tv Hannity FOX News November 21, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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you just ruin the best kept kep airport secret. >> soon everybody will be droppingt off at arrivals. >> w it. >> chris from pittsfield, massachusetts how can i get a cross-check? i have no idea. but now i'm kind of jealous. robert from, ohio., >> relax. waters. joy bay harden threatened you. she just wants s to date you. yu joy, i am taken very taken. . >> samantha from lee's summit, missouri. >> i'm really angry with you for calling my chiefs clowns. i won't be a fan of yours ever o again. well, you know what? f i one. it happens. but big game by the eagles. >> big one. i'm not going to predict the super bowl, but i am predicting the super bowl right now. mortars. >> and this is my world. >> welcome this specialn of
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edition of "hannity". i'm judge jeanine pirro, in fore sean. >> and we begin with breaking news. moments ago. israel approved what prime minister benjamin netanyahu was callinmoments g a lull in the fg with hamas. in exchange, hamas will reportedly return 50 hostages, women and children, during a four day pause in fighting. and just in reuter ess. is reporting that hamas has also just agreed to there deal. here now with the very latest from tel aviv, alex hogan is with us. >> alex. hi, judge jeanine, thiass major is major news after weeks of trying to strike a deal. israel tonight nweeks rying sas approved this hostage negotiation deal and what this would dohie , allowing the reley of 50 hostages, women, in and children in exchange for a four day cease fire as well. the release of palestinians currently being detained in israentlyl. israel also tonight says that if ten additional hostages
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released every single day, that would allow another pauseed in the fighting. we have heard concern from far israeli officials on the groundd that any cease fire would allow hamas to regroup, regain its forces aas and then fight back. but israeli security officials tonight sa y they support this plan and that the security and intelligence will beund. maintained on the ground. and families have been protesting day in and day out,rnment calling on the government to strike a deal. >> prime minister benjamin netanyahu thanked president joe biden foanyahur some of the hele in these talks. but while this agreed release i of 50 people is a great win fors people here in israel, there's only freeing uy p one fifththat of the people that have been taken. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the way that this will work is that the hostages will likelyor reles be released in several groups. and what we're expecting to sene is that they could be released as soon as within 24 hours., of only, of course, if everything from here until ben goes according to plan,
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judge jeanine. >> all right. >>ulll right. netanyahu calls this a lull and not a cease fire. t cease-fiis any significance t? i think there is, because t looking at the strategic effort that we have seen,ic effor the continuing to move forward, not only in the north, but in the soute nortt in th, there isd concern that hamas could regroup. so there is going to have to beh a lot of preparation on the ground to make sure that israeounde sul is able to s strategic offenses and its itse forces where they are without giving up territory and withoutt up any of the gains that they have made in the last several weeks. being one in tlast several the.g but it is worth noting, of course, back here tonight, this is just e a majorst celebration for the families who were hoping that their w ons could be a part of those 50 who could be released. >> well, certainly a happy thanksgiving. in daanksgiving. in in the next couple of days. alex hogan, thank you so much. what will this mean going forward? here now with more, author
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here new book on how"woke. to defeat cultural marxism in america senator ted cruz. senator, okay. i mean, you are now privy to the news that has been released, moment s ago. eed hamas has just agreed to what the cabinet agreed to int israel. what is the significance of this lull forat iicance o a - period? and 50 israeli hostages? we don't know ife do americans included in those 450ildren palestinian women and children. and i think we should remember, that of the 150 palestinian women and children, they are0 pt jail having been convicted of terrorism in israel. ted of >> well, let me say at the the outset, praise god if this news comes through and we knows israeli hostages are returned, women and children, that thathrl is a wonderful development. you know, i have met with numerous familiesopi have l of hostages taken in israel, and it is horrific. the atrocity hor that were carrd
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out when hamas invaded southern israel. nvadedisrael and to bring even one hostage home is a victory of 50 hostages are coming home. that that is reason to give thanks. this that' thanksgiving. thanks >> there are also reasons to bei concerned, number one, the 150 palestinians who are in prison in israel that are being released. we don't know the identities of those were tolde bein don the are women and children. one of the sad reality is,childr is thaent hamas regularly uses teenagers to be terrorists. and so there may welle ma be individuals who have committed terrible crimes. ll bthey're my understanding fro the israeli government is that israisraeli government is that any palestinians who have murdered israelis, that that's an importante murdea to draw. but -- but there will be negative consequence s. d >> people who have committed bad acts in the past, who may go forward and commit other bad actspasto ma forwa. negat >> there are also negative consequences in that, giving hamas severa l days to rebuildrebuil is going to make hamashe more dangerous. and that's why the israeli war parliament debated this, why
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they considered what is the right option here. thatright option here. a judgment that it was worth it to bring 50 hostages home. that's reason to celebrate. but terroristseason gettingasot more dangerous, that's reason to be very concerned. >> you know,veryed. and when yok about the israeli war, parliament debatin g, thisrael hbatin i mean, the people in israel have made it very clear toav the prime minister netanyahu that they want those hostaget ts back. there was an incredible outcry in israel, was there not, fotcrr that return, at the very least, of this 50 hostages? >> well, listen, there there is agony. the families, the communities who lost loved ones, whosee loved ones have been who have been kidnapped, everyn one of them is praying that that their wives, their daughters, their children will be among those coming home. and you can understandcoe that. and listen, this is why terrorists take hostages, because they forceorists te hoso making terrible decisions. it is a bad thing that hamas is going to have four days
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to regroup, that they're going to have timep that t to refuela that they're going to have time to get stronger. and i think it's very importan t t i think it's very importan ,even while we are grateful for the return of the hostages h and i think prime minister netanyahu quite wisely said that he will continue the pause for additional days if additional hostagesditional g released, that we not lose sight of israel has laid out objectives here. number one, getting the hostages home. so this is makine hostagg real progress. but number two is utterly and completely eliminating hamas. and i do worry that that has hostilities cease for a short period of time. that international pressure and sadly, pressure from the biden white house willy only get greater, only get more significant to try to prevent israel from resuming it ps to follow through on that commitment and eliminating commithamas terrorists, the mon, who committed this horrific attack that is important forel's israel's national security and it's importantrity for
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america's national security. october 7th, in addition to beingn ad a horrific attack on israel, remains one ofs the worst terrorist attack in american history. tacks in31 americans were murded that day, roughly a dozen taken hostage. we hope there may be some americans amone g, these 50, but we have no indication that's the case. >> welon that'l, during this lu, guess using the term ceaseusingh fire suggests that maybe the war is stopping. se-fire suggeswill israel be ab drones, unmanned drones to atotg least see what is going on, what hamas is doing, whether they are rebuilding, whether they are moving things? i mean, what we have anyings? i will israel know what hamas is doing? sure, well, sure. i have absolute certainty that israel will continu have surveillance, continue monitoring. and one of the most significant elementsnd one of this agreement is that it will allow roughly 300 aid trucks to come from f egypt into gaza, including fuelo trucks. and the consequences of that thd the consequences of that
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that fuel many of the hamas terrorists are in tunnel mans underground. and for hamas to be able to tora refuel enables them to continue cont tunnels,ing em to continue that makes them more dangerous going forward. >> and the truth and is, i mean, they do have fuel themselves to be demanding fuel from fue israel. and i understand the trucksut going in, but it's also humanitarian in its foodin and medicine in addition to fuel, correct? >> wel well, that's right. and listen, ther that'e, real humanitarian disasters unfolding in gaza. what is happenintariang to theci civilians there is terrible. and that is inflicte d by hamass inflicte . hamas deliberately uses civilians as shields.s as it uses palestinian women and children. chilchildren. at bases, its headquarters in the basement of hospitalsit l as it locates missiles in it, in kindergartens, becauss e it
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wants palestinian civilians to be casualties. casualti israel israel goes to greater l lengths to avoid civilian casualties than any militaryny m force on the facilite of the planet. but nonetheless, there are inevitably civilian because hamas puts palestinian civilians in harm's way. and also, as a consequence of that, there is realg suffering among palestinian civilians. so some ofpalestinia that aid is necessary. but the challenge is hamas istakes, much of that aidrorist and uses it for the terrorists first. >> and so that's a tradeoffirstf that the israeli government considered. and they made the judgmentd the that bringing 50 hostages home 50ve conseing 50 hostages home consequences of hamas terrorists getting more dangerous and more terrt eliminate in future days. >> problem, however, is therenur are four times that number are still held hostage, includinstill heg americans. >> senator ted cruz, thanks so much for being with us tonighty . >> and despite the temporary ceasnd despite the temporary
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growing risk of terroror right here at home, especially r new york. cbs news reports that the new york state intelligence center currently believes the threat of an attack in the states increasing as the war rages on. apparently would be attackers are focused on so-called soft targets like protests and large largpublic events. here now with reaction are former fbi special agent nicole parker and idf special operations veteran aaron cohen . all right, nicole, i'll start with you. given this cbscohen. report, wec are inching right ono to thanksgiving. there will be a number there in new york cityo th and of course, as we go into the holidays as well. hobut starting on thursday with the i believe it is the macy's day, thanksgiving parade and the throngs of people come into new york city. what do you say to new yorkers based upont comeo this report? >> yd upont comeo this report?
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yorkers and to anyone the t that might be visiting new york. >> now is the time to be extremely vigilantime to b, on alert and to keep your head on a swivel. >> you know, as american keep ys, a bi i'm a big proponent, do not live in fear. we don't want to live in fear. the terroristsg are not going w to win. but we need to be extremely vigilant and awarebe. with the macy's thanksgiving day parade coming, tree lightingy's, you know, the ball dropping on new year's eve. there are going to be a plethora of events and isf a of events nothing more that a terrorist would like than to cause chaos violence, destruction and death at these celebrations that frankly celebrate destthe unit celebrate united states. you know, whether you're christian or jewish or whatever your religion mighttesb be. that is what this time is. and in new york city is the epicentewhat thir of many of the celebrations. >> okay. and to aaron cohen. aaron, you know this deal forl the hostagesth, quarter of them, 50 of them in exchange for criminals jailed and convicted in israel. and the children that they're talking about are apparently an children who were born in the jails in israel.
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why do you think hamas, agreedd to this? >> well, judge, let me just saty it's good to see you again. >> it's been a minute. thank you. as faro se as as far as this ceasefire goes, here's where i'm out with this right now. >>e goes this ceasefire, i beli, was initiated by hamas. yaki sinwais ceaser, the leader of hamas inside of gaza. he's feeling the noose getting tied around his neck, is getting desperate. a couple of brigades left of ne of hamas militants that have completely been surrounded in what we call in hebremas miln a sere lockhart's. israel's been brilliantly unfolding a pressure cookersing campaign using a high degree of selectivity like senator cruz said, very careful with the civilians said.. ops a lot of special ops forcess on on the ground moving house to house those tunnel nd movins alt completely mapped out at this point. how the dog unit ohig kitchen hebrews what it's called a cult via the the archangelsit of those tunneleras operations on mapping everything we've seen under the shea, f of medical seymour is getting desperate. the leaders in qatar sitting in those six star hotels
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are getting desperate. khalid meshaal. you've got ismail and they're sitting there and everybody knows that the news has completely been taken all these hamas militants trying to get to the south of israel now. now all they're trying to do noosw strength. trying to do and so, listen, the hostages s are have always beentrengt the piece for us. we rescue our people. they're a big dealpeop. we waited for it.ju we did it in 76, in entebbe in july. we got, we back hundred three hostages. we're in the hostage rescue business. ot and we you know, while we may not have invented it, like i've been saying, we perfectented id israel's really good at counterterrorism. so we're going to take israel i thosel take t 50 hostages back. but i can assure you, to your previous chat with the senator, israel is going to have a very high degree of surveillance. srael wiall gaza, we've got that place on lockdown. and the reason why who is becaus israel's a master at that intelligence gathering. so we're going to keep an eye on everythin ag. all the supply lines have been cut off. no one's moving any supplies. we no one want to get those trucks in there, too, for the palestinian people who are trapped in the centee palesr of gaza. and so israel is going to keep
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a very tight. i are shin bet o wilr mossad among intelligence agencies and it'set okay. we want those hostages back. we're going to take them, we'l theg to keep a very, close eye on exactly how this unfolds overw next couplee, of days. and this ain't a ceasefire, judge. this is what i cal this is whal little's all i tactical snack of a pause. yeah. so it is a greatis agree with youo back and nicole. i'm going to get back to you on, you know, with the defundin t withndin t so focused on january six for so long, you know, how can americans feel comfortable even in new york city, the mayor announce d yesterday that there was going to be a further cut c in the policute americans, you as they go forward. i know you talk about them being free tal and exercising, u their freedoms, but what should they look for and what shouldd they be? how what should they repor t if oat should they repor they see something? well, first of all, to your point, i thinkf that this is something that we talk about all the time here. there is ak aboue time decreasew enforcement because of this
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defund the police movement and all of thi olics nonsense hass been going on for the last several years. yet there's an increasgoing e in there's an increase in threats to americans, counter terrorism attackse s. i and you're right, i was at thei fbi, their number one focus for the last two and a half to three years has been january 6 capitol violence. and that was the time that i sure hope that they're dedicatingry resources to forein terrorist organization groups. what's happening at the southern border? n we have no idea who's in ourwhos country. that is extremely dangerous. iyou know i know. kno i know a an agent who wast wh a counterterrorism agentsaid and said, you know what?e will you please move me to the criminal side of the house? because until you close the borderheside of , what's thn in working counterterrorism? because you're welcoming potentiati the l into our it's extremely dangerous. so for those that are visiting new york city, keep your eyes and ears open. you know, this os threat couldt be a lone offender. it could be a foreign terrorist organization group aoffender, sg that concerns me drastically and that the department drasy and dronepartment about starting last year is a drone attack. drones are extremelyttack. you e no control. it's -- it's difficult to track
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them dow difficun. bies b and you know, some people douthe them for hobbies but yet they can be dangerous. you can drop explosivey s with drones. so just keep your eyes and ears open. if you see something, you sa you seesee something, you sa something you call 911, you report it to law enforcement. and i sure hopl e that the fbi has their resources dedicated to these threatsr resour becauss is what americans are most concerned about. right. and aaron, back to you. concd abght the last question.uh okay, so we've got t 50 hopefuly hostages back.ur we've got four times that. we've got another 150, as farr as we know there. how long do you think thisk offensive will take and will hamas keep trying to interrupt the flow of israel in itsits ta takedown of hamas? >> judge, it's a good question a i don't want to speculate on the idea of a macro operatioo sp n around terms of how long it's going to take. but i think israel is starting to put the bow on the hamas package here i. i don't think it's goingon to take long, but israel's got to be very diligent. they've got to be very careful. have gothe tunnels are complex. it's what we call tubular or linear assault team of the dayt. . they got to get in there. but i want to talk to to your guest. last answeo yourr also, becausen i think she was on to
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something. i want to take a minute right now. i've been training law enforcement country forso 20 years, teaching the israeli model of counterterrorism. and i want to speak to every i've iwant to speak to every g isra and every sheriff out there. you better start taking your training seriousl y. r training seriousl and i'm a big fan of lawyo enforcement, but you really want to have an honest look at you tr hat, your swatur s training. i know swat teams get together about once a monthwa. to the alh program, which is $130 million program funded by state and federal money in texas. uv now, what we saw in uvalde, they may have been a reflection of that traininga , which in my opinion, is a little outdated. so do the sheriffs and chiefs ou t. you better start having a good look at your training, making beok at your training, making making sure you can do point shooting and knocking on those sites when you're in that chemical jumpl based an and makeyou've sure that you've got counterterrorism based training, because this ain'taldo going to look like you balding it going to look like columbine. this couldlumbine. be several dn to several hundred of these popping up right now. and yo right nowu get better gea with your tactics and start being very hones t about youre response capabilities. and i'm not talking about the bigs. i'm talkinca i'g about every city across this country is a lot of them out there start getting
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seriou a lot s. your trying to get an honest look and ask yourself, are our patrol officers, the school resource officers who are going to be our swat teams, thos eponr real first responders? are they capable of responding to those threatss, under thosee massive levels of stress? and can you do it in a it i platform? it in a >> so you hit the nail on the head, aaron. judge, just trying to just try and park my car in the same garag tryinge as you. >> you got it. and we're in the same garage. nicole parker as wel it.l. ll >> thank you both. all right. coming up, as u.s.k yo faces int more and more attacks in the middle east, joe bidenddle eas is headed to nantucket for a luxurious thanksgiving getawafor y. world. not a care in the world.l we'll have all the details as this speciahave detailsl of y continues. boston, 1773. one of the most daring and concerned essential events in american history is about to take place. this was the spark that lit the torch of liberty in tunis.
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edition of "hannity". the world is on fire and sojo is joe biden's birthday cakee wh with 81 candles. apparently, as it turns out, 81 candles creates quite a flame. almost nothing is going right for joe biden or the country that he serves tonight. accordinhe countg to the pentag. soldiers have been attacked at least 66 times in the last few weeks. this includes a major strike against us forces at an airiraq in iraq. >> take a look at this. and since i know you'll ask u.s. k at t forces have been attacked approximately 66 times since set october 17th. 32 separate times in iraq and, 34 separate times in syria. u.s. personnel have sustained approximately 62 injuries, but this does not include anurik injuries from last night's attack as they are still being evaluate a beid. >> in response, the u.s. has launched a few different airstrikes in thnchee includingu one against an iraniandi revolutionary guard facility
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in iraq. but so far, these countermeasuret s have to deter attacks. the worlo d is at war. are american soldiers abroad are at risk. the economies the disaster and the 81-year-old president is barely ableth form a coherent thought. biden is nowherent in down almon every poll to every possible republican hopeful, including donald trump. but joe doesn't seem to have but joa care the world. he's headed to nantucket for a luxurious and relaxing thanksgiving with his family and friends. joining us now with the with arkansasw with the governor mike huckabee, the host of alt kicks tomi lahrenformer, fair and fearlesso lahren and fox news contributor joe concha . e concha you know, i'm going to start with you, mike huckabee. you know, we'v goinge had now they say 66 times since octobert 17 that we've been attacked by the proxies in iran from iran, and yet we are barely fighting back. why do you think that is when
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so many of our soldiers have been injured with injuries that very serious tbi, traumatic brain injuries, which are can be life long? well, john, you got to remember, this is an administration that has given a lot of cash awards to the iranians. we'vn that'se blessed them not with the $6 billion of unfrozen money, but we've turned their oil back on. o that's 80 billion bucks they've been able to get from that. so we're obviously not that worried about what they do. we'r fth. e making it possible for them to gain nuclear capacityh and i just believe with all my heart that if donald that art that if donald i hope he is again, i don't h think we'll have this kind of situation becauseavin't take the iranians won't take these chances. instead, joe, sitting there, tht his birthday cake, things flaming up so much. my goshis flaminh, i think it ii global temperatures by twos degrees nationally. it looks like a forestonally fi.
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i'm expecting smokey bear to rush in there and put it out and say only you can prevent fir fires like this, joe. >> yes. e you know, i got to tell you, tommy, i think that that birthday cake with 81 candles on it, i mean, as opposedosed to getting eight and one two candles, i think it's a metaphor t for america that we're in flames right now, whetherecom it's the economy, crime, the border, what's going on in the middle east. >> what say you?ast, yeah, it really looks likee an a dumpster fire. and that is the perfect symboldt for joe biden's presidency. but, you know, it's one thingit to be off with your family for thanksgiving. most presidents do yo, presidents do that there's nothing wrong with that. the problem is that according to a. th of research by the rnc, he spent about 40% of his presidency on vacation now. whitidency oe house will say, hs listen, joe is working while he's on vacation. well, he's not eve on tionn worg when he's in the oval office. i don't really buy the facof t don't really buy the facof that the man that can't figure out which is the exit or when ler. hich is the exit or when
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he can't call on reporters without a cheat sheet. callga a cheat sheet. while he's on vacation on the beach or in nantucket or i o. e beach or in nantucket or this president is entirely asleep at the wheel, which means somebody is running this country into the ground. and i didn't vote fo andren, ju joe biden, judge, but i certainly didn't vote for whoever is running our government right nowdg y didn't. ment right nowdg and me and millions of other americans would sure like to know who that perso n is. >> you know, joe concha, the amazing parte to of all ths is the democrat party. they talk about, oh, we're free choice bout w and freedom and as stuff. 71% of the democrats thinkjob. joe's too old to do the job. and yet they're insisting that he be the guy to run. they're you know, he's not engaging in any kind, of debats . it's joe biden. b when america clearlyiden i mean we're tired of the stumbling and the bumbling. what saystumbling an you?judge, >> i say, judge, if there was a plan b, which i think was supposed to be kamala harris, and now she's all the way now , if there was ze way somebody viable to put forward,
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then there would be one thing. but they just don't seem to have too many options. butbut regarding this nantucket vacation here for six days, what would think that somebodyke who is nicknamed scranton joe would go back to his hometown in pennsylvaniabo se .n but every thanksgiving, mr. biden always seems to have friends with homes. soks mr. big that they have s their very own zip code that you could probably see from outere space. spa and this just shows you judged and this is a problem for thd this is a problem for they are no longer the party for the working man or woman , but they're the party for elites, for hedge fund billionaires like the home biden that. mr. biden is staying in theayin richest 1% of the richest 1%.1% i mean, we're certainly a long way from wall street. occupywe're wall street, that'r sure. and as usual, biden looks profoundly ton ase deaf to be t staying at a nantucket estate valued at $34 million, all while so many families will be struggling to put foodod on the table this thanksgiving. in fact, the average cost of the thanksgiving meal thi thsste thanksgiving meal thi year is the second highest ever on record. it's also 25% higher than it was in 2019 when donald trump was in office.
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and this is why there's several reasons why donald trump in poll after pol donall as you jub showed, beating joe biden not only nationally, but in those importanidnot ont swing states n arizona, michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin, nevada. g , and this is why many democrs like david axelrod or publicly saying, get out, joe, you simply cannot win. the question c is, who do you pt in mariano rivera? >> mariano rivera is not waiting in a bullpeno rivera. that's certainly for sure. all right, mike huckabee, i'll go back to you. know, joe biden will tell>> mik you and a karine jean-pierre actually wile, bacl you? the biden nomics is great, but i can't help but agreeu bidi with joe and what you said earlier, if donald trump for the president right nof w, weths wouldn't be in this mess. >> well, i don't think we would. i find it interesting that corinwo pierre would sayere such things about how great biden-nomics is. sayi wonder if there's one american family that will gather around the table and when they their prayerr of thanksgiving will say, thank you, god, fo tr biden-nomics.
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thank you. that our groceries and gasoline cost s more.n' thank you. we can't afford a house or a car. yes. asband or agod, you for biden-t makes us all feel what mostit m of theakes rest of the world had to fear living in poverty. we used to live in rea tl prosperity, but no longer. thanks to biden nomics. postr thanksand you know, tommy, in the end, what you've got is awhat a party that is pushine joe on, as you know, donald trump and there are severald th who are in the presidential primaryere several but donald trump, it seemst the more that the time goes on,e it's clear to everyone that he's the gu g thay that wee got to have in there to fight the fight for america withameri, all of these attacks on air force, on our on ourh military guys in iraq and syria. i mean, they're nondt to hit usd >> if only were that easy as us wanting donald trump to be in office. >> and ionald trump to bf only e us the full picture. you know, judge, i don't want to be the grinch this early
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before christmas, but i will say thi binch ts is the rea the democrats are they're scrambling, but they're not in full panic modets are. and that's because they know that they have the election year and ground game down. they've go rounmet early voting.llots, they've got mass mail in ballots. they are ready to go. to they can hide joe in the basement. that's how confident they are. so i'd love to sit herd love toc cocky, but we really can't afford to do that. yeah, last time it wasand toe ba the basement campaign. this time they call it the bubble campaign. sepaign.theyall right. mike huckabee, tomi lahren, joe concha, thanks so much for c being withuckabe us. t and straight ahead, a new report says house republicanhase are moving toward the final stage of the biden impeachment inquir y. read jared and stephen miller join us next with goldman.w for you can agyoe on your own terms retinol overnight means the smoothing benefits of retinol are now for your whole body. plus fast working cracked corrector diminishes wrinkled skin in just two days gold by champions your skin a must in
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change their daily lives. it's so easy just take lipo zayn. that's it. if you're ready, then call the number on your screen right now, maybelline is worth the price because light buzzing is clinically proven to work. >> now you can lose four times more weight. just add light buzzing for only 2995 call right now and we'll double your order for free and ship it free to and for a limited time we'll double the size of each bottle for free. so now you have four times the light position for just 2995 plus you'll get metabolite plus two will boost your energy and metabolism. but you must call cole 800 9290319 when you can't watch. listen, get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm anywhere. fox news audio on sirius xm america listening. >> welcome back to this special edition of "hannity" as we head for the end of the year,
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the house impeachment inquiry of president biden and his family's overseas business dealings is hitting a critical phase. house republicans have just a few more interviews left to conduct, including high stakes testimony from hunter biden before they're ready, decide whether to introduce articles of impeachment against joe. next year. and while the white house claims the impeachment inquiry is the american people disagree. a new harvard harris poll shows that 60% of respondents believe that joe was involved in hunter's business dealings. here now with reaction is fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett and former senior adviser to president trump, stephen miller. okay, gentlemen, good to have you both here. thank you. all right, greg, i'm going to start with you. is there sufficient evidence? i mean, i understand. look, we don't have the fbi. we don't have the doj. the house is doing the investigation, so it's taken a while. but are we there yet? >> oh, yes, i think you are
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in the burisma scheme alone. joe biden admitted it on camera that he used his influence to get the prosecutor who was moving to shut down the company. burisma fired at the same his son was pocketing millions of dollars from that company to get his dad to do it. it's actually an email, you know, under the federal bribery statute. know, judge, as you well know, that's a crime. a public official using office to confer a benefit in exchange for money. his family doesn't have to go to him, to another person or entity is still a felony. and bribery, of course, is a stated ground for impeachment in the constitution. >> should republicans impeach. that's a different question. it can easily backfire here, especially when it's brought in the middle of a presidential election, an opposing party. the public will likely see it as election interference. >> well, that's exactly what democrat prosecutors have been doing against trump. and look at the result
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with every indictment, trump's support rises because people see it for what it is an effort to deprive them of their right to decide. so, you know, i think republicans would be better off continuing gather incriminating evidence presented to the voters. >> well, you know, stephen miller, what is happened with this investigation of joe biden is one shocking thing after another. and i mean, i won't even get into the classified documents thing for which joe poor which donald trump was indicted. >> i mean, this guy didn't even have the right to take classified documents out of out of this skiff. so i do agree with with greg. i mean, is this a good idea or bad ideas? >> it going to backfire? >> well, i think it's a exceptional idea and a necessary one. >> i am strongly avow totally in favor of impeachment. the sooner the better. the articles of impeachment, the better. >> as donald trump has said now
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,year after year, republicans need to grow a spine. >> if republicans continue to get beaten up, harassed, harangued, silenced, blacklisted, canceled, prosecuted, driven out of every industry, in every profession, everywhere and all can muster in response is a press release, a statement, an expression of disappointment. republicans are doomed. the country is doomed. as greg george said, they have biden dead to rights on bribery and they have him on many other crimes. as well, not to mention his criminal repeated habitual violation of immigration laws and a conspiracy to commit human trafficking. >> all impeachable offenses from top to bottom. we a national debate on joe biden's corruption. we need a trial in the senate and we need republicans to get tough to get smart and to show the country that they have the same strength, the same resolve as the democrats, that they care as much
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about saving the country as democrats do about wrecking it. >> you know what's interesting greg and i'll probably ask the same question of stephen. i think a foreign saboteur, if he wanted to take down this country, could not do as good a job as joe biden has in terms of crime, the economy, the border. we haven't even the terrorism that's going to visit us. and yet we're worried about impeaching the guy. go ahead. yeah, i mean, you look at the polling data and americans are pretty smart. they watch this man and they see he's not up for the job. 70% of democrats think he's just too old for the not equipped, not mentally and intellectually capable of doing it. >> and then you factor in, you know his lying about his involvement in his son's overseas deals. i mean, the paper trail of visitor logs, photos, emails, texts, other documents show his complicity. joe was aiding and abetting
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his son, the father meeting with foreign partners, communicating with them. devon archer confirmed they were selling access to joe and promises of influence. that is the definition of corruption and selling out your country to america's adversaries. without a doubt. but stephen, do you think that that there are too slow at this point? >> do they have it now, stephen? they are where they right now. they've been working as hard as they can, as you say they don't have the fbi. they don't have the doj. they have every scrap of evidence they need. joe biden is compromised and sold to foreign powers. >> and if that's not an impeachable crime, nothing is. >> hey, if a phone call is that, sure as heck is greg jarrett. stephen miller, great having you both on. >> thank you. and up next, recruitment. what was in the military? wait until you see what the army is doing now. we'll explain. as ronny jackson and monica crowley join us on this special edition of "hannity" venture,
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>> 817 967783 887 967783. o >> welcome back to this special edition of "hannity". amiddition the military's recrut woes. the army sent a letters recrui to soldiers dismissed for refusing the covid vaccine, nfog informing them that they may request a change in their militaryt they records following the rescission of all covid vaccine requirement dateso and telling them to contact their local recruiter should they wisl h to return to servic. here with reaction, podcast host monica crowleyorme and former white house physician texas congressman ronnie jackson ysician,. n ronnie jackson okay, guys, we have the smallest active duty armyy y since 1940. why do you think that is? ronny jackson well, you know,
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the military's been in the midst of a crisis regardingwhil recruitment retention for a while now. it actually started the veryy first day that joe biden came to office. and it coincides biden gam witho right off the bat to change the focus of the military from o training to fight wars to pushing their racist and woke agenda. i an and you're talkingcr about nothing but dea and crt and pronouns, things of that b nature that ran a bunch of people off. so we started with that. we started oople. the issue the, and then the vaccine came in and they started pushing the vaccines the sort of mandating the vaccine, in fact. and a lot of people left andin, you know, these are highly trained people that they spent hundreds and hundredy spens, thousands of dollars training like navy seals and fighter pilots and things of that fi and. nd things of that and they just ran these people off because they wouldn't succumb to or submit to taking this vaccine. and, austinaking this vaccine. had no issue with that whatsoever. we tried our best to talk him into notoever. bes doing this. e we pushed the recruiting and retention issue overe retent and over. he just would not hear it. we actually had to pass a lay w'
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in last year's national defense authorization act to make him rd make him get rid of the mandate in which he which he begrudgingly did. and then we had to also pass laws to keep thes hade people from being discharged with other than honorable discharges, whicg ed with h affects their lives tremendously. they go they get they have trouble getting jobse lives treo . so we have we have had to fightg him on every singlhty e. and we're continuing to have to fight that fight. it's pathetic. but now they realizehetit no the done. we tried to warn them and now they're scrambling, trying tho people and thesethese people are going to come back. these people have no interest thate people have no interest the military is not the military that they signed >>e military that they signed and until joe biden leaves, it won't be. you know, monicaow, it's interesting point. the truth is that this year they missed recruitinhigso by 15,000. so what do you think is going wa to be the reactions of someone who was involuntarily dischargede who , who was requid to leave? do they come back? i mean, what is the thinking ba, there? well, you know, judge, we've got an all volunteer force, soyf
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should all be deeply grateful for anybody who stands up and raises their hand and joins the u.s. armed forces. and it's been absolutelyarmeth disgraceful the way the government, the way the top brass in the military haswh treated individuals who stood up for their own bodily a autonomy during covid and said, no, i really don't want to take don't style medication. to take 8000 soldiers were out of the us military on the basis of not no the going along with th vaccine mandate. e only 43 soldiers have stood back up and said, yeah, i'd like said, to join again. i mean, that is that is an absolutely horrendous number for our national security and for our armed. these people were not treated with any respect. every single th individual who came forward and asked for a religious exemptio n to the vaccine mandate was told absolutely not. get ou lutelyt so they wouldn't evenve respect forget the bodily autonomy argument. they wouldn't respect people's
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arouldn's freedoms that theysse were trying to assert in the country that they wanted thae to fight and perhaps even die for. it's been absolutelyfor. despicablebsolutelyfor. ,but it really shows a giant hole in our national because now they're they're going hat in hand begging thesepl people come back. they've moved on with their lives and now are ale l of our armed forces are facing a major hole. you know, tyrannieforcess. k just one quick point to day judge to day. the u.s. army asked for $114 million to advance their diversity, equity. and inclusion programs. the country is broke, but the and the militarycountry can't t talented people to join, but they want to seek that kind of money for d-i. this is why people don't want to joithis in because they're mv than happy to have these individuals who they hole ind in great contempt average americans, they're more than happy to havamerice those people fight and die in their wars, but theyt show zero respect for them.
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all right. congressman ronnie jackson them monica crowley, thanks so much for being with us tonight. and coming ucrawlir bep, the grn new deal cult suffered a major setback at the hands of ford. what happened? we'll tell you this special edition of "hannity" continues . >> do you have too much body fat? it tends to accumulate on your stomach, hips and thighs. are you struggling to lose weight? does it seem like no matter what you do, you just can't get rid of excess body fat? body fat builds over our midsection. body fat increase size for lack of exercise and poor diet. the obesity research has found the solution. it's called layperson. lipo is clinically proven to help reduce your body fat and to raise awareness about this weight loss breakthrough. the company is letting people try labels in risk free 30 days. >> now you can lose four times more weight just, add light
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show thanksgiving day on fox. >> america is listening to the fox news rundown podcast. we the day's top stories seven days a week with an in-depth team of reporters all across the country. start and finish your day with a fox news rundown podcast. >> america is listening. welcome back to this special edition of "hannity". now more bad news for the green new deal colt construction. deal ford's electric vehicle battery plant in michigan was haltedk back in september due to concerns over costsmber due.d >> and today, ford announced they are moving forward with thee movi but with production capabilities cutn by 40% and te number of jobs it is projected to create slashed by more thann 30%. their announcement comes as sales electric vehicles haveowed slowed across the country, forcing numerous automakers to scale back operations. ford's announcemenle t, the latt
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blow to the biden administration and further proof the american people aren't buying into his administration's peopl energyhere agenda. here now with reaction, hoover institut ne fellow victor davis hanson. all right, victor, now, americans really don't want electric cars. i'll start with that as a premise e. ele >> tell us what's going on. well, i think we have a lote hae of utopians judge, and they not attuned to market realities. utg you havearket realities. to have in ten years, half of all car sales are allf ca car sales actually in california have to be electricin already a quarter of all sales are electric, but it's not saley market driven. it's driven by bureaucrats. and now people buyeaucrats them. they don't have the range of a gas car. they tend to be more flammable. they're dangerous. when you get in a car accident, there are a third heavier. hea so they're sort of like torpedoes on the road. vithey aresort othey're very da. and more importantly, how are you going to power them if
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you're not going to build hydro electric, nuclear gas or coallei and people are going to charge at night, there's wind and solar won't doc it. so i think the real subtext of all of this dilemma is thatyo they don't want a private car powered by a fossil fuel, and they went to ev as a substitute and the substitutstir didn't work.ti and now we're starting to hear that the real agendao hearreal o get us into high speed rail buses, mass transit, subways,t, and they'll get away with the privatd gee vehicle altogether e because the ev is not goingv is to replace what we have now. so they have a different agenda here in california. , electr electricity prices went up 13%. they're going to go up 13% at the beginning of th e year. and that's just one year of t four times the rate of inflation. he re ofand, you know, we're tai about judge, can you believe it? you plug your caeve , yor in ane they want you to power the grid from your battery at night. >> well, the amazing part of it is when you think about it,
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i mean, if you look at a streetu upmean, if you look at a streetu are lined up. they don't have individual power stations al p to power up their cars. >> i mean, so it's almost so. mean, so it's almost but if there is anotherr president who comes in in 2024,t i mean, does this all come to an end? i mean, can we switc th to fossl fuels? >> how does this work? >> i think so, because 99%om of the emissions from fossil fuel cars are not. re the the the rub or not the complaint against them is they createoxic. yo but if you don't believebe necessarily that man madlieve, climate change is is that severe, i think you'll see a return to natural gas or hydrogen and or gasoline orall o diesel. there's all sorts of fuels that they cart n use and they're all safer. and i think they're more economical than electricity arre batteries. >> you know, i've never felt likeou know, i've never felt nation. but, you know, wheny st they started talking about taking awaarteout takiy g,
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i'm a cook. i mean, it was like, i'll i'll m fighealiket him every inch of te way. but it is not what the wha american people want. and we have spent billions in the infrastructurthe act. and that really is a sadt really commentary on joe biden,s conn his connection to china and those batteries that we are buying froo d m over there that we can't even dispose of properle can'y because of the danger to the environment know. and we and we need lithium mines and we're tryingm to sto mining of precious metals to put to power batteries. it' and here in california, it's a future. so gavinre. newsom wants to do to america what he did to california. we'r cae having a frighteningt fr idea. victor davis hanson, thanks soin much for being with unfortunately, that's all the time we have tonightrtunat all d you can catch me weekdays on the five and i'm going to be here tomorroo w at 9:00. >> see you the
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