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tv   The Five  FOX News  December 1, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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>> jesse: i am jesse watters along with judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr., sandra smith and will cain, it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ ron desantis and gavin newsom throwing down in the epic red versus blue state debate on "hannity" the governor's talking trash for months and finally getting the chance to hammer each other's record face- face-to-face. it's because they taxed too much, they regulate too much, they have a political agenda, they have lost a lot of companies. >> a 21 state population combined, the fifth largest economy in the world. >> he had the kids locked out of school because of the teachers union, that's having a generational impact. speak of the last guy you want to talk to on the interview is immigration. >> lying to migrants promising them jobs and housing, sending them to an island, martha's vineyard prince because this is where they plop the human that are found on the
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streets of san francisco. >> jesse: also taking some vicious personal shots at each other. >> i can handle it, i'm used to bullies coming you are nothing but a bewley. >> trying to mask the failures. >> you are trying to play political gain so that you can out tromp trump, and by the way, how's that going for you, ron? who are down 41 points in your own home state. >> he is throwing stuff out to see what sticks against the wall, this is a slick slippery politician. >> i will take joe biden add a hundred versus ron desantis any day of the week at any age. >> jesse: trading jabs over their future political ambitions. >> when are you going to drop out and at least give nikki haley a shot to take down donald trump and the nomination? she laid you out. >> you will not admit it. >> all right, gentlemen. >> i don't know how much i can say this, he is making it up with the shadow campaign.
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>> what they want to do is take the california model and do that nationally. >> there is one thing in closing that we have in common is neither of us will be the nominee for our party in 2024. >> jesse: judge jeanine pirro, i want you to get this off your chest. >> judge jeanine: he is a mean-spirited petty guy. [laughter] obviously greasy gavin, that's my new name for him. the thing that i have found most offensive was one that really did not have a lot to do a substance is when he interrupted ron when he was talking about joe biden and the teachers union and kamala harris. any inter-update, i don't know if we have that sound, guys, where he says by the way, it's not kamala harris, it's -- it's madame vice president to you. stop a insulting the woman. i mean, talk about petty. but then the thing is that every time they brought up the
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statistics the senses, the cdc, he made -- sean hannity made gavin newsom the liar that he has. the taxes in california, that too we leave in california, and then telling people that you have created jobs because you are allowing them to return to the jobs that you locked them out of unconstitutionally during the lockdown is a straight out lie. so the bottom line is, here is a guy who destroyed the city of san francisco, became the governor of the state of california, now he has destroyed this state of california wants to be president of the united states. i think that people saw him hurry petty slimy guy. >> jesse: did he win on style or substance or neither? >> harold: good to see will and sandor at the table, a couple of things, i thought both of them did well last night. i thought some of the facts as it relates to mr. ron desantis states, he was able to get some
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of those things out around covid and taxes that i thought that governor newsom was able to get a lot of things out about his state. i do think some of the numbers around the people that have moved there and jobs being created we don't get the full picture and i thought the both of them tried to share that vision. we do not get a real vision -- we did not understand how it would translate to making president. i thought sean did a great job of making sure this was about the states -- giving both of the governors an opportunity whose states have been in the spotlight rightly so after enduring covid, but how they responded and what resilience either economy is showing. so i thought that was positive, now to your question about the style, i thought that governor newsom, who is a good-looking guy and presents well and presents in a strong way found his better of governor desantis and some of those exchanges, because he for whatever reason seem to be a little bit more prepared, where i thought governor desantis was prepared was he countered
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with substance many times and i thought that in many ways allowed the counter and the balance to be struck. but i thought that two most telling and revealing a memorable lines, we showed one of them where he said neither of us will be the nominee in 2024. i think that sandra reacted a little bit and republicans have to realize from a point of a national level, this issue of women's health and reproductive rights and abortion as we simply call it, this issue is not going away. and i think at the national party is unable and republicans are unable to get a better answer than what's governor desantis gave last night, i think it's going to be hard. >> judge jeanine: at least he gave an answer. >> harold: i won't quarrel on that, but i can look at what the voters are saying in three weeks ago even kentucky and ohio, two republican states voters said that abortion was a big issue for them. so overall i get them both be pluses, patriotic and passionate, and other will be the nominee.
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>> will: i'm concerned, because i think that gavin newsom is a very effective, prolific, easy, sociopathic liar. and i think that he does an excellent job of lying. i think ron desantis won the debate because he had reality and facts on a side, but gavin newsom would have you believe last night that they california, economy is booming. people are moving from florida to california, that it is the most open state during covid, he would have you believe a completely false reality that i do think ron desantis was capable of pushing back on, but gavin newsom does it with such ease and i'm not concerned with people that already like desantis or trump voters, not even concerned with gavin newsom voters or joe biden voters, i am concerned with casual news watcher, casual voters and all they see is that slick authority. i don't know if it's true or not, but at some stat that is possible to parse, full of numbers into your point, judge, full of moralizing as well, how
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would you dare demean lgbt community, they are still alive, random stat 3,000 books and then moralized about the meaning people in the casual viewer might just walk away from that slick presentation going, that guy sounds like he knows what he's talking about. >> sandra: that's why it's a bait and ron desantis showed up with facts. when you present facts like gas prices almost five bucks in california, just over $3 in florida, you look at the economy in florida, much different situation, you got people paying $5,400 per capita taxes over 10,000 in california, you have the deficit soaring in california $31 billion florida is running a surplus of over 17 billion. yet this population migration which is really easy for someone like ron desantis to fall back on. and i think we all heard it multiple times, but 454,000 people left florida between
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2021-2022. 750,000 left california and went to florida, perhaps the line of the night was a story that hook, line, and sinker, ron desantis brought up and he was talking to a gentleman who fled california from florida that happened to be gavin newsom's father-in-law, the timing on that was pretty spectacular, who won the night? voters will certainly decide, the american public will decide. i think that there were some really interesting substantive moments and we all win for this conversation happening in the first place, for this debate even happening, kudos to sean hannity, great job. i think where some really substantive debates and i think people learn something about each person, each governor. >> jesse: kudos to sean and harold ford jr. who said that gavin newsom was handsome. and i respect your bravery for coming out and saying that. >> harold: are you trying to say something? >> jesse: you said i love you. >> harold: i love you more. >> jesse: dirty democrats got busted censoring conservatives
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despite the fact that itt has been repeatedly described as a right wing conspiracy. we found evidence of suppression on both >> sandra: but the democratser were not concerned about government pushing censorship. >> just first amendment say that the government can t censor.imtl they are flagging on the social mediaem companies. o >> 35% of the first amendment -- >>is it's not the first amendme, terms of service as you said and they are flagging it foiar the social media companiem toak make their own decisions. that is not to thet first amendment, thaamt is the terms of service. >> sandra: congressman dan goldman was not on there, he now claims that hunter biden laptop isn't real. >> you have no idea, you know hard drives. >> are you suggesting they are participating in a conspiracy for constructing the contents of the hunter biden >> no, sir, the problem is that
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hard drives can be altered. there is actual evidence of it, but -- >>iani. who you are engaged in e conspiracy? >> sandra: jesse, are you concerned about what you just heard? >> jesse: i am, big brother used to just want to listen to us, now they want to tape our mouths shut, 35% of our mouths, what do you imagine if this was uta speech tax? that's what it feels like. i get to say 65% of what i i think, but the government gets to take the rest? no, no, no. and i'm not saying that thet governmentsa is into tyranny, bt i think they aret comfortable with it, because they've already censored and gagged and arrested donald trump, they are trying to replace me with a robot, they are tryingo re to boycott our companies, so at a certain point it makes me think, they are not. into democracy, because the best part about democracy is we arevi giving these politicians power ngto represent us, we are not giving them power over us.av
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they work for us. we have power over them. in the supreme court made it the clear, the constitution has made it clear, you can't abridge free speech, and the democrats are out on live television saying let's go! this is crazy, they are calling at this information but it'sin actually just g a conversation e are al l having. we used to have a great conversation, and the colonial times he would have these publishing houses that woulddicu print ridicule against the church or slavery or the cane and it would have this great conversation and then we had tel television and then they had these tv license three media corporations, and now we just haveicen the internet, so thee governmentth can just go through the backdoor of the internet and hit kill switches. no, that's why i'm going to start street preaching. >> sandra: we look forward to that.d thjudge, are you concerned thiss happening more and more? and and to matt's point, on bothudge
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sides? speed on what these people are saying is that the government has the ability to skehewsp americans views based upon their owewrican politics.nd and what they are talking about is the 2019 and 2020 during the presentational won presidential election we saw it happen, we saw the heads of the fbi and our intelligence community say, you know, that the laptop was russian disinformation, but what was most concerning was that they said it wassian not just ie united states with the fbi, the cia, homeland security, that it was with the u.k. as well. and if you think back in 2016, who did hillary clinton go to to get to russian disinformation on donald trump? she went to christopher steele who was rista spy in the u.k., o it's not just in the united states, it is with our so-called partners inai great britain. but thisn. guy dan goldman is dangerous, because he thinks that taking away 35% of
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free speech is okay because he is couching it as the terms of the company, which is nonsense, it is b.s. and he is saying that that laptop is really -- that hard drive may not be legitimate, that it may have been manipulated because it might've been manipulated. well, there might be martians up there watchinglate us right nowt because it may be does not mean that it is, and unless you show , actual manipulation, you canny trouy to con the american public into thinkinic tg that that hard drive is notth a real hard driva especially when hunter biden admitted it wards his. >> sandra: and denying my laptop, did that surprise you by the representative of congress? >> judge jeanine: it did adi little bit. i love exchanges like this, with the four congressional oversight committees, because i think when you get two smart people with fact-based argumentspl going bak an, thd forth, they were yelline got a little noisy, but it was
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informative noisy, substantive noisy and i think that shellenberger, at least what i saw got the better of congressman golden, and by thema substance of what they wern,eof wdebating. every 15, 20 years coming us to be every 30, 40, we would go isthrough episodes where we were really probe and want to understand and examine how hogovernment might be pressuring individuals or institutions to say certaisan things are not sayingwe certain things, we sout in the civil rights era where people were eavesdropped on, because we thought they would be threats to the country as they were fighting for people'snd freedoms, and it's at balance of everl y calibration comes every5 ten, 15, 20 years, and in that sense we will get a big one next year is the court takes up these case which will determine what are the limits of the government can exert on companies or individuals and asking them to regulate or for that matter tame or expend their speech, if these allegations are right that theeh government -- and it seems like some of them
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are, that the government was in the business of trying to tell themss o what to do were tryingo tell them what information was okay and what information is permissible, that's wrong andan i'm glad that the hearing isak taken place anind these are the oversight efforts of thewh americanet people deserve, whetr you agree wie or disagree we she agree that no one's right to speak whether i agree with you or disagree with you should beli infringeked upon because i don't like what you're saying. >> i ayingm supportive of last,h becauseae i appreciate how you said over time it might've been ideologically, there could've been a time wherideoe the rights the one -- >> i'm just saying it -- >> but here is what i think it>> think is undefeatable right now, the regime of censorship in this country in the current modern moment of americans being driven wholeheartedly by the left openly and in this hearing, democrats are now the party ofhr censorship, maybe one day that will not bmocre the case emma bt
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that is certainly the case and we know the news that the biden administrationsu is pressuringri you to take peoplef any hesitancy about the vaccinen when demand toe supply to taket down in 2021. and by the way, the left as an ideology generally does notfree embrace the free speech to the same level as thh e rightal globallyly, but look at the u.k, at look at europe, canada i am offended by what you say there are four i should be able to shut you up. hal the only defense for thisch country which is the hallmark o free speech in the world as the americanght. right, i'm not sayi trust him for here to eternity, but as a proponent of free speech i do know this, if you have faith, if you need this part of the american experiment to last, you need the american right to believeast, this. i will watch them like a hawk, but the left, harold, is lost, gone, they believe in censorship, not theorsh
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first amendment. >> judge jeanine: so said the court on its way to the supreme court. that is a circuit court of appeals has ruled that that's the case. >> harold: no one has a monopoly on stupidity orst encroaching on people's rights, the left needs to be calibrated, but i will remind you that just a year ago we had a speechti conversation abouton whether peoplele s should be able to teh certain things in class and people said no, i don't want that, they thought theirth free speech rights were being infringed upon, i'm saying let's let it all out there and have this debate that happen beforeth congress, you are right, what the left has done is wrong and it should be corrected, i don't care if it's a rider or the left integrating it good >> i appreciate rig that. and i believe in free speech, even the speech that i hate, and i'm terrified for the future of the phasede sp amendment. >> go rangers.t it's big i knew your jump on the bandwagon. >> sandra: up next,s. george santos getting thrown out of congress and it could be a
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if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: congress getting even more chaotic. republican george santos becoming the six the lawmaker ir history to be expelled from the house. after usa scathing house at acec clinton and house ethics investigation found evidence that he violated criminal laws and used campaign funds for personal purposes like botox treatments and websites only fans. that report is on top of a 23 count federal indictment chargingth with crimes such as wire fraud, money laundering, but george santos warning members before the vote of whatn president it would set in there future. >>s if it is their choice to change president and lead me in
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with three. confederate turncoas who were expelled for trees and then two convicted members who were convicted in a court of law, i will be the first person to get expelled for congress without any conviction or committing treason. and it's a dangerous precedent for the future that will demise this body eventually. >> judge jeanine: what about other members of congress accused of crimes, john fetterman thinks democrats will look c like hypocrites if they don't put out his fellow colleague and died incr senator bob menendez. >>it we have a colleague in the senate that actually has done much more sinister and serious kinds of things, senator menendez. he needs to go. and if you are going to expel george santos, how can you aloud to somebody like menendez to remain in the senate? and santos is kind of lives were funny, and landed on the moon,
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where as -- i think menendez is really a senator for egypt, not new jerseyje. >> will: i mean what is happening in the world? >> judge jeanine: at leaste he is putting some sentences togetherfe. >> will: the body double may have happened, that was a coherent smart answer. >> harold: that is a harvard educated senator, be careful. >> will: it just means he isol getting better. >> judge jeanine: we ared: h complicated complementing a democrat, when was the last time he complemented a republican? >> harold: com in the last segment. >> judge jeanine: santos hasan no?t been convicted of crime, what are we doing here? >> will: there are two problems, that's one, the concept of due process, anf d shockingly john fetterman is the one that points this out iman a statement as well coming has noi been convicted of anything, if yoe u take people on accusation, you have to take out menendez, and his accusations are much more so if we areti going to go down
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e sameath, it's kind of th thing the nfe gol deals with ona basis, i'm serious. k a guy is accused of doing something, you could come out of the league? or do you let due process play out? and kicking the guy out of congress and i don't even have defend santos and is admittedly ridiculous lies, just the concept of process and principle, but now as he pointso out, hnce is lumped in with like three he said confederatesh and others, and by the way, this is why it is a big deal, because you are so voting the will of the voters, will they pick santos?re >> sandra: 's the ethics committee and that was pretty revealing. >> judge jeanine: there are people who have accepted money countries,n elizabeth warren saying she is an american indianeric, n nancy pelosi, why aren't they't under the gun? >> sandra: t your question, the substantial evidence was beyond
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botox and subscriptions, byron donalds was one of thet opponents?-- he went on the record saying we are a nation of laws, not a nation of men, he was against it and said this institution is better and i think it's fair warning,ul could be a slippery slope and we will see where it goes, the though is what this means for speaker johnsonr who already has a razor-thin majority and, now he has a seat dinner, there is major battles coming up, government shutdown battle looming, funding for ukraine, these are things that are dividing the party right now. and this doe s change things. >> judge jeanine: you know,: jesse,yo you have like terrorise sympathizers' like rashida tlaib, cori bush, congress owns for their belief in what they do? >> jesse: amnon for expulsion. i was expelled from many, many groups throughout my career and i feel it is unbecoming.
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this guy is a liar and a fraud and at the youth, the only differences he was too obviousen about it, janine.yo heu got be sleazy but classy. you can't steal, you have to insider trade. it's embezzlement, but why not just take kickbacks like bernie sanders wife? like you are going to lie on her resume, or you can identify as anwi american indian. s there'ays ways to go about this, if you really want to money to takeng coming have 40 million from the chinese through 17 shell companies, that's how you do it!is remember when the mafia would geret a big heist, you got to ly low, don't go by furs! that's like the number one rule, he is buying our mas? come on! get something off the rack! >> judge jeanine: is thereid something be said for the fact that republicans do this and democrats don't? we are more ethical? as you witnessed.
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[laughter]f >> harold: a boss of mine w outside of the show shared with me a while ago that one of the things you have to understand -- one of theun reasons we have not hanod situations quite as egregious as this where it has goneth to this point where we think should be removed to thee, person? as some people have decency and etiquette and some people have honesty about themselves i wouly say coming in all, i'm just going to resign, this is not good for the institution, it's not good for me. the interesting thing about mr. santos is he has not said publicly that he did not do any of this stuff. when he was on the floor, ihe watched a little bit of it, and he was calling the members to speak on his behalf makingng eloquent points made here they can't just kick someone out wito out without convicting them orkk having a real high crime, he did not say i did not do any of this! he just lead wit h don't kick me out until i' dm convicted. which i thought was an interesting and odd way to do things. on thed wa flip side of this, of the things that comes out as i e press and all of these congressional districts
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really pose like basic questions to candidates, did you go to college?e? can you present a degree of proof that you went? these are the kind of things he lied aboutthis or misrepresente? did you actually work at goldman sachs? he said a number of things that i thought it could've fact-checked, so -- j >> judge jeanine: is iudn it up to his democratic opponent to do that? >> harold: i'm not letting anybody off the hook, nobody t understands, we all haveo to ak these not tough questions, but justst basic b questions when yu make these kinds of points. i think was a tough vote, but i would've voted to expel him, because he did not say he did nootedt do it in that report bee the ethics committee was a very exhausting report and i think that theit democrats would see what johenatn fetterman said is something that democrats are probably going to have to grapple with oveethir the next -
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>> jesse: what if the voters wanted a fraud, then they could reelect him. >> judge jeanine: they remove the power from the people so he is not therere him. >> harold: people believe that the committee did not know anything about it, so many people want him recalled. >> jesse: it's my mother's district too. >> will: am i one of the districts that expelled you? >> judge jeanine n: up next, the hollywood star who lied to get her daughter into college is nor throwing her own kid under the bus. ♪ ♪ the bus.
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♪ ♪ >> will: the hollywood star who lied and bribed to get herr daughter on into college throwing her own kid under theow bus, felicity huffman one of the biggest names to go tonder prisn
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and a college cheating scandal that shocked the nation, $15,000 to the mastermind help her daughter cheat on the s.a.t. other high-profile parents like full houses starda lori loughlin paid off college coaches and administrators to get their kids into the top schools, huffman is noloriw speaking out in the waye puts it, she had no choice but to break the law.t. >> so it was sort of like my daughter's future, which meant i had to break the law. i know hindsight is 20/20, but it felt like i would be a bad mother if i didn't do it. so i did it. >> will: i can't. she never got in trouble for this. >> i literally turned to one of the fbi people in a flat jacket and a gun and i went, is this a joke? >> will: ful dl disclosure, i have had producers i n my ears saying, well, you have to go to
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the judge first, the judge says you have to go to me, you are ready to go, go get her. >> judge jeanine: first of all this is classic hollywood, where they lecture us and tell us what we should not do, and they are over there breaking the law. i had to break the law to give a future to my daughter? are you kidding me? your daughter was born in america, she was born in the child of wealthy parents, she went to the best school, she had e best experiences, the best restaurants, the best clothes, and she had the ability to get whatever she wanted, as opposed to kids on the inner city who don't have that opportunity, who don't have those experiences, and so she wantsids to break te law, she is a lying cheating thief. and you know what, i feel no concern and no sympathy for her. she is what makes hollywood so disgusting. they think the laws don't apply toke them. and as far as i'm concerned, you know, now she says that you know, i knew that i was committing a crime, but at the
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same time i knew it was good for my daughter, you are full of, anlld you know it, don't give me thist gi you know you are helpig women who have gotten out of jail, you were in jail for 11 days. that's what i call a drive-by sentence. she was never in jail. and now she says i am helping women reintegrate into society, how?iety she is going on runs with them. sh re is going on around anyway. she is the worst o f the worst. >> sandra: oh, my god. wil >> will: harold, do you have any sympathy for the daughter? the message was you have no future unless i cheat?hter >> harold: i think the judges right an end i thin terms of mid huffman, i'm delighted she has come out and said what she did was wrong, i think a lot of parents will be able to have some understanding of what she meant when she said she wanted to do something for a kid, this the wrong thing to do, i i agree with the judge, but you understand where she might be coming from, i think that everyone deserve second chancesd and their chances import trances
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if they learn from those other things that got them to where they needed a third or fifth or second chance fo fr her to be helpful to other women that she served with, i know it was only 11 days and you are right, and she is fortunate to have greaton representation and lawyers able e to negotiate, but the fact tht she wants to get back tove communities of people that may not have those chances i think good thing. but also i hope she tells parents not to do this, because this is the wrong thing to do and she prayed a price forents . >> judge jeanine: most parents cannot afford to do what she n did. >> harold: but if they could, they showndn't it. >> harold: why did they rate her house with guns? >> judge jeanine: well, they were democrats. >> jesse: but one thing on the e admission scandal, i see this as an fbi out-of-control story, i don't see this as let's grease the wheel i ds to get yor kid into a better school, and by the way, she is at carnegie mellon now.
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that's an engineering school. what kind of learning disability does she have? >> judge jeanine: they have a great drameaa department? >> jesse: i don't know what her learning disability is, bu?a i know that if you have a paren- whose name is, what is it? >> judge jeanine: william ma macyg yo. >> jesse: you have everything you want right in front of you,t and whathi kind of career did se think she was goingog to have? did she have to get into harvard or princeton if your father is william h. macy? that is his name i, right? but how bad were the scores? and like, you can go to ucla and still do fine or the university of oregon and still dond fine. i think like this whole deal, with college, you can go to a bad school and still make it big. i went to trinity, look at me. [laughter]on >> sandra: we will just let
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that one sit there for a secondd what she did is awful, harold has a point, parent say you w ouwould do just about anything come but shean saw turning intoa criminalild. scheme, and went through with it, she did was 11 days enough, we will say no, it was pretty bad, they are paying off i think he has supervisors to like complete the scores, this is really, really bad stuff and i think we need to look at the college system, right, because the end of theolle sente was that person advising her was basically saying your daughter is not going you to get into scs that you want, not any schools,c she could haveho gotten into somewhere, but guess what the news iats this week? major fortune 500 companies are now dropping the undergrad requirement. don't even need a diploma for high-level jobs in these ntcompanies now. why is this more and more worthless, so let's just look ae the college system that is in this country right now and all the problems with it and parents fre not feeling this level o pressure . >> judge jeanine: if you are good parents parent, you teach y your child to deal with
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disappointment. how many parents out there have a kid who did not get into their first choice? and you know it, and the kids eilearn, they go to another schl and are happier as a clam. >> will: she should have gone to trade school, she would not have t to cheat to to get in. she would learn critical thinking. she would do a great job. go to trade school, [laughter] "the fastest" is next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> harold: welcome back, time for "the fastest" the judge ruling in ohio through a burrito bowl can shorten the jail sentence by getting a pass to job herself, it's apparently the teacher a sense of empathy. sandra, you seem to have -->> >> sandra: that's not a good idea, isi will want to let him d not want thaemt employee's servg food at thine restaurant. t i don't think that is just us,hi no. >> will: had not thought about the concern for the next customer in line with thr e lady
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behind the counter, bur int i do like putting someone in thete position of thr,e victim of ther ne ie. i like that in general. and apply that to every crime across the board. >> harold: judge, give a slick cleanup paper. >> jesse: i would agree withdesp you, and maybe the desperate housewives woman should have to oversee s.a.t. test taking for about six months. you know, just have to sit there and time, for siy x months. proctor is the word i'm looking for. i hated thy e proctor. >> harold: is this the right way to think about it? >> judge jeanine: i do, and i respect your opinion, sandra, i really do, but i think one of the things that you got to do is you got to make the defendant in the case that is not a serious case deal with both their ignorance and the fact that if they were in the same situation as a victim they would be suffering, so like if i had someone who was creating damage
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to property, i would make him washrty, the property and repair property in that area for six p months arot 1:00 in the afternon so everyone could see him. if someone was a drunk driver, i would make them come a dwi ondw the back of their jacket, they would have tf o wear it and proe to me they were wearing it. they need to feel the pain, jail is not always the answer. a nsso you know, whether it's graffiti or whether you're stealing from the store, you work at the store, it's a lock monitoring, i think that'srtan important. >> harold: and when you threw that shoe at me, what should have been the punishment? "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ yeah, i'm ready. is your treatment leaving you with uncontrolled symptoms? like the cover-it-ups and brush-it-offs? enough with good enoughs. don't stay hiding or hurting. ♪ when your lotions and creams don't do enough to help treat the inflammation beneath the skin, causing plaques and pain,
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he's headed back to jail. >> conviction just upheld. thank you, justice system. and i never say that tonight jesse would have from time. why are the democrats still covering up for jeffrey epstein? don't like they are still covering it up. >> 8:00. bob seger, gerald ford, new york city's empire state building paid tribute to one of the iconic rock bands kiss. they lit up the building. their final shows at madison square garden this weekend. the group was invited to flip the switch. they played their 75 hit rock n roll all night as they did. >> look at that. look at them. thursday was also proclaimed kiss day in new york in their honor. kiss formed in new york city in their career, formed first in new york's, performed first in new york city four decades ago, and their career produced 40 four albums and 100 million albums. >> there's gene simmons that stick out his tongue like crazy anymore. so he didn't like that. you not know. i love what you said. >> congrats and boys. congrats, judge. it's my turn. yep. >> okay, check out this, dear.
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>> oh, my god. it is in toms river, new jersey . the police dubbed him rudolph. he showed up in an elementary school looking for night classes. >> all right, look at him. he's on the counter. those are like, okay, unfortunately, the school doesn't offer night moves or night classes. rudolph didn't take the news well and can be seen running off hysterically in toms river, new jersey. all right, cutie pie, kids, as they didn't shoot it. >> sandra, a woman who nearly lost her life at work, got to meet and thank the team who saved her. >> amazing story. maria, lourdes from plano, texas, was working at a restaurant when she suddenly collapsed from a heart attack. a firefighter, paramedics and 20 doctors and hospital staff sprung into action to perform cpr on her for 45 minutes. wow. dr. peterman of texas health plano said that if there had been a five minute delay anywhere along the line, it would have just been completely fatal. marie and her daughter were finally able to meet and thank the hospital staff, as we
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all should. we're grateful for all of our medical professionals. yes, cindy, here, here. well, bring us home. go for it. well, go back to the animals. you've heard of a siberian husky, right? yes. do you ever heard of an italian husky? >> oh, yeah. oh, yeah. oh, this one. >> the questionable move. oh, oh, wow. >> that's got to be a fluid he's got. >> is that look like the italian husky people are saying he's. i don't know if that's a bar cadaver we call that growl in an italian accent. >> oh, i thought it was because it had a lot of cologne on. no, thanks, jesse. yeah. >> people think of it in italian. he was drawing out his nose. >> i don't know. y'all come up here. oh, stop. always going. he was talking about our. we got here. have a great night.e coun >> great weekend. for wat welcome to jesse watters. prime timegraham a


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