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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  December 2, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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arthel: and you are looking live at ankeny, iowa near des moines were former president trump is firing up supporters just six weeks before the first in the nation nominating caucus in iowa. former arkansas governor asa hutchinson and vivek ramaswamy campaigning today as well. florida governor ron desantis is completing his goal of stopping and all 99 counties with governor kim reynolds joining him for it will have live coverage of the campaign throughout the day. but first. israel's defense minister says the military is back to quote fighting in full force just one day after the seven-day cease-fire ended. the idf says they carried out more than 400 strikes on gaza and the last 24 hours. many of them on southern gaza which is where thousands of
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palestinians fled from israel's attacks before the cease-fire. hello everyone and welcome to "fox news live" i am arthel neville hi bill. bill: great to be with you happy saturday to you. i am bill melugin in for eric shawn today for another cease-fire not looking likely because israel today is pulling its whole team of negotiators out of qatar. benjamin netanyahu were not filling the part of the agreement meantime vice president kamala harris is an divide for un climate summit but that's where she met on the silence with regional leaders to talk about the war between israel and hamas. arthel: we have fox team coverage nate foy at live in northern israel but first lucas tomlinson at the white house or president biden is saying this weekend. >> there appears to be a growing split between the white house and israel over the prosecution of this war hears vice president harris speaking earlier into
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bite. >> president biden and i have also been clear with the israeli government and public and in private many times. as israel defense itself, it matters how. the united states is unequivocal international humanitarian law must be respected. too many innocent palestinians have been killed. fork works here is the response earlier in fox am an israeli spokeswoman to vice president harris. >> all of these people would have still been alive today if it was not for hamas' actions. hamas is mending a double workroom they are targeting our population from inside and underneath the civilian population of gaza because they know israel does not want to kill any is in it palestinians. >> white house officials say they are concerned israeli forces car carrying out airstris in southern gaza and the same manner it carried them out in the north. here is s jon kirby earlier this
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week. >> we do not support a move to the south unless or until they have adequately accounted for the protection of innocent human life civilian life in southern gaza. with the understanding as a whole heck of a lot more innocent civilians in the southern gaza than there were a week or two ago. >> the israeli government says there will be no cease-fire it's goal is to get the hostages out of gaza into kill hamas leaders and eliminate the terrorist group. >> this cease-fire that people are calling for might have good intentions but it is misguided because it's actually a band-aid solution. it just gives you a temporary timeout for hamas to regroup and rearm then they will attack us again were back to square one. we do not agree to that. >> president biden had wanted to see an extension of the pause to get more hostages out but
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tonight 136 hostages remained ri gaza. bill: it looks like that war is going to rage on as we approached almost two months since october 7 terror attacks. thank you. arthel: it meanwhile is really strikes in southern gaza reportedly hitting houses and destroying three mosques. israel is not ignoring northern gaza now that the cease-fire has ended. the building in a refugee camp there destroyed in an apparent idf strike. dozens feared dead meanwhile israel and hezbollah continue exchanging fire in northern israel that is where we find nate foy. >> hey arthel. we have heard not near consonants to intermittent the t artillery throughout the day from israel going into 11 on as they continue exchanging fire with hezbollah terrorists. the real focus today is in the northern gaza strip. overall the idf is it 400 hamas
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terrorists sites in gaza worse according to the idf hamas is fired 250 rockets back into israel. you see here a lot of close combat in the northern gaza strip. idf soldiers going door to door clearing out hamas fighters. they also found weapons hitting and northern gaza. take a look at this next video. they say they found rockets, missiles, grenades and intelligence equipment. military operations as you mentioned are also happening further south where this city got hit hard once again by israeli fighter jets. take a look at this. but today vice president kamala harris said israel must do more to protect innocent civilians in gaza. the idf is instructing palestinians to move to evacuation zones but many are not in the cost of life is devastating meanwhile israel's defense minister had this to say
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about idf progress in gaza. >> during the past two days we operate in areas we did not operate in the last month this will increase this operation will reach every point that needs to be reached. we are going for a total elimination. not partial and that anything less. >> just moments ago here in the northern front, israel fighter jet struck a hezbollah terrorists target for a second straight day. hezbollah's claimed responsibility for 11 launches into israel since yesterday morning and then temporary cease-fire ended. while israel response not only with precision strikes but i mention also a lot of artillery going back. happening right now hostages have been free from hamas captivity are speaking before the nation is being televised right now. prime minister benjamin netanyahu just spoke as well. saying they're doing everything that they can to bring the remaining over wondered 30 hostages home.
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however as bill had mentioned earlier in the show at prime minister netanyahu they have pulled out negotiators from qatar for now it appears no deal is close in this war is raging on will send it back to you. >> the hostages remain. nate foy a in northern israel thank you. bill: police are investigating a pro- palestinian protesters set themselves on fire resulting in serious burns yesterday for this happening outside the israeli consulate in atlanta said the security guard who intervened suffered minor burns to the wrist and leg investors say they think this was an act of extreme political protest and not connected to terrorism. after susan's friend as apologizing for controversy and try a resume in new york city last month. she was dropped by her talent agency after she told the crowd she was our quote getting a taste of what it's like to be muslim in this country. so often subjected to violence.
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the cb cotton joining us live in york city with more on this. so it cb, she changed her tune a little bit? what's in a bit lengthy instagram post that quote terrible mistake. she went on to say as we all know from centuries of oppression and genocide in europe to the tree of life shooting in pittsburgh, pennsylvania jews have long been familiar with the religious violence which continues to this day. i deeply regret diminishing this reality and hurting people with this comment for the actress wrote even more in her apology posted to instagram as you mention sarandon was dropped by the top hollywood agency after her remarks during the november rally she is not the only one who has faced backlash for sharing personal views on the israel hamas war. pro- palestinian rallies continue across the country. these organizers in new york city promising the protest will
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continue as long as there's fighting and gaza. >> right now were going to take a live look over the american museum of natural history here in new york city. you can see the crowd started to gather this museum has been a focal point for protesters in recent weeks to say the museum represents a western imperialism. something they are against the they usually stand outside chance, marks, demand via stop sending aid to israel. now bill this is wanted to palestinian rallies slated to get underway here in the city today. the other happening in brooklyn considered to be one of the neighborhoods they are considered to be the largest arab american community in the country several rallies have been held in this neighborhood. in the past they have drawn thousands so we will be closely monitoring to see what is under underway over there. back to you. bill: something pro- palestinian
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rallies have been a massive not just in the u.s. but all across the globe. cb cotton, thank you. arthel: with anti-semitic incidents rising on u.s. college campuses including some ivy leagues the presidents of harvard, you pen and mit will testify on anti-semitism and a house hearing next week the anti-defamation league and says 73% of jewish college students surveyed have experienced or witnessed just some form of anti-semitism since the start of the school year let's bring it right now professor director of ucla center for israel studies. professor, i want to start here as you know many universities are already addressing these issues at the campus level. and your estimation were they going wrong? >> i think often they are going along by reacting and acting
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under external pressure rather than taking proactive really focusing on how to improve the campus climate for all students. to recognize many students not only jewish students but palestinian american, muslims and others have been expressing fear have faced harassment in recent weeks there needs to be a comprehensive approach to this rather than 10 different groups against each other. an engaging on this issue in a way that fosters understanding and dialogue. that means that doubling down n educational programming rather just making public statements. >> understood. then how will these hearings coming up next week address under rail anti-semitism or islamic phobia issues that are persisting on college campuses? >> it's good to shine a light on this issue. it's good these hearings are
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taking place to bring attention to itch. i also think it can often crate a misleading impression because the hearing taken place next week is the presidents of three ivy league universities. most universities in this country are not ivy league. and so it's happening on a few elite campuses particular in the northeanortheast is not represee of what's taking place across american colleges and universities as a whole. most of the time these demonstrations it's happening in the smallest number of places without outside attention thethereoften idly believed universities. it is important to address the issue of anti-semitism is a problem on college campuses as is a problem in american society is a large. arthel: and the wake of these hearings what action do you think should be taken? >> what i would like to see is inclusion of anti-semitism and
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diversity equity program and training rather than ignoring his other forms of racism it's important to recognize anti-semitism is a form of racism and needs to be addressed within the program that already takes place on college campuses to tackle racism and initiatives more broadly there needs to beat much more educational program at least about the israeli-palestinian issue. but we have seen is ignorance really in a very one sided crude and simplistic views of israelis and of the conflict. i think rather than a presidents issuing a public statements which have a limited impact upon students they just ignore dick's kinds of statements. but will beat much more influential as expanding educational program in college coaches about israel and including dialogue programs you can have a pro- palestinian
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students sit in the same room as pro- israel students and maybe they will realize they are not that far apart. >> right but would these be required courses because you can offer them if they are electives it's your choice if you want to go or not. >> that's why it's not enough just to have this you to have more programming on campuses it obviously you cannot force students to attend i think students engage in say students for justice in palestine in particular if they violate university rules and regulations. one response to be to encourage them to require them to participate in these kinds of activities to promote civil discourse on our campuses and to improve the climate for all students. arthel: understood again so you are saying finally, your ideas about bringing people together and expanding common knowledge and understanding of various
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perspectives. where are you, quickly, on getting expelled from college or arrested for committing physical violence are threatening to do so if they don't agree to coming together? >> crimes are committed they need to be tried and punished. on university rules have been violated as they have been some pouring for administrations to help their students and student student groups or accountability. it's not a bad thing student groups can have suspension for the activities or other kind of disciplinary action. but i don't think we should band these groups altogether though be of violation of student free association rights or restrict academic freedom or freedom of speech we have to balance the need to maintain academic freedom of speech with the need of students to live in a safe environment and not face harassment and intimidation. if i professor thank you very much take care.
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bill: concerns were on the homefront over threats from china and military use of artificial intelligence, talks top defense officials in southern california for the reagan national defense form. we are there live to see what is on their minds. that is coming up next. with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ahh, -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein 30 grams protein, one gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients for immune health. (♪) as a way to say thank you this holiday season, bass pro shops and cabela's club members save even more while supporting conservation during club member mondays. for the first time ever, club members receive up to an additional 15% off our best deals of the year, in-store, online, and even on sale items. every monday through christmas. plus, purchases over $500 receive 0% interest for 12 months on qualifying purchases. not a club member?
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bill: welcome back the reagan national defense form happening right in southern california the focus this year the rise of china as a global influencer as more and more americans see communist china a is the biggest challenge for national security. jennifer griffin joining us live at the reagan library in simi valley were the form is underway per jennifer, sounds like there's a lot to talk about today. >> a bill, there been a robust discussions all morning about how to keep the nation safe and how to get the edge over china. >> on a level playing field we will compete, we will trade, that is good. but on matters of national security we have bee eyes wide open about the threat. this is the biggest threat we have ever had. >> commerce secretary it was implementing president biden's artificial intelligence order.
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the nation's top technology defense companies are here explaining the benefits of ai which makes weapons more precise reducing the amount of civilian casualties. during a morning panel this morning mark who worked for the bush administration just did a study of 117 weapons production lines shows 80% of the ukraine military aid given by the u.s. actually gets spent here in the u.s. helping the economy by creating jobs and improving the industrial base. >> this is something the president should be shouting from the rooftops had like to see joe biden going to the lima tank factory and asking question. >> jim jordan's district question. >> yes and a jd vance states. to the most vocal anti- ukraine senators. they should be going to joe biden saying we want to send more abrams tanks because we build the best here in ohio.
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>> we expect to hear from defense secretary lloyd austin and about 20 minutes he will give the keynote address in our own shannon bream will have a fireside chat chairman of the joint chiefs. general brown. bill: a lot has changed in the world since the last form cheap natiochiefnational security cort jennifer griffin thank you. arthel: house panel will hold a hearing next week on trans athletes and women sports we were the strongest voices on the issue former ncaa swimmer riley gaines and joins us on that topic coming up. you are watching fox news live. cough? congestion? i'm feeling better. all in one and done with new mucinex kickstart. headache? better now. new mucinex kickstart gives all-in-one and done relief with a morning jolt of instant cooling sensation. it's comeback season. whenever you're hungry, there's a deal on the subway app. buy one footlong, get one 50% off in the subway app today.
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we fight the national defense authorization act is one of the few must pass spending bills left for congress this year but lawmakers are not close to an agreement. in many conservatives demanding significant policy reforms
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before they sign on. let's bring it mississippi senator rick wicker he is ranking member of the senate armed services committee. senator, thank you for joining us. we will start right here do you think diversity equity inclusion, abortion, border security, and military funding should be bundled? what are the consequences of bundling such critical issues? >> first of all let me say thank you very much. this is a very important gathering of industry leaders in congress and members of the military. actually the truth is we are very close on the national defense authorization act. it is eight must pass a bill as you said. we passed it every year for 61 years and in the next two weeks we will get it done this time. some of the social issues. arthel: part of a party may excuse me senator you just said it's going to get done but will it be done as a short-term
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reauthorization or completion end of the year done? >> good question. with the nda has done it is the national defense bill for the next year. and so yes it will not be temporary. as a matter of fact we have never made a national defensibility temporary stopgap bill. the other thing a lot of people might get confused about is the supplemental appropriation bill which is also very important it does need to include money for our allies in israel, ukraine and there needs to be a significant and border protection component of that. also, we need to make a significant investment in our submarine industrial base. it is the most important thing to get started on this fiscal year the current year we are in.
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i am very bullish about getting both of these bills are passed pass withinthe next two weeks. >> really? do you feel your colleagues feel the same way? some of them feel they want to again make a lot of attachments if you will because otherwise in the critical issues would not get approved as standalone bills. they see no other choice but to kind okinda stuff the bills togr if you will. >> i think yo were going to make some progress on the border that would be in the supplemental bill not part of the defense bill but i'm very much involved in that too. we have made it clear the republican senate negotiators as well as our republican brothers and sisters in the house have made it clear a supplemental bill will not pass unless there is a significant portion to stop the flood of illegal refugees across the border right now.
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we cannot solve it all but we can do something as we did under the trump administration to very much slow down the flow and return us to for example the remaining mexico policy that was used for quite some time. someone asked for asylum and we sit very well we will take your name down state in mexico until we get this resolved. the biden administration totally toss that out it has been part of the reason we've had a huge flood and i will tell you we are getting support not only from the border states the more conservative members of congress from that region and from the soutsouthland where i am from. but also the mayor of new york the mayors of chicago and the big cities, northern states that have finally realized they simply cannot accommodate this level of illegal immigrants who come across to have no job and
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that basically are a drain on the economy in new york, chicago, philadelphia and places like that. if i've this is definitely an issue and it is my understanding the bite administration -- met it expired the bill that was in place the ruling that was in place to stop people from coming in, illegal immigrants from coming in during the covid crisis. i am really encouraged by her optimism and it seems that you are telling me a defense spending bill will get past come christmas troops will get there five-point to percent raise in addition to other items in there. but the fighting will continue after christmas? >> we are very close to getting the last few items negotiated. they're very important items and those on mice and realistic to her guns but this can be done. we have seen very good over
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chores. i would say this. look for tuesday ft. negotiators at the leadership level to file the national defense authorization act. and yes, i think we are trying to finish the session of this sf congress and get out of washington d.c. by the 14th or 15th of december. we will have all these essential must pass the bills enacted by. i am more optimistic than some of the reports you may have heard recently. arthel: i appreciate your optimism i think the american people are rooting for you because a win for congress as aa win for the people. so good luck with that senator roger wicker i do appreciate your time. i won't see you before then so it's time is december 2 soap merry christmas to you sir thank you. >> you bet, merry christmas to you. thank you. stay for police's serial killers stock in the streets of los angeles and is preying on homeless men.
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lapd's at least three people been killed so far all under very similar circumstances. now policing the public's health and trying to find the suspect is christina coleman live here in los angeles with the latest on this for kristine that this has turned into a big headline out here. >> that is right. very disturbing lapd create a task force dedicated to tracking down the potential serial killer targeting the homeless in these cases. the police chief said the victims were all killed in separate attacks while they were sleeping are about too go to the killings occurred between 2:30 a.m. and shortly before 5:00 a.m. and three different locations around the l.a. area between sunday and wednesday morning. lapdlapd's said the first victis a 37 year old man who was found dead with a gunshot wound in an alley the other two victims were 62 and 52 years old. all three cases the victims were alone and isolated. police released this photo of the mail suspect so far no word on his age. few details have been released
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on this individual other than he was seen in this dark-colored sedan. la's homeless community encompasses more than 36000 people in the city found that 70% of them are unsheltered. city officials are urging them to not sleep alone. avoid isolated areas and to seek shelter while this killer is on the loose. >> this news is is devastating o our city. living on the streets we arty know is dangerous and we already know this four -- five people die each day on our streets from a range of causes and violence is certainly one of them. but i want to be very clear about what we are facing today. this is a killer who is preying on the un- housed. >> meantime a nearby at las vegas police are searching for the gunman who opened fire inside a homeless encampment friday evening killing a one oneperson and injuring four oth. witnesses say the suspect also itwas in a dark-colored sedan. lease are investigated whether
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this was an isolated incident. so far no word on a motive in any of the shootings. bill: sounds like lapd does not have a lot to go on right now so for the public and step up in helpless officers out. christina coleman thank you. arthel: saves fox news as we have live coverage of gop presidential candidates in iowa today. you'll hear more from floor to governor desantis and former president trump. we will have more news after this break.
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see if i boomer president trump speaking at a rally in iowa as we countdown to the first nation caucuses they are. now, just six weeks away. recent polls show him widening his lead over gop rivals in all of the early primary states here are some of what he had to say a short time ago. >> there hasn't been one positive thing i'll thing that's happened to her country and i
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have did say jimmy carter as you know our first lady went to the funeral of rosalyn carter and everybody was very nice. jimmy carter is in his latter years is got to be a happy man because his administration was in brilliant compared to what we have now. brilliant. [applause] would be a look at his administration he is now considered a brilliant and brilliant president by comparison to what we have now. in view it took and look at it anyways to save and take the five worst presidents i can probably say a lot more that like 15 or 20. let's be conservative let's say 10 if you take the 10 worst presidents in the history of our country and add them together they're not of done the destruction to our country is this man in this group of people have done. let's not just this man is far beyond this man out of this man knows what is happening.
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there's a group of people done great damage to our country we have to win this is the most important we have to win we have to initially caucuses think we are in good shape he seems to be dropping like a very, very sick bird into the ground slowly into the ground. i took it personally because i got him elected he was dead as a door no now it's like to say i'm not sure let me tell you he was down by like 40 points. the nomination process is moving along rapidly. he had no chance. the secretary of agriculture was up is a must adam putnam a respected guy, a good guy i did not know him. ron came to see me begging for an endorsement i said ron, you're dead you don't have any
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chance. abraham lincoln came back from the dead. if george washington and lincoln teams up together and endorse endorserthey could not do it. said sir the people of florida love you. they love you. and i believe you endorse me i could win. these are 40 or something w is a short time and i said i hate fought for me along with a lot of other congressmen and senators but he did not fight like jim jordan or other people but he fought. lec fought. it was a body based on that the impeachment hoax number one in impeacandimpeachment hoax numbei said why not. i don't know the other gentleman adam putnam i had never met him i said let's give it a shot ron, let's see i endorsed him and he would up like a rocket ship and he won and then i had to get them through a general election he was dying on the general election we had to do it all over again build two or three rallies for him.
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the rallies have a massive crowds the biggest crowds people of seen in years no one has seen rallies like this. today's not a rally in the roy to another stop is somebody going to be there to are you going to be there too? that is pretty good. oavoid toys second stop. unwound january will be coming and blitzing this beautiful place. that i have helped. i have helped so much with ethanol, right? desantis was opposed and now i i guess i do know i have no idea. when you learn about a politician? they switch for elections. the bottom line is the endorsed and then they got to the second war and and the one by two poin.
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and then he did fine as a governor but he did fine. better than many not as good as some to be honest it's very simple. he was not as good as some we had some with mcmasters of south carolina, kristi known as you know you like her, right? kristi was very nice she said she's the only one elections ever lost an election a lot of people thought should be running for president. so that's nice for a change hear someone speak honestly. she said i can't beat him with the papurpose in writing? i'm going to endorse him he's been a great president. i appreciate that a lot of people appreciate that. [cheering] [applause] other people like arkansas asa right? eta hutchinson. he's beehis employment zero fore months and he's still in paris it is he still in he's got zero i think is minut been zero for e
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months. he is still they are i do not know what these people do i don't understand it. i'm he does maybe doesn't whatever. whoever it is it doesn't matter it's going be the same ideology. maybe it gets worse and we have to do something. bill: keeping tabs on trumped there in iowa. meantime presiden present bideno revive a push that is despite the supreme court striking down the plan's international correspondent rich edson has the story. >> and no income checks, no fraud checks, nothing regrets by the administration was ready to forgive student loan for millions of borrowers without checking any documents to verify the applicant actually qualify under the president's plan. that's according to her
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accountability report that found the department of education plan to automatically approve over 2 million borrowers for relief based solely on their self reported income the department did not take any steps to verify income for the boris and for automatically approving them for relief. the government never canceled these debts. the supreme court struck down the bite administration student debt forgiveness program designed to kick in as the covid era payment expired. >> they did not fully did the upfront fraud checks they needed to do. >> in response to the gao report the education department wrote quote in contrast to other pandemic aid relief programs the student loan debt program inherently and extremely low risk of fraud it targeted a population of borrowers well-known to the department. the bite administration is trying to cobble together a newer smaller relief plan to comply with the supreme court ruling.
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republicans called a giveaway to wealthy grads for. >> the majority of the high earning borrowers who chose to take on student debt would avoid ever paying back the principal they borrowed. >> the government spent trillions of dollars floating the economy during the pandemic. investigators are still trying to figure out how much money designed for businesses and their employees went to criminals. some estimates have the government lost tens even hundreds of billions of dollars to fraud. in washington, rich edson fox before we will be right backow,a stay witssh us. at america's best? these savings won't last forever, unlike your eternal elation. ok, settle down. y'know, for someone who doesn't wear glasses, you sure are excited. for a limited time, get 40% off a single pair of glasses at america's best. shop online or book an exam at
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before welcome back house lawmakers are gearing up for what is expected to be an explosive hearing on tuesday female athletes, transgender athletes and title ix protection. some schools have come under fire over trans athlete competing against biological women. for more on this let's bring somebody who can be a witness at next week's hearing. riley gaines and director of the riley gain center of the leadership institute. thank you for coming on. >> of course, thank you for having me. >> i'm really that we did talk to about the few of us have a lot of first-hand experience. you competed against leah thomas, you had to share a locker room with him. what do you want to get across
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to the house here next week? >> just that. but we went there at the national championships about girls around the country continue to go through this explicitly discrimination on basis of our which is everything title ix was passed to prevent from happening. so now of course this issue fell entirely on party lines in the house, 219 republicans voted in favor of protecting women and girls in sports which was represented to gr greg stu bees bill. all two and three every single last one that mothers and fathers of their own young daughters alternate three democrats voted in opposition of protecting women and girls in sports. of course i hope to use my testimony in my experience it again girls continued to explain from the country as a proof of why we need to protect sports on the basis of our. for people it may not be entirely know your story during lunch hundred meter freestyle you competed against leah thomas, a biological man. you essentially got the exact
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same time but the ncaa decided to give him the trophy is that right? >> you are exactly right. when asked the question of why it despite tying literally gret aid the exact same time to the hundredth of a second i have to why are you adamant on giving the trophy to a man and eight women's 200 freestyle over a woman question rick ncaa explained to me that been advised when photos are being taken it was crucial leah thomas got to hold the trophy. many of course they had reduced everything we had worked our entire lives for down toy photo op to validate the feelings of the intensity of a mail at the expense of our own. >> at trans rights advocate some democrats have called you a bigot for speaking out on this topic there'll be democrats this committee hearing next week do you anticipate taking some flack for speaking out? >> of course. i think truly that's a sign you're doing the right thing when you are getting flack, when you're taking those arrows image or right over the target because people do not waste ammunition
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on target if they do not want to defend. i certainly anticipate tough questions. what they believed to be tough i don't think they're tough because everything surrounding this topic is very easily rebut old with my very much pro- woman pro- fairness approach truth message. sue for the last question about 40 seconds out if you saw center josh hawley sent the ncaa president letter basically asking what is the ncaa position on transgender athletes, can you articulate it for us? the ncaa sent back a sick six page letter which is a bunch of garbled word salad. what is the ncaa position on this? >> right now of course they are trying to have all hands off deck they won no responsibility or no accountability. charlie baker had a follow-up in writing he testified in front of the senate judiciary committee a few weeks ago was not able to answer any of these questions in real time. every response was let me get that back to in writing. many he did not want to be under
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fire which is a stance the ncaa has taken. before riley we thank you so much for coming on today. thank you for speaking out a best of luck to you in the hearing next week we will certainly be watching and listening in on it. thank you. >> of course think you. arthel: as it we mentioned at the top of the art both for president trump and florida governor desantis are campaigning today in iowa. both it will speak at 4:00 p.m. eastern sometime in that hour. mr. trump is in cedar rapids, iowa where he is leading in the early staples. about 100 miles to the west mr. desantis will be in newton, iowa with governor kim reynolds as he completes his goal of stopping at all 99 counties sprayed of course we will have live coverage of both rallies on fox news right here starting at 4:00 p.m. eastern. so bill you and i get to take a
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quick break and then we will be back in an hour. how about that. before that will be fun. a little over 40 days into the iowa caucuses be the former president and his rival ron desantis both going to be speaking. we'll be dipping into that live because a lot of viewers out there are very curious what they have to say. especially desantis after his debate night with gavin newsommy will see if trump has anything >>paragraph itwas must-see tv f. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ..
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