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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  November 29, 2023 2:00am-3:01am PST

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that. >> my goodness, yes. >> laura: disgusting. >> the problem in playgrounds is poop, salmonella is terrible. consider having 100 begals pooping on a playground, it gets messy real quick. >> laura: if you see an iguana,you are an expert. if you see the lizard, what do you do if it is close? >> go after him and try to harvest him, if i have permission to be on that land. you have to be careful about trespass laws, you can't randomly go on private property. >> laura: i'm taking that answer as run, run. thank you, jesse is next. >> todd: a fox news alert, u.s.
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military aircraft crashing into the ocean overnight, local people are reporting one confirmed dead. fishermen found some crew members. >> carley: so sad, officials have located the osprey and there are reports one engine looked like it was on fire. we're working to confirm what happened and will bring updates on this developing story as we get them. you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'd todd piro. you hear there are no routine missions. israel has received a list of hostages hamas says it will release today. >> carley: it is believed eight or nine americans are being held with truce set to expire at the end of the day. greg palkot has more.
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hi, greg. >> greg: we are back in israel, we near tel aviv. as we speak, at various hospitals in this city, hostages are being treated after their incredible ordeal at the hands of hamas terrorists in gaza. another 12 hostages released overnight. red cross and family members were greeting them all. horror stories, no light, unsanitary conditions, torture videos, all told 60 israeli women and children and 21 nationality hostages have been released. it is hope among the 10 to be released could be some of the americans. here is what john kirby had to say. >> there is no indication at all that hamas is trying to use
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leverage or something to keep americans from getting out. we can't assume hamas has ready access to everybody in a moment's notice or all the americans are being held by hamas. >> greg: palestinian prisoners also being released, 180 so far coming out of israeli jails. what is being worked on by the u.s., israel and qatar and go-betweens, extension of the ceasefire and hostage exchanges. crucial, humanitarian aid being brought to the battered gaza strip. it is a chance to reach parts of this devastated area with death and destruction all around. the word is extension of as many as four days beyond today could be possible and that is more hostage exchanges. back to you, guys.
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>> carley: welcome news to the family of hostages who want their loved ones back. thank you. cia sending internal memo warning agents against making political posts about the israel-hamas war. a top ranking official posted pro-palestinian memos to facebook as reminder of existing policy. spokesperson saying officers are committed to analytic objectivity, which is at the core of what we do as an agency. cia officers may have personal views, this does not lessen their or cia's commitment to unbiassed,ainal sis. protests have erupted across the u.s. condemning israel for the war against hamas terrorists and 500 staff members signed a letter criticizing the u.s. for
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supporting the jewish state earlier this month. there is also this, alejandro mayorkas will head to texas to meet with the chief in del rio sector, that is the last stop for this cargo train packed with migrants trying to get into our country. >> todd: we just found out about the disturbing number of sex offenders arrested since the beginning of october. griff jenkins has more. >> griff: mayorkas's visit couldn't come at a more critical time. according to cbp sources, more than 9300 migrant encounters in the last 24 hours with 2800 alone in the tucson sector and 2200 in the del rio sector where mayorkas is heading to meet with secretary chief, who posted this staggering statistic. in less than two months del rio
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sector agents apprehended 21 convicted sex offenders attempting to enter the country illegally. convictions are child rape, sexual assault and sodomy. more trains packed with migrants, you see here on this route, for mexico's border where they cross into eagle pass, texas. the migrants are coming because president biden opened the door. watch. >> the answer is that the border is open. they talk about president biden's invitation and that they are going to be helped. that is one of the main answers they give. why didn't you come before, have you heard of president trump? we've heard of him, he was strict and we wouldn't risk getting deported. >> griff: northern border getting hammered, the cbp says
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interrupted 20. resources there handle increasing numbers. back to you. >> carley: griff jenkins live washington, d.c., thank you. hunter biden says he will testify if it is public. >> todd: he thinks it is on his terms. could we hear from hunter? what does the white house think about this? our legal is on deck. don't go anywhere. >> the biden family has received millions of dollars, we don't know what they did to receive the money. we don't know a lot of things about how the bidens have been able to afford such lavish lifestyles when we don't know what they do for a living other than hunter became an artist.
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>> janice: good morning, everyone. it is cold outside. current windchill with the wind. orlando feels like 44 right now. mobile, alabama, 29. 21 in atlanta. we have freeze alerts along gulf coast, florida panhandle toward coastal north carolina and south carolina and this freeze is going to be in place today and tomorrow. it is not going anywhere, it is not lifting and we could set record for record cold this
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morning. philadelphia 25. athens, ohio, 13. north carolina elizabeth city, 23 degrees temperature is cold as far south as the deep south. we have lake effect snow happening and totals surpassing two feet in some areas. here is michigan, 21 inches, looks like sioux st. marie. east of the lakes there, over two feet of snow, as well. here is the forecast today, fairly quiet. we have cold and a new system moving into california, that will bring coastal rain and then the potential for severe storms tomorrow as the next reinforcing cold front moves through. tornados could be seen across texas and louisiana. heavy rain in the forecast tomorrow through sunday.
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several inches of rainfall here., has details. burr across the country. >> carley: for sure. >> todd: i love the name of the michigan towns, sounds like hockey players. hunter biden has agreed to testify in front of the house oversight committee on december 13th, only if it is public. we have seen you use closed-door session to manipulate and misinform the public, we propose opening the door, if as you claim your efforts involve efforts, oversight chair james comer responding last night. >> according to hunter biden's attorney, he wants to come forward, that is great. give him an opportunity to answer questions thchl is an
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investigation by congress of joe biden for potential corruption. hunter biden is a key witness in our investigation of joe biden. we know the biden family has received millions from our enemies around the world, we don't know what they did to receive the money. >> todd: lexie, hunter's attorney has been around the block, abbe lowell, he knows a deposition like this will be behind closed door and he's putting that statement out there to win the pr battle in the main-stream media, right? >> i agree. he wants to say if and when hunter concedes to this deposition, we tried. we tried to put this in front of the public and bad republicans prevented us from doing it. it is a pr campaign for sure. >> todd: it is the notion of look, implying hunter has a say
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in all this. this is not voluntary. when you get a subpoena, well, you know, maybe i will do it. no, no, this is a subpoena, you have no choice. >> exactly, he's got to comply with it. what republicans have to figure out, if he holds true to what he's saying. it has to be in public, they have to determine the extent to which they want to move forward with contempt proceeding, criminal or civil. the problem is getting him to comply with the subpoena and testify, which is what they want, can be a lengthy process. there might be a point where republicans have to say uncle if he stays true to what he's saying. he says i will not come for a closed-door. republicans have to decide what they do in that event. >> todd: focus on the testimony itself, up until now hunter's
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life revolved around hunter and his actions have few consequences. what happens when he answers questions from comers and jordans, is it i plead the fifth, i don't recall or do you think he will answer? >> that's a good question. i was thinking why on earth, if i were him, i would want to do a test run in the deposition. republicans are saying, you'll have your opportunity to speak to the public, now is not the time. i would want a test run and not want to do it in front of everybody. that says he will not be forthcoming with what he answers. there is a lot of potential issues there if he is. >> todd: good point. aide for biden's 2020 campaign telling politico white house staffers are aggravated because
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hunter is not clearing the tactic and strategy. is this a strategy politically and legally? >> it is okay approach for hunter himself. we're not in time period, he's not a politician issue but politician adjacent people keep their head down and go about business quietly. however, somebody like trump, he is running for president, so has to get out there and fight back. hunter is not a politician, he is the president's son. he doesn't have to be doing this, it is not bad for hunter, but it can't be a net comban for his father. it is not a good thing everyday for in a reelection campaign to have your son in the news for his misdeeds. >> todd: elites like hunter think they can game the system,
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see if that is the case or if james comer wins in the end. appreciate your time, thanks so much. wait until you hear this. this is blowing up on social media. a young kansas city chiefs fan wrongly accused of wearing black face, after painting his face to support his favorite team. >> carley: brian kilmeade is here and we're talking to him next. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue for some... and stop joint damage.
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and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what's yours. abbvie could help you save.
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i'm an actor in an ad, who was given 12 seconds to remind you that if you're high, just don't drive. 'cause if you feel different, you drive different. it's illegal to drive high everywhere anyway. >> carley: a young kansas city chief fans is being accused of blackface after attending a game with face paint and a headdress. an article in -- only showed this photo of the boy and did
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not show the other half of his face painted red, if you can believe that. "fox and friends" co-host brian kilmeade join me to talk about this. this kid woke up excited to go to this football game and now getting wrongly smeared for wearing black face. >> brian: deadspin used to be -- site. unbelievable to take shots at a kid this age. now open up to a lawsuit. they are upset about his headdress. name of the team is the chiefs, you may not like it, if you want to be ridiculous and change the name, go ahead. that kid has a right to do this and maybe has a right to take a lawyer. how many people are taking a shot at him? it will affect how he goes to school and i'm bias because i'm
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from the massapequa chiefs. trying to wipe out chiefs and indian references in new york. ridiculous, most times native americans are not complaining about this. >> carley: without question. a quote from the article, this columnist writes about the guilty boy thchl is what happens when you ban critical race theer and he try to erase centuries of hope, you give future generation the opportunity to evolve and create racism ever before. can you imagine being the par parents. the other group of people who should be mad are people trying to responsibly fight racism, this article is making their case harder. >> brian: couple of things. if you go to a chiefs team and see one of the best teams in football and one of the most
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high profile players dating the most high profile singer, i have a storyline, a kid with face paint. >> carley: unbelievable, people trying to responsibly fight racism and you have a book out called "ted and he booker t." it is available now, tell us about the book. >> brian: i want to talk about people who really experienced racism. move america forward. everybody wants to talk about taking a knee at a game because we're not a perfect country. what an insult to the people who brought us where we are now. if you could be born a slave at nine, remember being freed at the plantation owners home by a
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union soldier and become one of the most influential in american history and teddy roosevelt knew nothing about bookie t washington until reading his story, that story needs to be told. when people are critical about our country, make it better, great. critical is an insult to the guys who had the famous dinner at the white house. >> carley: and inviting him was con controvers controversial. >> brian: john mccain referenced it, one time bookie t ate with the family and now barack obama, an african american, will be hosting that dinner. think how far we've come. >> carley: think how far we've come, good point. you are onnure too.
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like a band with a day job. >> brian: today i'll be thanks to dana perino at her favorite book store, point pleasant beach in new jersey and the bush library. before that, i will stop in dallas, go to brian, i will do fox nation shows over there and you will see me in charlotte. >> carley: and pennsylvania. >> brian: that show in michigan doing the same thing. >> carley: so many places, i don't know how you do it. you are here now on "fox and friends" and you got dressed this morning. >> brian: i'm usually in shorts right now. >> carley: you wore your hard pants. >> todd: band with a day job. shake up in the college football rankings, michigan pushing out ohio state in the top four after
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victory over the buckeyes and wolverines dropping down. they can still make the playoffs, it will take serious help, you have a lot of undefeated teams ahead of them, including washington and florida state, three and four respectively. georgia bulldogs remain in number one spot and will face off against alabama in the sec championship on saturday. i know it is odd to say, don't sleep on alabama. they have been most successful college football program for a long time and this year they are being ignored because of one loss and a quarterback playing well. i think georgia wins, pay attention to bama. california congressman says his office was destroyed by anti-israel protesters. that lawmaker joins us next and alexandria ocasio-cortez getting ripped for complaining about the cost of living in new york city.
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does she have anything to do about it? cheryl casone here to tell us all about it. hillsdale was founded in 1844 we're passing on a cultural heritage, the culture of the west when the federal government started giving money to colleges, we didn't take it. that independence has allowed us to stay with our mission that we established 175 years ago. because we don't accept federal money, we are free to concentrate on the mission of the college we care about freedom and that affiliates us with the free institutions of america.
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>> todd: congresswoman
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alexandria ocasio-cortez is right about one thing, new york is too expensive. who is to blame? it's her. >> carley: cheryl casone has more. hi, cheryl. >> cheryl: that is here. new york congresswoman and squad member, alexandria ocasio-cortez, getting pushback for comments about new york city's working class, watch. >> people moving out of the city are not by and large the wealthiest people, they are working class that can't afford to live here anymore. >> cheryl: shes her answer tax the rich, socialists like herself and bernie sanders. "new york post" agreeing with her, people are moving out of the city who have not recovered from pandemic losses. they write, aoc is right, new york city is not affordable thanks to her and fellow dems.
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climate laws are sending power prices skyward and thanks to criminal justice reform, aoc and her compatriots back. aoc had a prescription on the issue, tax the rich. they are fleeing the state and city in droves. mayor eric adams announcing budget cuts with influx of migrants. organized retail theft and punitive housing policy, big piece of the post point. >> todd: gaslighting or stupidity, which is worse? how did her squad vote on affirming israel's right to exist. >> cheryl: house of representative reaffirming israel's right to exist.
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the democratic lawmakers normally push far left socialist policy, those voting yes included alexandria ocasio-cortez, ilhan omar, and rashida tlaib only voting present. rashida tlaib refused to condemn hamas's attack on israel says this resolution ignores existence of palestinian people. israel does not have a right to carry out illegal occupation which will never lead to lasting peace and the resolution was an attempt to rewrite history, something many are accusing her of when it comes to israel and right to exist. >> todd: i'm comforted by lawmakers on left side voting yes, tlaib and bush, wow.
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david valadio, the congressman shared this video of the building smeared in blood. there are posters showing the message murdered by israel. sir, what was your reaction when you saw the vandalism? >> disappointment, frustration. >> todd: when people see you are congressman from california, they think hollywood. this is the central valley, dairy farm and cattle ranches, this is not hollywood. isn't this last place you would expect abantisemitism display like this? >> you are right. i had my colleagues in washington said the same thing, why did they end up in hanford, california. they are everywhere. >> todd: is this white house and democratic leaders, many who are
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jewish, doing enough to stop antisemitism nationwide? >> no, i don't believe they are. there is a problem, it seems to be getting worse by the day. there is frustration. hate crime is wrong, to vandalize an office is frustrating for all of us. >> todd: what are republicans in congress like you doing to put pressure on the democrats besides the report cheryl just had affirming israel's right to exist. >> make sure the world knows what is going on and what people are trying to push. talking about it, get the message out, make sure we continue to fight for what is right here. >> what was response from your constituents? >> i got text messages and calls and people saying they supported
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me. it was a positive response in general. >> todd: your district and i know the answer to this, heavily jewish? >> no. it is not. >> todd: exactly, that just shows how many people of nonjewish faith are uniting behind israel and you have so many other people, including many jewish people that are focused on democratic leftist policies, they are ignoring the plate. with makes no sense. your message to those that did this? >> it will not change my position, we will be supportive of israel and make sure they eliminate hamas from the region and allow those people, especially israel, and neighboring communities to live in peace. we will move forward in that direction. >> todd: thank you for your time, sorry this happened to
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you, i appreciate your fight. take a look at this video, moment an israeli mother gets the call her children were being released by hamas and finally coming home. >> carley: wow, they are still praying for a miracle, their father is still being held hostage. a member of the family joins us next.
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(car engine revs) (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking)
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>> carley: 85 of the roughly 240 people taken hostage by hamas have been released including raz and sahar calderon. this is video of the mother getting the call that her kids were finally coming home. [screaming] >> carley: as they transition back to their new normal, their father is still being held. their grandmother and cousin were both called. abbi is the cousin and she joins me now. this video could bring a tear to
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anybody's eye. arez had has birthday in captivity. so good to see they are home with their family and mother. how are they doing? >> they are doing physically okay. they weren't wounded, which is positive, they were malnourished. they are in one piece and home with their mother and we are fighting for their father ofar. >> carley: their father is still being held hostage. all the children released still had a father in captivity. you have to wonder if that is by design, psychological torture to instill on the children with the fear one of the parents is being held. >> exactly that.
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they are all part of one big family and we need them home. >> carley: your family will forever be changed, their grandmother and cousin were murdered on october 7. this will be a long road to recovery. are they aware their loved ones are no longer with us? >> they know. i believe they learned in captivity, which is psychological terror. we are hearing reports from children coming out how hard it was and how horrific. they were not able to go to the bathroom when needed. we are hearing children are coming out and speaking in whispers because they were told not to make noise. they are afraid to use their own
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voice. doctors wish they would cry or scream, they are silent. >> carley: everybody will process emotion differently. some will get bursts of anger, some will remain quiet. these beautiful children have a loving family, you being a member, that will support them throughout their lives. physical condition, i read half a slice of bread per day? >> everyone came home having lost a lot of weight and now the first priority is look at their physical health, make sure they have what they need and they asked for yogurt with grapes and granola. move on to the next part of the process, emotional and trauma and keep fighting for their father. keep fighting and raising our
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voices and talking about it and bring one boy one or 10 by 10, bringing them home. >> carley: this is the final day of the extended ceasefire, do you think it should be extended again? >> it is so complicated, it is exchange criminals for prisoners and everyday this goes on, our soldiers are in more danger. i don't believe i have the ability to know what should happen. if it means extending it, if possible, that would be amazing. >> carley: you are right, it is a complicated situation that israel did not ask to be in this horrific position. so good to see sahar and erez
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back with their family and we will remember the happy screams of their mom when she got word her beautiful children were coming home. thank you for joining us and keeping the story alive. >> todd: imagine what you would do if you got back home. >> carley: react like that beautiful mother did. pro-palestinian protesters planning disrupt tonight's christmas tree lighting at rockefeller center. just a day after four were arrested on capitol hill. >> state's abundant beauty and thanks to chief randy moore. >> carley: we have details and new warning from the nypd coming up. >> todd: speaking of christmas trees, this one came crashing down at the white house and some say it is on the nose for this biden administration. fortunately it did not fall on
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anybody's nose, but regardless, joe concha is here to react next. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. oh. [dog barks] no it's just a bunny! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue for some... and stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear.
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rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what's yours. abbvie could help you save. after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7. you're darn right. solar stocks are up 20% with the additional hour in the day. [ clocks ticking ] i'm ruined. with the extra hour i'm thinking companywide power nap.
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to do sod to new york city police bracing for thousands of protesters set to flood rockefeller center tonight. brooke singman is here. >> the new york city police department is not taking any chances tonight. they are vowing to protect the tree lighting and all of those attending. they say they will not tolerate disruption or any threats to public safety. this announcement comes after this flier was spotted on social media. it calls for protesters to, quote: flood the tree lighting for gaza. but the nypd does not believe that this is going to be the end. they actually are anticipating more demonstrations in the coming days and weeks. we have seen a surge in these kind of protests disrupting high
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profile events across the city and the nation over the past month. protesters disrupted the macy's thanksgiving day parade last week. at least 3 # people were arrested after blocking the parade path. they were throwing fake blood and even glued their hands to the pavement. most recently actually just last night during the tree lighting on capitol hill. pro-palestinian demonstrators heckled house speaker mike johnson. listen to them here. >> your state's abundant beauty with us in washington. [cease-fire now] >> randy moore with the u.s. forest service. >> four people were then arrested and removed from the crowd by capitol hill police. they have been charged with disorderly conduct. and meanwhile the nypd is warning that these malicious actors mass gatherings at high profile events tree lighting tonight at rockefeller center as targets of opportunity this holiday season,. >> carley: thank you so much.
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the white house's 40-foot national christmas tree took a little bit of a tumble on tuesday after strong winds toppled it down two days before that annual tree lighting ceremony with president biden. and some conservatives on social media say this was a perfect met for for the current administration. >> todd: others believe this political cartoon shows it all. bidenomics dragging down the u.s. economy and joe biden admitting i killed it fox news contributor and columnist joe concha joins us now. don't knock it over, joe, keep it upright. quite the met tore. i think republicans were right with that. >> i asked alexa last night what is the definition of symbolism because this here we have a president, a president literally falling down just like that massive christmas tree. even the "new york times" headline this morning, guys, the national christmas tree fell over insert met for here. does it symbolize president biden's economic policies or the
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pressures of the season they ask. and now the u.s. park season saying the tree may not be salvageable at this point. overall, yeah. it hasn't been a good year for president biden in general when it documents christmas trees. he was heckled just last week like we talked about at an annual tree lighting ceremony in nantucket. so, you know, before we say we shouldn't be mocking what happened here with this christmas tree at the biden white house, remember how much melania trump was ruthlessly mocked for the way she decorated her white house from the left. so this feels like it's a return serve so to speak as far as can't we just have anything nice without anything getting screwed up and apparently that's what is going on here. >> carley: tree met for, birthday cake met for on fire this is repeat history one week later. >> great point. >> todd: i know it's just the tree. thought process if you can't get the little things right. >> >> carley: it was wind. >> todd: can you prepare for that kind of wind.
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i'm serious, carley. if they don't prepare for 40 mile-per-hour winds are they preparing our country for, i don't know, national security and terror attacks? >> carley: todd wants to know. would you like to weigh in on that, joe? >> he is right. >> todd: thanks, joe. >> this is something that has gone on for decades. it's not like it was a hurricane that hit. it was a gust of wind during the winter and here we are a tree is down. apparently my tree is now down at this point. nothing is going well at this point. >> carley: there is also this study done by the media research center. found that big tech sensor seven times this year. republican candidates a combined 126 times censored on social media. fact-checks, removing content and accounts all together. some people are calling this a form of election interference. what do you think? >> carley it's deja vu all over again to quote yog enter raft. usual suspects are involved just like they were in the 2020
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election. youtube, google, facebook, twitter, x whatever we are calling it now. instagram, linkedin, tiktok engaging in censorship. it included candidates from the vivek ramaswamy to r.f.k. jr. even jill stein is getting censored. can jill stein get a break? i mean, please. the good news is that voters are aware that big tech is engaging in attempting to tip the scales on this front on the information front and they will be called out for it as we are doing now. people are paying attention and they are not going to get away with it. >> carley: the one i thought was interesting was former president trump he was censored nine times. he doesn't even have social media outside of the platform that he owns. so what happened is they were censoring him in google searches. and on youtube. is there any way to fight back against this? >> what we're doing now have. a conversation about it. light is the best disinfectant
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at this point. obviously, these big tech companies, it's just amazing after everything that happened after the last election and their brand being hurt the way it was that they are continuing to do this. but like we're seeing in many journalism circles, these are activists at this point who aren't there to serve their customers but to try to get a democrat elected again and if you look at their campaign contributions, they will try to succeed in doing so. >> joe: obviously issue number one is tipping the scales to the left. issue number two, social i would like tothank the both ou joining me on the radio yesterday filling in for guy benson i will do it again today. you guys helped me out and i really do appreciate. you are my friends. and with that "fox & friends" starts right now. >> carley: have a good day, everybody. ♪ ♪ >> the u.s. military


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