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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  November 29, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PST

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>> dana: how much would that card have cost initially? >> it wouldn't have cost much. current 6.6 million ends on sunday. >> dana: are there a lot of potential buyers? >> we have taken in 13 bids on the website. we think it could sell for upwards of 10 million or more. >> bill: hemmer would like to make a bid. >> bill: if i had the money. >> right now it's the third most expensive baseball card presented at option. next week we hope to say it's 1 or 2. i see history. i love baseball, i love babe ruth. grew up in a mets and red sox household. i see the origin of one of the greatest players ever to play the game. >> bill: you'll make some money, harris will take over.
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>> harris: fox news alert. only one american has been released by hamas terrorists. the white house hopes americans will be included on what we're told to expect today, a new list of people to be freed by hamas terrorists. we are in the final hours of that extended six-day cease-fire in the israeli/hamas war. i'm harris falkier and you are in "the faulkner focus." israel says it has the list of the hostages set to be released today and notified their families. and they will try to extend the cease-fire as long as the terrorists keep releasing at least ten hostages per day. we know that the hostage taking serial killers, hamas, have released 12 hostages, ten israelis and two foreign nationals just yesterday. so today would make the sixth time that they would move to release people. to date, 85 of the 240 hamas
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initially kidnapped have gone free. israeli american 4-year-old abigail edan who i mentioned moments ago, has been released from the hospital now two days after she was returned to israel. the horror she endured are indescribable. she saw hamas savages kill her mom. she ran to her dad who shielded her with his own body and terrorists shot through him. she was able to escape out from under her father's body to safety but then further taken by the terrorists. one young u.s. israeli citizen was at the music festival when hamas attacked. his arm blown off by a grenade before he was loaded into a truck at gun point. his mother has not stopped fighting for his safe return. >> i hope that more and more hostages are released.
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i worry about my son, who i know was in critical condition, is now permanently for the rest of his life without a limb, and, you know, i'm concerned for his health. i just am a mom and i want my only son to come home to me. i will take him with one arm. >> harris: we pray for them all. nate foye, you are just in northern israel, not far from lebanon. we've seen some activity in recent weeks from there. what's happening? >> well, harris, i can tell you that mother you just heard from is not alone. 140 -- over 140 hostages remain in gaza. israel reportedly has a list of 12 hostages that are set to be freed in a sixth exchange tonight. we're waiting on those hostages to be transferred over to the red cross. reportedly in this list it includes ten israeli women as
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well as two women who hold duly citizenship in israel and russia. believed to be a gesture by hamas to vladimir putin. remains to be seen in any americans are in the newest batch of hostages set to be freed. it comes after a fifth exchange last night. look at this video. this group included nine israeli women as old as 84 and 1 israeli girl, a 17-year-old who was released in exchange for 30 hamas prisoners. two foreign workers were also released from gaza, a doctor at the medical center said some of the hostages had injuries but all in stable condition. we have new video of an israeli/russian man reuniting with his family. hamas is mainly releasing women and children but this was also considered another gesture to putin. meanwhile, two more u.s. military flights are set to land in egypt this week for a total of three flights carrying
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humanitarian aid bound for gaza. u.s. officials are again in qatar working to extend the temporary cease-fire to secure the release of more hostages and delivery of more aid to gaza. as negotiations play out, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu applied more pressure on hamas with this message moments ago. >> there is no way we're not going back to fighting until the end. this is my policy. the entire government stands we behind it. the soldiers stand behind it, the people stand behind it. this is exactly what we will do. >> tonight an israeli official says the only way that israel will agree to a longer pause in the fighting is if all women and children are released from gaza. we'll see if that's a negotiating position or if that, in fact, holds true. negotiations are also including talks about possibly releasing israeli men, even idf soldiers.
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so far israel has had to release three palestinian prisoners for every israeli woman or child hostage. we'll send it back to you. >> harris: i had mentioned where you are and i don't know how close you are to the border with lebanon but there was a point early in the war where there was a lot of concern about the rockets that were coming over into northern israel. is that still a problem? >> harris, yesterday lebanese media reported an israeli shell landed in southern lebanon. no further escalation. idf wouldn't comment on it and they didn't confirm that it happened. the idf chief of staff visited northern israel yesterday and where we are, harris, we're very close to the border. this village has been evacuated. the idf chief said that when people come back to this village and others like it, they will have a much improved security situation compared to what they had on october 7th.
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>> harris: you are talking about securing an area that potentially could become a second front in the war and all that they are doing to keep that from happening. it has quieted at least a little bit. nate foye, great reporting as always. thank you very much. lieutenant colonel gobb blackhawk helicopter pilot and executive director of restore liberty. great to have you every time we can get you. colonel, as you hear about these hostage releases, the one thing that pops to my mind from nate's reporting outside of the good news of the people being released are the two gestures that hamas has made to putin of russia with two of the hostages released. one who is a man and i guess holding duly citizenship with russia. what's the point of that with terrorists? >> yeah, harris, thank you. always good to join you. every time i see something
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happen around israel with either hamas or even hezbollah and houthi rebels. if you were to tug on the thread you'll find it running through tehran and some way to moscow. this is kind of an acknowledgement of the fact that putin and moscow working with tehran and other allies are all involved in this. this is just an acknowledgement of that fact. i think many of us know but it is a change of it -- it changes when you see that acknowledgement through their actions. >> harris: yeah. we know that the hostages were taken as human shields and now pawns and politics that perhaps we're not focused on with regard to russia. >> absolutely. i think that's one of the risks with this conflict in general is we're so focused on israel we forget there is still things going on in ukraine and ties that are across in this geopolitical spectrum between russia, iran, china and many
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other things we still have to keep our eye on in the u.s. we can't forget that in the midst of all this but like you said, too, we also need to make sure we do celebrate the reunion of these families at the same time. >> harris: this has been hard, though. there is so much propaganda around all of this. delay, delay, delay, we'll give this list and that list. there was a time when jews were being put on lists during the holocaust. when i heard those words who is on the list it shakes my soul. i know this is for a good purpose, but the fact that we're waiting for a list to come out is also disturbing. hamas, they seem to be professional at this. >> they are professionals at this for many decades. in fact, one of their guiding principles is that war is deceit. any time that they are doing something, including treaties, hostages exchanges and things like that, they are doing it for their own strategic advantage.
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they are not ever going to do it for humanitarian purposes or actual care for the people. that is something we have to account for. we may not like it, but it is a fact of life when you are part of an organization that is a terrorist group that is raised this way. >> harris: i want to talk with you about something that popped. the city council of oakland voted for a permanent cease-fire in gaza and rejected a proposal to condemn hamas terrorists. the event atrackeded dueling rallies, no violence. one speaker compared israel to a wife beater who complains when the wife fights back. others described israel as genocidal, colonial. watch this. >> condemn hamas without condemning the apartheid state of israel is basically encouraging genocide. >> we could have easily put forth a resolution condemning
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the countless crimes committed by the zionist entity. >> harris: your reaction. >> well first of all, my reaction is oakland has plenty of problems they need to address in their own city and this is not a concern of theirs ultimately along with the other cities doing this. fortunately the resolutions have no merit when it comes to dictating any actions by israel in the first place. israel needs to keep fighting along the public relations war but they need to win the bigger war first, the eradication of hamas. that's the only cease-fire they should except is they should stop fighting when hamas has been eliminated and need to stay focused on that. these kinds of resolutions in cities around the u.s. are exposing the radicalization of the left wing and others not only in campuses but now we're seeing in city councils and county governments around the united states and that's unfortunate to see. we shouldn't be restricting
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their speech in any way, shape or form but this isn't in any way productive towards israel or even those who would be suffering under and during this attack on gaza that israel has the right to conduct in the first place. >> harris: you have fought for this country and fought for the right for free speech and i continue to ask, they talk so much about hating israel, they don't talk about loving the people that they say they want to help, the palestinians. i don't understand how any of what they are doing is helping them. colonel, thank you very much. the far left squad's general unity over the israel/hamas war seems to be crumbling a bit among the democrats, a split among the very members over whether israel even has the right to exist. you just heard the colonel say this rhetoric, these feelings aren't just on college campuses. plus more evidence voters are feeling very down on president biden's handling of the biggest, most important issues facing
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americans and they're worried, big worries from team biden over key voting blocks that used to be a sure thing. >> this demographic is disappointed with the job president biden has done regardless of political affiliation from his age to his deprioritization of the issues that matter most to gen z. people are disengaged with the biden campaign. newday usa can help. veterans have earned a lot of va benefits with their service, but the va home loan benefit is a big one. by using your benefit at newday you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value and take out an average of $70,000. use that money to pay off high rate debt and get back on your feet financially. i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant.
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>> harris: we're watching live now the funeral service for former first lady rosalynn carter. that's the son of the former president, jimmy carter and former first lady. jack carter, who is speaking right now. rosalynn carter's casket arrived at the maranatha baptist church
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in plains, georgia. her home church. that happened just a short time ago before the procession had started here. the service will include tributes from her son and three of her great grandchildren. rosalynn passed away peaceful plea alongside her family at 96 years old on sunday. again, the former first lady and former president's son, jack carter, is speaking now. as we hear horror stories from the hamas captives who have been freed, president biden is going back to his old playbook apparently. now in colorado to hype up bidenomics, even though they are woefully unpopular. he thinks he can make it happen. expected to get back to his familiar refrain of ripping what he calls extreme maga policies. the evidence voters aren't buying keeps pouring in. his approval on key issues such as the economy, middle east and
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foreign affairs are deeply underwater for him. he also tied his record low approval rating for a third time with just 37%. republicans say biden has no one to blame but himself. >> the majority of the american people no longer have faith in the american dream. >> we've now absolutely emptied our strategic petroleum reserve. >> bidenomics is failing miserably. foreign policy the failing miserably and southern border is failing miserably. >> joe biden, the president, can't fix his problem. the number one problem is his age. >> american people are starting to understand looking at the polling of who is making these decisions and all these decisions are going against the american people. >> harris: the most dramatic biden's approval with independent voters is at a all time low of 27%. "the new york times" saying this about biden's weakness with
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young voters. young voters are by far the likelyest to say it is too old to be an effective president. many upset about his handling of the israel/hamas war. sure michael singleton and mark penn. great to have you both. first of all, 27% of anything would deem it not effective if you were taken aspirin or something. this is really, really negative for a current president inside now a year from election day. >> most certainly is. if you look at most recent elections, harris, we have never had a president that has performed so poorly with independent voters that went on to win re-election. this should signal real problems for the biden administration as well as democrats generally speaking. you have just talked about the state of the economy and the way the president is handling foreign affairs.
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let's also keep in mind the immigration problem where you have many americans, including black americans in cities like new york and chicago, that are saying wait a minute here, why are we redirecting resources for americans to people who aren't u.s. citizens? there is a real problem on the president's hands. he seems incapable of handling it. >> harris: mark, i don't want to lean too hard on his age. the one poll of young voters, that what they would poll to because they are oppositional in that way to the president. i've been 29, many, many, many times. so let's just focus on this bidenomics message. does he think americans are too stupid to know what they really are experiencing and that he can talk them out of it? >> well, some far he has had little success at that at convincing people that low inflation, lower inflation that has been coming down, low unemployment is a good economy because the voters have been focusing on the general rise of prices over the last year and a
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half. >> harris: they are still rising but rising slower. >> that's right. >> harris: but still right. >> absolutely. he has been unsuccessful. but a year in economic terms is a long time if inflation keeps coming down. i don't expect he will move any voters on that today but he won't give up on it, that's for sure. >> harris: he has less than a year. december on friday. it looks like vice president kamala harris has a new job. latino voter outreach upping her efforts to connect with those voters heading into 2024 as biden has support. that slipped. she will try to make up that difference. a recent poll averaging six battleground states show 42% of hispanic voters in swing states support trump compared to 50% for joe biden. that's a major drop for president biden who saw 65% support in 2020 compared with trump's 32% then.
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so what's flipped the switch in this particular voting block? >> i think the latino community, just like a african-american community and the white american community, asian american community are looking at economic instability and inaccessible housing market. for most americans, the american dream is really a dream. you have to be dreaming to believe it because what we expected 25 or 30 years ago in terms of building a nuclear family, putting your kid through college and living in a safe community is not the reality for any american regardless of ethnicity or racial background. people are looking for someone else to move the needle forward for them. i will say this quickly. people may have criticisms of donald trump and many to list. look at the state of the economy under trump and people are saying the economy was booming four years ago but not booming today. maybe we should give the former president a second opportunity. >> harris: the israel/hamas war
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may be exposing a deep rift among members of the far left democrats and yesterday six members of that group voted in favor of two pro-israel resolutions. none of them supported an earlier similar resolution. maybe the politics or at least the pressure there is moving. but there were two notable divides from the far left members of the democrats in yesterday's vote. congresswoman corey bush did not vote at all for either resolution. it wasn't that she wasn't available apparently. maybe she will put out a different statement. rashida tlaib voted in favor of condemning hamas's attack but didn't support a resolution for israel's right to exist. she explained her present vote in the statement. israel does not have a right to carry out illegal occupation and apartheid which will never lead
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to a just and lasting peace. this resolution is a one-sided attempt to rewrite history and the he erasing of palestinians. >> 412 to 1 in favor of that resolution. i was heartened by that. no surprise to me that two members of the squad. it was a little surprise that it was reduced to two members of the squad came out against this simple resolution recognizing the right of israel to exist. the one opponent was actually a republican. but i think we should all take heart that it did pass 412-1. look at the enormous support and yes, there are a couple of people who don't support it. we know that. >> harris: what would you say to rashida tlaib right now, mark? >> i would say i disagree with you. israel has a right to exist. 75-year-old country and there are thousands of years of history and that it is time --
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it is unfortunate that college campuses don't understand what obviously 412 members of congress do. that this is the jewish people's homeland and it has a right to exist. >> it's the only country in that part of the world that lives up to our ideals in terms of democracy, in terms of freedom and justice. and right now we're dealing with various countries from russia to china that do not have the u.s.'s worldview. we need as many allies as we possibly can so i think standing for israel is in the u.s.'s interest but in our strategic interest to do so. >> harris: i don't know if you caught earlier this hour hamas is flexing to russia by releasing two dual citizens of israeli/russian descent. we need all the allies we can get. jewish students and parents are
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seriously reconsidering saying no to elite universities. it is all over the explosion of anti-israel protesting on college campuses. >> a lot of my lists was more than the high ranking schools and i had to eliminate half of them because i just realistically couldn't see myself attending that school and feeling safe on campus. >> harris: one top university is being sued for a jewish rights group calls unchecked anti-semitism and harvard is being investigated for the department of education for the handling of the unrest on its campus. the head of the jewish alumni group in "focus" next.
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jewish americans. those chants. elite schools are beginning to feel now what could be coming over all the anti-israel protesting rocking college campuses across america. jewish students and parents are now rethinking their university choices. a growing number are opting against applying to schools failing to deal with the rise in anti-semitism like the elite campuses you are looking at. cb cotton is live with more. >> ivy league and top tier college dreams are dimming for some jewish students and their families who say they are turning to lists of backup schools in hopes to avoid anti-semitism on college campuses and scenes like this unfold at universities across the country. the phrase from the river to the sea echoing during the many rallies. anti-semitic calls for the nation of israel. a jewish student speaking out
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and hiding his identity walking -- >> the first thought is not if i get into the colleges. if i get into the colleges will i be safe there? a lot of the universities that are ranked highest in the programs i'm interested in are also very anti-semitic. >> harris: well, jewish civil rights groups are now suing uc berkeley's campus over what they call the unchecked and longstanding spread of anti-semitism on that campus. the plaintiffs are citing several disturbing incidents there including the assault of a jewish student at a pro-palestinian protest as well as hate mail to jewish faculty members that called for their gassing. wow. the education department civil rights division has launched an investigation into harvard. it's linked to last month's
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die-in demonstration on campus. israeli student claimed he was verbally and physically assaulted there and the department is explaining the investigation in a letter which says in part this. the investigation into whether harvard failed to respond to alleged harassment of students based on their national origin, shared jewish ancestry in a manner consistent with the requirements of title ix. mike huckabee has some advice for parents. >> i'll tell you what, if i had a kid at harvard, thank god i don't. if i did, i would call them right now and say get your fanny to the boston airport right now. get on the first plane that takes off from there and let me know where your connection is. you're coming home. we'll find you a school that will not cost a fortune but the brains of my child. get your butt home. >> harris: a recent opinion piece called out harvard's hamas
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terrorist confusion with this. students have the first amendment right to -- at a university ideal ought to be subject to civilized debate. the purpose of the demonstrations these days is largely to make honest debate impossible by silencing and inconveniencing or intimidating those with opposing views. ronnie brunn, head of harvard college jewish alumni association is in "focus" now. thank you for being with me. first of all, describe to me sort of the vibe on campus when these protests break out. >> well, i know that students are getting messages like gas the jews and death to all jew colonists. it is very scary to walk around on a campus with calls for intifada and one solution,
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intifada revolution. glob globalized intifada. we want to bring the intifada here and bring violence here. as a jewish student, it is very chilling, very alarming to be faced with this and to see all the support for it from fellow students and from teacher assistants, faculty. it is a very alarming time. >> harris: you have seen this among the faculty and not just the students. >> the faculty recently signed a letter condemning president's condemnation of the river to the sea. she said that it implies eliminating jews from israel so she condemned it, which we applaud and think it is really clear leadership on her part to do so. but more than 100 faculty signed a letter disputing that and really taking issue with her
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making a stand against anti-semitism, against hate, yeah. >> harris: 100 versus one. tell me this, just the going rate today so people get an idea of what it costs to go to that school. >> i'm sorry, i don't know. but harvard does have a lot of aid so it is not a needs-based university. this is controversial to say. i would say the costs of going to harvard is really your future. it is really what is implanted in your head more so than the finances, which are substantial. even foregoing that, you are entrusting this institution to teach you how to think, how to see the world, how to evaluate fact from fiction. and so when that is damaged, which anti-semitism erodes that, that's the big cost. >> harris: you thank you for your bravery. i know you say it's controversial. the truth often is.
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the anti-defamation league is out with a new survey showing that during the school year of the jewish students surveyed 73% say they experienced some form of anti-semitism before the october 7th attack on hamas. 64% of jewish students say they felt comfortable with others knowing they were jewish after the number dropped to 38% of jewish students who feel safe on campus around 66% before the attack. so we are going in this negative direction of not only do you feel unsafe, you don't even want to say who you are. >> students definitely are hiding visible signs of judaism. some observant jews, the men wear skull caps and they have been foregoing that. maybe they wear hats or nothing at all. they only keep to that in private and jewish spaces. that's unheard of. when i was at harvard, it didn't
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matter where you were from. you were trothed the same. if you said something obnoxious people would make fun of it, of course, people would disagree but it wasn't on the basis of where you are from or your ethnicity or belief. >> harris: no doubt. what would you say to the parents of these students now who will go other places other than elite colleges? >> we're fighting for you. we created the $1 pledge to show we're committed to harvard because we love harvard. we know the potential there. we know that academic discourse is unmatched and we believe in it. we believe that harvard can turn around and we need your help. we need to join together. we need to be united to be proud of us, to be proud of who we are. just to be you. that's the biggest thing you can do. so i wouldn't be deterred because we got your back and if you feel that you need help, we've got resources, please reach out to us. we're harvard jews everywhere
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and want to stay united. we are strong and we'll make it through together. we've done this before. >> harris: i love your optimism and positivity and wanting to help other people to see they can get through this. a group of jewish teachers laid into the new york city school chancellor yesterday, ronnie, i don't know if you know about this for botching the reaction to the anti-semitic unrest at a queens high school. hundreds of students were storming the hallways after a jewish teacher attended a pro-israel rally. the "new york post" reports the teachers accused the chancellor of failing to condemn the behavior and called it his teachable moment. the "new york post" editorial board with this headline. new york city chancellor banks is in danger of flunking his school's exam. what is your reaction to that? >> i am shocked. every day there is a new low. this is not america.
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it is not us. this has got to stop. and it is sad that we need to do lawsuits and need to go through all these contentious maneuvers in order just to have laws apply equally to people no matter where they are from. and i will have you know that being pro-israel does not preclude support for palestinians. we're here for peace. so that teacher should be allowed to express her views respectfully -- respectfully, which i hope she did. i see no evidence she didn't. and that is her private activity. she didn't bring it to the front. >> harris: she was see questions questions teared in the principals office to keep her safe. >> that's not safety. >> harris: if you feel unsafe on campus, the campus isn't doing its job.
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what a great conversation for you. you are the hope of a future and as a mom i'm grateful. take care of yourself. >> thank you. >> harris: a group of pro-palestinian protestors or anti- anti-israel clashing in the tree lighting ceremony. new york city is preparing for similar rallies at tonight's annual tree lighting event. we've been told to prepare for that here in the city. police say they're on high alert. plus families of released hostages describing the extraordinary moment of reunion. we have time for love this hour. also now facing the trauma from the horrors of captivity one victim of an infamous hijacking and kidnapping in "focus" next to take us inside the psychological warfare that the hostage takers engage in.
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>> harris: anti israel protestors rallied outside of atlanta memorial service yesterday for former first lady rosalynn carter and then a few hours later this played out in washington, d.c. at the tree lighting. >> thank you for mr. miller
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being here and sharing a small state's of your abundant beauty in washington and want to thank chief randy moore. >> harris: demonstrators showed up to shout him down and they want a cease-fire, they said. in new york city, the new york city police department is reportedly preparing for similar protests. alexis mcadams is at rockefeller center. stay peaceful. do what you want to do. a lot of these protests that hasn't been happening. >> that's right. the nypd is ready for whatever happens next. we've seen the protests go from the dozens to hundreds to thousands going aross the city shutting down traffic and what could happen tonight according to officials here. we are trying to talk to them what they plan to do. we had new drone technology near rockefeller center. one of the drones in play tonight as they continue to monitor the crowds and protests.
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thousands will show up here to watch the tree lighting at rockefeller center but also expecting to see thousands possibly of protestors here. we'll come back down and walk you over to the assistant commissioner with the nypd. thanks for talking to us. wanted to check in with you how important it is you are using this drone technology to make sure protests don't get out of control. >> it is important. it gives us a bird's eye view of what's going on. if there are any major incidenceents. protestors blocking streets. the leadership have a front row seat to what's going on on the ground. >> you are used to the protests, dozens in the past few weeks. they can block traffic and get out of control. you guys are prepared to handle it. >> we are prepared to handle it. there are no credible threats to new york city or to this event tonight. come out and enjoy, have a good
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time. let's watch the tree lighting. >> thank you again and for all you do. a live look what you are seeing from the drones. we'll keep you posted on what they expect. >> harris: turn around and give him a hearty thank you for all of us. first responders and police officers we can't live without them. many of the hostages released by hamas terrorists have been children. emotional reunions between the children and their families who are sharing what their loved ones went through. >> she said the box. so you have to say how long were you in the box? she said a year. and often the whispering that was like a punch in the gut. >> harris: former israeli
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ambassador to the united nations was on "focus" yesterday. >> we have horrible testimonies of how they were treated. a 12-year-old was beaten up every day and made him see videos of the massacre of october 7th. >> harris: wow. my next guest knows the trauma, some of those youngest hostages witnessed and went through. he was on the 1976 air france flight that was hijacked by a radical palestinian group. the plane was headed to france but was diverted to uganda's main airport. he was going to the united states at 13 years old to celebrate his bar mitzvah when he was taken hostage there. israeli forces eventually rescued him during a daring raid
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and he joins me now. bennie, first of all, we thank god for your life and for those who got out. it was a very dangerous day. what is your response when you see the release of hostages not all together but in a drip, drip like this by terrorists? >> shalom and thank you for having me. actually, when i see them disembarking from the ambulances or the bus, even jumping and smiling, i'm an the israeli side not on the fake side of hamas, i'm hopeful. i'm hopeful and i'm happy because i didn't meet them yet, but they seem okay. yes, they went through a great trauma, but they seem fine and they are now with their families and their loved ones, whatever is left of their families,
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regretfully. that's one of the major differences between 2023 and 1976. >> harris: i know you weren't in captivity for as long. the psychological things that the terrorists say. i apologize for the short time but i want to hear some of that. >> we were for a short time that is a fact. but once you are there, the most issue is the unknown. we didn't know we would be there for a week. we didn't know the idf would come. and the level of uncertainty of what's coming next, the only fact that you know on thursday noontime there is a deadline and for a 13-year-old, the deadline is the language that you become dead. that was very frightening. of course, the moments of taking the airplane, when hijacked airplane are very frightening. but we came okay and we stand.
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that's my message to the young ones coming. you can build a life and be okay. >> harris: we'll bring you back on a different day. i'm so grateful for the short time we had together and thankful for your life. thank you, everybody for watching "the faulkner focus." "outnumbered" is next. "outnumbered" is next. hundreds upfront for your appraisal and other fees. not at newday. a veteran shouldn't have to come up with money to get money. joint pain was killing my creativity. blue-emu gave me my hobbies back. it's the arthritis pain relief our joints rely on. shop our expanded family of products at major online retailers. >> tech: cracked windshield on your new car? bring it to safelite. my customer was enjoying her new car, when her windshield cracked. [gasp] >> customer: my car! >> tech vo: she didn't take it to the dealer. she scheduled with safelite. we have the latest technology for the newest vehicles.
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