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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  November 28, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PST

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visit salvation army napiers, commissioner, merry christmas. brian, back to you. >> brian: don't forget about giving tuesday. fox news alert. surprise, hunter biden is offering to testify at a public hearing as part of the impeachment inquiry into his dad according to a letter from his attorney just obtained by fox. hunter is already scheduled to appear for a closed door deposition on december 13th. keep it on fox for the latest. a new strategy, attack, attack. he is trying to sue everybody. >> lawrence: it lets you now how dire it is for the campaign to get him on record. >> ainsley: cross examination? >> brian: the biden campaign not happy about this. >> ainsley: you are on with us for a day and you head to georgia. >> bill: we're watching this now. at this hour smoke is rising
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over gaza in several different locations. not clear what it is all about. israel says there is a clear violation of a truce. a truce that was supposed to last another two days. good morning, everybody. we're getting rolling on tuesday. bill hemmer live in new york. good morning. >> dana: i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." hamas terrorists opening fire in two locations aplunge the northern gaza strip. a number of israeli troops are hurt. this as a fourth group of israeli hostages being reunited with their families after being set free in exchange for dozens of palestinian prisoners. the swap marking one for each day of the cease-fire so far. >> bill: the fate of this 10-month-old israely baby and his family hanging very much in the balance. the idf says they were handed off to another terror group once inside gaza. a relative earlier today calling that nothing short of barbaric.
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>> i can't say we are surprised about the level of cruelty and inhumane behavior from hamas. in this cease-fire they signed an agreement to release all women and children. tomorrow is the last day supposedly of this cease-fire of this agreement as it was signed. and there is still no news about my family, if they will be returned or not. >> bill: remarkable woman with a remarkable message. will the cease-fire hold today? >> good morning. you mentioned it just in the past hour the idf is claiming three explosive devices detonated near idf soldiers in two locations. one of those locations, hamas terrorists and idf soldiers exchanged gunfire resulting in several injuries.
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they are not believed to be severe. we haven't seen a major escalation other than that. this comes as cia director bill burns is meeting with qatari and israeli officials to discuss the possibility of extending the temporary cease-fire that has been extended two days. but as the parameters of this two-day extension it requires what we were expecting today with ten israeli hostages expected to be released from gaza in exchange for 30 palestinian prisoners. in the past four days 51 israelis hostages have been returned along with 19 hostages from other countries. the white house estimates that either 8 or 9 american hostages remain in gaza. the majority of whom are believed to be men. so far hamas has only exchanging women and children. like 4-year-old abigail edan released on sunday. you mentioned 10-month-old israeli baby and his 4-year-old brother are still being held in
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gaza along with 165 other hostages. two members of the boys' family talking about what they've been through. >> psychological war against us, i have no idea. it is working really good because the last four days have been a nightmare for us. >> it has been 52 days for a baby and the boy in captivity. there is no precedent in modern history for something like this. >> more tension on the northern border as well that you see behind me. lebanese reports an israeli shell landed in southern lebanon. idf hasn't confirmed that and no further escalation this morning. another tense day as ten more israeli hostages are set to be released. send it back to you. >> bill: we have a ways to go. yesterday the spokesperson for netanyahu telling us they think there are 150 hostages still
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there. nate foye, back with developments as the sun sets behind you. thanks. >> given the president's sagging poll numbers and the fact that he is partly placing behind any republican opponent, has there been any talk in the white house about a change in strategy or staffing going forward in reflection of those numbers that continue to show him underwater? >> no. >> should we be anticipating departure of cabinet officials? >> i can't speak to people's personal decision. >> dana: a reporter asking karine jean-pierre is president biden is considering a staff shake-up since polling numbers are so long. her response tears and not expansive. can't blame her on that one. karl rove joins us now. would a personnel change on the staff level make a difference here? >> well, if the personnel was the guy who sits in the oval office perhaps. but look, there are problems
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that they have in terms of their organization. take a look, for example, compare this white house to the white house in 2011. chief of staff was bill daily, he knew politics. the white house senior advisor david axelrod had left to go to the campaign. the campaign had a skilled operative involved in the 2008 obama campaign, jim mass ena and a long track record. this white house, anita dunn is inside the white house. the close confident, the campaign manager has never run a campaign. who is the chairman of the democratic national committee? spent $1 hundred million in south carolina and lost to senator scott in his re-election. the team is not the a team and the white house is in my opinion not well organized for trois is
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coming. chief of staff has no political involvement. that's fine. anita dunn is the only pro in the galaxy of people responsible for getting people reelected. >> bill: fox polling, karl, you have a white board. let's get on with it. we had biden and trump. trump up four. biden dep santana up five, biden haley haley up by 11. and then we have, stand by, the job performance disapproval number from mid november is 59%. does that jive with what you are seeing? >> absolutely. we got confirmation. these are the fox and marquette law school, pretty good poll, trump up four over biden in fox. up four in marquette. desantis up five in fox. up two in marquette. haley up 11 in fox and up ten in marquette. the white house has plenty of
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confirmation. those terrible approval ratings are being reflected in being behind in the presidential race and that's -- you start out behind but being double digits behind somebody who the american people know very little about, nikki haley? that's a real problem for the white house. hard to see how they dig their way out of it. >> dana: any president will want a congress that reflects his or her party. and this is a map here of five senate seats that are currently held by democrats that might flip to republicans in 2024. west virginia, montana, ohio, arizona, pennsylvania. how are things going in those states for republicans? >> well, first i would add one more to that list, six. make it six, nevada. because it is trending slightly republican. look, the democrats have a real problem in the three states montana, ohio, and west virginia that were won by the republicans in the 2020 election and the 2016 election and as a result are -- those democrats are going
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to have big targets painted on their backs because the republicans have got the upper hand. but you're right. those three are the republican best. we have primaries in ohio, so we'll have to wait and see who the nominee is there. looks like we'll have good nominees in both west virginia and montana. you win those two and hold what we have and you flip the senate to 51-49 and other shots in arizona if it's a three-way race, a shot in michigan and in nevada. we have a great shot in pennsylvania about dave mccormick who received unanimous endorsement of the republican party of that state and is backed by the senatorial campaign committee. the republicans will be on the offense in the senate and have a map that's very favorable to them. think about all of those states, arizona, nevada, michigan and pennsylvania. those were narrow biden wins. in the case of arizona less than a percent. in the case of nevada 2%.
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less than 2% in pennsylvania, slightly more than that in michigan. but all four of them could potentially be in play if the republicans nominate a good candidate who runs a good campaign. >> bill: got it. we'll have no more time to talk about this. that's sarcasm. we'll talk about this. >> dana: a lot of time. >> bill: thank you, sir, nice to see you. >> dana: if you can't get enough of karl rove and politics, i had him on perino on politics yesterday, the podcast guest available now at fox news and find out what he is really paying attention to this year and has something to do with third parties. >> bill: it was a good one. the super tuesday showdown. >> dana: super mega tuesday. >> bill: ten minutes past the hour. here we go in what sounds he released a similar to what happened in china four years ago, a surge in respiratory illnesses caught the attention
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of the world health organization. matt finn live the london to follow up on this story and where do we think this is going, matt? hello. >> it's considered a rare move. the world health organization asked china to publicly provide data about this alarming spike in respiratory illnesses and pneumonia in children. china provided that data and says it is not covid and not a novel virus but the combination of a couple of things including the flu, rhino viruses as well as bacteria swamping hospitals. a reported 7,000 patients in a day were admitted to one beijing children's hospital and a reported 13,000 children at another hospital. chinese officials provided data that china says showed the increased hospitalizations of children is not because of a novel virus. chinese officials blamed the increase in the lifting of covid lockdowns. to combat the spike in illness, the chinese health ministry is calling on local authorities to
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open more fever clinics, promote vaccinations in children and elderly and mask wearing. in the united states the world health organization and cdc have not reported any increases in mass respiratory illnesses. despite the surge of sicknesses in china the health ministry says it is safe to travel to that country down playing the outbreak. we'll keep you updated. >> bill: intriguing and seems to be spreading. see how far it goes. matt finn, thank you for that live in london. dana. >> dana: fox news alert. hunter biden is offering to testify before the house oversight committee. his attorney sending the letter into the inquiry into his father, joe biden. not clear if the committee will take him up on that. it could be the first time that hunter appears under neath a public forum. we'll follow that and keep you posted. >> bill: check this out now. >> when you see stuff like this go on in a school, people are
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only encouraged because they've seen other protests around the city also go unpunished. >> bill: have you been watching this story? alarming scene at a new york high school. students rampaged through a school over a teacher's support for israel. there are new developments this week that's coming up in a moment here. >> dana: detained "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovitch, back in a russian court. >> bill: the migrants again surfing on top of trains heading from the south to the north and our southern border. there's challenges, and i love overcoming challenges. ♪ when better money habits® content first started coming out, it expanded what i could do for special olympics athletes with developmental needs. thousands of bank of america employees like scott
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>> bill: we've got this update on a fox news alert out of
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russia. the court in house could you a bit earlier today ruling to extend the detention of the "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovitch. he has been jailed since march on espionage charges. today's ruling will lengthen his jail time through at least the end of january. russian foreign ministry saying it may consider a prisoner swap but only after a verdict in the trial. so stand by. that's the latest from moscow as we continue to hold onto hope for him. >> dana: students at a new york city high school under investigation after a huge protest there turned into a riot. officials say a jewish teacher was targeted because of her support for israel. alexis mcadams live in queens. hi. >> this all happened at this high school behind me in queens as you mentioned. things got pretty out of control last week and now we know that some of those students involved in this have been suspended according to officials after hundreds flooded the hallways in
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that school behind me chanting things for pro-palestinian chants and forced a teacher to hide in her own classroom saying she was afraid for her safety. she posted a photo of a sign that said she stood with israel. we have this video blurred out. students are underage. we count show what they look like but lots going on inside the schools. hundreds were waving palestinian flags and posts on social media say students ripped a drinking fountain right off the wall inside and vandalized some property. the teacher was in hiding inside the classroom as the nypd sent dozens of officers in and school was put on lockdown. listen. >> students who are responsible for creating this, we have invoked a set of disciplinary measures in that regard. not going to tell you how many students or who they are but it was responded to. >> so how did this all begin? with a facebook photo of a teacher holding a sign that
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reads i stand with israel. but one hillcrest student who didn't want to be identified said things got out of hand. >> honestly this is a very muslim population, this school. populated with a lot of muslim but it wasn't nothing like violence. >> that's not what the teacher felt like. she told the "new york post" saying no one should ever feel unsafe at school saying i've worked hard to be supportive of our entire student body and advocate for our community and was shaken to my core by the calls to violence against me that occurred online and outside of my classroom. back live in queens, dana and bill, the investigation is far from over and then in a few more days on thursday there is another planned protest. nypd remains on high alert for that. >> dana: alexis mcadams in queens. >> bill: the guest blaming modern progressivism for the disconnect. a city council member that represents that district. a couple things.
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alexis is reporting the gentleman we heard from went to school there 30 years ago and just put up call for one again. what they did, they went on facebook, students did. they found this picture of their teacher. at the bottom of the screen it says this is insane, pro, fire her. this group wasn't organized by parents or teachers, but organized by the students. >> correct. >> bill: on the morning of the school communicating on their phones to get this rally in the hallway. >> it took more than just the one morning to organize this. these kids communicate on tiktok, they communicate on their phones, they are constantly on their devices. they could put together something in a minute's time. when they saw the picture of this jewish school teacher they had it set out. the school is predominantly muslim populated. this is horrific. >> bill: we weren't told
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majority. we were told 30%. is that right? >> 2600 kids in the school. i think 500 and around that are muslim. there you go. but the demographics has changed quite a bit in the school. as has every school. so right now they chose to pick on this one teacher who did this on her off hours. this was done on the night she went to the protest that millions of jews -- thousands of jews went to and she was singled out by this group of what i call, you know, we're breeding terrorism. this is in my opinion and the chancellor will knock me down for that. and that's okay. but what we have been indoctrinating our kids into for the last decade or more, has been breeding anti-american, no history is being taught, there is back to basics, there is no
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discipline, there is nothing. so these kids can do whatever they want to do and never, ever worry about consequence. never. >> dana: there wasn't much media attention on this until you brought it to everyone's attention and the "new york post" and fox is doing it. the headline in the "new york times." it kills me. in queens, students call for dismissal of pro-israel teacher. not like they signed a petition, they were coming for her head. >> that's correct. can you imagine -- they got it wrong in the video. they moved her from her classroom down to an office where she locked herself and the police moved her until they moved her out of the building. can you imagine if they would have broke down the door? these were 400 kids rioting. kids 14 and 15 years old. this did not happen overnight. this is something that started when they were in second grade,
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third grade, the curriculum in our schools has been breeding all of this. and now as they say, the chickens have come home to roost, okay? and you reap what you sew. this is plain and simple. >> bill: turn it around for a moment. what if this was a group of jewish students going after -- >> oh my. >> bill: someone of a different religion. >> there would have been blood on the streets. enter>> bill: imagine the coverage. this thing is barely picked up. >> everything is kept quiet. when i come after the doe today, because i'm able to as an elected. i always did. i can't stand the uft. >> dana: teachers union. >> i have come out and said that before i was a councilwoman. when randi weingarten ran the uft i was an active parent in
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the school. >> dana: can't imagine. [laughter] >> bill: there is a planned protest on thursday of this week in favor of israel. we'll see how that goes. >> hopefully it will go well, you know, there are two sides to this. we saw them shut down the manhattan bridge and saw them try to stop the thanksgiving day parade. they are now planning a disruption when we light the tree in rockefeller center. actions being taken by pro-hamas and hezbollah. this is a terrorist organization we're allowing freedom all over our streets under the guise of the first amendment right. now a teacher threatened in a high school by children who are not disciplined at all in any way, shape or form. a suspension? what's a suspension going to do? nothing. >> dana: i will always want you on my side, vickie. thank you very much. >> bill: thank you for coming in. try to keep it peaceful this week. >> absolutely.
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thank you. >> dana: convicted killer alex murdaugh back in court for sentencing in a multi-million fraud scheme face-to-face with some of his 18 victims and we'll bring it to you live. plus three palestinian college students shot in vermont and suspect in custody. now calls for a hate crime investigation. >> i believe the families fear this was motivated by hate. i will speak on behalf of my family, my sister's family, we believe in the sanctity of presumption of innocence and due process. [bell ringing] and doug says, “you can customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual.” he hits his mark —center stage— and is crushed by a baby grand piano. are you replacing me? with this guy? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache! oh, look! a bibu. [limu emu squawks.] only pay for what you need.
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we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. i have a tremendous love for israel and the jewish people. this is why i'm partnering with the fellowship. it gives me a way to authentically bless jewish people in need around the world. i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story and i will find a matching soul that would understand. i face hunger again. please don't delay. call, scan, or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives.
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this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone.
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>> bill: convicted murderer alex murdaugh is back in court today again sentenced for stealing millions of dollars from his clients. his 18 victims have the opportunity to confront him for a decade of crimes. that could be some drama. we expect a 27 year prison sentence.
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cameras in the courtroom coming up next hour from the pal met oath state in south carolina. >> dana: a new video appears hundreds of migrants heading for the southern border. a mexican railroad company suspended routes to border cities in september after migrants were killed jumping onto trains and mexican police have reported numerous incidents on top of the trains including falls, emergency child births and even lost children. that continues. americans are footing the bill for the crisis at the southern border. a recent house gop report estimates it costs the u.s. $451 billion to care for migrants and the number of illegal crossings keep rising. fox business's madison all worth did a ride along to see what they're doing to catch the migrants. >> good morning, hello. we're seeing those migrants cross this morning. we've been out here three hours
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and seen hundreds of migrants crossing just this morning alone. we got to do the same yesterday and we have the numbers. here in eagle pass yesterday over 2,200 border patrol apprehensions adding to the overall list being for fiscal 2024, 357,000 in two months. that's just border patrol. not the gotaways that eagle pass, texas, dps are looking to get after. we got to do a ride along with them to show how they're trying to tackle this problem. we went out with the team last night as they pat rolled for potential gotaways trying to enter into the country without being caught. 30 minutes into our night the helicopter picked up heat images on a ranch and led to four people arrested for criminal trespass. one was armed with a knife. not long after that cameras pinged another group that scaled a fence to get further into the ranch and able to follow them into the ranch climbing the
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fence there further in and able to locate those five. they were also arrested. both groups important to note trying to sneak into the country undetected. that's not included in that 357,000 number. so you have to understand there are many more folks than we actually have. want to bring in lieutenant olivarez, what happens when the train gets to and trying to cross. >>ner texas or arizona you will start seeing an influx of illegal immigrants crossing between ports of entry. we see these type of caravans making their way to the northern border. once they get to mexico. you continue to see the influx. the purpose of that is because there is no consequences by the federal government that continue to reward illegal immigration and why we continue seeing this influx of mass immigration. you mentioned the numbers. how important it is to try to stop illegal border crossings. you can stop human smuggling and
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ranchs, stopping the gotaways trying to get smuggled into the interior. until the federal government continues to incentivize illegal immigration we'll continue to see the influx of mass migration between ports of entry. >> important to note it is cold here and still seeing 2,000 a day. normally that number comes down. not happening this year. send it back to you. >> dana: thank you for being there. keep in touch this week. >> bill: sometimes we lose sight of the story but still going on. breaking news from the hill. hunter biden apparently is now offering to testify before a house oversight committee. if the committee takes him up on the offer, it would be the first time he would appear under oath in a public forum. fox news legal editor is watching the story out of d.c. what do we know at this hour? >> what we know so far, the committee had subpoenaed hunter biden in november asking him to come in for a closed door deposition in december. the lawyer just responded yesterday with a letter to the
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committee saying we'll come in for this deposition. in fact we'll make it public and do it in front of everyone. in front of cameras, and so we're waiting to hear back when the committee says about that. >> bill: so yesterday they subpoenaed his uncle, too, right? >> yes. >> bill: he said he would appear, too. is there progress on that? >> those are being handled by different lawyers. but i think what's very interesting about hunter's lawyers response here is one, it's a pretty risky calculated move. here is why. he knows that if hunter appears before a committee before cameras live on tv he knows that the members won't be able to help themselves and make it all about one person and who is that person? joe biden, his father. thinking out 2024. i think what abbe lowell is trying to do here is think what he is doing is putting hunter in
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a position where he can squeak by possibly as a sympathetic character and banking on the members making it about his father. at the end of the day, hunter is his client, not joe biden. so it's a pretty interesting move. if hunter appeared behind closed doors anybody can pull up that interview. trance contributing the interviews. anybody can look at those and get into the nitty-gritty. staff attorneys conduct the interviews. not the grandstanding we normally see in the hearings. they get down to all the nuts and bolts. that is not something you want to put your client in a position of doing. >> bill: i would look at this and they've been wanting him to testify. let's go ahead and do it or is hunter's team playing a game of legal chicken? i guess there lies the riddle at the moment. >> it's a very interesting move. abbe lowell is a very good loyal with a great reputation in
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washington, d.c. he has also been saying joe biden's d.o.j. is being weaponizeed against hunter biden and joe biden's gun policies are unconstitutional. now he will put the president's son in a position before the committee where it will be a bad day for his father, not necessarily for him. these are all very calculated moves as an advocate for his client. >> bill: if they are public and it happens it would be must see tv. nice to see you. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: visions of victory dancing in the heads of the new york jets fans. is that false hope, hemmer? get this quarterback aaron rodgers targeting to return on christmas eve. a christmas miracle? a game against the washington commanders, used to be the redskins in case you didn't remember. rodgers had a torn achilles tendon. he could practice this week but hasn't totally been cleared by
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doctor. >> bill: at four months? can you come back in four months from a torn achilles? can you do that? >> dana: i don't know. >> bill: i'm not a doctor. we'll call seeing will and get you an answer. president biden dusting off a two state solution. is the faction in charge of west bank simply a mirror image of hamas? the drug crisis running rampant through major democratic-run cities ruining lives and wrecking entire communities, 40 progressive mayors sending an s.o.s. to lawmakers for help on a condition that they proposed. did their policies create the chaos in the first place? [car door slam] [camera shutter sfx] introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. [camera shutter sfx] he thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis.
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>> bill: again from the cameras, smoke on the horizon in israel suggesting terms of that truce have been broken. the conflict started long before the 7th of october. president biden now suggesting a peaceful solution that may never be possible talking about a two-state matter there. watch. >> president biden: a two-state solution is the only way to guarantee a long-term security of both israelis and palestinian people. to make sure israel and palestinianance alike live in equal measure of freedom and dignity. we'll not give up on working toward that goal. >> bill: now this has been thought about for some time. eugene is the director of international law at the a policy forum in jerusalem. great to have you on. good morning. i want to share with viewers what you wrote in the "wall street journal." don't give gaza to the palestinian authority. that's the group that rules the west bank right now. not gaza, but the west bank.
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israel will win this war. hamas will be defeated. the international community can't expect israel to expect handing gaza to the palestinian authority would do just that. why do you feel that way? >> the palestinian authority is no better than hamas when it comes to the objective of ridding the holy land of any jewish presence and doing so violently. indeed, we say that hamas should not be left in charge of gaza because of october 7th. but as we present in this article, evidence from telegram channels show -- the governing party of the palestinian authority, abbas is the president of the palestinian authority and chairman of that. their members participated in october 7th alongside hamas terrorists. they invaded from gaza and
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participated in the massacres of civilians and posted pictures bragging about it. fatah members said they'll stomp on the heads of israelis and they showed themselves doing just that. now you would think it would get people fired from most organizations. instead these actions have been celebrated by official palestinian authority sources including abbas who immediately said that october 7th was part of the palestinian right of self-defense. they are no better than hamas, bill. >> dana: a report this morning that an unnamed presidential aide in the region apparently told the idf you cannot have the sort of scale of displacement that took place in the north replicated in the south. it can't happen. there is an understanding that a different type of campaign has to be conducted. how is that going to go over with the israeli public and the idf who has a mission to destroy hamas and get the hostages back? >> exactly. hamas leadership is in the
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south. hostages are presumably in the south. so president biden should be encouraging israel to fight whatever kind of campaign consistent with international law is necessary to free them. and if the displacement of civilians is a problem, which it is, gaza is a small territory, the reason it's a problem is because unlike any conflict in recent times, refugees are not being allowed to flee to the border to neighboring countries. egypt is right there on the southern border of gaza and they have not let in one single refugee. millions of refugees fled from afghanistan and others. the biden administration should be pressuring egypt to deal with any displacement by allowing refugees to shelter from the conflict. >> bill: just go back to your line that i read there. israel will win this war. what happens next then?
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>> after israel wins this war just like when the united states won the war against nazi germany, against imperial japan, winning the war is not the end of it. you have to win the peace. what that required in germany was denazi indication. they were not some weird implant on german society. they had broad support in german support much like hamas and its ideology has in gazan society. footage of the hostages taken out by the red close and civilians pounding on the door yelling and screaming. we had a story yesterday one of the hostages escaped and caught by gazan civilians. they turned him over to hamas. there needs to be a de-hamasfication process. israel has to retain security control. there can't be a situation which another armed militia is allowed to arise on israel's borders to
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threaten it in this way. >> dana: thank you for coming on the show today. >> bill: work to do clearly. >> dana: generational. investigators into vermont looking into the shooting of three palestinian students was a hate crime. >> it was a hateful act and one we abhor. anybody who steps out from a porch and attacks three random passer by for whatever reason is expressing a form of hate. ll abd shopping and cookies and trees. but we know christmas isn't about something you buy at a store. it's about something so much greater. it is the day we celebrate the incredible truth that god so loved the world that he gave his only son. it's not about presents. it's about jesus. join me this advent in praying every day on hallow. cut through the noise and find god's peace.
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>> bill: there is reaction alre public forum under oath. james comer, who runs the house oversight committee, came out with this statement. he says the following. hunter biden is trying to play by his own rules instead of following the rules required by everyone else. that won't stand with house republicans. our lawfully issued subpoena to hunter biden requires him to
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appear for a deposition on december 13th. we expect full cooperation with our subpoena for a deposition but also agree that hunter biden should have an opportunity to testify in a public setting at a future date. if you get the second half of that request, america, that will be must-see tv and circle it on your calendar and make sure you know when and if it ever goes down. that's the back and forth from washington. now this, dana. >> dana: prosecutors in vermont under pressure to enhance charges to a hate crime after three palestinian students were shot in burlington over the weekend. the 48-year-old suspect was charged with three counts of attempted murder. paul mauro is a retired nypd inspector. a statement from care international executive director. did you to the spike in anti-muslim and anti-palestinian hate and violence local, state
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and national law enforcement authorities must look for a bias motive. how does it go trying to get inside someone's head? >> this is a pressure group. the chief of police in full disclosure, i know him a little bit. former nypd. he has come out and said they're looking at that. vermont has hate crime laws. it will come down to an examination of the facts as it always should be. a lot of people, libertarians and on the right don't like hate crime statutes. you are delving into somebody's mind. secondly, every crime has a thought element. which is intent. did you do it intentionally? recklessly, it's not that novel a concept. the investigators now will be looking for facts that show the following: was the motive for this and the animus in the shooter's mind, was the animus in his mind generated because
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these folks were religious reasons or political reasons was it a protected class, any of that stuff. the fact they were wearing the keffiyehs won't necessarily be enough. was he a member of a group, on social media, does he have writings in his home? did he say something in an interview after they got him? very often when people do political violence and common with terrorist cases. they don't shut up because they want the talk to the world. >> bill: he didn't say any words. >> his social media is important. one thing to look at is his website. he has a website. i was through the website. it is confusing and strange. what's interesting his podcast is on there and sounds coherent. at some point if they try to go to an insanity defense they'll
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pull recent podcasts where he sounds linear in his thinking. it will be potential evidence. the kind of stuff they will look at. they are looking for the animus in his mind to see if the shooting was motivated on religious, political grounds. >> bill: we'll run through this. progressive mayors demanding $1.5 billion for the drug crisis in their cities. >> there is a shock. >> bill: talking about san francisco, seattle, long beach, fresno, west sacramento, it goes on and on. they were pushing for some of these policies, weren't they? >> when i see these policies and we've seen them in progressive cities, two things. what they are trying to do is protect people from themselves. you are an addict want to give you a better lifestyle and clean needles. the problem is in the continuum you pass from that kind of protective activity to encouragement and enabling and no marchling in of


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