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tv   The Five  FOX News  November 28, 2023 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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when you see the number coming across by the thousands and no consequences, no type of did -- deterrence from the mexican government. there needs to be some type of dete deterrence. we're having to shoulder that burden because our own government fails to secure the border and allows illegal immigration to take place by rewarding them. >> neil: thanks, chris. you warned us. i do want to end again telling you that charlie munger, the 99-year-old investment sensation behind warren buffet, the two used to be like a financial batman and robin, very funny, very sharp. now very much history. gone at 99. an incredible career in business. >> dana: hello, i'm dana perino,
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along with judge jeanine pirro. this is "the five." >> dana: it's the kofing covington smear. sports website dead spin posting an article featuring this picture of a young kansas city chiefs fan from sunday's match against the raiders. the photo only showing half his face painted in black with the headline, the n.f.l. needs to speak out. important context missing, a full-face photo shows the other side was painted read to match the team's color, which is not uncommon.
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other fans do it all the time. dead spin facing major backlash apologizing to the little boy. the writer doubling down and writing, for the idiots in my mention treating this as a harmless act because the other side was painted red, there is argument it makes it even worse. y'all issue the ones who hate mexicans and wear sombreros on cinco. we will hear from greg gutfeld. what do you think of this? >> greg: see that picture again, side view of the young guy. are you sure, i mean, are you sure he wasn't dressed as liz warren? i love the guy doubling down, i could make the argument. you could but you would be an ass-hat. dead spin happens when journalism becomes too cowardly
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to the woke. sports journalism has been plagued by this. sports illustrated and espn are all woke zombies, they let it in and let it take over instead of saying to the woke, get lost, they opened the door and you have this kind of crap temperature is so obviously like wrong, i'm assuming they must have done it anyway, they knew because dead spin is dying this might be the only way they can get clicks is by embarrassing themselves. there is assumption on woke side of the political field, no one will bother to check. media is on your side. if you misreport, no one will call you out. in this case, they did because x, which is why the left hates
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elon musk now has community notes, the community notes called this out before it was amplified to the world. this guy should have said, he may not be wearing black face, but somewhere someone is and we're just raising awareness of half black face. this is the new thing, half black face. >> dana: why not say oops, sorry and send the kid a pizza? >> greg: just a pizza? >> they should send him more than a pizza, this guy has a lawsuit and i think the judge could attest he might not have to save for college. please make me understand there, jesicca, the left is confusing. if children can choose their own gender, they can't choose what they wear to the game? if the boy can wear a dress, why can't he wear a headdress? why can't he say this is makeup?
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>> he can. >> we have to get approval what kind of makeup they can wear or he could wear? >> why you going after her. >> we beat the native americans in battle, we also beat the british, can't we dress up as british also? i can't dress up as your husband? i can't dress up as king george or a red coat? we have the patriots, pirates, the cowboys, lots of mask on the that are great warriors people dress up as all the time. how do you know this guy employees not a raiders and chiefs fan. this was in las vegas, this could have been half raiders fan, half chiefs fan. no one knows. this guy sees one image, where is his editor? we are told on the internet, this is why you need editors. this guy is an editor. no one cleared that.
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this is so dumb, i hope he sues them for a quarter million dollars and we're efforting him on tonight at 8:00. >> dana: i would love to see that. jessica, would you like to reply before the judge tells us what can happen here? >> jessica: we had a nice break from each other, thanksgiving holiday and you come back raring to go as if i think this has any legitimacy at all. >> because he has rabies. >> jessica: if he is getting a shot on the air, we will see his stomach. >> why did the dog bite? >> democratic owner. >> jessica: do not slander democratic people. you said guy, how old is he? five years old? i thought he was seven, i don't
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have good perception how old children are. >> that could be a problem. i'm not a pedophile, just a democrat. >> quote of the year. >> jessica: why can't he do this? kansas city chiefs decided they did not want people wearing headdress to the game. i don't think it matters, i don't think the story is anything. i think greg is right, there is no sensors on this, something you wouldn't expect. this storied brand has gone downhill in terms of deadspin and i think it is part of why it wasn't picked up, maybe community notes did everybody a big favor. who would have an expect agsz a 7-10 year old would do black face, that would be something on his mind? >> greg: racist parents, racism. >> jessica: i would like to know who they are. >> dana: judge, what could
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happen here? >> couple of things, number one, it is interesting, the guy who wrote it is carron, but he is a karen. troublemaker who is deceiving a young kid having a good time at a football game. i don't think this kid is more than nine. maybe seven, eight, nine. to put the burden of racism and everything else on this kid is an outrage that goes so far on my spectrum as far as i'm concerned, it is a defamation spectrum and i think his parents should consider suing. make no mistake, that kid knows that his photo is in newspapers, that we're talking about it, we are biggest watched show on all news cable, he has to get a reward and damage for this. look, no one can argue this kid was just having a good time. there is not a negative thought
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on this kid's mind. where is the n.f.l.? where are the kansas city chiefs? i want mahomes and kelce to say, come in, we will give you season tickets. we love you and stop with the nonsense with the headdress and all that. i'm tired of political correctness and people saying what i can or cannot do, unless it is offensively realistically. the native american group, that means the american indians, who are demanding the commandering reinstate their name. this nonsense has to end. >> dana: it will never end. maybe taylor swift can give him tickets. more embarrassment
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after the education secretary botches a famous ronald reagan quote.
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>> jesse: welcome to united states of stupid, members continue to embarrass themselves. guy in charge of making sure our kids get quality education, secretary cardonna botching this ronald reagan quote. >> we're from the government, we're here to help. >> jesse: someone fact check his next speech, reagan were railing against big government. >> nine most terrifying words in the english language are i'm from the government and i'm here to help. >> jesse: next is mayorkas who says the border is secure, despite agents being overwhelmed and now a train in mexico with migrants riding on top heading here. and so-called reporter, april
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ryan using valuable white house briefing time to brag about how she talked to stevie wonder. >> i had an in-depth conversation with stevie wonder last night, who is -- i love stevie wonder. he's very concerned about the black agenda falling along the wasteside, will this president meet with him? >> i am not aware of any meeting with mr. wonder. >> jesse: our very own peter doocy talked to julio iglesias and wants a meeting. >> dana: best answer, i don't know about any meetings or i'll get back to you or call my deputy. >> greg: what about secretary mayorkas? >> dana: that drives me crazy, he says it with such a straight
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face. he knows it is not true. he would like it to be true, perhaps, there are things you could do to make it that way. when you see how many people coming across, i read 800 people wading across in arizona and 400 got through. it is cold. the border is not closed. on the reagan quote, i saw that yesterday and changed my one more thing, because i said this is unbelievable. he got the quote wrong, i've gotten many quotes wrong. whole essence of ronald reagan wrong, has point was limited government. emergency if devos botched a quote from jfk? the media would never stop and yet with this one, only place you see it is here and "new york
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post." >> greg: cardonas should be working at deadspin. this is why politicians send their kids to private schools, he is running this thing, this is terrible. republicans were always the dumb people. no, they were the scrutinized people. we all make mistakes, only one side scrutinized because other side was favorite of media. you know what the dems are like? they are like the really dumb, but talented jock in high school who could show up and never do the work. by end of high school, they are dumber than when they got there. no one worked out their brain and that is why you have stupid liberals doing stupid stuff and that is how you got wokeism, nobody challenged them or challenged progressive ideas until all of a sudden, you are
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living in like a freak show, jessica. you are the queen of the freak show. >> jessica: what is this? [laughter] >> we miss you. >> jessica: i can feel that. >> jesse: your name was invoked. >> jessica: doesn't matter how derogatory, it was invoked. lots of smart liberals, i don't think you would say mark zuckerberg or bill gates or warren buffet or reid hoffman. i'm paid that when gutfeld does generalizations, please say something. that is a big quote to mess up, this is signature. i don't have a poster of ronald reagan on my poster at home, that is one thing i know he said, it is a principle of old republicanism, rino republicanism at this point,
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they want limited government and that is why people liked reagan so much. on the april ryan front. name dropper or whatever, it is a valid point to bring up to their concerns within prominent members of the black community that the black agenda and you have seen slippage for support of the biden administration. i don't think that is -- >> greg: she could have e-mailed that, she was name dropping. look at me, i'm important, she mentioned stevie wonder's name five times in one question. come on >> jessica: great name, wouldn't you want to talk to stevie wonder? >> jesse: i don't zoo a difference in black agenda and
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white agenda. >> greg: like stevie wonder, you don't see color. >> judge jeanine: focus on cardona, the quote is famous, okay, you don't have a picture of ronald reagan in your house, i love reagan. it doesn't matter. the guy is so inept, he associated it with narrative that government is inefficient and believed it. right after he says that quote, we're going to follow-up with every one of you to make sure that we're available to help you. i mean, he is so out of it, he doesn't know it, it is not a misquote, he doesn't understand. we understand as far as democrats and progressives are concerned, education doesn't matter. we've seen it over and over with
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rochelle walensky and randi weingarten making sure every metric went to close the school and because of teacher shortages, states started passing laws they no longer need college degrees and union pushing for removal of the requirement. you do not necessarily have to be proficient in reading, writing and math to be a teach are. what does that tell you? they were willing to pass the kids without them passing requirements to graduate from high school. they were willing to ush approximate out that group. they don't care if our kids are last and that is offensive, it is dumbing down america and taking america down while our enemies make sure their kids are educated thchl is a movement to destroy education of our kids. >> jesse: jessica wants everyone in the audience to send her
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pictures of ronald reagan. >> don't do that. >> jesse: democrats and media have a new talking point, sleepy joe is saving america from world war iii.
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>> judge jeanine: troops are coming under attacks 73 times in middle east and china setting sights on taiwan. the liberal press said thank god joe biden is leader of the free world. >> i like to step back when i see the heat president biden is taking and think what can the
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alternative be, can you imagine what the scenario will be in the middle east. probably be the united states and israel and world war iii scenario. >> the world could swirl into world war iii, not because of a guy that has had 50 years of experience. >> judge jeanine: the bubble wrap strategy to protect him is the one person keeping the world from the brink of armageddon. we should be grateful that our troops in iraq and syria have only been hit i think 74 times and thursday intercontinental ballistic missile and half of those injuries have traumatic brain injury, which lasts for life. lie down and save the world? >> jesse: pretty low bar. i'm not bringing back the draft, biden 2024.
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running on not starting world war iii, the lowest of the low bars. joe biden is telling joe biden nuclear armageddon is invoking world war iii. we have a land war in europe, hot war in middle east, a cartel war, this place is going nuts. we just tested a new nuclear weapon in nevada and he deployed soldiers to europe and donald trump was first person in a long time to not initiate new war and not send additional troops to a theater. to say he will break out into world war iii doesn't make sensz when you consider what happened that term. >> judge jeanine: dana, we are hearing there are 10 hostages or a 10-month-old israeli boy had been moved by hamas to another terrorist group, pij,
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palestinian islamic jihadist in the west bank. i am told that is because they are getting information from the hostages and intelligence. where does that put us when they are not together in terms of where hostages are? >> dana: i can't imagine. if i was there in the oval office, just imagine, and i'm not and don't have the weight of this and i understand there are lots of different considerations, but a 10-month-old baby. these are monsters. we're not able to get proof of life. that means hamas now can have more extreme emotional blackmail against families and they get negotiations for a continued ceasefire. 5:12 today, there is report
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iranian drone flew in the persian gulf today, november 28th, in international water and ignored multiple warnings and the pentagon is deeming this interaction unsafe and unprofessional. yeah, absolutely. >> judge jeanine: you think? >> dana: this is not something we are provoking, they are provoking us. some point, there will be a reaction and i hope that it is the right one and i don't envy them for the things going on. a lot of policies led to a lot of this. when they talk about their accomplishments, to me, a lot of accomplishments are also their vulnerability going into the lack. >> judge jeanine: greg, these are the same people who think the way you commented yesterday, isn't it great hamas is releasing hostages without considering what happened on october 7. like this veil is covering what the acts were. >> greg: there will be
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perpetually involved in tit-for-tat, they look at people for evil as opposed to the act as evil. if you describe each act as good or evil and obviously it is evil, you cannot justify it. as long as you say those people are evil, you can talk about history and context and open-air prison and other stuff going on for 60 years, that is why they don't do it. i don't think joe biden has gone far enough. we've had no world war iii, no bubonic plague and no zombie apocalypse, who cares if we have crime wave or collapse was the education system or military and police in decline, rising antiamericanism, real estate collapse, transportation system in disarray from planes to trains to ev's.
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i can't get an ev bentley. open borders, no bubonic plague, no space aliens, no zombie apocalypse, on the whole a win/win. >> judge jeanine: they do, too. jessica, if you were handling negotiation, what do you want? >> jessica: i would want everybody out for control and that is what hamas would want and that seems to be the sticks point we've seen in the past couple days, reports coming out of israel where bibi s i will maintain control. this is the fight since inception of modern day israel after world war ii. i won't say i'm surprised,
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because i've respondent enough time around the table with you guys to know how you think about this. it is incomprehensible to blame joe biden for this. if you want to talk about a world leader who turned their back on a pressing concern in the middle east, let's talk about bibi benjamin netanyahu. he wanted to gut their version of the supreme court. over 80% of israelis have a negative view of him, people in his own administration say we ignored signs, whether the report from egypt or it will take a couple years to build up what hamas has managed to do. joe biden on the world stage in terms of what world leaders think of him is up. i think it is dereliction of duty, this narrative going on in the media and certainly in the
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liberal media, where they want to crap on him. if you look at the morn consult poll taken since the ceasefire began, first major poll, biden up four points and up one over trump. a poll last week had biden up over trump. "new york times" poll, we gave due and talked about the fact biden was down and losing swing states and "new york times" did not cover this part of it. cross-tabs reveal if trump is convict said of anyone and he has none counts he is facing, he loses -- >> judge jeanine: what does that have to do with what would you do to negotiate? >> jessica: i answered. >> two points. >> jessica: my point is -- >> judge jeanine: that is not the topic. you always say that is not the topic. you go off topic. >> jessica: let's not talk about who goes off topic.
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you say he is a moron, i'm talking about what is going on -- no, talking about the general -- >> greg: jessica, we have not had a zombie apocalypse. how do you know? have you seen msnbc? >> judge jeanine: it is unfortunate, the way this president cares -- >> jessica: what are you talking about? >> judge jeanine: i am talking and made a statement. here we go, fears of new pandemic sweeping the globe as china battles mysterious virus outbreak. ♪ k-d
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distancing. >> china new surge of respiratory illnesses in children that are swamping hospitals. >> turn to concern over images out of china where hospitals are struggling over concern of respiratory i wills ins. >> scenes of hospital waiting rooms raising alarm in china. >> jessica: whole world on alert again as china battles outbreak putting thousands of people in the hospital. the world health organization says don't worry about it being a new virus saying the chinese officials have provided data that according to china shows the increased hospitalizations of children. it's not because of a novel virus. the w.h.o. even insists that it's safe to travel to china. [ laughter ] >> dana: i can't wait. book me on a flight tomorrow. >> jessica: i guess another reaganism is relevant trust but verify there. >> dana: that's a good one. >> jessica: put it on my wall. >> dana: deign cardona says book it and pray for the best. so, when we were getting ready
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for impeachment back in dose of 2019, i remember you and i would look at each other and say these articles from china, they don't look good. this doesn't look good. and then but we were caught up in a lot of things. and the world as we just did in the previous block were caught up in at love things around the world and also domestically. and what we have now is this possibility, maybe it's fine. maybe it's like a cold season a bad one in china. maybe it is. but you have to wonder and at the same time, a lot of people have pointed out that there a lack of trust in institutions. so at this point who are you going to trust in the situation. and the w.h.o. and the -- what's that called? >> greg: cdc. >> dana: have not done a lot of reputation repair. they just expect everybody to believe them. and i don't have any reason not to necessarily to believe them right now but, again, yeah, trust but verify and be skeptic and hope you don't get it. >> jessica: good strategy, hope. so, in other zero covid
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countries like new zealand and australia, they also saw these spikes. and this is the first year open essentially post covid. >> judge jeanine: yeah. 10 states, new york city, d.c., very high. >> jessica: yeah. >> judge jeanine: look. i don't know what it is. they are saying it's not covid it could be rsv or a kind of pneumonia. but the w.h.o. says that china shared data so i feel comfortable. >> dana: right. >> judge jeanine: i do. i'm like yesterday. whatever you? want me to get a shot i'm right out there. ha ha. >> jessica: glad to hear it. greg, one thing that stands out about what went so wrong during covid is we were unprepared, right? we didn't have the hospital capacity for this. >> greg: i know. thank god we focused on the impeachment. those were the most important thing going on because of a phone call. do you remember that, guys? that's why americans died. >> jessica: that's a new one. >> greg: permission to make analogy. >> jessica: is it better than whatever you just said? >> nothing is better than what i
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just said. the pandemic is like your first bad marriage at a young age. oh you were wide-eyed and gullible no immunity to the realities of matrimony. you accepted everything. you accepted the advice and blessings and all the promises but then came the deceit. the lies, and then the gaslighting. and when you finally broke free, you said never again. this is not happening again. or, the next time it happens, i'm going in clear-eyed as a different person. and that different person is us. so with whatever combings next, pandemic, mild illness, i'm i can canning the tires. i'm getting the car fax. i don't believe anything, anything from anybody. you lied to us and i don't even know who i'm pointing at. you, steven in iowa. you lied to me. >> jesse, would you like to reflect on two marriages or.
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>> judge jeanine: oh, touche. >> jesse: i think we can't risk it and joe has to two campaign from the basement again. it's just too risky, jessica. bust out the mail-in ballots and i'm canceling my trip to see bat lady over christmas. because nothing, nothing can ever, ever do what it did to us the last time. no, you were actually right. i can't believe it but you were. this is china zero covid strategy back firing. they were in quarantine for three years. now they are getting out and about, and this is what happens when you get out and about and you would know better than anybody what it means when you get out and about, jessica. [laughter] >> greg: i don't know what that means. >> jessica: pedophile, wore. >> i didn't say that jessica will up next. ♪
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>> greg: georgey walker was the guy playing. this time for the fastest. 12-year-old michigan boy taking a joy ride on a stolen forklift. cops chasing the youngster for over an hour as he slowly tried to evade them in 35,000 construction vehicle. but it wasn't long before the long arm of the law put a fork
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in his antics and arrested him. jessica, isn't it amazing that in america we had forklifts in some other countries they don't even have forks. >> jessica: is that true? >> greg: i think. so they have chop licks. >> dana: some people here have lifts. >> greg: i'm making important point about technology. >> jessica: okay i accept whatever point you are making. i'm always impressed by actually how well little kids can drive. you know, when you see these stories like some kid stole his dad's bmpleght mw coming down the highway and he can exit. i can barely drive on a highway. >> greg: dana just pointed that out in the green room saying thank god it wasn't a little girl. that was amazing. >> dana: the roads would have been terrible. >> greg: ended up in a lake or something. >> jessica: a little girl wouldn't steal a forklift or a car. >> greg: sex irs. you are a miss an dris.
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>> judge jeanine: cops chasing this kid for over an hour. cops going 15 to 20 miles per hour. the kid very much knows where the can key is on the forklift. he has the audacity to find it start it and drive it. he lifts the fork so he doesn't have an accident but he did hit 10 cars while he was driving it. he is now that juvenile detention center. >> greg: he should have been tased right, jesse? are you trying to effort him for your show tonight? [laughter] >> jesse: was he wearing half black face, greg? if you look closely you can see. >> judge jeanine: look at this kid moving. >> jesse: if you do want to join jesse watters we will take you on a phoner. >> judge jeanine: from the detention center. >> jesse: yes, i will be your first phone call. >> greg: virus, cancer selfies. the epidemic of tour are tourists who keep dying take selfies should be viewed as a public health problem. you know, dana, should we stand in the way of evolution? >> dana: no. >> greg: this is thinning the
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herd. >> dana: i mean, so, miguel cardona would think that the government can solve this problem. i don't think the government can solve people's stupidity problem. >> greg: that is true. that is true. judge, is this a problem that just gets sorted out? by god? >> judge jeanine: public health nuisance. i'm sick and tired of people standing in the middle of wherever you want to go. i think they should be sanctioned some way with a violation. >> greg: there you go. jesse, you take selfies constantly. >> jesse: you were saying in the green room that in the research it says that the median age reported of victims was 22 years old. and female and you were saying we need to do whatever we can to save these people in that demographic. attractive # 2-year-old females. if we need to cordon off these places so they can't kill themselves, greg supports that. >> greg: i think i am the real hero, jessica.
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>> jessica: always. >> greg: yes, thank you. >> jessica: i think facetime on the street also must be a big -- i can't stand that also with no ear phones. >> dana: if you are doing that right right in the middle of the street. >> greg: all these influencers in my neighborhood doing these little shows. shut up get out of my way. >> jesse: only you are allowed to have a show. >> greg: exactly. they are not that attractive. come on. without the filters you would be surprised. all right. one more thing is up next. it's true. ♪ ♪
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i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. >> dana: time now for "one more thing." judge? >> judge jeanine: the tsa has released annual canine calendar featuring 15 hardworking adorable dogs ebb thousand explosive detecting k-9s. the winner of 2023 the cutest
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k-9 contest. deanna a german pointer works at the harry reid international airport in vegas. the call star free to download on the tsa website. >> greg: still the tsa all i'm saying. one more thing. tonight at 10:00 p.m. joe machi, charles payne, kat timpf, tyrus. it's going to be great. let's do, this greg's snack time news. do you ever get really hungry late at night. you can't figure out where the food is? check out this bear who went into this guy's car and the guy comes out. and apparently the bear was looking for m&m's big fan of chocolate bad for complex. when the dude goes to check out his car. what does he find? that. the car completely destroyed by the bear. yeah. torn apart his entire interior. and you know what? you don't have insurance for that. >> dana: insurance company is like yeah you did something
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wrong. >> greg: the bear doesn't have insurance. can't sue him. >> dana: jessica? >> jessica: okay. i have some pictures from life. thanksgiving as you know clio as a little turkey. and jesse will be showing jesse jr. as a little turkey too? >> jesse: sure, next show. >> jessica: down in florida for the thanksgiving break. clio got so much swim time. this is their christmas tree. very cute square rosemary square first time to palm beach. >> dana: you are going for the season, too. clio and her friend tennessee. look how cute. chocolate and sand all over her face. >> greg: tennessee? >> jessica: tennessee is the baby's name. charlotte best friend from preschool. >> judge jeanine: you look great, too. >> jessica: the water is covering. >> judge jeanine: you look great. >> dana: it was really nice of you, greg, to let her borrow that. >> the independence fund, you remember these people. they delivered more than 2600 track chairs to wounded heroes
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making a big difference. they have been important to us for a long time. in fact, dana and i presented a wounded vet with his own chair a couple years ago. and today is giving tuesday. so go to independence to reach their goal of raising $25,000. great cause. tonight, "jesse watters primetime," update on my dog bite? there has been a lot of developments we need to share. >> greg: a lot of swelling. >> dana: must see tv. >> jesse: do that in private. >> dana: sheltie in wisconsin loves when it snows. this dog has figured out how to go on the sled. it says roxy pomeranian brother named mazy. mazy is like i got another way to get down but i love it when dogs figure things out like that. and we love all of you. i love all of you. that's it for us, everyone. have a great night. we'll see you tomorrow. ♪ >> john: good evening and welcome to washington. i'm john roberts in for bret baier tonight.


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