tv The Faulkner Focus FOX News December 1, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PST
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nightmare of george santos will be behind us all. he loves the media attention. gave a long press conference yesterday, chad, and now it's at 311 to 113. i'm sure you will have updates throughout the day. thank you, chad. >> thank you. >> dana: bill, i have missed having you next to me. we had quite a show with the news of sandra day o'connor passing and you at the reagan library. >> bill: then the expulsion of george santos. we are going to have an entire weekend of coverage out here at the reagan library. dana, you think about the world's hot spots. they're hotter now than they have been in years. and so we'll take them head on and find out what the best path is for the united states and what our own policies can do to help make it better for u.s. citizens. >> dana: give my best to steve hadley and others. thank you for watching. see you monday.
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harris is next. >> harris: the breaking news continues. right now the u.s. house of representatives has the votes to expect george santos of new york. an investigation into a scathing ethics report which includes campaign finance abuse, allegations that santos lied to get into office. the case has not been adjudicated yet. lawmakers want him to quit but he is defiant. and they have already voted twice on the same issue as they do today. do they kick out george santos? in votes in hand right now they do have the votes. let's watch the house speaker, johnson. >> notify the governor of the state of the new york of the action of the house. under clause 5d of rule 20 the chair announces that in light of the expulsion of the gentleman from new york, mr. santos, the whole number of the house is 434.
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>> harris: all right. making it official there from the house speaker, the expulsion of george santos, senior correspondent chad pergram watching it all on the hill. i've been watching you this morning. the ramp up. the fact that representative george santos was sitting actually in the house today in the very last row of the house chamber on the gop side obviously and sitting alone but representatives were nearby having some conversations briefly with him. i don't know what can be seen or what can be known, but was there any reaction from george santos sitting in that chamber as this went down, chad? >> i was struck by the fact that margaret kibe en came over and talked to him a few minutes
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before they got to the expulsion vote. only the sixth time in history they expelled a member from the house of representatives. the vote totals that was announced, 311 to expel, 114 nos, and two voting present. so again the bar here is 2/3. not actually automatically 290. they were well above that threshold. that's how we were able to know because the house prior to the expu expulsion. as speaker johnson said it is a smaller number in the house of representatives. his majority continues to dwindle here. this is something that some republicans, a republican from texas indicated that a couple of days ago saying there is no reason to kick out george santos if for no other reason than that. we are eating our young. george santos is done and final once you are expelled, you are expelled. there will be a letter sent to
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the governor of new york later today to signify that the seat is vacant and she will call a special election. you can't be appointed to the house of recentives. new york had a lot of district go back and forth and to the republican side. sometimes you see in the special elections it goes from one party and then it goes back to another. so democrats if they have the opportunity in the next 70 to 90 days to flip the seat will be one of the most competitive seats in the country going into 2024 and george santos will go to trial in february. >> harris: just that point. it is something that republicans on the hill have said. do you want to have this? in fact byron donalds, representative from florida asked the same question not too long ago. do you want to have this before it has been adjudicated in a court of law?
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interesting to expel a member, an elected member on capitol hill before the actual situation has played out in court. that would be one thing i would want to hit with you. the other is what changed? they have done this twice before. >> here is what changed. i will answer the second question first. ethics committee report. there hadn't been a modicum of process. for a lot of republicans who secretly wanted to give him the boot and wanted to see what the ethics committee was able to come up with. it was a scathing report. it gave them cover to vote yes even though speaker johnson and majority leader steve scalise were against doing it because of the precedent. you talk about the precedent. the bar for expulsion before was you had to be a confederate sympathizers or convicted felon. it was the case the jim traficant in 2002 and so some republicans and some democrats
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frankly but even mark -- a representative from new york it doesn't say what needs to be done. we think we know enough and that is enough to establish a new precedent in this. again, that becomes potentially a rabbit hole here. here is the other important thing. the constitution is clear. look at article one, section five. it is not conditional. the house determines who the members are regardless of what the states send in. they are the ultimate arbiter as to who sits in the house of representatives. they can make their own rules and discipline members and 2/3 expel somebody. if you want to kick somebody out even if you don't have the goods and you have the math they can do it. they kicked out george santos today. >> harris: interesting what we're watching in the house of representatives. a movement to oust a speaker of the house with kevin mccarthy completely different situation. but historically significant just as this is kicking out a
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member george santos, ahead of the adjudication in court but based on all of the things that you just laid out, the rules and how it works, this is how it can work. appreciate all of your great reporting always, chad pergram on the hill. i want to go to congresswoman kat cammack who is just back from actually voting herself on the expulsion measure. and republican congresswoman from the great state of florida. i understand you voted against -- against expelling george santos, why? >> well good to see you, harris, chad is correct. under the constitution article one section five clause two the house has the right and ability to govern members including up and to expulsion. that being said, for me without a conviction, despite a i'm concerned about setting a precedent. people in new york district
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would be left without representation. so while we have so many issues to contend with in our government, i felt that it was inappropriate to deny those constituents in his congressional district their right to representation. elections have consequences but they have a right to have their voice heard in the people's house. >> harris: one of the things he has been very vocal about is supporting israel throughout its war against the blood thirsty terrorists of hamas who killed innocent citizens on october 7th in israel. that war continues and he has been very vocal and very emotional about that issue. that's one of the voices now as republicans like yourself get together and try to figure out next steps for israel from a congressional point. that's one of the voices that gets quieted. >> yes. certainly this is now become an even more -- bigger situation here in the house where now our
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majority is down to two. every vote counts but for me this was not a political vote. as i said from a constitutional perspective denying representation in the people's house is a very, very serious deal and with the 10th amendment states rights, states have the ability to determine the time, matter and place where elections are conducted. they have determined they were sending this representative. we certify the election. we need to make sure we honor those constituents' voice. it has not been an easy vote. it has been many, many conversations this week, very contentious. heartbreaking day on the hill on both sides. >> harris: you call it heartbreaking. it is interesting this would happen before the case was adjudicated, which brings me to my next question. what happens in a court of law if the charges against george santos don't stick? >> that's a great question, harris. i think everyone has been operating under the assumption especially in light of the
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report that came out of the ethics commity that there would be a conviction. but so much of the no votes that took place on the house floor a few minutes were resting on the fact it hasn't gone through the judicial process. for those of us constitutional conservatives we believe in the separation of powers. now the impact this will have on his court case, without a conviction, this is where people are wrestling with this. i think we have a long road to go. i now we see there will be a special election in new york's third congressional district and it will happen sometime in february and march of next year, so we'll see what happens. but since his expulsion has now taken place, we will have a new representative in the house out of new york's third. >> harris: i was giving our viewers the color inside the house of representatives a short time ago when voting was going on. you had george santos sitting alone in the house chamber near where he normally sits for
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votes. he was sitting with his hands clasped, legs crossed, slumped in his chair. described by our reporters and producers there and leaning his head back. have you spoken with him since this vote and what was his sort of demeanor before and after? >> george has been continually a colorful figure here on capitol hill. >> harris: to see the least. >> i have never had a bad word with him. i think again the people that are sent here to represent their districts are reflective of the different push and pulls in the country. so i know this has got to be very trying for him as an individual. but let's be honest, he has done some things that are not exactly ethical, to say the least. i won't weigh into the legal aspects of it. but unethical at its best. so again, i come back to the fact that we in the house, we
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have that constitutional responsibility to govern ourselves. one thing that i did caution my friends and colleagues on the house floor today was listen, if we are going to take a stance without a conviction that we will not expel today, be mindful on the other side just like americans around the country sick and tired of politics, if we have a democrat that is put forward without a conviction, we need to step forward and have a consistent voting record here. i think that's critically important because americans are sick and tired of the double standard, right? i think that's critical. >> harris: that's fascinating. we can't tell the future, but we know that people do all sorts of things. but again, i will be watching that case very closely with george santos. i don't think you right the ship then if those charges don't stick. and the ethics report from what i am understanding was scathing. he admits he has done some things. he didn't want to go into detail on "fox & friends" this morning because the case has not come up yet.
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but we're watching all of it. congresswoman, i appreciate your time and expertise. how many of you just real quickly, how many of you had decided before you were going to vote no to expulsion? do you have any idea? >> i will tell you i had so many conversations, dozeens of conversations with folks leading up to this vote. hitting the floor today i would say there was probably about 45 of us that were really undecided. we had gone through painstakingly. this morning i was pouring through the constitution over and over and over again discussing the legal back and forth. i know several of my colleagues were as well. this was not a clear-cut case. as i said, we have to stick with the principles, we have to be incredibly consistent in how we approach this. so i had that cautionary tale for my colleagues, if you vote no, you have to vote no in the future. >> harris: what do you tell voters when they say he represented us.
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now what do we do? that's where you started. an excellent point. congresswoman, it is wonderful always to have you in "focus." thank you very much. now i'm asking my team, so is byron donalds up. can we watch him? he initially had said not just like congresswoman cammack not before the case is resolved would you vote ever, even on expulsion. let's watch. >> it changes the very nature upon which this institution is supposed to function. we've been lectured politically for the last four years, a lot in the press about our institutions, what happened here today goes against the principles of our institutions. it does. people can say whatever they want it's only -- it is bigger than what he was accused of. my angst is not about what george was accused of. it is not. i'm not defending it. it is about the process upon which he was expelled today.
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that is my concern. yes. i'm going to leave it at that. i have to go to the airport. >> harris: i will ask my team did you hear what the question was there that he gave a flat yes? we couldn't make out that question. i will figure it out during the commercial. he got a chuckle and flat answer as he heads to the airport. we're staying with the news on capitol hill. there is a lot going on outside of george santos, as you know. jason chaffetz is with me now, fox news contributor and former utah congressman. just your top line thoughts on what has just played out. i don't know if you could watch or hear byron donalds or kat cammack. she said there were at least 45 members who were undecided moments before they went into the expulsion vote. >> yeah, i think if i was still in congress i would have voted no. i think the process having not played out in the courts is unfair. look at how they are dealing with it in the united states
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senate. you have senator menendez, a very bad ethics report. and he is opt there and has a trial ahead of him and they aren't expelling him. look at hastings. he since passed away but he was impeached as a federal judge by the house and senate taken off the federal bench and yet the people of florida decided to send him back to congress. i think the decision is for the people of new york. they may have been lied and cheated and everything else but it is up to the people in new york to make that decision, not just an ethics committee that issues a very damming report. that's not a full due process. nothing i can defend on george santos but i have to tell you on santos, but former congressman santos, but i have to tell you i think the process is wrong and i would have voted no. >> harris: how do you think leadership might have handled this differently?
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>> well, it was brought forward. the vote is actually forced by the democrats. leadership showed how they were going to vote. every member gets to make this decision. i think we put far too much on leadership to try to push this one direction or another. they all said go read the report. make your own decision. i think speaker johnson did it the right way. >> harris: i don't know if you heard congresswoman cammack but majority down to two. this is a situation for republicans and she said the vote was not political but it is hard not to have the politics staring you in the face. >> well, this is one of those things you have to do what's right. but if this is the standard, how come they aren't having this vote on adam schiff or eric swalwell? people on the intel committee -- i don't know, they were on the intel committee misrepresenting multiple times classified information. nothing happened to them. they didn't even lose their ability to have a security
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clearance. eric swalwell was allegedly sleeping with a chinese spy while on the intel committee. did anything happen to him? nothing. come on. have a same standard. if that's the standard, you have to live with it. >> harris: with republicans in the majority, who does that land on, some of those decisions? >> well, the ethics committee is very balanced. it is equal number on both sides. and i think the democrats are very inconsistent here because if you are going to take this position on santos, where is your position on menendez? because he is equally -- he has very bad evidence against him and also a scathing ethics report. yet nobody had a problem with that. chuck schumer allowed him to continue to be the chairman of the committee. >> harris: maybe have the audacity to wait for the cases to be adjudicated.
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for days the headline for menendez of my home state of new jersey was there were gold bars found in his closet among his belongings and jackets filled with cash. the cases haven't been adjudicated yet which is what donald and cammack were pointing out. do you let it play out or lean on the rules or could you do both? could there have been a compromise? i don't know. the news today is george santos is out. the number of members in the house of representatives is down to 434 as announced by the house speaker mike johnson. jason, great to see you. thank you. >> thanks, harris. >> harris: israel is restarting its fight against hamas terrorists after the week-long cease-fire ended. secretary of state antony blinken met with israeli officials yesterday and he was raising some eyebrows with one comment on the renewed battle to destroy hamas. >> we discussed the details of
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israel's ongoing planning and i underscored the imperative to the new york the massive loss of civilian life and the displacement we saw in northern gaza not be repeated in the south. >> harris: the head of the foundation for the defense of democracy boiled it down this way. the biden administration is setting the stage to abandon israel. what started off as we're totally where you in destroying hamas is deteriorating you don't stère our support unless you can dismantle hamas quickly with few civilian casualties. that is impossible. the "wall street journal" calls out the u.s.'s shifting position. also reports hamas terrorists are willing to give up american hostages whose release has been withheld because their captors view them as strategic assets that could provide leverage for
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securing a future cease-fire or other concessions now that fighting has resumed. at least seven americans are prisoners. let's do southern israel and what's going on an then hit northern israel. >> it is feeling like a war zone. you mentioned what is happening in southern israel where the idf has struck 200 terrorist targets within gaza and rockets are coming out of gaza by hamas terrorists across israel as well. southern and central israel including tel aviv in the past couple hours, a barrage of rockets launched them. they were all intercepted. you mentioned a lot of activity on the northern front as well. the iron dome intercepted two launches coming into northern israel from lebanon fired by
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hezbollah terrorists and we actually captured the moment that happened. let's show you that if we can. >> coming from israel going back into lebanon. look at this next video. the idf has confirmed they have struck a terrorist cell in just across the mountain range in lebanon from where we are right now. the idf chief of staff was in northern israel earlier this week saying that when residents return to these evacuated villages where we are, they will have a much improved security situation compared to what they had on october 7th. let's also show you the moment
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that it became clear this temporary cease-fire was over. take a look at these scenes from gaza this morning. i mentioned that the idf has hit over 200 terrorist targets there. they have hit multiple areas, israeli jets did, including this. if we can show you video as the idf dropped leaflets telling palestinians to go to certain evacuation zones. unfortunately, you can see in the video that many of them did not. there is certainly a lot of damage there. also now as the cease-fire is over we know more israeli hostages will not be coming home. over 130 hostages remain in gaza and, of course, right now the idf says they are continuing in their push to eradicate hamas. their goal is not only to get the hostages home but to eliminate any threat coming from
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gaza. back out here live, harris, the white house is backing israel up today as hamas and israel both accused each other of violating the terms of that temporary cease-fire that lasted seven days. and the white house says that israel is correct, hamas violated the terms. idf said hamas refused to release the final 20 female hostages being held in gaza. qatari and american officials are working to negotiate possibly resuming the pause in fighting that we had seen over the past seven days. certainly today it is quite different. send it back to you. >> harris: i have been reading on reuters and associated press today that there is some fighting where you are as well at that northern border with lebanon and you and i have been talking daily that had quieted down and ticking back up. it feels like war all over. >> it certainly has, harris, the
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video, the first one we showed you of those two launches coming from lebanon and then the iron dome intercepting those two launches, we could see that from our vantage point where we are. we're very close to the lebanon border. i mentioned this entire area is evacuated. there are a few people who have stayed but it is certainly not safe here. we have been speaking with idf officials. it is a daily threat on the northern front as well. >> harris: nate foye. appreciate the work you are doing on the ground. stay safe. thank you. >> thank you. >> harris: friends and families of remaining israeli hostages are pleading for their release. noah is among those hostages. 26 years old. university student among those who survived the savage hamas terror attack on the supernova music festival where they were parachuting in. she was kidnapped and taken into gaza. her mother is battling stage four brain cancer and issued a
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a close friend of noa, yan, the news we just learned from our reporter, no more hostages coming home at this point. your reaction. >> yeah, so thank you first of all. i am speaking for all the family and friends. every one of us were hoping that noa would be released in the next few days. she was supposed to be next after the children and the mothers and the older women. but we still stay positive. we stay strong every one of us. it is like in israel -- like the israeli anthem says, hope. so we hope. we are still hopeful and we will still stay optimistic. i think this is the most part about israel. right now we're like a big
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family and each one of us support the family and each other, of course. i am not going to lie. it was disappointing. we all wanted to see noa. we are so close to getting her back to us. i have known noa for 15 years now since we were kids and personally this is the biggest dream that we will ever have is getting her back to her mother and her father. and we remember that we are not to blame, obviously. like you said, hamas was the ones that were -- they were the ones who were behind the attack. israel -- although hamas side were the ones who fired. we aren't afraid and we will stay strong and still believe. >> harris: i just want to interject for just a second because i want to know first of all more about noa and her
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situation. she was at that music festival and if you have learned anything more about her condition. you said she was supposed to be next. how do you know that? was there a list released? >> well no, this is what we think because they actually said first of all children and mothers and older women. and then people were saying on television maybe the next one would be released are younger women. they will be the next in line. but we didn't receive any message officially and we don't know anything about her condition inside. so official last time we heard from noa was the 7th of october from the videos and from the -- this was the last time we actually heard from her. still hoping she is good. >> harris: tell me something about noa so we know who she is.
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>> okay. first of all, noa is a strong person. she is -- always has ambition and always has dreams. she likes to travel. this is one of her dreams is to travel around the world and also to be an engineer. she is studying now about to begin her third year in the university. she likes scuba diving, as you showed. likes being among friends and family. she has a lot of hobbies. we actually, i'm a -- we're looking at some underwater pictures now that have been put because she loved scuba diving
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so much. it seems appropriate to put those pictures and her memory to hang those photos. some with her mom in those as well. we pray with you and we hope with you and we think positive with you. and please give our best to her mother as i know she is battling cancer. god bless you all. thank you. >> thank you so much. >> harris: we'll move to news at home now. vice president kamala harris says, of course she would tell the public if there was an issue with president biden's health. she is a doctor now. so many questions and concerns about biden's age and fitness. but kamala harris says there is nothing to see here. plus the gloves coming off last night in the fox news debate between the governors of florida and california. one of them running for president. all fire aside, was this a taste of what americans really want when it comes to the 2024 race for the white house?
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live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. >> harris: florida governor ron desantis and california governor gavin newsom at the fox news red state/blue state debate last night. >> he has imposed restrictions on his own people while exempting himself from those restrictions. >> ron desantis signed the most extreme anti-apportion bills in america. >> they cleaned everything up. willing to do it for a communist dictator but not his own people. >> he taxes low-income workers more than we tax millionaires and billionaires. >> is joe biden experiencing this cognitive decline? >> yes, he is in decline. gavin newsom agrees but won't say that. he is running a shadow campaign. >> i will take joe biden in 100
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rather than ron desantis. one thing we have in common is neither of us will be the nominee for our party in 2024. >> harris: the "new york post" called it a bit of sun shine. we aren't trapped in the biden/trump rematch. both parties can still choose better options. charlie hurt and richard fowler, both fox news contributors. charlie, i start with you. what do you think about the media's response from those two clips? >> that's pretty remarkable if gavin newsom is a better alternative than joe biden. that says a lot about joe biden. i thought it was an interesting debate and i thought the questions were great. what was remarkable was the lengths that gavin newsom went to to avoid answering the questions. he lied about everything. we don't have time to go through
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examples. the most glare was was the net migration out of california to other states and even mexico. he lies about it and refuses to acknowledge the actual facts that sean hannity very correctly put up on the screen in factual chart form so viewers could see it and gavin newsom can only lie about it and instead attack ron desantis on things about the republican primary or whatever because he doesn't have answers. he can't defend his own record in california. >> harris: first of all, richard. i want you to respond to what charlie just said. >> look, i thought to respond to all of it. i think first you have to think it is a good day for fox and a good day for the country to see two of the top tier conversations about things facing the american people. i would agree with gavin newsom, it is very clear based on the polling, based on all we're
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seeing the desantis campaign seems to be in decline, right? he is very likely not going to be the republican nominee. while he continues to tote many of the policies in the state. he will possibly not be on the ballot in 2024. that's the headline here. >> harris: i want to get your response to what charlie was saying and that was about when you put the facts up, gavin newsom was not telling the truth about the migration out of his state. >> i think that there is a real problem on our southern border and a crisis when it comes to dealing with migrants coming into the country. what gavin said that was right what the governor said was florida isn't a border state dealing with the same level of crisis than texas, new mexico and arizona. >> harris: people wanting the leave the high taxes, the eight plus dollar a gallon gas and all that. it was a simple question. you aren't answering it. kamala harris is still trying,
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our vice president is still trying to defend president biden on the issue of age. just real quickly top thoughts, charlie. >> i think it's not going to get better from here for joe biden and his age problem. kudos to kamala for her trying to defend him but i don't think it will work. >> harris: your thoughts, richard . >> i think we have to zoom out and realize it is likely if it's a trump/biden rematch they are both relatively the same age. >> harris: look how different they are. >> i think what you see in every poll the american people have a problem with both of these candidates at this moment. yet still these are the choices we have and i think there is a lot of folks that have a problem with donald trump like folks have trouble with joe biden and will play out in the november election. >> harris: less than a year ago. democrats say it's more than a year. anyway, i will tell you go. thank you both. good to see you.
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america's crime crisis rages on as the temperature drops, violence rising in one large blue city. sometimes we see it when it's hot in the summer. the crime wave doesn't care about the weather. leaders are moving to unmask the criminals. >> this bill goes a long way with addressing a lingering call tee of life and safety issues that plague cities. ski masks. >> harris: take off your ski mask. will it help or is it just a band-aid? our friend of the program jason rantz in "focus" next. veteran homeowners. are you applying for a car loan? the monthly payments can be expensive. with an affordable home loan from newday, you can pay cash and own the car or truck of your dreams.
8:43 am
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>> harris: if you are in philadelphia, don't wear a ski mask in public places no matter how cold it is. the city just banned them for schools, day-care centers, recreation centers and public transportation with some exceptions for religious reasons. what is driving the ski mask ban. the night of looting where masked people stole from businesses across the city. >> those backing the ski mask ban say for years criminals have used the motto no face, no case.
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knowing if they hid their identity it would be tougher to be caught. the philadelphia city council prohibits ski masks an instead side. those caught wearing a mask face a $250 fine up to $2 thousand if a mask is worn while a crime is dmit committed. they've seen an uptick in people wearing masks committing crimes. police released video of people looting several stores wearing masks. dozens were later arrested. opponents of the ban arguing that it will be selectively enforced leading to mistrust between police and the community. >> i can't in good conscience vote for something that i feel would further criminalize and marginalize young black men in our city.
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>> they hope the ban will help solve crimes including several recent shootings committed by people wearing ski masks. >> can't figure out who it is because they wear a bunch of masks and they can't do anything about it. reality is we have allowed for basic principles of safety to go unarrested. >> the bill has exceptions for lawful things such as protests. he is ready to re-evaluate if changes need to be made to fight against bad actors. it is headed to the mayor's desk and signed into law next week. >> harris: i want people to remember this if the government decides to mandate masks. we'll point to this. thank you very much. jason rantz, seattle radio host and author of what is killing america, a great book, you need to pick it up. so jason, no ski masks.
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>> so symbolically i suppose i like this. but it is not going to do anything. specifically we're looking at images on the screen right now. those kids who were wearing the masks going in were not breaking the law according to this new ban. now, if they put on the ski mask while taking the bus or any sort of transit on the way, okay, i suppose they were. the idea that all of a sudden we will get these kids. that's not what's going to happen. it sends a message the city of philadelphia is going to take this considerably more seriously. i do like the idea that if you are, in fact, caught while wearing a mask breaking the law that you will get hit with an additional penalty. i think that can be a little more of a disincentive. at the end of the day you don't have enough cops to enforce the law and a prosecutor who won't enforce the law and you won't catch these kids wearing a mask until the moment they break the law.
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>> harris: it is indicative how wild and out of control things have gotten in the criminal lane for this particular city and some other blue cities across the country. so if they've gotten to this point, why don't they identify the people who aren't masking? we have riot situations, all sorts of things happen. and we're told when we ask why was only one person arrested? clearly you can see who some of these people are with or without a mask ban. >> yeah, generally when you do end up making any of these arrests you realize they are prolific criminals. not the first time they decided to break the law. what you have and the council member made the point i think it will be selectively targeting black men. why would that be the case unless you are telling me only black men are the ones wearing masks and breaking the law? it's a weirdly racist position she is taking. the fact of the matter is it's true, if you are wearing one of these masks you are likely breaking the law. not on a ski slope. >> harris: good point.
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critics are going after brown university's president. she was caught omitting all references to jewish students on campus during a recent speech. christina packson spoke at a vigil. she mentioned the right to wear a star of david orr a she made no mention of the jewish wear. a university spokesperson on cleanup duty. that's a big job issuing this statement to the national review. she began to abbreviate the remarks with the hope of being able to finish. not unusual for there to be some deviation between remarks as prepared and delivered and certainly that was the case here given the disruption. that was a quote. we reached out for a statement. but we haven't heard back yet.
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jason. >> oops, i just happened to by complete coincidence omit everything related to judaism. omitted the star of david because the idea of a jew being on campus is a trigger to anti-seamites who see us as sub human. she is sending a message that jews don't matter what people are chanting for the end ever israel either denying the terrorist attack that took place october 7th or justifying it. it is so disgusting the message this sends. i say this a little emotionally. yesterday i was -- i watched the 47 minutes of the idf footage of the terrorist attacks. there was a screaming here for members of the media. it is very, very difficult to sit through. and as i was watching the videos of unthinkable evil i couldn't help but think about the oakland city council public hearing and those loon particulars who stood up and denied that it occurred or told us that it was completely justified. that the murders that i saw took
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place on this video of children, of men and women completely innocent. that somehow that is justified because you sort of lobbed onto some silly settler cologne allism buzz word that you don't understand. as i see that and i was watching it. i will never be able to forget the images. hearing the cries of the women who were screaming right before their death or the children who saw their father die right in front of them. it is unthinkable what happened on october 7th. and we are still living in a world in this country we're living here where people think it's okay. where people are celebrating on the streets every single weekend. every single weekend cheering on the intifada. it is disgusting. >> harris: jason, i'm sorry you had to see it and any part of it
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that you would see certainly 47 minutes of it is what some of the hostages have said they've been showing the children. some of those who have been released, their families are starting to talk about that. can you even imagine as adults as seeing that versus children? it's torture. i'm sorry it happened and i know you are hurting. my friend, i pray for you and everybody. all of us, all of our souls. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." "outnumbered" after the break. i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief.
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