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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  December 1, 2023 9:00am-10:01am PST

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>> emily: hello, everyone, this is "outnumbered," i'm emily compagno with my co-host kayleigh mcenany and joining us today kennedy saves the world podcast host kennedy, fox news contributor tammy bruce and "fox and friends" weekend co-host pete hegseth. ron desantis and gavin newsom stood face-to-face in the great red vs blue state debate. two of the nation's most outspoken governors, joined sean hannity in georgia and duked it out on issues and gave almost complete opposite perspect on border to president biden's job performance and after years of social media taunting, the two did not hold back when they squared off. >> governor desantis: i was talking to a fellow who moved from california to florida and
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he was telling me florida is better governed, safer, better budget, lower tacks and all this stuff and he was happy with the quality of life. he paused, by the way, i'm gavin newsom father-in-law, we count gavin's inlaws as people that left california. >> i can handle it, you're nothing, but a bully, intimidating people. >> governor desantis: california has freedoms other states don't. you have the freedom to defecate in public in california, freedom to pitch a tent on sunset boulevard, freedom to set up a tent under a bridge and set it on fire. >> governor newsom: neither of us will be the nominee for our party in 2024. >> governor desantis: we have to get real, biden has no business running for president and gavin newsom agrees with that, that is why he's running his shadow
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campaign. >> governor newsom: i will take joe biden 100 versus ron desantis at any age. >> emily: kayleigh, an explosive evening to be sure. two points you said, two moments that inlaw moment and governor desantis holding up that open the book map of san francisco flooded with feces and saying this is what happens under governor newsom's watch. what were your thoughts on the whole thing? >> kaylee: two huge moments for governor desantis, we were texting about how exciting the debate was, great job by sean hannity to put up the facts with sourcing, cdc, bureau of labor and statistics. you couldn't go against the facts and gavin newsom tried dochlt we have a facts prospect or messaging problem? in press, you can't solve the facts problem, you solve the messaging problem.
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gavin newsom, single best messenger in the democratic party unable to package the rotting pile of facts before him because california is in a state of failure. i gave him a c. he came across sharp. he still came across convincing to a certain segment of the population. if not trying to unseat joe biden. if not coming in 2024, coming in '28. what an effective moment when sean hannity, model for the whole of the republican party, asked him and did not let him back away, do you want restrictions on abortion in seventh, eighth or ninth month? these are full-term babies, he would not say there should be a single restriction on killing a full-term baby. every american needs to watch that, abortion is an an achilles
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heel. >> emily: as stinky as newsom's policy has been, rot california has suffered, he's in a shiny package and last night a lot of people felt he was delivering in a successful, effective way and that ron desantis, while having a practical approach and outlines why policies were effective was diluting, how do you feel both of them were or were not successful in that messaging component that many americans might have been seeing for the first time? >> pete: that's the thing, he's a made for tv candidate. he is comfortable in his own skin and kellyanne conway made the phrase alternate facts famous, he perfected idea of alternate facts last night. he would look at what was on the screen from the cdc, not true. not true. let me tell you instead.
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as matter of substance, of course governor desantis was the victor. if you don't trust the facts, he spun and spun and spun again, that shows you why he is such a politician. what sean hannity did at the beginning is what the media should do. he stood and said, you know where i stand, i'm conservative, this is my view, but i will present the facts and have a debate that doesn't represent mice opinion. what in nbc or abc did that, i'm liberal, i will try to debate. they say, no, i'm the middle ground and they never are. well done by sean. >> emily: let's talk about a moment between the two for a moment focusing on the border. take a watch. >> tammy: sure. >> this is a guy that says the biden administration is not lying to the public about the border, they go to the white house briefing room everyday and say the border is secure.
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they are lying to you. >> governor newsom: i'm the only guy here that is border straight governor. you want to outtrump trump. >> emily: what say you? >> tammy: it is word salad, he is like kamala harris, this is what you have to be when the facts are against you. it is like a magic trick, you have to distract people so they don't see what is going on under that cup. he is kamala harris, this is what democrats offer people, a lot of noise, some sound, but same time, this is important talking about facts and this is what i think ron desantis did very well with. he was prepared, it was smooth, but also authentic, genuine guy, somewhat imperfect and americans can determine immediately if you're dealing with a sharp, slimy guy and the two can go together or someone who and they learn this from trump, someone who may be kind of like shocking you a little bit, but he means
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it. you know he's serious and consistent. this was valuable for desantis and for the republicans to learn this, that it is not about not being gavin newsom, we saw ron desantis last night, as well, and the border is key. every state is a border state, he's not the only one and certainly florida is. there is water at one part of that dynamic of a border state, americans now with our lives in a free fall, the economy in a free fall, the world at war, jews being attacked, maybe we don't need the smart-looking guy who is greasy with the hair and has the smart look and head swivel and grin, enough already. >> emily: fascinating kennedy, tammy brought up kamala and a moment between the two where kamala was brought up, take a watch. >> joe biden is in the pocket of the teachers union and so is kamala harris, that is why
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they -- >> governor newsom: it is not kamala harris, shame on you, it's kamala, kamala harris, madam vice president to you. kamala harris. stop insulting. >> kennedy: kamala harris, shame on you for that? pronunciation is not top of mind for most americans, they are curious to see what relative covid deaths were, they were identical and curious to see what tax rates were in california versus florida, they are higher in california and to all your points, gavin newsom was like, taxes are lower in california thachl is a falsehood, one of the main reasons people leave, they pay too much in personal taxes and sales taxes and get taxed out of the state. he was confronted with crime statistics. yeah, crime is lower now than it was in the '90s, okay, take the
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deadly oast period in california history, how about compared to two years ago or five years ago. violent crime in that state is unsustainable. he tried to flip it back to gavin newsom and say, in orlando, you had high murder rate. yeah, we fired the da in trouble some parts of the state, i hope people watching, especially people on the fence, i hope independents saw what gavin newsom offered was propaganda and lies. this is first time we had substantive debate between two national candidates when we had all data and information, that made this incredibly important, this was battle of philosophy, we did not get in 2020, we did not have enough space between covid and reality. >> emily: i think about and worry about everything that gavin newsom said was a talking point that has been polished and
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shines and gleans and shines, i wonder if that will be amplified however, everything everyone said was truth versus falsehood and main-stream media perpetuate falsehoods he delivered in a gleaming package, i hope the media picks up what is true and not from last night. coming up, so much more, including biden administration shifting stance on israel's war effort and some believe in fear, they may abandon israel entire ly. introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management. [city ambience sounds] [car screech] [car door slam] [camera shutter sfx] introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. [camera shutter sfx] he thinks his flaky,
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>> kayleigh: the ceasefire between israel and hamas is over, black smoke rising there.
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you see it there. hamas continues airstrikes. it appears biden administration is looking to step away, surprise, surprise. "washington post" reporting what began as bear hug strategy of intense backing by president biden is one u.s. officials facing growing blowback have distanced themselves from israeli tactics. they are under intense political pressure. defensive demom rase mark dubowitz writing, biden administration is setting the stage to abandon israel. it is deteriorating into you don't have our support unless you can dismantle hamas quickly with little civilian casualty. that is impossible. times of israel, this is what
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antony blinken said in a private meeting. gallant says the entire israeli society is behind dismantling hamas, even if it takes months. blinken said, i don't think you have credit for that. that is as if 3000 americans died on 9/11 and israel said we don't have the credit while they are finding tunnels under children's beds and going into hospitals and finding weapons. >> pete: it is absolutely absurd and this is how hamas fights and who hamas is. we have seen it on display. vets spent two decades overseas knowing the depth of depravity to kill crusader, westerner.
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prime minister netanyahu says his statement of hamas will be eradicating, i believe him, that is what israel should do, down to the last of them including leaders in qatar. use that phrase, bear hug, a bear hug can go one way and the other way, you can strangle somebody with a bear hug, they will keep squeezing and squeezing, that has been instinct of this white house from the beginning, maybe joe has warm fuzzies for israel from the past. staffers and everybody in the white house are in the pro-palestinian and blinken at front end of that. you want to push a two-state solution? with who? who is in charge? terror state and now time to sweep in. it is upside down. >> kayleigh: your point about political lens, take a look at headlines. "washington post," white house grapples with internal division on israel and gaza. "new york times," biden navigates division over gaza inside the white house and
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beyond. the pressure on biden is coming because young voters are fleeing him, muslim voters are fleeing him and political pressure to bring voters home before november. >> emily: it shows how fickle the president has been, if he actually felt ideologically devoted and sound, 50 years meant anything, he would have stood firm from the beginning, this is showing his true colors, a, susceptible to pressure and b not being forward-thinking leader. obama is worse. it is afraid of escalation and fear of escalation has meant we have aligned our interest thus with the likes of hamas and the likes of russia because in the fear of escalation when we piecemeal support to ukraine, regardless how you feel, we said
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ukraine will support you. we will give you little bits and you can't defend yourself in this way from russia and do it in a timely fashion. it draws everything out and makes them unable to be successful. it is a slap in the face to our greatest ally and furthers interest of hamas because of our fear of escalation, we are stocking global condemnation of israel and not supporting them in ability to defend themselves because we're joining that course, limit this, don't do this, instead of saying we support you, come hell or high water and israel is like, we don't need you at all, we just need you to support us silently instead of getting into global affairs. hamas is laughing we are the greatest leaders and condemning israel ability to defend themselves. >> kayleigh: hamas is violating international law, i want to play this, kennedy, they are
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violating international law in not allowing red cross to see the hostages. ruby has a 19-year-old son who is a hostage, listen to what she says. according to international law, t international red cross has permanent mandate to visit hostages. the mission statement of the international red cross to protect lives and dignity of victims and conflict and violence and provide them with assistance. when you look at budget of the international red cross, 25% comes from u.s. taxpayers. i am a u.s. taxpayer, why is it international red cross has not visited my son and other hostages that require immediate medical attention. ruby deserves to see his son or have the red cross check on him.
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>> kennedy: we deserve to know who is alive, who perished or been tortured to death. the families are stuck in the hardest place of all. obviously they want their family members to be among the 110 released during the ceasefire and when fighting starts up again, their hearts have to sink, but they want more than anyone to send members of hamas to hell. and they are in the most difficult position of all. to your point, i don't think the president has foreign policy, i really don't. i think he is fickle and spineless and you are seeing this. he will try and placate israelis with words, but sends blinken with different action that feels they are being offered by rashida tlaib and ilhan omar. that makes it even harder for these families in the united
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states. >> no doubt. >> tammy: this whole problem with the biden administration and those advising him, no moral footing. we see it emerging, no moral sense of what is right, which is when leadership matters. they are placating to certain voters or voting blocks and that is when you get lost. you have to stand up, israel played their part and got rid of in syria and iraq, nuclear power plants and things, saving the world. israel knows what it is doing, this is sdlbt deliberate and cannot be a suicide pact and israel knows that and they need to move forward, west civilization and humanity is at stake. >> kayleigh: house makes history, george santos, sixth member of congress to be expelled and we'll bring you
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>> emily: house of representative voting to expel new york republican george santos, sixth house member in u.s. history to ever be kicked out of congress by vote from peers. the house ethics committee found the freshman engaged in campaign fraud to fund his expensive lifestyle. he will face charges next year, he entered not guilty to all of them. he was seen leaving the house floor for what may be the last time. some said he stormed out saying to hell with this play. 311 votes in favor of expulsion and 114 against it thachl is quite a statement, pete hegseth. >> pete: yeah, i want to know when the vote is for swalwell
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and menendez. funding lavish lifestyle, that is like washington, d.c. this guy has been a sham artist for a long time, this is classic republicans, so many other things you should be doing. he is not running for reelect, this is time being spend. >> tammy: americans want to see people being held accountable for being liars, jerks, criminals, this guy has been embarrassment, first gay person elected for republicans, how dare he manipulate voters with lies. only thing true about him, is that he wakes up in the morning. he was not expelled for being a liar. he called report theater, that is what he understands, things that are not going to project about things that are not true.
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he has an opportunity to find the truth for himself, his own truth. we are better off in this regard and republicans can keep themselves organized so they don't need to worry about losing the liar out of the house, i'm thrilled, good riddance. you interviewed him, what are your thoughts? >> kennedy: i will miss him. he couldn't tell the truth to save his life. i asked him if he had only fans account because i heard he could peel bananas with his feet, he was taking funds and paying for only fans accounts and i hope rashida tlaib and ilhan omar didn't vote to expel him, if they did, it is fair game for anyone who lied and is unethical to be booted out of congress. i don't have a problem, i would like to see more of it.
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>> emily: do you see this as heartening it might set a precedent for everyone else to be held accountable also? >> kayleigh: when you have -- yes, this could set a precedence, this is vote of the american people, we are pushing that away when we expel a congressman, even for bad actors like this. let's hope expulsion but not conviction does not become normalized as political weapon and is it worse to be liar or someone who perpetuates political talking points? why not rashida tlaib who tweets from the river to the city and advocates for genocide. >> emily: quick moment to respond, it removed power from the american people at the ballot box.
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>> pete: point, tough gate to get over two-thirds, this does set a precedence, you will not get enough votes from democrats to get rid of rashida tlaib ever. >> emily: so much more to come, including this, a little kid wrapping violent and sexual lyrics shocks social media and raises questions about media bias, we'll tell you why in just a moment. woo hoo! ensure max protein 30 grams protein, one gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients for immune health. (♪)
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veteran homeowners, do you know what's taking a big bite out of family budgets? car loans. get a newday 100 va cash out loan. own your car and have no more monthly car payments. >> kayleigh: new, unbelievable viral video of a little boy's disturbing rap song is shocking social media. clip shows the boy rapping sexually and violent lyrics,
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listen for yourself. [rapping] [bleeping] >> kayleigh: oh, my, that is nine-year-old boy who goes by lil rt. he has 950,000 monthly listeners on spotify and most popular song has 4 million streams. to think i worry about netflix, here is nine-year-old boy saying i'm going to bleep that bleep. >> kennedy: it was like listening to morse code. i felt like world war ii navy movie. reminds me when i recited lyrics at my talent show and i'm not proud of it, happy there were no smart phones. totally unsurprising, this comes down to the kid's parents.
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they see him the way joe jackson saw michael jackson, walking, tiny paycheck. he is a lyrical miracle. >> kayleigh: he has a great voice, i wish he would use it in a different way. >> tammy: i don't know how you can tell, you see the adult standing next to him encouraging him and we're worrying about how people react to rape used as weapon of war. 950,000, that is huge. social media dynamic elevates something that shouldn't be. >> kennedy: dough boy said, y'all little nine year old kids talk just like that on them call of duty mics, maybe both are bad. >> pete: makes me feel gross. to your point, it makes me feel better as a parent, we wrap
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ourselves in a pretzel thinking, can my kid watch this and you see this, he's not doing that, horrible for that kid and our country. he probably doesn't even know what he is saying, nine year olds don't know what they are saying, what you do is forging a soul. it is dehumanizing things they have no business talking about at nine. >> emily: what is wrong with our society? i agree with you, the child doesn't know what he's doing or been susceptible to mass influence thchl is more disturbing reflection of where society is and where our music industry is if money is invested into that and 950,000 people listen to him, what does that
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say about the entertainment industry now? for those that argue racial component that people adultifiy certain people of certain races, that is what we're seeing right there and same time 17 year olds and 13 year olds go on murder sprees. this society is sick, that is illustration of such. i don't think it is his fault, i think his life is ruined partially. >> pete: media been talking about some kid who wore face paint to a chiefs game and he's the problem, what about this? >> emily: this nine year old i'm going to bleep that bleep, leave to the viewers to decide if that is appropriate. more "outnumbered" in a moment. e like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card.
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>> israel resumes military operations in hamas, will hamas release more hostages? how long will president biden stand with israel? we have the latest from the battle zone. mystery respiratory virus in china may have landed on american shores, we'll have marc siegel just ahead and liz truss is making moment of increased
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war, the world needs ronald reagan and margaret thatcher. join us for "america reports" at the top of the hour, see you then. ♪ ♪ >> emily: welcome back, time for in case you missed it. thank goodness a doctor was around. senator rand paul had to use the heimlich maneuver on joni ernst. can't help but choke on woke policies dems are forcing down our throats, thanks dr. paul. kennedy, it is funny and humorous now, that could have been serious and thank goodness
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for dr. paul in that moment. >> kennedy: he's strong, swift, competent, he's a man of the future. >> emily: sounds like a tender profile. >> pete: i want to know what was for lunch. rocky mountain oysters. thank god. >> tammy: reminder for the american people, things can change in a moment and it can be just happenstance or luck you escape from something, take nothing for granted, everything matters. >> kayleigh: joni ernst says she will vote for whatever paul wants to. eric schmitt has had to the heimlich maneuver.
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throw down. woman who through her burrito bowl at an employee, the woman charged with assault and judge sentenced her to 180 days in jail, but said he would give her 60 days credit if she worked 20 hours per week for two months, she agreed and said she will be getting a fast food job. the punishment shall fit the crime and that person should understand what it takes to be in food service, not always a happy place. she was the other end of. >> kayleigh: according to business insider, she apologized in court and reiterated she was unsatisfied with her order. the judge said this is not the real housewives of apartmenta. >> emily: doesn't matter, you don't throw the bowl at the
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employee. >> tammy: there is this thing now where people don't see repercussions, i would want to see where she is working, i don't know what would happen behind the scenes. there are things on instagram, feet in the food. and they get fired, it is scary these days. >> pete: i was going to chipotle, after this, now i don't know. i don't understand the instinct, i don't like my order, i will throw it at you. it is the right sentence, love it. >> emily: justice, up next, unusual opening statement at a trial. his lawyer detailed the rapper's difficult upbringing, he told the court young thug's nickname has a spiritual meaning. watch. >> it was his path, if he could
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make it as musical artist and help himself, his family and as many others out of this endless cycle of hopelessness, he would be truly humble under god, that is what thug means. >> emily: if it does, call me thug, too. >> kennedy: right, the judge sentenced him to become a rapper with lil rt, you have a christmas album coming out, exciting stuff. >> emily: i can't even. >> kayleigh: his sister tweeted it last december. swag, someone who admires god, he has a history, i believe this, call me gullible and hi to whoever is behind me. >> tammy: maybe the border is
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closed, i don't know what to believe anymore. >> pete: and taxes are lower in california than florida. >> emily: if you believe this, i have a beachfront property to sell you. george strait. loud crunchy sound of doritos could be a thing of the past, doritos silent in response to rage at zoom calls where people eat on it. doritos silence and crunch software that removes sound of chewing so your ears are spared that hideous crunch. watch. ♪ [crunching sound] >> oh, no, no, no. ♪ ♪
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>> emily: okay, i'm sorry, i was enthralled with the mission impossible. amazing. point is, it is supposed to remove the crunch or why don't people not chew crunchers. >> pete: business zoom calls, moment for the mute button, which brings it to probably where this massive problem is more prevalent. how good do we have life? crunching of doritos is our problem and we have a whole algorithm for that. >> emily: buy more doritos to be sure if the noise cancellation works. mcdonalds is retooling some favorites. brian kilmeade suffers from agony of he's tortured when he hears people chew. >> pete: absolutely, can't chew
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gum around him. >> tammy: that is diagnosable thing. >> pete: a lot to diagnose about brian. >> tammy: it allows them, the cruncher who does not use the software to control everyone with crunching. >> emily: like the ketchup, great gimmick, does it work? will it work? >> kayleigh: i don't know, they surveyed 500 people and found 5000 crunch sounds, maybe five, but 5000? we'll ask brian kilmeade. >> kennedy: all eat doritos in front of him. >> kayleigh: poor guy. >> tammy: great marketing. >> emily: i was riveted. a plus and a plus for you watching. stay with us, we'll be back in a mo moment.
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>> former supreme court justice, iconic american trailblazers, sandra day o'connor has passed a way. from complications of dementia and she was a leader in arizona in 1973, 1981, president reagan nominated her to the supreme court. she was confirmed by a vote of 99-0 to become the first woman to serve on the highest court in the land. she retired from the court in 2006. that same year, arizona state university named the law school after her, the first woman to have her name attached to a law school. she was 93 years old. emily, when president reagan nominated her, he called her truly a person for all seasons, possessing unique quality of
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fairness, intellectual capacity and devotion to the public good. >> she was an incredible woman and an incredible justice. i have to point out one case in particular that i really appreciate and hudson verse mcmillan, 1992, cruel and unusual punishment and beatings of inmates while they are incarcerated, thanks to her, you didn't have to suffer serious jer for cruel and unusual punishment and appreciate that many reasons. the precedence it set given you would have had to necessitate proving such serious injury to have that effect, but also when you contrast that with the mental health component in a lot of important cases where the mental health of, for example, kidnapping an entire school bus because there were no injuries from the mental health at that time, then those guys got off
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free and that's thanks to governor newsom's father, who was a judge at the time, and impact on jurisprudence and the country will be forever affected. >> kennedy, she could not get a job when she graduated law school because of her gender, goes on to be the first supreme court justice, a female. >> the head wind she faced professionally and personally and she persevered. the death also highlights we have a lot more work to do in terms of dementia and alzheimer's research and hopefully in her memory that will blossom. >> right after the diagnosis nothing has diminished my gratitude for the countless blessings of my life. >> she was a woman, and also the right person for the job. may god rest her soul. >> thanks to everyone. here is "america reports".


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