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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  November 24, 2023 2:00am-3:00am PST

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of the race at this point? a round of applause. >> why? why should he drop out? >> well, obviously he is not up to the job. so it is very clear. the most powerful country in the world is going down and there's no way that he should leave the country. >> that's it for tonight. thank you for watching this special edition of "the ingraham angle." i hope that you are with your family thinking about all the things that we are grateful for in this amazing nation. happy thanksgiving, remember it's america now and >> breaking right now, temporary ceasefire between israel and
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hamas is officially in effect. all to allow for the long-awaiting release of civilian hostages held by hamas since october 7. 13 expected to be freed by the terror group this morning around 9 a.m. eastern time. you are watching "fox and friends first" on friday morning, i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. they ramped up defense position in the hours leading up to the key west. they were below the al-shifa hospital early this morning and prime minister netanyahu is making it clear the war against hamas is far from over. >> we will continue with our warnings to eradicate hamas. hamas has promised they will do this again and again and again. they are genocidal terrorist cult. there is no hope for peace if we don't eradicate this murderous
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movement. >> todd: trey yingst live where the hostages are expected to arrive by helicopter in just a matter of hours. trey. >> trey: the first group of hostages is expected to be released to the red cross in just four hours and they will be flown to the air base behind me to receive medical treatment, make phone calls to loved ones and have evaluation about what comes next. some will be taken to be be'ersheva, or a secluded ward. this group consist of 13 people, all women and children, they are from the same kibbutz. there will be exchange for 24 prisoners and 15 teenagers.
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15 minutes in, it does appear to be moving forward. could see 50 israeli hostages released for 150 palestinian prisoners. israeli forces still operating telling gazans not to return to the north. take a listen. >> the war is not over yet. the humanitarian pause is only temporary. the northern gaza strip is a dangerous war zone and it is forbidden to move north. for your safety, remain in the humanitarian zone in the south. movement of resident from south to north is not allowd and is dangerous. >> trey: i spoke to a source inside gaza who indicated a group of palestinians tried to pass to the north and the israelis opened fire on that
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group. we've reached out for comment. >> carley: the war is not over issue but the nightmare for 13 is. bring in robert charles, former secretary of state for george w bush and former intel officer. good morning. we know the ceasefire has now started and that 13 israelis will be released at 9:00 a.m. eastern time. this ceasefire will be four days and there are questions and biggest one is what happens on day five? >> that's a good question and i tell you, todd and carley, good morning and happy thursday. it is a happy day the hostages will be released. swaps of this kind of delicate because combatants don't trust each other. they happen and there is
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precedence for this one in. in 2013, prime minister netanyahu released 1027 prisoners of all kinds in exchange for a single israeli soldier. so the numbers don't really matter, it has to do with if you can get hostages out. we have 240 reported in there, 50 will be released in the next four days. and qatar and egypt and others say they will extend it by one additional day if they release another 10. over time 240 minus 50, go out another 19 days all together. i don't think it will go that long, you are in the middle of a conflict and remind people, we
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have nine americans in there and one permanent citizen. it is a peace of good news in the darkness and they will let a number of humanitarian trucks in, which is important for innocent palestinians who are suffering. >> todd: someone who has been in high stakes negotiations, what are you on alert for today? i don't trust this process until i see proof of life with the 13 hostages. >> you know, todd, you are right, when you get right down to it, there is reality and talk. so far we've had talk. we want to see what the stories are that come out of these people and that is one thing that will erode the peace
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process. there will be stories on both sides, tales to tell and probably heartwrenching on both sides. my hope and prayer is that somehow out of all this cloud of horror that we can get to a rethink about a permanent peace in this region. god knows back to jimmy carter and before that, we've tried to get to that kind of peace and this heartwrenching stuff reminds us unless we want to see this 40 years from now, all those who have an interest and the united states has enormous capability and should be using it to get beyond this moment. >> carley: getting beyond this moment is complex, goal of israel is to eliminate the group holding their people hostage.
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israel defense minister expectses two more months of battle, what do you think about that timeline? what does that tell you? >> this is the difficulty of war and i've been in a number of war zones. war is filled with unpredictability and heartache and having spent a lot of time with world war ii vets, they come back with the word hell, it is hell. hamas and you have another group in there islamic jihad and to the north you have hezbollah all supported by iran. this is surrogate war with iran. how do you get to a point to establish peace in the region and protect the innocents. we lost 4 or 5000 children and israel has lost children, too temperature is a difficult
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thing. war zones are fraught and idea of unpredictability is flip side of the coin in any battle environment. any war environment. what we try to do is reduce the unpredictability, protect the innocentses pursuant to the third geneva convention and we'll have to pray and i do literally mean pray for the possibility we can get as many hostages out of there before conflict resumes and perhaps the palestinian people also get rid of something that has really been a thorn in -- i know other people don't think that way, i think the end of the day, terrorism does no one any good. peace is the thing we are looking for and maybe the world steps up and says put this front and center and see if we can't
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get beyond it. >> todd: i can't get past the two combatants and the trade game. these are two groups that have vowed to destroy the other, not let them live, they want to wipe each other off the face of the earth. all eyes watching. at home, pro-palestinian protesters spend thanksgiving disrupting joy for children. talking about the annual macy's thanksgiving day parade in new york city. [chanting] >> ceasefire now. >> carley: protesters even glued themselves to sixth avenue, that is sane. we'll get reaction to that as breaking news coverage continues all morning long. stay with us.
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look who saved slider sunday again! here we go... (♪) a perfect king's hawaiian slider. tastes good too! king's hawaiian slider sunday... the only way to sunday! (announcer) are you frustrated with your weight and health? before considering drastic measures with side effects, why not try a healthy and sustainable solution with golo? (amber) i was on the verge of getting gastric bypass surgery,
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>> welcome back on this black friday, for some, it could be a white friday. snow is falling. this is really big winter weather system across the northern rockies from utah to wyoming and across denver. you are seeing snowfall today and winter weather advisory,
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good winter weather system sweeping across with cold air. the temperatures are going to drop, as well. looking at forecast highs, 26 degrees in denver. across the country for this friday, a gorgeous day even though it might be on the cooler side. 36 in chicago, 32 in minneapolis, new york 50 degrees. snow across the west. salt lake city, you will see delays if you are traveling today. most travel happening in the next couple days and this is the system we are watching and it is tracking across the country. by saturday, moving through denver and getting to the middle of the country. by sunday the midwest, chicago, up to minnesota.
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these are areas we're looking at winter weather conditions. guys, that is the only big travel story next couple of days. might slow folks down. outside of that, looking good. >> they are going skiing today. >> okay. >> it is snowing. >> carley: silver lining. >> a long weekend. >> todd: rest of the country lucked out and adam was enjoying it with the people. >> carley: good to see you. >> todd: thinking about buying a christmas tree? this year act quickly, tree farmers are warning evergreens are in short supply. that tree not for sale, owner of riverview christmas tree sale, todd beganon is here. why is there lack of supply in the first place? >> you know, really the supply
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dictated on what happened seven or eight years ago when decision was made how many trees to plant. you cannot quickly increase supply. seven or eight years ago, not enough trees were planted. the industry is trying to work through how many trees to grow. >> todd: and canadian wildfire and drought and cost. you will have to shell out 5 to 20% more for your tree this year and that is an issue in the high-inflation economy. experts say don't worry, you can still get a good tree. >> there is plenty of supply, you might have to shop around. if you wait until december 22 to get a tree, you might run into an issue. there are still nice trees available at different locations. >> todd: that said, as someone
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sells trees to make a living, are you worried the current economic situation throughout our country and high inflationation period will force people to make a decision? i want gifts for my kids, i will not go out and buy a tree. are you worried about that? >> absolutely. we started seeing that last year, sales numbers were down and we are tracking same this year as much as we were last year. seeing decrease in demand, which will help supply down the road. trying to put food on the table and make a land payment, it is a challenge and expenses are way up compared to three or four years ago. >> todd: we hear that in different industries. thank you, i know you will be busy between now and december 24. thank you for getting up and starting with us.
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carley, if you plan to avoid politics at the dinner table, don't do it, putting together crazy nonsense while talking to family members. print this out and follow it. >> carley: way to unite the country. plus, an exciting day of n.f.l. football. >> there is dak, down the moodel and cooks with a touchdown. [cheering] >> wow. >> right through the defense, there is the turkey leg. >> carley: did you see dolly parton's show performance? look at her! we have the highlights. stick around.
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>> carley: does your family argue about politics at the dinner table? if so, don't worry. biden has put together a crazy guide for nonsense during the holidays. >> good morning, carley and todd. bullet points on x, formerly known as twitter. economy, polls and leadership on the world stage, campaign criticizes the record of former president trump who remains presidential front-runner saying the economy is on the rise and president biden is running on a
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popular agendas. president biden reelection team is releasing this message, even as he told americans to come together this thanksgiving. he and first lady jill biden called into the macy's thanksgiving day parade yesterday. here is what he said. >> focus on dealing with our problems and being together and stop the ranctor, bring the nation together. >> biden campaign is sharpening attack as bidenomics struggles to gain traction among voters. fox news poll shows roughly 40% ofern ms approve of his performance. the president enjoyed the bear plunge. here is a photo from yesterday.
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the president's son also participated. >> carley: interesting. thank you. he went on tv and said to bring the country together and his campaign releasing guide on how to deal with crazy maga republicans. messaging issue there. >> todd: they got to work on it. they were jumping in frigid water. should have been watching football. seahawks hosting 49ers last night and it was the christian mccaffery show. turkey is thanksgiving. >> carley: cute, i like that. >> todd: jordan love three touchdowns as packers take down the lions. did you see this? stadium security mistakenly
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trying to stop matt lefleur on his way to the locker room. to dallas, cowboys feast og washington's defense. >> there is dak, down the middle. he's got cooks for a touchdown. >> wow. >> runs right through the defense. there is the turkey leg. >> todd: they will get fined for that, and later in the game, this, setting n.f.l. record with his fifth pick six of the season. a lot of good players don't have five in their career, he has them through november. cowboys win. did you see dolly parton in this stunning halftime performance. country music legend in cowgirl
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performing joline, nine to five and we are the champions and we will rock you. >> carley: she looks fantastic and did steal the show. they thought the coach was a crazy fan that stormed the field. better to be safe than sorry. >> todd: we had the game on while eating our dinner. i never watch the halftime show. i was like this. eyes wide open, what am i watching? she looked amazing and 77 years old. and tomi lahren said she is only four years younger than the met president. >> carley: what did you do on thanksgiving, toddy? >> todd: meet your audience where you are. full assault, i had a lot of gravy, pecan pie, salt and surar, i'm bloated right now.
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how about you? >> carley: i went to dinner with my mother, father and in-laws. we can't get brock to look at the camera anymore. it was fun. i'm a working lady, i didn't have time to cook thachl is my dad and brock. grandfather, grandson time and my mother, too. there it is. we had fun. it was good. his first thanksgiving in the books. >> todd: how cool is that, that is the best part. >> carley: next year he will be entirely different. >> todd: quick programming note, the christmas season is approaching, not for carley. for carley, it is little orange season. >> carley: oh, my gosh, you remember that? you and i are only people that
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know what you are talking about. >> todd: a viewer said tell carley happy little orange season. >> carley: i said my family and i eat clementines with christmas. am i the only one? you? no? i would like a poll on this, i thought this was universal, oranges on christmas, historic thing. >> just my family? okay. you learn something new everyday. >> carley: serious news, justice department working to extradite leader el nina back to the united states after his capture in mexico. >> todd: you won't believe how many deaths authorities say he is responsible for. tom holman, next.
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>> todd: sirens sounding in the red sea area of israel warning of attack from yemen. this comes hours into the ceasefire before 13 hostages are expected to be freed. alex hogan has the details. >> we are about five hours into the ceasefire and just less than four hours from where we are expecting to see the hostages start to come home. what will happen, we are learning they will go to the air base here in israel and be
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transferred to other hospitals. in terms of the military, moving forward, what we will see from the military, no military action in gaza, no attacks or adv advancements. it will not move forward and hamas said israel will need to stop air traffic over northern gaza from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day and stop air traffic over the south entirely. israel has dropped leaflets in southern gaza urging palestinians to stay there. in the north, one main corridor remains open for people to flee from the north to the south. we did see smoke rising just before the truce. there were sirens in southern part of israel in the last hour, that was called off as a false
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alarm. we often see ramped up military tactics, both sides are trying to hit as hard as possible before the break. yesterday hezbollah fired 50 rockets in israel, more than a typical day. there is concern that a pause would allow hamas to regroup. israel says it will resume all this after the ceasefire. we will go with momentum, we are on high alert and determined to continue all the way, to find the leaders of hamas and kill them fchl they do not surrender, wherever they are hiding, we will kill them. it is a pause, but in four or five days, we will continue. >> tremendous pressure from the families of the hostages to strike a deal. thousands have marched over the last six weeks.
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13 people are expected to return home today and families have been notified, three dual american citizens are not among those. in exchange israel will release 150 palestinians and 39 of them just today. most of those people were arrested in the last year for minor offenses, such as throwing rocks. the hostages are from the same kibbutz and they are also some of them are going to be sent to a children's hospital, meaning at least one child is among this group coming back here today. >> carley: we eagerly await 9:00 a.m. thank you. bring in tom holman, former acting ice director. good morning. we are expecting 13 hostages to be released today in israel but the country is still at war.
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christopher wray says we are heightened terror alert. weigh in on that, knowing border security and national security is a concern for people at home. tomi lahren i've been saying our open border is biggest national security failure this nation has seen since 9/11. i was in israel six months ago and looked at border security, they have border with egypt, but the west bank and gaza strip are very sophisticated and has even better technology than we do on some parts of the border. if they can penetrate one of the most sophisticated border systems in the world, what does that mean for the united states? our border is wide open. 227 people on the terror watch
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list were arrested last year. 659 people on the terror watch list were arrested. 1.7 million gotaways, why did they pay more to get away? border patrol arresting people from 171 different countries, if you don't think a single one of the 1.7 million. this is a security failure. >> carley: you are making sense, those are major concerns. biden administration is working under a security situation of october 6, before this happend and things have changed, even before this, releasing that many possible terrorists was concerning, now even more so. why do you think the biden administration has not changed their strategy?
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>> it is shocking to me. people say, i think people testify in front of congress about terrorists. i don't know how many terrorists crossed the border. i don't believe that number is zero. we have different databases to prevent what happened on 9/11. people cannot get a visa. we have information. we have tsa no fly list and the database and they work great. what terrorist will put themselves in position to be vetted when they can get to mexico and be part of the 1.7 million gotaways. the northern border is even more of a threat. >> carley: you mentioned the southern border and mexico,
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major story out of meteorologist. authorities arrested one of the leaders of the sinaloa cartel. he is wanted for distribution of fentanyl and described as a complete psychopath. do you think he will get extradited and why is that important? >> he ran the security apparatus for a faction of the sinaloa cartel. two sons of guzsman, who is in prison. very violents, he is an important capture. this is a week or so after president biden met with them. they are trying to placate and satisfy us handing him over. i think they are trying to pacify us. the country meteorologist is not
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going to -- much of the government and military are corrupt. that is a stone-cold fact, not saying all of them, it will take the united states of america and a president like trump to come into office and take the cartels up. we need our special operation, only people that can -- cartel in meteorologist and save american lives is united states of america. >> carley: politics gets involved in everything, even capturing murderous members of drug cartels. thanks for joining us. happy thanksgiving to you and your family. >> todd: the holiday shopping season in full swing today. take a look. kurt the cyber guy is here
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discussing deals on new tech.
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(vo) you were diagnosed with thyroid eye disease a long time ago. and year after year, you weathered the storm and just lived with the damage that was left behind. but even after all this time your thyroid eye disease could still change. restoration is still possible. learn how you could give your eyes a fresh start at
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>> todd: it is black friday, we are breaking down the best deals of the day. talking with an accent now. what are best deals you were
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able to find? >> expect a shoppers market this year temperature is really buyers market, expect deals 25 to 35% off. cheaper this year. this particular black friday, small appliances, games. start with this one, 30% off for playstation subscription. if you sign up for 12 months, you get 30% off and it is $10 a day. this gives subscription to hundreds of free games, brilliant gift idea. >> todd: and easy to wrap. >> easy to wrap. and for the gamer in your life, you have somebody with a ps5, this is it, wd black, sn 850 p,
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i call it the gamer's best friend. plug it into the ps5 and space becomes available for a pile of extra games. $90 off for black friday. games are super cheap, this is the latest craft team rumble, 40% off, you will find this if for $17.99. this is the latest. if you don't know what your gamer likes, this is a crowd pleaser. >> todd: i loved getting games in my stocking. awesome. >> first thing i pack when i travel is roku stick, this 4k is $20 off bringing the price to
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$29.99. you can stream across the other streams platforms. we have a new tv in the guest room, the tv is fancy, but we plugged in the roku to make it easy are for the person staying there. >> todd: good chance when you pack this up today, it will not be here. >> it is small and easy to carry. brand new, raucous fx pro. good for young ones in the family, teens, make your own music based on how you move. instead of one and two, mini-kettle bell. based on your movement, brilliant gift and this is down to $29.99, only at target.
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normally $70. crazy deal. for 12 hours today, this is tony box. these are tonies, you collect them and put on top of the box and it brings little ones story time. they set that on top and it continues with a story. if you have not heard enough frozen in your life, opportunity to get more. >> another character like that. what you find, these are starter sets, you can combine bundles and what manufacturers are doing, it is cool, this year at their own site at, get 10% off when you buy from them., the deals are
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here. >> todd: and deals are there, as well. >> >> todd: and you are kurt the cyber guy. let's check in with brian kilmeade for a look at what is coming up on "fox and friends." >> brian: we'll be talking about on "fox and friends" what is happening with hostages. the release hours away, 50 women and children. we hope will be returned to safety this morning and a four-day ceasefire will ensue between israel and hamas. it begins following fighting in the final horse where israel killed a hamas commander. trey yingst will inform the world. and jack keane on israel and hamas and what is happening in ukraine, taiwan, everything. and kt mcfarland will be here and at home pro-palestinian
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protesters reeked havoc disrupting the macy's thanksgiving day parade. they made the "new york post" frobt page, they will not like the caption, they aulsz defaced the new york city library. did you avoid politics at the table this weekend? the biden administration is know responding to maga family members, you know the maga team beating joe biden in the polls. it is black friday, retailers roll out sales, we have must-have deals to set you up for the holiday season. see you top of the hour, please get dressed. a perfect king's hawaiian slider. tastes good too! king's hawaiian slider sunday... the only way to sunday!
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israeli officials say the families of the hostages have all been notified. here at home pro-palestinian protesters temporarily halting the macy's thanksgiving day parade. the "new york post" calling them bloody idiots. [chanting israel you can't hide -- you're committing genocide. [chanting cease-fire now] >> todd: beverly holberg joins me now. beverly, i don't want to give these idiots more of a platform after they disrupted a parade for children. i want to focus on joe biden. the odd alleged damage goes if you try to please everybody you please no one. what is his approval with regard
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to. israeli crisis be better if you unequivocally threw his supporter behind israel instead of meekly trying to placate the other side? john fetterman has shown his support of israel waiving israel flag to people as he passes them. look, with joe biden, what he is constantly doing is reading the polls and seeing whether or not his position is going to impact him. the middle of the road democrats agree with him. it's young people, it's progressive that don't like his stance. but i think his campaign is looking at this as if the campaign was two weeks away, it would be a problem. but we have 11 months. this is going to be a long game for them. but i think it's a shame that the president isn't just sticking to a firm, firm position instead of reading the polls too much. >> todd: how does biden win back the jewish democrat who has
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always relibellably voted democrat and michigan muslim who is not happy with how he is handling it. how does he get those voters back. if he doesn't, where do those votes ago? >> i think he is hoping that donald trump will be the republican nominee and he is hoping that people -- that in those camps, the progressives that they would never vote for donald trump and not only never vote but would definitely come out and vote for whoever is running against donald trump. so i think he is pushing for trump to be the nominee. republican nominee, of course, all polling is showing long game is going to help him out. i think the michigan battle is the most important. he is looking at where his support is and that toss-up state. so that's what it goes back. to say worrying that this president is going to be making elected and not blorcht best interest of allies. >> todd: joe biden releasing a
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campaign maga nonsense. this one is a doocy. crazy maga guy trump had the worst job r0rd of any presidents of the great depression. president biden has created nearly 14 jobs. if you raise this at thanksgiving, you are a psychopath. 20 seconds to you, beverly, these are just plain lies. >> they are lies and told you by the worst communicators in the u.s. presidency that we have ever seen. by the way, he was talking about how turkey is cheaper this year. eggs is cheaper this year. but, guess what? he was the president last year. he is always saying this is not at bad as last year. i don't think we should be taking communication tips from. >> todd: arsonist who burned down the house who says look i saved the door. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> brian: break egg right now, the temporary cease-


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