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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  December 4, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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iowa, new hampshire and south carolina. we can feel it on the ground. we are sitting at an airport diner. >> the airport diner was empty. where was everybody? >> if you're talking about the national momentum, it is best to have people behind you at the time. this is again the tone deaf storytelling of the entire gop. written in fast colors here with nikki haley. get some people in the backdrop. haley is scraping up the dollars. the koch brothers have dropped money on her and now democratic donors are contributing to her campaign according to the new york post. we will see where this goes. the momentum is less than convincing. >> she has an open invitation to debate. that's it for us tonight. check me out on social media for the videos from the big georgia alabama game. welcome to "jesse watters primetime". tonight, the good people have a
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democratic national convention in chicago. stay tuned. >> that sounds like a threat to me. >> i have not taken a penny from any foreign source ever in my life. >> was china paying joe biden an allowance? >> i would never eat your pete and a million years. you are so rude. how are you going to tell me i am a man in a purse and long hair and nails you can figure that out for yourself? >> the transgender bullies pete review. plus, have you ever caught anyone in alive? >> don't act like you've got a big [ bleep ] when you don't got a big [ bleep ] . >> 1968, a year that lives on in infamy for the democratic party. as war raged through vietnam, riots filled the streets at
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home. and then president lyndon johnson announced he was stepping down. >> i shall not seek and i will not accept the nomination of my party for another term as your president. >> and for the next year he watched his party tear itself apart. the front runner for the nomination, bobby kennedy, assassinated. the democratic national convention national convention in chicago exploded. >> antiwar protesters gathered in chicago for the democratic convention. [ yelling ] >> how hard it is to accept the truth. >> johnson is no longer a candidate. it didn't change the convention of those determined to end the war. >> we wouldn't have to have this in the streets of chicago. >> it was the year to be a
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republican. richard nixon cruises his way into the presidency and the democratic party was left broken. in 2000, during al gore's convention in la, rage against the machine played outside while riders got pretty rambunctious. ♪ music playing ♪ >> not even obama's harmon nation. in 2008, protesters engulfed the democratic national convention in denver. but 55 years after chicago, a runaway train of democrat fury is rolling back in time for the convention. black voters in chicago are threatening to ruin the party. >> this is about our people demanding the resources just as
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you have given these people, these newcomers welcome into this country. how do take a new group of people that have paid no taxes, can't vote and put them in front of the voters. we will show you how we feel about the democratic national convention. if you think you're going to have a peaceful democratic national convention in the city of chicago while our people are starving, stay tuned. >> the republican party isn't responsible for persuading black americans to see the truth. we are not that effective. the biden administration's complete failure did it. and you know what happens when someone you love let you down? it hurts that much more. >> we are done with the democrats. president biden has showed us what they think about the black community this country. and so we are standing here today to say, okay, if that's what it is, we don't have to support the democratic party. we don't have to continue to
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support people who are not going to support us. it doesn't matter anymore witch party we go with. but i tell you this, i'd rather deal with the snake that is outfit itself of the republican party than the snake that is covered up in the democratic party. >> maybe jussie smollett is right. maybe chicago is maga country. this is chicago we are talking about. what do you think black voters are feeling in swing states? it can be good. biden is losing his grip on chicago where he won 75% of the vote. why? trust. the southside of chicago sees an old white guy who can barely walk and claims he has your back, bend over backwards for foreign nationals that he let break into the country. that hits home. but the whole rainbow coalition shattering into pieces. the arab street already decided biden has lost. >> we are announcing that
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president biden has lost the 2024 election. we are not powerless as americans. we are powerful. we don't only have the money, but we have the actual votes. we will use that vote to save this nation from itself. >> i am here to tell you mr. biden that on behalf of the michigan community we will not be voting for you either in the primary or in the general elections. >> i will work day and night to ensure that voters abandon biden this election. >> abandoned biden. all over the country. muslim americans are chanting genocide joe. genocide joe. blood red paint splattered all over the white house. it was just weeks ago young democrats were assaulting the dnc headquarters. remember these young voters? they were burning brose and held their nose and voted for biden. but biden broke the deal and never paid off their student
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loans, destroyed the dollar and got us roped into two proxy wars. you are going to see a number of angry factions converge on chicago during the democratic national convention this summer at a time when biden's nomination isn't a share thing. can you imagine the superdelegates screwing around and nominating a white male san francisco liberal gavin newsom in a smoke-filled room while kamala harris paces frantically outside? too bad they defunded the police because they will need them at the convention. they have to keep order. you're going to see outside groups like anarchists fly in. even biden's hometown is angry with him. >> the worst president we have ever had to be honest with you. this economy sucks. i mean everything is going up. except paychecks. >> it has gotten worse. i'm a registered democrat, but i'm not happy. >> nobody sees it through the eyes of the people. they see it through the eyes of
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washington. >> i don't think he actually grew up here technically, so he uses that that he cares about us. >> a preview of the 2024 convention. you are watching it unfold on the streets every day. let's now talk to chicago alderman raymond lopez, a democrat, and he joins me now. alderman, what will it look like this show mark in chicago at the convention? >> jesse, it's only getting worse the closer we get to convention. the anger and animosity brewing on the streets of chicago runs deep. we have seen that grow exponentially worse with the ever-growing migrant crisis as we have seen 23,000 individuals bust to the city of chicago. where you see the black community which should be the core of the democratic party feel as though they have been abandoned as you said and they are no longer feeling the love from uncle joe. and they are going to use the world stage when it is here in their backyard to let their anger be known and let people
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see that they do not have the full faith and confidence of the democratic party, my party, that they gave their unconditional love to anymore. >> when i was out on the streets for the factor i was listening to everybody. black, white, hispanic. i got a sense when obama was president that he could do no wrong. they loved the guy. he could not make a single mistake. and they still have his back. when you talk to people on the streets, what do they say about joe biden? >> what they say about joe biden, and indeed the entire democratic party as a hole, is that most of the democratic voters feel that this party no longer represents them. it's been lurching too far to the left, to the extreme trying to placate the socialist, the squad and the rest of them while leaving a vast majority of our voting base off in the wilderness with nowhere else to go but to the embrace of the republican party, which they are not doing willingly but because they feel they have nowhere else to go.
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in a very close election weeks we expect to be between president trump and president biden again facing off, losing 10% of your base because you push them to the side can mean all the difference in states like not just illinois but the swing states they need to win back the presidency. >> what did the woman say she would rather deal with the snake that is outside in the republican party than the snake that is hiding inside the democratic party? >> i think what she means and what we hear so often is that people understand what the differences are between the democratic and republican party. people don't make any excuses for what they expect out of the republican party. they know what the party's views are on immigration, lgbt, minority and thanks of that nature. they have a pretty good idea where the stances and how they differentiate from the democratic party. what they are worried about is the democratic party vocalizes all kinds of things and does not deliver. actually does quite the opposite and continues to harm its own voting base while still saying
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they are caring about their issues and worrying about families and basically being hypocritical to all their values we espouse on a daily basis. >> it is so funny. you just described how a lot of republicans feel about the republican party. it's all talk, no action. they never get anything done. both parties are totally abandoning the voters and it's disgusting. >> to the extreme. >> absolutely. thank you very much. fox news alert. congressman comer just revealed more biden family bank records. look. >> today the house oversight committee is releasing subpoenaed bank records that show hunter biden's business entity made direct monthly payments to joe biden. this wasn't a payment from hunter biden's personal account, but an account for his corporation that received payments from china and other shady corners of the world. at this moment hunter biden is under investigation by the
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department of justice for using the company for tax evasion and other serious crimes. >> here is how it works. china after being threatened by hunter, wired millions of dollars to him. and d unter started sending his dad payments. about $1400 a month. these weren't payments from his checking account. these were payments to joe biden directly from under's business entity that china had just sent money into. the white house excuse? it was just another loan. the $40,000 check was just alone in the series of $1400 payments were also just a loan. hunters basement from burisma were just loans. yet trump takes out legit loans from deutsche bank and pays them off with interest and they want to throw him in prison for that. so hunter says he was just paying joe back because he helped him out with car payments they say joe helped hunter make
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payments on his ford raptor. but why would hunter need a raptor if he's got a porsche? remember he has got the porsche for free. the because extent he's bought him a $142,000 porsche. here he is driving more than double the speed limit in the porsche in 2018. and hunter also owned an audi at the time. you are telling me joe biden, knowing that his son aren't a porsche and audi loaned him money to by a $50,000 truck? and if that is true, what kind of dad, knowing your son has been in and out of rehab, is loaning him thousands of dollars to by a third car? what does he even need a third car for? look, there is hunter smoking crack in a raptor. that story is bs. and you know what else is bs? remember when sarah biden got money from china and send joe a check for $40,000 and called it
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a loan repayment? no evidence of the loan. days before sarah biden withdrew $50,000 in cash. i withdraw cash sometimes. nothing close to $50,000. where did the $50,000 ago, sarah? i wonder if it wound up at joe's house. maybe joe is sowing the cash into his windbreakers. someone better check his closet. >> up next, the former mexican mafia member tells us about the fbi informant who stabbed derek chauvin. is all about presents and shopping and cookies and trees. but we know christmas isn't about something you buy at a store. it's about something so much greater. it is the day we celebrate the incredible truth that god so loved the world that he gave his only son. it's not about presents. it's about jesus. join me this advent in praying every day on hallow. cut through the noise
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fox news alert. new details tonight about the woke white mexican mafia fbi
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informant who shaved derek chauvin 22 times in prison. a fellow inmate was charged with attempted murder after knifing derek chauvin in the prison library. derek chauvin is out of the hospital and back in the same prison moral he has been transferred out. the lawyer says his family has been iced out by the feds. >> they are just shocked and dismayed that this one could have been allowed to happen and two, they are absolutely disgusted at the lack of communication from the tucson facility. if anyone would be a suggestion of a systemic problem, obviously it is. it clearly does not appear that this facility is able to protect mr. shelvin. >> the feds are protecting john. not only did they transfer him to a nicer facility, they won't release his mug shot. primetime got the mug shot anyway. we will not show it because we
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need a second source to confirm it is him. but he looks like a mean dude. john said he stabbed shelvin on black friday to symbolically send a message that "black lives matter". that's right. the guy listed as white with a last name indicating croatian dissent join the mexican mafia and as such a passionate blm supporter he kills for george floyd. we looked into john's history. he was a leader of a faction of the mexican mafia in la in the 90s and went by the nickname stranger. according to court documents, he has confessed to murder. it was his job to put hits out on people who violated the mafia code. the fbi flipped him in '97 and started feeding the bureau intelligence. he even wore a wire and helped the fbi takedown 40 mexican mafia members. the fbi says they dropped him as an informant because he was committing crimes. but stranger says the fbi told
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him to do what he had to do. the stranger says his fbi handler new all about his behavior when he signed up to snitch. he said the fbi condoned his criminality. so the stranger had a working relationship with the fbi for years and with less then three years left on his sentence attempted to murder america's most high-profile inmate. my next guest is a former mexican mafia member himself who says he knows stranger. raymond mendoza is the co-author of the mexican mafia encyclopedia. can i call you mundo? >> share you can. >> you are covering your face because you want to hide your identity. i understand that. what was stranger like? >> contrary to what you said, i just want to correct you. i did not personally know stranger. i know he was a younger generation of mexican mafia members.
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but what i do know of stranger is, like many of us, raised in the underbelly of the street gang world in los angeles, southern california. he was a street gang member since the age of 16 until the current age of 52. he's only done two years on the outside. 36 years have been behind bars. considered extremely violent. violent enough to be recruited by the mexican mafia prison gang. >> okay. did you have any understanding he was some sort of blm supporter? that was the justification for the motive. >> no, sir. i can tell you for a fact, contrary to that, i kind of laugh when i saw two things. i saw that he had allegedly stated that one of his motives or reasons was to support black lives matter and also to
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commemorate the black hand, which is the official tattoo of the mexican mafia prison gang. first of all, he, like many mexican mafia members were anti- black. that was part and parcel of who he was as a bad guy, as a gang member. and records will reflect that. number two, he cannot at this time ever pretend to represent the black hand or the mexican mafia prison gang because he is persona nongrata and is greenlight. in other words, he is earmarked for execution by the felons. >> would that may be be why he was trying to commit this murder so he would stay in prison? the day he steps outside as you said he is a dead man? >> if you ask me, i can tell you this much. this is just an educated opinion like everybody else. he's got, like i said, all these
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years of gang membership. part of being a gang member is the status that comes with it. the unpredictability of being a career criminal. this guy was a career criminal. that's all he knew. that's the life he knew. there may have been a degree of fear because he is greenlight, targeted for execution. i hear conspiracy theories and this and that eric the guy is a loose cannon. he thought he would make a name for himself probably. status was important. he had absolutely nothing to gain by this, except what's again, the unpredictability of somebody of this ilk. i know this because i was that kind of guy. i was unpredictable and murder was what we lived and operated with. i have no doubt stranger was probably trying to take this guy out. but remember, this officer or this x officer probably knew how
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to fight himself. i don't think he is a wimp. >> surviving 22 stab wounds had to have been one hell of a fight and we are trying to pull that surveillance footage so we can show the audience. thanks for joining me, mundo. we appreciate it. >> you bet, jesse. thank you. what happens when a trends a bully walks into a pete parlor? tide is busting laundry's biggest myth... that cold water can't clean. cold water, on those stains? ♪ cold water can't clean tough stains? i'd say that myth is busted. turn to cold, with tide.
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americans hate bullies. >> hello! anybody home? think, mcfly. >> we don't tolerate bullies. we fought wars to teach them a lesson. bullies who aren't confronted can destroy the social order. it doesn't matter who is doing the bullying. we are told that america was bullying transgender is. we weren't letting them play the right sports, use the right
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bathrooms, where the right close. but what is webster's definition of a bully? , quote, "a person who officially seeks to intimidate a vulnerable person. well, that's exactly what happened when an immigrant working at a pizza shop called a transgender guy a guy when he took his order. watch. >> do i look like a boy or girl? >> him? >> me. >> i think you are a boy. >> no, i am a girl. >> okay. you can actually have my pizza. do you like those? he is so mean. i am not eating his pizza. you have to be more respectful. you are not embarrassed? to be ignorant and rude? >> i am not calling this. >> i would never eat your pizza and a million years. you are so rude. how are you going to tell me i'm
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a man in a purse and long hair and nails? >> this poor pizza shop worker who is struggling to rub $2 together and who barely knows english is getting yelled at by a trans guy. he is getting filmed and called ignorant. do you think this immigrant has any idea what this whole trans thing even is? he heard the guy's voice saw his adam's apple and called him sir. then he was corrected and apologized. and the trans guy still yelled at him. and now the trans guy lasted the video out so the queer community is probably boycotting the pizza shop. who even knew transit guys like pizza? i always thought trans guys were more health conscious. turns out i don't know everything. joining me now, based politics cofounder brad palombo. what is going on here? >> i think we are witnessing a bully, a transgender activist.
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it's funny because this is supposedly a trans woman. that's not exactly very ladylike behavior, now is it? i am old enough to remember when liberals and progressives would screech about white privilege. when you have a white probably college educated progressive here trying to shame and milk for views and clout sum hard-working immigrant who doesn't seem to speak much english and certainly didn't mean any offense. it's a real perversion to me to see this in the name of social justice or progressivism happening. i think it shows you what happens when you make victimhood a form of social currency. and all of a sudden the demand for discrimination starts to outstrip the supply. you have internet activists and trans activist like this going out and looking for it. they don't care if they have to bully someone and victimize a random person in the process. >> where would this fall on the left oppression hierarchy? as you said you have an immigrant from another country was working at a low skill jobs
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and then you have a white transgender. i don't even know how to rank that. >> well, because it's a nonsensical thing to even attempt to do. i can tell you this, jesse. as a gay guy myself, as part of this lgbt community it's more of a category than a community. this is not a good look for trans people. this is not a good look for the lgbt community to be bullying random people than trying to harass others peacefully living their lives around them. i think most people, not the activist class and the ones involved in democratic politics or dominating on tiktok. people want to live their lives and be left alone. this thing is so counterproductive. it leads to backlash and i understand why. like you said, nobody likes a bully. >> you are saying you are kicking this trans pizza guy out of the lgbtq community? >> if it was up to me. >> thank you very much. we appreciate you.
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>> thanks. the 14th amendment is dead. the equal protection clause ensures that every american citizen is treated fairly and equally in the eyes of the law. nor shall any state deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. the 14th amendment was necessary during reconstruction to make sure black americans were treated equally. the law has been interpreted to cover skin color, gender, religion, nationality because society cannot function if laws apply to certain groups and not to others. and just like democrats opposed ending slavery, today's left still insist on discriminating based on race. after a months long strike, portland's teachers union hammered out a new contract. the contract says teachers can discipline white students differently then black students. and black students differently
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than hispanic students. if a student is disruptive in class the schools must, quote, "take into consideration the impact of issues related to the student's trauma, race, gender identity, presentation, sexual orientation, disability, social emotional learning and restorative justice. so here is my advice to portland students. if you get in trouble, come out of the closet. if you get into a fight, tell the dean you are transitioning. white students, good luck. time to find the family tree. maybe a grandpa had high cheekbones like liz warren. that is not what i said. that's what she said. otherwise, detention. this type of disciplinary inequality you already see it in today's criminal j justice syst. remember the antifa animals who laid siege to the federal courthouse in portland? all of those charges were dropped. when you have green hair and identify as a rainbow you are
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treated differently. or if you are a migrant who gets popped for a dui in san francisco, no problem. they don't deport. it's a sanctuary. you get special treatment. or these blm who torched a wendy's. that is not what they meant when they said flames roiled. you know, most of us consider that arson to twenty-year felony. nope. probation. the fire was mostly peaceful. obama started this in 2014. he threatened to investigate schools with black students disciplined at a higher rate than whites. and he ignored the fact that the teachers disciplining the black students were very often also black. this attitude is wreaking havoc on the country. so-called authority figures feel uncomfortable doling out punishment and so they let crimes and bad behavior go unpunished and this creates big problems for all of us.
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fox news alert. catholics are now being interrogated by the fbi as possible terrorists. senior national correspondent kevin cork has the details. >> following a rigorous examination of subpoenaed documents, a house weaponization committee report determined there was no legitimate basis for an fbi memo to insert federal law enforcement into catholic houses of worship. i said that right. now the report obtained by fox news digital sharply criticized the bureau's decision to interrogate a priest and a choir director as part of its investigation into traditional catholics. after an fbi richmond internal memo categorize certain catholics as domestic terrorists. the committee accuse the bureau of abusing its counterterrorism tools to target catholic americans. , quote, "the fbi relied on at least one undercover agent to develop its assessment and the
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fbi even propose developing sources among the catholic clergy and church leadership. adding the fbi singled out americans who are pro-life, profamily and support the biological basis for sex and gender discrimination has potential domestic terrorist. this is all happening among violence and unrest in new york where terrorism threats are growing by the day because we don't know who is actually in the country and pro- palestine protest movements continue to shock and in some cases ground parts of the city to an absolute halt. not to mention here in the nation's capitol where crime rates are soaring, critics argue the fbi's attention apparently is directed elsewhere. regarding the original document that the subcommittee referred to, the fbi says, quote, "it failed to meet our standards. it was quickly removed from all of our systems and a review has been launched to determine how it was produced in the first place. inquiring minds want to know.
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jesse? >> i didn't know they had standards. that is breaking news. thank you very much. what is with the christmas trees? >> we are at the christmas tree lot. i'm not going to tell you what's going for it in los angeles. but it ain't right. things that go better... together. burger and fries... soup and salad. thank you! like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together... can help you make smarter decisions. for a more confident financial future. hey, a tandem bicycle. you can't do that by yourself. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected.
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these aren't the allied forces a vote load of nearly 30 migrants coming off the shore of the california coast and scattering after their ship washed up on the beach. hunter is not the only one on the run in malibu. don't worry. they can't catch the migrants either. federal authorities have no idea where they went. first place i would check is barbra streisand 19 bedroom mansion. >> this saturday i took the family to buy the christmas tree. sometimes i get down low and saw it down. but this time we just picked it up off the farm.
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it's about 8 feet. are you ready? over $200. last year in manhattan i bought a six footer for $190. that was all they had. no, these prices are astronomical. i'm not the only one noticing. >> we are at the christmas tree lot. i've got to get a gauge on pricing. is it l.a. prices or what? how much does a 12-foot tree go for in your area? i'm not going to tell you what it's going for in los angeles. but it ain't right. >> families are now downsizing their christmas trees. families that used to do 10 footers are now having to downsize to nine footers. family with nine voters last year, this year 8 feet. we saw with the halloween candy. we did not see a lot of king-size this year. the same with turkeys. not as robust. even my mom had to downsize her
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christmas tree. it used to be earthy. still beautiful, just not as opulent. takes a lot of money to grow these trees. fertilizer, labor, transportation costs. thank you bidenomics. you better watch your back when you load your douglas for onto the suv. prices like this these days grinches are just slicing your cords and snatching your tree right off your car and taking it home for themselves. with spring and co-owner of richardson's christmas trees, george richardson. george, in new jersey i was at $220 for an eight footer. that is insane! >> wow, that's a lot. >> what is going on here? >> out here north of chicago $90 for any size in the field up to about nine or 10 feet. most of these precut frasers behind me are $100 to $120 may
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be depending on the quality. your prices sound really high. we know the coasts are extra expensive. >> the coasts are nuts. i used to get it for $60. now you are saying near the forest it is basically $110. why are christmas trees so expensive? >> the cost of everything is going up. labor is going up because we want to pay people a better wage or insurance is up. through the roof. machinery, repairs, cost of machinery, everything is going up. it's hard. >> are you giving any discounts at richard saenz? anything like that? >> i do have about 100 trees in the field. it's a section of trees that i want to clear off. every year we harvest a block of trees usually about 1000 and a block. we want to finish off that block so we can plant new seedlings
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again next spring. those are marked down mostly around $59 or $69. >> that is a steal. not literally. we saw someone do it off the suv. go to george richardson and check it out and get a discount one. thank you so much and merry christmas. >> thank you. merry christmas. up next, johnny confronts liars. >> when is it not okay to lie? >> investigations, i guess. under biden shouldn't be lying next week? >> yeah. what? shopping and cookies and tr. but we know christmas isn't about something you buy at a store. it's about something so much greater. it is the day we celebrate the incredible truth that god so loved the world that he gave his only son. it's not about presents. it's about jesus. join me this advent in praying every day on hallow. cut through the noise and find god's peace.
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we have recently learned that the average person tells at least one or two lies per day. the we wondered what types of lies are people telling? johnny went to find out. >> what's the biggest lie you have ever told?
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>> you are going to wine and diner and right away she thinks you are really big people. in the meantime you are broke. >> i don't tell lies. >> okay abe lincoln. >> cheating on a test? >> who was the first president of the united states? >> that i was stung by a jellyfish. >> what is the craziest lies someone has ever told you? >> a guy told me he loved me when he didn't. >> my mom saying i'm her favorite child. >> that i would hit the lotto when i played it. >> my family said they weren't going on vacation and they did. >> they left you home? >> yep. >> have you ever caught someone in a lie? soon i cannot tell you because we are on camera. >> nobody watches this show. >> you are a liar. >> i was dating a guy and he said i was the only girl he was talking to. i wasn't the only girl he was talking to. >> how did that make you feel? >> dumb. >> my baby daddy was [ bleep ]
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behind walmart. >> when is it okay to lie? >> never. >> she doesn't like that i smoke weed. i lie to her that i smoke weed. >> it's not hurting anyone except your lungs. >> when is it not okay to lie? >> investigations, i guess. >> hunter biden shouldn't be lying next week? >> yeah. what? >> don't act like you've got a big [ bleep ] when you don't got a big [ bleep ] >> just say it. >> who is the biggest liar in your family? >> my cousin, god bless her soul. she is now gone so she can stop lying. >> my nephew. >> probably me. >> he walks into a room with his bible held high, puts down the bible and then lies. >> who is the biggest liar in politics? >> joe biden. >> george washington. >> why? >> i'm sure he was such a liar. or john adams. this is really controversial.
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>> i couldn't tell you the truth. how about you lie to me? >> the biggest liar is obama. >> now i think you are telling the truth. >> guess what? the majority of people still do. >> is joe biden a liar? i am not into politics. >> who is the vice president? >> i don't know. >> he said he was puerto rican. >> i doubt it. he didn't have a mustache. >> i will get divorced if i have to. >> jesse watters. >> what do you want to tell him you are going to be on his show? >> i don't want to be on your show. >> what do you mean? you just did the whole interview. >> okay. bye. >> jesse waters, check us out. last week i made a bet with kennedy about the eagles and
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niners game. kennedy wants a wager. if the eagles win, she has to paint her face green and silver. >> you mean like every other day? >> if the niners win, what do you want me to do? >> do an entire broadcast, at least the last segment of your show, and a joe montana jersey. >> all right. >> okay. i was at the game and it didn't rain, but we lost. so badly. i am a man of my word. kennedy, where are you? she is dancing. let's go, kennedy. relax, relax. i said i would put it on. i don't know if i can put it on. i can't put it on. >> i could not find a joe montana jersey. it is george skittles. >> as it an eagles fan i am not putting it on over my head. this is as much as i will do.
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kennedy, i love you and hate you. good game. i will see you in the playoffs. >> it was a great game. >> get out of here. get off the screen. let's do some texts. get out of here. steve from lake charles. kennedy let you off easy. i would have made you wear a kaepernick jersey. that i would have burned. kevin from watkins glen, new york. i don't know. mundo looked a lot like gutfeld with a mask on. did we just get punked by gutfeld? he does a good mexican mafia guy. monaco from michigan. did joe give hunter that loan to buy an electric car? funny that the ford raptor is an internal combustion engine. bye everybody. i am watters and this is me mundo.


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