oreo cookie connoisseur.
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three packages per day. peppermint patties are my favorite. anyway all you taste is the outside cracker, you don't taste the sugar or cream on the inside. i can identify they reduced the amount of sweetest part of the oreo. >> i fully transitioned to double stuff and golden ones, i have gone extra white. >> greg: are you changing your pronoun? >> to chunky? no. i feel like they are the same, the ones i'm having are same. >> judge jeanine: how many do you eat? >> double stuffed golden ones are four rows. my husband and i can crush it in a night. >> kayleigh: you open a bag of chips, it is half full. i go to the grocery store, 24
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dollars for a pack of chicken. they say inflation is coming down, people are not feeling it, it is bad. >> i noticed it, i thought it was a new cooker, a thinner oreo. they have thin ones. >> they were fine, but whatever. you can't lie about it. when joe biden talks about the economy and how there is disconnect between the great economy i'm giving america and the terrible economy everybody feels, dude, that is not a disconnect, that is a lie and oreos can't tell the lie better than joe biden. >> judge jeanine: he actually admitted, said, i understand people don't feel the numbers. >> we have that, let's play it. >> president biden: i acknowledge disconnect between the numbers and how people feel about their place in the world right now. we can deal with the second part, as well. we still have work to do, but
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our model for growing is delivering real results for all americans. >> judge jeanine: you never know if it is over or he's pausing. the truth is, he's got to understand, what 69%, 70% are not happy with the economy? it may be higher, 80%. they said, joe, you got to go out there and tell the people you feel what they feel. it took months, but he kind of admitted it. >> it is insulting, he's saying it is a disconnect like his story is not a lie. >> get back to oreos for god's sake, my solution, have make your own oreo, come with a little stack of wa fers and get a tub of the white and you can spread it yourself. >> judge jeanine: buy icing in the can. >> jessica, to the point of the economy quickly, people aren't
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feeling it. i remember being at cnn on a panel and a democrat holding up a newspaper saying the economy is great, if only the numbers got out there. if people don't feel it as the president acknowledges, 30 days later donald trump was elected after that moment. >> 100%, i have said he should be talking this from the jump. be empathizer in chief, there has been a turn, we've seen what happened, prices of egg, gas, milk, his approval or bidenomics went up to 46% thachl is a lot of percentages, used to be below 40%. usually when things turn around, it takes six months or a year to feel it in terms of polling. >> judge jeanine: how long has he been in?
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>> kayleigh: a long time. word of warning to know ares, economy did not translate well in the midterm. >> greg: is this impeachable offense? the oreo cookie? special on fox nation. >> kayleigh: up next, rap legend snoop dogg shocking the world after announcing he is giving up smoking pot. >> greg: yeah. ♪ ♪ is overwhelming. but i never just found my way; i made it. and did all i could to prevent recurrence. verzenio reduces the risk of recurrence of hr-positive, her2-negative, node-positive, early breast cancer with a high chance of returning, as determined by your doctor when added to hormone therapy. hormone therapy works outside the cell... while verzenio works inside to help stop the growth of cancer cells. diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection. at the first sign, call your doctor, start an antidiarrheal, and drink fluids. before taking verzenio,
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♪ ♪ >> like peanut butter without jelly or sailboat without wind, snoop dogg has quit smoking pot. after much consideration and conversation with my family, i've decided to give up smoke, please respect my privacy at this time. snoop dogg has not elaborated
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more. some say he could be taking edibles now. a recent review found higher concentration of thc are causing people to become addicted worldwide. the likelihood he was not addicted are zero. >> shouldn't we have done the oreo segment after this segment? cookies before you get high. i love he's been out in the open about smokinging and when he stops, he demands privacy. he should be inspiration for people that want to stop. as somebody that is pro-de pro-decriminalization. you see this rise in mental illness on the street and there are many variables, breakdown in society, diet, alcohol, but correlation there that a lot of stuff is pretty powerful.
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went from 1% thc to 90% and i'm not an expert or doctor, although i tell people i am like dr. jill. it is pretty powerful stuff and you have to admit that there might be something going on, even if you are pro-legalization. when choices infringe on freedom of other people, you got to take a look. >> judge, what do you think? >> judge jeanine: leaving the prosecutor out on this, it is interesting that he says please respect my privacy and has this credible post where he's like this, like he's praying. please respect my privacy. there it is up there. my producer, roman, had a great idea. he said not only is he probably doing edibles, i'll bet he'll come out with a line of edibles,
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why he's saying don't ask me how i feel. kudos to roman. now he's not smoking anymore, greg, he was paying a guy $60,000 a year to roll his blunts. i'm sure if he wants to write a recommendation that recommendation would be valuable to you, no? >> greg: another job lost under the joe biden administration. >> can't wait until trump brings back all the blunt rollers. >> they will be rolled in america. >> it is made in china. don't do that. >> kayleigh: hilarious. snoop dogg, do you know his name? calvin brodus jr. i love this, snap snap. earlier in the year he said he wanted to cut back on marijuana due to health concern and said he wants to see his grandkids grow old. great example, thc is off the
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roof, sipsychosis comes with the new marijuana. >> he smokes everyday and estimates he's smoked over a million joints and blunts in his lifetime. i get the idea of decriminalization, it is amazing how the fastest most successful political movement is decriminalizing pot and everybody is smoking pot now. you have to ask yourself, why is that? well, the reason is because states realize they can get tax dollars from it, reason there is so much money behind it. is it helping us? we have epidemic of uselessness, epidemic of obesity, people not working, does this help any of it? i don't think it does. >> greg: you are seeing fewer
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drunks, remember when we were growing up drunk guys were wondering around with a brown bag and it is replaced by this. instead of driving drunk, they are impaired by drugs, same thing. >> greg: alcohol kills people. >> judge jeanine: drugs don't? >> greg: marijuana, hard to find an overdose. >> judge jeanine: depends what it is laced with. it can be. >> greg: everything can be laced, judge, your teacould be laced. i saw jessica drop something in there. >> people benefiting from it are folks being put away for low level drug. >> female friday is up next. i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up, i've got symptom relief. ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪
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>> greg: dangerous, getting hurt. the first fan mail question from cindy w. i like this question. if you could make one rule that everyone had to follow, what rule would it be? charlie.
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>> charlie: i don't know, it wouldn't be shariah law. >> greg: come on, play along, you freak. >> charlie: in a game? >> greg: say i don't want anybody to take their shoes off on the plane rule. >> charlie: i go with that one and don't put your seat back. >> greg: you are one of those people? >> jessica: someone did it to me. >> greg: you are right, if you want a rule, that is your rule. >> charlie: i said shariah law thing. >> greg: it was rejected. what rule everyone had to follow, make it up, whatever you want? >> kayleigh: eliminate self-affirming right, when people are talking and they are like, look, this was a terrible thing that happened, right? self-affirming right bothers me. >> greg: interesting thing.
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>> charlie: grammar. >> judge jeanine: i hate when people eat with their mouth open, drives me crazy. >> greg: great rule, arrest them immediately temperature is true, you can hear and see everything. like leaving your garage door open while doing nude pilates. jessica. >> jessica: i don't want people to be able to cut in line. when i lived in london, everyone cued up for days if that is what it took. everyone is such a cheater. >> judge jeanine: are you saying in america? >> jessica: i don't hate america, i hate cutting in line. >> greg: you are a fan of cue? >> jessica: every block my trump-ism is unfolding. >> greg: i'm tired of people saying when they ask how you are, you ask them okay, how are you, they go living the dream. i'm tired 100%.
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100%. everywhere. okay. number two from frenchy, been a long time. what bad habit are you proudest of breaking? jessica? >> jessica: nail biting or picking, you know. you have bloody cuticles. >> judge jeanine: you can with these nails. >> jessica: people watch at home and it reflects poorly on me, i love my nail art and i don't touch them. >> judge? >> judge jeanine: smoking. >> greg: i'm thinking about smoking again. >> judge jeanine: i was a smoker, i smoked monmenthols. >> greg: i was always the guy bumming them. >> judge jeanine: 15 years, i could light up tonight. >> greg: never goes away.
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what bad habit? >> charlie: tobacco. >> greg: trying pouchs. nothing is good as the real thing. kayleigh, do you have bad habits? >> kayleigh: i used to pound diet coke, bye-bye. >> greg: i quit vaping three years ago and now i'm vaping like a chimney. it is so good and just nicotine. there is good science nicotine is good for your brain, there is. >> judge jeanine: what about your throat? >> greg: it is great. look at that adam's apple. >> kayleigh: i learned a lot. >> greg: all right, one more thing is up next. ♪ ♪
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>> judge jeanine: time now for"" greg? >> greg: what a show we have
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tonight. emily compagno, comedian and judge kat timpf, joe mackey it's all-star night. hey, let's do. this gus' tv picks. now, this is interesting. when you watch this video, you are going to wonder how the hell is he doing it? i was the same thing. he is not holding on to anything. he is not leaning on anything. he's just standing. roll it ♪ >> look at that. >> he looks like a kangaroo. he is watching lupin one of the characters has a dog. >> looks like he has a pair of pants on. >> greg: watching. i have never seen a dog stand up naturally. i think i'm going to walk down the street. >> judge jeanine: i have seen dogs to do that walk with a colr and walk on with it legs. >> greg: that's amazing. >> judge jeanine: check out this dam cute video.
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i didn't say -- come to a halt. took his time dragging a huge branch across the road. the beaver must live in a pretty big house or has expensive taste with branch like that. and traffic was held up for a long time. see him there. he is just dragging that branch along. a dam beaver. all right. jessica? >> jessica: okay. miss universe 2023 is underway in el salvador if you didn't know. national cohen costume contest was yesterday. each participant wore unique costume inspired by the countries they represent. more than 80 countries are representing. aren't they incredible looking? >> greg: are they women? >> judge jeanine: real women? >> jessica: isn't it why it wasn't a you go gerbil? >> greg: didn't miss universe go
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bankrupt? >> something is happening with it. cailee, hit it. >> kayleigh: i wanted to talk to you about a fantastic basketball player named jonathan isaac for the orlando magic. had a series of injuries and lost his sponsorship. pastor says why don't you create your owner shoe. this is the judah 1. first nba visible bible verse on it. has five of them. one philippians 4:1. the verse i tweeted out before first press briefing. uniting us behind country and god. united. fantastic. i'm cheering for you jonathan isaac. >> judge jeanine: judea. charlie? >> charlie: this jogger was jogging in california encounters a momma brown bear. her name is laura gold trail in california when she locked eyes with the mama bear as it continues to keep coming toward. if you listen to her she is like
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blowing the whistle, trying to get it to go the other direction. but what i really love about this is she remains totally calm and at one point. >> judge jeanine: her or the bear? >> charlie: i think both of them remained calm because she remained calm. that's what you are supposed to do, judge. >> greg: she should have better film and gotten closer. >> charlie: listen she says oh, this is outcome ward. which i thought would be a really great final last words. she is of course videotaping. >> judge jeanine: wait a minute. this is just on the trail and the bear is walking down the trail? >> charlie: she has her cub right behind her so she is not backing down. that's mama bear. she is not backing down. >> jessica: my sister-in-law had a bear her backyard in new jersey. >> judge jeanine: that's it for us tonight. have a great weekend, everybody. >> bret: hey, judge, all baiers aren't bad. >> judge jeaar


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