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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  November 22, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PST

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i mean, it was like, i'll i'll m fighealiket him every inch of te way. but it is not what the wha american people want. and we have spent billions in the infrastructurthe act. and that really is a sadt really commentary on joe biden,s conn his connection to china and those batteries that we are buying froo d m over there that we can't even dispose of properle can'y because of the danger to the environment know. and we and we need lithium mines and we're tryingm to sto mining of precious metals to put to power batteries. it' and here in california, it's a future. so gavinre. newsom wants to do to america what he did to california. we'r cae having a frighteningt fr idea. victor davis hanson, thanks soin much for being with unfortunately, that's all the time we have tonightrtunat all d you can catch me weekdays on the five and i'm going to be here tomorroo w at 9:00. >> see you then.
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tuesday. well, yes, happy taco tuesday. >> the port of body is right over there. >> all right. there's been a lot of talk among dems about misinformatiosn and disinformation. basically, any sort of information that help tha a democrat get elected, also known as the truth in the eyes of the dems. the story of hunter's abandoned laptop had to be dems, misinforn because it threatened joe biden's candidacy. >> so they manipulated h social media to quash the story. they suspended it, banned anybodsuspenedy who talked abou. they called it russian disinformation. and it worke d. and they got the result. they wanted a reject from a balance nature ad in the a balance nature ad in the
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but that wasn'[lt enough, has especially now that elon musk has bought their favorite toy. twitteboe r and turned it into something called x. so now musk must be stopped. te enter media matters. on friday, they put out a report saying content ranut on the app alongside. corporate ads from major companies like ibm, apple corpe and oracle. and so a bunch of companies had suspended their adoracunchs on x but now musk is suing media matters, saying the they manufactured the report. apparently, these companiesmeon were duped, like someone who bought girl scout cookies from dylan mulvany sco. be happy, that's all you. >> buy.e but before we go any further, wego fur should clarify what mea matters really is, in case you don't know. >> i cas so either this left-wig group funded by wealthy leftists while, dishonestly positioning themselves as an positioning themselves as an but the only part of thatth
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title that's true is the dog title that's true is the dog chris cuomo interviewing his brother seem impartialcuomod those were the days. so why is this important? >> because the mainstream media uses media matters, knowinusesg that the public has no idea what it is and they won't bother to check that. >> it's a front to silence people, specifically conservatives. servativthere's really only oney that's worse than media matters. ediait's the orbit of parasitic blogs, media, the daily beast, the independent, huffington post, cnn's reliable sources s, who grab the media matters stories, add a few words to avoid plagiaris awordm, and e repost them. they lie by telling only part of the truthof . you know, it's like when joe mackey says he ate at a food truck and it turn s hes outanand it turn to be an ice cream truck. this amplified universe of lazy feeds off one bowl of outrage. cablf e. and because fox is its target, we've kept more clowns employed
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than barnum and bailey. fnc might as well cut checks to these polyps directly. it's kept. brian stelter floating in a seak of twinkies and the daily beastk from going back to their old jobs making lattes. >> seir d o what did media matters dothis this time? well, according to the lawsuit ,first media matters went on xna and followed a small subset of users from one of two categories. those who post from o fringe contentg name and big name advertisers. then they kept the hand-selected feed until it got the result that it wante dent ne controversial content. next two paid posts from x'sxtt largest advertisers. then they took screenshots of. it claimed it was organic and published an article about itd an. and this quickly panicked the cowardly advertisers, including ibm, disney, warner bros. and paramount. and so they fled like when keith olbermann asked for their number. it's worth pointing out that some real journalists, michael shellenberger and his
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team at public tried to replicate media matterstried and they couldn't. >> so these advertisers fell for the ruse. ers fe >> they're too scared and lazy to take a stand. ruseause thee stockholders shou, and those companies should be embarrassed for pulling their ads based on made up horse. >> if you acted on what media matters told you, you should be fired. taking directionn whats themd be on anything related to speech. it's like learning to freestyle ra firedp from joe biden. so now musk is hitting media matters with, quote, a thermo nuclear lawsuit for the fraudulent attack. laws. audulent attack. texas attorney general ken paxton is opening an investigatios atn saying it's extremely troubled by these allegations. and missouri attorney genera and missouri attorney genera andrew bailey is also joining the fight, promising musk. he's investigating mediaalso w matters as well. so why is this important? because medis thtanta is a hard cauduse medis thtanta is a hard it's one coddled by the press w who use that content to builhod. their own. you may not have heard of media
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matters until todard oy, but you could bet your liberal pals read their stuff regularly. your since cnn hacks like stelter and oliver darcy rely on their fodder , they simply call the outfit a watchdog group. media became their necessaryei but brain damaged henchman, a stupid careless brute that does the dirty work that these lazy saps won't dheny so media matters, assuming they could get away with it, went after the richestgeay, most capable man on earth, one with deeper pockets than most countries. e withbut like hamas, they wento far. and now you see the hacks circling e hack, the wagons. matte so why didrs media matters go after musk in the first place? because he's a threat by carin because ge's a threat by carin only the freedom of the press, which is exposing how vile these leftists are. so they need to take him out. right now, leftists are taking to the streetsw vile of, americ, chanting anti-semitic hate, tearing down posters of jewish e hostages. mainstream media repeats m the liesainstra repeat of hamasd guessing everything israel says and does whe n are being barricaded inside college classrooms. >> i don't see any trump hats.
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if anybody is acting like, it's the left, i.e. media matters own team. so they're doing what do?thing meaning they'll do anything to destroy an enemy, even when what they call the enemytotroy e is actually their own country. so i am so here foner thiss acod and you should be too, because it's about time somebody exposes matters until they don't matter anymore. and although i'm no legas ll sc scholar, my money is on the guy who builds rockets, not liesho. who builds rockets, not liesho. like>> cranberry sauce, h he retains the shape of his containes r. comedian joe mccarthy. and play by play will your day outkick host charlie arnold. nothing is off limits. maybe a barber. comedian and author. that joke isn't funny anymore. limbaugh has tha.
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and finally, i think he once told me, instead of encyclopedia. fox news contributor tom shillue. >> joe, excellent choice of outerwear. that's a classic. member outerwes only, is it not. >> think it is, greg. it's they don't just sell thesee anyone you have to be pretty hot and cool and relevant. >> you actuallhot,l y have to be a member. don't you have a member to ownjt that? >> they won't just sell to anyone. no, they won't. ell ne. i want to read you a qut that was written for m wase by e of the writers. jo the writers. matters trie md to cancel you, p maybe one or two people might come to your showseo? >> now, i'd not write that.ncel well, if they do cancel me, well, if they do cancel me, in the article that i'm performing at the st louis funnths fuy bone novemberh through 26. >> i don't care. but i'll tell you what media
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matters is following the same old liberal script. it's not the first time someone's done this. a matt followithe cdc launderedn through the teacher's union. stanford laundered information for the department of homeland security with theiunr electioni. integrity partnership. it's a brilliant idea. and 's ant idei use it when i u. when i used to be a player. yeah, like i would have my wingman say something to the im, and it say something to the wouldn't come from me and sound like i was bragging. but i'll tell you what lik, itf backfired. why? because the last thing women want to hear fro isnt to hear fro my male friends is the phrase, take it for me. e, frojoe mackey's great at . he's so you say you used to be a player. a player. >> those days are behind me,pl greg. so you have a twitch. eg.. u have a twitch. charlie, when you before you started doing fox, were you awar you awaree of media mau
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>> didld you know what they dids yeah, i would see. i would see their nameinen in different publications. i would never pay too much attention to it because it was just often like you mentioned, there's so many different news outlets that'll take their informatiothere s thn ande attribute them, maybe just add a couple of extra words. but since getting here ion,, grt i have personally been victimized by media mattersmedi on multiple occasions. >> yes, as i'm sure you have as wel mull. >> think they have a dossier of me going back to 2007. >>, it's constant.g back. but like you said, anything that they deem that will not help their cause is labeledp as mis or disinformation. >> and i think that elon musthus knows this all too well, whichch is the reason why he purchased twitter now know n whn as x in the very first place. he wanted to restore free speech. and i thin frek from the get goe saw school moms and the government gover in society fro, all different walks of life attacking him instantly. e >> yeah. and we're seeing the same script being taken out at thisse very stage in inry his ownershi . it's really sad. but at least ken paxton and some other at ken paxd some, at leastvestig
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trying to investigate media matters to turn the tideate s. i >> you will. but i will say the conservatives, there's one thing they are used to and that's losing'l. e, they they've been losing a lot of things recently. that's their basic liberties. e free speech being one of them. they're losing their country to illegalosing ths they're losg their government to communists. they're losing culture to the filth of society. sto >> so something needs to stop this kid. and i hope, like you mentioned an ,that it's ellen's thermonuclear attack. >> mm-hmm. one day, joe, you will lose your virginity. >> oh, great. you can. i couldn't resist it. it's a jacket, lou. i am very excitejacketu,d over s because this dude is the richest man on earth, soto he's just going to run media matters into the ground. >> i would hop t ge. i well, i mean, he did say h >>ll, i mean, he did say h rocket guy. yeah. as you as you talked g about earlier. so, you know, i just hope so, thatk. w, i just hope yeah. because if things blow up that much, i might be a little nuts n.
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but it is interesting because i noticed the trend when i was on xnoticeen. anytime i would put in white, for bluechew, which i don't know if you guys are familiar with. >> it's likes ar it's likeit's l the updated cialis right now. so it's like, oh, well obviously, a would want,g to you know, you know, something to help them take care of business in order to, you know, repopulate the earth. so it worked. that's all i'm saying. yeah. there you go. mattere u s worked.e, you got me, i have less respect the people m that use media matters than media matters. >> you know what i mea matny at least they like they they might have an office that they go tn go, but everybody that u media matters are just lazy hacks. would you evers are just about there's an agent right now for media matters assignedr to you. oh, definitely. every single thing that you do like he's going through your garbage>> everyg . put >> you know, anything that he can say verbatim on their site, like they will liste n, tthey will liste your whole segment, everything that came out of your mouth will be verbatim.
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that's a badyour thing, because that's not if it's not out of cod, verbatim is better thagn what's the opposite. >> twisting your words. yes. yeah. exacg wor greg: actually. mind so i don't mind.eo i actually don't mind it wheplna people tak e my it's just that they will put it within something else to make it sound likelse you did something different. i don't know. nodon't know. >> yeah, i actually. i might have to rewrite thisth>> whol i mighie segment to put dif words into my mouth to make mefe sounre my moutd a lot better thm right now. >> so for me, as the whitestmy gu ty i. >> do you mind appearing against next to controversialt stuff, you know media matters has a dossier on me as well, greg yes. it's not as long as your greg.s but when i do show up in it, you know, i just fee ul i'm like ,oh, you guys still i still matter to you. >> i think it's great. bu i think it's great. committing every morning for the past 15 years.
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i mean, that's the way they do business. and you're right an, it's lazyght journalists who write writmalists who write and, you know, they're the ones that are really to blame. >> it's like , you know, it used to be that people would lie in politics, the rules of politiclitics.s. you're when you're running against someone, you can lie. and people like, oh, well, he's a politicia r someo people. so they would hire these opposition research firms. hir do their dirty work for them. >> media matters is an them firmmatters is an for the entire right. >> right. and the medih fofor tha is play that game. >> it used to be the media t would they wouldhe kind of call, and strikes. right. but now the media covering goes by the rules of bya political campaign. onstantl yeah, exactly. yeah. constantly campaigning. yes. y and they have one and they han one go to and that's media matters. sod they so they don't even had to get out of bed. it's there waiting for them on their laptoaitingp and then they just dress up, put a headline on it and they send it out. yeahn it they se. u know >> and you know, once it's in the press then we end upe en
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talking about it. so we end up talkingd th we end up talkingd that media matters created a false storreatedy. "new york times" prints it and then they're talking about on msnbchey are talkin an now we have to talk about it. >> so we're actually addressing it. it's it all itally really workse >> yeah, very pernicious. great. there you go. an endorsementg.>> greg:re you m tom shillue. >> you know what tomorrow's story is going to be, greg? what gre tomg gutfeld? >> fat chance, big writer. yeaho . yeah. that is body inclusive i hope that's case that's good. >> up next are shaking in their socks because trump's healthy as an ox. >> boston 1773. one of the most daring and consequential events in american history is about to take place. this was the spark that lit the torch of liberty in tunis.
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people. all right, i'm down he's healthy as a horse because he's donald trump of course true. >> trump's health is out of sight while old jokcause kees walking towards the light. rsonl trump's personal doctor says he's in, quote, excellent healthys n and, will continue to enjoy a healthy, active lifestyle for years to com e. >> well, hol d on. hold. well, you're not biased. contin >> yes. he will, quote, continue to enjoy a healthy, active lifestylueo e for years to come. it's good news for trump, even it's good news for trump, even anyway. >> it's certainly a testament to the healing powers of a dozeinly a testamealinn diet co. i can rest easy now. and not only is trump a fine specimen of a man with the radiant orange glow of a radioactive, his mind is all too there to like. >> joe whose brain is slowlyg
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dripping out of his nostrils. >>ou fact the report says trump cognitive exams were exceptional, and he's also lost some weight, too. >> i knew there was something differeneight,t about him. trump proudly posted trump proudly posted social yesterday, the same day joe biden turnedye 81.luster not to be outdone, a flustered joe biden responded by postingee the results of his last autopsyf earlier and even h earlier toda, he was seen shopping fors new toe tags. >> here's how cnn. covered trump's health. to be clear, he released no medical records. okay that was propaganda. not only does propaganda, right. we'vpropaganright?e seen no lab. we've seen nothing other than whatever he this doctor.d jo >> like, on the one hand, joe biden, a little bit old. on the other hand, donald trump, a lying liar who makes up his own doctors, reporter has joe biden. reg: j
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>>oe now, that was fun a little bit. >> oh, that's like sayin g cnn is a little bit unwatchable. where do they find these? e peoe now, we could ask for biden's most recent medical record fs, g but they were lost during g the great chicago fire of 1870re one. >> but he did get a clean bill of health froleanm a team of doctors. >> although they were doctorates in archeology. ctors but as luck would have it, president biden did undergo a recent cognitive test of his own to. >> thank you, mr. president,f hi for to sit down for this exam.t, >> my pleasure. dr. phil? no, i' i'm dr. drew. yeah, i know who you are. drew bledsoe. all right, look, here's the deal. my wife's a doctor. anyway, she's not a tv like you. okay, hit me with your best shot. okay, well. bes, we're going to do what's called a mini mental status exam. just very simple. cognitivl ste screen. so i want you to repeat thesee five words. words.five words?
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no, no, these five words. these the person, woman, man, camera, tv woman, person, man, tv, radio, record, hannah montana. let's try these three words and you repeat them after me for automobile. itchen no kitchen sink because there's. a bouquet of roses. roses. pair of shoes. pair of shoe>> pais. t th and in a few minutes, i'm going to ask you to repeat those again. okay. osn, othe meantime, where are w? right now? >> what do you call this place in the united states? >> at this specific place we s are right nopew. >> environment. like, where are we right now n? >> we sitting? what would you call this place? this is the when i'm in an interview, i'm having an interview. . i'm hai get in trouble. >> and if i say too much, let'st try somebody else. >> who's the current president? united states barack obama. the
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>> how about those three objects? i had to ask you to repeat me.d to ask you to repeat >> the bucket. a bucket of flowers, a pair of shoes. by going to po >>by goingo po to popcorn, popcorn, corn pop. co popcorn, popcorn, corn pop. the floor. i'll do it again. you know, as presidentrn pop. d. drew. >> i know you are drew carey. yeah. those are the, dree phrases, ri? >> come on down. rig you know, likeht, thank you, mr. president. >> that's well done, tommy,th what do you make of the latest trump physical and do you think tr timed specifically you think perfectly on joe's birthday? yeah, i think it was.ppor i think he, you know, looked for opportunities and now but he'll do itunihe'll ret he't more results. >> he'll go to a different doctor. i meano , the great thing about trump is he will, you know, even if he does go senile, no one's going to notice.
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>> he ca goessenn do the same s. >> he's been overrated. you're a loser. you don't like. ik >>e he can be like the oldest guy in the world and just see, you knowdest, he wouldn't change his modus operandi at all. thatmodus operandi at all. >> the, you know, the one who called him a lose it. yeah. you know one, lying, lying liar lies a lot. >> he finished the segment - by saying, ah, and just for your information trump is almost as old as biden. >>most as old as biden. your argument. that's what we're saying. put them side by side. yeah e by, they're the same age. t that's the problem. exactly. exactlhe proy. be it because it's such a contrast i'm going to make. i'm going to pause it and maybe i'm going to pause it and maybe trump is the only president who not age during the presidency. >> remember how obam only pra ja all of a sudden turned into morgan freeman to say that? yeah, i could say that. say t >> can i say that, louha?
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you can say that for sure. it's joe. greg: ii say anything i want. >> what do you what do you do? owhat are your thoughts on thi? >> well, i mean, one thing i want to point out, neither trump nor his doctor were under oath when they saie d that wasr: really healthy and losing weight. >> yeah. so that can't be used agains>> t or of law. >> yeah. and also, i don't know about you guys, but, you know, i' you know,. , but, you know, that test that dr. drew gave and i'm like, that's a really hard tese,t. tha i didn't i didn't i couldn't remember any of that stuff. so, yeah i don't know. i don't know tha what that says about me and where my brain has been for the past. whatever. but i think i think one ofgh, the greatest things about trump, though, like durs those years, is that he did so much good for like the body positivite thy. reg: y yes. you know, it's like big girls were feeling a lot more, you knowes wert , like, you knot a lot better about themselves. >> and i think we were all better looking under donald trump presidencya . yeah, he made yeah, he made america hot again. >> yeah he did. i love how cnn>> gre they called his his his medical exam or
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whatever propaganda. yeah of course i think they're i think they're reusin w a little too much. >> it's now meaningless. anything is propaganda. yeah meaning well, if it doesn' doesn't serve their purpose again, like the last segment, i just made the same yeah, it's perceived as disinformation or propaganda. yeahces disinformati, but actua president donald j. lytrump by the way, he has his honorary doctorate degree. you all know that, right? and if we stilarl insist on calling jill biden, dr. biden, then i insist on calling hi m dr. trump. dr. >> what's it? does he have one? yes, he does. bi. he does. >> what? i don't know. but he's has an honorary doctorate. and that's if you're going to bring thi y s up charlie, you at least have to tell us which one he could do his own medical reports if he wante a d this at this stage. but obviously, he came back with a excellens t of health. and it makes sense why you had mentioned that he waof healts dg a dozen diet coke. >> okay. se iohenc he went from 20 a day to 19e and still losing of the weight. >> right also, they say that hel maintains daily physical activity, which is very importanphysicalist even in thee
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of having a very rigorous work schedule, whicry righ makes sene because think about all of the courthouse steps he has to climb day and day out because of the nonsense indictments. out becaus actually doingby t him a favor. and i think by the time the election rolls around nextha year, he's going to bes in marathon shape. >> that is true. yeah. just joe, i'm going to read gre: another question y. >> i think maybe you wrote this one, joe. as someone who's got washboard abs, juiced guns and incredible chest, what's your examination in? nk what's your examination >> greg thank you for noticing. my calves are often mistaken for horses, but, you know,os it's one of those situations where even the truthe comes out in the lies because they saide t that trump's a lying. and i speak from personal experience. you've got to be in prettyperie. good health to lie. good. yeah. it takes focusgood, it takes memory. and you have to not sweat.
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yeah no and i'm not so strong part. on the not sweating part. that's why when i lie. >> i eat hot wings. oh, very good. you should burn taking a lie. there'there iss a tip for takine detector test. you come down and you ordeyor hot wings and you eat the hot wings while you're taking the test. >> yeah, i really feel lik >> dide. i really feel lik >> did you commit the murder? and i'm like, oh, no, . inadmissible. that's what th e judge wouldh say. >> inadmissible. i'm like, and i break for luncah foiled again by joe mackey. >> and i have some information. what? he's an honorary doctor of law's fromto university granted granted to him in 2017. >> there you g2017o. d la so he cannot technically practice law on himself. there you go . e e you go which would be better than some of the lawyers he's hired. all righome yerst. up next, the border chief says x don't assume he or she whend hud don't assume he or she whend hud illegals try to fleere liberty
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>> hulu. >> thank you. i know. i know. your hair. knowi your hands must be raw frm clapping. don't assume what a migrant is when they or them sneaks intoth texaeys. so please ask an illegal what gender he presents as he's busy trying to hop a fence. remember alejandro mayorkas? he's the biden lackey currently running the department of homeland security into the ground. >> here is his staff photo. >> >> a dead ringer. anyway, this is allegedly directing border patrol agents not to assume the gender of illegals. he genthey encounter. 's that's according to documents obtained by the heritage foundation's oversight project project, or fop. >> one excerpt reads, quote, r a longer dialog with a migrant is occurring. it may be appropriatdia e ask
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the individual their preferred pronoun, end quote. yeah. god forbidpronou, we misgenderr illegal immigrants when they clutch their pearls, they might dro legal imp their fence at all. but also avoid avoid asking what is your unless operationally necessary? ly i erationally necessary? ly kind of operatiogun. one that keeps the border safe, or one where a man gets his sne deported. >> then there's this. do not use him or pronouns until you have more informationd about or provided by the individual. so here we are onc e againcros at the crossroads of common sense and woke and there doesn'srt seem to be an off rami in sight as a flood of border crossings continue. we're witnessing the influx of drugs and the increase of crime in our streetf crossst preferred pronouns are the focus. sorry, no matter what migrantser gender expression, they're probably not climbing yee ar razor wire in a skirtg
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and high heels. though if there'shigh one transgender person who could swim across the rio grandegh i, it's this t >> charlie every time i thinks this woke bs is gone away, igot bubbles back up. what dback up.o you make of thi? i mean, only in biden's america. that's your t-shirt. are they concerned with offending the potentiala t, criminals who are illegally crossing our borders? >> it's just complete and utter nonsense because. import there are so many more important questions that you should be asking these people when they come over. at you be askie are you a felon or are you ine you a felon or are you >> what kind of drugs doba you have in your backpack? where do you plan to distributen your fentanyl? >> how many children are you smuggling across the bordetanylt with you? >> how much is it going to cost taxpayers? i mean, realistically, i'm not quxpayers? making a joke when te are the questions that should be asked. >> and instead they're concernees shoul d with pronoun.>> g what is wrong with you? none of those questions matter. it's how they feelreg: q for gon >> of course it is.
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i want to know if they're a fellow, not a felothey aren. >> joe, i'm going to presentano you with another question written by a writer. >> joe, if performed at the border, is it true most migrants would flebordere back o ? >> greg you'd see chaing, migration like never before. >> have you seen explosions of anchor babies? >> yeah, becausef anch my shows are also an aphrodisiac. yes. sos the, the the least becausee people would see me and then have intercourse. >> yeah. you get it. you ge>> gre yes. yout. or >> it. oh, thank you for insertingthats that stetep there because we couldn't have gone to that conclusion ourselves. >> fair enough.. i, you know, i think this might be a brilliant strategy to getbi some machismo types that are crossing the border to self-deportange, you know, because the last thing you want when you go in somewhereu want some guy in a uniform is like, hey, are you a womanorm ? >> a yes.
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>> yeah. i don't thin grek thisg:of t the population where this type of thing would work. >> no, it's goinhi work.>>g to o people. they're already going to be pretty confused by america. else know. they're like, well, what else do you do here? and they're like, well sellthey're like, well going to stop selling gas furnaces to people warm becauseo of global warming. >> it's amazing. it's amazing. joe. lomazingu i can safely say thats might not be a concern for>> it america. >> how did this happen? well, it's not a concern for me. i'm a legal latino here and in america. i just you know, i am.tino? >> wow. wow. i had no idea. yeah so you guys get out of pueblo? >> yeah. you know, and. and it is a pueblo. it's ours. >> it's a is it. is it town i? i don't know.
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>> maybe. i don't know if i'm that i'm. maybe i'm not that much of a latinot i tinot yes. i don't know. i just feel like feel li - i. i feel like, you know, like the biden administration, like, looks at all these liknistratie thousands and thousands of men coming over and they're like, this looks reallcor, andy are y >> maybe some of them identify as chick like to jus t it look>> and a little better. >> exactly. and how weird is it going to be like how w i t, you know, you're what are your preferred pronouns? >> and the guys just coming back andgu ? n yeah. not blowing glass. like that's not even a pronounpt . >> yes, but i don't know. maybe if they ask enough people, they'll finally find, likeeyenough p, mythical latin . likeeyenough p, mythical latin . thone person who actuallyidenti identifies as latin x and then. yeahfi, everyone gets an npr topic. >> is it is it latin or? x or latinx? i never know what to say. is that latinx or latin? >> next is latin. i think it depends on how rude you're trying to be to the persontinx.nk. to be yes. yo, who would know? our resident white supremacist tom shillupersone. w wh he's a white supremacist. ye's a white supremacist.
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that's right. i think it's latin x because it was latit.>> i thin a right. >> like they call them latinri a's. oh, really? that'sght? a i thought was lati. >> all right. eam. >> the, you know, in this document, it went into great detail defining all of these terml s. yeah. and it said, by the way, none n of these migrants may follow these definitions and all of these definitio nnd all of these definitio is might change in the future. >> yeah. so it's like, so why are you >> gn. like, so why are you it could all change. so the whole document is obviously ridiculous. ons?cument is obviouthe really s about this is that they have bureaucrats working on this stuff. exactly. show youst they think this is ai permanent situation. thernke are top men and womeng n working on this because they it's never going to go away. and you know what? even when they criticize the administrationhat? n theyhe like this guy adams gets all this credit in new york for saying like, hey, we haves al to up wil solution here. >> the biden administration has to address this.
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but he is also part of the h problem because he wants to create a permanent solution.e he wants government money coming into the cities. yeah, that's his plaat'sn. it's making this migrant chain never ending . ver ending right. and in terms of pronouns, migrants become your grants. >> yeah. wh by are you saying i don't evn understand what i said? okay. all right, we got to move on, tn you kids. coming up, he can lift a ton, and he's a lot of fu ahe'sn. ins tyrus join ds us next. >> i've never been healthier. >> i've never been healthier. shingles but shingrix protects proven 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used or shingrix is a vaccine used or to prevent t shingles in adultse 50 years and older. shingrix is not protect severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dosfahapp en e. e, an increased risk of the ovary syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. getting shingrix. fainting the most common side effects are pain, redness and swelling injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache,
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one cardiologist recommended form of q10. qnol the brand i trust no on tubi the crime dramas where global drug cartels use highly conspicuous speedboats. just keep going. checking in with tyron, the manw with no equal is dropping a sequel. he wowed us before e and now he's given us more time with his new book nuff said cam e today and it's sure to be another runaway bestseller. joining us th o is the manbest
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himself, author, comedian and former r&b and world champion guy raz. sit sit out, everybody sit dow dn no . sit down. so, tyrus, congrats. i hope thi, s is as huge as the first one. how much do you talk about mhow? in this new book? >> okay. before w beforee start, greg, because i want i want this show to air. yeah, the whole broncoo bama morgan freeman thing. yeah, i called the black caucus. you're goo called. you've been approved. so that'approveds one thing? yes, i am.>> that' >> really is a lot of applause. yes. black peoplet of, the audience tonight. yes, right. any time. it's entirel blacky black. they knew you were here.w oh, yes, actually. what? >> black and the other half is white? yes. tom >> see you. tom will stay. yes. yes. of subject>>s immigration, blmla pronouns.
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what people be most surprised to hear or read about? well, first, probably my amazing blurb from that great book fromom gre greg gutfeld. oh, yes. so greg wrote the blurb. i yes.ap which was. i appreciate it. thank you very much for that, boss. precank you thyou know, it's wee we're punching people in the mouth and we'r ie speaking on a basis. we got to say the address, the issues, we've , the room fromd a conservative perspective fromnservative perspective perspective. so where we are. the first book was about me,d th and the second book is about everybody else. >> yeah. you know what? i think why you were sknow, o pw is that you, the grown man part. and nos maw because of but nobody hears any of that anymore. it's all like bait email, like self-help. >> and is there anything you shied away from? >> no. no. and the funn hely was a few tims
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policy was like, are you sure about this? probablyfrom the most controvero thing i wrote about was abortion. to a man's perspectivel . becaus's perspectivel and, you know, becauses and that's one of those things where becausone they never realy ask us what we feel about itfeel and or even just tryingat i to understand or because if you look at it through a man's perspectivs e, we're trying the to understand the woman's perspective because it can be very confusing for us at times because we don't operate by the same rule opes where whenever we go through a situation, a man is expected ,accept it, be accountable for it, and keep and continuee of to take care of it. so whereas woman's perspectivets is a little bit different, so that was the one they were a little worried about. but agai leutn, i just feel likr a man doesn't have a right to tell a woman what to do with her body,igtell woman but t comes to accountability, i think we can ask some questions . me questions >> hmm. very good. you also have a chapter. on bullying. te what are you hoping other parents take away from your advice? you one that we get backs
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to supporting our schools and our teachers and vice versaa . . the word i'm looking for? stop giving them lessonsst. from criminal movies. like, stop telling your kids . snitches get stitches. okay? like my son told me when i saidd that. he said, dad, that's something a criminal says. so we need said,, that's to start gettinging, a back to, like, parenting and confronting the bullndy. b the best way to stop a bully is to tell on him. because aftealo tell or a whilel get tired of messing with you. this whole don't tell anybody thinyou.g. know, keep it to yourself. not, you know, you got to talk about it. it.ut it. t post it.t be that tattletale, because tattletales have less bruises. mm-hmm. >> that's what i tell those kids. i beat u p that i always. right. i've got one time for one more question. question.f said.s yo everybody has to buy it. does that mean that's your last book? what are you going to how caurtr you do another book if this is called nuff said?
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lledn i just comee back back with what it is and there you go. all right. body g thank you for. everybody go out and buyo his book. make it to number one. tyra's good to see you, as always. see you soon. i hope see yo. hope. happy thanksgiving, america. hapback up next, willow. zen pig ruins mom's goal force feeding green bean casserole
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to save money with your price lock guarantee called carshield. now. call 800 8151458. a story in five words will ozempic thanksgiving. dinner. so, lou, as more and more people get on this weight loss. >> drug goes epic. it suppresses the appetites it.d makes you think about food less. holidays which cente less,r arod stuffing your face could go away. what do you think? away. do i just think that, you, 400 years ago, the pilgrimsarvig were starving. yeah. the indians came and help them thand. the came and help them 400 years later, the pilgrims are too fat. ye pilgrim s and it's like, that's america, baby. >> you got to keep that. you're going to keep tha that going. >> joe, have you ever considered his epic? i mean, i'm just not. ? that's not advice. how do you know i'm not alreadoy
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on that it, greg, you are. i'll tell you this. if you enjoy the food, thedo.n'o the cure is worse than's tha the disease. because what's thanksgiving going to be about? being toldnking goto b the thind wrong over and over again by your family? >> you're right. why are yo l in comedy, joe? >> tom, what do you are you. you are a very suspiciousa person. >> you worried about. it is epic and everybody's on it. well, yeah, i think it's disgustin about thgustin g. >> these. these drugs. they make you sick. that's what they do. they make you il, thl. >> really? yeah. i think they advertise on fox. by the way rea, i happen to love shows that big. i'm no tt. - i am not on.ou i think our audience is that big. >> i look, i have a bit of aave confession. what was on ozempic lastt last thanksgiving? really? yes. ti took it for one i only did one of the shots and never did it again. because, like, you jushe st. tom, it makes you feel horrible. yes. and again, i know i didn't need to be. it mu feeld just one of those yolo moments.
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i was offered it and i was like, oh, okay, whatever i'm wake, oh, okay, whatever i'm fat, so huge. too but i took it and i took a feww bitebis of turkey stuffingd hand and that was it. >> i could handle no more. it was a horriblit wase horribld holiday. >> i will never do it again. o ittom thank you, everybody.>>t hait's weird, though, when you're not as epic, you still crave that white meat. and, you know, i the dark. >> i like what dark meat guy.g: you're a dark meat guy you'r. g? >> i'm a dark meat guy. and i like the legs. you like the legs? all right. >> they got the legs. and it's pretty creepy to. >> applaud that, but. okay. don't go away. don't go away. we'll be right >> type two diabetes. discover the olympic zone. oh, oh, oh, that's big. i got the power of three. i learned my a1 c c d riskowersh i learned my a1 c c d riskowersh and lost some weight and studies. >> the majority of people reachevck, or d a-1 c under seven and maintained it. i'm under seven. i'm under seven. ozempic lowers of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack or death in.
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