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tv   Hannity  FOX News  November 27, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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a little uppercut. i've done that before to a dogie that charged d me. >> i just wasn't thinking quick enough,. ough chuck from atkinson, new hampshire you know, if ow, if you return those bags, they give you your money back. are give you your money back. >> i don't know. are you sure about that? is that the policy? >> john from mountain center, california. you shouldn', t an automaticwa car wash. it's destructive to the clear coat. >> have johnny wash your car and said johnny doesn't even wash my dishes yca. >> i think he throws away the dishes. mari throwo from boston, massachusetts, do you think the bidens pay taxeshusetts, whs they play monopoly? >> so the hunter rules, we play hunter rules in the waters household. >> melissa from colony, texas. ?huthere is no way you're 45, melissa. >> it's the makeup ther and it'supeup all for tonight. i'm watters and this is mybabe
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world. how about going to hannityy and buckle for a big week? on thursday, florida governor ron desantis welcometron desantis governor gavin newsom for what we're calling a red state, go debate moderateda red state, by yours truly. what we might think about gavin newsom, you will definitely cowsom, you will definitely individual than, let's say,he l the guety that is living at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. but anyway, it will be a fun debate. i hope you'll join us on thursday night from georgia. non hope y uw, today, a very coy confounded joe biden telling voters confu that the economy is doing great despite of howw l all of us feel and what we sees every single day telling. us prices are down. americans have more money amere mo. true.more money none of which is true. coming up, we'll break down the latest dismalll economic numbers. we'll give you the truth, anpf give you the truth, in the cost of food. plus, more bad polls for joe biden and more panic among the democrats and the media mob.
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but first tonight, breaking the cease fire in gaza has now been extendemob.d for two more s after 11 more hostages were freed earlie r today, the fourth hostage release. so far, hamas has returned 16 nine of the roughly 240of the people. roughlythey kidnapped from soun israel. in exchange, israel has released whopping 117 palestinians that are actually prison, including terrorists and violent criminals. y insoone such terrorist who wai severely disfigured after detonating a car bomb at a checkpoint was actually given a hero's welcome upon her return. another terrorist was servin gother terrorist was servin a 13 year prison sentence for attempting to stab israelis during an attack conducted alongside her cousin. in contras conductt hamas stree, women, young children, toddlers who they abducted from their homes after murdering, ductr s their parentsn frng, right in front of them, dozens of women and childreonn held in squalid conditions in gaza for seven weeks. foodns in gaza, we now know, was
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plastic chairs were used as beds, hostage we useds were the use of bathrooms for hours on end. many of the hostagesfoon lostaba what is a considerable amount of weight, and some were held in completmot e e darkness for e a month. during their release, hamas forced hamas their captives to d their hands and they demanded thy wave goodbyethey demanded as they were whisked away to freedom by thdbyee internatit red cross. now, think about that. hamas killedeedom by some ofw wk their parents. a few weeks later, they are forcing these kidsag to smile, t hold hands and wave goodbyeol to their captors. it is evil. it is ugly. it is twisted, repulsive. cavil,but last week, one idiotic british journalist was more concerned that the lives of the israeli hostages were being valued way too. last we >> watch this. so what's your response? i was speaking to a hostage negotiator this morning. >> he made the compariso nbetweeade the compariso between the 50 hostages,n the hostages that hamas has promisedthat and promised t to release, as opposed to the
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150 prisoners that are palestinians that israel hasande said that it will release. anid that it will release. between the numbers and the fact that does israel not thinkn that palestinian lives are valued as highly as israel i lives? >> that is an astonishing accusationi . e ontioni if we could releaseisoner one prisoner for every operating ously do horrificevery operating circumstances. we're not choosing to release circt e who have blood on their hands. we are talking about people we'rne talking about people convicted of stabbing and shooting attacks. >> what a disgusting. not surprising, sadly, of course. this was not fair trade.e side for example, on one side, you have the release of two. rwhat innocent three-year-olds twins from israel on the other. iyou have two palestine and terrorists who tried to kill innocent people. any of that seem fair to you? but in all of his infinite wisdom, your president, joe biden, knows exactly why hamas took hostage s exactls
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and murdered what, close to 1400 innocent men, women and children october the seventh, because according to joe hamas, they were just t trying to disrupt biden's achievements in the middle east. diwhat achievements. >> take a look.ta there is an overwhelming desiree on the part of the regionrt of to let mthe back up. one, i cannot prove what i'm abt about to say, but i believe why one of the reasons why hamas struck when they did was they knew that i was working very closely with the saudis and others in the region to bring peace to the region in having recognition of israel o exist.s ognition of israel >> all right. but here is the truth. the evil, ignorant terroristths of hamas. they hate israel. they've hated jews. they want to wipmas, israe e israel off wipmas, israe the map, period. end of sentence. they stated it is in their charter. that's what they say. that's what they have demonstrated. demonstrated. thn freed upe bide $50 billion for the mullahs in iran who back hamasn fr, all these other terror groups financially and also militarilly
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,the terrorists had plenty of resources to carry out this massive nty ofe. . america and the world is less and less peaceful. with biden in charge. as former defense secretary robert gates, gates famously warned, biden always seemswarnpy to make the wrong foreign policy decision decisions he has throughout his career d.d and now amid rampant anti-semitism, biden is reportedly now apologizing to muslim american leaders fort questioning death toll numbers provided by the terror group hamas. s weak now, that is about as weak and pathetic excuse for aneside american president as i've seen in my lifetime and a guy i constantly i getting bulliedt at home and abroad and seems to do nothing about it. for example. look at the middle east today. american soldiers. they have been attackeda whop a whopping 73 times sincpie october the 17th with little response from the administration, wi outside few targeted strikes like at empty warehouses and remotet locations. meanwhile, just a few days
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after meeting biden inia, no california, now china's dictator, president xiw china',e again, he's ramping up hostilities in the south china sea, threatening a u.s. warship in international waters and then demanding that the u.s. apologize. so what's biden going to do about that. nothing. no words, no actions, just doddering along tog, hoping for the best. and as a result, the world is a more dangerous the place. >> here with reaction tonight. fox news contributor, former secretara moy of mike pompeohere is back with us. you know, mr. secretarity. and in my mind, my heart, my soul. nd m i just fundamentally knowt that dealing making a deal for hostages likely in the end result with more hostage taking . that's what i believe. however, with thatbeliweve saido believe israel is doing the right thing. s dog ththey about their citizen they have an opportunity. the deal is abou t unfair as anyu as you can get.
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bu,you can get. i know what i would want? do i believe in my heart? it's probably the wrong thine b' t probably. but you got to hope and prayo hl that that will eventually lead evrt that will eventually lead israel to finally take out hamas. well, sean is a horrificdeci decision that the leadership in israesiadershipl has had to . i suspect they have a plan. i not naive, unlikea plan. our president, they understand that iran is behinaived this and that they've got to wipe hamas from the face of gaza and that they will wipthey wil i'm confident that they're going to do everything they can to get get every one of these prisoners home, and then they're going to complete the necessary. they're going to d en they will como that hard o work. they're going to take hamas out. they're going to create a security architecturut ande es themselves where they never have to face this again from the gaza strip fe ga. e pale and they won't be silly enoughst to put the palestinian authority in charge in gaza. charge gazthey won't be sillya to ever underestimate hezbollah. they're going to do the thingste they're going to do the thingste i wish our president was serious about protecting the american preside people and our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines, as i'm confident
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the israelr i leadership is goig to be to protect their own citizens in israel. >> but w e all know what'sr happening during the cease fire. they are rearming. they are recalibrateci in in tr war strategy. they are re-upping their supplys . so this pause gives them a, nsoi opportunity to reconfigure how they are going to approach israel in the futureach is. fort >> does that hurt israel's efforts to wipe out hamas? >> it'll make it harder. mak it'll make ie t last longer.e il but i'm confident the israelis will still figure their way through thisill figu. they are. they've got to confront this. the very reason that they took th is to the pointat they took you made earlier, sean. we know they'll take more ifey d they don't get this right. >> the hamas guys, t the guys, though, they'll rearm, they'll refit, they'll regroup. but the israelisrefi will do the same. they're watching. they're figuring this out. i'm very confident t it maye confident t be more costly. it may be a more difficult conflict, because the pausmoy ae they took to get these citizens home, i can't think of anycitizs other decision they could have
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possibly made in the face of the political pressurade e and the the enormity of getting these citizens home to their families. enormitygettini'm confident tht will get this right, but they're going to need time, john. and think president biden hasse been tougher on the israelis than he's been on hamaans in. ta the sense that he has put pressure on them at every turn intesure on them at every turn duties to international law, instead of saying, nope, you've got a job to do,d of go do it. it's in the benefit of not only the citizens of of israel , it's good for america. it's good for the people living in gaza and it's good for the entire region. gaza it'sthe arab the arab gulg states as well. hamas being gone is good forul t the entire world. >> mr. secretary, i have a lot of sources in israel . . n you know, i've been in those terror tunnels. i've been to bordeis, i' r townn in israel with gaza. i know i've beenin during durinu flare ups and reallyri havingal a hard time because my sources confirm what you just said andsc that is especially behind the scenes publicly, biden is sayingblicly bid one thing, beh, the scenes, he's saying something very different. hs sayi putting massive pressur on the israelis in terms
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of what they can do about cease fires. and now he apologizes, according to a report to muslim-american leaders, because he dared to questiont to the death toll put out by hamas. and what's amazing about this is their history is one of using a civilians as humanhit shields. their history is firing rockets fromory is one schools and from. hospitals. their history of propagand a was to blame israel for shooting a blowing up a hospitall that was never blown upan and killing 500 innocent doctors, nurse0 s, patients die, that never died. and the media in this country ran with it. so i'm trying to understand why was he make that apology today incomprehensible a? i still doubt everything that hamas says, including the death casualty figures k that they have put forward. >> and we know this to thoseno casualtiese casu that have takes place are a direct result of the terror, the barbaric terror that took placeof e terr on october 7th. >> israel had no intention
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of going into gaza, and theyelio left 2006. they've only gone into gaza down because they've got 2006.eo the thing that will protect the israeli citizens in the yeart th s ahead. and so i can't, for the life of me figure out why president biden would apologizne ,doubting something that hamas says. >> i don't believe a word they say. i don'ng tht believe them with respect to these hostages, sean, i'm afraid they'll go bace them wk at it again, jut as the iranians did. right. we gave $6 billion in ransom to the iranian regime to get five americans home. and there are now more than five americans held by the iranians the today.s the we're only rewarding that bad behavior. it is a terrible situation and we've got to make sure we punish not only hamas, but that terri are punished, too,t that if we don't do that. sean, we'll still have missiles being fired at soldiers all throughout the middle east. we'll have americans under threat all acrosdonus the worldl as well. >> mr. secretary, last question i've askede east. you this bef. for me, we have to define what real victory woul d. ha wouldn't that mean that gaza could no longer be a launching pagasolinee d for rockets into r israel moving forward? but wouldn't that also haven an
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to include that lebanon and hezbollah? d they could no longer launch missiles from the north into israel and it have to mean on some level that the the head of the snake iran is dealt with in some capacity. >> yes, john.hose all three of those have to takec place. israel can never go back to the situatioan never n. uatioan never they can be threatened with artillery that sits right across its border, whether that is from the gaza strip, whether that is from southern lebanon, from hezbollah, it's from the the houthi rebels, the terrorists in yemen or the terroristss th that sit in the palestinian west bank as well. noat in the paw is going to havo that. and then the united states is going to have to lead a coalitiod tates win to re isolate iran the same way it was for four years when we were in opposition. an opposition. and allies in the region, and make sure that iran doesn't continue to be the world's largest state sponsor of terror. it is doable. and each those things must be accomplished. >> i remind people you were >> snremind people you were
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president trump was in office for taking out soleimani. the number o one state sponsorro of terror. that would be iran. secretary pompeo, thanr would bs always. joining us now with more, the author of the bestseller and walk how to defeat cultural marxism in america. amazon com. bookstores all around the country. of my understanding, a bestseller is that true, senator? >> that that's right. mytwo weeks in a row where we'rt at the top of the bestseller list and it makes a great, great christmas gift. so go go buy it for your friends and loved ones they'll enjo christm y it it's funit's i and it and it's interesting. it lays out a battle pland laynr taking the country back. >> it really does. it really was well-written . i urge people that would be a good christmas gift for people. let me ask you thi peopls. >> let's get your reaction to biden. you knowyour, apologizingg on on the issue of not taking these numbers from hamas. why? why would he be apologizing >>y would he be apologizing well, look, it's important to understand joe bideant n has been the most anti-israel
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president the united states has ever had from the very frthis d from the very biden administration. this administration has undermined the government of israe ermined l at every step. they've done so systematically. they have done so at a granular. level. he is surrounded by radical anti-i s, real activists in his administration, his lead is, harder on iran, lead rob malley, who's been fired, had his security clearance, ha because presumably of violations, sharing secretshi somehow with iran. >> his top three advisors orhis three of his top three advisors were iranian operativetos workia for the iranian foreign ministry, working essentially as spies on behalf of the government of iran, undermining the u.s.half of o government. >> since october 7th, since the october 7th attack began th the biden administration at every stage has worked to undermine israel. as the attack was happenin gs the attack was happenin on night of october 7th, the state department tweeted out a for israel not to engage r in retaliation, saying violence.
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never solves anything. they did that in three in the morning, id tha three ini the morning. i responded, said this was disgraceful. whoever wrote thisreded d said s be fired. within minutes they deleted the tweet. the next, theyeted the day, ton, the secretary of state, sent another tweet saying he'd just r spoken with the turkish foreign minister and israel should engageei in an immediate ceasen fire. again, i blasted it online, said thiits disgraceful again,a, they deleted it. since then , joe biden has flown, urge to israel, urged israel do notha retaliate against hamas. since then, tony blinken has flown to israee thenl, urged and israel do not retaliate against hamas. at every urged stage. s they are pushing for israel not to eradicate hamas, for forra israel to engage in a ceasel te fire, for israel, engage in a pause. and the amazing thing is, sean,s as much as the biden administration has undermined israel, the radical left is protesting biden sayingr you're not pro hamas enough because that today is the state
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of the democrat party. they have a viciously anti-semitic radical left that is pounding this white mor house for not doing even more to hurt the state of israel. of israel. that i was asking secretary pompeoqut i wa earlier. senator, i think you and i probably feel the same way on this. i'm imagining we do. 'mi don't like this deal. cea i don't like a ceasefire. i don't like the ide a don't like the ide that three prisoners are given in exchang e for innocent children. however, i know in my heartand and i know i think in your heart that if that was the deal that was taken and ikn yout woud result in the release of innocent citizens in gettingg released and even innocent americans, i probably would want to takeetd even that deal.eetd even >> how do you feel? because i'm going to look at i'm on this and this fee deal was was extracted in a horrible situationl?flicte 58 hs have now been released. and i will say , first of all,is praise god, we have reason to give celebration.
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>> and thank god that 58 hostages, women and little childrenhostag have been releas. >> that is a wonderful thing. i'll tell you, i've sa t sean in f my office with with the families of hostages. i'veam heard the horrible storis of people who abbas terroriststr brutalized. and listen, when iist comes to this deal, i understand why israel entered into it. i think prime minister netanyahrael u, i think he is truly an historic figure. i know him well. you know him well. him i think he appreciates the weight of history on us, on his shoulders the. and he made this deal.ory on this deal has multiple negative consequences h. conseque one of the consequences end is in exchange for these hostages being released. israel has released roughly 150 palestinians, some significant number of those were involved in in terrorism and likelyd will return to terrorism. so they are releasing people who will try ary to killn more innocent civilians. secondly, this pauseno, the paue
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in the military attack on gaza means hamas has time to rebuild. they're allowing roughly 300ks d trucks a day to come in from egypt with aiday including fuel. that fuel is restocking hamas, the consequence of this is hamas will be more difficult to defeat that. both of thos ose of thos negativear consequences of thisl deal. that being said, the israeli wa. sair cabinet voted to approl this deal. and i understand why bringing those hostages, home is a major accomplishment and i think it's critical as we bring those hostages home, that we do notlo allow this pause to become fuelt for leftists and theis biden administration to pummel all israel and say do not return to the taskn to of hamas. the government of israel has said they're going to utterlthy eradicate hamas. and if and when they do so, that will be good fo s.r israelr that will be good foicr americao that will be good for the world. and we w need to whene host
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the hostages have come home, we need to return to the taskage of eliminating these monsters elimsiminating these monsters . that has to happen. do you agree with my assessment that gaz>> sean: ha lebanon ande to all be dealt with and the terror tunnels, of course, eliminated? >> yes, yes, yes. and look, hamas is the first priority because hamas committed these these horrific atrocities. and let me stop and sa >> yesy so to p and sa tomorrow morning, i'm going to the senate. i'm doing something. i'm really not looking forwardtn to is which is i'm goingh abou to watch about an hour of footage that the put israeli government has put together of the atrocities the terrorist have togetth comm i'm going to see tragically terrorists young womengo, children, murdering children. i i've seen little snippetmurdes of it makes you physically sick. >> we know these terrorists. they literally put babies whil literally put babies while they cook the babies alive. this is evil. >>is is evil. >> s but it's nearly a 50 minute
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video. and then they wanted to chronicle all otheyf all of those atrocities. atrow, rmany ies. like nazi germany in our times. >> i wish it's important that the truthin be known. >> i'll put up your book. congratulations on it being. a bestseller,, bookstores around the country coming. the white house continues to push lies. while touting biden-nomics. you, the american people, you're smart. you're not buying it. tht with goldmang it. ,you can age on your terms. rin >> retinol overnight means the smoothing benefits the smoothing benefits of retinol. your whole body. plus fast working great corrector diminishes wrinkles, skin in just two days go by champion your skin. >> do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep. tune off. sleep support has a unique blend of five key ingredients that can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer soi'o you can wake up refreshed. cunonahere to the brand i trus. >> i'm jonathan lawson here
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lk to learn more. >> all the numbers are clear. the american people. you are facing the burden fa stopped the administration from just outright lying about it. take s a look at whatpresid your president said earlier today. >> the conversatioent saidn in conversation about whether we'd have enough left oveher wer at e end of the month for my dad to be able to use to say, have a little bit of breathing room. well, this pasthint week,r ow as america has gathered around their own kitchen table for thanksgiving dinner, that was our goal, to give them a little more breathing room. and together, we made progress. you knowther, from turkey to air travel to a tank of gas, costs went down. >> it went wnt let's break it down.rding to according to the usda's own analysis, food have beens ha
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soaring and biden's failed economy, by the way, they expect up been 5.8% this year alone. gas prices will have risen wel% over a dollar since january of 2021. that'sa dollar s not even at itu but of course, they are resorting to their favorite tacticrse, when all else fails. just blame donald trump, who now has been out of office almost three years for their failures. >> take a lookt . >> >> but why do you think ity th is that when you say the economy is improvingsays and president biden says the economy is improving, that a majoritconomyisy americans outside of this building are not buying. so here' notg s thing. when w when we walked into this administration, the economy was on a terrible tailspin. that is the fact because of thef last administratio tn, because of the trump administration, because of how they dealt with it, dealt with covid and the pandemic, because they didn't have a comprehensive plan. >> okay. it was alsd o during the middles of covid. but let's add one other point. donald trump didn' addt add 2
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trillion more dollars last year alone to the debtst that we're putting on our kids and grandkids. but voters we all knowr not bi buying it as they continue to sour on biden nomics and joe'y conts ability to hande the economy. here with reaction is the host of kudlo w, our sister network,t of the fox business network, our friend larry kudlow. oeven "the washington post" reporter, you know, pretty much nailed it whert"e, you know, tha saying that biden nomics is now a negative wort bid. g th politico saying the panic in the democratic party should be about the economyhedemocr, nt about joe and his age and is and is cognitive decline. i think it's all the above. i don't think it's working for the american people. and i can use every measurable statistic imaginable to makeg e that point. >> larrymeasurab. larry. well, i don't understand. i mean, the bidens understf are incapable of telling the truth about this economy. so when the press secretary says she inherited say a, quote, reeling economy, which is what the bidens have said for
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three years. can i just remine d donald trump handed them a six and a half percent donal economic groh rate in the first quarter of 2021 with a one and a half percent inflation rate. >> so would say that was a pretty spectacular economy. and then when president biden says, well, that turkey you bought for thanksgiving was down, i don't understand that either compared to the thanksgivingha in 2020, which w donald trump's last in office. i mean, the american farm bureau, i'll jus farm t read yos stuff, i'm not making this up. the american farm bureau, rm bua that thanksgiving dinner was 41% higher than at the end of 2020. >> turkey up 41%. ham up 97%. pumpkin pie up 31% and potatoesa
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up 34%. sean, i want you to stay offsean those potatoes becausee they're too expensive for your waistline. ta i don't know what she is talking about here. i mean, it's juslkabout they are incapable of telling the truth. that'sf bottom line.a >> well, thanks a lot, i mean, i've only worked harrydr my diet for six months. >> i really appreciate the voter.coecm giving meghter] and taking in far less. >> i could. >> i can't help myself. so you really can't. and don't worry, i'll get youyo back. >> the funny thingu ba is andknw the sad thing is, you know, early in my adult life, i did live paycheck to paycheck.. i know what that life is liket for too many early adultth yeary that i've had that that is all t etched into my memory bank.t wat i don't want to ever have to go back there. but noavw we have a case where % 61% of americans now are livingc to paycheck. many other americans are notk-th making, you know, just ends meet every month for their baret
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necessities. you see people now putting bare necessities on theirie putti credit,n heirie cashing in their pensions early, and it's costinnsionsg tm a fortune. and i don't see any way out and i don't see any plan thi to stop this from happening or, you know, if you're not going to face the truth and the truth is just bad. >> how do you fix it? well, i think, you know, t on that poinhinkt look at credic card, interest rates are upwardt cards of 30%. car loans are over 10%. mortgage rates hovering around percent. those are hugely, hugely bigger than they were three years ago. >> and look, here'y were ts anoe thing i want to raise this evening. if you look at the economicmics i don't want to be too boring, here, but the index leading economic indicators, which tellndex os whether you're goina recession or going intog a prosperity, that index
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is down 19 straight months. it is 1a big huge recession warning for 2024. and then you look inside t that business, investment is down, housing starts, sales u are down. these things are, you knowsing,' wall street doesn't believe it, but i'm just looking at the actual facts and i'm suggesting that there's a very high risk, probably 65% or better of a a recession next year. despite what wall street may or may not think. nonow, look at prices have gone up faster than wages. so people are living paycheck to paycheck and they're having trouble not only with higher prices, but they're having trouble with higher interestt r. rates. this is why mr. biden's approval rating on the economy, and that includes, particularly in the swingcludes, why his appl rating is so bad. s people are smarter than the geniuses think.
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people, ordinary working folks. okay, try to earn a living in lower income folks who have to suffer through these high pricehave ts. they a in many ways, they're a lot smarter than economists and theyre are very concernedce what's happening now and what may happen nexrnedt year. >> and look look at the housing, new home constructiono. ,screeching, halt sale of preexisting homes, virtually not exist. and who in america is going to give up a 3% 30 year fixed rate mortgage for an eight plusd percent, 30 year fixed rate mortgage? >> nobody. that means re nobody's goingl h to sell the house they're in unless they have to. >> and i would say business, which is really the heart of the economy. >> we produce to consumehear business so important. small business is so important right now. , what you're seeing. business investment is down. business, new ordersbusiness arg these are very big warning signs. and once again , think main street america may be a lot smarter than economics.
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>> all right. larry kudlow, great to see you. o appreciate it. coming up next, only 50 days away from the iowa caucuses. as now on the republican side,st trump has a commanding lead in the polls jusmandint keeps gg worse for joe biden. we'll check in with our panel. tomi lahren, klay travis, tutor, dixon. >> we'll get reaction as we continue. we have the number one ranked economy. i want you to know, you can rely on california. florida. we stood up for was right. this is been a long time coming. we are putting two of the country's most high profile governors head to head on the issues that impact every american. the red state versus the blue state. i'm all in. i'm game. you say disperses news. >> the great red versus blue state debate thursday at nine. >> boston, 1773. one of the most daring and consequential events in american history is about
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again, that's 800 3254991. all right. biden's poll numbers are plummeting. , an the media and liberals on the left, they are sounding the alara m as the 2024 campaign begins to heat up. in fact, it's gotten so ba ad fr joe, that one far left outlet is now posing the question is biden doomed in 2024? but while biden is floundering, former president trump, he is surging with jus isnt 50 days u the iowa caucuses, now holding a commandingwi over the rest hog
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of the republican field in the hawkeye state. here with reaction , host hawke of tomi lahren is fearless on outkick tomi lahren podcast host tutor, dickson outkick founder. i assume p has to be tommy'stomm boss, clay travis. >> but i'm not so suress i'll im you're fearless, tommy, that means you can tell your bos that tells whatever yot and just walk away. >> you're good. awayt so what do we make of these polls? tommy, we'll start with you becausm americare. it's now very clear. i i mean, joe biden is ise 30 hovering in the thirties in terms of his approval rating. >> not a good spotn tes of. i can't name a single policy that that he has been. successful on. i think the news about the syndi biden family syndicate is going to get really bad come early nexts go year.wn he'll have his own problems politically to deal with, even as president trump has had his problems in terms of legalp actions by the deep state, etc.. and a weaponized doj.oj >> your thoughts?
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well, sean, this tells me one or two things. one, the democrats are not one,'t gg to go with joe, which is what i've been saying for several months now. i stil ill thinl think they're goingn e to put gavin newsom in. i think the debate later this th be kind of a trialter this run for gavin newsom on that front. m so that's one avenue. >> or the second could be theysc are that combative. i .re that combative. i you strategy that they don't caret care that the majority of americans don't like joe? >> that could be part two, tommy. but i'm not so confident in their voting strategy becaus e. aus gavin has been clear. he's he does ru's he does running in 2024, and the next person in line is kamala harri4 . and conventional wisdom is that annventiony to challengeis that harris, if joe, for, whatever reason, got of thethat way, there would be a huge backlash against that. your thoughts on that. quic k yeah, i think never trust a democrat. gavia n says over and over again that he's not going to run. i don't buy it. i think that there's probably discussions in the works to get kamala out of the way. time will tell. thme will tell.
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but like i said, john neverti trust a democrat and never trusmet gavin newsom.t >> californians can tell you that one. all right. tudor dixon well, i think that's a sticky wicket forky the democrats because they cannot say they're going to dump kamalaor the right now. they i think they were testing. gavin newsom i think sending c to china was a test. it failed miserably. his numbers went was lower. it's not looking good for the democrats. and i think they knos numbers w. they're in a tight spot. they can't bail. but their biggest probled mth is that now that joe hasob to come out on the world stageli and talk about this hostage situation over in israel and, -on over in israel he's screwing it up. he's reading he's reading these speeches r as though he was there. >> but it's very obvious from the way he's readinghe's speeche that he wasn't involved in these meetings, that he's not the one negotiating.embe he doesn't remember names. he's flubbing everything. t bu it's got the democrats really freaked out. but i just don't think they have an alternative. when you see politico out there ween you see politico out there
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taking off and i don't think we can stop him. you know that they are actually saying we are in there soundingu the alarm, but nobody's coming to put out the fire. >> when you havee maureen dowde thoshen you havee maureen dowde ,those are prominent voicese prm in in all things democratic world so it'scratic world so it's clear that many want him out of the way. but it's a more complicatedd process to make that happen if it if it is going to happen, my prediction wouliction wd be d happen at the convention. super delegates would then supey to makees would then that choice. >> your thoughtse ? ago, >> where does the convention show? and it's in chicago, illinois. if illinois,f i'm not mistaken. if illinois,f i'm not mistaken. i think i read that.>> s i thin ik, i think there's kind fathin ik, i think there's kind a former president who has a wife that is probably the most popular democrat in america right now.
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i think what's's pro going to ht is we're going to get a bait and switch. remember, obama never left d.c .emember, obama never left d.c his wife, michelle. is she black? is she a woman? his sexist and racist. sex if she got elevated over kamala harris. i think the storyline this is important for the republican to shine. i think it's move from who canno beatved joe to everybody can ba joe biden. ron desantist nikki haley vivek ramaswamy donald trump, whomever the republicanrepubl and pick would beat joe biden. democrats aren't stupid. they're goinicg to gett th the republican nominee in. then they're going to pull a baite switch at the convention. i think michelle obama is going to rid convee to democrat rescum biden will step down. ocshe's savior. and then we're going to see se extendwe're going to see the biden administration fora a fourth term in the white house. i think is going term in to endy does everything about our personality tell me? >> no waity tey. g
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i don't see her doing it, wanting anything to do with it . >> i understand that argument, sean, but when they tell you in late july or august, all you have to do, i mean, they ran joe biden from the friggin basement. michelle obama doesn't have to go out to iowa diners and win over voters. she doesn'e doesn'o t have to sk in new hampshire and make sure that she's having coffeeall sh with all the workers there. all she has to do is step into the democrat machine. mac remember, they elected john fetterman and h euldn't actually even speak, sean, they would elect michelle obama in. that machine. i think they believe it and it eliminates kamalamin thaa harri, who was actually, i think, a worse candidate. unbelievably than even joe biden. the one thing biden did that wasn't dumb was pick biine than him to be the vice president so he didn't have to worry about her replacing him. >>e him t now, tommy, because fearless, even though traviseane clay travis is supposedly your boss, you don't have agree with his theory here. >> but what do you think of it
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? yeah, i think it's a nice theory, but i agree with you, sean. but e wi, ank michelle obamant wants it. >> she makes far more money doing podcasts, writing books, s being on talk shows, traveling on the she lives a lifeaveling of luxury. i don't think that she wants a to step back into that role. and as clay said, which i dore agree with the obamas have still been running the biden white house. so why does she need to siave st on that throne? i think that gavin newsom is posturing with everythingwiti he's been doing meeting the chinese leaders, taking international trip s, debating yourip ron desantis with you, sean, there's no other reason to do that. >> if he wasn't going to be the one to agree with clay, i think someone's going to sneak the. in at the convent. but i don't think michelle obama never count ouy.willt gavn newsom. >> the debate was going to be earlier for a lot of reasonscone had to put it off. tudor let's get your take. newsom. getyou do you buy thisy that michelle obama becomes the savior? think >> look, i think barack obama would love that. and i' bm pretty sure barack bar obama has never in his life told michelle obama what to do.
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so i don't think that's going to happen. i think she's out. well, now, what makes you so confident? i agree with that. i don' t think very many married men have told their wives what to do or not do. so agree with tudor on that.ei but i think they both won it, by the way. i can'o do.t wait to pop a beerr and drink maybe a chardonnay drinn newsomu're chardonnay and watch this debate you're going to have on thursday. sean. well done. that'son thursday. going to be : >> it's going to be interesting. you know, when you think about it, you can' it when yout you can' it you're looking at two heavyweight governors, right? two smart people.t have they couldn't have more diametrically opposed political views, the way they govern on every single issue. they just differn . s just to me, it's just a fascinating moment for the because we div are that divided. but if i d.o my job, hopefully it will turn out okay. if not, i'll have to show up on on outkick and see if i can explain why donald trump sean. all right. thank you all. all right. straight ahead, congressman ronnie jackson ight ahe, dr.onnie jackson
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ronny jackson has a warning about joe biden is jumping ahe'x joe biden's cognitive decline. gold bond daily healing, a powerhouse lotion that moisturizes healsanaling se and smooths dry skin with seven moisturizers and three vitamins and. new gold bond healing sensitive clinically shown to heal and moisturize d dry sensitive skin gold bond. >> i'm excited to announce that we're having our biggest christmas sale ever yet. >> get our brand new six piece my towels for only 2998 or rejuvenate your bed with a mypillow mattress topper as low as 9999. >> or how about mypillow bed sheets for as low as 2498? there's something for everyone. duvets, quilts, down comforters, body pillows, bolster pillows. and so much more. well, i know mypillow price make for the perfect gifts, so i'm going to extend my money back guarantee until march
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we stood up for what was right this is about a long time coming you said versus news of the great red versus blue state debate thursday at nine when you can't watch, listen, get the latest news and news headlines on sirius xm anytime, anywhere. fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening. how are you? president joe biden, he celebrated his 81st birthday last week, which was met with growing concerns over his cognitive decline abilitycot to run for reelection and his recent public outings. hi anytty muchoutings. favors. >> it's now pretty much every time he goes to a microphone ev take a look. >> it's my birthday today. they can actually sangk. my birthday. you could say even harder than getting a ticket to the renaissance tour. or are appropriate references to her. she starte, ord was kind of warm in brazil right now and leading
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lady to companies like anthropic and i'm going to mispronounce i'm not goinge. to try. r whit all right. former white house physician congressman ronny jackson has been soundine n cog the alarm on biden's rapid cognitive decline. he's now demanding the president take a cognitive the president take a cognitive race. he joins us now. you know, more than anybody, yoe you've taken care of three presidents in the course of your life. presidi would argue, in my opii it's the hardest job on the face of this eartonh.
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when i started talking about his him being weakail, and frail and in a significant cognitive decline, i was attacked for saying it. sayibut i think it's now pretty much common knowledge. and it seemsan to be getting worse. isn't cognitive decline degenerative ? er going it's something that's never going to get better. doesn't it seem like it's every speakget n't its? e it's every well, absolutely, shani, you're exactly right. you and i have been blowing this along y right. blowi for a long time . it's no longer breaking news. when i say that, you know, i tell the america longern people thate there's something wrong with joe biden. everyone can see that now. omethingng witthat's not in que. it's what are the democrats going to do about it? it'sth right, the natural course of any of these illnesses, i don't know what it is. don't if it's alzheimer' s or all's dementia or multi infarct dementia. what it is, i'm not making a diagnosi, , i's, but i'm sayig he has a cognitive issue related to his age, the natural coursea issu of all of these illnesses are they get worse with time, they don't get better. and, you kno don't gw, sean, it's sad, but it's becoming a joke at this point. it really is. it's be pointyou i mean, this .
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nothing more than an assisted living facilitouldy now. sean: o well, is it a embarrassing, embarrassed because the consequences are so great for our country? it's an embarrassment. it's a joke. for coun it's scary.y, the i mean, there's a lot of things that come, you knore lot ow, thh are real issues here. you know, look at what's going on right now domestically. nomesticalat he'i mean what he'o country. and he's not in control. he does not know what's goint k on. and, you know, we got crimegoou in the streets. we've got our southern border out of control, our economr yf process, you know, just the cost of living. you look overseas and we've got yoverseae wars that are breakin out. we've got the threat of terrorism. we have bi right nowee that this country needs to be dealing with and we need a commander in chief and. we need a head of state that's cognitively and physically fit to do the jo cogb. not this man is absolutely not. i was saying about earlier, sean, like i saii was d it's noe a joke, but, you know, whenn i worked at the white house for wh, in the busht prte house for administration, we passed out president many minimums in the biden administration and's. in the obama administration, we passed out presidential cases in trump administration. in the reagan administration, thishe reagan administration,
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. i'm assuming now that if you go up there, you get a presidential jello cup. i don't know what'ou g pl jell-. but it's just sad. sean, you get very dangerous and we've got to dit's vererous about it. and i think the big differenceb between when you and i firstis started talking about this theyted talking about this are in damage control right now. they are frantic. they realize that they'v theyze thae madet they'v this mistake. they've put this man in office and expected him to be our presidenexpected t four years and he's not going to make it four years, i don't think. and he's certainly think, a going the to make it another four years. and now they're desperately desp what do ie desperately they do about this? >> i mean, and you can mak me a comparison, by the way, the media, for example, the usc clemson game was this weekend. president trump of governor mcmaster of, you know, showed up especially at halftime. >> they went on went out right to midfield. i mean, you coul d the crowdnow,l just, you know, raving for trump, you know, and bg y the wy this the media defines us as pris the media defines us as
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interviewed president trump extensively for hours at a timee ,and i can tell you he is a sharp now he was when i knew him 30 years ago. there's no decline. zero. he makes one little mistake. the media goes insane. we havmedie about 20 seconds sh. >> he's incredibly sharp. he's got a better memory than i have. than you have. we all know this. you know, let's justter me starh the fact that president biden could not walk out on that fielved, much less go ot there and get a roaring applause like president trumt p did. >> so we've got big issues. all right. congressman ronniep , thank yout and unfortunately, that is all the time we have left this eveninhathat'sg. progra thank you for being with us. a programming note thursday at 9 p.m..9: great read versus blue state debate between00 p.m ron desants and governor gavin newsom. you don't want to miss it thisos thursday night. hope you'll set your dvr. thank you for being with it. us, but not your heartbeat trouble. greg gutfeld standing by. he'll put a smile on your face everg wi