tv Hannity FOX News November 28, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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keep this up, i am going full karen. bernadette from pennsylvania, are they sure tchristmas tree. maybe if stevie wonder would wear a dress. only -- i would have bitten that dog back. i thought you were tougher. consider it an upper cut. excellent show, no wining. i was not wining. i got bit by a dog. i am waters, this is my world. ♪
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welcome to hannity. tonight, the cease-fire in gaza will continue for at least another day. now, joe biden is reportedly asking israel to go easy in the fighting against hamas, the tryst group. go easy on terrorists. we'll bring you the latest sad chapter of joe biden's i'm tent foreign policy straight ahead. the u.n. wants you, the american people, to stop eating meat. we give them billions of dollars for their insane advice. maybe it is time to say buy buy to the globalist organizations. what is the latest mysterious outbreak in china? masks are back and distancing is back. hospitals are overwhelmed with sick children. could this be another covid-like pandemic out of china.
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hunter biden is back in the news and not for his artwork. he is attempting to dodge a house subpoena. hunter's lawyers say their client is willing to only appear for a public hearing before the house of representatives, not a closed door deposition as the law requires. if you or i were to receive a subpoena from congress, we would be forced to comply or we would be facing possible jail time. hunter seems to think he is above the law. now, i wonder where he got that impression from. maybe it was the attempted sweetheart plea deal with david weiss or david weiss allowing the statute of limitations to pass or maybe his daddy's doj running out the clock on many of hunter's serious tax violations or hunter's ability to purchase massive quantities of drugs and hire foreign prostitutes with zero legal consequences whatsoever. or possibly it was all that money that hunter took in from america's geopolitical foes like russia and china and romania, et
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cetera. while his father was in a position of great power and great influence, all while apparently not paying quite a bit of money in taxes on a lot of income. that has to be resolved. all of this for work he has zero experience in at a time where he was admittedly addicted to drugs. while the very liberal and biased and politicized and weaponized biden doj drags its feet, the republican house is taking action, contrary to what the democrats would have you believe. the gop's research into joe biden is very serious. they are investigating legitimate claims of corruption through closed door hearings, financial forensics and other enquiries. hunter is attempting to turn this into a political charade with a public hearing. comber is more than willing to give hunter his circus.
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first, that closed door deposition would still be required as order, including documents handed over. that's the subpoena. hunter must comply, of course. this is all part of hunter's big new what they are calling legal strategy to fight back according to politico today. hunter biden faced a protracted criminal probe. he was told to wait quietly. the strategy favored by democrats failed. he is now directly taking on his adversaries with lawsuits and other legal threats. now, some might call this a campaign of intimidation. to others, it might look like desperation. according to another report, white house staffers are extremely irritated with hunter for not clearing this new strategy with the biden white house. democrats on capitol hill are also unhappy with two unnamed lawmakers calling hunter's new offensive strategy all risk, no reward. this comes as one of hunter's friends is worried that the
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democrats are now eager to use the president's son as a sacrificial lamb in this case. the big question tonight, is hunter willing to tell the truth about he his father or is he willing to maybe take on the fall himself? for republicans and other logical people around the country, this scandal is not really about hunter, about hunter's struggles with addiction. this is about the big guy, in other words, the real brand. that would be joe biden. he allegedly used his struggling son to fill up the family coffers. was hunter, for example, selling access and influence to that biden brand so that jill and joe biden could afford this beautiful beachfront estate in delaware, live in luxury on a senator's salary. according to james comber, paid ten family members what ends up to be tens of millions of dollars. middle class joe and his wife, they love to portray themselves
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as living a middle class lifestyle. it appears that was not quite accurate as joe was buying expensive corvettes and that beach front property. now, let's see what the biden's do. are they ready to throw their own son under the bus. here with more, household oversight chairman, james comber, is with us. good to see you, senator. can you explain this whole process? my understanding of your subpoena is you want a closed door, under oath deposition and you want materials handed over. is that correct, sir? >> that's correct. this is a normal subpoena. this is a normal congressional subpoena, a lawful subpoena. we have asked him to come in on december 13th. his attorney said today he would gladly come in but only for a public hearing. he will have a public hearing after we do the deposition. this is the way credible investigations are conducted. hunter biden is not above the law. just because he has gotten away with criminal activity by the
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doj, the fbi, the irs, the national archives, doesn't mean he is going to be treated that way by the house oversight committee. we are going to abide by the law. jamie ras skins, the ranking member on the house oversight committee did this exact same process. he had a very similar scenario with steve bannon when he was subpoenaed by the january 6th committee. he wanted to come in not for a deposition but for a public hearing. raskens said he had to sit down for a deposition. that's what the law requires. that's what we require of hunter biden. we will gladly have a public hearing after we go over 10,000 plus pages of bank reports and documents in deposition with countless questions about specific transaction. >> do you need more documents? have they been forth coming with the information? >> the banks have been very forthcoming. the banks wanted to give us this information. the banks notified treasury for
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years of criminal activity by the biden family. the private banks have been very cooperative. who hasn't been cooperative is the biden administration. we've requested all the pseudonym e-mails. the number of e-mails that joe biden used a fake name grows almost on a daily basis. we have asked for those e-mails. they have provided 14 pages. there are thousands more pages they haven't provided. we need to know about that. we know there was communication between the white house when joe biden was vice-president and hunter biden and his associates, even though joe biden claimed numerous times on television he had a wall between the government and his family's shady business activities. we know now that there was no wall there. joe biden used a fake e name to get around the foia requirements so normal investigators couldn't find this out. we worked very hard on this investigation over the past
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eight months, sean, as you know. we built a mountain of evidence. now, we are in the deposition phase. that's what the subpoena for hunter biden was all about, a deposition to sit down. the democrats will get equal time. it is for all practical purposes, public. we will release the transcripts the way every congressional deposition has been done in history. the american people will know exactly how hunter biden answered these questions. >> in the deposition, would he have the right to plead the fifth? >> everyone has the right to plead the fifth. according to hunter biden's attorney, he wants to come forward. i think that's great. give him an opportunity. he is going to have due process and be able to answer some questions. this isn't about hunter biden. this is an investigation by congress of joe biden for potential corruption. hu hunt erer biden is a key witnesn our investigation of joe biden. we know the biden family has received millions and millions of dollars from our enemies
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around the world. we don't know what they did to receive the money. we don't know a lot of things about how the bidens have been able to afford such a lavish lifestyle when we really don't know what they do for a living other than hunter became an artist when joe biden became president. >> we do know that hunter admitted himself that he had no experience in energy, oil, gas in ukraine. yet, he was dealing with bar is ma and his father took actions and withheld $1 billion and leveraged that to get an investigative prosecutor fired. in six hours, the guy was gone. the investigation was over. hunter got paid and this was five days after you have been able to chronicle a phone call that came from hunter from dubai with barrise ma executives. is that correct, sir? >> that is correct. we learned all that through a transcribed interview. that's what we want hunter biden
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to do. everyone knows if you have a credible substantive investigation, you have depositions, transcribed interviews, then you bring in people for committee hearings. i'm not doing this for entertainment. this is a credible investigation. we expect the president's son to sit down along with the other 19 people we've asked to come in and answer questions. the democrats will have equal time. we will release the transcripts. this will be a very transparent investigation as it has been from the very beginning. >> the one thing i've said to you, congressman, a number of times, is abbey lowell is a real lower, one of the top d.c. lawyers, for sure. let me ask you about a report, justin news, editor-in-chief, investigative reporter, john solomon, that he gave with kevin morris, this friend of hunter's and the family out in california and the amount of money loaned. is that money in the 5 plus million dollar range, sir?
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>> that's what we understand. john solomon that is done a great job investigating this. we have a lot of questions for kevin morris. we have sent him a letter and asked him to come in. >> have you subpoenaed him? >> you have to request through a letter first. we are doing this the right way. making sure every i is dotted and t is crossed. if he doesn't respond, we will issue a subpoena. we expect to hear from kevin morris. he has loaned the president's son reportedly over $5 million. he just met the president's son during the presidential campaign. this raises serious finance and ethical questions and tax fraud questions. >> $5 million is a lot of money if that all turns out to be accurate and true. have you been able to discover or trace maybe did he get anything for that money? is he getting paid back? >> that's a great question,
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sean. that's what we want to know. look, the theme loan continues to emerge. remember the last three payments that we found that were traced to joe biden, the two checks from jim biden to joe biden that were written through the influence peddling scheme and a $250,000 wire from china that was sent to hunter biden at joe biden's home address. all of those, the white house claims, were loans, loans, loans. everything they say is loans. now, we have caravan morris reportedly loaning hunter biden over $5 million. we have a lot of questions about that. that raises a lot of tax evasion questions. it raises a lot of ethics questions and campaign finance questions. >> it would be interesting to see if any, i don't know, official government action was taken for anybody that loans anyone money. that would certainly raise a lot of eyebrows. chairman comber, we appreciate you updating us. thank you, sir.
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here now with reaction, former acting attorney general, matthew whittaker and gregg jarrett. i think you agree with me, abbey lowell is the real deal, got off senator menendez and john edwards. he was jared kushner's lawyer. he is probably one of the top dc attorneys. my question is, what is his strategy here? we'll do the public hearing but we don't want to do the deposition part and maybe hand over information you are looking for. will that work? >> it is not going to work. bluster, bravado, intimidation. a subpoena is an order. the law compels you to comply. you don't get to dictate terms. as you say, hunter biden thinks he is special and above the law. he is trying to avoid a deposition where tough questions by smart investigators who work for the committee members, they know the facts. they would confront hunter with
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the truth about his corrupt schemes. financial records don't lie. the committee, to their credit, has amassed volumes of incriminating evidence of bribery, money laundering, tax fraud, foreign lobbying crimes. if hunter biden lies under oath, that's even more crimes. that's the reason he is demanding a public hearing. he knows that probing questions are rare. members grandstand with their speeches but he also wants the usual biden sic offense like jamie ras mon and dan goldman to port tray him as this poor viblth of drug addiction that should be forgiven of his crimes. addiction is not an excuse under the law. the committee, i think, is absolutely right to reject hunter biden's demands. >> what is your take, matt whittaker? what is the legal strategy behind this? we want the public hearing but we don't want to do that deposition part you are in
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insisting on. that would probably be requesting of documents and other information, wouldn't it? >> yeah. remember, abbey lowell knows exactly what he is doing. he knows the weakest part of this case is if his client has to sit down for directed questioning from a counsel of the majority that can ask a line of questions and not be interrupted every five minutes by the rules of the committee if it was public. this is just one part of their defense. they are still facing potential tax charges in california, the gun charges pending. it is going to be very interesting, as i look at this whole thing, chairman comer mentioned steve banner and peter namoro who were held in contempt and prosecuted by the doj. this is a high-stakes game where if they can't come to some agreement and he doesn't show up for that subpoenaed deposition,
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then he should be held in contempt and prosecuted by the doj just like everybody else has been. >> you are right, if we had equal justice and application of our laws, if justice was blind. we have, in my view, a weaponized department of justice. god only knows what would happen. i would tend to think hunter would not get the same treatment as bannan or navarro in my view. let me ask you, gregg jarrett, as hunter now goes forward and we talk about all the suspicious activity reports, they have identified tens of millions of dollars in businesses, they can find no services rendered for all of this money. ten biden family members benefiting financially. then, you have the very, to me, the cut-and-dried case is the barisma case. hunter admits he has no experience in energy. he has to massive energy
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conglomerate, in ukraine and china paying him for what? at a time when he acknowledges he was addicted to drugs. why would they ever pay hurnter that type of money? >> they wouldn't. it was an illegal quid pro quo. hunter sold his dad to the world, china, russia, ukraine, romania, other countries over which joe biden exercised infl influence. he was bought and paid for. the family got enormously rich by selling out america in what has to be the biggest bribery scandal in political history. 150 suspicious reports prove that tens of millions flowed to biden protected shell companies and funneled to family members. devon archer confirmed they were selling influence and access to joe. he aided and abetted his son's schemes in the barisma scandal,
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conferring promises in exchange for money. you don't have to show that joe biden pocketed a penny. it is still a crime under the bribery statute if cash goes to his family. bribery is also an impeachable offense, sean. >> matt, it is not illegal to loan money. there seems to be a lot of loans going on here. i would imagine if a loan was made, there would be some record of it if it wasn't written down as a loan. certainly, there has to be a date, time, method of payment that would back up that claim, right? >> yeah. not only that, you would expect a promissory note. it is the only way you could enforce that kind of debt ultimately. the other thing i'm reminded of, if there is no interest in all these loans, if nobody is paying interest, they are paying principle back, that appears to be just a cover-up for these transactions. remember, exhibit number one, that hunter biden needs to answer the question about is that text message that he sent
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his own daughter where he asked she just should be happy she doesn't have to give 50% to her own dad like hunter has to. that's where the committee, those types of questions are why this deposition needs to happen on the 13th. >> i want to know if the $5 million loan was real that was forgivable with no interest. i want to know if that is the case. if it is the case, i want to request from both of you that you give me those terms and $5 million. i am sure you would do that every day of the week. the minute you gave it to me, i would say, thank you for forgiving this. you are not getting paid back. matt whittaker, gregg jarrett. good to see you both. the biden administration is telling israel to soften their attack against the terrorist group, hamas. giving them instructions on how to fight against a group that wants to wipe you off the face of the earth. we'll have more on that as we continue.
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chuck schumer continues to prevent what was an opportunity yesterday, a stand-alone israeli aid package from becoming law. despite every senate republican voting to advance it. the left's reluctance to offer support. it comes as the true extent of hamas's continues. a grandmother says they kept her grandson in jail for 16 days. even worse, a ten-month-old was passed off to another pal stin stin yist group. a crowd could be heard taunting, free israeli hostages. here with reaction, israeli special ops veteran, aaron kohn, and "outnumbered" co-host,
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caylee mack nanny. u.s. offering them to fight more surgically in gaza. i wonder if in world war ii in the battle that took place in europe, if that was the strategy of winston churchill and everybody united to fight against the nazis, if that would have worked out well. we're talking about brutal terrorists that have committed the most atrocious acts imaginable. >> how do you fight surgically when as the idea told me and as we've seen on these airwaves, their are tunnels underneath kids' beds and weapons in front of colorfully painted portraits in a children's hospital. when the main military complex of hamas is underneathal chi fa hospital. you are fighting terrorists here. israel is doing everything they can to avoid civilian deaths.
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it is something not said to ukraine. i don't recall the admonitions wide and far to ukraine, we must condition the aid. we trusted our ally. here, we don't trust our ally. it is sad to me, sean, because we are dealing with monsters. my 11-month-old, almost 1-year-old son is upstairs in a crib sleeping. 11-month-old kafir bevis is not in the hand of hamas. he has been sold or handed off to another terrorist group alongside his 4-year-old brother and his mom. they desperately wait for news. we are dealing with monsters. don't you dare lecture israel and say, control your rage. no, hamas, control your rage and stop acting as terrorists. >> how the media got sucked into the lie that israel bombed a hospital and killed 500 doctors, nurses and patients, they went with that lie. israel did not fire that rocket.
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that hospital wasn't even hit. it ended up being islamic jihad hitting a parking lot. we know in this network of terror tunnels, their command headquarters was under one of gaza's biggest hospitals. we know what their strategy is. israel seems to have done everything possible, warning people to get out an die and telling them exactly where to go to be safe. the people that have kept them there, hamas has kept them there. i don't know what else they can do. except, they have a war to win and a country that needs to survive this. >> sean, here is where i am at with all this. hamas is begging for a cease-fire. israel had deployed what's called a cela in hebrew, a pressure cooker campaign. israel brilliantly rolled it out over a month killing thousands with extreme selectively of
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hamas. they can call it if they see a kid running across the street. hamas' psychological warfare has dictated and found its way into the oval office and gotten into the head of president biden who has gotten israel a bad deal. let me say this. israel wants its hostages back. they will do anything to get them back. they were on their way to find out where they were. right now, israel is in a bad deal. what i mean by that, those hostages and this deal is in control of who, hamas. that's a big no-no in counter terrorism. we don't like terrorists controlling the deal. the only way to get a better deal is to crank up the pressure and focus on the complete dismantling of hamas so we will not see an october 7th massacre repeat itself, which hamas has been very public about. the problem, sean, right now, is that the deal negotiators are the same country that are
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harboring the leaders of hamas, qatar. in my world, that's also a big no-no. that deal needs to get moved. right now, there is only 30% of those hostages released. that's a problem. i can assure you if they crank up the operations, the minute they crank up, hamas will start to cry. i can assure you maybe it is time to start looking at some death sentences for some high-ranking hamas officials in israeli prisons. we know the leverage game pretty well. president biden has put israel in a corner. >> let me address this. my mind agrees with everything you are saying. this is giving hamas an opportunity to gather fuel and ammunition and reconfigure their strategies and makes them stronger and the war effort more difficult for israel. probably, you increase the chance that is more hostages will be taken.
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my heart is very sympathetic to israeli families that have lost loved ones that are being held hostage. the idea you will take three prisoners that are guilty of crimes and exchange them for one innocent, even child or infant, is fundamentally unfair. i am sympathize with the families and with prime minister netanyahu wanting to at least try to get these people home safely. >> i understand. i don't represent the israel government but i have been around this business for over 20 years and i believe there are conversations that are being had. israel will do whatever they can to get their hostages back. that is a bad deal when hamas is dictating the terms of these relees. the problem with the terms is that there is no leverage. as soon as that heat gets cranked up on israel or a death or sentence or two gets hand out
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to a couple of top leaders, that will hit the lot, death. that's the lessons they understand. we want the hostages back but we want to reconsider how to get it back and crank up this pressure. >> we'll give you the last word, caylee. >> i want to urge viewers. what we can do is pray for kafir, ariel and bashir bevis. they need our prayers. prayers make a difference. >> we are only two days away from the great red versus blue state debate between ron desantis and governor gavin ne newsom. i will ask mike huckabee and mark penn straight ahead. for me plaque psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding your back...
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you just ask yourself, "what hope do we have?" well, we've got a lot of hope, if we put our faith and trust in god. you see, god loves you. he made you, he created you, he sent his son jesus christ from heaven to this earth to take our sins. he died and shed his blood on a cross for our sins, and god raised him to life. if you are willing to trust him right now, god will forgive you. just pray this prayer with me. if you haven't done this, do it right now. just say, "god, i'm a sinner." i'm sorry. forgive me. i want to turn from my sins. i believe jesus christ is your son. i want to trust him as my savior. amen. you prayed that prayer, call the number right now that's on the screen. god bless you! (christmas music) ( ♪ ) weathertech gift cards have the power to wow everyone on your holiday list. offering a variety of american made products... weathertech! nice! like floorliners...
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>> we're just two short days away from a showdown that has been a long time coming. thursday night right here on this show, florida governor, ron desantis and california governor, gavin newsom are going head to head. we are calling it the great red and blue debate. they will compare their ways and much more. we will be revealing a lot about this country and this future. we have never been more divided than now. here now with a preview of the big event, chairman of the harris poll, mark penn around former arkansas governor, mike huckabee is with us. mark penn, let's examine from a political point of view. you are a pollster, worked with the clintons for years. from a political point of view, i would argue both are putting themselves in the arena. they are both putting themselves
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in the octagon. they are both willing to take a risk to do it. i think it is healthy for the country. that's my take. your take? >> definitely. look, i think this is a high-risk event for everybody involved. i think ron desantis expected to be much higher in the presidential race against donald trump. this now now turned against something that might have been risky where if he pulls off a great debate and defends his record, he will actually come up a few points in the presidential race. newsom, he doesn't have much to lose. he is not expecting to get fox voters to vote for him no matter what. if he can see ron desantis, that will put him in a great position in the presidential bullpen, which is what he is interested in. >> we talk a lot, governor huckabee, with joe biden being weak and frail and a cognitive
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mess. it has to be viewed as a reality. maybe come november of next year, joe biden is not going to be on the ticket as the precedential candidate for the democrats. do you agree with that? >> i do. i think mark had a great point. a terrific opportunity for gavin newsom. i want to say kudos for gavin newsom, a bold move to come to the sean hannity show. a lot of us republicans are afraid to come on your show. here is gavin newsom showing up. it is to his credit he is willing to do it. a lot of people would say, no, i don't think i am going to be treated fairly. i think you will treat him fairly. for desantis, he needs the boost. he needs to be able to show he can get on this kind of stage, because he hasn't been on a stage in the debates in which he just walked away with it. his numbers have not moved.
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they have, if anything, declined, since he first got in. he needs a boost, and especially with nicky haley now getting the nod from a lot of the megadonors, which may be more helpful to ron desantis than hurtful. i think it is a great opportunity for both of them. >> governor, tell me if you think my thinking is right on this. going into this, as i've been preparing for this debate and reading volumes and volumes of material, background, positions, et cetera, looking at their records, what really fundamentally, i don't think a lot of the questions will be that big of a surprise. my mind-set is on the fact that states can have an even bigger many pact on people's everyday lives and their policies can have an impact on people's everyday lives an anything else. you are looking at two die metrically, two opposite political points of view here, two different governing philosophies. i don't think they can be any more different. i don't know if it is real or
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not, they don't seem to like each other very much. i really want to know, which policies work best for people. you were once a governor. what would you like to hear in this debate? >> i think they both need to explain their philosophy of government. what is the role of government? they come at it from a very different point of view. our founders had this brilliant idea called federalism in which the states would be the laboratories of democracy, find out what works and what doesn't. we wouldn't make a national mistake and subject all the states, now 50 of them, to a disaster. a washington-centered government is a disaster. a state-centered government is really workable and quite frankly desirable. we can learn from democrats, those of us who are republican and democrats can learn from the republicans. if there is an idea that actually is pragmatic and works. that's how it has been working in the states. i think that's a great opportunity for these two governors to sell their ideas,
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sell their point of view and their philosophy of government. >> mark, it couldn't be any different, their issues, their philosophy on taxes, on immigration, on energy, law and order. you can't have two more different governing philosophies in my view. what would you like to hear? >> well, yet, they both got reelected in their states. i think, sean, you have ran incredible opportunity to bring america back to real substantive debates. i think america -- i go back, whenever i feel blue about politics, i go watch the kennedy/nixon debates. they were incredible debates about real policies. i think you have an opportunity, whether it is on tax, whether it is on funding, whether it is how you run and what you do with big cities. you have an incredible opportunity to educate america. i think this is going to be great tv. >> i wrote gavin in a text, in spite of his team claiming over
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and over again, it is going to be two-on-one, maybe even th three-on-one. the reality is, i'm not debating. i'll be asking the questions. they get a chance to exchange the ideas. hopefully, everybody will be watching and it will be worthwhile. i think there is an opportunity for everybody here. thank you both. straight ahead. you're not going believe what the u.n. is asking you, the american people, to give up. the great victor davis hanson responds straight ahead. (david jeremiah) when the rapture occurs,
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cult set to public a piece calling on you, the american people, to reduce your meat consumption. you pay billions of fax dollars for this globalist organization that has been historically anti-american and anti-semitic. here with reaction, victor davis hanson. i am a paleo guy and eat meat and eggs and as few cashes as possible. i'm not willing to cooperate. >> i am not either. red meat and dairy are one of the richest sources of protein, calcium, b vitamins, d and magnesium. they are very healthy. during the covid epidemic, a lot of people felt that a high-protein meat diet was essential to restore and get a robust immune system. what's behind this is this golden idea that climate change should govern all of our lives. man-made climate change that we
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can address through radical utopian breaux mides, whether it is banning gas stoves and getting rid of the suburban house and putting us in high ruses an surrendering your car and going to mass transit. they feel cattle will contribute to global warming. there is no evidence other than a dislike of modern american middle class lifestyle. the bicoastal elites that dictate from on high are never subject to their own ideologies. we saw that with kamala harris and her gas stove. the same thing with meats. >> let me ask you this. victor davis hanson, i have been saying this for a long time. i am not a fan of these globalist organizations. as far as i'm concerned, i would say the u.n. can leave and china ask take them on and they can support them with billions of dollars and we don't have to
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pay. i'm tired of the wef, tired of the who that lied to us about covid. the paris accord are as nine and we are paying the bulk of moneys and china pace next to nothing. it is insane. it isn't it time for america to rethink this? >> yeah, i think it is. we are going to -- if we are going to have an international organization, it should be an organization of constitutional, con sken shul republican states. that's not what the u.n. is. october 7th was a scab that was torn over. we looked at the u.n. again. iran has just been appointed to the chair of the u.n. human rights forum, iran, who was at the center of all the violence in the middle east. then, we had the secretary general say, yes, it was horrific on october 7th. we have to have context. that's like saying pearl harbor was a surprise attack.
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before we respond, we have to have context. it is a bankrupt organization that is not subject to any audit. most of the 180 or 190 members never have a vote unless they get to new york. that's the first an only time these members participate in participatory democracy. we should get it out of new york and put it in the middle east or africa or latin-american. >> they have historically been very anti-semitic and very anti-american. coming up, reports from china about this surging new respiratory illness that is starting to overwhelm chinese hospitals and impacting children. dr. nichole sapphire straight ahead.
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mostly impacted children. the world health organization monitoring the situation. basically propaganda mouthpiece for china during covid. china not detected new or unusual pathogens. bringing back social distancing and everyone wear ago mask. impacted children more than adults. when you see these images of all these people in beijing back in masks, social distancing protocols. here we go again, what are your initial thoughts, dr. sapphire? >> well, sean there is an up tick in respiratory infections.
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since mid october, increase respiratory illnesses. china confirmed they are having clusters of pediatric or pneumonia or pneumonia in kids. world health organization came forth and said listen, china, things didn't go so well with covid-19, it is the usual pathogen, flu adenovirus and rhino virus. we want proof. china put forth the data. cultures usual suspects we see every single year. one specifically micro plasma pneumonia. that is different than covid and flu micro plasma pneumonia, world health organization and rising cases from immunity gap.
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kids were shielded from a lot of things because of lockdowns. they didn't get exposed to normal pathogens. we saw that here in the united states last year with flu, with strep throat. there is a normal ebb and flow especially in kids. in fact last time we saw those cases in united states, 2019. before that, 2015. we are in a normal pattern. good news, sean, not cause for alarm. this is the normal cyclical infections. >> doctor, let me ask you, why are they racing to masking and social distancing? >> sean, china and other asian
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countries, they did it before covid-19 even before sars. we showed mask mandates didn't have effect on community transmission and hospital and deaths. we know that keeping children and people away from being out in society decreases immune systems and horrible consequences on our economy. >> >> sean: appreciate your time, thank you. don't forget thursday 9:00 a.m., big red vs. blue state. government nor newsom. greg gutfeld standing by to put a smile on your face, have a
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