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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  December 4, 2023 3:00am-4:00am PST

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where maybe some kids think that this is a cool thing to do or something they are conforming to in some way because they learned about it on a tiktok or youtube or something like that. so, it's just disturbing as somebody who has with a 10 and 8-year-old. this is something that i may have to encounter at some point. we're trying to make sure that we don't. but it's crazy. g >> griff: i wouldn't let an 8 or 10-year-old get a tattoo, laws against under 18 to get one to a major decision like that. joe concha, thank you for getting up early and kicking things off on this monday for us. >> carley: thank you so much. >> have great monday. >> carley: griff, great spends an hour with you as well. very much appreciate it. >> griff: it was great spending with you and learning one of my nfl bets. how about that. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> ainsley: this is a fox news alert this morning on a monday.
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the u.s. launching a drone strike in northern iraq killing five iranian proxy fighters. this at least -- this is the fifth time the u.s. has carried out retaliatory strikes in iraq and syria over the past month. >> steve: meanwhile in the gaza strip, the idf advances deeper into the region, taking out at least 200 hamas targets overnight. >> lawrence: trey yingst is live in southern israel with the latest. trey, the cease-fire is over. what's the latest on the ground? >> trey: yeah, hey, guys, good morning. the cease-fire is indeed over. just a few moments ago we saw two rockets intercepted jennings to this position along the gaza border. day 59 of the war between israel and hamas. israelis are increasing their strikes against the gaza strip. they say overnight 200 different targets were hit inside gaza bringing the total number to more than 10,000 since this war began on october 7th. now, the heavy air campaign is
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spiking the death toll in gaza. authorities at the hamas-controlled health ministry say more than 700 people were killed in a 24 hour period over the weekend. israel still going after hamas leadership killing the commander of the chevy battle in airstrike over the weekend. they killed the commander of. if a hat was responsible for the death of seven soldiers 2018 war. he participated in the planning of the october 7th massacre. israel is expanding ground operations starting to target positions near gaza's southern city of hahn eunice. yesterday three commercial vessels in the red sea were attacked by iran backed houthi rebels from yemen. the uss carney shot down three drones that were in its area highlighting the role that american forces in the region are playing back in october a savvas of missiles and drones that were headed toward israel. it's not just the southern front that remains active.
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activity on the northern front as hezbollah renews attacks into northern israel. guys? >> steve: trey it, sounds like the idf hit 200 targets overnight apparently they found and you would know more about this because over here. apparently they found tunnels and weapons in a school and one of the tunnels was booby-trapped and that just goes to everything the israelis have said. they put bad stuff in good places. >> yeah, absolutely. and if it wasn't so hazy today, i would actually show you the area where they found that tunnel shaft. it's in the neighborhood behind me. across the border in the northern part of the gaza strip. and 58 days into the conflict, hamas was still firing rockets from this neighborhood. and so it gives you a sense of the infrastructure that they created over the past several years in these densely populated areas. we saw it for ourselves when we went into gaza with the israeli military.
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many of the weapons are being stored in schools. they are being stored in civilian areas, and it's challenging a very challenging situation for the israelis. they are targeting not just the northern part of gaza now but also the second largest city of hand eunice. and southern city of rafah. this is a concerted effort by the israelis to put more precious on hamas to get additional hostages released destroy as many weapons storage facilities as part. the city is the second largest city in that area. they have told the palestinians there to leave and evacuated if they can they are saying that they have found 800 tunnels in israel. 500 have been destroyed and sealed have. they found any hostages? they haven't found any hostages.
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couple bodies of those taken into gaza images to get the cease-fire back together after it expired, after a violation of hamas firing rockets into israel on friday morning. we understand israeli mossad team in doha. they wanted to return home. they wanted to send a m sage the conversations were not headed in the right directions. they pulled the team back here though israel. those regional sources say the negotiations continue. they want to see if they can get more hostages out through diplomatic channels. understanding more than 100 people still being held inside gaza may not be recovered through the means and efforts of israeli forces that are operating on the ground. >> lawrence: trey, as predicted the international pressure against israel is ramping up. i just wonder in gaza, since hamas continues to use its own
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people as shields is there more pressure? i know there has been reporting on it to get rid of hamas, to take back authority of the gazan area. >> there is a lot of pressure on hamas and people are becoming increasingly vocal about their frustration of how this conflict began. and, look, israel is walking a tight rope here in terms of american and western support also balancing the pressure and iticism, rightly so that they are receiving for the rising civilian death toll we cannot independently confirm the numbers receiving from gaza because they are coming from the health ministry. we foe for a fact that thousands of civilians are dying. the images from inside gaza are devastating. children trapped under rubble. civilians being killed in strikes as israelis go after hamas leadership as the day goes
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on and against gaza the pressure on israeli government and military will also increase. >> trey, to your point. there is also a lot of pressure on the israeli government from the people of israel, because i was reading this morning that apparently hostage family they know the cease-fire is over. israel has withdrawn the negotiators. and for the most part the ground offensive as you detailing is on families of the hostages still snuck gaza somewhere they want to meet with the war council. they want to be reassured that the government of israel will stop at nothing to bring them back people are going to get killed in the crossfire. >> trey: absolutely, benjamin netanyahu faced a lot of criticism from hostages. today the focus is on the families of the soldiers being held inside gaza.
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they are putting pressure and calling for the prime minister to meet with them have agreed to meet with the families want prime minister himself has not. we understand that has changed and later today or tomorrow israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is expected to meet with the families of those soldiers that are being held inside gaza there is pressure we saw over the weekend in square in tel aviv families of those speaking out. every single hostage to be brought home. do whatever it takes whether increasing the diplomacy or ground operation they want to get these hostages home. not just those individuals it's this entire country of 9 million people. you see the yellow ribbons. you see the calls on social media. people want to do whatever it takes to get their loved ones home. >> ainsley: trey, thank you so much. we talked a lot about the attacks on our military operation or iranian attacked
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forces dozens of times the last few weeks. >> steve: just poking us. >> ainsley: exactly. reagan national defense forum on saturday and interviewed leon panetta who served as defense secretary under barack obama. he supports a more aggressive attack on those forces in the middle east. listen. >> i would be much more aggressive about going after those that attack you are u.s. forces. >> do you think, to date, that our response has been too soft? >> i think it's been a little bit too selective we hit some ammo dumps and other targets. i want to go after those who are firing missiles at our troops and make sure they understand that when they fire a missile they are going to die. >> lawrence: i mean, it's such a good point. our response right now goes against everything those men and women on the ground stand up
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for. if you talk to any infantry man or operator or special operators, they say the reason we agree to go overseas and fight these battles so the battle is not brought home they are attacked and tbi after tbi only a matter of time before they lose their life. we are do absolutely nothing but striking weapon depots. that really doesn't deter our enemies and if you are the philosophy of the former administration that went after qasem soleimani. went after people and killed them and said look, knock it off -- not just knock it off. but we are going to take you guys out until you understand what our red line is no one knows what the administration's red line is. >> steve: easier during the trump years they designated the houthi rebels they said they are terrorists. and that was the red line.
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what does this administration do? they come in. they start trying to normalize relations with iran. next thing you know houthi rebels off the terror list. if they were on the list this would be easy. >> ainsley: absolutely right. 10 minutes after the hour. when iowa talks people listen. we are officially six weeks away from the iowa caucus. will desantis or nikki haley attach up to trump's big lead? we're going to ask our panel of iowa voters. >> steve: excellent. but, first, climate czar john kerry says he wants to shut down coal plants in america. our next guest is a miner who says you need coal to get cleaner energy. also electric cars, mr. kerry, run on coal. all right. take a look. first monday in december as we look at the all-american christmas tree. ♪ whoa, yeah.
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♪ >> carley: we are back with a fox news alert. the u.s. air force confirming that divers have recovered the remains of two of the crew members from the off spray aircraft that crashed off the coast of japan last week. air force command discovered the bodies of five crew members earlier this morning and haven't identified the newly recovered
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remains yet. sergeant jacob-jake was the first of the 8 crew members to be found last week. and new overnight, cbp is suspending operations at border crossings in lukeville, arizona in the tucson sector. officials say it's to free up agents to deal with increased numbers of migrant encounters. border patrol says the tucson sector has seen the most migrant encounters on the southern border. according to the sector's chief patrol agent, 17500 migrants arrested over the course of giavasis last week. and florida lawmakers and fans alike calling out the ncaa for undefeated florida state. the selection committee failed after choosing one loss alabama over fsu. florida governor and 2024 presidential candidate ron desantis slamming the group on x saying, quote: what we learned today is that you can go undefeated and win your
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conference championship game with the college playoff committee will ignore these results. this is going so far, lawrence, to get governor desantis' response. it was a controversial decision. people are going to be unhappy no matter what they did. >> lawrence: there is no winning in the new playoff structure. >> carley: no winning, that's exactly right. climate enjoy john kerry pushing president biden's green agenda on the world stage any more i mind myself getting more and more militant because i do not understand how adults who are in positions of responsibility can be avoiding responsibility for taking away those things that are killing people on a daily basis. >> lawrence: what does this mean for american coal workers. former west virginia coal miner
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bo berkeley joins us now. the secretary doesn't understand. help him. >> well, honestly, i don't understand how he can say some of the things that he does. but, you know, we have always looked at this administration as obama 2.0 and where we had the war on coal during the obama administration now. i guess we have the war on coal 2.0. they make promises about pushing electric vehicles but they are not very smart in that because they don't even include companies like tesla who is the leading manufacturer in electric vehicles to lead the way you want to go across the world in private jets or not very carbon
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friendly machines. and tell the rest of the world, we are going to take care of you and get rid of good paying jobs for hardworking people like west virginians. honestly, it's another opportunity for them to really spit in the face of the people who live in this country. >> lawrence: bo, do you think there is electorate in the democratic party going to push back against this? you know, your governor switched over in west virginia from the democratic party to the republican party. obviously he knows this very well. family, was a part of the coal mining industry. it seems like there are some within the party, in the democratic party that are so progressive on the issue that many in the party have no choice but to carry out these plans. that's the big problem as
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everyone is worried about their party. the national party they tend to lean toward the extreme left. no one wants to be in the middle anymore on these issues and try to take care of everyone. there are plenty of democrats in west virginia still see the same things that we do as far as where coal is needed and where coal is helpful for us i'm sure there are plenty of people across the country who are democrats who see the same that we do every day common working people the problem with that is none of them are elected officials. the majority of them are just going to placate to the overall majority of the party, which is extremism and that's so sad. >> lawrence: yeah. some would say, spe especially e democracy i talk to no place for them within the party. find themselves to be true democrats. the party has left them. bo, thank you so much for joining the program. hopefully the administration is watching this morning. appreciate it.
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>> thank you so much for having me. i appreciate it. >> lawrence: you are got it, brother. a fox news alert. a former u.s. ambassador is arrested in florida, accused of secretly serving as an agent for cuba. the new information we learned overnight. first, six weeks from today is the iowa caucus. can any candidate catch up to trump? we'll ask our panel of iowa voters. that's next. ♪ ah mornings! cough? congestion? i'm feeling better. all in one and done with new mucinex kickstart. headache? better now. new mucinex kickstart gives all-in-one and done relief with a morning jolt of instant cooling sensation. it's comeback season. if you struggle. and struggle. and struggle with cpap. you should check out inspire. no mask. no hose. just sleep. learn more and view important safety information at
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rocca is examined to appear in court according to the associated press one revealed the doj accuses rocca of working to promote the cuban government's interest over the course of 25 year diplomatic in the early 2,000s and then to the job at the of the state department. most recently moved into the u.s. private advocacy sector there. they told ap our firm to remains committed to transparency. monitor the situation cooperating fully with the authorities if any information becomes available to us man accused of lobbying for cuba worked at the u.s. intersection in havana an embassy of sorts allowed through an agreement
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president carter and fidel castro. ainsley? >> ainsley: thank you so much, al eleal electricity andrea anda thank you to you, too. >> steve: you bet. i'm just going to nod. let's talk about the election. iowa caucus goers cast their first primary votes in exactly six weeks in the first test of the 2024 presidential election. so, where do the voters stand on the candidates? let's bring in our iowa voter panel. we have republican voter and the mayor of nevada, iowa. his name is bret barker down on there on the bottom waving to us. hello. ken schmitd. is he in clive, iowa. hey, good morning. we have republican voter lori tee an co. and she is in des moines. good morning to you all. i will start with you. what are the top issues for you in this election and which candidate are you leaning toward? >> good morning. i'm leaning towards governor desantis. and one much my top issues is
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the economy people struggling to make ends meet. you know, working double jobs just to try to make ends meet. then still not succeeding not always being able to afford their prescriptions, their groceries, repairs on their automobiles pay their bills education is extremely important as a grandparent. i have several grandkids that their futures are extremely important to me. >> ainsley: what are the people saying? they like trump. if you look at the polls, the des moines, iowa poll -- des moines register poll trump is at 43%. right under that desantis and haley at 16%. he has a commanding lead. why is that? >> you know, i think there's a lot of things. i think you heard my colleague here talking about the trouble americans are facing.
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they look back and things were better between 2016 and 2020. i think a lot of folks see that and so, you know, it is easy to say let's go back to that at the same time i think that there's also some baggage and some things that people are tired about. we do what juanens do. at the end of the day jennings summer we will have a nominee our job to meet the we will have the opportunity and great honor that we take seriously have the opportunity to narrow the field and have our voice heard and send some candidates ton new hampshire for them to do their thing next. >> kim, what issues are most important? i agree the economy is the number one issue. i'm also concerned about what's going on over in ukraine gaza maybe starting in taiwan it's a scary world out there right now. >> ainsley: who's the candidate
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that you like. >> i'm uncommitted at the moment. >> ainsley: how exciting is it, lori, to be leading these efforts across the country we are all going to be watching your state in six weeks we need to make sure we are not sitting on the sidelines and doing nothing. we need to caucus for the candidates we need show up and cast our votes. if we are just setting on the sideline and complaining, then we are not doing anything eaters. we need to be proactive and we need to get out there. we need to do our research on the candidates and then, again, show up on caucus day and cast our votes. we can't sit at home. we have got to show up. >> ainsley: brent, what are you hearing on the streets? what's your community saying. >> a lot of the things you are hearing. the world is on fire. we are missing american leadership on the world stage. a lot of folks see that there is a lot of uncertainty right now.
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we have tyrants and dictators and terrorists making moves around the world. the economic issues we have and then ultimately there is also the debt and the spending and things that my generation is worried about. we have spent our snfrls a really bad place. we don't see out of washington, d.c. of folks going to tackle that you also have a situation where there is fringe group in d.c. who really has a lot of outsized influence and ultimate inability to govern. we felt that way, i think, for most of my life as d.c. has had an nabilityd to govern. i think it's gotten much worse. so i think there are people that are looking for somebody who can get things back on the rails who will be able to grow our majorities in the house and the senate, and who can ultimately work with the congress to get things done for the american people. >> steve: what's the political makeup. two republican senators, your governor is a republican.
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>> all except one of our statewide office holders is republican. and our whole congressional delegation is republican for the first time in years. >> ainsley: how are you -- are you enjoying that? are you liking it? do you agree with their policies? >> it's good. it's a lot better than the other way. at the same time, it's good to hear voices from both sides of the aisle when you are cooking legislation. we believe in a two party system. >> ainsley: absolutely. lori, ken, bret, thank you so much for joining us. get through christmas and the holidays and then here we go. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> ainsley: you're welcome. >> this is a fox news alert. the u.s. striking iran proxy fighters overnight in iraq after houthi rebels attacked an american ship in the red sea. retired general don bolduc joins us live amid mounting fierce of full on regional conflict. plus a homeowner shoots at four suspects who broke into his house. but video shows him being handcuffed instead. the full story straight ahead.
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>> steve: we're back with a fox news alert. the united states has launched a drone strike in northern iraq killing five iranian proxy fighters, meanwhile in the red sea, the uss carney shooting down three drones coming from iran-backed houthi rebels on sunday. check back in with trey yingst live in southern israel with the latest. what is going on, trey? >> yeah, can you hear in the distance a lot of outgoing artillery fire. the israelis are targeting the northern part of the gaza strip with what appears to be a large fire mission, likely hitting the neighborhood. one of the last strongholds in northern gaza for hamas fighters. they have been going after leadership there over the past
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several days. we also can report virile forces are operating on the ground called khan yunis. telling civilians previously using the road to move from the northern part of gaza to the south. not to use that evacuation corridor right now. they are pointing them to the see to evacuate close to their. there is clearly some significant ground fighting taking place. and they say they are pausing military operations in that southern city of rafah to allow for humanitarian evacuation to get as many civilians out of the way right now. this comes as the israelis are learning more about the hostages that were held inside gaza. as you continue to hear that artillery in the stance. i do want you to take a listen to the spokesman for the israeli government who had this to say about what they learned. >> so trauma moo tides by over 50 days of captivity that she refuses to let go of her mother
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even to let her go to the bathroom at home. doctors are attesting to the consequences for the health of these survivors, saying they have, quote, never seen such terrible hygiene as the conditions in which hamas returned the hostages. >> as the israelis continue to search for the hostages still inside gaza. there are questions about what comes next for the ground operation. they are now putting pressure on the northern part, the central part, and the southern part of the gaza strip. you have got 2 million civilians that outgoing artillery right now targeting the northern part of gaza but, again, the question here is where will those civilians go as the ground and air separations expand. guys? >> steve: that's the big question. trey, thank you very much. our next guest knows all about fighting terror firsthand. retired brigadier general don bolduc served 10 tours in afghanistan and he joins us now. general, good morning to you. >> good morning, sir. how are you today? >> steve: i'm doing great. thank you very much for joining
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us on this monday. general, will you explain to folks so we know that the people who are shooting at us u.s. assets over in the region are backed by iran. why are they shooting at us. the houthi rebels. what are they trying to do? it looks like they are trying to provoke us into doing something bigger. >> well, i think the reason that they're attacking us is because they can we have a strategic failure a national security b-team in place that left afghanistan with a huge debacle. has demonstrated that it w waffs on every single strategic issue. doesn't on the root problem. allowing policies to pretty much do whatever they in the managing their proxies, in that region
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and over 57 times now attack u.s. soldiers at the tactical level without any it's because the biden admin weak. no teeth. national leaders are not respected or trusted as a result they are attacking or monday and women on the ground. another failure at strategic level. listen, they can't drag us into a war. but what they can do is they can continue to attack american service members at sea or on land through their proxies and right now they have been allowed to get away with it same people in the obama administration that tied both hands behind our back
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like like they are trying to do with israel. we become the gadd byes when in fact the bad guys is hamas. they need to be pressured, pursued and punished with every single asset that the israeli have available. we need to support them in that effort. we need to change the media dialogue outside of your own. mostly international that says hey, listen, hamas is the bad guys here. they're the extremists hezbollah is the bad guys here. houthi is the bad guys he. iran is the provoke tour. and we need to grsh on iran and they're not doing that. >> steve: all right you, general, thank you very much on this monday. >> you're welcome, sir. god bless you. happy holidays. >> steve: a quarter before the top of the hour, carley joins us about how hot it is outside. >> carley: i certainly do steve. that's one way of putting it. you are right. thousands of protesters marching in brussels yesterday to demand action on climate change.
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their message to politicians is, quote: act now to stop the world from destroying itself. the march comes as world leaders, including vice president kamala harris and climate ebb i have john kerry wrap up the top 28 are climate summit in dubai. now to football action. the san francisco 49ers getting their revenge on the philadelphia eagles and their highly anticipated rematch of last year's nfc championship game of the brock purdy making his presence known after getting injured in last year's game tossing four touchdowns and the 42-19 win. and there she is. you see her right there. taylor swift making an appearance at&t at lambeau field for the chief packers game. green bay looking fearless not carrying about the reputation of the defending champs using some timely defense to seal the upset. >> need an alabama miracle here. mahomes going to buy the time. circle around, look, slip it up
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to the end zone kelsey down there. what a contact. incomplete. no flag. pack confederacy win. >> green bay wins 27-19. there was terrible officiating in that game just saying. >> lawrence: it's been terrible all season. >> ainsley: can you make fsu didn't make it to the finals? what in the world. >> steve: thank you, carley. business insider got a story and really interesting. we have been talking about it all morning long. millennials for the most part. many of them have put off having kids until later in life. and so, their parents, baby beamers, people born between 1946 and 1964 are the oldest generation of grandparents ever. here's the problem. many of the millennials feel like their parents, the baby boomers have abandoned them because they have got kids. they need help from grandma and grandpa. grandma and grandpa are out
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traveling, living their lives and playing too much pickleball. >> they interviewed a 33-year-old mom and says my grandmother raised me now there is no guarantee my parents or in-law wants will be able to participate. i have to ask months in advance for them to come and keep my children if we are going on vacation and oftentimes they say no, we are traveling. we have our own schedules. >> lawrence: this is what the headlines say boomer traded the child raising village for traveling. now millennial parents say they have no one to support them. i come at this from two different perspectives. >> steve: you are a millennial. i'm grandparent. i like pickleball, lawrence. >> lawrence: very young. and they have been parents the majority of their life. 17. my mom got pregnant at 16, had me at 17. her and my dad have done their job they made it clear to me and the rest of my siblings, look, if you all have children you better be prepared to take care of them because on the later half of our life we plan on
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vacationing, having a good time. there is also the people that i talk to in diners that say we haven't been able to retire because of inflation. we thought we were retiring but we got get a second job. so i think inflation. of the kids upset parents aren't pitching. in the parents say we can't pitch it because we can barely afford it. >> ainsley: wait until you put your baby in your mom's arms and she is going to think differently. my mom did. i remember my mom telling me before i was even married don't think i'm going to raise your children because i'm not. all my friends, they can't stand it when the kids leave the babies with them. they have have their own lives. but then when i had a baby. my mom loved being around her grandchildren. >> steve: and we love it, too. because, you know, it's like getting to be a parent again for a kid who looks just like your kid and spoil them. but, here's the thing.
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basher boomers have so much money. $78 million sitting on it. makes sense we have done our job, if the kids need help like when sally had a baby. my wife moved to dallas for a month to be with her. she had child care problems. kathy went down there and helped. you just have to ask. because, let's face it. for the most part, baby boomers save their whole life and now it's like okay, i'm going to spend it before they do. >> ainsley: they should. they worked their tails off. >> lawrence: in defense of the parents they put the kids through college. they supported them. >> ainsley: they need a break. >> lawrence: don't they get some enjoyment? >> steve: most of the parents of millennials were helicopter parents. we will do everything you need. and now their they're parents. i will give you advice but you are going to raise them. >> ainsley: laughing at
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soundbite from ted dobson retired father moved to luxury resort in mexico. they have all got nannies. we didn't have a damn thane. they drive expensive suvs i drive a frickin' minivan. i haven't spent a nickel on me kids i have some for me. >> steve: i wonder if ted plays pitbull. >> ainsley: i'm sure is he on the beach with a drink. four people break into a homeowner one put on n. handcuffs a live report. >> steve: first, gifts for everybody on the list. indoor fireball perfect for s'mores, fondue and cooking. >> ainsley: look at elle, his beautiful wife helped him do all of this. ♪ your heart is the beat of life. if you have heart failure,
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>> steve: a fox weather alert. new england is bracing for a powerful winter storm could cause rocky commute today. more than 1,000 people in maine don't have power this morning as brought down tree branches and power lines of some areas of that state. check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for our fox weather forecast in a storm impact them went through here yesterday. >> janice: absolutely. too warm for snow for the i-95
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corridor. northern new england area going to be impacted by that snow. too warm for snow in new york. we have had incredible snow deficit over the last couple of seasons. can you see where we have got the colder air certainly for two thirds of the country from the rockies to the central plains some of that snow moving across northern new england as well as the rockies and the northern plains. our next storm system moves into the northwest. otherwise, not a bad looking forecast but northern among certainly socked in start to taper off as we get into tuesday. otherwise, not a bad looking forecast. no major storage systems. see that major pressure into the ohio valley on tuesday and keep you up to date. fox for all the latest details. very seasonal with the all-american christmas tree here in the background to lawrence and ainsley. >> ainsley: don't you just love
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christmas? we need some snow, janice. the holiday season full swing and it is the perfect time to be making your christmas list and checking it twice. >> lawrence: skip bedell joins us now with great gifts for the whole family. what do you have? >> what is happening, guys, merry christmas. walmart is like the one stop shop and they have everything this year from kids to the whole family. >> lawrence: i love walmart. >> skip: awesome family pajama set wear on christmas morning when you open up the gifts the barbie play house three story doll house with a spiral slide what kid wouldn't love to get that truly the dream house. and frozen 16-inch bike. amazing toys from marvel from lego, great selection of toys. the best thing is their top 25 toys are under $25. it's a great place to get toys. >> lawrence: get everything from walmart. >> you walk right in and have everything walk right in and get it, have it delivered. have it curbside. >> ainsley: these are the biggest things now.
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>> skip: kids are going crazy for squish mallows. pick it up at the store or deliver it right to your house. >> they have everything. all the popular brand names. they have everything, all toys that you want. >> house wares and awesome air fryer. >> everything for everything in the house. drew berry more line of beautiful. all these appliances in beautiful color. it's an air fryer. >> i like to eat. >> have you ever used those? they are the best to cook your vegetables. >> everything. pizza slice. they have everything all the women's air styling tools. they have things for pets. we love this jewelry though. this is the big hit right now. >> these are lab grown diamonds huge trend right now. lab grown diamonds come stinks for cut and clarity a quarter of the price. >> everything here is under 500 scbldz for instance like this one karat solitaire wing is 499. >> ainsley: are you kidding me? >> once you find the girl, there
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you go. normally between 1,000 and 5,000. under $500. real diamond. amazing selection from walmart. i love this bird house. elle, tell them about the bird house. >> bird house where you can put the bird seat. camera record video or pictures and the app. that comes with this over 6,000 species of birds it will identify. everything for pets, cats, dogs. >> ainsley: my grandmother loved to watch her humming birds outside her window. >> all at walmart. >> this is the bow wow bunny. we love. this our dogs particularly love. this this is the number one safety device. made in the u.s.a. it holds the bone it. locks it in. but, most importantly the dogs can't get to that one inch of the bone. >> lawrence: that's what they choke. >> that's what they choke on. not only a safe toy but actually love it without the bone in there. our dogs love to eat this thing. >> great for the pet lovers on your list. this is the wow wow buddy. >> so from the number one name


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