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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  November 18, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PST

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, america.. >> hi, everyone.ngra i'm laura ingram. this is the "ingraham angle"ham from nashville tonight. biden's weekend. >> that's the focus of tonight's angle. days all right. m the press hopes that the pastak few days will make you forget just how much money you've lost from biden. >> inflation from the high food and gas prices aw. rder >> and forget how much of the country we've lost from the border. >> and instead, the media want you to be impressed that joexi biden could walk and talk with president. l >> sheea is the most effective foreign policy leader sincr e 4a >> bush 41gi. he's managing extraordinarily. >>ound he's got a great team ard him. and this big a big deal. the two men spent a lot of timee togethermind, kind of went for a walk. reminds me of reagan in reykjavik and gorbachev. but the most important thing accomplished was simply the two men spoke. they were in a room together suying to reset relationin as.
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>> were they watching the same summit as the rest of us? >> oh, i'm embarrassed. i think it's cbs, but i can't remember who is cbs. >> i'm sorry. >> oh, this looks all right. you've heard of weekend at bernie's? >> well, this was weekdays bs to with biden. >> the man was totally muddled. and of course, his big donor als all those corporate titans like tim cook prostrating themselvese before their dear communist leader. >> they came acrossss as cluelem as biden himself. >> like many others in this i room, i believe that a strong and prosperous china that supportd s, invests in the
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international system can be a force for good in the world.uppt >> the u.s. business community strongly supports productives it government to government dialog and progresshe in thehe relationship. >> we firmly believe that continued econominitedc grl in the united states and china is essential to global global stability. now we'r whee exactly. has china been a force for global stability? we think taiwan, ukraineuk, dealing with hamas. >> this is just a bad joke thisn point. the fact is big business long ago stopped being about jobsre and american manufacturing. >> they clai aboutm care about t of social justice issues, but that really only applies to when left-wing groups are criticizing the unitedt this states about things like race, like after the floyd riots or llclimate all the time. >> this was the pro-china trade wall journal's take on the matter. >> mr. xi received a standin ovg the
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for taking the stage before he said a word and theno one hollowness of mr. xi's remarks underscoreims how no one can claim they intended to learn more about the opaqu thee intentions of the leader of the world's second largest economy s . >> ouch. oh. as for biden's own commerce esecretary, who i have to say is one of the dimmest bulbs in an already lobulbw wattage cabinet. >> well, she obviously thinks biden's global is going to help him for a national us appeal in 2024 world requires us to manage this relationship and tog deliver on transnational challengeses like climate change and global health that affect people around the world. na >> now, republicans should just hope that gina keeps speakinghe out, keeps making the case, because is totally out of touch with the concerns of regular americans. oh, by the way. and speaking of concern, well,
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biden''secretarys secretary of at tony blinken, because he seemed veryveed whenevermove biden was left to speak on his own, movone on his own during those days in san francisco, raeck out the look on his face when biden answered a rather uncomfortablthe question. >> and mr. president asked ifu l there was still war. as president, you had a dictator in pearl harbor. you earlier. here he is. i mean, you continue to drive around the country. that is so and government in your heart and look at this r facial expression as the press wa s being out of the meeting - room earlier that day. >> i mean, biden's i mean, tha blinken's not a complete the phone becaus oe. is o >> he knows that two thirds of the country are now sayinn g america on the wrong track as a nation. and he's probably thinking to himself how, how is putting biden across the table from she going to help matters in that regard?
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i and to that point, a new marquette law school poll taken before the summit has trump upwe 4% nationally on the very experienced joe biden. po washington post monmouth survey just came out shows support for trump's populist, non globalist america first approach to both dcdomestic. they s >>ee and foreign policy is growing because woerica look, thisis hapng look and they see what's happening around the world. >> the more money we spend, the worse things seem to get. they're souring on biden's pet proxy war in ukraine. 51% of new hampshire gop% primary votersofs in n saying wd not keep sending military aid. a >> and as for the most important issues, illegal immigratioion tops the list now, with 25% saying it's the mostt important, followedthen by inflation and rising pricesps at 20%. and then the justice department being used for political purposes at 10%. >> wel l nothing this weekview t is going to change the public's overalhal that biden is just
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in over his head on the world 46e. >> 46% said they trust trump more in dealing with china, compared to only 34% who trust biden more. the american people, i think,y a have caught on. again, they're looking around. they theng y see the bodyis language. they see it all. so they've caught on to biden'cs charade. and if anything, i think the summitmmit i is only going to solidify that positioamn. americans who believe we should tmmit aa free and independen country will view the xi biden summit as norong stat a sn start to a new beginning. >> but a weedk end to an alreadl hobbled us position on the globa s andl and the biden presidency. and that's the angle.. larg >> joining me now is nathan sales, former ambassador at large and counterterror under trump, and christian whiton, who is a former st senio seniorr foent adviser, senior fellow at the center for the national interest. nachristian let's start with yo
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i mean, the media are reallyrese tryingll thi to sell this as so, you know, reagan reykjavik moment with gorbachev. >> i mean, i don't think that flies. but could there be some residual benefit for joe biden afte onr dust settles no, on the summit? >> no, i don't think so. i mean, if you go back to the reason he won in 2000 s is because he was kept out of the public spotligh.t. the more people see him,cl the more people see his cognitive declinine, te, thi people see that he looks like a junior partner to jinpin realg and really just came out of this summit with nothing. i mean h fak we have this faketh agreement on fence and i'll believe that when i see e it i don't think the chinese are going to change their conduct at all. and we also agreed to limits. the use of artificial intelligence and military applications t. >> that hurts us.actual that hurts the united states. that's an area where wlye actually get an edge on china and get ahead of theirlary
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large military buildup. but he gave this away and go lt very little got really nothing in return. >> now nathan the economist p is out with a delusional pieceie ce ttoday that was titled donald greap poses the big danger to the world in 2024. >> they're arguing that the greatest threat. to h. poses to his own country and china and its friends would rejoice over the evidence that american democracy is dysfunctional. nathan here you trillions of dollars in corporate wealth to prostrate themselves at the feet of a communist dictator. and the economist are saying trump's the problem. >> trump's anti-democratic. i mean, laura, it's deranged. look d world. the world is on fire. russia has invaded ukraine . and th a war of aggression. that seems to me to be a pretty big threat to the united statesg in the world order.
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china is hungrily eyeing taiwann ,the straits xi jinping is going to use military force f he canhe hasif he. he's told the people's liberation army be ready by 2027. >> and this is whatconomi the economisstt worried about. what about iran, which juste launched a hugwar one war on isl using its terror proxy, hamas and launching, i think, over 60 rocket attacks through its prs on american forces tha across the middle east. where where is that in the conversation? i think. you know, the economist has hajusts mind it mind. if it looks at the world and thinks that the united states is the majorma here. thi >> well, christian,s the interesting thing in thiss a monmouth survey, again, it just came out, is that foreign down way down on the list ukrai of concerns, includingne ukrain. and there's some more concern for hamas. mucbut not much. it's still our border, our economonomy, cy crime is evn actually fairly low. >> and this new survey, which
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i found interesting, but it's really the economy and the border are the dominant issues, which again, i think explainsati trump's enduring appeal in a state like new hampshire, that's kinke hampshid of a quiri for republicans. >> but trump's up, i think almost 40 points over nikki haley. right? i >> i think four. right. well, foreign policy being lowy. . i think part of that is explained by the washington mono party. hdifferedtrump and desantis hae differed from the status quo, from the establishmentaine. on ukraine, but you still have both parties in congress bichin g to billions more.rate now, the new speaker of theo isa house has separated aield to israel from aid to ukraine, but guaranteed by the end of decembe e r. doll certainly by the end of january, these people will have sent billions more ofaracot our to a stalemate in ukraine after a counteroffensiveiled f that has failed. so, you know, foreign policy beenly hasn't beenor pol on the agenda and i think won't, be until trump or desantis putwh there. but economically, yeah, i mean, no matter how much they tout biden-nomicsy tout, people unded that they have losint 25%25%
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of their purchasing power. of25% of your 25 i% of your ability to buyt'sa something it's a house or a hamburger has been taken away th. oe biden permanently >> that's what the problem is. we go to deflation. that's not comin the "netimes"g. i think even the new york times had to admit that that biden's biggesit'st enemy out there,in e it's not it's not the anti-democracy forcetates,s in the united states. it's the lowered buying power of american because of sustained inflationary pressures. >> jennifer palmieri pres obama's communications director had some amazing advice, nathan, for how joe biden can really run and run strong next year. te >> watch. min on the american l military being the strongest in the world, american leadership being restoredeade restored, the american economy rebounding from covid and democrac wy while constantly under threat. more people are voting that president biden could do this. >> it's not just biden-nomics. nathan did biden succeed
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on anything that you just mentioned there? >> it seems like she's grading,r on a curvea. laura. look, the no, nobody, nobody look at america's position in the world today and say that we're bettef todar off tody than we were three and a half,un four years ago. vladimir putin was not deterrede by the biden administration. he launched a war of aggression ,ukraine. and then the biden administration's response to this has been to roll aid rather than giving ukraine what in, thet to win. the administration has given ukraine just barely to stay in the fight and prolong this for for for months and monthstay and much more necessary. >> when it comes to the military debate, ukraine>> $40 and nathan, you and i could de for an hoursine here, but suffice it to say that $120 billion from what we were saying we would peo that's i mean,pl the american people are going to say no to that. i'm sorry. that's jus said no tot the americanw who
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people have already said no to that. but we obviously knothgood guywm guys are kristian wighton and nathan sales, thank you so much. >> all rightucis is a . that t >> is a fox news just moments ago, a colorado judge rulebed that will not be disqualified from the 2024ho ballot in that state. we're going to discuss it in moments with the man who argued it in court. >> stay with us. todd, did you had enough? >> no arthritis here. ask for creaank themm. >> arthritis, huh? full prescription strength reduces inflammation. >> thank the gods. don't thank them. too soon. pain in the foagr creae 50 tm. i i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life to tell you about life insurancns pen program. >> iatf you're age are three psd looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, rememberu ca the three p's? what are the three p's? afthe three ps of life insurance price and price. a price you can affordwhy pricee
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learn more at ste jo dawg today . >> this is a fox news alert. >> three strikes and biden's proxies out. >> moments ago, a colorado judge rulestayind that donaldmer trump is staying on the 2024 ballot in that state. rememberment fourth amendment challenge that was lodged in colorado in, minnesota, and in michigan? >> all three of those have gonjn way. >> joining me now is mikearti davis, founder and presidentcle of, the article three project and a former clerk to supreme court justice neil gorsuchce . mike, your reaction? w thatthese are three rulings nw that have tossed aside at leastr now for now, the 14th amendmentu argument that the left washi saying was their ticket to keeping trump off the ballot. what this means? >> well, i think this does biased denver district court judge out here blake because w i was certain sitting through the trial the week lon going tg
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that she was going to rule against president trump. but i think that she saw the politicapolitil backlash ane saw that three other courtsemoca in three different states ruled against this democrat theory. to try to toss president trump off the ballot. they hadd him twic pitched him e and four times to illegal gag orders to bankrupt him with a bogus civil fraud lawsuit that only helped president trump with the polls. and this was their legal hail mary to just take trump off the ballot. >> and now they're ove ar threed >> sgeo this is districtsa judge sarah wallace, and it'ras a ruling, as i said, in just a little over a week, there's lawsuits were filed by a gs and left leaning group that included a bunch of never trumpers democrats. and soso. forth. s but here's a key quote from the judge's ruling. she said to bee, to be clear, pe court's decision is itsbr reluctanceac to embrace an p interpretation which would disqualify a presidentiacandidl candidate without a clear, unmistakable indicatio indicatn
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that such is the intent - of section three. the section three of the sectiosectionbelieve n, i be constitutional argument of the 14th amendment. >> is that correct, mike? that is correct. and this judge came back from the break because we could notea get anything worse for our country to simply takeleadin the leading presidential candidate off the ballot based upouponn a bogs partisan legal theory that theat democrats ars are peddling here. the only way to disqualify a ane officeholder or under section three of the constitution, according to cas, accorde that s that's been on the books for over 150 years, is to bring federa tbring fel criminal charr insurrection or rebellion. havejury jury unanimously find m guilty with evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that the t district judge has to convict and that conviction has to be upheldo be . e is no appeal. that's the only route. and there is no chance presidenvolvedthat that trump wd with an insurrection on january
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six. that was a lawful protest permitted by the national park servictd by theice thate that gl and turned into a right now, everyone should understand. so the minnesota supreme court ruling on this was that wastst k just last week, again said thate trump could remain on the primary because political parties have the sole choice over whether he appears.e >> and then the michigan judge who ruled on thisg said that congress is the proper forum for deciding whether section three oft the 14th amendment applies. apso three different judges, three different parts of the country. and, mike, i now wa i want to bring in an attorney who defended trump in this former coloradottd secretary of state, scott gessler. >> i mean, scott, i thin bk it r was so ironic that all of these individuals who are out therea calling trump a force againsfot democracy, this is dangerous, tyrannical impulseerous,, says of donald trump. yeah, this is precisely what this radicathisdical inl interpretation of of section three article of of the 14th rip
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amendment excuse me, the constitution would done by ripping him off the ballot. ale. stunning to m >> now, that's exactlylo the case. unfortunately, thio s judge thee to go through a full five day hearing and a lotth further in the process than they should have ever gone. >> but -- but ultimatelysionat the right decision. and that decision is that the people of the united statee. ,we're the ones who get to choose who our president is going to be, not the courts. and it's about i mean, thi the whole this whole series of cases may it relies on someat h pretty unusual theories from a law that hasn't been enforcetd for probably over 100 years. so it was a desperate attempptt to really prevent people from being able to vote for the person they want. and, mike, i've said this timert and again, it's worth repeating tonight, is that the only way the left will stop if they're stopped, if they're stopped by eitherha
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being in a judge's ruling and it has to be an emphatic rulings or a sweeping electoray victory by americans who just say, you know, enough of this. this is this isn'tse. commonsen. forget being a constitutional scholar. this makes n buo i but, you know, judges one after the other have come in and said cannot do this. >> yeah. i mean, i would say thissg to bt is going to be a tactical will retreat by the democrats, like you said. where are they? will thedo y play for keeps?s ba they will do whatever it takes to win. with bif you thought that 2020 s bad with blm riots. bracwhat thee for what they havl in store in 2024 with their hamas and blsupporm. >> and when we look at this, the way this was cases is being argued and look, they're going to not stog to notp. so you argue this case and you win in colorado, but what'sd for the next hill that has to be climbed for president trump? it's a former state secretary. >> well, from a legal standpoint, i think colorados th was probably their best chance.
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i don't i think this is theirei i'm mark. i'm sure they'll try appealing it to the colorado supreme cour anyt. ls i don't think they'll have any more luck there than they've had anywhere else across the countr thecountressingy. so i'm guessing they'll probably start cooking up a new legal theoryry that that we ha. no one's thoughtso of yet becaue it's so far out to thes th left-wing that no one will think of it. hi is whatu, i thinkr i hope is their high watermark. >> scott, were you surprisedd, f you saw it in this new. >> i believe this was the no, "ty, this was the. t yeah, this is the washington post monmouth poll that showsmpr that republican primary voters th the thirdhiree, i think it's the third most important issue for them is thes justice department's unfair application of the law. pri >> that that's it was a it wasa the open border. it was inflationththat prices. and i think that came in either third or fourth ahead of crime.y vo >> what does that tellterseing you abou?t what republican primary voters are saying?
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and that's in, again, >>e quirky state of nepshire w hampshire? >> yeah, i think people are really concerned about fundamenta n counl in thiste, th country. and, you know, we even saw this in colorado where the secretarcy state, the current secretary of state here, instead of sort of being neutral andn hone and t broker, as soon as this complaint was filed, she camewar and accused president trump of all kinds of things. and it was prettet by clear shes biased from the start. >> so i think people are reallyt concerned about the weaponization of the department of justice, of a lour. h a lot of our public officials, particularly one s who,d th you know, just hate president trump, they want to do everything they can to stop him. use lawy're using the laey rather than the democratic processes. >> and mike, nothing is worse than that judge anger. and i just think that thatin nee in new york, the law clerk, that judge, they smirking for the camera, letitia james, of all the cases, do you think that is perhap os the worse than most obviously bias, mike,s that mean they're blatantly biased. but the problem is, is he's clearly going to rule againsrlyt
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trump and try to bankrupt his business. thank god we have people like elise stefanikthank go, a congrl leader who filed an ethics complaint against this biase dd to manhattan judge. and we need to start fighting back against this la startg bar >> eilperin election interference. scott and mike, both of you, thank you so much. and. lemon defensane means his famil. and for that guess, what? >> of course, california decides to punis h him. wil >> the facts of this case,e i assureyo you, will infuriate you. ded the man i'm talking about defending family is here to tell you what happened next . >> boston, 1773, one of the most daring and consequential events american history is about to take place. this the spark that lit the torch of liberty in two months. >> in fact, is on the docks.
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five month old at home waiting for him. >>nlocking as he was unlockingat the door, two armed thugs, a gun in his face, tried to push their way through the door. >> wele doorl, it was then thate did what any responsible concealed handgun permit holderh would do. >> he decided to defend himselie and his family and a gunfight ensued. but thos safe. >> but those armed robbers are still on the loose. but even worse, perhaps, california has a revoked that man's permit to carry again. the goldentate values strike ag. joining me now is vince richie ,the man who defended his family and coleen noir, who's a second amendment advocate and attorney. vance, let me start with you. >> tell us very briefly, veryy h briefly what happened. >> well, thank you very much for having me here. i was coming home after a dayg of work in the gym exactly like you said. tand the thing i never thoughted was going to happen happened. i turned aroun, ed around to su.
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of two armed gunmen tryingght to get into my home. and the first thing i thought was my family. >> and there's no i'm us having . >> and didou -- do you you carry regularly. >> i know you're a concealed carry permit, but do you carry regularly? >> and at the time, i wasn't really carrying because i never thought that i was going to have to use it. i never reallyi ne thought i neg wanted to know that i thought that this was really going to happen. but afteo after seeing this uptick in crime and homelessness and as it became commonplace , happe robberies were going to happen. i said, this is a responsibility i need to tak e, operty but it's not even a ccw matter because i was on my own property.s walkin d, was walkine the driveway and entryway in my house. so ip petty attempt for theme fo to strip me of my ability to carrying that outside of my e house for something to happen on my property. it's just unexplainable. rict >> i see what you're saying. d.c. has really strict carryused rules. you have to register one gun at a time. regied as n use registered as a concealed carry? >> yes. the gu6 isn a glock 26 is i
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registered as my one concealed carry, which i at the time.went like i said, i never really abo thought i was going to have to use it. y.i quieand i went about it thet way. i acquired it the right way. they granted mtocarry.e the rige to carry. now the stripping me with the men atr me large were looking fr me and not giving me to defend myself and i hope. rea what's the reason? belin? the reaso >> i mean, i think it's pretty blatant. what the reaso n is.notori the california has has hadou a notorious reputation for being anti-gay anti-gu gun and i anybody being able to carry a firearm unless you're part of the governmenou aref tht. hif so this aspect of them stripping them and stripping onem of his ability to carry a firearm, especially when we're talking about a situationt that happened on his property, it just reeks of their hatred, c citizens, law abiding citizens, for that matter, being able to carry to protect themselves. >> well, i have to say, vance newsom did propose that 28th amendment to the us constitution, which would
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you knowerve the, preserve the a of the second amendment, e bubut then add a whole bunchdi of new requirements and limitations tos to gun, very ownership in the united states that, you know, they claimvery , you know, very, very popular and people would want. >> but he's notoriouslously anty anti-gun rights. i don't care what he tries to say. newsomone worst is of the worst in california, i think is the second most in poorly ratedhe ui state as far as gun rightste in the united states. i think we'll even put up a graphic that shows us the worst states for gun rightsherea in the united states. but vince, is there annybty dout in your mind that california, at this point, especially where you live it's a pro-criminal jurisdiction, it's not pro guno. rights people. >> it's pro-criminal. the s . ly the sheriffs attempt now at coming after me is petty. i think luna should step up c and actually represente ba the citizens do good giving back citizens that give back to the community and not partake in the criminal activity that's happeninthey arg
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because they're not getting arrested. they're not going after them. they're trying to restrict me. yeah, the best states we just put up, arizon, utaha, utah, ala and so forth. washington, dc, california, jera new jersey, among the absolute worst. and by the way, i want to i want to bring this up. you know, in in florida, violent crime fell by 32% in 2022. and then compare to californiaar while california violent crime spiked 13% last year compared to 2019. so what would you say to newsom calling about this approach to people like vince who ares ow trying to defend his family on his own property? l.a. >> given what the people of l.a. and l.a. county, especially san francisco, were i saying? >> well, first of all, i think k i think first of all, newsom needs to stop focusing on this issue from a positionu of control, because if you really if you really talkinreallyalking g about keepingng p people safe and saving people's lives, what you would do is you
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would empoweeopl le tr to be able to protect themselves, since it's clearly been demonstrated that the polictratede can't be d when vince was at home and a guy who was jumping over his wall wass joe biden there to help him? was there a cop there to help him? was gavin newsom a, there to help stop those criminals? no, they weren't. it w just vince and thosee two guys. and yet and still they create lalaw afw at the law.r pe at the law, which makes it event harder for someone like vinco bt to able to protect themselves from two people with firearmsrec and you mentioned the whole point about the 28th amendment. the mere fact e is t that trying to push this demonstrates how much he hates the second amendment, because if he understoodd the constitutionc and the second amendment, it was written to tell the government what theyagainsto against our ability to own and carry firearmsrearms.. >> but yet he's creating an entire amendment which limits that abilityane to. aura: v. >> that's insane to me. going, you're going to get your concealed carry permit back if we have anything to say about it. vinc it.e and kellyanne, thank e you so much. >> all right. next, gen z's completelydt of t.
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relief, working families in the middle class. >> we're going to helpgoing to people buy their first home. >> since then, it's gotten eveno harder and harder to buy a home now. when he took office. >> mortgage rates were below 3%. nonow they're hovering near 8%. so what does thithis is doing? d >> this is choking offreout, the american dream of homeownership. and 's what everyone right dreas about, right? >> owning your own home, having your own place. s buil but this has broader implications of how americans build wealth and then famil make decisions about their future, like when they decide to havy, wheg to raie family, w. going to raise a family? well, freddie smith has been on thihee agens topic for years. he's a real estate agent in orlando. freddie, greatat to see yo. see you again. what does this mean for someone who earns s kind of more of ahem median income in the united states? maybe in their mid twenties, early thirties? >> i mean, that' thes you hit the nail on the head. this is the problem that we are facing as millennials and gen z is. the median household income
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sits00 81,000.come sit as a millennial, the median household income sits around, i think 70. but yet the average house isu $400,000 in this countryo earn with the 8% interest rates, you need to earn about $120,000 a year to have a shots lo at qualifyinang for this loan. so you can see how that theyiscouraging to them. yeah. and they're not even close. that's why it's discouraging. sot they're being forcedd to rent. but then with the rhetoric, this is being high to s they're now being forced to spend 30 to 40% of their income on rent. >> now, freddie, the average age of theowners first time homeowners, to your point, it currently at 35, the n according to the national associatioatn of realtors. but the average of repeatgoin buyers is also going up. 5 >> that is currently at 58.mersa sore the baby boomers are buying up a disproportionate percentage
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real estate in the united states. a big front page article in the washington post this wee k. he >> so what does this say againfe about power, the power of money among young people and how this is going to impactme their lives going forward? >> i mean, this is a nightmare . it is.r yeah. for for the younger generation, for sure. i mean, the baby boomersne ally, have anyone who even really bought in 2010 or before, they have a lot of equity so people can sell their homes, upgrade or the downgrade, and they're putting massive down payments down. n so the loan amounts very low.n so the interest rates aren't as bad to them. nir a gebut for a millennial orn z, they're not going to come upr with 80 to $100000 for a down payment. we're lucky to get 20, 30,need $40,000. but again, you still need that 120 income to back it up. so i thinko going to have to figure out for millennials and gen z and future generations how to redefin ee american dream or how to solve this massive issue's because it's bleeding into every other part of our lives.
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if you're forced to rentd and spend 40% of your money. how are you paying off your student loan debtdebt?u in how are you investing in a retirement fund? paym for a downing payment? if 40% goes to housing, well, it lowers it lowers the ceiling, right? >> you the ceilings neve of expectations for everyone, which was never the americanan u dream. the american dream was do bu. er than your parents you know, surge ahead. you know, strive for the best. but with this, i guess my nextsi question is u >> whom do they blame for this or do they get caught up in all the social issues? if this is really one of the top issues and it always is the economye , then.n unde >> i mean, why does it happen under trump?under tr >> whatever you think of trump, this did not happen under trump. >> i think people are feeling and i think regardless of what party part y you're for at this point, i the one thing we can all agree on is that money tight and we to se all need to come together and make changes. theso i want to see in the next
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year especially who's going fit and, speak about fixing the housing affordability and rento se and raising wages. because millennials neede to se0 some hope in the future, like, i'f getting mysl to 100 grand. i'm going to pay off some debt. i'm going to buy myself a housae and a piece of the american dream. but we need to see a roadmap. so i'm excitedm . u i want to see a leader take charge and guide us and teach>>u us what to do. >> freddie, always great to see you. thanksraays grea thanks s so much. >> yeah. thank you very much. coming up, a wide ranging ranging hadrs aboutconversatios about the state of things in biden's america. f s masome their responses may surprise you. surprise you. >> that's next meet goldman daily, a powerhouse lotion that moisturizes heals that moisturizes heals and smoothes dry ski with seven moisturizers and three vitamins and new goldmadry, senn sensitive cliniy shown to heal and moisturize. dry sensitive skin. >> gold bond.
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on a daily basis. last night in nashville, at the grand ole opryht ie at house, r and i had the chance to talk to some of these voters. soo what's their main concern? >> joe biden. it's not just the number of then age being 81. >> it's the mentalr acuity of the person. >> he is notl o mentally capabe of doing the job he wasn't in 2020. remember wasn't ? s and he still won.ti you know, he still won because, you know , again, there's a lot of factors that come into play. but, you know, he's not going o ruto run a campaign they've already said there and he's not going to campaign. the media will campaigr n him.n that's what's going to happen. and obama and michelle and all the rest. >> i think one of the things that we have to look at has republicans is wha of t are we t going to do to be getting out the vote. the democrat killse every majoe election because they are so successful at registering voters. the republican s are fallingdy tha behind in that effort. and thefforte the numbers look m
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but every time we start counting votes, i get besappointed and concerned because we don't have thosevote. votes. >> well, state party points, >> ls are responsible for getting out the vote. so state republican parties, i have to you know, and it's not it's not again, it's rocket. science. we have the data. we he icro-targeting of voters . you know how people voted over the last four election cycles and most micro-targetingles. it's actually going to their house. do you have your ballot? have you turn it in? d itn?you know, let's let's go it. that will get you to the polls. i mean, it requireto pollss fraa all americans who have a little bit of timime to franklyo th get involved. we want to ask people wheyo they want to be the next president of the united states. >> of the people who are possibilities, who are out there and possibilities. e your >> raise your hands if you are h for donald trump. very, very good. there's a few people who aren't
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in the front. do you hold out? if you hold out,t you're not 100% desantis, ron desantis. >> oh, there's a class to two a hands and a client. >> okay. joseph biden clap.. >> oh, come on.. not even a not even a we. how about nikki haley? yes. a lot nikkley?t people are lookg at nikki haley now. how about nikki haley? show of hands. nikki halei haley.y. >> have a hand. all right. i like that. look, this. they did this a kind of. that's a kind of weak. half a hand. maybe not. weaknd'mstill i'm deciding. so that was interesting. the angle. the angle has the angl.>> so e. offered our show as a platform for nikki haley to debate deb ron desantisat. do we want to settle this onceal and for all? there has to be trump versus someone else. so there trum why? i think a real substantive debate, maybe no moderatorcive, just nikki haley versus desantis. desantis be awesomeesome. because it's because it's the populous kind of americause it's populist versus a, you know,
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more traditional republican, more globalist in some some view. it's not everything, but it's more of a traditionalist. versus t a populist conservative. i thinalisk to me that's a beautiful thing. and ron desantis said hen desand do it. did all of you enjoy seeing e president biden with?n king gee in san francisco, didn you enjoy those moments? ments? we actually he really kind of spruces up really nicely you when he meets his boss. >> well, the tow n the town wasclea sparkling. yeah. yes. as clean as you couln as you cae the floor in the in the in the subway. yeah. no droppingstreets on street. yeah. the bart was all clean. all right, here's what biden hahad d to say about governor gavin newsom. >> watch this. i want talk about governorhe's newsom. i want to thank him. been onhe's been one of a gove >>ll man. now, the fact he want to get out of the job i'm looking for.t >> well, at this point, he might. here's my question. should biden drop oup out of thf
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race at this point? >> yeah. [ae. nd of applaus yes. no. you want to run? why? why should >> drop out? qui >> biden, quite obviously, is no waly iy to the job. >> right. and so it's very clear.untr and the most powerful country in the world that's going downhill, incredible ways. there's no way that guy shoulds continue to lead this country. >> the anxiety of working people, middle class, even a little upper middle class is growing in the united states. how many of you havest changed your plans? >> vacation plans, trave plansl because of financial concerns over the past 18 months? >> two years? we're just not going to take yea anrsre just y vacations that arr utilize our money. >> we'rey vacation putting it an and waiting for that rainy day because i'm afraid it's going to happen. y.we own a business. >> we're doing the same thing with it. you know, i think it's going to get worse before it gets better. betand i just know that, you ki
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four years ago before this, west we've done better than we everer have. and nor w that four years is gone. i mean, it's i'm back to where i was four years ago. you know, when we had trump in office and. so we're we're just going to hold on and hopefully a new president come in. >> i think it's more than changing their vacation plans. i think it's even wei are blessed. but i come from a working class . mily wng i changed the way i shop for my groceries and where i shop for my groceries and where laura i put gas in my car. the better question. yeah. : etteand i think that's the pai that hurtsnk. >> everybody feels it almost, ecmost regardless of what economic status you're in ifon you live just those day to day decisions. we all feel it. i mean we all f, i mean, gallon of milr i mean, everything. everything. insuranc insurane and i mean,
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it's every part of your life. i think we were talking the other dalking d and i.y ray, and i said if i were runninger for office and the number one thing i would say on a national basis, i would say by the time i get through my presidency, gas is going clos to $2.30loser a gallon again. that's i mean, i think just i eng on energy, the energy issue itself is just so powerful. and crime and crime, crime, the shutdown, the border, get gas prices low, get independen t american manufacturing. >> that is it for us tonightmach we had an amazing week, especially in nashville at the patriot awards. i hope you watched on fox nation. we had a fantastic time honoringn fo. our >> our nation's real heroes. don't forget, set your dvr so you always stataectey connected with us. >> follow me on social. lol weekend long, we'll keepwee uploading videos and photos from the travels you enjoy . >> enjoy those as always. remember, it's america now and foreve amer will. >> cain takes it from here


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