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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  November 26, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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spending this money, you will not drink it, what is the purpose of it, there is no way you will drink it. >> my dad saved coke cans we could be millionaires and drink all the whiskey. >> people drink a 20-dollar bottle of wine or a hundred dollar bottle of wine. if it's boone's farmer out of a box i get it but do you taste the difference. nicole: yes you can. absolutely. too expensive you don't want to drink it you want to save it but then it goes bad. alicia: you look at it. that does it for us we will see you next weekend. "life, liberty and levin" starts right now. ♪
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mark: hello america, i am mark levin this is "life, liberty & levin". we have a fantastic show tonight. do you want to know why i'm not the host, here's my buddy pete hegseth, what are the nicest, smartest guys i know. every couple of years when i have a book i say why not have pete here who reads the book and understands the book and talk to me about the book and make it very intriguing and interesting. i'm going to step out of the host mode and turn the show over to pete, he won't steal it i promise but he'll come back for interviews. i want to thank you. >> i cannot steal it if i wanted to, what an honor. >> i appreciate you handing this over to you far less capable.
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i study this book and i read it cover to cover i would advance copy of it. it's phenomenal, congratulations on a great book and out the gates i want to tell everybody it's worth giving to everybody in the state of our republic is that important. the last time we were here we were talking about american marxism, talk to the audience about how this is an extension you think about marxism as a cultural thing and let people see the democrat party hates america, people think they hate the democrat party but i don't think they do. mark: the title of the book i decided on it when i finish the book same with american marxism and that title describes what's going on in this country today. marxism is an alien ideology and a dangerous ideology and responsible for the death of 100 million people. why. because it's a failed ideology.
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ideology is inhumane it tries to take the human character under character and reengineer it and build an entire ideology and society around the re-triggered reengineered individual. the problem is god creates individuals, man cannot change individuals. we can create an environment where we can have law and order in the civil society where people can flourish if we emphasize liberty in the economic system that works with liberty, capitalism and recognize sovereignty and culture and assimilation under that culture. all of these things have gone on for a long time and they worked very, very well to create the greatest nation mankind has ever known since there was mankind. and then there are forces that are destroying it, there's always evil and there's always tierney and they take advantage of liberty, that the first book liberty and tierney.
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were now living in a society where nobody talks about liberty, were they trash her history, they rewrite our history that the democrat party has essentially devoured the culture. it does not disagree with anything that's taking place weather in the classroom or the border because it's created a so i finished american marxism and i thought to myself what is next and i watched the news and "fox & friends" on the weekend and during the week i watched her cable channel and some of the others and every day in and day out what are we doing. we are exposing what is happening to the country. and most of it is not good. why is it happening, is that mother nature doing all of these things, no. it is mankind doing all of these things. mankind, what does that mean. it is this party, the democrat party, the democrat party that
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defended slavery that is responsible for the civil war, the party of the confederacy, the party opposed to reconstruction. the party that pushed segregation for 100 years after the civil war. the party of eugenics. the party of racism, segregation, the party that re-segregated the military after republicans desegregated. as a party that we segregated the part under bureaucracy after the republicans desegregated. i explained the history of the party and who is responsible for these things. woodward wilson was out of the closet racist to the clan. i can give you a few examples right away so people have a taste. the book is too involved for anyone willing to explain it. but woodward wilson required for the first time that people apply for federal jobs in their photos
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so he can make sure blacks were not kidding federal jobs. he also, when he was president of princeton university bragged about the fact that not one black kid was admitted to princeton when he was a president of the university. he was the king of propaganda, the king of censorship. he wanted nothing to do with the black community, nothing to do the black press not under nothing to do with naacp he was a big interfaces. he was a two-term democrat president. but the democrats liked him. why? because he was one of the early marxist intellectual so-called intellectuals talk about perfecting society. but for the sloppiness of the vote in the sloppiness of the republicanism in the sloppiness of what goes on he felt that the judiciary was where we could change america forever. he despised the declaration of
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independence. he wrote about it and why do they despise the declaration of independence, the marxist replaced their own ideology with that of the lord. and that's why they attacked the family. because the family has a whole construct that interrupts with ideology. the faith has a whole social construct that interrupts with her ideology. the constitution is set up to protect us from this party. the democrat party even though people don't realize it. i find it really hilarious and repulsive at the same time that you have democrats today that condemn american history but they don't condemn their own party. >> not only do they not condemn their own parties are some of the ways we can go on the on the issue woodward wilson you the end of the book when you talk about the chapter that stalin would be proud they revived the
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espionage act from 1917 that woodward wilson used to get a political opponent with jack smith and donald trump today. there still using the same tactics. >> there's an explanation when i go to chapter three to chapter four about the democrat party that's an autocratic party, it's not like the republican party, the republican party is a political party, in many ways it's an effective party in many ways when the people vote it's a default party because they get what about for the radicalism of the democrat party the people don't know what the republican party stands for because the republican party doesn't know what it stands for. it's the perfect foil for a different kind of party the democrat party that knows what it stands for and where wants to take the country. the democrat party is not merely a political party. it's an autocratic party that seeks to replace loyalty to the party to loyalty to the country.
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>> you call it the state party. mark: the state run party, because why, they devoured our classrooms with the teachers unions and devoured our universities and colleges with her marxist tenured professors. they have devoured the whole idea of citizenship, the southern border is wide open, climate change did not cause that. mother nature did not cause a. mother biden because that in the democrat party. no matter how much they squeal in new york city and new york there still good about democrat. biden knows that the democrat party knows, why are they doing it. if you understand the democrat party, you understand you need to look through the lens of a power-hungry autocratic party that doesn't give a damn about the country. the reason the border is open so they can turn texas blue and when texas is blue the electoral gain is over.
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republicans can never win the presidency. the same reason they want to get rid of the electoral college. only the populated areas in the country, the big cities on the coast, maybe chicago and detroit, they are represented half the country no representation after that they want to take the california system and superimposed on the entire nation, the whole voting issue. i know i'm moving wildly. >> you talk about h.r.1. immediately coming into office, they try to nationalize the boat and blow out the protections of the states have, the propaganda is that we want people to vote and have access to vote. the only people that should vote for the people to have a legal right to vote. it's not everybody gets to vote. everybody doesn't get to vote. you need to be a citizen of the united states. what do they do we have the cleanest election in american
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history, did you know this in 2020 that's what the press tells us, think about this for a second. we have less voting id laws and any time in american history, drop boxes that are not secure, nobody's watching there aren't any cameras, anybody can drop anything into it, no signature in several states for absentee ballots, no dates in many states for absentee ballots, we have harvesting, that means people are voting in recounting the abodes after the election. yet some states where they have elections one month before the election so the guardrails are blown out. >> automatic registration of pennsylvania with a moderate democrat governor, there is no moderate democrat governor, what is interesting we have fraud in every single presidential election you had cook county, texas, west virginia, the
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democrats are better than anybody out there. the least secure election in american history that we are told had no fraud. the cleanest election in american history. it is because they took fraud and they legalized it they change the system and they enshrined it. when you go to court and sue and say the sky didn't have this or that, so what in your state it's perfectly legal. >> is a great example. it's what chapter forgets into as far as word and thought control change in the dictionary. they take something that is so self-evidently not true, the most secure election of all time and they repeated over and over again until that's what everyone needs to say why are they so good at that. >> if you're an autocratic party you know what your mission is, to take control of society.
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this is what they do. if you have questions about man-made climate change, you are dismissed, you don't get a grant you get a big scarlet letter carved into your forehead, you're a denier like a holocaust denier, there is no discussion, they control knowledge even when it's not knowledge, they control it. >> information. they repeated and they repeated and they repeat it. i read several books about individuals who suffered through totalitarian regime the third reich, stalin, mao, castro, they all say the same thing which is control the language, lenin said the language needs to be changed to accommodate the party, to accommodate the party so were not allowed to talk about women and men and what they are and so forth. >> that's what i love about this
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book, chapter four you pull out an unknown doctor and he wrote, you summarize objective verification of ideas is rejected since no reality on the dictatorial opinion exist. this is not something democrats made up in something that they're mimicking. in some cases it was mimicked and will get into this later on with other autocrats that looked at the early progressives and said that is something that we could do were here to controller people. it all seems to come back to power. >> i cannot tolerate different views, they cannot tolerate debate. because we can have paradise. we can have utopia if we have the single individuals or small groups of individuals, if we have free speech, free speech is the enemy, discussion is enemy, why is that relevant today, not only do you see the word changes because when you change words
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you change thought processes. when you change thought processes you change action. what the democrat party wants is zombies, how do we know that. we had the greatest attack on free speech since the civil war quite frankly, the biden administration through censorship. judges who looked at this independently have been shocked at the extent to which the biden administration used federal power to influence social media and social media platforms on everything from politics and the laptop to the virus, vaccines and everything in between. i just would be clear about something. as anemic as the republican party is, it does not do that. the republican party was not involved in lynching. they fought slavery. people need to understand, i do this through the discussion of franklin roosevelt. i take the most iconic democrat
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in american history, they think is the greatest president ever. i asked all these historians and all the documentaries and all the rest of it in books and books and books. he was a racist, he was an anti-semite, i mentioned in 1940 a bill at his desk, federal outlaw of lynching, he refused to sign it because he is running for unprecedented third term and he wanted the boat out of the south. he did more than that he backed the guy at the state department who intentionally locked jews who were trying to escape the third right and gas chambers are coming into the united states even though they had not met their quota. there was a quoted they were way under the quota and he was also successful working with the new york times another press outlet to censor the holocaust, what was taking place. we were bombing nazi locations s
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where they were taking juice to auschwitz. he never bombed the train tracks, people said he did not want to be diverted from the goal, they were 5 miles from the train tracks, then you look at his writings when he was working at the navy department and earlier about jews, he had his staff to hire an anthropologist who is curious as the president of what he called the intermixing of racist, this is always been part of the platform, unspoken perhaps of the democrat party racism. that's one chapter i talk about antiblack races. i talk about anti-white races. >> at the very next chapter, i never read any about that about
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fdr in my high school textbooks. mark: there's a lot more. >> a lot more and a lot worse. when we come back i want to ask you how is it then that the republican party today is deemed by those in control as a rhesus party. how did they flip that because your book dissects that as well. we have more with mark lebed with "life, liberty & levin" in just a moment. icy hot. ice works fast. ♪ heat makes it last. feel the power of contrast therapy. ♪ so you can rise from pain. icy hot.
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(car engine revs) (engine accelerating)
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(texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking)
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>> welcome back to the special edition of "life liberty and levin" this is about mark's new book the democrat party hates america, it's an honor to be here, don't adjust your sets, i won't be here long. as i said before phenomenal read and following on the conversation we had a ready based on everything that you laid out, how are the democrats able to flip the narrative if it was the republicans who were and are the racist bigoted party it was a death move that they seem to make. mark: the demagogue party never to her history always rewriting history is really a taranto party that seemed to seek power. it's happy to be a million in the way that it conducts itself you that's why we've gone from antiblack racism which they thought was to his advantage to now antiwhite races, why? attack the founding for the 1619
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project attacked the declaration which is basically john locke which is the most important philosopher of the revolutionary. and to attack the constitution which is basically montesquieu of the most import and philosopher of that. and they write about them in the federalist paper and attack everything american. capitalism, the whole founding and everything sense because the democrat party and does not accept this country. it did except when it was part of the confederacy, they wanted to tear it to shreds and it does not accept it today neither does a party of american marxism and all the marxist movement. you have to switch, you have to switch from oppressive minority to oppressing the majority because the history they say is one of a corrupt nation again now we have antiwhite racism. and you're not allowed to talk
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about it. you can't even write about it so i say to hell with these people. and you'll notice in that chapter how i talk about the rise of what i call civil rights marxism treated the civil rights movement today, who's the leader of the civil rights movement, nobody. why isn't there leader of the civil rights movement anymore, most of the objectives of the old civil rights movement have been met, a colorblind society but for the democrat party. >> you laid out the vote count of the civil rights act of 1965. >> is overwhelming, the republican party has supported every civil rights act right after the civil war up until today, huge swaths of the democrat party have opposed every civil rights act from right after the civil war up until today. my key point in trying to get across, the civil rights movement has turned into an economic movement into a marxist movement which is why the
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trashing of capitalism from, the heroes and others about equity, we don't all start at the same place which is why bernie sanders is a marxist. >> and you cite that marxist was talking about equity versus equality. mark: exactly. you have 10 - 15% of the democrats of the house of representatives were marxist. this is remarkable thing, my view i'm not a politician, i don't live and die by polls. i read history, i study the documents, i know what's going on in i'm going to call it exactly the way it's happening with what we see. you have to put the puzzle pieces together. what the democratic party host on is its own rotten lousy hateful bloodless history onto the inept incompetent, really irresponsible republican party,
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the party of who, mitch mcconnell. >> i was going to say lincoln. mark: i did anything abraham lincoln will get the support today of the republicans in the senate, do you know why he's too aggressive, can't we do something bipartisan, whatever, i know they did not support ronald reagan one of the greatest presidents in american history, they opposed ronald reagan they did not want him to get the nomination the bush crowd tried to stop him and did on more than one occasion. mcconnell was never a reagan guy, karl rove was never a reagan guy even though he said he was. everybody chris christie, these are all ford bush guys now all of a sudden, they hated reagan because reagan was an unapologetic capitalist. because reagan saw the soviet union as the enemy. he was anti-communist so they said he was stupid. so they said he could not win
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elections. >> what they want i love the quote that you pull out, basically a controlled opposition they want to cripple the opposition of the gop without annihilating they want the other party so it doesn't look like authoritarianism as long as they sit in the corner. >> they have a republican party that has been neutered and is done so well entirely. while the republican party doesn't want to fundamentally transform america, it is could you put into it which is why the republican party opposed, there are certain things that we need to take a stand because they are right regardless of the pol politics. you don't see that coming out of the united states and on the republican side. what you see coming out of the united states and is the foot on the gas pedal to destroy the status quo, the traditions, the institutions, the civil society, the constitution, this is how
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they sleep at night thinking about it in their dreams, the wake up in the morning, and were constantly on the defense and we don't embrace liberty like you should. >> one of the institutions they are targeting which is the core basic institution is the nuclear family and you spend an entire chapter talking about that. we'll do that right after the break.
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woman: who's that, who is that? cole: this is my puppy! woman: cancer. it's different in a child. because your child is still growing.
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charlie: i had 14 rounds of chemo. there's thousands and thousands of kids all over the world who need help. girl: it is my first time having cancer. and it's the very worst. spokesman: saint jude children's research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life threatening diseases. woman: it's scary to watch your kid battle and fight for their lives. spokesman: 1 in 5 children diagnosed with cancer in the us will not survive. woman: childhood cancer is hard. it's a long road. you just have to give. you have to give someone that hope. and especially with them being so young. spokesman: please, call, go on line, or scan the qr code for only $19 a month.
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families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food, so they can focus on helping their child live. man: she grew up in this. so when we go to st. jude, she's happy, because that's her home. every time i take her to the doctor, she's excited because she gets to play. and that's all because of saint jude. spokesman: when you call or go online with your credit or debit card right now, we'll send you this saint jude t-shirt you can wear to show your support to help saint jude save the lives of these children. woman: [non-english speech] spokesman: let's cure childhood cancer together.
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>> welcome to fox news live i am jon scott in new york a possible extension of the ongoing cease-fire between israel and hamas is under discussion. it could allow for more hostages to be released and allow more aid into gaza. hamas handed over 70 more hostages today including a 4-year-old is really american girl, she was taken to hospital in israel for evaluation, the hostages released range in age from four to 84, the total number released since the start of the truths is up to 58, israel released 39 prisoners in the latest exchange. amanda underway for the suspect to shocked three palestinian college students in vermont. one in serious condition, they were on their way to a family dinner when the attack took place. police are investigating the shooting as a potential hate crime. i am jon scott, now back to life, liberty and the leben.
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>> welcome back to a special edition of "life liberty and levin". with the great one mark levin in the democrat party hates america. when we went to break we were talking about the nuclear family and the war on the nuclear family a lot about politics and culture now is getting personal from the democrats. mark: by the way the people to have a problem with the title i'm waiting for 70 to write the democrat party loves america, i would love to know how exactly what about america does the democrat party love it is constantly attacking, undermining and relentless that said they get their power. >> on that you say is not intended to be provocative. >> this is the way that i look at it i don't care what msnbc, cnn and the new york times and the rest of these think. it is about them, i do care what democrats think generally in the
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outer look in their heart and soul and say why am i part of an institution that is destroying my country that has a horrendous history of racism and bigotry and anti-semitism in undermining our institutions because i believe the average democrat feels that way, the activists do and their elected officials do but i doubt the average democrat in the street someone who fought for this country after they read this book will continue to be democrat. as for the nuclear family, there is nothing more hostile in the marxist ideology than a nuclear family. marx is even right about that. >> and the abolition. >> the abolition of the family and is very angry about it because he gets pushed back and he basically says how dare you attack me and marxism when you are promoting the bourgeoisie,
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when people understand this, the nuclear family is under attack because to destroy the relationship within the family, a parent to a child is to destroy the country because we as parents will die for our children and in order to substitute the state for the nuclear family we need to brainwash, change the social structure so the democrat party controls the state and the state controls what happens to your family this is right wing nuts stuff. we are turning kids against parents. >> this is been a dream of the progressive movement since john dewey went to stalin's russia 1928. you know all about the stephanie love their education system. he said in every respect whether their teaching mathematics or language or history, is the
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overlay of what is important to the state and to the party and you must have that kind of indoctrination. john dewey had more impact on the public education as a country than any other human being in this country, that was over 100 years ago, they've never changed. the teachers union is independent to the democrat party vice versa, thus two and a half million precinct. which is why the opposed school choice. they don't give a damn about kids particularly in poor black neighborhoods. they send their own kids to private school or they've gone to private school the head of the aft or the nea center kid to private school in chicago but not for anybody else. it is crucial that the nuclear family be destroyed and that's exactly what is taking place in all the transsexual stuff, what is this 100% of the population and now it's been superposed in
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the books that our kids get and in lessons that they're being taught. we cannot miss it every day on television, what is that all about it is about destroying the family. >> there always hypocrites about it. if you mention teachers union leaders who send their kids to private school even karl marx says i want to destroy the nuclear family but he showed a lot of preference and difference to his own kids. >> i explain he was a doting father while writing about how to destroy the nuclear family. the only thing i would mention is this locale divided a administration unleashed the fbi, national security, the department of justice against who, the parents, they did have jurisdiction, no problem they would predict the teachers union because the teachers union is doing the bidding. we already reached the point the war on the parents in the nuclear family and one other footnote the most important demographic that the democratic party has, the most important
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were loyal than any ethnic group or anything else is young single women who have children, they vote over womanly democrat. they have significant numbers. and they are not part of a nuclear family and so forth. they also support overwhelmingly the most radical forms of abortion. you want to know why the democrat party cannot stop talking about abortion, power that's the most important constituent group and they will serve it. >> it keeps them in the block. great staff, more to come. we'll be rightief back. and sizes to relieve your pain. salonpas. it's good medicine. hi, i'm stacey, and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. (guitar music) i was surprised with the golo plan, i was not hungry. thanks to release, i don't feel the need to go for snacks or go back for seconds.
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look at it for an half the crap but you hadn't healthier spin on it. >> they look at rush and how they use their power to gradually but ultimately devoured the society and they talk about the press, they talk about how they pretend that they're going to reelections but they weaken the opposition so much that they're just going through the motions and they go through all these modern techniques that these autocratic use and they focus on russia and china. >> free speech, censorship. it's happening in america today, maybe not to some extent but yes, a significant extent. i said they could be writing about the democrat party and so what i did i took the breakdown of the front and of the freedom house report which is a really remarkable report this is the left of center organization and
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i applied with biden administration was doing and what the democrat party was doing in the biden administration and the democrat party even though the freedom house will never admit it meets the credentials, the characteristic of two radical autocratic regimes and parties set up by freedom house. that is exactly what is going on in this country when you put the public pieces together think about it every day when you do the news or i'm doing my show or were watching the news the average person seeing what is going on, is there an institution or a part of the culture that is not being destroyed? is there an institution or part of the culture that is not being poisoned? do we believe and assimilation anymore, assimilation into what we don't teach assimilation in our classrooms because we don't believe in american history.
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>> we can even teacher military. i'm sitting your cataloging and i'm sure the viewers are too, when you say what institution and i cannot think of one that is not under complete assault. >> they destroyed them in sports, you don't hear from the feminist anymore or the women's groups through destroying real free speech in america you don't hear from the aclu anymore about any of these things. they're putting protesters, were protested against abortion at abortion clinics in prison people in their 70s they don't commit any acts of violence, they took one guy out they wanted to make it example of him they run him in front of the democrat party during philadelphia and in no time at all they find him innocent. it doesn't stop them from sending their swat teams to get pro-life protesters anymore than it stop them from trying to infiltrate the catholic church. the infiltrate the catholic church because one of the left-wing groups the silent
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poverty law center tells the fbi that this is a rats nest of vile activism. we could go on and on. >> some of it is run by marxist. >> as far as i'm concerned, 100%. what they're doing their targeting their opponents. today the democrats are criminally investigating the federal society. they're investigating the national rifle association. there investigating and indicting in 100 different ways the leading candidate for the republican side, his lawyers, his former staffers, they are bankrupting many of them and you have judges appointed by obama and biden that are violating the six mm and the fifth amendment by pretending the trial act of the government and applies to the individual who can waive it because they're good to go through the motions just like they're going to go through the
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motions and predilections as freedom house talks about, they want to go through the motions of the actual trials, there is a judge in a robe, jury, prosecutor, defense counsel. those existed in the two radical regimes to, just because we have the courtrooms if you will doesn't mean we have justice, in fact we don't. >> what is a federal society and donald trump guilty of being too effective, that must be shut down the name of the report breaking on democracy goals, strategies and methods of authoritarianism. it's worth reading the book just to read that as he breaks it down for the democrat party. we will see you in a moment.
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>> welcome back to the special edition of life liberty live in democrat party hates american author is a great one mark levin. we are short on time, so much to get to but talk to me about the war on the constitution. >> there is this initiative being pushed by the demo party, they are professors most of whom are marxist or pretty damn close to it but the constitution was written by slaveholders and so this country is the cancer
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society from beginning to end. >> white supremacist constitution. >> that's right had nothing to do with the constitution unless you think of the great philosophers are all white supremacist, not at all, this constitution was built to protect individual liberty this constitution was dealt to protect people from things like slavery the problem is at the time they could not eliminate slavery and philadelphia with the delegates making these decisions and you had a few states that were strongly pro-slavery south carolina and georgia but the constitution is the greatest document ever conceived of when it comes to governance which is by the democrat party hates it. which is why we have to deal with the 1619 project in crt in the marxist movement in this country that are at war because it prevents a centralization of power there is two-tier knees the framers feared the mob
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anybody and everybody can vote and nobody has inalienable rights. >> that's why were not a democracy, thank god. >> or centralize power, the constitution protects us from both and they later added the bill of rights number texas from the central government, the individual from the central government you will notice the bill of rights under constant attack by the democrats, we talk about free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of protest, the right to bear arms, due process, legitimate warrants, the tapings clause intended to protect property rights and so forth and so one they are all under attack as is the 14th amendment with the lies about keeping trump off the ballot and another budget fight where they claim the 14th amendment gives power to abided to a disarrayed the powers of congress when it comes to taxing and spending, they do not care, they hate people that wrote the constitution, who adopted it and
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who ratified it. here's the problem the word slavery does not appear anywhere in the constitution except the importation of slaves is the end of the early 1800s. the importation of slaves was ending before the constitution was even adopted. they knew slavery was wrong. jefferson who owned slaves try to put language in the declaration of independence indicating that but he could not get the other states to agree and they were fighting for their lives, they were fighting for their survival, that was not something they could address at that point. frederick douglass, i don't think frederick douglass should take a backseat to any of these modern marxist, he escaped slavery, was self-taught, brilliant intellectual scholar, self-taught and abolitionist one of the most and port and abolitionist during that period,
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he admired the constitution, he loved the constitution, he defend the constitution. he said the constitution is not the problem. we need virtue and public office who follow the constitution and live with the constitution. there's a lot more on the book and i hope people check it out. >> there is a lot more of that in this fantastic book, the democratic party hates america. a little bit more on the other side. heat makes it last. feel the power of contrast therapy. ♪ so you can rise from pain. icy hot.
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there once was a tree lovingly made to look real. so real, something magical happened. it helped create very real memories. balsam hill. ♪ ♪ ♪ we have only got eight minute left it. i think the best way to end the discussion is the quote you have in the back of the book if i may read it. inevitably the democrat party infinite cultural economic and political interventions always in the name of the people in some virtuous and worthy cause lead to the steady decline of liberty and the steady rise of
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the people. fewer and fewer masterminds with an ever in ever-increasing armyf bureaucrats and enforcers reign over the citizenry and decide what is and is not good for them. the abuses of power are limitless as are the justifications. and slowly but surely the people get used to it. even about fort until one day it's a grip is too tight. then it is too late. and this and virtually all else it does democrat parties loathing of america is boundless. powerful words, scary to see but you're raising one for every wood market because i cannot thank you enough really god bless you. and thank you folks see you next time saturday and sunday on life, liberty, and levin. ♪


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