tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News December 2, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PST
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>> i'm laura ingram. this is the ingraham's single from new york city tonight. panic, lies and vengeance. that's the focus of tonight'sy o anglnighe. engean and it's the christmas shopping season here in new york. ceand can spend hours lookinglo at the decorations, the lighted treeg ats. i did some of that today in the rain. the decked out window displays c . the retailers are trying their best to entice you to spend some money. but there's one salesman who's always coming up short because he's trying to sell what no one's buying. speak >> the investments we're making have spurred by the inflationarye doctrine act,e ane which i wrote, which we passed, is going to communities historically left behind. when i took office, i vowed i'd be president fork off, i all ama . whether you live in a blue state or a red state where you live in rura red statl or urban are areas, and we're we're delivering on thatdeliveri. okay. i hate to break it to him, but the entire country>> lau teg is feeling like a community left behind, joe. and as for biden claimine ag toe a president for all americans,
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donald trump and the maga, republicans represent an extremisald trumm that threatene the very foundations of our republicatenations o. donald trump and his maga. republicans are determined to sprea.d anger, hate and division. >> this maga threat is a threati to the brick and mortar of our democratic institutions. extrem to we sga. >> republicans are trying to undo virtually every bit of progress we'vs tre. >> they can't demonizing trump as hitle r was goingk. to work. right. they thought that read back from the bible. they thought that indicting trump four times was going to work. they thought that throwing his supporters eyur times th in jail, some ofsolita them in solitary confinement for months, that that woulrycon and they thought being upbeat about the econom upbeaty, just g about the economy, thought that was going to work. none o. of it is worked none of it has helped biden. salaries aren't keeping upcost o with the costs for groceries, gas, insurance. >> your cell phone. migrants are everywhere. sleeping everywhere. everywhfentanyl.
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overdoses are soaring. no wonder biden has gotten weaker. of cou and of course, trump has gotten stronger. he's beeen stn leading or tied with biden since early september. today, in the rc wip, he's upos almost two points. now the more legal hurdless trum trump faces, it's amazing, e. the more resilient his poll numbers seem to be. to, oday, the d.c. circuit though, ruled that trump is not protected by presidential immunity against plaintiffs who claim damages fromagainsanu6 the january six riot. now, all of these suits are absurd. they should be dismissed. any lawyer who files them should be sanctioned awyeo fi. to but it's all part of the lawfare being waged to take down trump. but again, i only bring this up because the voters are tuning of i. w that t thst know that this process is unfair in know that thingsigo were better with the economy, with foreign policy, and at the borderliat the when trump ws president. so naturally they are in complete panic at the white
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house. >> and when you add the disturbing pro-hamas anti-israel sentimen disturbt ag young people boiling up everywhere, well, things are looking pretty grim for biden. >> the wars anti-semit in is to, particularly a lot of young voters who say they don't likeua necessarily the way that that joe biden is handlindeg and handling the relationship with israel. >> many of they of them, tm wile for the first time in their lives. they're going to have to have a connectionve a con, somebody n 60 years older than them. and, you know, gaza certainly not helping. >> well, remember, biden faccere tight races in the states with large arab populations back in 2020, it was in michigan, arizona, georgia. d fo and for some historical perspective heresome h, 1046 da, into biden's presidency, his rating, 38% is the lowest of president running for reelection since jimmy now, this isn't surprising when we see where biden is with his once most reliable constituency
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african-americans. >> his approval numbers now blacropped 23%ters since the start of his presidency, from 86% to 60 percent. >> meanwhile trump he's rackingi up endorsements, includingng ohi a big one today from the ohio republican party. . >> so what will the biden team ev next to try to turn this all? it's not yet tried everything, but i'm telling you, when they paniching, bu and they'reoo panicking, look out, because that's when things get dangerouk ouuse s. that's when civil liberties are trampled. they turaren the deep state against trump in 2016, and in 2020, they got their billionaire mark zuckerberg, to pour almost $400h million into select democrat areas to push turnout. they work with social mediampan companies to censor information that voters coulismationd accesd they persecuted the january six defendants, and they let defem skate for the mostr th part. >> and now special counselking a jack smith is even making nidatabase of trump's followers
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on x. i'm in a database. no followew all americans who be in the bill of rights should remain really vigilant. the more biden seems cornered, the things may be getting for all of us. but don't be frightened. courag >> be courageous. and that's the angle. all right. an angleg me now, matt towery, pollster and co-host of the new podcast polling. now, matt, according to gallup, biden's approval among independents g droppeddropped eight points in a month. i nevemonth.r of dropping that h in one month to a record low of 27%. what's going on among independents? >> well, he's in a inand yo a tailspin. and you pegged it for the reasons that you talkeu ed e about. i'm sure they are in a panic. and the proble m that youyo haven't you seen this before in law when you get to this point it seems like everythingon an administration tries to do when they're in a tailspin backfire to dos on them.
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and they've had the situation in israel, which obviouslytuatio disaffected some of their core young supporters t who now we'ro finding out mostly support the palestinians. and apparently which shocked me. i didn't know that. apparently that's been going on in the universities for quite some time. he's losing independent voters, as you just alluded to. and he's got a problem with african-americans as well as hispanics, where i thinroblek he's really this is becoming almost a cementing of hispanic votersg no continuing to driftblican s to the republican side. and if you look at that debate last night, i looked alert, you might not like he hadbe hap to say. but, you know, how could they see that and be happy about in the whitepyut it in ho, the president gets his remarks. >> we're going to get to that in a moment. but i want to point ou hat int to everyone watching tonight, the friday night is holiday time about parties. but donald trump has nevers led in as many polls as heth as he does right now in the entire 2020 cycle.e >> so people can say, oh, it's early, there's 11 months to go. >> a lot can happen. well, yeah, that's true. but this is now a pattern.
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these are you can't say it's an outliet sar. this is the reality that we're dealing with now in these polls. and as a pollster, in all the work you've done in republican politicse done i,s something that a campaign apparatus that biden pays enormous amount of money for, that they can turn around with one initiative or one speechwith? >> well, no, i don't think so.>> i mean, look, let's looke back to the old gimmicks in the past. they think it's messaging. as you know, laura, they don'ttn think they have a problem with the policies. they think it's all message, not change. you know, back to jerrthink y fi yeah. they're not doing anything and go, yeah. and go back that go back to jerry ford with a whip inflation now remember the little buttonsmember buttons how that work out didn't work out thos work e the gimmicks dot work and now they're down to a year less than year, year, and m can't rely on gimmicks anymore. i at's a real problem for themha i don't know what they do, but i will say they're being helped. arepeople.s a lot of our viewers don't know this, but a lot of the states that are going to be majo majr caucus or primary sta,
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there is republican anti-trump money runniny statg ads every dy just eviscerating trump. ceratingit's affecting his numb. yeah, but they're getting their their get. yeah, yeah-. they're getting help from the other side. and i think that's partially. the biden campaign is going to rely on when they get into no big business their buddies and bi tha g business, all the globalist. matt, as always, thank you. all right, guys. matt wass just saying gavin newsom as well there, fan boys and girls of newsom they're kind of upset if you watch 70 looked anything online they spent most of the day complainintg about how the big debate went down with ron desantis. >> that's a sure, with rantis, y know desantis was the winner. >> california governor gavingo newsom debating presidential candidate ron desantis last night in whasd t could be described as an unusual, even bizarre spectaclae . listen. they're saying it's the last gasp of ron desantis we will see. we will see. credi >> well, look, i give newsomagre credit for agreeing to the debate. it was kind of fun to watceingt but he didn't do himself any favors with whiny moments like
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this joe biden is in the pocket of the teacher's union and is kamala harris. that's why they have not been able. whereas when he came in it's come they have run its course and carried off that anybody has a nature to you and comedy able to do all these different thing. >> does gavin newsom not realize that joekamalathat he biden mispronounce the word pron? bobe bob oc >> it's like, oh, it's kamala harris. oh, please. now if only he was that upset over the collapse of a state. but instead, of coursese of th, he tried to pretend that he's not secretly enjoying the collapseo pret. ying the >> the biden campaign. joe biden put a $14 billion immigration package up sciencen. and tech act. thank you, joe biden. joe biden will be our nominee in a matter of weeks. and i'm proud of the work the biden and harris have done.e wo that's why i'm going to be working so hard to get joe biden and harris reelected in 2024. sp no, to say that's not a spray tan. who saying it was a spray tan.
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that's so rude. joining me now is monica crowley, former assistant treasury secretary in the trump white house and sean duffy, co-host of the bottom line on fox business. he just wrapped up. segmnuck cohost the lin the sts segment. so quiet. all right, monica, what's your main takeawayent so, what' >> what happened last night? well, look, this is the debate that americans reall the d wantt to see, right? the red state, blue state, two different, very different governing philosophies and theah results in those states. the left has had controlsults if california for decades. but gavin newsom is really putting the nail in the coffin.a they've taken a beautiful state, a successful state, and destroyed itke, where it's governor desantis presiding over a freedom state where you've got economic opportunity. you know, he takes controleconor issues like illegal immigration, the woke nonsense con on policy ron desantis absolutely wipe the floor with governor desantis. he came totally prepared with facts and figures on outmigration from blue states to red states like florida. he did a superb job. but what makes gavin newsom sotm so ds is that even though showe he showed up with nothing to of
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in terms of california, the state is a disaster. he is very smart and clever about turning things around and pivoting to his advantage. so o his ad i think we underestimam at our peril. >> nowhi, sean, president trump put out some kind of amusing, a slightly rude but amusing videos to kind of mock debate. that's what he does. and he's got a teaser,o tease but having been said, i think desantis seemed a little bit more relaxed in this form. >> is that just me or did you do you think he seemed more relaxed? i think right. so when he's on a stage with republicans and they all agree on most of the issues in his personality driven, he doesn'tpublicanof do as well. but when he's fighting the media or fighting disney fighting democrats, he actually does well. and that's why the bar for me was high with him. and i agree with monica. monic >> the fact is, disagree>> lau with her for a second. facts but the facts, the facts that ao
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debate class in college or high school, who wants gavin newsom's factsl, out and he came in and i thought did incredibly well pushing oh he's out but is in. >> here's why i think desantised missed it. so we look at immigration ron desantis or gavin newsom ron wsomn, yosays, liste, so you know, it's your fault you sent migrants to martha's vineyard, which, by the way, it's a sanctuary migra the best the best move ever. >> and you won't supporten wants the $14 billion that joe biden wants to secure the border to say to sortuld ha of step back, go. >>ve thick and ss is one of thet issues we face in the country. 10 million americans are illegals have comery into this country. there's 2 million gateways. we have no idea who theyve n are and that's the answer. one of the lead democrats have for fixing is $14 billion to process more illegals to come into the country. >> you got to call it the stupidity answer. i think ryan missed in last didh night's debate. well, he did have a good moment when he noted he was talking to a fellow and a fellafe that was happyllow t move to fl. >> it was, of course, gavinwsom newsom's father, father in law, whic'sh apparently that was verd offensive to the newsom's.
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they didn't quite like that tha lik wast that. but is that not fair game? your own family, your own families moving to florida, that's a pretty good line, which sort of proves the point th this was making throughout the entire debate, which is the outmigration from these blue states to red states is happening for a reasonsening fo people want freedom. they want economic opportunity, statr economicm, rationale, all of the things that red states deliver in terms hard numbers economically, in terms of education, in terms of the illega l people want to feel safe. they want to have some economice you cannot get them in the blue states so that about look how their families moving in my statoi ade the but als the things that i think like my kids when they were watching the map go through the map i'm sorry i can't live' i'm saying that on this show. >> but it was hysterical and also sadm sayingat. was i love san francisco and it's super sad what's happened. he was he wao sad,s mayor ofmay san francisco, is on the board of supervisors when he was kind of more reasonable hen he and the old
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days. >> but now it's but i mean clean it up for jee but let itgt ro rott for everybody else. >> it really made the point. right. and you watched newsom doing that gavewso, that moment and hs did it. kamala harris, he kind of uncomfortably was laughin g and but it's a serious issue where you have you have a map in san francisco . far it shows how far the the city and the state has fallen. >> you can make one last point. laura ron desantis didn't calloa out gavin newsom for actually sending his kids to private schoolsg hi as he sht down his own laundry. all that all that. and i thought he could have done a better jove ab of callingr out the hypocrisy of a governor who's living like an elite and making everyone else liveikakin this are a horrible you know what? >> i thinkle cares he lost the e country is when they were chasin g people off the beach during covid. >> you know, everyone knows the whole covid thing. g drov >> just from the beginning, i was drove me mad. but when they di mad d that,e peop they were sending people to chase people off the beachle. that's what california has become. it used to be surfing us netit say now it's, you know, wow,s pe harassing people on the beach. the governore beach. was diningn
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french and nancy pelosi is just like shouting out their tongue in a salon. >> gng kaytting kayakers out in the middle of the ocean, arresting them and bringing themakddle o in california.cali >> save yourselves. it's time, monica. shawn. your great to have you both on this. thank you. all right. liz cheney desperatelye same t attempting to be relevant. >> i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about lifeli insurance through the colonial pen program. pen program. >> i looking to buy life insurance looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three piece? a you can what are the thr? >> the three ps of lifepr insurance on a fixed budgeice tt are price, price and price. a price you can afford. a price that can't increase and a price that fits your budget. >> i'm 54. >> what's my price? >> what's my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. i jui'm 65. a month
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>> republican voters in wyoming resound rejected liz cheney. and when she speaks, her old colleagues on the hill, they just roll their eyes. so her constituency consists of a few journalists, some never trumpers and the old bush cheney perpetual war coalition. >> yet a publisher still gave her money to write a book, which means she'll be an unwelcome guest in your home if you turn on cbs this sunday. >> people who say, well, he's elected, it's not that dangerous because we have all of these checks and balances don't fully understand the to which the republicans in congress today have been co-opted. one of the things that we see happening today is a sort of a sleepwalking into a dictatorship in the united states.
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wow. sleepwalking into dictatorship. how poetic did you write that line herself? john dickerson fell asleep in that interview, i think. >> all right. just one. just like the biden white, the gop old guards are in complete freakout mode over staying power of donald trump. >> it's driving them all mad. and one of the most unhinged op eds and i've read a lot of them lately, was published in the washington post this week. and in it, uber war hawk robert kagan smears only trump, but the tired old hitler line. >> how many times we read that? but anyone who might think of working for him writing a trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable. >> it will be filled with people who will not need explicit instruction trump any more than hitler's local galtier's instruction. in such circumstances, people work toward the führer, which is to say they anticipate his desires and seek favor through acts they think will make him.
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trump trump derangement syndrome is real. these people are sick. >> they need help. joining me now is tulsi gabbard, fox news contributor and former hawaii congresswoman. >> tulsi, i used to have robert kagan on my old radio show, the beginning of the iraq war and he's not a dumb person. he's a smart person. but how ironic is it that they are the ones who push legislation like the patriot act that gave the government a way to infringe on our civil liberties? and they're saying that trump is the dictator in waiting here? laura the irony doesn't stop the things that he that he outlined in his incredible long and difficult to read op ed along with things that liz cheney are saying they're warning us of of trump's reelection being being a dictatorship and where he will do all of these things like turn the of justice against political opponents, use the irs to after those who oppose his agenda. the list on that. the thing is that's exactly
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what the biden-harris administration doing against president donald trump and against those they as their political opponents. but the thing that really bothered the most about kagan's op ed and many others who continue warn the country that donald trump is going to be like a modern hitler is that they are also the kinds of people and we hear this all the time. people say, gosh, if back in the day, if only person had the courage to stop hitler, to take him out before he rose to power, then we would have saved millions of lives. >> this is what they're essentially this is a message inviting violence. >> so you're saying they're inviting to take a shot at trump? this is what is good news is they're a message to a rogue actor, a lone wolf saying, hey ,we need someone to save our country from this modern hitler like person. and that is that is what should alarm every single american. this is not how the united states of america is this is not who we are yet.
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this is what these people in positions of power are doing, abusing their power and undermining our democracy. because in minds, the end justifies the means. i am terrified for our country right now, given that type of rhetoric. i mean, unlike the left, we don't believe in censoring people's speech, but by doing what they're doing and saying, they're saying they talk about dog whistles. that's a dog to violence. >> it is hitler's in the way. it is in waiting. then you've got to stop hitler, hitler. so they know what they're. tulsi and they can't win on the issues. it's obvious they're not winning on any of the issues. >> so this is where they are. do you violence in the streets. this coming election year, given where they're going? well, this is this what i'm so concerned about, lauren, is exactly what we're talking about here and why it's so incumbent upon us as americans, not not democrats, independents, republicans, but for us as americans,
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to take to heart the stand that we need to take to tell these people. and it's not just the establishment democrats, it is them, but it is also these neocons like liz cheney and robert kagan, who are who are fanning these flames to push us off to that point. absolutely. and we need to tell them we will not stand for it. and will not fall for it. >> i mean, robert kagan would still have us back in afghanistan. i mean, he's still waiting for the surge to work. all right. i'll say thank you. great to see you. all right. parents are giving their kids a type sleep aid. it's not warm milk. i'll tell you about it next. >> siegel is here with what you need to know. it's a new trend. stay there. >> find me a pot of gold streaming exclusively on fox. show me the green. the robertsons are back with. all new episodes in half a sudden, boot full of new. so did you come from new finds wooly mammoth, too. >> and new legacies. my daughter is getting married.
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>> now, go. >> forget telling your kids to count sheep or drink warm milk a banana when they can't sleep. now parents are giving them gummiek , nos, according to aa w new study from the university of colorado boulder, melatoninf, use is soaring among kids. >>d is nearly one in five schooc age children and pre-teens now takehoolpreteens it for sleep. r >> and some parents routinely give the hormone to preschool, some even giving them cbd gummieven givis. >> now, is this ever necessary and is it potentially harmful to kids? potensome researchers have issd explicit warnings. joinin g me now with everything parents need to know, dr. marc siegel, professor of medicin e at nyu. fox news contributor. dr. siegel, this trend, like soh much of what's happening today with kidnings and unfortunately trying to raise them, which i'm trying to raise three teenagers right now,g to distu is disturbing, deeply disturbing. >> in 2017, it was>> deepl perci which is bad enough, one inno 100.
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now it's one in five. and we're talking about melatonin, which the brain makes itself. so and kids make plenty of it. and kidslaura, if you actually start giving it to kids, they don't makving it e it. so that means you're habituated already, you're addicted to it and you'reare supposed to use ts regularly, but kids end up addicted to it. dronic where it can cause drowsiness and confusion. the very thing you're tryingss c to get over to get a kid to ge to sleep. the other thing i'm reallyt ove concerned about here is the medicalization of everything we're talkin is themedig about n who are being given adderall, right. or some kind of stimulant or soc they're on too much social media or they're using s all long org, the they're not socializing. they get irritated, they get anxious. and insteae getting d of talking to themhat anim or having that stuffed animal talking to them, you're giving m them something to eat. or as you pointed out before we came on, you givg toe them gumm, they start eating a lot of it. then they overdose on it. u could then you have nausea, then you then you could have an emergency room visitcy roo. >> there's no way to control this and there's no reason to do it. there's nol thisa reasont a pilr
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everything. or should there. and nor should there be a pill y for every inconvenience in life. >> but that's kind of how we'v e we've become accustomed to living. >> have we not? absolutely . bsolutel and we start with something that makes sense. elderly people, if you get over 70 or 80, you're not making enough melatonin for them.or >> i'm okay with it. i'm a i'm an internist, so withi might to an 80-year-old is better than taking, you know, xanax at night. you'll end up confused in the morning. take melatonin. not a kie melad. >> the kids are making enough of it. but what is what's going >> lau?e? is it because they're on the screens and they're getting that that light on their eyes and so that's why they can't sleep? or is it parents annoyed with kids just want to, you know, be be done with them for. >> the day is like take a i mean, you kind of wonder what's going on. both of thosise that's really it's both of those things. kids parents are exhausted thin, the kids are coming out of the pandemic. they didn't socialize. they were down.ey they didn't see each other. they got addicted to social medi
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a. r a lo they get more and more anxiousng and a parent can't deal with it after a long day. daya pill, a little candy colod pill or a gummy and you and it's natural some but oh most important thing yeah theseu are supplements in the united states everywhere else they're prescription only so means anybody can go into a storit meanse and them i don'a any control. >> a pediatrician has no control. control, thae mistake factor. >> segal i'm so happy to see you in studio. o. >> so good to be with you. we're going to have a banana tonight to go to. all right. absolutely. e we're not going to be togethe. but i get what you're saying. it's natural. ye s we in the collective. >> exactly. exactly. it's good to see you. w >> all right. from something that could harm your kids to something we know it's gsota mid is going to improve their daily lives. >> a minnesota middle school has bannedschool love this cell phone. >> you already sent it to my kids school during the school day? duriy, no cell phones. >> how is this not happeninger everywhere. and there's no more lookinge at their phones in the hallway either are shooting tiktok videos or textinther, g from 8 . to about 3 p.m.. students can't have their phonesm.,e thei at all.
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>> joining me now is the maple grove middle school principal. whknow maple grove who instituted this policy. >> patrick smith is a hero. principal smith, how did the students react? i bet you were really popula?row when this first went down. >> well, you could. i guess that's one way you could put it. but i think overall, we're seeingthink wear them happy rig. so i think they're getting it so. so we're. >> what's the biggest difference you notice with the kids: what's and in the no cells in school it has been night and day from what we have dealt with in the last couple of years. they're talking to each other. they're there face to face at lunch you're not seeing them on social media in. the hallways, when they have a break, they're not taking them out during the class. they jus class just lookt happ. and that's what we see every day. and it's not what weay an were seeing a couple of years ago. >> well, in the pandemic and everything that dr>> laue pk talking about, we're talking about kids who apparently can't get to sleepint kids t't i mean, we already know kids aren't getting enough sleep,
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but they can't get to sleep at night. >> they're taking melatonin. parents are giving them cbd gummies. i meanng, parents are and what t saying is that kids just need to be kids, you know, a eureka moment we're having here. they have to be kids, be together. they do. they do. and we and like you mentioned, we were coming, anou a pandemice they're so dependent on the screens and not goingselu away. and you know, i'm date myself but we didn't have cell phones when i was a kidt weot have. so we were outside playing lights t and so trying to raise digital digital students, i mean, that's what they are. our studentsat's wha, that's aly know since they were born was this digital world. and so trying to give themdurint moments for at least in the school day we can get themol dat is part of our positive culture so that they can learn and be successful. >> principal smith if you could talk to every parent in the united states, which we'ree talking to a lot right now, what age do you think kids a cell phone oh, boy,tting me you're putting me on the spot now. >> answer. s >> it's an obvious question, but go ahead. obviously. yeah, this is ahead a statement my wife and i have had it many bemes because we have we have
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teenage kids as well. and so we looked at kind of that mid school in the high school as an inappropriate time, in our opinionur opini, jt really due to activities and going to sportinactivitig tn whatever they're doing so that we can be contact with them. bubut anything sooner than that, i encourage people not to. >> so i would say you would say about 18, they should have a cell phone. >> all right. well, sir, we appreciate. thanks so much. my kids were 15 and they were still mad at me. that was18 --are 15on it to a come on, give it to me earlier. >> all right. speaking of youth,th our nexttoo story involves one of the most shocking videos we've ever seenn . >> a nine year old rapper exploited for viraa rapl fame, pastor corey brooks. >> and moments cor attention hearing loss sufferers. >> do you have troublehearing g up with conversations? do you listen to tv on max volumeica prog start hearing ber today with our series micro hearing aids. through our series hearing america program, you can
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guarantee, call carshield. now call 800 8151458. if after everything the angle has told you recently, you still think the green agenda is aleel about saving the rainforest and the polar bears? well p, what's playing out right here in new york city? they call itn pricing. yeah, $15 tolls are coming to any driver who enters manhattayn 60th street.ce my producer, dave, is one of those commuters and he's been parking in the area fore lt the last seven years. so if you drive into work every day like dave k evere does, it'g
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mo cost you an extra $300 a month, at least at the start. now, the angle spoke to one parking garage manager who said they're expectinanager wg to loh many customers. they are gearing up to raise pricesre geari. alread it's already really expensive. but new york's dan goldman congressman'y expenss wealthy tt fund kid, it's okay for him. that. you're paying more. he backed this congestion pricing becaus e of theuse of t environmental justice and that there's justtal just much traffc >>h as tra proud environmentala and a staunch supportelistr of c only attacking our climate change issue, but improving ch, reducing congestion, making our streets safer and doing it all so that we can reduce pollution. and we all know that pollution went down by 40% during the pandemic. >> so we know the benefits of reducing car traffits ofc. :i so if you're a rich guf y likeai goldman, 300 bucks a month,
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i mean, that's that's like a half of a, you know, customy made shirt for him. it doesn't really meanmean that muc h. >> it's pocket change. we already know that he views innitive alr that way. in fact, according to theg to "new york post", he racked up more than 80 parking tickets in new york city0 parkin overncl the course of six years from his lincoln navigator and his range rover. mor those tickets cost himthat's more than $6,500. that's a mile out for him. now, if you're a an american, at that's a lot of money, but not for dan goldma o butn. ou for dan goldman being able to park wherever he pleases. it's just the cost of doingview business. and that's how he views congestions pricing. they don't mind paying the toll. they don't feel the economic pain. >> but you do.ey they don't want to g doon't on the subway where people routinely assaulted or thrown onto the tracks. but they want you to e if this is really about getting more people on public transi t and if financial incentives are the weapon of choice. >> why wouldn't dan endorsee ida the idea of lowering the price
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of public transi the prit? chos instead, the elites choose to make your life harder and more expensive. well, who doesn't like a goodik hip-hop beat? noe a go t by dr. dre, l.l. cool j. old school stuff. it's good recording artists in the rap and hip hoptist and world have changed more than music. they've started trends in fashion. they'v, they started in fe created new ways of speaking countless internet memes, a multibillioking coun ds industry. but critics insist they've also normalized misogyn ywhat and violence. what's rap music? actually teaching our kids. well, look no further than the viral nine-year-old rapper named lil r t. >> and before i play this clip clip, if you have kids in the, room, they should leavthe. >> or you might be explaining some of these new phrases to them. themhow about my thing about.
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>> joining me now is pastor corey brooks, ceo of project to sy broo. >> pastor, it's great to see you again. why does anyone thinin, whk this is okay and what is this culture teaching our kids? >> well, unfortunatelyhing our our culture is teaching kik kids that it's okay to roc in cradle of voluptuous living. they're teaching them to indulge in selfish. and it's very unfortunate that it seems that their environmenificationfortunat. there they are in environments where sin is running rampant and on harness whe, where explie content and lyrics are the order of the day of the where they normalize and trivialize content that undermine s. and we respect the people. and that's the type of thing p that alleople.yp our children are experiencing, especially in urban neighborhoods across the country. >> encing, especial now, pastor, tw a worse part of this lyric if e this a little r styls on a live stream when he started freestyle and any
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rap that about how he gotr an a number and he was going to with the rest of the words being fairly unintelligible. wo pastor brooks again, i don't know who histoeing uni parents , but this is a nine-year-old child, a nine year he's being obviously exploitedo who thinks they can make money, get fame and,that's become rich, which of course, that's really the goal. that's the only thing that matters t . >> yeah, child exploitation is the order of the day as farth as they're concerned. you know, these children lacdayk the emotional maturity that they need to make the sound decisions that they need to make in the right type of lives that they need to useto . >> it's very unfortunate because it on and underminese ar everything that we are trying to teach young people toand be positive and purposeful. but these individuals seem to thinkul t that it's okay to teach young people to use these type of lyrics. e th lanti promote these type of lyrics so that they can make money and also influence
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alsoe. tur and it's unfortunate that they're influencing the wrong wanfortunahay. : well >> well, in their defense, what i think, a lot of rapwoul artists would say is we'resay representingis t what has been e to us and it's our artistic expression just don't understand it. we're not advocating this. g we're just expressing kind of the place that where we livee . and this is what we're steeped in. and it's a lot of it's because it is becaus. >> i mean, that is what they will say in their defense. se >> well, it's definitely not because of the white mante man . that's the first thing i want to say. you know, we're allowing the artistic expression to overrule social ssio, to allowto allow explicit content. to the extent that normalize and trivialize harmful behavior that also influences young people across the country. >> there's nothingplross betterd what we're trying to do to make a generation young kids
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who learn how to read and know how to do math and do the things they need to do.that's this is definitely not help. and that's one of the reasons why we're building ohye are a cy center to help with things like this. >> well, pastor brooks, we're going do another town halldo a together. great to see you, as always. all righnother tt. ys biden lights a christmas tree, but he's looking quite dim. and wh y a agitators staging protests at christmas. heali >> raymond arroyo has itng.a poe friday follies nexrht, meet friday follies nexrht, meet goldman daly lotion that moisturizes heals lotion that moisturizes heals and smooths dr moisturizers and three vitamins moisturizers and three vitamins and nekin. sensitive clinically shown to heal and moisturize drysono n gold bond. >> i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial insurance through the colonial pen progra >> if you're aged 50 to 85 and e on a fixed budget, remember the three p's? >> what arprice, pand price thr >> the three ps of life insurance on a fixed budget
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to put the teleprompter not so don'ut the teleprompter not so so that the audience can read it on the set of the president. >> oh, ne o. >> jill and i are honored to welcome you to the national christmas tree lighting. thanks to interior secretary deb haaland and the national service foundation. >> they're the ones doing thi . >> oh, ye..rks you can see it. it's like a decorationfounhe . >> yes, it is. well, not and that the big moment that was supposed to wait for together m out and o a group countdown. >> yes. he couldn't he couldn't even wait that long eve. >> oh five, four, three, two, one. >> >> no buildup at all. i think you call that premature illumination, laura, if littl the timing was a little off,
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at least one yuletide tradition was the president performedd hi his trademark. where'ss the exit dance? >> off, then? why having the music stop?that >> well, and then he stops. it doe s he think maybelong gam he thinks it's just a one long game of musical chairsusical sud to stop when the music stops? >> i mean, i don't know. all right. very peculiar christmas spirit. i'm granting you three wishes. make them quic verk. oh, thank you, mrs. look, my first wish is that pro-palestinian protesters would stop tree lighting ceremonies at christmas events as a stagingts ground for their protest. now, this was the scene from columbia university where during the tree lighting ceremony, protesters canceled
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joy for palestine college star[] palestine friday and israel. >> i love i love they think they can cancel joy. you can't cancel joy. you're not the minister of joy. and this idea you heard themcelt say there's no room for celebration. i'm sorry. ther i'mry,e. and our religious embrace and expression of christmas is not your free pass to stage a demonstration. doage a somewhere else at anothr time. >> so they just this is their whole goal. they don't they don't they don't they want the jewish faith. they don't want the christian faith. they don't want any of that. that's lauthey waney don't not t for them. >> they want to swamp all that they were also a group of seven protesters arrested near rockefeller center during every protest. ter during on your own time, don't ruin our family or holiday celebrations with your protest.
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okay. i want to go on to my second wish law. yeah secon i wish we had more magazine covers like this and less magazine covers like this one features shannen doherty, who's been waging an incredible, inspiring battlea ip against cancer, savoring every moment of life, and the othest t a publicity hound who gets coverage for getting coveraghav what does dylan mulvaney do except talk about dylan? mulvaney i'll take shannen doherty any day. >> okay. what has happened to forbes i mean, i don't know. i mean, i guess there's a soundbit >> laue. >> i just don't know a lot about cancer. people put you out to pasture at a very early age. >> you're done, you're retired, and we're not. we such a different outlook on life. we're just so grateful for ever y every hour, every day >> >> good for her. she's a real hero. she's a real hero. finally, laura, i wish stores would stop accommodating looting. look at this video from earlier this week. takid just let theseuards ju
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people come in to take whatever they want. pe come int try on shoes t and get their sizes from the back? maybe looters gift wrapping coul thed be next.nightmar this is a nightmare. now. it's consumer reparations,it isl right that's what they are calling it in chicago. consumer reparation. all right, raymond, we miss you in new york. you're not here. i know you're here this week, but where are you headed this weekend with the big band tour? >> going to dallas house of blues. >> does sunday night with jose feliciano, then clevelan d and on to nashville. raymond arroyo, christmas .com. we're going to keep itand at ann bright live so are you singing >> you're doingare you singing the duet are you part of the singing with the man himself? with the man himself? what? i really want to be a legendary night. oh, he's amazingz navidam singi. he's such a wonderful person, as is his family. and as long as you don't so a guitar, ramon,s fami i'm excited for you. >> that's goin g to be awesome. raymond cha, congrats. number one jazz album in the country. congrats. >> that's it for us tonight. thanks for watching. jesse. >> hello, everybody. i'm jesse waters
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