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tv   The Five  FOX News  November 27, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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jesse watters along with judge jeanine pirro harold ford jr. greg gutfeld and dana perino. it's 5:00 in new york city and this i s "the five" ♪ >> jesse: president biden turning his back on israel to apiece the far left at the most critical moment of the hostage negotiations. 11 more captives have been released by hamas and are now back in israeli territory. temporary ceasefire deal between israel and the terror group getting extended for two more days. the white house says hamas is committed to rel releasing anot 20 women and children the next two days but so far only one american has been released. jeff paul is live in tel aviv with more. jeff? >> yeah, jesse we just got word that this latest group of hostages released by hamas are on their way right now to als israeli hospitals to get treatment and get checked out. and like the days before these happened, you know, we saw some
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delays today, just like a few ago, and that really just speaks to how fragile these negotiations and this deal is between israel and hamas. here's what we know about this latest group. it's two mothers and nine and children, the youngest kids being just three years old. we're also learning that all of those kids left their dads behind inside gaza where they'ry still being held a by hamas. the day before 14 israelis madeo the same journey where they joined 26 other israelis released. in previou36s days, they're ally now in some sort of stage of treatment after spending roughly seven weeks likely exclusively inughl the darkness of hamas tunnels. however, there's still more thas 100 hostages being held by hamas. we could see more being freed t over the next two days as qatara officials broke thte news earlir today they are extending the temporary trues. israeli previously said they would extend the pause in fighting pau by one day for eve ten additionalever hostages el
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released. keep in mind once hamas stops releasing hostages israeli asin forces will likely resume their combat in gaza to combat hamas and get the remaining hostages out. >> we want to receive another additional 50 hostages, beyond tonight on our way to bringing everyone home and as soon as that framework expires israel will continue with full force h towards the three objectives, eliminating hamas, making sure thkinge gaza strip is not a thr to is roll and releasing all the hostages. >> as we saw in previous days, s more aid trucks made their way into gaza to help the civilians there. an gd we're also hearing that palestinian prisoners, a group of 30 more than 30 will be reld just like in previous jesse? >> jesse: jeff thanks so much. far only one american hostage harby s gonen released. kirby getting pressed on that by march ethat. y excited and the president was involved in getting the extension, 20 more
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hostages over the next two dayso the process is working so we're going to continue to put our energies and - efforts. >> is therree any promise, whenh spoke to the prime minister in s qatar, there any promise in the next see period we're going to americans. >>se i'm not going to get into diplomatic conversations, window woo we made it plain and clear we wanirt to see the american hostages home with hair familieo and we're glad it got extended a couple of days. >> jesse: an thed as the lives merjs hang in the balance joe biden going back on his promise support israel secretly apologizing to muslim americans forecasting acceptable criticism over the hamas ministry of health. instead of playing straight saying whyth you can't trust th terrorists. biden saying, quo, i'm sorry, i'm disappointed in myself. judge jeanine, what do you thinc the president's calculation is saying that behind the scenes tb
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the muslim community? >> to me it appears that he's moving left. he know the numbers right now are not good for him. two monthsing in an nbc poll, he wa hs ate 46% in september. today he's at 31% among those agesmong 18-34. so he's dropped 15 points among that group in the last two months. but i think more than that, he it trying to move left to satisfy those nebul the party, the partprogressives, and i thig that the craziest part of it is this is the one time he's tellinh ang the truth and now h going back on it and saying i'm sorry i really said that. but i think the biggest part of all ofe thibis besides the pols and it's almost as though you're seeing a movie.i i feel like i'm watching a movie now where the palestinians are sending ounianr hostages over at any second someone's going to g get a call and say turnaround. buart t the craziest part of ths now we have had 74 attacks
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against american military in seven weeks. with well over 60 of our our servicemen injured, shrapnel, traumatic brain injury, they can be lifelong injuries. and you have john kirby saying today, this afternoon he says, we sent them a strong message.em he a has not sent a strong message. america has basically said you, in a rock and syria and your proxies, you can hit whenever you want, we're not going to respond although i think we dide we blew up a garage or something and on thursday they apparently sent an intercontinental ndin ballistic missile. we're not responding to this. so the first american soldier as who dies as a result of these proxies funded by iran, the blood is going to be on the hands of joe biden because he is not taking this seriously enough. when people likeen joe scarboroh come out and say thanks god we w have joe biden otherwise we would be in a world war. they're not understanding that a
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in truth, you know, unless we start blowing up bridges in iran, we're going to start getting hit ourselves. >> jesse: and so, dana, just on. american hostage released so far. >> dana: i mean, i would be screaming bloody murder and say like i'm not resting until the americans are home and you're not resting until the americanse come home. no oneun involved in this shoule have a good night's sleep until the americans are and we have ways to do that and power, and i understand all the little nuances and everything s and it's complicated et cetera. just on the home front this washington post story that had 27 sources, a lot of them anonymous about this meeting joe biden had at the white house that included a lot of muslim us loaders as well as staff. and they come and say they're upset that he sat on sokt 7th ai a press conference i have no notion the palestinians arare telling the truth over how manyd are killed.hey they want him to retract that.he and he say ss to them, i'm sorrt
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i'm disappointed in myself for what icuse excuse me, why would you think that, mr. p. . why would you thinpresk the gazd health ministry would not be telling the truth. were they telling the truth about the fact the headquarterse were underneath the hospital where the hospital hostages are being held. >> instead of explaining the m the decision making process he says i'm sorry.l ab we don't know all about the meeting because it was clearly e people in there.ue for the staffers in there rk complaining, guess what you . don't have to work there and yoh work at the e pleasure of the ul president. if i was there i would say here's my position, here's how i got it to. i hear you, thank you.sp i respect your opinion. here's mine.if an yd if you're established and upset about it then you should leave. you have also the mid i can't protecting the staffers, two hundred you know had congressional staffers and 400 administration staffers.onthey they don't release their names. do you think that would happen ine tr a trump administration? of course not. the media would be all over it.
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they're th onee ones who said w age with higher gas prices if you get something for the climate unit. hey,y, it's okay to ban landlor for evicting people even if it's none constitutional. there's like a ten to 20% of th2 american public pulling the e president to the left and he's at risk of losing everybody elsu but at most he's at risk of losing the principle that he has beence confidently seeping sinc october 7telish and i think the. israelis are as concerned about it as much as they need him. >> jesse: greg. >> greg: i think he doesd. what he's told. i never ever apologized boo the border patrol agents that he unfairly maligned, but that's because he wasn't told though. i'll tell you how you feel about the hostage release but my feelings, i have to preface, mean nothing compared to the families. i caesn imagine the joy they fe seeing their family members coms
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back and that's a wonderful thing. but, having said that to me, i feelma successfully mans playedp hamaeos kidnapped this many peoe for this precise process to unfold. basically they robbed a human bank to ge tt human currency, ty hit the casinos, they got the no chips. a and now they're playing by their rules. so i feefol joy forthe families but i also feel like hamas has really played this well especially when you hear the e captors treated the captors well. that's part of the process. but to treat the captives well, first you had to capture them and in the process of capturing them you bruhly killed and raped hundreds of innocent people. so i think you can't let these stories and you can't let this process, manipulate the core truth. the cause and effect behinrtd this. because i think righ t now we're in the rationaleizing phase wh where now we're rationizing what's going o and we forget
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what began this. it's not the context of history, it started october 7th. you had the sky news reporter hilarious accused israel of racism for getting hostages in exchange for 50 palestinian prisoners. because, you know, israel wouldn'tdo wann't 150 hostages because they don't believe it's one on one. >> yes. >> judge jeanine: wow. >> hamas is calling the shots here. do you thinkyo israeu l would wh more?ut they have always wanted one to one. that just shows you how fed up the mid i can't is, it's incredible. anyway. >> jesse: possibly are now er talking about hamas releasing hostages and three weeks ago we werelk talking about hamas slaughteringghte men women and around theck table >> harold: good to be back. any starts in the white house
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that disgross should quit. >> or they should do their job and accept the president is the president of united states >> harold: or they should quit but i wouldn't have met with anyboduldny if i was the presid of the united states witheh staffers, show the papers at the number two i give the president a lot of credit. o although they saidf what they want to saity about him and whan they're thinking about him and k leaked something from the meeting i can only tell but then president's public doing. one we have two of the most highly sophisticated and highly equipped in that region today. r the i wills rallies, given the protection, i agree with you, octoberenth as a sight of what we're doing and why we're doing it. but you have to understand, if you're a national security advisor and you're on that team or at the white house or state department, you have to think about these things, think about what happens when wehen win, because we will win. for those active in our country or acting on behalf, in fact i will joiyon you in want aing tw
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stage position. >> if i believed so strongly you have to understand if that masss relieved all the soldiers the killing in the west bank would stop would ask israel to now reflame and reset and regroup to try and find a solution. or the united states, for palestinians s deaths after whas happened over the last few days. the ceasefire came out because hamas decided to release soldiers from the outset, president netanyahu, i don't agree with all the time and still have my issues with but ia agree with him here. he. said we have to recover hostages and degrade hamas. we are degrading hamas and later if you want the fighting to stop release all the hostages and then we can have a reasonable serious conversation. i will say to the president before taylor gets winded, i wouldn't entertain the time ideas and someone on my staff ho who were against my proposal ans against oualr physicians.po
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let them we have everuny wasting your ti if that's the position of the country. keep doing whaositt you're doin. we're gaining process, we're making progress. >>ngro you'rgre saying that wou happen in the ford administration. >> the lasen it thing that woul happen g. >> woman: see, harold's got a (car engine revs) >> woman: see, harold's got a run.g: s
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(engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering)
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(loose gravel clanking) dear moms and dads, what you have achieved here today is going to help us and our futures. it is why we're coming up on stage to collect your diplomas. mom, love you always. vo: when you graduate, they graduate. visit to find free and supportive adult education centers near you. ♪ >> judge jeanine: hate is on the rise in america.
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a terrifying scene at a new york city high school. a teacher forced to hide for hours in a locked office as hundreds of pro palestinian s students rioted outside and demanded that she be fired. it happened after they found out that the teacher attended a pro israel rally. anti israel protests causing more mayhem in other parts of the city as well. shocking video shows more than a thousand pro palestinian s halting traffic for hours on new york city's manhattan bridge. you know, the students in this high school, jesse, it's the hillcrest students, they continue the hostile outside of the classroom. they docks the teacher, now everybody knows where she lives what her telephone numbers is, their family members and they o continue to hound her. what should happen to these students? >> jesse: paddle them. paddle the bejesus out of them.
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i don't think you're allowed to do that anymore. >> no, it's called corporal punishment. >> jesse: but it is a confusingg time when a teacher can sleep with the student, teach that white people are badent. and twn plus two is five and they can transition students. no one says anything, everybody justeryb goes about their day bo god for bid a teacher goes to a pros israel and that's crazy. you knowting they're protestingo disproportionate response by israel. this is what they're doing. they're chasing this woman downw like a dog. >> judge jeanine: not only that, it's during the ceasefire. >> jesse: during thethat ceasef. we're having a guest on the show tonight who wants to blow up -- not blow up the school. who wants to shut down the school.nt blowup i meant theoretically. totally shut down the school us because this is a bad school and this can't go on. >> you're absolutely right.
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and, you know, there are three school resource officers who weresaul literally assaulted bys in this school. they only in only had a guy up against the wall and they were beating him in the head. now these are school resource officers they know. >> dana: right. i thinw.k the other thing you c tell from this, you said you felt in the. block we were watching a movie i thought we were watching a dystopian movie. but al?l of them are feeding of of each other because of their fence no, that's how they meet up, how they spread the informing, wyoming post editorial that edi shows there' huge problem of the phones being in the classrooms for dc public schools to eliminate all phoness ansrd perhaps -- fine, shut it downo? almost's a fundamental he problem here. nobody in new york seems to be suffering any consequences for
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their consactions, except for i see two of the women that were pulling down the posters, they were arrested. >> greg: oh, they were. >> jesse: that will stop this behavior but you can also wonder like why do you think we have a teacher shortage in america? who would want to do it. >> harold free speech is one thing, the ability to protest to peacefully is another thing but top. >> have every right to. i have n no o problems as much it's i inqueens. to me i want going ice-skating and sixth a pro palestiniaalesn matter ma disparitied at washing upon square part. i don't agree with that they're protesting -- i should say i agree with some of it not all of it. the violence, threatening the
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future, palestinian three ups men. it may be inconvenience but don't threaten us with violence even when we hadlace protests a some oconvf the school board meetings across thshoue i credia every night what i objected to was just the violence and threatce as of violence. you said it well. how can you protest and call for a ceasefire. they play jocks take possession, to have a little strongly and selfthe . give us your vinyls. >> and vinyls no matter how were you point it right. but you're right. next time don't do it on the ked holiday with you. >> dana: andw i didn't know yo could ice-skate carol >>arol judge jeanine: no i don'. >> greg: it's not so much about belief it's about attention. it's blm with new catch phrases
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and it seems like the only comprise thee are protesting, maybe that's good for them. i want to ask, no. >> i do briefly touch on that in sense of how do you talk to students about this. are you capable of actually talking to theofm about somethi like this?hi i was thinking the onlngy way y coul thid do this is to take th same hideous immoral argument and apply it to something else. so three palestinian men were shot in vermont, using the same logic by these proceed testers for october 7th? yo u would place it in a greater con terse saying that is just a response to a greater injustice because that's the same is rationalesation that was usesidn dismissing on october 7th.
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that's how you play to these posts puts you in a historical violence. every grievance justifies yo another act therefore you can us say tea three people being shot is a justification, obviously moral wrong but used with the t protesters after november that irss why you have to keepr keep it simple. focusely od completely on not p but the act. the evil act on december 7th, fo save your con tech, beer we're talking about evil actions. october 7th happened you need to keep it simple isolate and focus on that.>> how great the biden economy is. ♪ the serrano name has always been something we're proud of. it's why we show it off on our low riders.
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♪ ♪ ♪ . >> greg: the liberal media thinks you're just plain too dumb to understand how great the biden economy is. 78% of voters, that's almost 80% harold, says bidenomics is a certified crap sandwich. numbers like that causing publications like the atlantic to ask why americans hate a good economy. blaming the media losing bad news among the reasons. nbc think it's a branding issue. >> yeah, bidenomics has become a negative word especially among democrats because it's not working. i was texting with some democratic members of congress last night and they said it is not looking good for president biden politically out there. they have a lot of work to do to once again, like i said, try to get credit for the successes that he's had over the past two
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years. >> greg: and president biden boasting about how you should be thanks him this thanksgiving. >> well, this past week, as americans gathered around their own kitchen tables around thanksgiving din, to give them a little more breathing room. >> sgl. from turkey to air travel to coulds of gas cost went down] >> oh, well thank you for that. harold in the green room you said you were so disgusted by him you were thinking about going to the challenge. >> yeah, harold. >> blaming the american public for being upset about a bad economy is pretty low even for a democrat. >> i think the line of people who try to tell voters you're doing better than you think they are, who are at home think less than them. this is a i weird economy, inflation is trending down,
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unemployment has remained, than you would think. more people are working more than and more people living paycheck to paycheck the wealth gap continues to grow. he's right gas prices were down, but if we are where we are six months from today, exactly where we are today, the biden white house will be in trouble. because the ums in, it's hard to turn numbers around on the economy. if things continue to improve, i don't know about the land i can group, the yum title biden administration probably has to change you have to come up with something pinch as we get into something different. the next several months if things improve they'll have a better argument a. you have to be careful you cannot tell the american people working two or three jobs that they're doing better if they don't expect to be the last three weeks the democrats fared well in those elections. if you make this election about the economy and people don't feel right about it, you're not
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going to win no matter how much the atlantic magazine and others say people should be feeling well. >> i love how, judge, the media is blaming the meade yafrjts it's like suicide. wouldn't that be interesting. you know what? when they actually go out and say gone is really okay, they do nothing but hurt their reelection chances. because people don't believe it, it's what they feel. >> jesse: whether it's karine jean-pierre or joe biden or his son hunter who i think is living with him, i know naomi lived with him for a while when she was getting food, by the government. but i think the pickest concerned that only 19s of mefrns feel comfort. >> 19% thinks my kids will do at
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least he have what's amazing, do you remember last week when we had the i will fumble they were going to send them to brooklyn and the i will are like i would rather go home. this isn't the american dream. even the illegals are fed up with it. >> greg: dana as judge mentioned may high status professionals can absorb higher costs so not that big a deal with them. >> work from home, i think it's interesting too, they don't seem to remember? what did he say? i feel your pain, scroti reif he were's constant reframe is your frame is fake. if you try to tell a woman -- >> tell me about it. >> judge jeanine: trust me. >> jesse: that doesn't work. we all dollars more for every hundred dollars that i did.
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gas prices continue and home shelters takes in about 50% of budget when it should take in 25. people are being nickled and dimed to death no forward thinking he's running for president, telling you everything's great, everything's fine, he's giving you nothing to reach for, what do they want to do to help the economy in the foosh, they just think the 401-k inflation reduction act is going to work? it doesn't make sense. >> greg: jesse the american hair and grooming institute say that hair gel and moose has sky real timeed 45%. how have woodbury be abel to quo this. up 30 peter doocy. cul tree lumber a nice way of saying wood up 25%, iron and
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steele 50%. you talk about getting nickled and dimes, nickels up dana, run cotton which is greg's suits made out of. coffee is up 40 se know back in the day $35 a barrel now $75 a barrel. everybody's wondering why your things are so expensive your house, rental costs, college tuition, everything is expensive and they're telling you it's not that intensetive. it's not going to work bidenomics and i'm looking to you harold. >> greg: in your face. maybe go on a bridge and protest. >> harold: for the record, lasting people voted, we >> last time people voted we won. >> well, according to the -- never mind >> up next disney admits that going woke is a total failure. ♪
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♪ >> harold: go blue. did disney just learn a lesson about the phrase go woke and go broke? the house of mouse putting out a financial statement which seems to acknowledge its controversial political and social agenda is costing the company and shareholders. the document says we face risk relating to misalignment with public and consumer tastes for public and entertainment, travel and consumer products. but disney isn't the only one facing a reckoning check this out from axios. the d e i backlash is here companies are slowing down to reverse its equity and inclusion efforts since the supreme court's affirmative action ruling in june.
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judge, the legal you sense this from your conversations with people and how do you think in in addition to that the legal ruling may impact how companies behavior? >> judge jeanine: well, first of all i am so glad that disney is suffering the way it's suffering. in march of 2021 they were selling at $201 and $0.91 a share. it's down to 95. that was a self-imposed injury. they jumped on the woke bandwagon and thought they were going to make a fortune. they didn't do it for the right reasons they thought the country's going woke and this is something we have to do. when a little girl walks into a disney store, they just forget who they aren't. seeing someone with a mus taj is going to throw her the next few days. the whole idea that china and russia were going the bye into this stuff and it's not going to
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happen and the downward viral is well versed by them. >> dana i said on the show i don't know what rick is and -- >> where have you been snuck that's all we talk about >> harold: how do you define woke. >> dana: i don't know, this is the market at work and now disney is saying, like, it's like i do the trans thing, do you think it's a shot? they pull out of georgia -- atlanta for the game, and now they're going back. and, guess what? the law that made them leave in the first place that they were so upset about, it's still on the books. so a lot of this is just a resetting for everyone. i would also like to say south park one of my favorite shows nailed it again a few weeks ago, this fake disney meeting for every guy that came up and said i know put a chicken in and make
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it very long. love you. >> a sexist would say. >> you feel validated here as you hear some of the knack pull jack is happening really the market as opposed to politicians. >> jesse: i'm not a fan of disney world, i've had food poisoning, is it epcot, and then i had really bad seats at a parade when i was little. and so emma's actually taking both children, jesse jr. and gigi to our land or this weekend. not because i don't want to, social media. >> is shy going to be alone. >> she's going a flight with two children but she wants to go so i'm going to let her going. other people care, they're principle con 150u78ers that i aired at 8:00 at tinker bell at the your follow at did is any world. people said i'm never going back
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there again. me i guy back. i don't care if that person was its it up. i'll go to a restaurant that's delicious. most are more principled than i am and they will see things and disney and say i'm never going to gibbs any world. >> why go to chick-fil-a on sunday. finish this how on do you reconcile this. >> i will say it's power, recreation, entertaining, if you see everything through the lens of oh presser versus oppressed. then you will never enjoy yourself. that is why disneyland stopped being fun because it wasn't about its core principle it's mission statement which is making people smile. the most ms. universe is about gender politics no longer about the corps beauty. if you look at joe biden or
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halle. you can't blame two people especially when he has a birthday tomorrow night. you have two exciting tracks for the shareholders and the customers. that's the one that matters. the other is for consultants and race hustlers the other one divides its the people that are involved in die based on just centering whiteness inside the profit seeking competitive disk. but if their own i don't remember bits they resume the last couple stage. do you think they've stopped think in how can i make a profit? they are a all hypocrites. you can only have one box, and it's me. >> i have three they're at home at my house. coming up wove a bill holiday s .
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. >> dana: ho-ho-ho the gift season is upon us and time for our secret santa we're going to pick straight out of this here hat it says, and as always we reveal which coach are exchanging on our christmas day show which you must watch. goodies here cup cakes cookies and -- what are those striped cookies. >> jesse: rainbow cookies. >> greg: see it's even invading our snacked goods. >> dana: do you guys -- i don't know, do you guy love this season? >> you want some of this? >> i don't want it. >> come on. >> i'm going to pick one. let me see, let me see. all right, all right? >> these are like the old bakery cookies you used to get as a kid before they infused them with chemicals to make them chewy. >> dana: made everyone have to get ozempic. >> greg: yes >> jesse: i thought you weren't eating carbs. >> greg: i'm eating carbs right
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now. >> dana: i'm glad i got this one. this little secret santa. there's one more. that's why you have to hold it. if you got ideas for the gifts, geraldo? how old is this hat? [laughter]. >> mustache in there. >> dana: does anyone do secret santa with their family? >> jesse: no, no. >> greg: i never -- it was just strictly a work thing. no one ever did it at home. what's that thing like yanky swap. >> called yankee swap clean it up. it was like wife swap. >> the reason you don't want secret santa at home you don't want to limb how many they can play on mother. >> there's a limit to this?
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>> oh. >> oh, right. i guess one more thing is up next. . all right, i guess "one more thing" is up next. the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours.
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on a. let's go! ,,! welcome to in reality, the world's toughest test. that's a long way down. he's back. oh, my god. why are you here? i want to get punished for it. you can watch any time. this is not a game show. special forces world's toughest test. mondays at nine on fox and watch anytime on hulu. >> on to the musicals where dancers do things you didn't think the human body was even capable of. just keep going.
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>> i want you to know you can rely on california. we stood up for what was right. this is about a long time coming. you say disperses news of the great red versus blue state debate thursday at nine. halft >> time now for one more thing.m while the halftime show ate the broncos browns game, check this out. ohowns gamheck, i love that. they just strap toddlers to a sheep. don't worry they don'ty. pla >> they don't get hurt. they're wearing plastic helmets. everything's just fine. yeahst . >> what do they call this? mutton busting, dana? yeah. look at this guy. looks like it's good 3s. it. he won 30 yards. >> that's it. congrats. and a touchdown. congrats dana: aouchdownand tont a prime time ted nugent t and chris hansen tonight at 8:00. >> oh, what a pair. okay, so i hav thone more thing. but i changed it because i sawiy this. a here's our secretary of education. after a meetint g about how the government was going to do
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something great. gove>>h. >> i think it wase president reagan said, we're from the government. we're herehere t to help. it's not quite what reagan said. >> this is what reagan said. the the nine most terrifying wordsfm in the english languag thee arem from the government and i'm here to help. >> hashtag never forget. >> okay. also, perino on politics with karl rove. it's available the now on the podcast. >> hmm. polka dot dana brad. tonight, we got a great show monday. don't watch that silly football . joe devito. michelle tafoya, kat timpf, tyrus. >> that's tonight at ten. let's do this. greg's drunk bear news. >> you know, there's nothing worse than an inebriated bear, especially when he wanders out into traffic. take a look at this polar bear having a few nightcaps and jeff. just flat out on the road, doesn't know where he is. can't find his car keys, get kes up saying, oh, geez, not another hangover. befoe all been there before.
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we all have been there.ol look at embarrassing hole dancer. >> yeah. anyway, that was in churchill, manitoba. plac >> manitoba.e. that's not a real place. yeah, it is. i don't believn't beli. e that.n you're right. it's in canada. ? u see virginia >> big weekend foran the university of michigan wolverines. hail to the victors. hail to thctors.. >> we've got work to do.h ba still, we get our coach back. japan held their first international garbage collection championship, which worl they call. >> forgive me if i get this wrong, but go make world cup. uc >> teams of three fromas t 21 countries spread throughout tokyo to collect as much trashhe as they could. in one hour, two teams gather more than 1200 pounds of garbage, which was then sorted through and assigned based on the category. indy got points basees. on the categories it ended with. >> in the end it was team u.k. 12o took home the gold for collecting tech genius £126. apartment, no debt. this is why japan is the greatest country ave go t. >> they got other people to fly in to clean their country. >> brisco is going to be japan hosting the next championship next week. team japan is hoping to win their home field advantage.
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at the second world cup in tokyo in 2025. they'll have it again. >> har japan and cleanest nation itol crater. >> the creator hope it actually becomes an olympic sport one day. god bless them. n olymmike. >> that's bigamy. bigamy. all right. well said that. well said.esse: we all right, listen, if you're if you're playtex and your car have expired, don't worry about it. >> a california woman was busted fordon't wo duct taping a comically forged license plate in the back of an allegedly stolen car. it looks like the artistcar. evn ran out of room and had to squeeze the last number sitting on the right side. and to make matters worse, the plate tags were expired in the top rightexpired. you c, january 20, 23. >> boy, what a wiz, huh? >> but now that it's finished, a that's where my sister lives. >> in asia. yeah. two sisters. fi had a friend named benita. all right. thank you, dana. and i know where you greo w up. >> you did not have a great con job. everybodnected wity. >> welcome to jesse watters. prime time tonight


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